Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME IX. NO. 78. ASIIJSVILlLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1893 PRICE 5 CENT? COOKED Cod Fish Trucx Cooked and Evapo rated Cod Fiwh, all ready for use. Saves luueli bibur and avoids all disagreeable odor, retains all desirable qualities of the ash, aud can bo prepard in five luinuten. TEA IS TEA ! Of course, whatever its iiiilty. Coli is Kuld, whither it 1c 'J karat or li-. but somehow ico 11c prefer the 21!. la like iii.-in-uir they prefer the best quality of tea when they enii fct it. -IKciully if the price is reasoiia ttlv. We have a doen iliTcii-nt Mnds find (lavoraaiui can tloulit less suit you iu price and qual ity. A. D. COOPER, North Court mjuuic. New Goods. New Goods. UP TO THE GREAT FATHER rm-; hoiti. of chuck mhrod HMIT1I TAKK8 ITU FIJUIIT. AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE Comb Trays, Hon Hon 1Ums, Sttliid Irishes, We wish to siiecinlly nicntiuii the Ult r'eal piatts, Tliey are one ji" the I'.uls in C bin i t)ur line of 1 oii;estie I -ji pol led 1' it tit 1 1 1 l- t s com priv is ncr HO vat ictR s. Wi i I'ne i 1 etclied it til cut that we art uttiriiiu I'-aru.iins in They cutiu'nuf i!o,cu in ami nia Le hui tal lc present. I T m til the Au'u t we will K've a. It :ttu?xoinc Jnp- tiese eiip and buuotr with every purchase uiDinHiti-f to $'4 ami over. V We euu sakly say that we 1: ititl largest Ntock in North lie lowest. . 15 ON 3IARCJ2E NEW INVOICE EKBROIDt R1ES. NEW INVOICE RIBBONS. NEW INVOICE LACES. All Summer Dress Goods at Gicitly duccd 1 "rices to close out. You Will LIKE It ! KROGER New Summer Nickwi Gentlemen. Still t lie best line of uiulci cai loi ladies, men ami children. liON MARCIIK 37 Houtli Main Ml reel. REAL ESTATE. W. B. OIVVN." ' " W. W. WBST. Gwyn Sc 'West, (Successors to Walter II. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loaui Securely Placed Per Cent. at 8 Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTH BAST COURT 8QUARB. CORTLAND BROS., Real Batate Brokers And Investment Ajgents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed svt 8 per cent. Office. 25 A 36 Patton Avenue. Second ;floor, JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OPFICB ROOMS. Loans securely placed art Bight per cent. PRETTY AND ATTRACllVi: LINE OF LUNCH BASKETS Just Haltablc for IMcnlc LK.cai.lons. ;on Sale of W. A. LATIlVIlSre NEW SOUTH UAKINli POWDERS To be found at LATlklBR'S. IS COURT SQUARE, N AR CITY HAL ar lor I,adic and GREAT REDUCTION !. Hammocks, Croquet Sets, Tenuis Goods Now is the Time to Buy! H auimoctt; we have beeu II nr Felling no w for J5 cents; $l.i ft $3 for $iS. Croquet seta from $1.5 J to $2. to $l.l.r $1 . 1 Twenty Per Cent. nuil Leather belts. lcs en Teuiis Oootl We Ikiv .ittiojcs n I 'inner Coil, c: I just Op. China tfetH, I'lates i, C ht;eol?ite l ; .tl ii liv a util ul line our ow it Importation Cups ami SuuaiM, A. fc-ets, Olive Pin a mal ol need t our strc. a v c the finest Carolina and THAD. W. THRASH 8 GO. - grains of gold. this bciiuliful ccn al piotlm t niri'li- iroin yellow corn pi-.illy attractive t the- eve an! palate. the in tc IIi:cn t 1 10 use Let per w i i! ilou tlcss (in 1 many ways t pivpnrc this tlclieivtus irtiele for the table. powell& snider X o cs o r- cz - The Alotlfl C'iar Stoiv, 17 PATTON AVE. AMERICAN BAKERY Wo are irciarel to 8U)pl,v th citizt-iiH of Atslioville willi Frowli Bread, llol Is, l'it'.s auJ Cukiru of every doscriiitiou. If you want iii wcdiling; or party eakew, mvc u.s an o'- der and if you aro not pleased iu quality and artis tic work wo will refund you your money. Vo will add daily different lines of rake Will bake any kind of cakes to order. Telephone 1 71. 8 N. COURT SQUARE si C' W O X. 5 " 2" a : Q .S 'c Zj or a c c O C -1 5 80VTH WANTS HIL.V1CH. A Lot of Tiie 9Iot lroiulueul BIun Iu the lCstern Baud of Cherokee ln- cllniis HleH VcNlerdav-Burlal at Yellow Hill Tomorrow. Bkysun City, N. C, Aug. 3. Special. The eastern CheroUccs mourn N. 1., their friend, father mid chief fur many vears. He died last evening after a Ion illness. He will be buried Friday itli masonic honors at Yellow Hill. Richard. The dispatch, which was sent by Chief Smith's son, Richard II. Smith, will lie read with rcirrct Jjy many people in Asheville and all over Western North Carolina. Chiif Smith was the most prominent member of the Eastern baud of Cherokee Indians in Sw.iincount v. He was born in Cherokee county about f0 years ao and in that count v wns reared. He received n very fair edue ion and was always looked upon by his iieoplc as :i s.-ile counselor, lie was the soul ol honor and tua''c friends anioiiLr the whites wherever he went. He was a man of splendid physique, straight as an nrrow, wmle Ins hair hung in jet black curls aoout ins Mioulilers. Chief Smith's last visit to Asheville was last year, when he came h:-rc with a number of his tribe to take part in the celebration of Huncumbc'scciitcnnial, Au- Kiist 11)11. I lie Indians camped on vtimocriaiui avenue, and tneir camp attracted crowns continually. tnev Have their native dances at night and t housands witnessed them. One ot these occasions 19 particularly remembered. when Chief Smith made an address to his people in the native toneue and then translated his words so that they miiht lc understood bv the whites. His address was full of uood advice to the red men ot the trilje. Chief Smith had never been quite well since lie returned from that visit to lus home in Yellow 11 ill. He was a sufferer from liiiLrht's disease, which at last claimed its victim. As lias lieen said, lluct binilli was held in the highest esteem by his iicople He was for ciht years their chief, which nice he jjave up only a very few years ago. He took a lively interest in everything that tended to the further civilization of the tribe, and winie lioiuinir me place ot duel lived in Washington some time workinir for the welfare of the Hastei u baud, whose pro gress he had at heart. Tins was durinjj Cleveland s lust administration. The dead man wasa prominent Mason and this fraternity will bury him tomor row afternoon at Yellow Hill, iu the city of the deail that is peopled by his friends and kinsmen. Chief Smith was ouc-Iourih white. He leaves a wife, and two sons and three daughters. The daughters were eduea ted at J nelson college, Henderson ville, mid are handsome types of their race. One of them, Miss Lottie, was particu larly good looking and attractive. Chief Smith was a good man and the Indians will long mourn his death. l&?frtV I. ...i1"' -:' mm wfci6 " It Headed TUIn Wa to I'a I.aborern. Washington, Aug. 3. No more silver certificates will be issued by the Treasury department for the prcscut, as the limit prescribed by the law has been reached. That is to say, as many silver certificates are tiow outstanding as there are stan dard silver dollars coined and in the treasury to redeem them. Standard sil ver dollars was issued under the act of 1 878, commonly known as the Illand let. Under this law 38'J,93o.37 t stand ard silver dollars have been coined. Of this coinage the re are standard silverdol lars in the treasury. 333,lti4-.rH3: silver certificates iu circulation, $330,282, 480 worth; silver certificates in treasury, cash, $2,UOU,002;netstandard silver dol lars in treasury after deducting silver certificates in circulation, 2,881,210; standard silver dollars in circulation, 00,771.791, and stardard silver dollars paid out by Philadelphia mint today, Of. The reduction in the number of stand ard silver dollars in the treasury has licen brought about by the large demand recently lor silver dollars from the South to move crops in Georgia and the Caro linas and to pay off hands at work ou the cotton crop. TIIKIK WOKK. Id DONE, TIIE SILVER RESOLUTIONS AUOI'TICU AX CHICAUU'B CONVENTION. 5&y Aama,l war ajolhejl5S of Hires' Root EiitC' The Detiriuie (lea CoiiimlUHioii Han Probably Rendered a uc- CtMlOll. Washington, Aug. 3. Indications that the Iiehring Sea arbitration com mission will conclude its deliberation and agree on its decision before the end of this week, if it already has not done so, are given in official information re ceived at the State department that Sen ator Morgan and Justice Harlan, arbi trators on the part ol the I nited States, will sail from Southampton for New York Saturday. It is stated at the State department that Morgan and Harlan could not leave Paris until the arbitra tors had agreed on their verdict, and it is presumed that the commission has set the date for voting ou the five points at issue, thus enabling the gentlemen named to make definite arrangements for sailing. They Were All III Mulalllxls and Demand the Free Coluaxe oi Sliver -The Uulted Slates Should Hlaud Aloue. Chicago, Aug. 3. The folio wiug is the substance of the resolution adopted by the silver convention; All legislation deniuneti.iug silver and restricting the coinage thereof must he immediately and completely rccalcd by an net restoring the coinage of the coun try to the conditions established by the soundness of the nation. Wc protest against the financial policy of the United States being made up on the opinion or policies of any foreign governments. v e assert that the only remedy lor the financial trouble is to open the mints of the nation to gold and silver on the equal terms, at the old ratio of 10 of sil- vre to one ol gold. Section 3 protests ncainst the repeal of the Sherman net, except by an act restor ing free bi-mciallic coiling". 1 he fifth resolution calls attention to the fact that national hank and legal tender money of whatever kind has not fallen in value a particle, and suggests for the consideration of citizens that the refusal of opponents of bimetallism to propose any substitute for the present aw or to elaborate any plan for the lu- turc, indicates cither an ignorance ol our financial needs or an unwillingness to take the public into their confidence. GOMiTO URAH1. CPiCil.IHU YACHT KICK. Tlie Auierlcuii ltoal Nnvalio Not Iu It. London, Aug. 3. The yacht ruce for the town ;;i i.c took place today. The S.itauita crossed the line eight miles ahead of the Valkyrie. A gale was blowing md the American yacht Navahoc split her main sail and keeled over until her rail was well under and the observers on shore thought she was going to turn completely over. She gave up the race aud headed tor Southampton lor repairs. v aclitsmcn wlio nave heen watching the Navaboe with critical eyes arc emphatic in the opinion that she is useless hi a still breeze. The Calluna also met with an accident and was compelled to give up the contest. A IHICIi MlIHt. NKW BVPPI.V Ol-- HANK Ull.l.H. New York Uaultet IJiiv itondH mid Ihhuc Circulation. Si:w iikk, Aug. .J. A new and unex pected clement of re'icf has been injected into the Imancial situation. United States bonds have reached such a low jure that the national banks see their way clear to make a prolit bv issuing circulation against them. Arrangements nave thcrctorc liccn lade by some of the more prominent banks to increase their circulation from the minimum limit at which it stands to such an amount 'is will materially re lieve the present tension. His estimated that $S,(K)(),O0O or $10,000,000 will be added to New ork s supply ot currcnev within a very short time. Orders have already been placed with thecomptroller of the currency for part of the new bills, and some ol the hanks have nought their lionils preparatory to depositing them in Washington. World's t-'alruateti IroipedOen Huudavs bv the I.u w. Chicago, III., Aug. 2. The opinion is unanimous among the lawyers that the gates of the World's l'air will be opened every day in the week from now until finally closed next October. The Appe late court will not he in session until after the midsummer vacation which ends iu September and the appeal prayed for yesterday cannot therefore be passed on until October. Ilcsidcs, the appeal is from an order in contempt proceedings and a decision in the case will have no effect on the injunction order, which must now be observed until the Appellate court cau be reached. UltlvAT DISCUVICUV. Tlie CiOT OFF I.Itill r. It t'ots l.tttl To l'e Kiieks Iu (iraliam County Hoiuelliucs. Johnson, N. C, Aug. 3. Last fall Charley Straton had a light with his aunt, Arline Nichols. The old lady got the best ol it as she used a pair ol pot hoops ou his head. Straton procured a pair of knuckles and hit her on the nose. I the blow felling the old lady to the floor insensioic. A warrant was sworn out for Strat on s arrest, but he escaped. A short time ago he came home ill. and our good a tu red and amiable justice. Wall, al lowed him to remain at home undis turbed while he brought the witnesses leforc him and tried him. The result was a line of only $2.40 and costs. No wonder t.raham eountv is blessed with many outlaws. 'World" Haft Asceilalucd Womau'a Name, Niiw York, Aug. 3. The World claims it has discovered the identity of the wo man who was iu the company of old C Harrison on the night of June 30 when he disappeared from the Old Dominion line steamer, (jiivandottc, en-route from Norlolk to New lork. I lie World savs the woman's name is Mrs. Klizahcth Itcaton, wife of Malcolm Beaton of Bur lingtou. Int.. where Harrison formerly lived, and that she had licen absent from home on several occasions when Harri son was known to he also away Irom home. cujiinu kown. Little Hallway Laid Us For a Time No I"oj(. Hot Si'Kisns, Aug. 3. Special. The Laurel Kivcr and Hot Springs railroad, which is only finished miles and has been operated that distance only up to about two weeks nco, has suspended operations entirely, discharged and paid up all their employes and nanus, sold their remaining fuel to Dr. Koss of the Mountain I 'ark hotel, ami laid up until financial matters assume a more hopeful condition. In the meantime that little 24-inch uaiigc road is getting a new crop of grass on its miniature track. 1 he Mountain I'ark hotel is assuming its usual lively mid summer activity, guests arriving on every tram, and things are pleasant and sociable with many and varied amusements during the day and evenings. The fine, pure air, the clear atmosphere, no mists, no tog, notwithstanding two rivers sur rounding this picturesque spot, make one feel clastic anil invigorated. BLOW COLLECTIONS. Coal Tliev Uollier otlierx Thau Companies. riTTsm'uc, I'a., Aug. 3. The New York and Cleveland gas coal company, one of the largest concerns hi the Pitts- burg district, whoe mines arc located on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad, arc unable to pay their miners in full. A proposition has been made to 800 cm ploves to pay them onc-hnll their earn ings for six months and the balance with interest at the cud ot that time, Hie officials state that unless this proposi tion is accepted the mines will close. It is thought the men will accept the propo sition ami continue work. The company is not short of orders for coal, but can not make prompt collections. LOOTICU U1.1--OKI-; lUHNKU. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND SODAWATER. A Strange combination, but when you linve tested the new drinks at our fountain which, alwtivs delicious themselves, contain extracts of medicinal urouertlcs. the most ropulur or these arc: COCA COLA, AROMATIC EGG PHOSPHATE, HIRE'S ROOT BEER. Besides these, our Ice Cream Soda, Pineap ple Snow, Teaches aud Cream arc more popular than ever. In drugs our stock is as complete as it Is possible to be. "We also carry a fine line of druggist sun dries Strangers will find our stock in this line far better than is expected of a town this size. We hare Just received a very pretty new novelty In the Columbian Ten Knife, alumi num bundles, and three good steel blades. We only have a few and will Bell for $1 each. Very suitable as a World's Fair Souvenir. Duu't leave Asheville without calling at our store. Upcn evenings till 11 o'clock. RAYSOlt & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, NO. J i PATTON AVENUE. P. S. 75 Uoxcs TuiiKlefoot Sticky Fly PMer left ut 5 cents u box. Call early for this liargaiii. The Cold Hlorage Warehouse Fired j Thieved. Ciiicacu, July 31. -A local newspaper prints a story to the clfcct that the cold storage warehouse lire, that cost so many lives, was of incendiary origin, the motive licing to cover up a big theft ol goods stored in the warehouse. I he story is to the eltect that lor three weeks previous to the fire the big store house was systematically looted, night alter night, by a ring composed of cer tain crooks on the outside and certain parties on the inside. On one occasion, it is said, n watering cart was loaded with bottles of wine and carted away. N. Y. World. An Old Soldier Appointed. Washington, Aug, 3. John S. l'aync ol Tcnncss"c a retired army officer, has liccn appointed a member of the board of lctisioii appeals in the Interior Depart ment. NEWS IN VI R OW N STATE. Special Underwear Sale ! Twenty Ter Cent. CAN'T KXPI.4IN IT. I-'a'al CxploHlon ou a Uermaii war snip. ltiiRi.iN, Aug. 3. A disastrous explo sion occurred today on board the Her man armor-clad stauicr liaden at Ktel Units. iclsucr and .anibnch and seven seamen were killed and sixteen persons were wounded. It appears that some of the men had lust removed Irom the magazine a gren ade measuring ''' centimetres in di ameter. Through some cause, not yet known, the grenade exploded, killing or wounding nearly every person in the immediate vicinity. 1 he liaden is a vessel ot 5. GOO tons. She was launehed in 1SS0. Houlliern Kailwavs CuttiiiK Their World'H Fair Kales, Chicago, Aug. 3 World's Fair rales on the Southern roads appear to be be coming totally demoralized. The Mo bile and Ohio railroad has announced a $22 rate. Mobile to Chicago, good for 12 days. There is a cut ol$13.'!0, the regular authorized round trip rate being $35.2(1. In addition to this the Mobile and Ohio has arranged for a weekly ex cursion to the Fair Irom points on its line at one fare lor the round trip, with round trip limits of 15 days. I.YMCHKU FOK ABIAIXT. tiu: CHOLICKA IN NAPI.i;8. Tlie Httualloii There Mot fo oralilc. Kav- TAKIJ MB TO 1MNITSII & REAGAN'S, S Where You Can jj-t it In p.-irkair'- or Washington, Aug. 3. Surgeon Gen eral Wyman this morning recccivcd a cable message from Surgeon 12. K. Young of the Mai inc hospital service stationed at Naples stating that the condition of rs in that city in regard to the ra was growing worse. Hnspended and Failed. Chicago, Aug. 3. Lazarus Silverman u.n un... i,nni ... COld and SparkUDg ! today. Liabilities. $500,000; assets In excess of that amount, and (,000 cash lTt. i o "iiiio. Anthony, Kas., Aug. a. 1 he Savings bank ot Anthony tailed ycstcrdiy. He Ventured Too Hoon to Return to the Hcene of His Vllllauv. Owunsiioko, Ky., Aug. 3. Informa tion has just Ikch received here that Felix l'ocdc, a notorious character of Ohio county, was lynched Tuesday night for an assault committed on Miss York, aged 13, about a month ago. I'oolc skinned out. and had only lust returned to the scene of his crime when the citi zens caught him mid hanged him to a tree. I'oolc served a term in the peni tentiary for rape. Tne World's Mew l-:rtllor. New Y'okk, Aug. 2. A sensation was created in the World office last evening when Col. Chas. H.Jones, late of the St. Iouis Kcpubhc, assumed the direction ol the paper. He comes to the World as the ersonnl representative of Mr. i'nl itzer with supreme authority over all departments of the paper. Manufacturer Want F'ree Tin. Ni-:w York, Aug. 3. The general de pression in trade is severely injuring the tin-box industry in Brooklyn, and it is aid that the tin-box manufacturers will ctition Congress to repeal the tariff on tin, both block and plate. Wadcsboro Messenger Intelligencer: In the upper pai l of this county and in I'nion county, it is said that wheat is being exchanged for bacon at the rate ol one bushel ol wheat tor three pounds ol meat. 1 he crops in this county arc sorry. The cotton plant is entirely too small, though well fruited, lvarlv corn is almost ruined in many localities, and is badly damaged every whereon account of the very hot and dry weather. Rockingham Suirit of the South : We understand that a gentleman in Moore county has been offered $150 per acre for his grapes on the vine. Mr. 1 nomas Covington, who lives between this place and Kolicrdcll nulls, it is said, cleared $1 75 this year on an acre ol cabbage. Murphy Scout: At the house of a Mr. Stiles, two miles from 'Squire 11am mond's residence, Sol Murphy and Sam Smith engaged in a quarrel which soon resulted in a bloody encounter, in which Smith received 13 cuts. Our informant thinks some ol the wounds are fatal. Mormon missionaries arc at work in Person county. They are visiting and distributing tracts among the poor They have announced a mass meeting to be held on the 30th of this moatb, when it is thought they hope to make a num ber of converts. A number of the cotton mills in the State have shut down or are running on short time. Some mills avail themselves of the stop to make repairs. A few are putting in more machinery. Governor Cnrr has issued commis sions to a number ot officers of the State Guard who, under the new regulations, have passed the prescribed examination lor proficiency. The Murphy eroded school will open August 14-th under the efficient manage ment ot l'rol. L. lv. Mauney. A sum cicnt number of assistant teachers will be employed. Murphy Scout: Charles Ilea ton shipped over a ton of corundum ore to Liverpool, England, last week. Discount. F. E. Mitchell, The Haberdasher, 28 Patton avenue. Tryon Fruit, A SPECIALTY At PECK'S: :Fruit Store OPPOSITE MIMNAUGH'S. MOUNT SiTUATF.n at Tub Foot of Mitchell, HioftssT Mountain Bast or tai Rockies I MITCHELL Hl'NTINO FOB BRAB, WOLVBS AnD WILD CATS, FlSBlNS FOB TBOUT 1 HOTEL Board, $20 per month: 17 SO per Week; Sl.SO per bay. Address : A. A. TYSON, JanldSm Black Mountain, N. C. THV TUB MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE TEST BEST WOWb CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70