v.. - " HMieville Daily Citizen J Tory's I I ' NEWS j ; ! I NEWS J fTocfavy. ASHEVILiXiE, N. C TUESDAY EVENING, .1 ULX 11, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- VOLUME IX. NO. 58. A PYRAMID OF DEATH READ. LAUNDRY STARCH. THRASH'S TILLMAN FULL OF FIGHT MASON': FRUIT PINTS, QUARTS, AND HALF GALLON. 40 I'ouiid Hoxcs Large Luni, One Seventy -five. TABLE STAKC1J. 20 One-Pound Packages in Box, For One Twenty-Five. LAUNDKY'HOAP. Ding Uong, lOO Cukes in Box, For Two Dollars, or lilac, a cake. Octagon, 10O Cakes iu Box. For Three Ninety, or 00c. per doz. VYIiitc House, One Pound Cakes, Fur 5 Cents. A. P. COO l Jilt, Si or til Side Court Square. Aslievillc, N.C, CRYSTAL PALACE MASIIN'.S KKUIT JK.-. JELLY TUMBLliRS. I'lLTBRS, COOl.liKS. RLT'KIUUKATOKS FLY PANS AND TR1'. ITSI1 COVKKS CKBAM FREEZIJRS (White Mt.) ALL KINDS OF SUM M BR GOODS. We carry the largest stock of fine and common China, Glassware, Lamps, Cuthry, etc. "A dollar suved is a dollar mnilc," therefore trade with us. Special attention to supplying hole's. Write or call on as for prices. THAI). V. THRASH & CO MOUTH CAROLINA HILL 0!I UK ALIVE WITH SPIkSt. LOWEST SI'BCIAL fljUM MLK flAI.H it.ciai. UuMMiiK Oai.i; HON MARCHE ' SPECIAL SUMMER SALE ! Highly icnts on the Dollar or a 1 is'-ouii I of 20 er cent on all goods except conlrnc iiouili. men as Ccntcmcri & 1'i.stcr's kid gloves, ISarl fc Wilson's collars and cufli and Pearl Unlauoilrcd shirts. j i THE PUBLIC Know tis well enough that when we advertise an NO cents sale it tncons. BIG BARGAINS. This sale will only continue uutil July 1, nnd Strictly Cash, as any Roods on cudit will lie chnrKed regular prices. Our line arc full and complete In ull departments, so this i a great opportunity for p od foods at grrat lacrifice. NHIPDIRN1 OF ARUM'S COFFEE ! jrsT Kiiciivan, which wh OI'I'IJR TC THIS WHOLHSALE TKAI'Ii AS LOW AS I r CAN IJE iioigiit. The liuveruor Will DlsbOat Howe LUpior ana a Great Deal or Hum tile Ile tea TH one Wbo Have llcen Airalnat Him. Cn akj.hston, S. C. Inly 3. The dispell sary law is menaced in many ways and from many sides. As the Governor arrayed his forces against the intelligence and cap ital of the State so the intelligence is now studying to render his law inoperative. In the first place the townspeople have stocked their houses with a six months' supply of wines and liquors. Next the liquor dealers otic whose license has not expired being chosen to make a test ease are likely to challenge the consti tutionality of the new system which has destroyed their business, and has been avowedly set up to make money for the State. The railroads will endeavor to cripple the law. Their officers take the ground that the provision lorliiddiug them to carry original and other packages of liquor into South Carolina is an interference with the internal commerce of the country. which only Congress can restrict or reg ulate. In the second place, the State Railroad commissioners, under the Gov ernor's orders, have ordered a reduction of the freight rates on liquors purchased by the State. The railroads will decline to alter their rates, and one principal line, the Richmond and Danville, was reported on Sunday last to have already instructed its agents to accept and carry li'iuors consigned to citizens at any all points in -South Carolina. The lawyers of the State assert that the law can be unset upon a review of the manner in which it passed the lower House ot the Legislature,; where it was concurred in as nn amendment, instead of having three readings, as a separate bill. Finally, it is urged that the Governor committed a grave breach of the revised statutes when he expended more money than his Legislature set apart for his experiment. I?ut the complete failure of the law is predicted on urounds entirely apart from one he pleases, be can shut up all the clubs in the cities as "common nui sances." lie can fill the town with spies. He can arrange matters so that only friends may buy drinks, for every dispenser is allowed to use discretion in this regard, and can refuse liquor to whomsoever he says he does not know or whomsoever he may accuse ot drinking too much. Al ready blanks arc printed which seem to indicate an intention to harass all law breakers and suspects without the risk of jury trials. They bint at proceedure by injunction, followed by contempt ot court proceedings if such are deemed necessary, l lie uovernor nas saia mat he expects the prohibition counties to become so dry, so devoid of blind pigs and illicit liquor, that they will apply for a revocation of their prohibitory laws and the setting up of State grog Keriis. At the end of the year it is not predicting too much to prophesy that he will cause the law to be so amended that all the other counties will be pro vided with dispensaries whether thev will or no, iu order to defeat those oppo nents who now refuse to apply for them. When it is understood that for vcars past the only liquor sold li-gitimately in South Carolina has been sold in the towns, and that the country districts havewll along been "dry," it will be perceived thatit is the towns the Gov ernor will have to deal with in the main. And it is the towns that have opposed and defied him. It is the towns that he will humble if be can. Julian Kalpb in New York Sun. TLRRIBLE ACCIUENT NKAU TTIII-: WOIl I.Il'H FAIR. CAN II 1C -WOM.lt 7 I'ire lireakD Out in a ColdHtoraice Warehouse Firemen Compell ed to Jump From a To-wer ioo Feet II lul or t;o Uuwn with tlie Rulu is Bodies Recovered. World's Fair Grocnijs, July 11. A flimsily constructed building erected by the Hercules Iron company, of Chicago, used as a cold storage warehouse and ice skating rink and situated near the Glth street entrance to the exposition grounds, was burned to the ground in little over an hour yesterday afternoon. The building collapsed totally in a short time after the fire started, and many people who entered the building; hoping to render aid, before the peril under which they were placing them selves was realizedjwere caught, like rats in a trap. ISefore the firemen got to work several men employed in the build ing'ascended by the elevators to the main roof and afterwards climbed up the spiral staircase, which was built around the great death trap of a smoke stack, until they reached the balcony THESE TESTIMONIALS Harris' Litliiit Water, Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. Office of Dr. John Hey Williams, Ashcville, N. C, April a-, 1SU3. "An extended use of Harris' Lithia Water, prompts mc to the statement that I regard it as one of the best, if not the very Ucst Lithia waters known to the profession. Iu the condition of "phosphatic urine" its ac tion is marvelous. Its uhc in the rheumatic and gouty diathesis, affords mc more com fort than either the Butlulo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours, (Signed) JNO. HEY WILLIAMS, M. U. KROGER bon marciie ... POWELL & SNIDER'S. 37 Houili Mailt Street. REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. w.w.wbst. LOWKST PRICES! Gwyn Sc West, (Successor to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. ON HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS. UtiYlcr'A) Candles Received Today ! Loans Securely Placed at 8 1 Mer Ceut. Notary CubMc, Commisslnncr of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTH BAST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., I MOUNT Real lintate Brokers And InTcntmcnt Agcnta NOTARY PUBLIC Loan securely placed at S per cent. ' : ' , OAsea SS 4k aa Pattern Araw. Second ZBoor. J. M. HESTON'S, NO. 2G SOOTH M1N STKIiET. FiT'ATi:n T Tiik Foot op MiTCiiEl.l,, lli;rtnT Mountain East of tiik Rockies ! o v 5C o u Q O o o a o m i O i Q MITCHELL JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OF PIC It ROOMS. Loan, securely placed at Bight per cent. Hi'Ntino ran Rm, Woi.vm and Wild cats, FnaiKO" roa Trout ! ' i a E S 5 C 0 5 MO u 3 Sjl OB HOTEL Board. S'JO per month; $7 GO per Week; Sl.SO per bar. Address: A A- TYSON, )uold3m Black Mountain, N C GO TO AMERICAN BAKERY latimbk;has iusti kbcbivb0 kb, shipment op YOU CAN ALWAYS IND GOOD We are prepared to supply the citizt-ns of Asheville with Fresh Breaid, tlolls, Pies and Cakes of every description. If you wont nice wedding or party cakes, give us uu o' der and if you ure not pleased in quality nnd artis tic work we will reiunu you WHITE LILY FLOUR ! your money. Wo will add daily different lines of cake. Will bako any kind of cakes TENNESSEE BUTTER I to order. W. A7 Latimer, 10. 16 CODRT SQUARE, AND BV FKES11 WATliR GBOUND CORN UEAL1 DHVtiGISTS, CHURCH STREET AND PAT ION AVI Ml E -I IN HOT WEATHER KEEP COOI I Ily drinkins at Our fountain! Hire's Root Ucer, C'ooMiik. lnvinoratl'!;. L'mraJe, e.parkiin( and Ktfrsl.in fee errnm soda. Uclicious and Dcliehtfal. Or satins; frosea Fracb PraDne. Oar latest addition. And l'rench Glacrs that will krep i ou cool all day ! . I At No. 1 Coart Wqsare, sear City Han. Oil. COURT SOU ARE I Sole Agent, for HVYUSR'8 CANDV, Direct from Factory. Us possible unconstitutionality una apart from any restrictions the court may put upon its enforcement. Its fail ure is considered certain, bcciusc it is believed that it cannot be enforced so as to prevent the same illegitimate sale of liquor that has accompanied all prohibi tory laws in all parts of the country. Over the three land borders of the S'.ate, and into it by way ol the sea, liquor is suic to find its way. Indeed, no one doubts that the railways, the express comoanics. and even the postoffice will hritiR it in. The Tillmanitcs include thousands of tipplers, who will them selves beat the law, and will decline either to expose or convict those who are caught smuggling the stun or main taining "blind pigs." In the counties along the coast all sumptuary laws are abhorrent to the people, and the laws forbidding the sale of intoxicants out side the towns, now nnd for a long time on the statute books, have been openly and defiantly set at naught there, as they are today, and will be under the dispensary act. The limiting of the dis pensaries to only one for each county is considered a weak point, which will en courage a greater hauiiiness ot illicit liquor. To all these predictions Gov. Tillman replies, as he did in his interview with the correspondent of the Sun: "I will make the places that dou't accept dis pensaries dry enough to burn. 1 will send out enough constables known only to myself and the commissioner if I have to cover every block in the cities with a separate man." It is admitted that he has the power to do this, be cause the law permits him to employ "one or more constables." Hut his opponents say that the spy system is repugnant to t lie people and will not be supported. Thev say. also, that at the rate provided by the law, $2 a day and expenses, each constable will cost the State $3 a day. A thousand constables would cost $1,000,000 in a year, and yet a thous and would not prevent the smuggling and sale ol illicit liquors. They say that Tillman cannot allortl to lose money on his experiment and that he will abandon it before much is lost, because he stands pledged to make money and to reduce taxes, and his own followers passed the bill through the Legislature for no other purpose. The straiuhtouts thus console them selves with arguments to show that the dispensary law is practically stillborn, hut the correspondent of The Sun, dur ing a very recent visit to the State, observed that the borernor s oppo nents were doing little or nothing but predicting, whereas the Governor and his allies vere very active indeed. After hearing the story of the Governor's political career, which evidences extreme shrewdness; after hearing the Governor's talk, which was full oi earnestness; and after seeing the Governor'a face, which is as expressive oi stubbornness and win as rut lace in America, this correspondent is not of the opinion that the Governor has committed himself and his people to a law in order to abandon it at the first obstacle or the first one hundred rebuffs. A good portrait of cx-Gov. McKinlcy would serve for a poor picture of Gov. Tillman. The faces of the two are of one type. He has but one eye, owing to a misfortune in his youth, but that is a very firm, clear and cold optic. Ilia lips arc thin, and are held closed together as tight as a watch lid. 1 1 is lower law and strong, square chin arc indicative of all the will power and perscvercncc that enabled him to turn topsy-turvy the very last State in which such a feat would have seemed possible. In all likelihood he means to construct a close and great political machine by means of the dispensary law, and he may rely upon that to return him to office, even il its cost materially reduces the profits upon the state liquor. I be secret service constables, the dispensers, the local boards in each county, the bookkeepers, and the workmen in the main storage warehouse will torm a considerable body of dependents such as no other party in the state ever bad. lie bss not gone at the lutrouuctiou ol tne new system as a weakling. In two of the eleven counties that have dispensaries st the request of the majority of the iree- taolders in toe towns wneretne tnops are set up, it is urged by the straightouts that traud was resorted to in setting up tb dispensaries. The means which the bill puts at the Governor's hands for annoying his opponent are numerous, sod if he takes full advantage of them will prove alarming. lie can arrest any The liependeut Pensloneri1 Ac To He ItliEldlv Conmrued. Washington, Jul- 11. The Pension Bureau has notified a great many pen sioners throughout the entire country who are drawing pensions under the act June 27, 18U0, known as the depend ent pension act, that the payment of the pensions will be suspended for sixty days, during which time they are re quired to sho w cause why they should continue to draw pensions. The testimony necessary to prevent their being dropped from the rolls is the certificate of a reputable physician attested by two witnesses to the effect that the pensioner is precluded from ac tive labor, owing to injuries or disabili ties nt the result of his own vicious habits. This action is pursuant to a recent ruling of Secretary Smith, to the effect that pensioners drawing pensions for total disability must be shown to be physically incapable of manual labor. The Hoard of Keview appointed to carrv into effect that decision is now going over nil the cases ot June 27, 1 800, probably 11)0,000 in number, se lecting those cases which show in the record that the pensioners may not be incapacitated for manual labor. Under Secre'nry Smith's ruling, the department holds that a man who can work should not draw a pension (or total disability. It is estimated at the pension office, although work has but recently been begun, that something over one thousand suspensions have al ready been made. COl'NTV COIIItIt?I':EtH. Cliauice In Valuations Made at vesierdav's 91 ectliiic. At the meeting of the County Commis sioners j-csterday it was ordered that after that day no one shall list taxes except upon payment of all taxes and cost of listing, and on these conditions all penalties shall be remitted. The liquor license pa d bv Walter Con nelly tor the Glen Rock hotel wasotdcrcil refunded. A jury was ordered summoned to lay out a public road from north Shepherd branch on Flat creek to intersect the new stock road at or near the land of Robert Ray. Reductions in valuations placed on property were made as follows: J. K. Garren, Limestone, trom So.SnCi to $1-,-055; J. M. Rav, He.iverdam, from $14, 250 to $ll,GO(); II. Ii. Harnett. Hcaver dam, from $14,500 to $D.OOO; . E. Williams. Fairview, from $600 to $410. Valuations were raised as follows: W. C. Hunter, Flat Creek, from $300 to $t;CO; Miss S. M. Rosscll, Asheville, from $l,75uto $:i,OOU. Ivxemption tamounU ing to $44. 1G was granted Miss Rossell. BARDWrU. I.VNtHI IX i. underneath the burnintr cupola. They were thus cut off by the flames. One man, a painter, slid down a line of hose that had been carried up by the firemen. Others waited and were burned to death or were killed or injured by leaping to the roof below. Many of those who lumped were embedded in the roof com position. A rope was bung from the upper balcony and a number of caged men were seen to struggle lor posses sion of the rope, but it soon burned off. A Hero's Death One by one thev dropped from the tower, some clinging to the uurning rope as far as it afforded them any hold and then shooting through a solid sheet of flame to the roof. The si"ht was too much for even the militarv men aud old firemen on the ground to bear without a shudder and turning away of faces. Human forms leaping through flames a hundred feet or more down, down to sure death presented a sibt the stoniest heart could not witness unmoved. The last man on that tower oieu a liero s death. Among all those who fac d the furnace below them, he had wjited with out apparent fear until there was only himself left. He was a fireman, and he grasped the remnaut of the burning rope just as the whole lower structure parted diagonally and tell towards the north, right over the prostrate bodies ol the poor fellows who had leaped to escape the pitiless flames. The last man who went down to death with the tow er kept his feet down as far as the rope went, and the rush of flames and air was so great that his body turned round and round in the passage within sight ot all and then the blazing tower fell over his form, making a funeral pyre and ending his agony if he was not dead before the striking of the roof. When the tower toppled over there was no hope of saving any who had not been taken off the roof. The bodies on striking had become imbedded nearly three feet in gravel and tar between joists and only a few could be removed to a place of safety before the great Cen tral Tower crashed over. Two hours after the extent ol the ca lamity bad become known $2,400 had been subscribed for the ucnctit of the fallen heroes. u-acl uodlcs Taken Out Today. R. I'. Walker testifies: 1 have used Harris' Lithif Waterand when usiiiK same was both pleased and benefitted. In usiag it liberal quautities should be taken, my experience teaeheB mc that email amounts arc disappointing, -whereas a gen erous use is followed by molt gratifying re- Vours truly. (Signed) R. P. WALKliR. suits. STILL ANOTHER. Asheville, N. C, April 14, 1803. am Rlad to be able to soy a word with regard to Harris' Lithia. Water. I taav. used it with the greatest possible benefit in chronic rheumatism. As compared with the Buffalo Lithia, I find it quicker and it re quires less qunntity. It has my hearty en dorsement. Very trl yours. (Signed) MRS. T. W. BRANCH. These arc all bonatide Utters from people wc know and have confluence in their state ments. Analysis on each bottle. Wholesale depot for Asheville and Wi stern North Carolina. RAYSOR & SMITH, DRUGGISTS, ISO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. All $2.00 and $2.5Q STRAW HATS The I.vuclierN dure Thev Had the llllEtit Man. FAurcAii. Ky., July 11. Mayor I). A. Yeiscr of this city has received a tele gram from the Mayor of Hardwcll ask ing lor the loan of 1O0 Winchester rifles and 240 rounds of ammunition. He stated that the city w as threatened with ! serious trouble, the negro population having risen in indignation over the hanging and burning ol L.J. Miller. Bauuwell, Ky., July 11. A number of those most active in the capture and lynching of L. . Miller have prepared a statement which they say establishes the guilt of Miller beyond all question. Everyone here is satisfied the right man was hanged. Caiko, Ills., July 11. A colored man has been arrested tit Milan, Tenn., who is believed to lnvc been the accomplice of Miller, lvnchcd at Hard well last Friday. The sheriff of ISardwell has been notified and if he proves to le the man claimed another lynching is prospect. A Property K I it tit In Henls. Washington. lulv 11. The advance guard of the returning Bchring Sea com mission has arrived in the persons ol Maior Halford and I. Stanley Hrown Minor Halford believes that arbitration will result in n decision recognizing the projierty right of the I'nitcd States in seals and a recommendation some in ternational agreement for the protection of seal life. Two More Weak Ones. Kansas City. Mo., July 11. The Kan sas City Safe Deposit and Bank, one o the largest institutions of its kind in Missouri, made an assignment this morning. Shelbyviui-e, 111.. July 11. The bank ing house of A. F. Thornton & Son failed yesterday. Liabilities probably $500, 0OO; assets unknown. Ten thousand people this, morning crowded around the debris, eagerly watching the search for dead bodies. Larly this morning three bodies were recovered irom the ruins. They were so badly charred as to make recognition impossible. The bodies were not the re mains of firemen. All the firemen who lost their lives were huddled up in one place in the dreadful fire trap. This discovery gave fresh color to the fearful apprehension that the firemen were by means the only ones who fell victims to the flames, and the public at once became disposed to doubt the declaration made yesterday that all the visitors and employees were out of the building before the conflagra tion reached the dangerous stage. The total number of dead bodies re covered at this time is 15. The Colum bian guard on duty yesterday at the scene of the disaster has constantly maintained that several World Fair visitors and electrical men and other workmen were caught in the flames. It has been decided to make a minute ex amination of the pyramid ot ruin and debris before the day is out. It has been definitely ascertained that 11 fhenicn lost their lives. The firemen who lost their lives were Caot. lames Fttzoatrick. Lieut. II. Free man. Wm. Dennimr. l'hiiip l. Boon, Capt. James A. Garvey, John McBride, lohn C-ahiil. l'aul schroecler. isurton li. Pajre. Lieut. Chas. Purvis, driver John A. hmith. The Hercules iron works company, the owner of the cold storage warehouse at the Fair Grounds made an assignment this morning. Assets estimated $4-00,000; liabilities, estimatde. S200.000. The hre caused a loss of $200,000. Ileduced to $1.50 or Collar and Cuff box Coat Hander given away to every purcnaser to tne ex tent of $1 or more. MITCHELL. THIS miSK'f O CTF1TTEH , 28 PATTON AVE. May Settle In Fall. Galveston. Tex., July 11. The North Galveston Land and Improvement asso ciation went into the hands of a receiver yesterday. Liabilities estimated, $500.- OOO. It is thought that bv proper man agement with an easier money market the com nan v will be able to settle its indebtedness in full. A 'War snip Abroad. Washington, July 11. A cablegram received at the navy department yester day announcing the arrival ot tbe cruiser Philadelphia at Rio t)e Janerio, Brazil. Here instructions are said to be to pro ceed to Samoa, unless the state of affairs in Peru and Chile requires her presence there. Two Snflbcatedi Cumberland, Md., July 11. An ex plosion of fire damp took place yester day in mine No. 1, of the West Virginia Central railroad propcrtv. Out of ninety miners at work in tbe mine all out two escaped. A Cblp ol The Old Uloeh;. Bethlehem, Pa., Tuly 11. Howard Mutchelcr was nominated today Demo cratic candidate for Congress to 611 tbe unexpired term of bis lather, tbe late Wm. Mutchelcr. Why suffer with Inuiobstiom and all kind. of Livbk, Kidney and Blood Teohblbi when nature ha. provided at Youx Dooaa Subs Rbiibdt IUkmlbh, Wholimiii and INBXPBMSIVB. The MINBRAL WATBK, trash from Mr. D. D. Buttle'. Rbhaxkuli Spkino, now being daily delivered at any residence la Asheville, is working wonderful cure., as can be testified by Inquiries of Judge J. B. Reed. Judge J. II. Merrimon, Rev. J. L. White. J. R. Patterson, Doctor. O. W. Purc fy. Nelson, D. T. Millard, Mr. Sarnea of Ohio, now on Spring street, Aahcrlue, autd hundred, of others. Price, only XO cents a gallon, delivered dally anywhere In tbe city. Orders through mail, or left at Blanton, Wright St Co.'. .hoe store, 30 Pattou ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 Collejcclstreet. fcb21dtf Stiver 71-i-s Ccuis Per ounce. Washington. July 11. There were offered vesterdav lOO.OOO ounces of silver at 7Wa cents per ounce. This was promptly accepted. At Ballard St Rich's. Telephone No. 17, LONNIE R. PULLIAM. Practical Blcctrician, 11 W. Court Square. Jc23dlra AabevUlc, N. O THV -xrixxs MODEL STEAM- LAUNDRY THE CHUKCM ITBEST, BEIT ' laXEFKEllfls -3 i