Friilnj Evening, July 14, 1893. THE ASHEVLLtuE DAILY CITIZEN. WANT COLUMN, WANTED. WANTICK Ladles on salary to assist In ort work in our atmiio or at their Homes. Anyone can lio the work orlcorn to doit 31 Grove iitreet. y13dtt WANTBI) TO SISI.L A stock of Kootln and fixtures at cost, amoantinK to SIBO. Apply at 333 W. Haywood street. jylSdlw AITANTBU OentUmun to UMHiflt In mnk- inu photouranhic views; previous ex- iipticniv nt.t su-ntinl f'.nml MalaTV Of !- nirahip. AddresB Views, this olBce. jyiatf WANTISP To rent, chenply, a comforta ble resilience of about six rooms and five or more acres of land, williin two miles of Hie court house. Addiess Hox fi:i, Jyllritf Asllrvillc, N. C firANTKIt-Immediately, Tf in liy mnna'nctur- Ine cheiniNt. a n irtner with one nun ilred dollnrs t invest in a business that viclils over SIOO per cent, profit. This is worth lnviBti(;atiK, chemist, tins office, jyiadtf AlTANTIill TO OIVH RliWARl) for f f nuv case of toothache that one .hot tie of W illiams ,S: lvinir's lamons toothache medicine will not cure in t wo minutes. Por Tie br all ilrnucists at ll cents tier bottle. We sm you to try It. Kvery hnttle guaran teed by T. C Smith fc Co., wholesale nmnts lor Ashcvillc, N. C- FOR RENT. ToH KKNT Two litrizc. pleasant rooms, JP second lloor, furnished fur housekeeping; shudy yard. Address, H., care of Citizen. th particulars. W. jylldlw FOR RI5NT OR SALH A nine-room house, unfurnished; modern Improvements, 1U4 Mailcv street. Inquire by letter MIS3 S. M. WOSSRkU, moyGdtf P. O. Box 65. FOR RHNT Brick house. No. 35, on Wood fin street; lo nice rooms with servant's room. Price reason alilc. Apply to Jesse K. Stanics, L'7 North Main street iyt:idlw IOR RISSTThe Rurope-n hotel, as C Smith Main street. Ashcvillc. N. C. First rliiss stand for restaurant. Terms reason u hie Applv to T. I). Johnston or P. W Thomas, johnston building. jun.Tdtf FOR 1 cor RUNT The brick building on the urnrr of Church street nnn t'atton avenue. oooti garden; jroori nouse for bonnfinK house a ply to T. I . Johnston or F. V Tuomas, Johnston builUluff. Ashcvire, N. C. lunmi T7oR A! RHNT Pesirable npsTtments, un furnished, sinnle or en-suite, well lighted 'not. comfortable, brosd piazzas. Inrvr. slimlv around-, ccntrnllv located, moderate rent. 31 Grove street, 3d door from Patton avenue. jjlzdtf TJIOR RHNT That large and conveniently X1 arranged house. No Merrlinon nvc ntie Hft and cold water with baths on two floors All modern imoroveinrnts Location central, with large well shaded grounds Splendid residence for large family or imam Ing house Apply to it i or al j ruu, nnrlfiiltf lOAKI 14. ly week or day A. Kwiatkowski BOARDING, Phillip street: bv month wi'.n or without li dging, .lyouim TJRIVATH HOAKIINf5 -Pleasant rooms I good table, fine location. Convenien to postollice and street car street. lines. 4 urove Jylldlm ItHAItlllNIi- Vt No. 174 Haywood street J Talile lurnished with the best the mur kct affords. Hot and cold water. Fine lo cation, on car line. Mrs. A. Uttingcr. tf IoRIl.Ni At No. 8 Starnes avenue J Table furnished with best the market affords: hot and cold water: furniture new fine location; on car line; single and double rooms. aproati lOARIilNU House pleasantly situated in I best location in city, near street ears; lurge single ami double rooms; table the very finest. Reference can be given. MRS. M. SCHIRKMKLSTHR, McCapc House, 21, Grove Street, uprlOdtf rTIHB CHATHAU Private boarding house A No. 211 Haywood street. Pine city and mountain views; perfeut sanitation; hut and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well orovided table: attentive service: rea sonable rates. Two huodicd yards from Montforu car line. MRS.M. B. UBTWII.I5R, oct7dtf Proprietress. MISCELLANEOUS. TNGLUSI 1B No. 30 French Drond avenue, X now rcadv for summer guets. jylldlw -Small memorandum book with H. Reynolds on front part. Leave at Curolina Coal company's tituce, viziuit T OST- X name of J NOTICH All iersons having lu their pos session any of the property of the Ashe ville Fire Department are reuuested to re turn the same to headquarters in the city Hull. J. K. Rich, chief. jyizi:it LITTLE JIM'S LEG. Detroit Newsboy's Experience with a "Bloke." II Tells a Sad Story to a Sympathetic Old I. ady at the Or pot A Sample of English sa Kpoken on tha ;lty Ntmtt. JOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Mayor's Oflicc Ashcvillc, N. C, July 10. in. ::. Sealed proposals will he received nt this nrtice until 3 o'clock p m , July 21, 1KU3, for furnishing and setting on cer:niil streets in the city of Ashcvillc about 10. OHO feet of (11 four inch cnrtistone, the stone to be taken from the city's quarry in Henderson county. Also for furnishing the materials and laying about 1. loll yards of rubble pavement on College street. Plans and specifications enn lie seen in the office of the citv engineer. The right to n icet any all bids is reserved. JulylOdilt T. W. PATTON, Mayor. c TV OK11INA.NCB Mavor's Office. Ashc.ille. N C. lulv 7 '93 Be it ordained by the mayor and aMeriuea of the city of Ashe illc Sec 1 l hat It shll be unlawful for any one to sell beets, lettuce, salnds, asparagus, green corn, herbs, tomatoes (except in cans) cucumbers anap beans, green peas, radishes, parsnips, or any other vegetables, except po tatots, applci and iieaches. in the city of Asheviile w ithin a radius of one-half mile of the court house, except in the city market house, and subject to the rules and ordi nances in reference thereto. Provided, that this ordinance shall not apply toanyone sell ing the above vegetables of his own. raising Sec ' That anyone vio'ating this ordi nance shall be fined Ten Uollars for each vio lation thereof. The nbore ordinance was ordered to lie published for one week and to go in force at the expiration of that time 1' M MILI.HK, T W PATTON, city clerk mayor iySdlw "VroT,t;IJ nS virtue of the power of sale X- vested ia me under acertait vested ia me under a certain deed of trust made and executed on the lflth day of Feb ruary, lMH'J, by J. B. Sams and wife, M. 8. Hams, for the purpose of securing the pay ment of a certain promissory note executed by said J 11. Sams on the said 15th day of Pebruai y. 1 HH'j, payable one year after Its da'e, default having been made in the pay ment of the same, and having been requested so to do by the cestui que trust, I will on the 15th day of lulv. i893. at the court house door in the city of Ashcvillc, county of Huneomhc. North Carolina, expose lor sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises to-wlt: Situ ate in the county of Buncombe aforesaid. Iieing lot No. e of Shelby park, in the city of Asncviuc, una noanaeu ana tlescrinea as lol lows, to-rit: Beginning at a point in the western margin eT Haller street and runs thence with the southern line or lot No.Gnorth S7Viceit ISO feet to a stake at the common corner of lots Noa. 6, 23 and SI; thence south 1 15' west 78 feet: thence, crossing the brancn. south H1W east IB I feet to the western margin of Bailey street; thence with it north 1" 15' esst 75 feet to the beginning. The said deed of trust Is registered in book 15, page 31H etc . in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe count y, and reference is hereby made to the same, as registered, for full particulars thereof and for a full anil more perfect description of said lands and premises. This the 13th day of June, a. v.. mud. j. it. woodcock, trustee. There was a one-lorrgod newsboy about twelve years old selling papers in frout of tbo Third street depot the other day, when a motherly looking woman who was waiting for a train beckoned him to tho door of one of the waiting-rooms and said: Why, you poor little boy you have been crippled!" "Yesm Ivo lost my laig. modestly replied the boy. "Dear, dear me! Ixst your right leg and you must go on crutches all tho rest of your life! What is your name?" "Do boys call me Jim, ma'am." "Poor littlo Jim! How did It happen?" I was t rowed oil a street car by bloko." "Thrown off a street car by a bloke! How awful! They had tho street torn up, and the car struck the bloke and jostled you off. They ought to bo more careful in a city liko this." "It was a bloke on tho hind plat form, ma am. "Oli, it was? Do they carry blokes around on the street cars here to imperil the lives of passen cers?" Dey does, ma am: Dey calls era conductors, but (lev is blokes and won't give a kid a show for his trade. Home idlers is blokes and somo hain't, but do fellers who is blokes is more dan do fellers who bam t blokes. See?" And this bio bloke threw you off?" she queried, while a puzzled look spread over her face. Ho did, ma am, but in de fust place, he pulled my laig." "Pulled your leir?" "Yes, ma'am. Dat is, he stood me off." "Off where?" "Why, he tried to dumpmc. Dero was a big crowd on his car, and he was savin' 'em up fur his cousin Dat's why he pulled my leg, but I kicked. Savey? "Ho ought to have been ashamed of himself to pull you around by tho leg!" heartily exclaimed the woman. "Wasn t no one man enough to in tcrfere?" "No, ma'am. "When he found ho couldn't give me do cross ho took me by de neck and t'rowed me off.' "And you fell under the wheels?" "Yes, ma'am. Ono of de hind wheels took dat laig off, and do bloke went into court and swore dat I tried to commit suicide becauso me gurl wont back on me. See?" "What a monster! And didn't you get damages?" "Not a penny, ma'am. De jury believed de bloke and wouldn't glvo me no show. In odder words, do judgo pulled my odder laig and in flooenced the jurv." "Land's sakesf And they allow such carryings on hero in Detroit, do they? It's no wonder I'vo been nervous ever since I've been here! Here's a dime for you, and I hope you'll be ablo to get out where folks are civilized. It's a burning shamo the way you've been used." "Thank you, ma'am. I'm ready to tumble to do fust racket dat cums along. I'm nursin' my ear now fur a place wid a news company up town." "And do you see any bio blokes around here now?" she asked, as she glanced up and down. "No, ma'am, but dey is alius lyiiv low, and you'd better keep youi peepers open." "I certainly shall, and if any ol them como hanging about me they get their walking papers pretty quick. Tho idea of a bloke pitching onto a boy like you! Why don't the police arrest 'cm and put 'em wher they ought to be 7 'Do police won t even pull deii lalgs, ma'am." "They won't, eh? Well, I will il they come foolin around me, and I'll pull their hair, too!" And she went back to her seat, gathered up all her parcels and sat up very stiff and erect and kept a 6harp lookout on every side of her for blokes until called to take her train. Detroit Free Press. A-JOURNALISTIC NOVELTY. Enterprise Proposing to Run a Tele phonic Newspaper in Hungary. Iludii-Pesth, the Hungarian capi tal, may boast tho prcatcst journal istic novelty of modern times a tel ephonic newspaper. Tho Oriental Heview of that city gives an account of the enterprise that purposes to supply a city of half a million of people with important news deliv ered by word of mouth. The appa ratus in each house occupies a space of about five inches square and has two tubes, so that two members of the family can get the news at once. The whole cost of putting it in is six dollars, and each subscriber pays a rate of sixty cents a month for tho special newspaper service. Tho news collector does his work in tho night, as elsewhere, and at nine a. m. he t jtkes his post in the central station and begins to tell his story in a telegraphic stylo, summary and precise, avoiding everything superfluous." At the end of five minutes, fearing lest some of his subscribers mav not have heard everything, he repeats his budget of news, word for word mostly con cerning homo events and news of Hungary. At ten o clock he Issues another oral edition, this time of foreign news. At eleven o'clock ho lets us know that the Hungarian par liament is in session, and may mention what ls being debated. But word may also como of a riot, and by noon the alarmed sub scriber may hear that the populaco have attacked the police and been fired upon; this, we will say, causes stocks to fall five per cent. Imme diately tho wise subscriber rushes r MENSTRUATION v".h a woman of viporous health passes oil in due time without pain or dis ? comfort : hut when she approaches this 1 crisis MONTHLY with a frail coiistilu- , J ti hi ntid feeble health she endangers J hotli her physical and mental powers. BRADFI ELD'S -3 FEMALES REGULATOR t if l.i! en a f w days before the monthly t :i.V;;;uss sets in a'.ul continued untill J t: iturc performs Ikt function, ha iv J .-..U.-I a SI'UOI lc: for Painful, Pro ' -j , ; c.mty, Suppressed and lrre;;ular MENSTRUATION t Dook ta " Vv'OMAN " mailed free. ' L'RDriHi. r.CGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. t Fit'tf. 1y alt Jmjritn. Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin, glass or gold; There's nothingso good for the young or the old as Hires Root Beer A delicious, health- giving, tmrst-satis-fying beverage. A temperance drink for temperance people. A 35c. package makes 5 gallons. Sold and Enjoyed Everywhere. 'OTICE OP SAUB Under and by virtue ..r n . 1 . 1 in -..- ... ; , v. .... r.i to his own telephone and gives his sale therein, executed to me as trustca It broker an order to buy. Attwoo'clock ffi&&'&iSX'Wi the central editor rings furiously e'ZtyXc Zf0,ZVlZ,B and reports a violent debate in par- deeds in trust no. ao, on ikc iea, et sq. liament, which loads to a change of Z&Zl'l,l&r ZSt the ministry. At three o'clock there tnc court house door in the city of Asheviile. , , ., . , . , , county of Iluncotntir, N. C. on Saturday. Is a fire in a building of which the sub- the 29th dav of July. a. v.. iso.i, at ia m , Rr-rihoi- 1 nnr-t nipiwr nnrl so It crnM lne Property tlcacribed and conveyed in the BCn OCT IS pari owner anu soil goes said deed In trust, being: the following de- On. At Six o'clock, according to the icrilml lands ssd prcm scs to wit: "A cer- , . ,. . ' . . . tain tract or parcel of land 1 Tin);, situate and interesting raconteur of tho journal ruins in Asbcville Township, Buncombe nnntnrl- "Mo.lnmn l,n gnWrlhnr'a county, Stiiteof. North Carolina. ad.ioininR wife, comes forward to hear tho re port of a lecture at the academy, perhaps the repetition, with all due emphasis, of a new poem. At seven o'clock the j'oung ladies listen to a concert through tbo Telephonic Gazette; they can distinguish won derfully well tho touching pathos of tho violoncello, the pearly staccatos of the violin, the sweet melodies of the flute and the enchanting voice of tho prima donna." Illustrated American. HOLD YOUR TEMPER. It Adds JAPANESE pi LB CURE A Kw and fVmiplnle Treatment, consisting nl KirrPOHITORIKH. Capsnles of Olntnifint ami twn Hoi of Oinlmeut. A oaverfsllliur Curs for I'llss of ersry nature anil dirres. it mskss anonnrstlnu Willi th kntr or Injections of carbolic actil, which sr painful and seldom a psrnianent cor, and often resnlUiur in death, unnecessary. Why ndurs this tsirrlbl dlsaasa? Wa ausrantss 6 DOssss to our any oais, i"u uou pay ins benefits received, f 1 a bin. s f or sa. bent by mall Guarantee leaned by our sxents. PAU(VriDlTIAUCj. Pile Pravantad. uUnOlirnilUllttlipinni llrar Ptlltti the trreat t.lVKR and STOMACH KKollLATOR and HI000 PI'KlFIEH. Small, mild and pleasant tr take, especially adapted for children's use. su Uosst OUaaVaJmsa Issued only tr - RAYSOR A SMITH. 81 ratio Arcane. .' AskcTille, K. C. Sandwich. Island Proposal Tho following is said to be the manner in which a Sandwich Islander proposes marriage when he falls a victim to the tender pas sion: The chief told her that if she would become his wife he would send a hundred sea otters to her friends; that he would nev er ask her to carry wood, draw water, diar for roots or hunt for provisions; that he would make her mistress orer his other wives. and permit Her to sit at tier ease from mornintr till night and wear her own clothes; that she should always hare abundance of fat salmon, anchovies and elk, and be allowed to smoke as many pipes of tobacco as thouarnt proper, together with many other natter ing inducements. A. Gentleman. Mrs. Upton I saw Mr. New ton bowing with the most courtly grace to a -verr common-place woman. He's a gentleman of the old school, ian bef Mr. Upton No, a gentleman of toe new school r "New school T" "Yes. He lives In the suburbs, and that was his cook." The doughnut seems to be tne only nut that can be gathered ererj oar is toe yea. Especially When Traveling, as to Your Comfort. We hear of a good many requisites for traveling in comfort, but none of them surpass good temper, especial ly In hot dusty weather. To be in different to the crj'ing of cross and tired babies, to draw a Bhawl or a wrap over tho shoulders when somo fresh-air fiend persists in sending a current of cold wind from an open window, or equally to bo patient when you want tho window open and somebody else wants it shut, to bo ready to accept delays without grumbling, and to be as sweet at a journey's end as at its beginning, this is to be indeed good tempered. If one travels easily, and is not made faint and ill by the rapid mo tion of the train, or seasick by tho roll of tho steamer, there is littlo credit in keeping amiable. But many women suffer fearfully from jolting and jarring. Their heads ache, their stomachs rebel, their nerves are on edge. It is nothing short of saintly to be pleasant in these eircumstariees; but somo peo ple aehicvo it, and they are held in pleasant memory by their fellow-travelers. A certain amount of philosophy Is an armor of proof when one is on a journey. The thought that not you but the conductor and tho captain and the engineer aro responsible for the safety of the cars or boat should suffice to keep you from needless and useless fidgeting when there Is a halt. Somo people waste an im mense amount of energy In trying to undertake what Is not within their province. No amount of idlo fuming will cool a heated journal or repair a break in tfce machinery, so it is as well to keep one's self from friction, maintain one's composure, and trust in the kind care of Prov idence. In every emergency, In every ex perience, the good-tempered person has the advantage of the one who is cross and irritable.. This is al ways true. Harper's Bazar. Fashionable Paris Dogs. The fashionable dogs of Paris at the present time are the large French poodle, in black, brown or white, and the ungainly Danish boarhound. It ia said that the finest specimen of the latter in all Europe is owned by young Clar ence Alackay, who recently jour neyed with his mother on a special train to California to be present at the bedside of his wounded father, John W. Maoltay. Nothing Strange Apout It Mrs. Mann It is strange that you .cannot held the baby a few minutes, when you used to be able to hold me on tout lap for hours. Mr. Mann -TThe young one is so restless. He squirms and kicks all the time. Yeu didn't kick the least little bit. That Same Old Trouble. "You've bought a bicycle, eh? Well, that beats riding ia a street car, doesn't it?" "Oh, I don't know. As It is, old fellow, I frequently havcto give up mj seat." Xruih. the lands of W. R. Miller, Thomas Limlsey. and others, on the waters ot Haw crceK, a tributary to Swanoanoa river, and bounded nncl more particularly described hs follows Beginning at a slake, the northeist corni-r of lot No. 3, as shown lv a ilat tiled in the oflicc of the cleric of the superior court of Buncombe county, in the division of the G. I. Miller land, aiiil running cast 117 poles to a white oak, O I'. Milter's old corner; thence S'iuth with Miller's old line ai-a poles to a stake, the northeast corner of lot No. ft ol the said pint: thence west 97 poles to a stulce, the northwest corner of sniil lot No 5; thence north CIO-;- poles to the beKinn'iiK. containing 1-;i sores, be trtc same mote or less, ami bcioK l't No. 4-, as shown by the above mentioned snd described plat, said lot having been drawtlby JameaM. An iller in the division ol the 1. Miller land; and alto be ing: the same lot of land conveyed tn the said Andrew I.indscy liy John M. King and wife by deed executed the a M day of Sep-fembe-, A. L., ISsH. I-'or a further descrip tion of the said land reference can be had to book of mortfiriiKCis and dcrds in trust No. ii'J. ou pflKC 1 lii, et seq, in the office of the register of deeds of Ituncomli- conuty. This the 1st day of July, A. I , tnf3. THUS. A. JONliK, iyldt sat Trustee. TO VISITORS! RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. Huidbkofbi and Rbcbbn Foster. Receivers WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect July 2, l9.'l. -EASTBOUNO NO. 16 NO. 12 L,y Knoxville uoam 7 lflain " Morristowa " 34am 9 35am Lt. Paint RockTTT.T.". .7. 12 30pm " Hot Springs 1 2 4-sVpm Lt. Asheviile 2 30pm " Round Knob 3 Sllpm " Marion 4, :i:ipm " Morgan ton s 17pm " Hickory R 59pm " Newton B 2pm " Statesyille 7 11 pm Ar. Salisbury 8 (Hipm " Greensboro in 4Upm "Danville 1 2 Q7am Ar. Richmond 7 QOam I.V.Greensboro tH 25pm Ar. Durham 3 16am " Raleifrh OOam " Goldshoro 12 Oftpm Lv. Danville 12 16am Ar. Lynchburg 1 6Kam Washington 6 4.ram ' Baltimore H ofipm " Philadelphia lo 3pm ' New York 12 33pm WESTBOUND NO. 16 NO. II I-v. New Vork 4, 311pm " Philadelphia 6 efipnr " Baltimore .. 9 20pni " Washinirton lo 43pm " Lynchburg 3 40am Ar. Danville 5 .'Mam l.v. Richmond 1 2 6(lam " Danville R 35am Ar. Greensboro H loam L,v. Galdsboro t7 45pm Ly Raleigh r OOam " Durham 5 R.'tam Ar. Greensboro H (5am L,v Greensnoro H 2Clam " Salisbury to 15am ' Statcsvlllc 11 i ".am Newton 1 1 54am " Hickory 12 16pm " Morganton 1 59pm Marion l 46om " Hound Knob 2 4Bprn Ar. Asheviile OI7pm 4 (Hlom " Hot Springs 1(1 4Hpm 6 Slipm " Paint Rock 4 (ilium R 5Qpm ' Mornatown 'Knoxvllle... ..... 7 45pm 7A. & S.ft sVILROAD NO 16 NO 14 Lt. Asbcville 2 10pm S 1 2am ' Hendersonville 3 U2pm ; 1 lian " Plat Rock 3 lopm 27am " Saluda 8 32pm ! 52am Trvon 4 01pm 1(i 22am Ar. Spartanburg ft OOum 11 31 la in NO- IS NO 13 Lv- Spartanburg 6 2opm 3 Kipm Trvon 7 18pm 4 2(pm " Saluda 7 47pm 4 56nm " Plat Rock ts lOpm R 22pm " Henders'nv'le Hihpm 5 33pm Ar. Asheviile D 1 2pm ( 4-Opra 'MURPHY BRANCH NO 19 NO IT Lv. Asheviile U (Mlani f6 45pm Ar. Waynesvllle lO 25am H IRpm Lv Bryson City 7 OOam ' Andrews 11 31am " Tomotla 12 05pm " Murphy 1 2 aopm NO. 2CT NO 18 Lv. Murs-hy fl 30pm Ar. Tomotla 1 55pm Andrews . 2 35pm Lv. Bryson City 4 (15 Hm Ar. WaynesvilU 6 OOpm 26am " Ashcvillc 7 3(pnl K OOam SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring" and New York, via Asheviile. Salisbury and Washington: also between Ashcvillc and Cincinnati via Knoxville and llarrimnn and Asheviile and Chlcaco via Knoxville and Harriinan nnd Louisvt.le. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheviile and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. Ry. connect ing at Columbia (or Savannah via S. B K. R with Parlor cars. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington, I) C, Atlanta, Ca. W II. GKF.KN, Gen. Manager, Washington V. H. McltHB, Gen'l Supt., Columbia, S. C. SOL. HAAS, Traflie Manager, Washington rllaily except Sunday. 'Sunday only. THE COUNTRY MAILS. Brevard, Ar. 6 p m Lv. 7 a'm Rutherfordton, 7 p ni ' 4 am Bnrnsville, "7 am" 5 am Beach, 9 am l a m Leicester, " 1 1 a m 12 m v . jA'icyclef y-PA.i't wr - . lirst in lires ond ImproVemente Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube to be used in case of accident. ly simply removing a punc tured inner tube through a hole in the rim, repair is effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. If you arc going to ride why not ride the best? B08TON, OVERMAN WASHINGTON, WHEEL DENVER, CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Aslicville Bicycle Company, Agents. SEE US ABOUT OUR $100.00 CLUB ON 'NUMBERS I AND 2 ! THERE ARE A NUMBER OF GOOD BICYCLES, BUT ONLY ONE BEST! With (Jormully & Jeffery Patent Tiro. PENNIMAN BROS., AGENTS, ASHEVIuLE, NORTH CAROLINA. SEE US ABOUT OUR $100.00 CLUB ON NUMBERS I AND 2 ! IF YOU WISH TO CAKRY AWAY A LASTINO AND CIIAK.WIXC SOUVISNIK OF ASHISVILLE, VISI'OSIT SO CENTS WITH "TK CITI ZICS" anil HA Vli KETUKXHD FVI.L. VAKVE IN A 1'ISIl ESOKAVlili VIBW OF ASH EVI LLE m isuuu. f i j n i JAiJi The Tariff Has not raised the price on BlackwelFs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. There arc ninny other brands, each represented by some inter ested person tu be "just as jood as the Bull Durham." They are not; but like all counterfeits. S?" they each lack the peculiar and attractive qualities of the genuine. We attach this tag to every hnsz "t BULL DURHAM for the protection of the smoker. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. DURHAM, N. C. THIS NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts Will bi-Kin itn fifth session Scplcmlirr 7. 1SK3. This college In now -well c("M ntd for its sncolal work, rmvinu rxti'iiHivr wood nnd iron shops, carefully fitt'l up drawing room, chcmicnl. Iiotanlcnl and h'r tieultnral lalioraturica, picinhousc and barn. The tcachinK force for the next year con sists of tifteeii men. The two courses lead to graduation in agriculture and in mechan ical and civil enKtneeiiPK. Total coat a vcar. includinir board: rmint v Rtudcnt. S K.'VfiO Pay students 1'ja.BO for catalogues, apply to P. L. COWAN & CO., MAKIi A SPECIALTY OF FINE WATCH REPAIRING. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. -o-l- Native Stones. Mounting Made to Order. Keep In atock "Mount Vermin." "Canadian Club," and Old Baker Kye Whiskies. The best AL.L WORK GUARANTEED 1 I w'ne8 Brandies, Beer, Ale and Stout for family use. AH gouda delivered free. Ale and iyl-dlw A. Q. IlOt.l.AH.VY. 1'rcsident, KalciKli. N. C. No. 8 North Court Place, ASHBVILLC. N. C. IfY. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Porter on draufcht, Unterance No. 19 North Main and 7Vb CoIIcrc streets. Telephone No. 162 P. S.: On and after May 9th I will send statement of accounts by mall to parties lu- debtcd to me If not settle by that time. Reapectfully, WIUU NOT RT P. W'OTICE. The State of North Carolina, county of Buncombe, In the Superior ctttrt. Jennie C. Stafford, plaintiff, s. Georfre I.. Stafford, defendant Hie defendant above named will take no tice that an action entitled as nborc has been coin menct-il in the Suerior court of Buncombe county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said defend. ant will further take notice thnt he ia re quired to apfenr at the next tf rm ol the Su perior cojrt of said c.untv to be held un the 3d MondaT before the 1st Mtinday in Sep tember, lKU.'l, at the court house of aald county in Asbcville, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint in asm ac tion or the plaintiff will ajiply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Thii tho nth dav of lulv. 1H1. J. L. CATIlliV, C. 8. C. M.R.Carter and 1'. A. Cummiom. plain-1 tiffs attorneys. Jy6lBt thura E. M. ANDREWS, x6 and 18 "W. Trade St. Thrlradinir Furniture, risno and Organ dealer in the Carolinas. V rite .him lor rices, or are w . i-rcuics. special aacnr, si 2K South Main Ktrect, Asheviile, N. C. Spec ial attention driven to furniahing hotels and line residences. Is. M. anukkws. j0d3ra - nsnoiie, . PROFHS8UR COLE Bus opened a music office at No. 68 Wood en street. The public is cordially invited to call. Both vocal and instrumental lessons will be Riven at the office or residence, as de sired. If yon do not want to take lessons vourself call in the Interest of your friend. Office hoars from 9 o'clock a. m to 13 m. jy5d2w 65 South Main Street, 3 doors below city ticket office. Do yog wear them 7 When next In nrei try a pair. Best in tho world. $2.00 i'! fst-LVr'0R IA0IES -. I I . o FOn B0Y3 2.50 (SJ. 2.25 1 9 nn IFiraLxxteL O'Donnell PROPRIHTUR CAROLINA SALOON WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. If you want afnn DRESS GH0E, mnrt In thi latest !tyle, don't p.iySfl to$B, try my $3, $3.50, $1.00 ot 5 Slmc. Thcv fit ca'ial to custom made ami l-r.i .mo "er.raswn. If yea wi'sh to economize in ynur f ot.vpar, ': -5 Lv r. i.'h.T'.iiHf '.V. L. r..B-t-;' V. w and rirc; r.lsmp.'d mi tho I'ni'on, iork f. r it when yu t'uy. W. IIOIKJCAS, llrocltton, Mass. SolJ by Itlarit on, Wriglit & Co. i.tlllAlulltarS Tlmso tinv Cntisulcs are superior! to . Jiulsani of t Copaiba. Ciibcba i and . Injections. l ury cure in uoura uio .v. same diiscayca 'without anyincoa-l vcnlcncc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS! ACM E WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE Pol H Claims the largest stuck of first class.J Roods of any house In the State. Makes. a specialty of -Cooking Braadlcs and Jelly Wlnea.', SoIe agents for the Acme Old Corn.J JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 South Mali Street. TELUPUONK CALL MO. 139. O. BOX 688, ASHUVILLH. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY, ii o 8PBCIAL ACCIDENT IN8CRASCB FOR. WORLD'S Pair TRIP, 13,000 and 1 Weekly for 1 per wnk. fiairoe for lauliea. WORLD'S FAIR. H.U.4;.' Clirna (ImMrhwa anfl GlMt I n 1 to ft liar", without Pain. ivTenu Htrlctura. umta Dl no acrid or poisonous anbatances, and fa grnaranceea anaoiacRiy nnnniwi, nntwrihrnl hv nhvnlrlana. Rt 8r rinr. fl mtm with r.h nottlft. I'rtPP S 1 Solrt h i1rniats llrwur of 8nl- tltntwi. ApniPOhom.fVKLUljNOj Aahevtlle Aarenta. Ray nor k Smith, pre; acriptlon druggiata, 31 fattonaTcnoe. fcblOdlT World's Fair, Chicago. HOTEL - If Ton aire aro In a: to the World's Fair, write the UaJly Citisen. Ashe-rHle, N. C, lor a. . a i a a -a-Aww il.ari tlilaa m wlaa Pair, and timetable and pamphleta Uaaed r77 H H I P H by the ateamcr Unea er rnllr -Mula yoa would I I 1 1 1 f-Jf DBII I aV l IJWIII ran l-1r'pnf ; V44 imiub: ncr Kai tflntnndn: bathd nn fTPPf floor r irntv-riRra ituiui) i BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., IVos. 4X and 43 S. Main St., Aalievllle. WUOLR8A I.Ti DBPARTMBNT, OBNTS' 'Vf"V A "I PAK1AJK AND BBAblMG KOOM. ilVatlrXi CIGARS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOfllW, 8AM- "VTaf A tt PL.R, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. JlN a JLQ BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTUKG : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. niun nncT t u a iar. BAllUltUr I hotel. Wrllo for circular. We reapectfally aolldt a share of roar patroaas.K and Whiskey Habits curuu ai nuuie wiui outsin. H.Kk ol par ticular Mnt t'Rl.E. wlthjlheecreat Vn, SSSrA 1 P. A. 31ARQUARDT, Dlanagcr. Hin Bnlrancetr. 43 TeIionCaill( lHa7a