THE ASHKVTLIiE, DAILY CITIZEN Wednesday Evening, August 2, 1893. I, ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN THK HONEV PANIC. la nubliahed sufteraoon (except Sundaiy) at the fol- Thi Dn-T Citizkh, Democratic, everv raff mtHctlr cask OKI iTm. e.oo Bn lloiirai a.OO Tmi MOHTHI. l.BO On Momtb 60 OnaWaaK lo WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1893. Op the three negroes lynched at Gas ion, S. C, Saturday and Sunday last, one, the ringleader, confessed to bavins assaulted two women and one child. YV ranting rifv the manner of his tak-1 drain us of cold : if I. inW that he did not credit, logically undetermined private " I .....rl ; f until a munpv ttniiio w:is 1 iri't-1 In Tnere Mas tie a complete Resto ration of confidence- From the Philadelphia Tlraea. We are in the midst of a money panic. It is a money panic pure and simple; it is not a business panic. The banks are solvent; the icoplc are solvent; the crops arc uuusually bounti ful, but a gradual departure from a sound financial policy, in which all par ties participated; imparted national credit abroad, sending our securities home to and impaired public die too soon. So lonx as the present administration of City affairs continues to publish monthly a statement of the disburse ments and receipts, month by mouth, showing just what It costs to conduct Aheville's affairs, just so long it will do only its plain duty We know now where the money iscoinc to. Tbe state ment ought, moreover, to be scrutinized bv everv citizen for errors, if any there be, and public comment made on such. The City is now paying its bills promptly and snendins money no faster than it comes in. That is business. rRVITLKU BVUDOSINu. tated. Money is abundant, but with a steady reduction of values investments stopped, and with bank and business suspensions niultipneu money was with drawn from business and deposits to board in locked boxes until confidence returns. When there shall be a restoration of a sound financial policy for the nation, commerce, industry and trade will re sume their energies and the panic will end. The basis of restoration of con fidence and prosperity is honest money, and the one evil that is the fountain ol our present business woes is the steady drift of tbe last decade, aided by ull political parties from the standard of money accepted and demanded by the leading governments of tbe world. THK bOVTUERN GIRL. Wt- ;lic Is MIssIuk l-'roiu The Near Home Hesorts. Mackinac Island cor. Detroit News. rhc number of very beaulilul youug ladies here is something astonishing, while the scarcity of eligible young men is noted daily, the girl who can com mand one being considered very fortu nate, indeed. Southern girls have so lar the call for popularity, their sunshiny ways and delightful manner ol speech attracting all. The parents, too. seem to be ol the same piece and go in with the young people for life in all its pleas ures. Northern girls and tlicir mammas tlock all by themselves, and one must have the credentials ol Hradstreet s to make any impression upon I hem or their set. Banka and (lie ghtnuan Act. Senator Stewart of Nevada. The newspapers and banks tell ns tliat the panacea for all our troubles consists in repealing the Sherman act. What harm has the Sherman act done ? The secretary of the treasury has refused to use tbe silver purchased under tlic act as money. It simply lies idle in Treasury, although the act requires the secretary to coin sufficient ol it to provide tor tlic redemption of treasury notes. About $14-0.000.000 of legal tender treasury notes have been issued. hat Harm have they done ? Nobody has refused to take tbem. If they were destroyed how would it help the situation ? If banks are daily tailing because there is not money enough, would it help them to destroy $14.0,000,000 of our present cir culation ? In Dcmocraci'K Nanir, "Wlitre are we At?' From Ihc Richmond Dispatch. We have never believed that the Chi cago convention of lNDU really held all the opinions which were there set forth penders and knlyes and secured pieces of I as the opinions of the Icmicrat ic party Advocates ot HcKlnlexlam Mai Understand mat It Is Doomed Prom the Philadelphia Record. Some pt the beneficiaries of tariff mon opoly and their organs fill tbe air with fearful predictions of the consequences of I the tariff legislation which the American people have ordained. Monopolies en joying protective duties ranging as bigb as 100 per cent, threaten that they will be obliged to shut their factories or remove their capital to foreign lands should Congress relieve the con sumers of the country from a monstrous system of spoliation. They vainly imagine that by this met hod of campaign they cau confuse and alarm the public mind and frighten Congress into an abandonment of itsduty. Having failed in their cousDiracv to corrupt the elec tions ot the people, the beneficiaries 01 1 tariff monopoly are now engaged in an attempt to bulldoze their representatives. This latter manoeuvre is destined to fail as signally as did the former. The neonlc who have chosen the ma jority in Concress are not responsible tor the reccssity ol sweeping away tne i existing system of McKinleyism, with its I abuses and corruptions, nor do they mean to make themselves responsible fori its continuance. FAt.lLlfcS FITTED : IN FOOTWEAR -BY- COLU M BI AS LEAD I BLAHTON, WRIGHT & CO. No. 39 Patton Avenue, WK WILL SELL As one reads of bank failures or em barrassments from day to day he gets tbe idea that the list by this time must be an exceedingly long one. As a mat ter of fact the official summary of the closing of National banks is as follows up to last Friday: "Number now in operation, 3,785; number failed since January 1, 1803, 105; number reopened, 14; number in bands of receivers, 33; number in hands of bank examiners, with application to comptroller for resumption, 08." It Id nrobable that the majority of tbese will yet be allowed to reopen and that depositors will lose very little if anything. Theke is no question that the way President Cleveland steers between the reefs and over tbe shallows of New York Democracy, avoiding Scylla on the one band and Charybdis on the other, indi cates remarkable skill as a politician. He has recently appointed an anti-Tammany man collector of the I'oit of New York, but Tammany isn't complaining. Croker says of J. T. Kilbrcth. the new collector, that "a Democratic Tresident bas named for the place a man who has always been a Democrat, and that is all be. Croker. could ask. It appears too that Kilbreth is abundantly capable to perform the duties of the office and that be has the confidence of the business men. AHBA11I.TB AMD LYNCHING), The Columbia, 8. C, Journal's account of the lynching of three negroes for rape at Gaston, in that State, says that after the first one was hanged, "there was a rush for relics of the bloody affair. Pieces of the rope were secured. Men rubbed Thompson's blood on their sus- FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS Wall Paper and Paints IbsoluUly Pure Bakincr- Powder m 15 At a Great Sacrifice ! GEORGE "W. 2sjjrsr fe OO, lO NORTH COURT SQUARE. A cream uf tartar baking powder. High est of all In leavening strength. Latest I United States Government Food Report. royal baking towuer co., 100 Wall St.. New York. READ SOUVENI Wedding; Presents. JEWELRY THESE TESTIMONIALS Harris' Lithia Water, Harris1 Lithia Springs, S. C. the bloody shirt." Imagine a judge descending from the bench to secure a "relic" from the person of the man he had ar dered hanged! Imagine the sheriff who had bamrcd him rubbine his sus penders in tbe blood of the dead man We would stand aghast at such evidence of brutality. Is an irresponsible mob any tbe more to lie admired for such acts ? Do they make for a higher civili zation ? Tbe spectacle of even a hastily improvised court, with a trial un der some form of decency if not of law. followed, if the accused s emit were plainly demonstrated, by an orderly hanging, without torture, would be ap proved by everybody. But a lynching that brings out for the contemplation oi the civilized world all the brutishncss ol several hundred citizens cannot be ap proved by the sobrr'second thought of any intelligent community. On the other hand, there must be lound some way to put a stop to these assaults on women by negroes. The list is con stantly lengthening at present, neither fear of burning or banging or both form ing, so far as we can see, an appreciable deterrent. Death is the only fit punish ment, bnt even in that, to tbe victim ot the assault, as to her friends, there is little consolatiou. We have conventions in the South to discuss all manner of questions; this, only, seems left to mobs and the revenge of the moment. It is time the best thought of the whole country was given to this cry fiom de fenceless womanhood for protection from a visitation to which death would be infinitely preferable and come as a triumph if a choice were afforded as between tbe two. of the United States. Mr. Cleveland's nomination for President was the one thing for which that convention assem bled, and for his nomination, until it was made, the members worked day and night. Continent It v Au Enruiv. From the Progressive Farmer. So it is plain that Vance is not in the house of his friends. In polities he must surrender the convictions of a lifetime, or else renounce the goldbuc cane for ever. A Icmoerat cannot be a demo crat as long as he affiliates with a pluto cratic party. Our onlv expiation is that Senator Vance is a regular reader of the Progressive farmer and keeps posted. It is too bad, but he will have plenty of friends. Auolner " W arnlng." From the Shrlby, N. C, Review. We had the pleasure on a recent visit to Ashevillcof meeting that distinguished divine, Rev. Chrcitzltcri;, who told us that sonic years airo a cyclone visited a town in South Carolina. The track ol the cyclone through the town was in the shape of an "S," and it swept away every church m the town (lour) and wound around the halt dozen narrooms it ho tit touching a one of them ! There, now ! Another niootl Wader. From the Indianapolis Journal. Mrs. Eli Potter, who ran for Mayor of Kansas City, Kan., last spring, declares that she wilt capture the Kansas Repub lican State convention in Septcruler, "if she has to wade in blood up to her ears." MADE TO ORDER. ARTHUR SI. FIELD, LEADING JEV.ELERV 18 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BIG BARGAINS In Real Estate office of Ir. lulin Hey Williams, Asbevillc, N. C, April 2, 1-SU3 An cx'emlcd unc of Harris' Lithia Water, prompts mc to tbe statement that I regard it as one of the best. If not the very best Lltbia waters known to the profession. In the condition of "phosphatic urine" ita ac tion Is marvelous. Its use In the rheumatic and gonty diathesis, affords me more com fort than cllhrr the Buffalo or Londonderry waters Very truly yours. (Signrd) JNO. 11BY WILLIAMS. M. D. R. P. Walker testifies: I have uard Harris' Lithia Waterand when using same was both pleased and benefitted In using It liberal quantities should be taken, for my experience teaches me that small amounts are disappointing, whereas a gen eroas use la followed by moat gratifying re suits. Yours truly. (Signed) R I'. WALKLR. or mum CROPS. Ilayesville Advance: The fact that Clay county baa made tbe best crop of I wheat, oats and grass, and has the fin est prospect for a big corn crop it has bad for a number of years, bas inspired tbe people with new life, and it is seldom one hears the words bard times. Wataaga Democrat: There are now prospects for an abundant corn crop in Watauga. Corn has done the best crowing for tbe last few weeks ever knows almost. Shelby Review: Mr. B. B. Bailey, who lives near Shelby, sowed 9 bushels of wheat and harvested 153 bushels. mm rfy SUNSH1NS comes, no matter how dark tbe clouds are, when the woman who Is borne down by woman's troubles turns to Ur. fierce a fav orite Prescription. If her life is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, deli cate derangements, and painful disorders that af flict her sex. ther are com- nletely cured- II she's overworked, nervous. "run-down," she has new life and strength. " Favorite Prescription" is s powerful, invigorating tome and a aoothlng and strengthening nervine, I will ofTir during Augutt Thirteen Lots of 10 acres each, two miles north of the court house, at the very low price of $2io per ucrc. This laud is well watered with fine aprinKs, has nice groves of oaks, is only one-half mile from the electric car and ad loins the dummy line. It is very tich and suitable for truck farming, dairying. poultry raising. Tblnk of securing a furm in the cIkc of Ashevlllc tor S2.000 which yo can make a living on, where taxes and fienscs arc not so high. I am determined to sell this land in August, and first comes will get first choice. When the city grows ont over this land, which it will do In a few years, think what ten acres is worth to moke into lota and sell. I also have lO seven-acre lots; one and one-fourth miles cast of the court hoase for sale at $10 per acre. This land la rich and lies well for truck farming. Nice groves and Is well watered and adjoina the Sot tie mln eral springs. Terms easy. Respectfully, STILL ANOTHBK. Ashevlllc, N. C, April 14, 1HU3 I am clad to be able to say a word with rcsard to Harris' Lithia Water. I have used it with the greatest possible benefit in chronic rheumatism. As compared with the Buffalo Lithia. I find it quicker and it re quires less quantity. It has my hearty en doracment. Very truly yours. (Signed) MRS. T. W. BRANCH They Won Every Race at Carrier's Track i - On July 4 ! Ib' you wtiut to buy a wheel we invite you to cull wheio only THE BEST WHEELS arc sold. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., QL Fatton TUB Normal ana colleQiate institute, FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. P. L. COWAN & CO., MAKE A SPECIALTY Ol' . FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Native Stoncw. Mounting Medc to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I No. 8 Mortli Court Place ASHBVII.LB. M. C. VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noTVAp. Do vo wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. Best in the world. 3.00 2.50 h&7 fin 3 a.. mw j 6I.7S tS&'jV ! mil novo. FK i " If von wsnt fine DRFSS SHOE. ma1 In tho latest itvlci, don't nay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 Of 15 Shoo, They lit equal to custom made and look and nv j well. If you wish to economize In your footwearf lo so by purehasi.ii; V. L. Dourlas. Shoes. Name and lr.s si imped on Inn lioltni.t. look for it when you buy W. I.. IOL';i.AS, llrorkton, Mass. Sold by Itlantou, Wright & Co Second Session, September 13, 1803. This Institution Is located lit the most beautiful suuurh of of Ashevl'le N. C The Bia clotis building, rcccatly complete! for Its osc at a cost of 9 G0.UOO is furnished with pure water from Springs on the pteinlscs. Is lighted wll h gas, heated by hot water and pro vided with hot and c Id baths. The health and linbils of the pupil are carefully Kuardcd. Besides the ample soace Kivcn tor outdoor exert is-, a well equipped Kymnasium will be lilted up within doors. No expense has been spared to make the sewerage and sanitary arraaajemcnts perfect. ICiich pupil will have her share in the domestic work, as a part of her practical traln- jnK for life, and whi'st aim in 5 at thoroughness In every department, the management will strive to provide for those committed tu fTteir care the ndvantaKes, not mrrely of a christian school, but a christian home. No pupil wilt be received who is not la reasona ble Ifalth, or who cannot furniih rrrdentinls as to moral character. OUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TC THE STUDENT. 1. TUB NORMAL COURSE, for the thorough training uf teachers under Instructors from the best Normal schools. a. SBMINAKY OR t OLLUGIATK COl'KStC, inclndinK nticirnt or modern languages. sciences, music, drawing, etc. 3. I'OMM KKCIAL COIIRSU, including stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, etc. t. liliPAKTMBNT OF DOMESTIC SCIUNCB, (n) Scientific cooking, the study of he production and manufacture of foods, etc. (b) 8c wing embracing the cutting and fitting of garments, millinery, etc. The teachers at the head of this department arc from tho famous Pratt School, Brook- yn. N. v., and the others from the best institutions in the country, hoscn with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organised Preparatory department haa been lurnishcd for all auch as arc not prepared for the higher classes. The school year Is divided Into two terms; cost to pupil $50 per term, or $ loo tier year, which barely covers the exensc of board, the school bcinK practically free, having been provided for by a few liberal friends of female education. I'or further particulars ap ply to RKV. THOMAR LAWRENCE. iyZ'J Ashevlllc, N. C. $5.00 44.00 43.50 42.50 C $2.25 9 on These are all bonafide letters from (icople we know and have confidence in their state meats. Analysis on each bottle. Wholesale depot for Ashevllle and Western North Carolina. RAYSOR 6c SMITH, HULK AUENTS, NO. 31 PATTON AVRNUH. TAKE Your broken wagons anil vehicles of all kinds to B. Burncttc's shop on College street, wberc they will be repaired promptly and in firsl-clitas style. VI"V inj; secured a brst-class uorsc-snocr make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty 13. BURNETTJB. X. IQ. THE FRENGH BAKERY Has been bought by W. A. JAMBS, JR., and will be run as a fiist-daaa baker at -. ..ii - - twroly TMnUDMi, perractiT m.AM.1a T rimil.lM uwl nmmnlM mil tha functions of womanhood. Improves 1 a vwiibtmn o a aao a 1 nncnes IM Diooa, aispeis acnes divMtion. and pains, brings refreshing stoop, and yo ga health and vtiror. For every " fomaJa complaint" sad disturbance. It is the only remedy so sure and entailing toas It gnamwfasnT II II ooesn Denent or care, ji umwm MOST We will keep a fresh supply of CAKES, rlllS, and BRKAD on hand all the timi Prompt attention given all orders. FOR SALE X The undersigned, agents for the hell a of II. V. Vance, deceased, will sell the RIVBRSIDB FARM OP 703 ACRBS. Lying f"ur miles from the court house, either la one body or in tracts of IOO ncree. Terms of sale reasonable and prices moderate. On tbe premises are a Hoar and corn mill, one large dwelling, large stable and cow house. fine water power, aad right honeee for trm- aata. tobacco barns, etc.. also owe farm of 137 acres back of and adjoining Hotel Alex ander; one farm of 93 acres, adjoining Ho tel Alexander on the Preach Broad; also the Alexander Hotel, with good stable, atore hoase. tenant booses, tobacco bares, etc. The hotel haa 0 rooms sad ta a good stand for hotel and mercantile business. A fair Hit. Prom the Henderson Gold Leaf. It is as open secret that Mr. Wm. K. Vandcrfcilt, tbe richest of the family, thinks bis brother Georfc guilty of great folly in spending so much moner on bis Buncombe county pi so, A few days ago be is said to hare greeted his brother with. "Well. Gcorjre, I hear yon have about done throwing away your money in North Carolina." George, who bas arrows -"tonchy" n rider bis brother's ridicule, replied: "I think it better to throw away my money in snaking a pleasant home than to do so in cord- WeMrt CHBDOLE. Aalaeislllej am qivk US JL OAIjLiI R. B. A J. Tbe application of tbe story is in tbe fact that Wm. K. lost $4,000,000 in tbe Cordage treat. He has nothing to show for tt. George will have the aooet roag xuficcat estate in America when bis home ia finishing , , . ; - . ; Pool 70 Tbe AshertlW Hotel Billiard and Parlor, the largest in tbe State. No. Bonth Main street LEA VR P. O. FOR SUL PHUR SPRINGS. 7.45 a m "8.45 a m 9.45 a m 10.45 a m 11.45 a m 12.45 p m 1.45 p m afi.45 p m 3.45 p m 4.45 p m 5.45 p m 6.45 d m 'Bzcept Sundays wben car will leave Sulphur Springs at lO a m resuming the regular schedule again by leaving depot at 11 au m. Cars between poatoffice and depot erery is minutes. iADnca Reading s tonle, or children who want I inr nn, snovna uise RTTSV ft I HO SI BITTKRII. Tt to aHaaant; came Malaria. Irxltirsertoo, . use ' vnsswamia asm , siphsr KllKM KKmAI.K Al.AllKMY I w-iB I W11UUM S MWUMM UVUVMSI S J LE1TB SULPHUR Sr-KINCS. Oldest Female College in tbe South. jySdlm N. VANCE, Alexander. N. C SALEM. N. O. 8.30 a m 9.30 a m 10.30 a m 11.30 a m 12.30 p 1.30 p Z.30 p m 3.3U p 4.30 p 5 .30 p m 1 e.30 p m THE ESMERALDA INN, HICKORY NUT CAP, The 92nd Anneal Session beglaa Septem ber 5, IBS 3. Register for last year 863. Special features : the development of health. character aad intellect. Bsrtldlngs thor oughly remodelled. Folly equipped Prepar tory. Collegiate and Poet Graduate Depert- meata, besides Sr-at daae schools la hfawac. Art. Languages, Blocntloa, Commercial aad Udnatrial Studies. JOHN H. CLBWBLL, Principal. July33dl IN THE CENTRE OF TNE THERMAL BELT I NOW OPBN FOB BUSINESS I Attractions Chliwacy Rock, Old flald Moaatsis, Silver FaUa, tSKXM of Broad River, The Poole, Cathedral Cavern, Hickory Mat Fane, l.SSO ft. high, Plaaiagaad U&thtag. Stage will be aeert cm reqneat aad can ac commodate Ave persona. AaMreaa SIRS. N. FEB CVSONi mav23dtf - Bat Care. N.C y , SO oath BfUsm Jjt Mala Street, I , J IWSSVTA Jdoor. .'I ttrw eitr ticket ' Sec. wohld'9 FAirr. If tow are mb to the world's Falf. SPBCIAL ACCIDRMT INIVRAMCB FOB WOBUI'S VAIal TBir, ,000 aad f IS Weekly lor 91 per write the Daily Cttiaea. AasMrrllle. N. C foe llraatrated oruted matter desterlMag tmt special u.i -' - - aLsaohlaea by the etnMr msee mr railr immm ymm woaas made. This oner Is mala raageaaeat wHh tho Rwraaa am the L hrteU 1 u 11 u tjuiaii 111 11111 11 ihiiim 1 iiiiiliissmii MM'misisnsiiasi'i 1 si fi ilnit r -irr-; r Sin v - """ ' 1 nn Dcssrft efllBHaaTaanW Hm JiaVMK:-. jvjy-a--JVSMKa1idMe4 '. -...,.y-JfffjWWiriiT GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A. SURE RELIEF TO SUFFERERS. What lion. T LI. Johnston says about it: "About four ycare ago I commenced the use of the UlcnnKSptiugs water, to rid my sys tem of the malaria from which I had been suffering for some time. Tbe water haa en tirely relieved mc and I clxcrfully atatc that 1 believe It to be as good water aa can be found for all ordinary disrates of the liver and kldncya. For a rcnert tonic and renovater of the sj stem I believe It ha no equal. Very truly youis. "T. O. JOHNSTON." From John V. Arthur, Btq , Attorney at Law: "1 don't know the constituents of the Glenn Springs water; if I did I would make some for myself. Neither do I know bow It acta; If I did 1 would act ao tnyaclf. It la swell made water and it acta well. I can only aay that ita chVcte on me and my forefathcta has been more bene fictal than any other water we ever used, and I am glad it haa been put in the reach of aa poor a man aa JOHN P. ARTHUR. "To Pclham's Pharmacy, May 23, 1893." What C. T Rawla wrltca Pelham'a l'harmacy, Ashevlllc. N. C- "Gentlcmcn: I have used Glenn Springa water and coueidcr it, as compared with other nlncral waters, the best I know of. Everyone In South Carolina knowa about 'Old Glea Hpringn.' Iu fact it haa been moat favorably knowa there for a century. Voars traly, "C. T. RAWLS." Ashevlllc, N. C , May 87. 1893. PELUAM'S PHARMACY, Mole Agents, ........ Asbcylllc, N. C, PKOFESSIONAL. CAJiltS. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All aiaea of crushed atone furnished. Send all orders to poatoffice Box 148, Aaheville, N. C. anglPdtf ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE BXIjLjTOIS HARDI1SG CONTRACTOR An BU1LPBB. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORN Bet COORT PLACB AND MARK BT ST R BUT. INSURE TOUR PROTERTT WITH eral 1 taunraBaafEc t Ajeeait. Rear Mo. SO aoattai astata atrost. Batabllahad tSoo. . Aahesflla. M.C. -A.3aa 'lilxite Man's i J. A ARCHITECT TEMIIBMT, r WVL CC:nHACTOR plaaa. apedgcatloas ssd uiasaUa fanv ilshed. An work In my Hne contravcted for. aad ao chasaas for drawuse awarded sue. . References when dcetrcfl. Office. Bnnthaasl Coart Soaare. Aabevllie. E. SI. AJSIW3LKWS. x5 aad xS W TrmAm ft. The leading Faraitnre. Piano sad Organ dealer la the Carolina. Write Una for pricea. or see W. O. Feeble, special agent, at in Boat h Main Street. Aaheville. N. 3. Spec ial a treat 10. give to isnsuif noteia aaa a ISdSm a gtvca to furnishing hotela au eea.. - , tt. aa. AKDRB W8). Tickets ! Excursion BOUGHT AMD SOLD. : ; CHEAP BATES TO ALL POINTS I :. 1 Cm"V.MJLV, hiembcr Amcrlcaa Ticket Brokers' Clalms the largest stock of first das SKoods of any bouse In the State Makes) a specialty of SCooklne Braadfes and JeUr Wlucs. (Sole asenta for the Acme Oltl Corn.1 J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor IVo. 58 Sontli Main Streets TKLKPHONB CALL NO. 139, B. O. BOX 88, ASHOTULLB. T MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AN0 CHAR6E ACCORBIffGlT. "BOilAllZA" WliiE ADD LIQUOR CO., Nob. j.m und 43 S': Muln St.," A0liclile. WHOI.R8AI.B liKPAKTRHNT, O HUTS' fTf A PARLOR AND RBADINO BOOM. J?i V ttiX CIGARS, TOBACCO A Nil ftOTTLB OMOIMR, SAAA- rui Lb, billiard and pool booaj. NO. 43. CEER : VAULTS : AXD : C0TTUX3 : DEPARTMENT : IN . BASE1SEKT. I u We rcepectfnar aoBdt S aaarc of voar aatroaaga." i r 1 . - i . i ! P. A. EXAHQUAJODX, danagcr. n u Utl Ttlsrpaioa Cll( I

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