THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, July 18, 1893. CURES RISING .-. BREAST A COUNTRY HOME. TRCE DAY AT WELLCClLY. Kcw It I Borne of the Things to Ilcmornbor When Solootlntr One. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" V' i" "" urcatest llrtwilif OVDI nfli-n-d chilil-lx'Hriiii; woman. 1 lia lici'ii a niMl-wili- fur iiiuiiv years, anil in oiu-li caau wlit-nt "Mother's Friend" liait Ih'MhimmI itliaa n..t,i,liliil woMilirM mid rulievuil mucli MilliTinj;. It. Is I lie lient nineily fur rislni! of the breast known, aii'l worth Urn iirli-o for that alone. Mas. M. M . Hici s i in, ftluul joinery , Ala. I m nil ox)iptaiit tnoUnrn ir tbi-y will iisoa r-w lurttli-a or Mother's I riend tiny will ui lliroiiKU tlio ordeal willmut iiny puiu ami bullcrmb'. M.ts. ;.Uv 11 A Mi A si. Aruiis- ille, ?.!. Look Will to the Situation of the House. for the Spot Should lie Well Ilralnod a Well as Picturesque Water for Domflitlo Purposes. I'scd Mother' Friend l-cfoiv l.irlli l eighth cuiltl. Will niivrrri'ao Us ir:iis'. Mud. .1. 1'. MoiUlK, oli:.-u, nty fa I. on ruccint Kent ly express, diaries iircpaiil of price, 1.50 per bulllu. BRADPIELD REGULATOR CO., Sold liv nil ilrnnlts. Atlanta. Oa WANT COLUMN. . mr will mu'iirv in lnriv . ....... .- .-V' . JI paying ollice position, oi 4-tir li iMiness ami interest ia 3 t Grove street a permanent a knowledge same Call .ivl7dtf WANTKll TO S1SI.I A stock of Rowls un.l lixturt'S at cost, amounting to SlfiO. Apnly at :I23 W. lluywood street. jvlUdl w "irANTll TO HUY- -Second hand furnl turc. ciockcry and uoods of nil aorta li. COFl'IN. Auction nnrt Commission llonse, 1 Hast Court Siure. jutrlS13f ONH HOI.LAK will start you in business; no cuiivnss'iiK; Hiiitittile for lady or k n tlcniHn; will not interfere with other work; profit l!oo per cent; dividends monthly; 31 Orovc street. jyl7dtf WANTKIi A partner, either silent or ac tive, with S'j.nuo, to invest in an estab lished business in Ashevillc which yields very large profit on capital i ivested. Safe and desi-nlile linquire, Partner, this ollice jirti:it ANTKll-Tll GIVil $00 RHWARII for nnvcuicof toothuehc that one ;int tie of A illiams He Kind's famous toothache medicine will not cure in two minutes. For sale by all druKKints at iu cents per bottle. We ask vou to trv it. livery bottle guaran teed by !1". C. Smith & Co., wholesnle a tints for Aihcvillc. N. C- Jc'JOiKlm. FOK We F.IK cor tXR RENT. 17V K KliNTOR SAI.Ii A nine-room house. ' unfurnished; modern improvements, lo llAilcv street. Inquire by letter MISS S. M. HDSSRLL, moyOdtf 1. l. Hox OS. KKNT I'riek house. No. 30, on I ooohn sireei; hi nice rooms wi, servant's room, rrlre reasonunic. Apply to Jesse K. Starnes, li7 North Main street, iyiadlw TU KHNT The finest rooms in Ashevillc. furnished or unfurnished, single or en siiite Cool, clean, comfortable; rent very moderate; 31 Grove street, third door from ration n venue jy!7dtf IJIOK KKNT The Kuropcm hotel, 1 South Muin street, Ashevillc, N. C. First elass stand for restaurant. Terms reasona ble Applv to T. U. Johnston or F. W. Thomas, Johnston building. jun3dtf H ItN r The brick building on the irncr oi cnurcn street san raiun avenue. r,ouil Karcien; gooa nouse lor bonrJiiiK house Anply to T. I. Johnston or I. W. Tuoiuas, Juhnatun buildiuK. Asheville, N. C un7dtf Poi; RttrT That larjic and conveniently arrunKcd house, No M Merrimon ave nue Hot ami cold water with baths on two floors All modern improvements Location central, with laruc well shaded grounds Splendid residence for Inrne family or board iiiK house Apply to 11 C or M J l'AGO. qprtfidtf HOARDING. 1 I'hilHp street; by month. weekordav, wi'.n or without Iodising. Kwiatkowski. jyCdlni "1 AKlING At 71 1HII street; rood tn J hie board with coir fortablc rooms Near streetcars. Mrs. Sallie Hall. jvlOdlw" PKIVA I'lv HOAKniNU Pleasant rooms, uooil tabh-, tine location Convenient to postoilice and street car lines (irove street. Jyildlm 1XIAKII1NG t No 174 Havwood street; Table furnished with the best the mar ket affords Hot and cold water. Pine lo cation, on car line. Mrs. A. ottinger. tf 1JRIVATB HOARD Choice rooms -with tirst-class board; central location; rea sonable rates, atMrs. Howie's, Flint street, -M door from Haywood. jyl5d:tl f lOAKDINO-At No. 8 Starnes avenue. J Table furnished with best the market nirords; hot and cold water; furniture new; line location; on car line; single and double rooms. apratidtf HOARDING House pleasantly situated in liest location in city, near street cars; la rue s UKle ami double rooms; tabic the very finest. Reference can be given. MRS M. SCHIRRM lilSTBR, McCapc House, 21 Grove Street, uprl'.tdtf 1 OAKI). rflHB CHAT HA II Private boarding house X. No. 211 Haywood street. Pine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; not and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two bundled yards from Montford ear line. MKS.M. B. DltTWII.BR, oct7dtf Proprietress. M ISCBLLANEOUS. JOTICU TO CONTRACTORS. Mayor's Office. AbhcviKc, N. C, July lo, IH'.ki. Sealed proposals will kc received nt thia ollice until 3 o'clock p m , July 21, lMUM. for lurnishins and scttinir on crr'uin streets in the city or Ashevillc about 1O.OO0 feet of (4) four inch curbstone, the stone to be taken from the city's quarry in Henderson count?. Also for furiii.hinic the materials and laylna; about 1.1AO yards af rubble pavement on College street. Plans and specifications can Ik- seen in the office of the city engineer. The rif;ht to riect any all bids is reserved. Julylod'jt T. W. PATTON. Mayor. XTOTICU-Hv virtue or the power J3( in mt by a deed or trust made and Tested exe cuted on the 14th day of December, 1HU, by S. G. Weldon and wife, II attic A Weld on. and registered in hook 31, page ft2. in the records of mortgages and deeds of trut in the ollice of register of urcds for the county of Muncomhe and State of North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for fur ther description, to secure the payment ot the note therein descrilied, anil ilefault hav ing liecn made in the payment of sad note ml Interest thereon, and having been re Hues ted by the cesti que trust to sell said Wnd and nremises to satisfy said note, I will sell at public auction, at thecourt house door in the citv of Asbeville. at 1U o'clcK noon, August 1, 1SK.I, the fallowing de scribed land and premises and all the a p nurtcnances thereunto belonging; Deing on the east side of Market street. adjotniriK lands of l'rsnk Loughran and others. For particulars thereof reference is hereby made to same as registered. This June 27, 18U3 M.J. BBARUBN. Trustee MAGNETIC NERVINE. AFTER the Brain caatnir Mlsry. Insanity and Dr ruirrKutw, junpowutTy. boil rowtr u vtuuu PrinBtup Old Act. lnvotntitary Lupm caiu b ovtfr-indalffnuce. ovpr-xerUm of thn Brain anrl Errors of Youth. ItniTto Wnak Onrnns their Natural Vigor and doublm the of Ufa; cur tuoorrlirva and Female WmknnM, A mnnth trnl- tnent. In tlam paccaire. cy mail, to any aolrv, 1 tr box, 6 hoxM $5. WtU every 96 orlr we frlve cirruiarA I rev, uuaxautev ubuou uiu vj our ciuiMve aireuU RAYSOR & SMITH. 81 Patton Avenue. Ashevillc. N. C Is sold Ha writtaa auarams to cure N orvous Prosrtrsi tlon, Fits, Wul ttaaa, Head aoha and N eurslgta and Wako fulaoss,cusod nyex cossivsusoof Opium. Toliaeno and Aloo- his: Mratal Iproa sion, oftenlnsr of E. Ms ANDREWS 16 and iS W. Trade St. The leading Furniture, risno and Orzas dealer la the Camlinas. Write hint for mieea, ort W. O. Peenles. srsreial s reti . an Sonth Main treat. Ashevillc. N C Knee. lal attention given to furnishing hotels and nae residences. is. as. anukkws, Jodaai Charlotte. N. C ThcTO aro man y things to consider I when looking1 about for a country homo, but the most essential ot all is tho situation of tho houso. No matter how lovely and picturesque the spot may bo it should not be se lected for a home unless tho founda tion upon which tho houso stands is well drained and dry. The cellar should bo light, airy and freo from moisture. A cellar that is dark, damp and poorly ventilated Is capa ble of producing unhealthy condi tions throughout the house. Next in importance to the location of tho houso aro the water supply and tho Bo wernge. If tho well that supplies tho family with water is near the barnyard or tho drain that carries the sewage from tho house, it will bo contaminated. Unfortunately, water thus poisoned does not al ways give indications of its danger ous condition. Assuming that theso three mat ters are satisfactory it Is well to take into consideration the adapta bility of tho house for living pur poses, tho accessibility to tho source of supplies, nearness to tho railroad station, etc. Nor must the natural beauties and special attractions be lost sight of; for, in tho country, we aro dependent upon our surround ings for much of the pleasure and comfort of life. Thcro should bo ample shade near tho house, but not so close as to prevent the sunlight from falling upon any part of it. If one can locate In tho neighborhood of a stream or lake so much tho bet ter, becauso of the greater beauty of tho landscape and the added pleasure of boating and fishing. When it is possible the country housekeeper should have her vegeta bles and fruit from her own garden. If in addition to this she can have hens to supply eggs, chickens for cooking, and milk, cream and butter from her own dairy, it is possible to make housekeeping in tho country comparatively easy. To tho seeker of a new homo In all ages and countries one of the first considerations has been tho supply of drinking water. It makes no difference what advantages a lo cation may offer, tho would-bo ten ant will hesitate a long time before deciding upon a homo whero puro water ia not to bo found. No water in its natural state is chemically yuiu, uui but; vi 111 jiuiu v u 1 1 i implies an article which is free from qualities injurious to health. As it Is generally understood, then, a puro water will bo clear, and free from taste and smell. It sometimes hap pens that water that has been tainted with sewage will have these very characteristics; but, as a rule, most waters, when impure, show some indications of it. If there is any question as to tho purity of tho water nono of it should be used for drinking or cooking purposes unless it Is first boiled. There are several Other methods of purifying water, but boiling is the safest of all. When wafer is tainted by decaying veg etable matter several methods aro used to purify it. It may be boiled, or filtered through charcoal, or oak chips, or a little alum may bo added. The addition of tho astringent wood or tho alum causes the albuminous matter In tho water to coagulato and fall to tho bottom, and tho pu rified water can bo poured off. A chemist who has given this matter much thought advises that this method should not be used con stantly, purifying with permanga nate being more healthful. To pur ity witn potassium permanganate slowly add a few drops of tho liquid until the water becomes pink. Let it stand a few hours, and add tho liquid again, a drop at a tlmo, until tho water ceases to become discolored. It frequently happens that the water is hard from the admixture of lime and other substances. There aro .several methods of softening hardwater. Boiling, for example, will precipitato tho llmo. If a little carbonate of soda is added to the water when it is boiling it will help tho softeninar process. Alum is sometimes used for this purpose but it is not to be recommended for frequent use, because of its astring' ent properties and its liability to produce dyspepsia. Ladles' Home Journal. Where Wives Are Pawned. European nations, in one form or another, are pretty well acquainted with the uses of tho pawnshop, and the benefit of being able, when oc ca&ion needs, of placing all sorts of articles with their "uncle; but the heathen Chinee appears to beat them hollow in this respect, being able. according to a custom in that coun try, to pawn his wife. A case is reported from Weuchow where a man, having learned from astrologers that his own wife would not llvo long, took another man s wife over in pawn, ready for appro priation when required. It appeared, however, that this woman had already been pawned to a third party, who was too poor to sut)TXrt her comfortably, and that she herself, so It Is alleged, procured her subsequent pawning fraudulent ly by representing that her mother wished it to be so. This curious custom of wife pawn ing Is likely, therefore, to come be fore the tribunals, to decide as to the legal right of the various par ties. Drake's Mamzlae. A Pretty Collero Festive! and Is Celebrated. One of the prcttiont college fosti vals that I ever c:uv wan the celebra tion of Troo day at Wcllotiley college.--About the elass-trco scats were arranged upon the greensward. One seat, higher than the rest, was marked by a beautiful purple ban ner embroidered in gold with the motto and date of tho class. This was to be the seat of the class pres ident, or, as it was called, tho "Throne of tho Princess." Soon tho seats were filled by tho college stu dents. First came tho "specials," who were dressed as xray Japanese I v or icinnging to, or which mar b. ... , j vi v I fler held, owned or belong t said lilriN, ill must: rtui-" uutt uiu uowa bunched behind." Uow their fans fluttered, and how bright wcrj their parasols! Then followed tho subfresbmen In dark blue, the col lege color, with daisy girdles. Tho sophomores appeared as nuns, robed in black and white, with cords of clover blossoms about tho waist. A horn was heard blowing clear over tho campus. Soon a merry band of girls in green came running forth at tho summons, and this was joined by another band and then another. These were juniors pretending that thev were Robin Hood's famous hunters. The freshman class were Greek maidens, clad in looso, white robes such as Nausicaa wore at that famous game of ball about which all college girls like to read. Tho seniors appeared finally, robed in purple gowns and caps, as dignified as one would ex pect girls to be who are about to say farewell to college days. Tho senior president seated herself upon tho throne. Lively little heralds called the names of tho classes, and then tho responses came in cheer after cheer of clear, ringing voices such hearty college cries of English, Latin and Greek words and letters danc ing together, with one grand end to each cheer "W-e-l-l-e-s-l-e-yl" After the tumult had died away it was announced that tho senior pres ident had taken tho role of Ten nyson's "Princess," and would hold court. With much ceremony gifts were offered, after which speeches were made. I confess that I do not remember all. that was said, but there were theso words spoken: "We are to give now rather than to receive. Wo aro to be, by doing. We are to grow stronger by helping tho weak ; to grow more courageous by encouraging the faint-hearted; to grow nobler by lifting up ono high ideal in tho sight of all tho world." Farther down tho lawn was a newly-planted tree for tho freshman class; it was only a bundle of twigs with a leaf or two at tho top, but the princess gathered her court about It with as much ceremony as if it had been the noblest oak of the forest. There was again much speeoh - making, followed by tho transfer of a spado from the sopho mores to tho freshmen. Tho exer cises ended in a graceful dance about the tree. Whatever the court eti quette, there was no doubt that all the girls had a "royal good time." St. Nicholas His Coaching Accident. Tho veteran of '40 had just finished relating several exciting stories of coaching in the old days In the west, and looked around triumphantly. "Yaas," approved a youth in whitp flannels, who sat on tho piazza near him, as tho veteran caught his eye. "Mebbeyou know somethin'. about it? smilingly suggested the old man, in a patronizing way. "Yaas," replied tho youth, "I do. Lawst year I had a very exciting expewlence with a coach. Lawst yeah was leap-yeah, ye know, and there was a girl at .Newport who waited for an opportunity to pro pose, and she was so strong-minded that we fellows nevah gave her a chance, because we knew we'd havo to say yaas if she evoh awsked us. Well, they had a coaching party one day and I was invited, but at tho lawst moment I found I aw had to escort Miss Newton, the stwong- mlnded damsel, and it so affected me that I had a sunstwoko and couldn't go. So they took Cholly Bludd in my placo, and Cholly came back engaged. I cried for joy that night over my narrow escape." "Humph! ' interrupted tho vet eran, ' there s noitnn in ina. " EOAL NOTICE Master's sale under rls J J cree of foreclosure in the matter of th Ashevillc Street Hallway company. In the Circuit court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina. The Atlantic Trust compsny, complainant, vs. The Ashevillc Street Kaflwav company and the Ashevillc Light and Power company, defendants. No. in equity. Whereas, at a term of the Circuit court of the United States of the Western District of North Carolina held at the city of Ashevillc, In the said State or North Carolina on the day ( May, 1XH3 a decree was entered in the above entitled suit, foreclosing the mort gage of said defendant, the Ashevillc Street fall way company, mentioned In said com plainant's bill of eomplnint, and Whereas, It is therein ordered, adjudge! .iml decreed that all the corporate property r all and everv nature whatsoever and wherever situate, now owned or subs'.--piently acquired by the said Ashevillc Street Kailwnv company iu and near the said city f Ashevillc. consisting of all and singular :hcestn'e real, persons! ami mixed and ml .he rights, privileges, franchises, leases, con tracts anr! - hoses in action in Inw and in qultv, of all and everv kind, n id ana- owned oc nm- mort- irngxr company. Including ail a m singular the railway, switches and tou. iiouts, rolling tock, equipment, electric pi in t "nd all other roferiy in process of contraction, owned nr acquired at the date of the execution oi the said mortgage, or subsequently by it .-onstructed operated and maintained, wnc ' or acquired and all the profits, in. :nine and revenue derived therefrom, to gether with nil the rig ts, powers, privi leges and immunities gralted under the or- I i nances of the Board of Alderman, and all thar things whatsoever now or hereafter iielonging or appertaining to, or which mnv ne used lor the purpose of cqtiiping, operat ing and maintaining saiu nuiroao or any li .rt thereof; also all the property, rights .1 ml franchises of th- Ashevillc Light and I 'ower company acquired by the said The Ashevile Street. Kail way compnny. Including imong other things the following described property : The following lot or parcel of land In the aid citv of Asbcvdle, beginning at the inter section of lie fences on the south side of Ha- i.l,. street and alinut slltv feet east of the building formerly occupied by the Blectrlc RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. HC1DKK.OFBB and RSIJBB FOSTBK. Receivers WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect July 2, 1893 EASTBOUND Lv lCuoxville Morrifltown ,. LVT I'aint Rockr7.r.T." " Hot Springs Aalieville " Round Knob " Marion M organ ton " Hickory Newton Statesvllle Ar. Salisbury Greensboro Danville Ar. Richmond .NO. I6 . o lioam . " a-l-am .NO. 12 7 loam 8 35am 12 aopro 1 2 tpm 2 SOpm 3 f2pm 4 33pm 5 17pm 6 flpm S 2pm 7 1 lpm H OOpm lo 40pm 1 a 07am 7 OOam Lt. Oreensboro til 25pm Ar. Durham 3 lftam " Raleigh 6 OOam Ooldsboro 1 2 onpm Lv. Danville 12 lAam Ar. Lynchburg; 1 6Ham ' Washington 8 r,am eye! TTrst inTTres and Improvements Haltimore Philadelphia. New York "westbound" Lv. New York ' Philadelphia, naltimore NO. 15 H orpm lO SOpm 18 3pm NQ.II 4V SOpm e oopnr o sopm Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube to be used in case of accident. I5y simply removing a punc tured inner tube through a. hole in the rim, repair is effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. If you arc going to ride why not ride the best? Washington.. " Lynchburg.... Ar. Danville II) 4.3pm 3 4.Qam S 34am BOSTON, OVERMAN WASHINGTON. WHEEL DENVER, CO. SAN FRANOISCO. Lv. Richmond 12 50am Danville S 35am Ar. Oreensboro H 15am Lv. Galdsboro 7 45pm Lv Raleigh 0 OOam Durham T f3am Ar. Oreensboro M 05am Asheville Bicycle Company, Agents. isht company, and running with the soutb- rn margin of Uagle St. south seventy-three and one-half degrees west ninety-five feet to a stake; thence north thirteen degrees fifty ninntcs east one nun 'red anrt nny lect m u .ttilr.-. thence north seventv-threc and one ,lilf d-grces east twenty-seven fest to n tnkc at the fence; thence north fourteen and ne-hnlf degrees west nine feet to the fence .orner; thence aith the fence north twentv t wo and onr-hoir decrees east one hundred .mil fifty -seven feet to the beginning. Also all that true! or lot of land in said city of Abbeville, adjoining the luuds of Mrs. Atkins. S. O. Weldon anil others and con veyed by J. O. Weldon nnd wife to Cs M McLotid and on vy'iit-li the Oas Works of the Ashevillc -as and l.i:lii company are ot were situated, with all tights of way and other privileges conferred on said McLoud by deed recorded in olliee tf register of deed, for ItiineoinlK-county in hook ft of deeds, page 417; also, the lilctiric Light and Powet Works, building, engines, boilers, machinery tools wires, electrical appliances uud ap purnttis, ilvnunios, generators, armatures contracts of all kinds, and all other prop crty formerly belonging to the Ashevillc Ivlrclric l.ilit compnny; also the Gas and Light Works, building, engines, boilers, ma chinery, tools, wires, contract of all kinds, rctort ltotiNe, shed mid other buildings, delivery !i;cs, fixture, lamps and lamp posts. Iiuineisand all other property, real ami Hrsin:il. formerly belonging to the Ashevillc nnd Light company; also all tho property both real and personal of all and every name anil nature whatsoever, and whenever acquired by the Ashevillc Light and I'owcr company, including a nong other tilings tli grounds upon which the new power house stands and held in the name ot . A. 1'ciiiicnt, trustee, to-'ctlicr with all and singular the appurtenaMees, privileges and hcridiiunicnts belonging lo all of said prop crl:"s incl u tin the irancliise of said Ashe vi'lc Light .'in I I'ower eo'iipany to be a cor tiurutw.i. an lull rights of in and through the streets, allcvs, avenues, pulilic squares, buibl; ingsuud parks and over .una tlir.iugll pri vulc proK-rvv m said cily of Ahci-lc or elsewhere to lav ilcliv ry and sei vice pipes or s.rin wires, and the erection of t, II sorts anil kinds ol gnt, electric and otlierp.-sts or tow cralie s.jld under the dirce'io-i of A. T. Sum my the u ideragned special MasterCoinmia aioner, and the proceeds of ucli sale applied to the sntis'actioii or said judgment, interest and c sts except sti h as are otUcrwise pro vided for in stiid decree, and Whereas, it is further onlcrc I, ad.itiilgeil and decreed 111 it said Master Com missioncr shall sell said property for cash, or fjr cash and bonds, and as nil entirety, und without the bcneliv of any stay, vntuution, extension or redemption laws nt putilic auction to the highest bidder therefor at said city of Asbe ville, and .... Wncreas, It isitiruicr oruercu. nujuagcij unci dicced that notice of the time nnd place oi said sale shall be given by said Master Com missioner by advertising the same t nee a week for eight successive weeks pre eeding the ilav ot sale in a paper publishid iu the city ol'Ashevllle in said State of North Car lina, and for the same period in a pap- r pub lished in the city of New York in the State o jcw York; and that such sale sh:ill be held at the front door or the building used as e court house by the Circuit court of the United States at said city of Ashevillc at such time us said Mas cr Commissionci shall in said notice of said sale appoint ami Whereas, it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that no bids shall be received irnni anv person for a less sum than one hun dred anil twenty-five thousand dollars, and that no bid shall be received from any per son who sh ill not first deposit with said Master Commissioner as a pledge that such bidder w II make good his bid in case' of ac ccptance the sum of twenty-five thousand doll irs in money or rcctivcr's certificates, ot said bonds secured by said m .rtgnge to the compluinant to the amount of filly thousand dollars exclusive of interest; the deposit o received from the successful bidder shall be applied on account of the purchase price, the balance of the purcase price may be paid cither in cash or Hit purchaser may satisfy the sume In whole or in part by paying over and .rrenileriiii aovof thcutlpaid and outstand ing Receiver's certificates and by properly re leasing and d.schurging any claims which have hiretofore or which may hereafter be adjudged to be valid liens and prior in right to the lien of the ssid mortgage and by pre senting nnd surrendering the outstanding ti, I and the overdue and unpaid coupons of the Ashevillc Light und Power company and the bunds and the overdue and unpaid coupons pertaining thereto, secured by the mortgage mentioned and described In com plainant's bill of complaint. The purchaaei will take the said property subject to the twenty-six thousand dollars of bonds of said Street Railwa" company secured bv its mortgage of 1881, also subject to the debt or the Receiver herein as shall be outstand ing at the dote of said sale or the confirma tion tncrcoi, anil aiso oojewi. m ,n. vi.s-. outstanding bonds issued by the Ashevillc Light anil I'owcr company unoer us iiukc- 1Hk;i; also subject held by I. A. Tennent tor tnrce taousauu aoiiurs u.uu accrued interest. Now therefotc public notice Is here by given that I, A T. Summey, Master Com missioner, in pursuance of said decree -will, on the 6th day of September, 1M03, between the hours of twelve aud four o'clock of said dav, in the city of Ashevillc, in the State of North Carolina, at the front door of the United States Circuit court house in said city sell at public auction to the highest bid der In accordance with the said terms sns conditions of said decree the above men ine,l nronertv. lund. premises, rights and franchises and apply the proceeds thereof ss a LV Oreensboro.... " Salisbury Statesvllle " Newton " Hickory a Morgan tori .. ' Marion Round Knob.. Ar. Asheville " Hot Springs,. faint Rock . U17 pm .11) 4Mpm 4 Q2pm 8 20ara 10 11 Oilam 1 1 54am 12 16pm 1 59pm 1 46pm 2 4ipm 4 OOpm (S 6 lopra SEE 21 US ABOUT OUR $100.00 . CLUB ON .NUMBERS I AND THERE ARE A NUMBER OF GOOD BICYCLES, BUT ONLY ONE BEST! A. &.S. Momstown Knozville........ 7 45pm R MLROAD NO- 16 NO- 14 R i tarn 1) li am 27am U 52am lo 22am 11 3am NO" 16 Lv. Ashevillc a lOpm 4 HendersonvlUe 3 2pm " Plat Rock 3 lOpm " Saluda 3 32pm Trvon 4 01pm Ar. Spartanburg B OOpm Lv Spartanburg. Tryon " Saluda " Flat Rock... ... " Henders'nv'le.. Ar. Asheville NO 15 NO-13 3 llipm 4 2tpro 4 Slinm 5 22pm r. 33 pm 41 40pm RaLXXslslDlOlTS T " 20pm 7 lXpm 7 47pm H lOpm H lf-pm 8 1 2pm MURftHV BRANCH NO I9 NO 17 Lv. Asbeville 1) OOam f 45pm Ar. Wayncsville lo 25am H 16pm Lv Brvson Citv 7 OOa " Andrews 11 31 am Tomotla 12 on pin Murphy .12 Stlpm NO. 20 NO 18 1 Lv. Murphy fl 30pm Ar. Tomotla 1 55pm Andrews 2 35pm Lv. Hryson City 4 06am Ar. Wayncsville OOpm ft 25am Asheville 7 30uin. 8 OOam With Gormully & Jeffery Patent Tire. PENNIlYIATsT BROS., AGENTS, ASHEVIi-l-E, NORTH CAROLINA. SEE US ABOUT OUR i $100.00 CLUB ON NUMBERS I AND 2 ! SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Non. 11 CLtid 12 Pullman Sleeuers between Hot Springa and New York, via Anhcvillc, Salisbury and Washlnfrton: aImo between Aabeville and Cincinnati via Knoxvillo and Harriman anil Ashevillc and Cbicaco via Knoxvillc and Hurriuwin nnd Louisville. Trains Nor. 13 and 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y, connect- I inp at Loitira ma lor bavaunan viab. is k. k. with Pnrlor cars. W. A. TURK, S. H. I? A RD WICK, Gen. Pans. Aftt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., VanhinKton, D C, Atlanta. Ga. W.H. GREHN, Gen. Manager, Washington V - I. Al l V .-. uvu (vilJL.a V. l-iU"n ll v. V . SOL,. HAAS. Traffic Manager, WashlnKton tlaily except Sunday. Sunday only. THE COUNTRY MAILS. Brevard, Ar. 6 p m L-v. 7 a"m Kuthvrfordton, 41 7 p m am tturnsvlllc, 7 am" 6 am Beach, 9 am" O am Leicester. "11 a m " 12 m ' t We attach this tag every tac or HULL LUKHAM for the protection of the smoker. The Tariff Has not raised the price on Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. There are many other brands, each represented by some inter ested person to be "just as good as the Bull Durham." They at e not; but like all counterfeits. they each lack the peculiar and attractive qualities of the genuine t0 BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. DURHAM, N. C. P. L. COWAN & CO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OP FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Native Stones. Mcmntlnn Made to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED! No. 8 North Court Place, A8HBVILLB. N. C. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. k.cep In nt..ak "Mount Vernon.' 'Canadian Club," and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. Wines. Brandies, Beer. Ale and Stout for family nae. All goods delivered free. The best Ale and Porter on drauKht, Unltrsucc No. 14 North Main and 7V4 College streets. Telephone No. 162 P. S.: On and after May Dth I win send statement of accounts by mall to parties In- (taijc to the Parmer's I. a imnv dated January Ul, to the purchase money iiiortRanc fM " K THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK deb ted to me If not settle 1 by that time. Respectfully, if-.r a1 .-. ' 4 ...... .1 4I,a i. h. ,alil iIihtiv mule tin lucio 1 "i. m. n-rticularitv. both as to the youin; inai wiuo was ono oi mo worst I cvah failed to taku la my life. It was a wegulah coaching acci dent, and nearly bwoko my heart. Cholly mawied tho girl in June, and in July she had an' old uncle die who left her a million and a half, bo, you see, we have just as Daa acci dents nowadays," he added, triumph antly, as they evah had in '49. Harper a Bazar . provided. property to oe miu miu n. i w, n,: reference is made to the salt! mortgage and the decree of foreclosure entered in said suit. a T SIIMUKV snni MaiifrCnrntnlMioiirr. United estates I oirrnit eourt for the Western District of I North Carolina. I. Augustus Johnson, William street. New York city, M. B. Car ter, A'hcvillc, N. C, solicitors for complainant. The Shepherd One Ahead. r It is related of Lord Cockburn, tho English chief justice, that one day, on his Scotch estate, after a long stroll, he sat down on a hill side beside a shepherd, and observed that the sheep selected the coldest situation for lying down. "Mac," said he, "I think if I were a sheep I should certainly havo preferred the other sido of that hill." The shop herd answered: If you had been a sheep you would can have had more sense. uoiaen uavs PivB RBASORS Why You Should Takb Th a Citiikn - 1. It Prints the News. 2 lt Writes Its Own liditorlals. 3. lt Is the liest Local 1'aper Bver Printed In W. N. C. . lt Prints the Latest Telegraphic News From All the World. (1. It Believes in Ashevills Alwaya. To sum up KUWSPAPER. HAVS YOU TltOUOHT OF'lT T Six Dollars Will Oet It Pur a Year, and If Yon Live in Asneviue n win Be Delivered at Your Door livery Bvenlnfc. The Most Convenient Trunk ever devised. "THE TRAY is arranged to roll back, leav- a . , . . - . . T.h.V ana. ,f U JUg llie UOblULU ui lua aiuu. swo ... OCRS. Nothing to lircak or (rot out of order. The Tray ran be lifted out if desired, and to buy thia stylo is a fcuarantca that you will gut the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers. H. W. ROUNTRCE . BRO., Vcmmoho. VA. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, . . ACME WINE & LIQUOR BOUSE PROFESSOR. COLB Identifying rilm Has nnened a music office at No. 68 Wood- A nv 1mvI - Villi I - - , m-- ....fell,. I. fiicl a II tnvttptl to I Both vocal and instrumental seasons i will be given at the office or residence .as tlc- irrri If vou do not wsnt to take lessons I yourself caU in the Interest of your friend. Office hours from V o'clock a. m. to 12 in. KE Your broken wagons and vehicles of uli kinds to B. Bnrncttc's shop on CoIIcrc street, where thev will be repaired oroiniitlv and in first-vlass style. Hav- . - mg secured nri-cia uwi k-buuvi make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. U. BURNETTE. r THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. Claims the larcest stock of first class' pood a of an v house in the State. Makes) a specialty of Cooklnj? Braadies and Jelly Wines.) Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn.' J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 South RXiiin. Street TELBPHONB CA.M NO. 139, . BOX 88, A8HBV1LI.E. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. if BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR GO., BXaixt St., AslaeviUe. No). 4.x and 4.3 S. Gummy Poor Paddock has lost three thousand dollars betting: on the races. Gargoyle Paddock? I don't think J know him. do IT Gummev Perhaps not, but he's the man who picks out the probabla winners for the dally Blocun. Ju4sT. jvOiUw 65 Sonth Mala Street. 2 doors below city ticket of fice. SPECIAL ACCIDENT 1N81RANCB FOR WORLD'S PAIR TRIP, $3,00O aad $16 Weekly for $1 per week. Same for ladies. H..: :nna unnorliiiis and Oloet in ltoo ltaya, without Pain. I otricture. uontains no poisonous substances, and nteed. absolutely hsrmlesa. prescriosMl I nnren nu vi - - Ifllnftln 1 fGJ I Prevents sajpal acrid or p SmI I is pnsrsn o WHOLBSALBIlBPAHtTMBNT, OBJiTff "Vr IT PARLOR AND KBAUINO ROOM. JJN J T A S eed absolutely nsrmiesa. 1 by physicians. Best Hy with each bottle. Price l roaltlsts Beware of Sab. CIOARS, TOBACCO AND nOTTLB OOOD8, BAM PLB, BILL1AKU AND) POOL ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AMD : B0TTUXG : DEPARTMENT NO. 43. IN : BASEKENT. Aabeville Aeents. Kaysor Ik Smith, pre! scription druggista. 31 Psttosstense. fcblOdlr- i and WhUkey Habits cureu at noine wiui- out pain. Bawkofpar- s j aMBBBBSaHBSaassaai n. iw. v?inM.i,r-i, i I V .r.i,ui1w1,.u...iiB. '--- 1 lffiPglJrJ3; Wc respectfully solicit a share of yosr patroaaa-a. JHsvin EutranccNo. j i a

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