THE ASHBVILiLlE DAILY CITIZEN. Fritlay Evening, July 14, 1893. I'KOPLli PARUNU. Pcraoual Paragraphs About riti Ile In and out of Town. G. L. Bernhardt is here today from Lenoir. J. M. Moody, esq., is in Aslieviilc from wayuesviile. Alden Howell and son of Wurnesvillv are in the city. A. Trifield ol Richmond, Y.i., is visiting relatives in the city. W. A. Itain left the city yesterday for Ii is home in Kaleih. Sheriff (I. II. Garditi of McUuwcll county is in Aslieviilc. J. A. I'orter has none to the coast about Morchcad for a few weeks. Samuel Hall (laities of NewYmkis autographed at t lie Grand Central. Miss Nellie licnson of Atlanta is visit ing Mrs. J. 1'. Sawyer, on Haywood street. lluli Crawford is in the city from Winston and is one of the t'li.ind Cen tral's guests. lco. Jewell, Hot Alilcrson and Hen K. Hible, of (irecncvillc, Tenn., are in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jendwine came in from Bowman's Wtilflast ntlit and are at the Buttery I'ark. Mrs. Annie Culver of Jersey City came to Aslieviilc- yesterday and will Send the summer at Op Swnnnanou. Ir. ICli Griffin and wife of Atlanta and Miss Mamie Mohlev of Temple, t'm., are visiting lr. A. S. Wiiitakcr at liillnioie. The I lenderson vilie Times says: Mr. II. M. Stevens, of Asheville, spent Sun day in our town. Some attraction here, it seems. Kobt. M. flutter and family of Savan nah, Ga., arc at the Mattery I'ark for the season. This is their third season at the I'ark. A. C. Barber and wile of Hickory, Miss., and Iv. H. I.owrv and wile of For est, Miss., arc among the summer visit ors at the Swannanoa. Mori:aiitou Herald: Mrs. Torn Me Mee, of Aslieviilc, arrived in town last week. She will spend the summer with her father. Judge A. C. Avery. Hugh A. Murrill, formerly owner and editor ot the Hickory Press and Carolin ian, but now a resident ol Charlotte, is in Asheville ou a short business trip. lusticc J. C. Samllin and daughter, Miss Mamie, of Old Fort, came up yes terday on a short pleasure trip, visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Frank on Ulanton street. Special Agent . C. Lot., of the Treas ury department, who has been here lor two weeks or more, looking alter the transfer of the collector's olhce, kit for Washington today, having completed his work here. Will Willi'ims, who has been attending the Virginia Military institute, returned to his home yesterday. Since the closing exercises of the institute Mr. Williams has been playing baseball with the V. M. I. team and playing to win. Mr. Williams will probably plav with the Asheville Baseball club. AKOUND TOWN. FWllNH WANTING A 1 rulHlou of Xlie Hoard welxli c-d I ii The Hnlaiier, The slight lire near I. C. Hand's resi dence yesterday afternoon gave oppor tunity for a mild test of the new plan put in operation by the Reformers, whereby the lire horses are made to draw the street sprinkler, the two teams alternating each half day. Yesterday was the first day on which the recent sprinkling order of the Hoard was carried out. Hrivcr I-'iillam and the hook and ladder truck horses were out in the foienooii, while I "river 1 '.rooks with the hose truck horses was doing the work in the afternoon. When tire alarm struck Brooks had his team on College street, where the water cart was oeiiig tilled from a plug. He then hail to unhitch the team, drive to the lire department headquarters, which, a luck would have it, were not far away and Hitch tncin again to the liose car riage. The hook and ladder truck horses were in their stalls and tlirv were uickly hitched and off. It was a hall minute or longer alter they started before the hose horses were ready. It iiiougni, nowever, nv inose who saw Uriver Brooks at work, that lie might have shortened the time bv his usual rapid work; but it seemed as if he were lather indifferent as to whether he went to the lire quickly or otherwise. This, it is supposed, is because he does not taney the new duties imposed upon the drivers. The drivers ofthc horses have a prettv lull line of duties now. First, they must lookout lor every alarm ol lire, (lav or night. Again, they are under orders from the Board to do the cleaning of the market, house. And again, they are ex iK-cled to spend eaeli a Halt Hay every tlay driving the sprinkling cart. There seems to Ik- little chance of their getting more tuan lOhours rcston any one day While going to the fire yesterday the book anil ladder truck struck a farmer's wagon that was standing on North Main. The axle snapped oft and the wagon dropped, scattering the owner load ol black berries in every direction. I- ire Cbicl Kiel) was at the old depot but cainc up to the lire, while two mem fiers ot the company came in from Me Howell's store in South ICnd. Washington, July .V I'utecast till f p. in. Saturday. Thunder storms in east ern portion of Stale; lair in western portimi; westerly winds. Two drunks in Mayor I 'at tun's com t this morning were lined $10 each. The new standpipc, which was com pleted last week, lia heeti painted. Harlow bins.' minstrels will oicii the Grand oicra house on the evening of August 10. There will he pleaching ut Gold View Sunday. There were near 500 people present at the set vices there last Sun day. I. V.. Mai tin ol Macon, Ga., died at the Mission hospital this morning. The body will lie taken to Macon tomorrow lor bin inl. Key. R. I' C a in d 'ill , pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will preach at the First linptist church this evening. The public is cordially invited. A telegram received this afternoon from the Greenville baseball club accepts Ashevillc's challenge and the games will be played on Monday and Tuesday. S. 11. Keed,esi., who was injured in a i inlaw ay accident near itiltmorc a con plc of weeks iign, is able to come into the city in his buggy, although still unable to walk. Prof. Itnden iue's dug show at the Grand onera house last evening dicw an audience ol HOOor loo people. The tricks of the animals showed much training and were enjoyed by the au dience. The lilnaiy of the V. M. C. A. has becu increased by a large number of books through the generosity ol Mrs. Aston. About lull hooks have been contributed to this library within the past lew IK 1 1 1 1 lis. The gcrmnii given at the Mattery Park last evening by Manager Mckissick to Twiehcll, Converse and Fleming of Spar tanburg was a very pleasant ,-illair. The german was led by Hradlcy Saunders and L'u couples participated. Tin-; ClTiZKS's museum giew a link today, when bonis Fvei hart sent in an egg ol variegated hue and about as large as a partridge egg. This addition wil probably go along with the other at tractions in the museum to the World's Fail . Hitch Your Horses! I-.IUTOK I iik Citizen : Many persons thoughtlessly leave their vehicles stand ing on the streets, the horses unhitched and unattended. A serious accident was thus caused yesterday. Please rpiote the folio wing ex tract Irom the city ordinances and give every one notice that hereafter it will be enforced: "Sec. 83. No person shall suffer his vehicle to stand on any street without holding the reins, except in ease of a wairon, cart, or dray while delivering or receiving a load. Any person otlcudiiig against any provision of this section shall be fined five dollars." T. IV. Pnttun, M iyor. At 12 o'clock Saturday, July loth, 1HD3. at the court house door in the city of Asheville, I will offer for sale at public auction, for cash, one dark bav horse Simpson's "Mb" 8 years old, lola hands high, and in splendid condition. One newly painted two horse delivery wagon, light enough for one horse. Louis M. BorKNK, assignee. An: Rich in the flavor of choice riic fruit. Cold and sparkling made fully to suit, A fastidious taste what else can be said Save that such soda don't so to the bead At l'clham's. jk Torrn back Acnr.s, Ot yon are all worn nut, really good for noth tna;, tt is unnprnf debility- Try BHOWlfS IROM H ITT EH. It will cur you, rlcunse vonr liver, and (It food appetite. Highest Prices raid for Railroad Tickets Special Rates Offered Acci dent Inaaraace. Clarke, ii. C Hotel Hop Pills 0 pilla, 25 cent size 15 cents bottle, 2 for 25 cents. I'elham's. STORAGE TO LET 55 S. Main St. Persoi.s w ho desire to enter Hie exam nation lor positions as carrier or clerk in the postotliee should tile their applica tions before next Monday afternoon at the close of business, as applications will not be received alter that tunc. I be ex animation will occur August ". Mrs. Minerva T.ituni of Kuoxville (lied at her home in tnal eitv ycslcidav She was a daughter of the late laioch Cunningham and a grandmother ol Mrs.J.M. Westnll of Asheville. Mrs. Tntiiin was an earnest worker in the M. F. church, South, and had maiiv Irieinls In Asheville. County Superintendent C. It. Way, who returned last night Irom Weaver ville, wlieie lias been conducting i teachers institute since .Monday, says this institute was the best, in attendance and interest exhibited, he has ever held. Superintendent W ay goes to l airvicw Monday to hold a lour d iys' itis'itut It is suggested that if the tar which runs on Ninth Main street during the warm davs were gathered up there would be a iiuantitv sutiicicnt to pitch the sidewalk ou the east side lor mute a dis tance. 1 lie Inundation sloncon this side has been down some time between Wood- fin street and Mcrriinon avenue, but for sonic reason the top dressing has not been put on. The pavement at tbe inter section ol North Main and Merrinion avenue has become so slippery by rea son of the tar that horsrs can scarcely stand up while passing there. Tim: Crr izl.n hears of two horses falling there to day. NO TOl'KNAMKNT. Hut the slate 1 Iremen'M AnHcla lion will Meet lu Wilmington. The lollowing letter dated Wilmington, N. C, July 1(1, has been sent to each ol the fire loinpanics in the State associa tion, by F. G. Parmele, chairman of the joint committee : "At the last meeting ol the Noith Car olina State Firemen's association, held at Asheville, an invitation was extended the association to meet in Wilmington at their next annual meeting. The invi tation was accepted, and their meeting will take place on the l.'1'.thol thismonth. At the same time it was intended and expected by Hie Wilmington Fire depart ment to arrange lor a tournament, em bracing a series of contests for which liberal prizes were to he offered to the winners. "Owing to an unprecedented financial depression in our community, the failure of our largest hank, involving the inter ests of our business men and embarrass ing the treasuries of hie companies for the time being, it is impossible to raise the necessary funds. Therefore, I he tour nomcnt is abandoned. 'Tt is a source ol regiet that this de cision was reached, and the committee having the matter iu charge have de ferred announcing it, hoping that mat ters would so adjust themselves as to enable them to carry out the original plan." The Asheville lire companies will not attend the meeting of the association this year. Statement ol the Condition -Of THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK Of ASilliVII.I.R. At the clo;-c of liustncs. July lilth. ls.l3. (Condensed.) KFSOI'KCHS. Loans anil discounts $;iol.7'J 111 U.OlOf.l 3,518 7 ('.,or.2 imi 4,500 OO lfijr.o oo 187 4 t Overdrafts Kcal estate Merchandise Furniture and fixtures County and other bonds bxpenscs line Irom banks $30,807 301 Cash on linnd $10,231 R8( 50,038 88 Total 385,046 63 LIABILITIES. Capital 50,000 OO Surplus 4.0,000 O0 Pndivided profits 2,608 52 Debenture bonds 52,000 00 Hills payable 27,000 OO Due to banks 5,033 OO Deposits 193,565 02 Bills rediscontinued 14,750 00 Total $385,046 63 I, L. P. McLoud. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear mat me aoove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L,. r. McLoud, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Utbdayof July, 1893. L o. ALEXANDE2, Notary public. Correct Attest: Lewis Maddux, M. J. Bbabden, J Directors. M. J. Faoo, J THE MARKETS. New York. Market. Nkw York. ul 1 Cotton fututcn, opened iiiiil; juiir. ; July. ; Au KUst. 7.H7; St-iitemlul. 7 tS; Oeti tier, K OS; November 8.17; Pt-ccatbvr S.i!-. CMocIk ttuoiullvas. Nkw Vobk, July It KHf 141...; Lakf Shore lull..; chieitno nud Nortbwcutcrn IIS; Norloitt and Wrstrrn, l'.l"H; Richmond nl Went I'uiul Terminal 'J; Western Uni. n 7'.l Uullliiiore Market liAi.riMiiRK. July I t I lour, dull; whtut, firmer; spot, Julv, 1SI ,; August li'.l' i; nilllint: wheat hv Ham pie, Kfu;o; corn, tinner; spot July, -17 'k: AtiKut H' t hid; white corn by sample, (ii; yellow, 6 AshetlUe Mnrkrls. Coneetcd dnily by rowUl.I. Sc SMUUR wnou-muc ann retail Kroecrn. These prices uri- ucinK pmu ny mc merchants to-lav. Ilutter ir.di.L'OIAiiples r(1l MB lieirs HlljIAppleii. dried .'Iditl Chickens lOiullaJ Pumpkins, rach.A(D2i Turkeys 7oLloo'SorKum ;o fucks l!l(a25!Hecswax, per Iti 1R Potatoes. w't 1 1'ftiHoney 1 Potatoes. Irish. nolVV'heat KB Turnips... ;iO(n'4.0lCorn rr Onions 7.iMcnl Br, LatinHL-c. iH-r Tr 1 louts 4-f Hums, pr bu.lOOAKl Q0Kve 711 l'ciu OStttTK ll'uy, ton $uooo Chestnuts 'JROlCelcrv, due 2fi6S0 iovnj THEY COME! GREAT MARK DOWN ! Index to Mew AdTCrtlsenienlM. Wanted- llox Ilcst l-'lmir KrtiRrr Lost 1't. ttutley street l-'rrsh t'.rapes 1-: Collin I i r Sale ;y Charlotte s tect A F it A M - I. B Alriindrr. See Statement 1'iist Nalimuil Hank Stall mint- Western Carolina Hunk eat. li'J Chnr- lydilt 17(1I SALK--One Maltese lotte street. I laa Al.icii I'l iil A, trnenrr nf voice it L. nd pinno, a tormer student of the Col: ii Ke ol music ol Cincinnati 1 estimonials snown hesioenee, 7'J Cllci-tilllt street. jcL'71111111 A1T"ANTHH My a uood lennut, n eonilort M ahle dwelling of ahout sin rooms and outhuililiiors, with two or inure neies of lain! in suhurlts ol Ashe ille or near. Ad dress lll)X 634-. Asheville, N. C. LfiST A pair of gold sneetneles. Pailcv street. I'lttton avenue. I:reneh tlroad to tlie terminus of the eli-etrir railway and eemeti i y and around the grounds. A lihrraJ reward will be pa d tiy returuiitK them to 24 Ilailcv street. J t AsHciul nu'rtiiiR of Afhevillc l.Mlie No I II) A I- ,V a M. will he held at ihr ti.suil pluit' tonight for work, livery brother is rt'iiirstetl to attend iiml visiting brothers cortliallv invited. 11 S. WORTH KN, S. W. U H. ALKX ANP11K. Sec. tilt Notice to Delinquent Pavers ! Tax The folio witiK titier was passed b v the c unty l oinmissioncrs on yesterday ' 'Ordered, that alter today ( Inly loi IKO.'I, nt one Hhall list taxes etrept UMn pavmcnt ol all tinrsHiul ckI ol luting. That on these cotitlitioiis alt vrnalties may be temitted." The n-'naUv lor failing to list within the time tirovidetl by law in limbic Tux. Thm may be remitted bv a prompt attention to t be above order. I have been appointed by the commissioners to list all persons who dc s'lf to avail themselves of this clemency, my ollicc until farther notice will be at the eitj hall. K. I. STdK ICLliV. , v 1 1 d 1 w J WKNTV-I I VIS MASK I. I S FRESH - GRAPES SIIHM'Kn FROM FARM. Will be sold every day ut auction for four days ut 12ro. at 1 Hast Court IMace. COF V I N, A re T ION AM" COM M ISSION llUSK inly I lil.'U No. Statement ol' the Condition OH TMK First National Bank OF ASHKVII.Ui:, At sh ville. in the State of North Carolina, at the tlose of btisiru-ss, July 1L IMtJ. 1, .-i ns a n d ilis- "imts $H,i Im vo Overdrafts, secured 1 T.i!1M IM rnsecurt'd,... ion r.S Hoinls t o seenrc iirculation I Kr ecnt 7o,imh on Ihie from approved reserve arentf .. . r,477 OH I iu- f rom ot ht r Na tional Hanks 1.ROH OH 1 Mte f r o m St a (r bank valid ba nkers I 1 ,OI fto Iia nkitiK house, fur nitun-andtixi iiri-s ,"0,000 00 Current cx njws and taies paid . Hh7 S I Kills or other bunks $ 1 1 ,oo (jo Fractional p a pe r enrrencv, nil kels n nd tents f7 b.'i Spt-eie 4.500 00 I.eual tender notes.. 7,H iJ oo n.r.oi, r.'i H 'flftnplion tunil with l!. S. Treasu rer l fi per rent . of ctrmlation ..., ;i,;i7f 00 Total $36S.yr, 78 ... um.mi s. In pita) stoi k paid Itl $11111,(11111 00 Surplus fund L' 00 t'ndivided pritiis . 714 04 National H a ti k tuttes outstanding 7,500 o(. Individual deposits subject toehei k... 07,773 5o I Hk to other Na tional lianks I't..i4( J 4 Hue to State Hanks and banker f, (Sfi 10 Note and hills re discounted 50,05 00 Liabilities other than tho?c above stated fl.KtO 00 MATTINGS REFRIGERATORS. TCE CHESTS. 1 HAMMOCKS. iLT SCREENS. ETC., ETC W. B. WILLIAMSON A: CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC., tfc Pulton Avenue, Anhcvllle, I. C Total $.WIi, 90S 7 Statk ok Nokth Canoi.ina. County of lluneomhe. ja W. II. Prnland. Cashier of thr nliovf n.lmed Hunk, do mileintilv swenr that the ilmve siatenirnt is true to the best uf mv knowledKe and belief. W. II. PliNLAND, Cashier. Siitisirilxil and Rworn to before me thin the 14-th day of July, 1:3. Hkank Carter, Notary Tublie. Correct Attest : R.R. Kawi.h, ) .?. K. IicKKRfinr4,lIircelors. Yin. K. HRBRMB.) M--r--4-------4-4--t""l-4H.-4.4- O l-H Q 1 1 U O O 0 a (A (0 U I- CO C8 CO 0) u a 5 s t s a CD d u o 10 WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, EA6LE BLOCK, CORNER STORE. SI'liClAL SALU All light colored suits ndiiccd from $2 to $5 on each suit. Now is your 0poi t unity. SriX'IAL SALE All underwear in auzc anil bt iggan stric8 rcdiicctl liclow value. Prepare for hot weather. Our stock is large and complete. SPECIAL SALE Straw hats. The balance of our straw hats will be sold liclow usual prices from this date. Good sliaiics arc scaicc; lietlcr select your bat today. SPECIAL SALE Ncj'ligec Shirts, Neckwear and Belts, new stock of each just received. Styles elegant, prices lower than ever. SPECIAL SALE Childun's Clothing, dcsiiablc styles and seasonable goods. Will be closed out at OO per cent, below value. CALL - AT - ONCE ! FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair &. Mcdowell, No. 45 l'attoii Avcuuc. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. lied Kooin SSuitiH, Parlor Suites, Dining Itoom Sets. Alat tresses, Chairs, Window Shades, &c. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKI3, PL.ASTEK PAKIS, FlltEWOOD, KINDLlNtiS, CIIAIICOAL, LIME, CEMENT. LAND PLASTElt, SEWER PIPE, -HAY AND FEED. O. E3. MOODY, TELEPHONE NO. tZI. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. IS THE C.REATEST LUXURY OF LIFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT Is tlielFirLeo t TflTirLt er Wheat -SET LOU Tl On'themarket. Askfjour crocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. We Sell Only to Merchant . MUSTIN, FAKES 6c COMPANY. Avoid Plseatic By Using: Made From Distilled Wter ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 44 Patton Avcnur. Telephone No. 40. ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Roller King and Electric Light Flonr, Cboice Corn Meal, GRAHAM FLOUR. Dealers In All Kinds ol (GRAIN and MILL, FEKD ! The citizens of Asheville drink the water of the Swannanoa river. If that water is impure, it must be conceded that the ice taken from its surface is likewise impure. P.UT if there is dan ger in the ice, it is a patent fact that there is awful dan ger in the limpid, sparkling water itself, and the incoming administration should hasten to provide a new untainted supph from an undcfllcd source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring citizens can ob tain pure, wholesome ice, ROTH NATURAL AND MANU FACTURED, at reasonable and seasonable rates from only THE CAROLINA ICE AMD COAL COMPANY, No. J9 Palton Avniiic. Tclrnhonc. ito. HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. Wc keep constantly on hand a lntj;e mid select block ol Iced. Make a Seciult' of the !usincss. Are in constant communication with the principal deal ers and mills in v. u ions markets. Paying cash, wc get all discounts possible. Sell mainly to consumers from ton lots down to a single package. Call Get Prices ! Will Save You Money I Wc also keep in stock Wilbui's Horse and Cuttle l'uvvdcis and othcrstock med icines. We have testimonials from leading men in Asheville a t their raluc. C. S. COOPER. Great Sale Silk Waists AT MIMNAUGH Those lovely Plaids, Wash Silk, Plain India, Fancy Em pire, Surplus, all new. This summer $7.50, $8 and $10 Goods all reduced to $5. This is the Best Bargain to be presented this season. Parties Wishing to procure any of these goodb should call at once before sizes get broken. . F. P. MIMWAUGH i i

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