O 1 Citizen, sneviiie VOLUME IX.-NO. 50. A.SHEVILLE, N. C WEDNESDAY1 EVENING, JULY 12, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily I " NEWS . -I J "ojtVy. j HKWS ? Tocfe-y. fc ; - MASON'S FRUIT JARS. PINTS, QUARTS, AND HALF GALLON. LOWEST PRICE. KROGER. L.AUND11Y STARCH. 40 Pound Uoxcs Large Lump, Oue Seventy-five. TABLE STAHCH. 20 One-Pound Packages in Box, For One T went v-Five. L.AUND1CY SOAP. Ding Dong, IOO Cakes in Box, For Two Dollars, or U'jc. cake. Octagon, IOO Cakrs in Box, For Three Ninety, or " 50c. per doz. - ' NVhitc House, One Pound Cakes, For 5 Cents. A. 1. COOPKll, North Side Conrt Square, Ashevillc, N. C. special avmmer ailb pecial Uimmur Walk BON 9IAIICHE SPECIAL SUMMER SALE ! Eight; tents on the Liullar or a I iscounl of 20 per cent on all goods except contract eooiIk, such as Ccntcmcri & Pouter's kict gloves, Barl fc Wilson's collars and cuffs and Pearl Unlaundred shirts. THE PUBLIC Know as well enough that when we advertise an SO cents sale it means. BIG BARGAINS. This sale will only continue until July 1, and Strictly Cash, as any goods on credit will be charged regular prices. Our line arc full and comflcts in all departments, ao this is a great opportunity for good goods at great sacrifice. . BON MARC HE .-. 37 South Main Street. THRASH'S CRYSTAL PALA.CE MASON'S FRUIT JKS. JELLY TUMBLERS. FILTERS. COOLERS. REFRIGERATORS FLY FANS AND TRAPS. DISH COVERS CREAM FREEZURS (White Mt.) ALL, KINDS OF SUMMER GOODS. We carry the largest stock of fine and common Chlaa, Glassware, Lamps, Cutlery, etc. "A dollar sated Is a dollar made," therefore trade irlth us. Special attention to supplying bote's. Write or call on as for prices. THAD. VV. T11BASII & CO THAT BUNCOMBE DOG LAW REAL ESTATE. W. B. OWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successors t Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Sccarcljr Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., Real Batiste Brokers And Investment Agent NOTARY PVBUC. Loans aecwrel ? placed at 8 per seat. omasa . a at 26 Fattoa Arfsw. Second CCoer. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICE ROOMS. Losss securely placed at Bight per cent. GO TO W. A. Latimer, B0. 16 COURT SQUARE, AND BUY FRESHWATER) GROUND CORN UEAL ! LATIMKR.HA8 IUST1. 1BCB1VBD A MBW SHIPMENT OF WHITE LILY FLOUR "YOU CAN ALWAYS INO GOOD TEKSESSEE BUTTER At N. IS Coi,rtq- . mrif flty Hall LOWKST PRICES ! ON HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS. 3uylcr' Candles Received Today ! J. M. HESTON'S. NO. US SOUTH MVIN STREET. JUJUIJT Situated at Thr Foot . UFMITVHBLL, MinUBBT Mountain Bast op Tit Rockies ! MITCHELL HrtNTiNO roa Bras, Woltm and Wild cats, Fishino rot Tbout ! HOTEL Board. -' per month: $7.50 per Week; St. SO per Day. Address : A- A- TYSON. iaatdSm Black Mountain, N C AMERICAN BAKERY We are prepared to supply the citizens of Ashcville with Fresh Dread, Itolls, Pics and Cakes of every description. If you want nice wedding or party cakes, give us an or der and if you ore not pleased in quality and art is tic work we will refund you your money. We will add daily different lines of cake. Will bake any kind of cakes to order. 8 N. COURT SQUARE I.ARRR flHtPMKN'l OK ARIiUCKLK'S COFFEE! JUST RECEIVED, WHICH W li OFFER TO THE WHOLBSALB TRAI B AS LOW AS IT CAN Bli BOUGHT. POWELL i SNIDER'S. a 8 m "-:o oH - Si o a o o is a HI OS ti n a "it 8. e t o .ins 'J- fc " w- .S ex bug a-5 i 8 Q ' a HEIN1TSB & REAGAN, DRVttGISTS. CHURCH STREET AND PAT TON AVChUE IN HOT WEATHER KEEP COOL ! WAB THERE CARFXEM WORK AT RALEIOH T Bj drinkin- at Our fountain ! Hire's Root Beer. Coolins;. Invigorating;. Sparkling anrl Rcfrc .kin. t crran, ms, Delicious and DrliKhtrul Or sating frozen rcacn Fmnn. And French Glaces that will keep you cool all day I Sole Agents for HUVLER'8 CANDV, Direct fross Factory, rise Bill Wm Amended In T he Menate, -ud Tne Hoaae Cou enrred Therein, vet Tn Anjetid sncnt Docs Mast Apptst tn The Mat ol 1893. Is Buncombe county's dog law, which was printed in The Citizen on Jane 27, really a law, or is it not a law ? That is a question that is doubtless debatable, and likewise one that every owner of a dog, from the finest blooded animal to the mangiest cur. is deeply nterested in or should be, for it affects a man's pride, which is the dog afore said. The dog law, as it appears in the laws of 1893, provides that dogs shall be listed for taxation hist as are other do mestic animals; that owners must keep their dogs at borne unless they arc se curely muzzled, and that the owner who fails to comply with the provisions of the law shall be fined $1 for each offence and shall be compelled to pay all damages done by the dog while running at large. Farther than this, the bill provides that if a man is convicted of violating the dog law and does not pay bis fine he may be compelled to work it out on the roads of the county at 75 cents a day. 1 ne diii as printed was framed bv Hon. Mark L. Keed and Dr. Dur ham, and was adopted by the Buncombe county Farmers' alliance. It went to Gen. R. B. Vance, one of Bun combe's reptcsentatives in the last House, who introduced it in that branch of the Legislature. It passed that body lust as it was, and then went to the Senate. On February 28, according to the Senate journal, the bill was reported without preiudicc- from the committee on agriculture. At the evening session the same day the bill was placed on its second reading, when Senator John M. Campbell ol Ashcville moved to amend as follows : Provided, that the provisions of tl.is act shall not applv to any township of said county, unless and until a majority of the qua lined voters thereof have voted to have this same apply thereto, as hereinafter provided : 'Upon a iictition 111 wrttincr of one- third ot the ciualificd votersof an v town ship of said county, wrcscntcd to the joint board of the county commissioners ana usticcs of the peace 01 said county, at their annual meeting in any year, such joint board shall order an election to be held in such township at a time to be appointed by said joint board, not more than GO days nor less than 2Udavs after the meeting of such joint board, to determine whether or not said law shall apply to such township, at which elec tion in such township all electors favor ing the application of said law to such township shall vote a ticket on which are printed the words 'For the dog law,' and all electors ot the same opposing the application of said law to such town ship shall vote a ticket on which are printed the words 'Against the dog law,' and said election shall be held in the same manner and under the same pro visions relating to registration, so far as the same can apply, as are now provided for the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly." 1-romacopv of the Senate lournal shown The Citizen by Senator Campbell it is learned that this amendment was adopted, the bill passed second and third reading, and the amendment was ordered encrosscd and sent to the House for concurrence. The House journal, pace 866, contains this information : "11. B. 1124, S. It. 855. a bill to be entitled, 'an act to pro tect snecp in ttuncombe county Irom the ravages of dogs.' The amendments are concurred in and the bill is ordered en rolled." Here is evidence plain and indisputa ble that the amendment passed the Senate and was concurred in by the House and was ordered enrolled. Yet, not the sliehtest trace of the amendment appears in the book ol laws as recently published. 1 he amendment, it will be understood. made all the difference in the law; in fact, made it almost certain that the law would not go in force in Bttncomte, as it is believed that not a township in Buncombe would vote against the dog. Xnator Campbell says, as the only explanation he has of the omission of the amendment, that it was either an error ol the enrolling clerk or someone stole the amendment before it reached the clerk's hands. The Senator also says that a similar state of things was found rrcarding a bill which had been amend ed by J. Frank Ray, representative from rviacon. Whose is tnc fault f and what became of these amendments? VMOM MCDOWELL ANOTHER ENTRANCE. A Mewsy Inciter A Profouud itu presslon Hade. Marion, N. C, July 11. "Old Sol" blazed down with such a continued force for a few days last week that the heat run up into the nineties some say the hottest for years. But now it is pleas ant again. At no time do our cool nights fail us. The small grain which is nearly all harvested is very generally good, it seems, all ovfjr McDowell county. Other crop prospects, a re very promising for the season, except here and there some need of rain. It is to be hoped that the farmers will be blessed with a full cen- cral crop this year which would go some distance towards dissipating "hard times." It stems that Quite a number of per sons from these parts are going to avail themselves of Capt. Kamscur'a three Cs cheap excursion to Charleston, to start Irom Marion on July 25th. the Kev. Dr. M. M. l.andruin, who has been pastor of the Baptist church here, at Old Fort and Bridge water for the past four years, leaves today for his father's borne near Lexington, in 0le thotpe county. Ga. He crocs for a rest and to recuperate his health. Thedoctor a faithful soldier of the Cross, and much liked by others as well as bis own people. May he soon return to resume bis labors amongst us. there has been much and viuorous shaking of the tree of the United States internal revenue department lately, for the Democrats seem to be satisfied that there is good fruit up there. The ques tion is. into whose hands will Mr. Hlias drop a plum. We have several hopeful ones. We are clad to sec it stated that Mr. Hlias is going to appoint onlv sober. steady men to places, with the intention of elevating the work of the department accordingly. This is just as it should be, being in the line of his, and our ereac chieftain's, motto, "That a public office is a public trust." We see it stated in the last Free Lance that the man who was killed. Wtn. A. Garrison, on Broad River on Jane 12, the day of our county prohibition elec tion, was decidedly a wet ' man. borne 20 or 30 others were sti icken down by the same bolt of lightning, but it seems they have nearly all recovred. It has not been shown that a "dry" man was struck by lightning. A vast majority of men, judging from expressions given, be lieve that the Lord voted at Broad River box that day. The occurrence has made a profound impression upon our county. (jrapho. Old John M. Davidson Anionic Friends In Ashevllle. John M. Davidson and wife of Kings ton, Ga., are in the city visiting Mr. Davidson's brother, Col. A. T. Davidson. For along time Mr. Davidson has held the position of railroad agent at Kingston. He was born in Haywood county, is 01 vcars old and for many years lived in Ashcville. He was a lieutenant in Col. Coleman's regiment, serving till the close of the war. Mr. Davidson has not been to Ashcville for lo years and finds things greatly changed. He is around shaking hands with the old friends whom he knew in the years gone by, all of whom are rejoiced to see him again. TIIRF.W HIjrl OUT OF CHVRCH. The Cbanu;e at the Market House Begsa. A force of workmen has begun making the change at the northwest entrance oi the fire department that will trive one more entrance to the market house. A partition will be put up to shut the fire apparatus and horses from the view of marketers. The floor is to be taken out to a point 30 feet or so from the entrance. From this point persons entering this way will pass under the floor of the fire department. This passageway, how ever, will be well lighted from a couple of windows in the north wall of the building. It is claimed by the advocates 01 mis scheme tnat when the change is made there will be a demand for the stalls on the north side of the market. which have never been occupied. Alder man Westall. of the market house com mittee, is looking alter the change. which it will require several days to complete. Hint Honied Shoes, Ivarly Sunday morning a pair of shoes was stolen from Robt. Dover, one of Webb, Oates, Eskridge & Co.'s men who was Bleeping in a house near Stike leather At Foster's stable. The thief hid the shoes near Dr. R. II. Reeves' residence on Spruce street. The fact was renorted by the doctor, and the owner recovered the property. Monday evening the thief went back to the biding place with a sack to get the shoes. Dr. Reeves was watching for the thief, and recosmized him as the one who had hidden the shoes. Yesterday afternoon Patrolman Meadows arrested Bob Hunt, colored who was charged with the theft. This morning Hunt had a bearing before Jus- a 1 11 r t 1 1 t j . . . j. i unwej anu wii uciu 10 vrimi- aal court. AFTER TEN YEARS. A Populists Disturber utveu a Needed Lesson. Crawfordsville, Ind., 12. Dr. I. C. Ncal, minister of the Methodist church at Kirkpatrick, had just concluded a tem perance sermon Monday evening when O. P. C. Ivvans, one of the leading popu lists of Indiana, began a speech denounc ing all laymen and ministers not belong ing to the Third party as hypocritical knaves and rascals." Dr. Neal called upon him to desist, but Evans started to abuse him. Ncal fin ally came down from the pulpit threw the disturber bodily out of door while the congregation cheered tbusiastically. and the en- AT UREV UAHUvr, The President Did Not 00 l-'lnli- Inic Todar. Buzzards' Bay, Mass., July 12. The President has decided not to accompany Joe Jefferson on a fishing trip to I'cters Points. This morning at 9 o'clock, ac companied bv Secretary of War Lamont and Dr. Bryant, he drove over to Bourne. where the party met lefferson and his son. After a few moments conversation Lamont and Dr. Bryant cot into the Jefferson carriage and were soon on their way to the fishing grounds. The Presi dent rode back to Grev Gables. TO THE HORSES' BRIDLES IQNINO THE SCALE. A POPULIST BETS THE MARK OF I1I.OO D. Wild Talk Wltn a ureal Deal ol TtareatenluK Colorado Bank ers and Smelters want Free Coinage or Course. Denver, Colo., July 12. The Color ado silver convention yesterday was both big and sensational. The feature of the day was the speech of Populist Governor Waite. Among other things he said : "If the money power shall attempt to sustain its usurpation by the 'strong hand,' we will meet that issue when it is forced upon us, for it is infinitely better that blood should flow to the horses' bridles rather than that our national credit should be destroyed." He also said: "If it is true that the Uuitcd States is unable to carry out its governmental policy without dictation or consent ot Knglish powers; if we are a province of Kuropcan monarchies then we need another revolution, another appeal to arms. If war is forced upon us w? will send to Halifax a far greater army of 'British Tories,' according to our population, than our forefathers sent there after the Revolutionary war." J. Cook, J. led the opposition. He said : "We are liable to do things we may re gret. I appeal to you as men not to do today what you will regret tomorrow. We are excited; we should know what we are doing. Let us be reasonable and act as intelligent men. We are going bast as men to educate the men in the Kast. If we fail, then is the time to act." The Denver clearing house sent a check for $1,000 to pay the expenses of dele gates to St. Louis. Chicago and Wash ington, accompanied by the iollowing communication, signed by every banker and smelter in the city: "We favor the use of silver as monev. and that it be freely coined with gold at the present ratio of sixteen to one, with out discrimination in favor ot or against cither metal." THE TARIFF. Very Properly It Is Not to be For teotten. Washington, July 12. Representa tive W. L. Wilson, of West Virginia, arrived in this city this morning. (Ques tioned as to the probable outcome of an extra session, Wilson said : "It has always been my belief that the extra session will be continuous and that no recess can be taken. Un der any circumstances, however, the tariff question will be considered. As soon as the committee on ways and means is announced, the tariff will be taken up by them." CHEESE POIBONINU. Twenty five Persons Afflicted and Some 'Will Die. Mansfield, O., July 12.-r-'r,-r whole sale case ol poisoning by ea cheese in this city Is much worse than was at first supposed. Nearly every person in the 25 families who purchased and ate of the cheese is now a filleted, and 12 persons have very slight hope of recovery. One hundred and ten persons sampled the cheese which was manufac tured near this city. Nine doctors, to gether with the coroner, are in charge of the afflicted, and although no deaths are reported, several are expected to die. 'WANAMAKER BEATEN. The lo be World's Fair certain open on Sandasr. Chicago, luly 12. Judge Jenkins, iu the United States Circuit court, has handed down the decision in the suit brought by Wanamakcr & Brown to restrain the World's Columbian expo sition directors from opening the Fair on Sundays. The dcicision is a defeat for Wanamakcr & Brown, the court holding that the complainants have no standing in the court of equity. Fearing Another Kind of Blob. Bakdwell, Ky., luly 12. The town is well armed now and will give a hot re ception to any mob that may come. News has just reached here that the negro arrested at Milan has proved he was at Fulton the day of the murder and has been released. Miller's guilt is so conclusively proven now that all hope the matter is settled. READ. Anialicamated Association Re- slstlua the Lonerlnic or Wages. Yoi'ngstown, O., Inly 12. Secret meetings are being held here by several lodges of the Amalgamated association for the purpose of protesting against any reduction in the scale as adopted at the national convention in Pittsburg. 1'ittshi'rc, Pa., luly 12. Jones it Laughlin signed the amalgamated steel scale yesterday afternoon, the workmen conceding a reduction of from 8 to 15 per cent, so far 1 J western firms have signed the scale. The slate All Fixed. Richmond. Va., July 12. Leading People's party advocates declare that this ticket will be placed in the field at the convention to be held at Lynchburir August 3rd: Governor, J. B. C, Lewis, Clarke rountv: Lieutenant-Governor. R. T. Bland, Middlesex; Attorney-Gen eral, W. 11. lirosely, Henry. This is Business. Milwaukee, Wis., July 12. All the directors of the Plankington bank have been indicted under the law of the State defining the responsibility of bank direc tors. Judge James o. Jenkins, William Plankington and Eugene Elliott, direc tors, have appeared in court and given bail. Cholera In Egypt. Alexandria, Egypt, July 12. Eighty- five cases of cholera are reported in the Hospital here, t-orty deaths disease have occurred. The Bank Carried the Mill. SiiEi.HYVli.LK. III., July 12. A sensa tion here in regard to the failure of the Thornton bank is heightened by the failure ot the Starr mills for ncarlv $80,000. The bank has long carried the mill and among the liabilities of the latter is about $80,000 due Thornton & Son. A Nice Little Outing. New York, July 12. The United States dispatch steamer Dolphin is under orders to convey Secretary of the Navy Herbert on a tour of inspection ol all the naval stations and naval plants on the Atlantic coast. THESE TESTIMONIALS Harris' Litliia Water, Harris Lithia Springs, S. G. Office of nr. Tohn Hey William. Ashcville, N. C, Aril lx'ja, An c ji'cndcU.use of Harris' Lltliia Water, prompts mc to the statement that 1 regard it as one of the best, it 11 ot the very best Lithia waters known to the profession. In the condition of "phoBphatic urine" its ac tion ia marvelous. Its use In the rheumatic ancl ejoaty diathesis, afford mc more com fort than either the Buffalo or Luudutidcrry waters. Very truly yours, (Signed) JNO. IIBY WILLIAMS, M. V. R. I. Walker testifies; I Have used Harris Lithia Water and when using same was both pleased and bcnclittcd. In using it liberal ijuautities should betaken, tor my experience teaches mc that small amounts irc disappointing, whereas a gen erous use is followed by most gratifying re sults. Yours truly, (Signed) R. P. WALK11K. STILL, ANOTHER. Ashcville, N. C., April 14, 1893. I a.tn Klad to be able to say a word with regard to Harris' Lithia Water. I have used it with the greatest possible benefit in chronic rheumatism. As compared with the Buffalo Lithia, I find it quicker und it re quires less quantity. It has my hearty en dorsement. Very truly yours, (Signed) MRS. T. W. BRANCH. These arc all bonande litters from people wc know and have confidence in their state ments. Analysi.s on each bottle. Wholesale depot fur Ashcville aud Wt stern North Carolina. RAYSOR & SMITH, DRUGGISTS, NO. 31 PATTON AVENUE, All $2.00 aud $2.50 STRAW HATS Ileduced to $1.50 Collar aud Cuff box or Cout lluiider giveii away to every purchaser to the ex tent of SI or more. MITCHELL. THIS BIKN'M OUTFITTER) 28 PATTON AVE. from the Catlel" of "lice Dead. Chattanooga, luly 12. Chief of Po lice D. F. Mitchell died yesterday. He was a victim of Sunday's accident at Chickamaaga. Onr oold. Washington, July 12. The treasury statement today shows net gold in the treasury at the end of June $1)3.485,413, which was more than the total at the end of either of the two months preccd ing. Tnls) wilI!Help some. Washington, July 11. The Comptrol Icr of Currency has ordered national bank currency to be printed on account of bonds deposited to the amount of $3,076,000 since July 1st. Paint Factory Burned. West Svperior, Wis., June 12. Fire last night completely destroyed the Lake superior Mineral Jt'aintcompany. Loss, $100,000. A Small Bank shut. Springfield, Mo., July 12. The Bank of Commerce, capital stock of $50,000. deposits ot $17,GOO closed its doors yes terday. A Jadgmeni For Ssi.ooo. Chicago, July 12. C. M. Barnes book seller and stationer. No. 75 Wabash avenue, confessed judgment for $57,000 today. . AVallure Abroad. London, July 12. The failure of Wm Baker Moore, stock broker. No. i Drapers Gardens, is announced. MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Indigestion and all kinds of Litis, Kidnit and Blood Tsodblbs when nature has provided at Yooa Dooaa 8tjkb Rkm sdy Hiihlih, Wholksom and Inbxpbnsivb. The MINERAL WATBR, frash from Mr. D. D. Buttle's Rshaskabls Spiiko, now being dally delivered at any residence in Ashcville, is working; wonderful cures, aa can be testified by Inquiries of Judge I. B. Reed, Judge J. II. Merrimon, Rev.J. L. White, J. R. Patterson, Doctors O. W. Pure fay. Nelson, D. T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Ashcville, and hundreds of others. Price, only lo cests a gallon, delivered dally anywhere ia the city. Orders through mail, or left at Blsnton, Wright Ac Co.'s shoe store, 39 Pattoa ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. E. D. SUTTLE, 95 Collegers tret. fcbSldtf At Ballard & Rica's. Telephone No. 17, LONNIE R. PULLIAM. Practical lilectrician, 11 W. Court Square. J 23d 1 sb Ashcville, N. C TIJU MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY

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