Saturday Evening, August 5, 1893. THE ASHE VJLLLE DAILY CITIZEN. i t A. i WANT COLUMN. WANTED. "llfANTlil)-FifrnNhed bnuar, six or tcven TV rooms; centrally located or on street .rurlinc. V. Z., uuK3d3t Citistcu Oilice. WANTUII ny youoK lady, a rcKistcrcd Phuriniicist, position in drug store. Van tukc lull cliiirse of small store. Ad dress. MISS AUICK JOHNSON. julySldtf Aberdeen. N C, tirANTBIl To borrow $300 to JBIMI for TV three month or longer, on nest eew-rii.-nn imtiii. tint i-.-uHoiiu t de intercut. Not uri'mt'il lor monrv. but could make more if I hud this additiouul capita1. I. Hox tin. - .jyuodti AITANTIil) TO Gl TV VK $WO KUWARD for nnv raic of toothache that one. bot tle of Williams & Kind's fantutiH tnotltachc medicine will not cure in two minutes. For sule liy all ilruKBits at I cent 1cr bottle We ask vou to irv it. livery bottle Ktinran tictl bv T. C eniith St Co., wholesale a :nls fur Alllcvillc, N C- k-SOiKI-n. FQK KB ST. 17 Xj Omnm; street Atiply to Henry It. Johnston bU'-IUiUK nier of nnd Mirrimon avenue t-.'v lis. Attorpev, Ni. 1 j.v-J7ilif A MAMMOTH DAM. Ono That Makes tho WoDtc ra D08 erts Bloaaora as tho Rose. It Is tho Host Unlit Structure or the Kind lu Aninrlcn mid by Its Aid Many Bquure Miles of Land Will He Rendered productive. -w.u 7VJK HI5NT- relit, with or without furnished -ruonii for Ijiinnl, at rcn- i'liut street, linsr. Mrs. jyllll-W -A nine-room house. 1U4- lti.iliv MtrecL. lniiuirc liv It ttcr M1S.S S. l. tfOSSHLl, 1'. O. Box 03 MiuHlite rntiN. Ku.c llrlolc.. mikHNT iK E iinlurtiisliol; Sinderii improvements. moyddtf 1710R KBMTTlic HuT'iK"n j South Main street, Asheville class stand for r.slmirati t. hie. Apply to T. I. John Tuotnas, johtiston building. ton hotel, US , N. . I'irst ns rcasona or F W. juu:i.ltf FIR RBNT-F ur room CHttiiKe ot No. 4.(5 Picncll Broad avenue, to partus without small children. I't-sscasion irth August. Apply to THUS. I) JOHN TOV. auKlMlllllS 05 Oiovt s'.recl. F IjlOK KHN P The brick corner of Church s avenue, (iootl uartU'ii; liormhiiu h'tusc a iimv to T. I. J onus ton or K. W. Tiiumns, Johnston building Aslievil'e, N. C. ,un7Utf building on the i'L'vt ami Pattern tjooil house for FOR KrtNT Thut larjic find conveniently arranged house. No fi'J Mcrrimnn ave nue Hot and cold water with bulhs on two floors All nioiern improvctnmts Location ccntrid, with lur;;e well sh dcd grounds Splendid resilience for larc family or board itiK house Ap.jly to 11 C or M J PAGU. airl5dtr BQAKVIXG. 1 AUD 14." l'hil'ip street; by month. LJ week or dny, wi'iior without 1 UKing. A. K. wlatko wski. JyGdlm PttlVATU HOAKDiMO Pleasant rooms, Kool tiiM , tine location Convenient to notollicc and street mr Iitus 4- t-rove f V)AKI.NG t No 17 Kavwood Rtrt?t J XTa hloijn rn i shed with the best the innr- X- lilt ki-t i.t.unls Hot and cold water. cation, on ear line. Mrs. A. Ottiner. tf nO A. it 1 H NO A t No. H Starncs avenue. Tidde furni-hed with IhsL the mark'.t ilVord: liot u.nil roM wilt r: furniture new tine location: on car line; single and double rooms. apriiouU liOA Kl "I IK I VAT K .a. I'or ncc'iM): ritTiis. IN. Two 5ii f erinr with toi et room at tached. Fiiitiiblv for biinny or party of friends: -io cc location, near Hatterv Park boit'l. tl'7 llaywot strtei. ,iyJl)dlw 1 0KIlNt; lions J best location in -House pleasantly situated in ion ii ettv, near street cars; In rue s ue;lc and douit'c rooms; tumi me very ftnett. Krfercnce can be Riven. MRS M. SC HI K l M 15 1 ST IS K. McCapc House, If k Orivc Str-.-ct. aprlltd tf 1IM.I1HRM AK One i tVtvniuHt attractive JCJ and liomt-lil-c plae-n alottt Asheville, Willi the indcpeiithiicei! a hotel. Pclihtfullv nituated tn OaUlund avenue, Victoria. For icasoiinhle rives apply or eall upon rptlK CHAT X No. 21 1 TKA1! I'riratc bardine; house Haywooil street. bine city and mountain views; nt-rfeet sanitation; ht and eohl water; com or able, airy rooms; well provided table; a tc itive service; rca--mimlile ratca. Two huadred yards from Moutford ear line. MR8.M. E. URTW1LHR, oct7tltf t'roprietress. - Y"1oine onf come all, to see th; siht; a V1 .'invMs1.' ffftxty &'JSir 1-v i ven..ak . Ibx. VuutiK Men's Christian instituic huildine; on Tuesday cvcaniR Atiir. sth. by the Wotmn's Ail society of Trinity Chapel ISpiscopat church. KcfreKunienta will be nerved from 0 p. m. until 11. AdmUsion 10 cents. jyl'7dtf. N OTICU. The Stnte of North Carolina, county of ltuucoinhc, In the tMipcrior court. Jennie C. Stafford, plaintill', HeorKe I- Stafford, defendant The delendant above named will take no lice that an action entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior court ot Itunconilte county tor a di voree from the bonds of matrimony, and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the next trriu of the Su pctior co ;rt of s lid c unty to be held on the ad Moudav before the 1st Monday in e tc in her, lsu.'i. fct the rourt houte of said county in Atdicvillc, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint in Hid ac tion or the idaintitT w ill apply to the court tor the n lief demanded in the complaint, ltd the ulh day of Ju'y, is3. J. L. CATH BY, C. S. C M.R.Carter and 1. A. CummiaRS, t1aia tiira attorucys. jyGdtft thura Il'iJ A I. liSTATB SALH Bv virtue of an thority vested in me by a certain deed f trust executed to K. F. I?OHter nnd as sunit'dbyj. K. Woodbury, dated July 20, INUlj. default having made bv paid Woodbury in the pnyment of the notes se cured by said deed of trust, I will sell at pub lic auction, f r efuih, nt the court house door in the city of Ashcviltc, at 1J o'clock m.t on the 211th day of Aukus, 1 :(, a. certain lot of land lying and Kin in thecountyol ilun cotulic. State of North Carolina, und bound ed nnd more particularly drcrileU as fol lows: lteKlnntDK at a atuke in the southern riiuricin of Starncs avenue, at the north west corner of G. II. St&rnca lot and runs with said Staracs line and othere south SL eust li4 fvet to Kathcrine Kelute line; thcn.Y soiith r.S'j' west 73l-j feel; thcn-e north 31 west 101 feet to Stnrm-A avenue; thence wiUi saiil uventie north GtV cat T.IVt feet to lieKinninjt, nnd more fully descril'ed in said deed of trust, rei"--'. red in book bo oi mortgages ttr.J deeds of trust, on jkikc 3 I'D, etc. K. K. I11I.U, Truster. Over four tlunisand feet abovo tho sea, unci nearly bix thousand feet bo low the great peak of Kan Jacinto, In Kivorsido county, tliero has now reachetl tho height of ono hundred and ten feet what is probably tho best built dam in America, says tho Irriga tion Aire. It Is in a very narrow frorro of solid rock and built of blocks of ffrunito of from thrco to five tons each," no small stono being1 used. Tho spaces between these are filled with rich con crete, mixed by machinery and rammed into placo by steel rods. This makes a monolith of tho wholo structure, with tho advantage ol navuisr moro flexibility than any other dam of equal strength could have. Its factor of safety Is very heavy and its peculiar construction will make it as nearly earthquake proof as it Is possible for a dam to bo. With stono of such size it could stand for a long timo a very heavy 'overflow, but an ample waste way will be provided. It will be car ried to a height of one hundred and fifty feet, where it will hold eight bil lion gallons. It may bo built still higher if necessary. Though so high it Is not very expensive on account of tho gorge being very narrow for tho fiit ono hundred foet. Tho watershed is over one hundred squaro miles of as good mountain watershed as there is in this part of the state. It is all high mountain with steep slopes and an average raln full of about forty-flvo inches falling In six mouths. When tho gate was shut a few days ago one storm filled it to a depth of ninety feet, making a lake some two miles lone. The lowest summer flow is enough to balance tho evaporation, while tho averago will furnish a largo amount of spring and early summer water after tho lake is full. This water will be used upon what is called the mesa in tho rich valley of San Jacinto. In this valley aro many thousand acres of the richest soil, and two hundred and fifty artesian wells aro there pouring out over two thou sand inches of water. This will build up ono of tho most prosperous settle ments in tha new country, with quite a town and alfalfa Holds and orchards on every hand. On the west, and some twenty to forty feet abovo the main vulley where the artesian belt is, lie some thirty thousand acres of bench land, that, with water, is the finest of fruit land, and upon which the artesian water cannot bo taken. Upon this the water from Lake llemett will bo led by pipe and cement ditcli and flume down the canyon with a fall of twenty-five hundred feet in a few miles, which will give power enough to run electric roads and lighting plants, besides con siderable for manufacturing. Upon this mesa or bench land the company already owns somo eight thousand neres of ehoieo land, over which it will distribjuto water, and it will undoubtedly sell water to the ad jacent lands if tho owners prefer to keep them instead of selling them to the company. While Considerable has been done here in the past without any irrigation, the use of water so far surpasses the best results without it that the sale of all tho water they can reservoir is assured. This type of dam wus selected main ly on aeoount of its economy of cement."'" Tho hauling of cement tip a long mountain road was a 6erious item. ISut this Is not Its only advan tage. It is much stronger than ordi nary rabble masonry, less apt to crack under any sudden shock, and also heavier for the samo bulk of material. Where a savage stream has to be fought and thero is any question about tnc sufficiency of tho waste way it is the best type of dam if the cleavage of tho rock will permit the getting out of largo blocks. Tho overflow cannot tear them loose nor can any ordinary pounding of water at tho base jar it so os to Injure tho joints of tho structure. Its economy over rubble masonry will depend upon the price of cement at tho work and upon tho cleavage of tho rock, it being assumed that in the case of ordinary rubble work wire rope carriers would be used to deliver stono into placo. With some rock tho waste of stone too small for this typo of dam, yet largo enough for common rubble work, might be great enough to overbalance tho differenco in the amount of cement used. ' At all events this form makes a most safe and im posing piece of work, that will endure as long as tho hills in which the dam i s firmly locked. THE AMERICAN PLAN. CALLED HIM " OLD A Humorous CODGER." tho 1.1 fo ot Inutdont frotu (Jon. Taylor. The general was a little careless in dress and never wore a complete regu lation suit except when imperative duty compelled, llo often had on some homespun material and a broad- brimmed straw hat. One evening; at Jfewnansville ho was sitting in the tav ern office with threo brother officers, all veterans of the prairies and fron tiers, and all roughly dressed. On tho arrival of tho eastern stage a sprightly young officer, fresh from tho military academy, line in dress and a little overconfident of manner, appeared upon the scene. Ho glanced superciliously at tho rus tic-looking men who sat talking and smoking and then addressed the eldest, Col. Taylor, for information: "Well, old man,, how are the Indians now?" "I believe, sir, they are giving con siderable trouble," replied Col. Taylor. "Oh, they are, aro they? remarked the officer, with assurance. "Well, we'll fix matters soon. I'm an army officer and on my way to take a hand in the war. How aro the crops? 'Very fair, sir, I understand, where the Indians can keep quiet." And so on with pert questions from the youthful officer and very respectful answers from Taylor, who sturdily kept up tho Imputed character without betrayal. At last tho young man grew gen erous. "Come, now, old codger, you and your neighbors tako something have a drink with me." ' The officers rose and solemnly pledged tho bold young warrior. - A few days later at Fort Rrano the young officer was mortified and aston ished, on tho first inspection of his company by the senior officer, to see tn tho full uniform of a colonel com ing straight toward him the old farm er of tho tavern. Col. Taylor smiled when near him, and said, reflectively: "Come now, old codger." The abashed young man asked Borne experienced officers what he should do. They laughingly said: "Oh, with C61. Taylor, simply noth ing." After a day or so tho colonel called up tho young officer, and, when ho at tempted an apology for his rudeness, said: "My young friend, you have had a good lesson. Let mo give yoit a piece ef advice that I think may bo of im mense advantage to you: Never judge a stranger by his clothes." That was tho end of the affair. Col. Taylor never again alluded to it. VoimgWives Who aro for tho first timo tc undergo woman'3 severest trial wo offer "Mothers Friend" lv which, if used RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. F1. w, UuiDHKOPBa and Kbobbh Potria, Rccei vers WESTERN NORTH CAROUNA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Tuly 2, 1803. EASTBOUND NO. 16 A rcmc'i we is directed a fen ks befotu coimuumuut, lolu it ul it; PA!N, HCRROU AND RISK TO L!FL of both mother and child, as thousands wlic ii.-uo used it testify. "I nsrfl two bnttlps nf Mothfps' villi m trvolous resets, and wish t very vyimr wiio has t.) Pas throtiuJMliourdeiilof chtld-hiillt I' know if tiiuy will use NfiiTiiHiti I'kiknii fur a feu wi-cksit will robtimlinenientof fiUMsinAsiitlrritig a;id insurs safety to life of mother ant cula. ' Hits. Sam Hamilton, Mujuijoiuery City.Mu Rout liv express, charges iw nlrl, on ri-ceipt f pric, l."')piTlxittI SoldbyaUaruuuisti. i-oa. io Mothers mailed free. liKADi'iiiLD Kbgulator Co , Atlanta, Oa- Typewriter Lv Knoxville Morriatown, .. Lv7Paint Rock Hot 8nrlnKS Lv. Asheville Round Knob Marion Morsrojltou. Hickory Newton States ville Ar. Salisbury orecnsDoro. ....a 2am ....O ....8 OSam NO. 12 8 lSao B Warn "iaT36pn 12 41pm 2 30pm 3 52pm 33DH1 S 17pm 5 Gupm 6 2(pm 7 11pm 8 OOpm IO 49pm Danville 12 07am Ar. Richmond 7 OOara Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durham RaleiKh Goldsboro ... 11 25pm 3 15am 6 OOam ...tl3 OSpm Lv. Danvi'.le Ar. Lynchburg:.. Washington., 12 16am 1 68am O 45am Baltimore Philadelphia New York...... ...... . WESTBOUND Lv. New York Philadelphia riaitimore NO. 15 H 1 0 SOpm 13 o3pm ?NOTH 4 SOpm oopnr B 20ont Washington... LynchhurK Ar. Danville IO 43pm 3 40am 5 35am Lv. Richmond 12 SOam Danville S 35am Ar. Greensboro H 15am I Lv. Galdaboro 47 45om Lv RaleiKh 5 OOam liurnam f B3am Ar. Grewnnboro 8 OSam I Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITING MACHINE OF THE World' Columbian Exposition. Lv GreensDoro Salisbury Statcsville Newton Hickory Morrantc-n ... " Marlon Round Knob.... Ar. Asheville Hot Snrinirs " Paint Rock . u 1 7pm .1(1 4-Hpm .11 02pm 8 20am IO 15am 11 Otiain 11 54ara 12 16pm 12 59pm 1 48pm 2 48pm 4 OllDitl IS 3pm A fiOpn Momsrown 'MCnoj vil le. . 7 45pm A. & S. fi MLROAD NO 18 NO 14 I LV Asheville 2 tllpm 8 12am Henderaonvillc 3 O'Jpm u Uliml Flat Kock 3 loom u 27am Saluda 3 32pm S 52am Trvon 4 01mn IO 22am Ar. Spartanborr 5 OOpm 11 30nm NO 15 NOial SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE c- Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 37 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Lv. Spartanburg 6 20pm 3 Klpra Tryon 7 1 Hpm 4 2opm I saiuaa 7 47pm 4 otipm Plat Rock H loom K 22pm 1 Uenders'nvMe K 1 8pm 5 33pra Ar. Asheville 9 1 2pm a 40pm WAS Dick QUICK WITH HIS GUN. JyOTlCE. North Cnrolina, Buncombe county, Supe rior court. Karhcl llerrea, widow ol Uzekicl llrrrcn, cleceuned, vs. Wm. M . llerrcn and others. The defendants in the above entitled rause, W. M. llerrcn. J. M. llerrcn. O. B. llerrcn, Hannah U. llerren, Mary K. Wheeler, N.aney J. llerren, Arthur H. llerrcn, Clinton Whet ler, B. P-Col. 8. M . Cole. 11. K. I'hil- lip. Hlizabcth B. Phillips. J. I. Cole, Ara tninta Cole, W. t. Cook. Naomi Cook. W. M. Wright. A. Z. WriKht. Sallie K. Hall, T. 1'. Hnlllda Cathry, J. X. Cathcy. liddre WriKht, Aaron Wright, Rachel WriKht Freddie Wright and John Wright, will take nuti.e that the plaintiff. Kacln-1 llerren, will on the 81st day ot August, 1KII3, before J L. Cathcy. clerk of the Superior court, at ins onice in Asnevine, Nortu C arolina, move the court for a confirmation, of the asnifro mcnt of dower to her in this proceedine nittdc, whco.and where they may appear aim snow canfte, if any tney nave, wny said assignment of drrwer shall not he confirmed in all respects. This 2dth day of July. 1H03. KAL-tlbL, ILLKKi',., l'laintlll. W. W. Jones, ; Attorney. ty2Gd4twcd r 1 ill 8 undersigned l ulldinR committee will -1- receive bids for finishing tbc wood work of the school building t:t Turkey Creek Camp uroanu until m o'clock Saturday, the 12th day of Auicust, 1803. The work to be done will be the laying of two doors, of f;ood pine plank 1H ioches thick aad not moic then 8 inches wide; and running two sood parti tions, so iu mmae a n ii way in lower story so as to give drrsrd surface in each room or on each ide of the s'.udding; also the completion ol ttur stairway and the han IsicrinK for same, the stringers for the stair way being already in; alio the making and hanging ol four doors, with row! locks and keys, one door in each parti lion, and two doors in the br ck waU, one of chick's a double door; also the making and hnttgiug of 814 window bliod. to be well painted and to SLit size of ofjening in bonee. The house is 00x40 feet and 14 feet from lower to apprr fl-jor. All ma'terial turnishrd by the c-mtract or. Work to be done by the 1st day of fiorcmber, and the money to be due by the 1st of November. Alllnmberto well seasoned and pat sp in g -nd work manlike style. All bids to be addressed to 1st cuirnas r arerruiry of the committee . B. O. OUUORK, Chairman. - t Uw-Cr. 9. kOBkKltON. Secretary of cosamittoe, Leicester, N. C. The Admlrabla Policy of Letting Other People's Huslnesa Alone. In many ways tho Unitd States has educated , tho world in politics, hud I, for ono, dov not hesitato to 6ay that its schomo of government is the best that has ever been established by nation, says London Truth. But in nothing do we owe more to the Ameri cans than for their having' afforded us the prcat object lesson of a state pur suing the even current of its way with out that meddling-; in the affairs of other states which, has been tho bano of European powers, liere we have a country, rich, powerful, Industrial and commercial, yet never troubling itself with what happens outside its fron tiers, or annexing- foreign lands on tho plea of philanthropy, oron tho ground that in some centuries its area will be too small for its population, or in order to create markets for its goods. And what is the rcsultl. No ono dreams of attacking the United States or of pick ing a quarrel with it. Tho lesson to be learnt is that a stato should rest satisfied with promoting the well-being of her own citizens and leave it to other states to promote tho well-being of theirs. Can anyone conceive tho United States annexing jungles In tho center of Africa in the wiidozpecta tion that the Inhabitants of the jungles will be civilized and hen cover their nakedness with American cotton goods and cook their food in American pots and pans? Tha rsesnd riy. . A fly will lay four times during' the summer, about eighty eggs each time, and careful calculations have demon strated: that the descendants of single Insect may from June 1 to ths end of September exceed two million. Were It not for bats, ineeet-eating blrds and the Innumerable ntlcrosoopia parasites with which the fly is particu larly affiictcd there would be no woi tak A L. . 1 - - a . i m Tod, on Whom No Man Ever Sue ceeded in Getting tbe Drop. Dick Tod was ono of tho characters in a western town, says tho Detroit Freo Press. Ho was active in politics and horse races and was a man who, while not quick to provoke a row, was quick to end it his way when once it started. Everybody in town was afraid of him and his prowess was held to bo Invincible. On one occasion a new editor, displeased with Mr." Tod'a methods, announced in his paper that the gentleman was a liar. Two hours after tho paper appeared a man rushed into the editor's office, perspiring' like a porpoise. "I hope you'll excuse me," ho said to the astonishod editor, taking; a tape line from his pocket, "but I didn't see the paper until a few min utes ago." "What do you want?" exclaimed tho editor. '"Want to tako your measure, of course," ho said, as if the editor ought to know what ho was there for. "But I don't want any clothes," urged tho editor. "Clothes, nothing; I'm no tailor." "Well, what in thunder are you?" "I'm tho undertaker. Didn't you call Dick Tod a liar?" That night tho editor crot out of town and Dick was pacified before he came back. At another timo a political opponent got into a difficulty with Mr. Tod and published a card of a very personal character. "Ilello," said a friend, meeting1 him shortly after the card appeared, "havo you seen Dick Tod?" 'No," was tho short answer. 'Of course you haven't," apologized tho friend. "I'm a blamed fool to bo asking a live man a question liko that." Once again Mr. Tod had some trouble over a race. Blow's this?" said a friend to him the next morning. "I heard Blinker say in a crowd last night that you had sold the race." "Oh, that's all right," laughed Tod. "Blinker's funeral won't take placo until Sunday afternoon, as we couldn't postpone the races." But Mr. Tod went the way ot others of his kind. In a saloon ono nlg-Ut when ho was not expecting' it a woman whipped out a revolver and shot him through tho body. He lived about ten minutes and his last words were: Well, boys, good-by, and remember that no man ever got the drop on Dick Tod." iioyaitys llomauce. A romantic incident has Interrupted the western tour of tho nephew of the sultan of Johore, who, with his illus trious uncle, was expected to visit the world's fair at Chicago this fall, and tho young princo will return home. Two years ago the prince visited Eu rope and at Carlsbad fell in lovo wltn the daughter of a local locksmith, who .was famed In the district xor ner beauty. When the royal party reached Carlsbad a few weeks agro tho prince sought out tho young woman and after a few days introduced her to the sultan, who consented to their be trothal.' The sultan mado the couple a pre Bent of five hundred thousanu dollars and also settled one hundred and fifty thousand dollars on the bride's parents. After the wedding- the young couple were to return to the far east. He Was Absent-Minded. There was once an absent-minded preacher in Maine, of whom a g-ossip-ing lady tells the Iewiston Journal. One Sunday he said excitedly at tho closa of a solemn discourse: "The choir will now pronounce the benedic tion and I will sing1 the Doxology." The choir failed to respond beyond a faint, soprano giggle, and the minister hastily exclaimed: "No, nol I should havo said: 'I will novr-ainp; the bene diction and the choir will please pro nounce tho Doxology.' Before he could hazard another attempt the quartette came to the rescue with "Old Hundred," and the parson sat down to recover his wit behind the friendly shelter of the old-faahioned troJmt. Said the Owl to himself, "If tho moon I could get, whenever I'm dry mv throat I could wet; inc. moon is a ' - quarter witn a quar ter I hear; you can purchase five gal lons of Hires' Root Beer." A Delicious, Temper ance, Thirst-quenching, Health.Ulvinir Drink. Good fur any time ol year. A 25c. package makes 5 gallon. Be sure and get micas , MORPHV BRANCH NOriaij NOTf? Lv. Asheville 'J nnan 6 45pm Ar. Waynesville IO 25am S 15pm Ar. Hrvson City. 7 ooam Lv Andrews 1131 am Tomotla 1 2 ' Murphy 1 a aopm NO. 20S NO. 18 1 Lv. Murphy Ar. Tomotla Andrews Lv Bryson City.... Ar. Waynesville .... Asheviue 8 OOpin 7 Sin t 1 30pm 1 55pm 2 35pm 4 OSam 8 25am H OOam S LE EPING CAR SERVICE. JAPANESE Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Slccpcra between I Hot Soring and New York, via Asheville. Salisbury and Washington: also between Asnevilic ana Cincinnati via Rnnxviiw ana Harrimnn and Asheville and Chicago via Knoxville nnd Hrtrrimun nnd L.ouisvtile. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Pullman blecper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar- tanburK and Columbia via 9 c K'y, connect ing at coiuraoia lor savannao vista. 0 tc. k. witn i-arior cars. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDW1CK, Gen. Pass. Agt Asst. Gen. Pans. Agt., Wanhinetun, O C, Atlanta, Ga. W.ll C.KKH.N, Gen. Manager, Washington V. E. McBUB. Gen'l Sunt.. Columbia. S. C. SOL. HAAS. Traffic Manager. Washington tl'nily except bunaay. gunuay omy. THE COUNTRY MAILS. Ilrevnnl. Ar, 6 p m L,v. 7 am Kntherfordton, ' 7 pm " 4. ami Burnsvillc, "7 am" B am Beach, ' O am" U am Leicester, "11 a m " 12 ml IP LisdSp BASEBALL UR A Now nnd Omaplote Tro:ilimnt( cmiHintintf of STTPP. iHITORIKH. CimHuUiA of Ointnumt mnl two I Itoxws of Ointmunt. A uovor-fuilinir Cure for Vm 1 of evory iinture nnl dotfi-eo. it niukon nn operiiuoij i with t.h knifo or iiiittctlonn ot cnrlnUo ni'iil. which I ore imiiifu! unil neldom a ptirinuuuut cur, nnd ofleii I rmmltintf In denth, uniutcetibary. Why endure I this terrible diseas? we guarantee o boxes to cure any case. Vou ouly imy foi honrfUa received. (1 a ox, 0 for $5. bent by uiall. (iuantiiteoH Ifnued hy our amenta. CONSTIPATION by Japanese Liver Pellets I the grunt I.1VKR nnd BTOM AOil KEOULATOK am! lti.ooli I'llltlFlKK. Small. lulWl niul iileiiHimt t take, iwueciully uuuuted tor children's uuo. 6U Ijoeoi 25 ceutri. UUABANTEE3 tamed only llT RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C TO VISITORS! ii YOU WISH TO CAKKY AWAY A LASTING AND CHARMING SOVVUNIR OI' ASHEVILLE, UEVOSIT SO CENTS WITH "THE CITI ZEN and HAVE RETURNED FULL '.VALUE IN A FINE ESGKAVED VIEW OF ASHEVILLE These tiny Capsules arc superior! to ilialsam or Copaiba, Ciibcba and Injections, f "JPfl They cure in 4J nours mo v. samo diseases without anyincon-l veniunce. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS I FLOWER MISSION AT Till? KRI'O STOKIiS. HUgldHt in! m -"SkSJ II il . $ J. 73 roa boys rl'AINLKSS Til LSli Do You Ride a Victor ? If you ride why not ride the best? There is but one best and it's a Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON, WASHINGTON. DENVER, 8AN FRANOISOO. Asttcville Bicycle Company. Agents. 03 very Smoker's Nose knows when it is pleased. It is always pleased w ith the fragrant and peculiar aroma of BlackwefFs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Which has been for more than a quarter oT a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Black well' 3 Durham Tobacco Co. DURHAM, N. C. W ri, r . DO NOT FORGET THE WEEKLY CITIZEN AND THE Buncombe's Best Players. Xliurstlay Aftci-nuoii, August io TICKETS FOR SALE BY THE Ladic.H Coiiituiltce AND LOUISVILLE HOME AND FARM ONLY S1.10:PER YEAR. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ! INJECTION. gi ...t- .. ,., K,,i.i, nv all iiiu oniHTawa BEST IN PLAIN. 8KALKI PACKAGE U1MN BECEI11 IIP PLUCK, Ashevll!e Agents, Fayaor c Bmitb.i pre" Kription drngKistr, 8 Pattonavenw. feblOdlv nnd Wlilskey Habits curcii hi Iiouio wiiu- out lima. lMMikof iar- IK'lilHrH sent IKtt i 1L M. WfHd.I.EY.M.D. 'UUwo.ii!, Vtuiiohsil tit.. AllSDUi, tia. , THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL CO. I NATURAL AND MANVF.St'TUREIi JCB AND ALL KIXDS of COAL. j9 ration Avenue. Tel- 150. Yard 144 W..L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE kowt!Lrp. Do you wear them 7 Vhcn next It nrl try n pair. Best in tn wor:a. $500 -s' 43.50 2.50 M 9S t 2.00 If vr:t ;5: OT.ZZi SV.OT.. m.- In IU h'. '.vlf. do.i'l r-v ?fi !; ?r ' : n y S3, $3.50, $4.00 01 $5 Shoo, They St equal !o Custom mado and look anc oar as .!, If v-ju i '1 !- rron.Tml.-n in vvarfcflwcar, Jo so bv D'j.'cSaine V. Lt DniirrUs Shcs. Hamo anc irice stimp.'1.-! ci Th? orTr--m, inrK t-ir 11 v n-n "mi etiy. V". I. lidUiiLA?, liiwkton, Jf . toia by Ilia n ton, Wrljjlit & Co. THE - ROLLER TRAY TRUNK The Most Convenient Trunk ever devised. LBWIS MADDUX, Prca II. T. COLLINS, Vice-Prca. L. F. M'LOVD, Casblev Capital. $50,0001 Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository, Organised y, zSSSs DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES QENERaX. banking business tbansactkd. '1 - Ik Intcreat Paid on Deposit tn i tanTlnx'3 Dcparltnctit J. K. Ueed, S. II. lleed. Lewis Maddux, II. T. Collins, M. J. Fugg, Chas. McNumcc, J. E. llankin, M. J. Beardeu, BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til LtF. .; 65 South Street, oors below ticket of fice. SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE FORWORLD'H FAIR TRIP, 3,000 and 916 Weekly for $1 per wrck. Same fur ladies. Excursion Tickets !l BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHEAP RATFS TO ALL POINTS! C. P. RAY. Member Amerlcaa Ticket Brokers" Associa- Uon, at souta ssata siren. THE TRAY Is arranged to roll back, laav lug tha bottom of the Tronk easy of ac cess. m -s - " Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out tf desired, and to buy this style Is s guarantee that Toa will get tho strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot rnrnlab yoo, notify ttie manufacturers. H. W. ROUNTREC A RO., RieHMONO. Vs. World's Fair, Ohicaco. Oslomt Avwtisie and aii "tr IlflTFI m m 'irepmors ruosMl ner Ksll 1U Lav. finmnilat hatlts on every floor mencan aoa r.aniwmn , assuj riraS-elass I Xor Traveling is a Pleasure ! Wta m ;a have everything snapped oat tor yo, when tt start, where yon chaasre cars, how to engage aleepcra, where yon cae stop, time rrqnlred, what depot yon go into, whether yon have to have transfer, if mo. distance betwena dcoeti, how to check t as cage, how to find beat hotels with rates, and last tint not least, how to scenre the most pleasure la trav eling at tbc Least Expense AU this may be obtained tree of cost at Hay's Cut-ltato Ticket Office, 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. CJ phone 194. - Tell -A. jf mr & V ' ' jw4