i THE ASHEVIULE DAIL.Y CITIZEN. Montlay Evening, August 7, 1893. u ' l l I nin..r. I I Avnltl nisense Ylv YTctinor PAVING AROUND TOWH. iubihmiwii ,. 4fc I I 1- ll-..l.;.;,r-fAn 4ir,,vf 7 Futecnst till I Mar York Market. I I AV tZXv-ajL II' I ...i a r . . . t . DEPOT STREET'S WHAT PROPERTV OWNERS WILL. PAV THEREFOR. Report ol AMtueul( Aicalutit Eacu Property Owner, as Made out or Clly uniriueer W aua Adopted by Ibe Boards. The assessments against property owners on Depot street, for their share of the expense of paving, arc printed to day, being taken from the report of City Engineer Lee to the Joint ISoard and Rrmril of Aldermen and by these bodies adopted. In making up the reports the damages paid to property owners for land taken .u '., p.- rated nguinst tUo proyertj' oivncr. on 'lie eii'irc ' This ihk. viX'i.iS in t'w Waxhinrton. Auirust 7. Forecast till 8 p. mi. I ucsduY Cooler, northerly winds. h tin iiUhiiu. Hut tiu-i . .s a inn's' lov i o wueiiwr mew. ,1 .,. U : (.-irt of tlic ol pctviii, au a lmriuiy case is lo be made up and sent to the Supreme com t in order to have this point settled. Should the court decide that the dam ages can be assessed against the property owners they must pay the amount priuted in the first column. Should the court decide adverse to this the owners must pay the amount printed in the Inst column, which is the actual cost of the paving, without the damages. Holli amounts apicar in the city engineer's report. The total cost of ltepot street, includ ing damages was $11,020.75, excluding damages, $7,lK(7.Ull. The names ol owners and their assessments lollow : Iliil'OT STKIEliT WKST SlltK. TOTAL BU'I.ITiIM; sliSSMI-.NT. DAMAl.K. $ 51 H :i GOT -M IVcat'Mnt rooms and board em fiimily. 101 Hailiy l. WANTKU-Adilrcss V 1ST A. II OVVNK8. Mrs. I. M. lullvs. K. K. menu, - " Dr. I. L.Carrull. r.iiti (.7 H. 0. lohnstou, iur, 2i Ihs. Buttrkk, I'-'O 71 Ian. Buttrick, -'73 4. Lorj Graven. H'S 1,1 II. 8. Hurkim. -r-70 r.o Rnttrick & Bcurueu, -": -H H. 1.. Steele, l'JO ' J. A. Tennent, L. A. Foatcll, --" M. A. Feiglcr, 1 51 74 I. B. Bostie. liW C. H. Surrutt. 1H3 UU Geo. I.. Hackney, 1 3 1 3 V. II. Gwyo, W. I.. Pool. lli OH I'. C. Humphrey. Lewis Brown, -'iiO oo Woodard, I7o;io Thos. Fisher, 1 3 I'll L. P. MeLoml, '- J. P. Sawyer. 32t no f. C. WcNeelv, 1 Richard Hamllry. la Harriet Vernon, 14.0,0 Wm. Cocke, l.ooo'.ia W. W. Uyman, l.ma 5o T. B. Lyman, MOli 1 - K. i II. R. K.Co.. 3..'1? Nat'l. Bankof Ashevillc, si 17 Southern Imp. Co , 1,4-iil t'; McPherson & Clark, H 1 1 7 A. I). Cooper, si 17 R. & 1). R. K. Co., 7I.1I lill DHl'OT S'lKBliT LAST SlUli. G. W. Cannon, 771 07 lulla Johnston, I'-'l 3(5 John lohnslou, oo 1 H. Hustle. 1 2" R. P. Sbepard. J. M. Campbell, B. H.Coshv, Mrs. U. A. Merrill, wm. Cocke, j .w r.r, i.r.2 nr. I J O'J t sr, oi 20 Mi mi 4-D r.ss y 5 ys7 io lill 4-11 Uf.i 1; 2 1 5 '.it isf. :to ir-.i r.o ir,o s i js ri F I S t ; ii".i s;i 1 U7 :i iu oo 1 75 4." ifo r,i 5l Mi :ii'.i oo i:i7 1 411 30 14. 55 l,o7l" 31 1,773 I Cox Bros . A. B. Lynian. W. Vt. Lvmau, R. L. Niles. P. A. Pondlev, M. J. PagK. Southern imp. Co , L. L. Prasier, J. M. Tiernan, A. C. Monday, Walter Connelly. 1119 Ti 4 I'll O'J l'JJ (ill 1 ,6 1 y 24, 4.3'.H S7 537 IK) 7113 S I 570 5l Ilia s,i 4M7 511 litis 311 l',3Jll 'J'J 4. JS l'J 4311 :'J 1(17 5 557 4ti l'.i" ' 3,13s ' 7M l.l ao 711 43 711 43 753 10 755 33 1S7 -J31 HI 17B 41 1!15 Ol 410 SO 1SS 53 1.5S4 47 4,an7 5-jn 7 70 7t 5.-.s as sn3 ao 31IS 75 Oft3 U a,a7ii a i 4111 4S 4J i OS io5 a 7 645 40 UN UO. Pertioualit About People, Home ol Wtaoiu You Know, Geo. A. Frick, esq., of Shelby, is in the city. W. U. Martin of Norfolk, Va , is here on a visit. J. W. Grainger is in Aslicvillo today from Kiiislon. J. H. Grcsuam is at the Swauuanoa from Washington, I). C. Miss Sue Stevens went to Stutesvillc today for a two weeks' visit. Judge Geo. A. Shuford left today for the eastern part of the State. Dr. J. A. Fowlkes and family ol Dyers burg, Tcnn., arc visiting in Ashevillc. Principal F. B. Lewis, of the M out ford avenue school, is doing the v orld s 1- air, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Shapleigh ofSo mersworth. N. H.. are at the Swanua- noa. I. T. Covinuton and C. I.. Ilcnnctt .-ire registered at the Grand Central trotu Si Louis. Cant. 1!. A. Ncwland. T. I'. A. of the Seaboard Air Line, came up from Char lotte Saturday. Mia. Phincus lvent and Miss M. lv Kent of Charleston arc anionir the visi tors at the liattery Park. Amoni; the Columbia cucsts at the Battery Park arc Mrs. Caroline Walker and Mrs. C. W. Ravencl. Hr. W. 15. Pelham of Newberry, S. C. is in the city on a visit to his brother, Dr. S. 11. Pelham, for a few days, Dr. II. B. Weaver lilt yesterday for Wrigntsyille to attend the session of the State Board ot Medical lixamincrs, which he is a member. Miss Marv Mitchell returned Saturday from a visit to relatives in Knoxville, ac cotmiunied bv her sister, Mrs. Tarwatcr who will spend some time here Col. Frank Coxe arrived in the city yesterday from Bar Harbor. The Colonel f . ' ....... T. I I i,,. is at ine uaiiery oii miu iudiratinns are good for a big Asheyille. lusticej. B. Worsley is ill at bis borne on College street. Local revenue collections Saturday amounted to $117 "J I. There is still a perceptible improvement iu Alderman T. C. Starncs' condition. Fines amounting to $00 were imposed in Mayor ration's court this morning. l'rof. V. Kncringer, lately organist of Central church, is very sick at the Aslie ville hotel on South Main street. The calendar of cases iu the Buncombe Superior court, which is to convene here next Monday, has been printed. The .-.! y paying force did some bustling work .-5u,.iirday, completing the paving on the S' UtU side of the court bouse late in the afternoon. If vou know fun when fun is fun and want to have some fun as is fun go out to the A. L. I. picnic tomorrow from o to IU p. tu. The skirmish arm win occur ul D:30. Mai 1. M. lilair, the auctioneer, today sold lor Collector l.lias j callous oi whiskey seized as the property ot moi Israel. . Wilcv Shook was the pur chaser, paying !f 1 a gallon. Remember the Japanese -tea to lie given Wednesday afternoon ami evening Horn to ID o'clock on the groumla corner of Charlotte and Chestnut streets by the Faithful Fnilcavnr society. The Itrvsoii City Times says: "We . 1 1- I 1... congratulate riaim imci.uk., khv llavesville Advance, on having otilameii i slice ot pic messenger nitlic colicctoi s illice at Ashevillc worthy sou of a wor thy sire.' The lm inUi s of the Board ot County Commissioners met in tneir icgui.u monthly session here today, limy routiiie'liusiiicss, such as passing upon paupers' claims, etc., was transacted up to noon. The Doubled. iv baseball team is van quishing its opponents regularly now. i nh S:ii iirii.i v i lie ic.'iui ouiwn Sw.-innanoa nine at Keuilworlb J ,v.,.i- li,,m,- with a scurf ol IS to ll) 111 its favor. lal. S. Stephens has icsiyiicd the posi tion of general secretary of the Voung Men's institute, and Dr. M. W. Alston, the president, has been appointed geu craf secretary until a suitable man can be found for the place. Yesterday morning Kev. us. H. White of St. Lawrence's church had an attack ' I ..n. ....... .......1.1 ...lill.. t'iviti'f iii.'iss. 2ind Ul I It, 1 1 L fclV,,."', M i'". .-...-.. . it was with ililliculty that be tinished the service. He was taken to the church residence and received medical attention. Father White was very sick for awhile, but is considerably easier today. The sleeping car line between Hot Springs, Aslicvillo and Jersey City, now oncrated on K. & D. trains 1 1 and 12, will be discontinued on the Dth of August, Wednesday of this week, tin tli-ii ilm' will lie hemm the oiicration of 15' . i,.,,i.- ..,!, ..r - l,. twrcn Hot TliLlil'ilU.NB 170. SnriiiL'S and Salisbury on trains 1 1 and I aus7d3ni 11 The Greenville, S. C, News, in reprint Uig 1 llli V. ITlzl-is s account oi iiic :u ti met to Cant, l'rank I) Donncll, has this nrctacc: "bvcrvbodv in t .rccnvillo anil Anderson remembers uenial, bandson Frank O'Donucll. who used to lie chief of the Anderson lire department, and wi be interested in this from I in; Asm; villi; Citizi;n The iicoole of Ashevillc should liberally patronize the liuseball game to ne piaveu at Carrier s track next Iliursilay alter noon for the benefit ol the 1-lower mis sum. a most I cserviuiz lnstiiuin u. ik best plavers in the Ashevillc Itascball club arc to be uitled against each other and there will be a rattling good game Keei) the date in mind and make arrange meats to attend At the close of the service yesterday morning at the Southsidc Presbyterian church a handsome engraved silver com inunion serviccof six pieces was presented to the church bv Justice and Mrs. A. 1 Summcy. Mr. Stiminey made the pre sentation with touching remarks, which were resounded to bv Lldcr James West, who accepted the present on the part ol the church. The regular scnu annual civil scry ice examination ol applicants tor positions iu the postoH'iee was held Saturday. The board of examiners is conitiosed W. H. Clark, N. V. Fain and G. It. Morris. employes in the postotliec. liightcen persons en leredforcxaiuination.il men ami one ladv. Five were examined for clerkships md 13 for carriers. That favorite of Ashevillc minsticlsy- lovers, George Wilson, is coming back here, but minus the burnt cork, lie is to do white-face work the coming season with Primrose and est s com edv company an organization com posed of minstrel and opera stellar at tractions. ManamrSawvcr lias uookcci the company for August '-.'. "Monte Carlo." something new and catchy, de scribed as a spectacular operatic com edv nlav. will be the piece presenteil on tins date Mew York Nuvv York, August 7 Cottou futuies. opened steady; Aufc-ust. 7.5(1; Septi-mbcr, 7 55; ixti ber, 7.5; November 7.74; Decem ber 7 85; Junuary 7.ta. Daltimore Market. HAiTiMORH, Aup. 7 -Klour, stead v; wheat, (irmer; spot. AuKUSt B5;Scpt. r.S'.;millinK wheat bv sample. I15i (Hi; corn, ririucr; Biot AukukI, 47'2; September 47; white corn by ample, 51(a;5a; vcllovr, 411. nililim. in idass. Ashevillc Siuu and Advertising Co., cor. Court Square and Nor th Main street, up stairs. I Highest i'rlecs Paid for Kailroail I Tickets Special Hates (Microti Acci dent Insurance. Clarke, t. C. Hotel DOWN THEY COME ! GREAT MARK DOWN ! Made From Distilled Water ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 34 lattou Avenue. Telephoue Mo. 40. lunex to Men Advcrtiitenieutis. llutter Kropcr Lost itiicn Ullice For Sale L l Suttle Wanted P O Box lll'J CiRiirs llelnitsh : Kciiunn (Htk Terrace Mrs M B Hill To l.tt 1 2H lliiTvvood street StcnoKraphy I. Isadora McK.ee IMcitsunt Rooms-IOI llsilev street I c Brown-IMuiubinn uml Can I'ittinj MATTINGS. KErnllitiKATUlib. TCE CHESTi. 1 HAMMOCKS. SCREENS. ETC., ETC. ASHEYILLE DULLING COMPANY. -MANUFACTURERS OF- W. B. WILLrl AIVISON A: CO., Roller King and Electric Light Flour, Choice Cora Meal, with a Ntrth- aUKYdlnf FUKN1TURE, CARPETS. ETC.. ETC., comiclcnl city solicl'or. 1". O. UOX. 13'J. MTWVn''.BAPH V Private Instruction ui v- O in Shorthaiul and Typewriting by L,. Isadora McKcc, loi nancy street. aiiKTdl'11 umli-clla. Icl't at the cm! of I uliur Slri:ii;s car line, with oiimt Will lohnston cut on hand c. l-inder will please leave at The CitUcn ollice and Bet re ward. auK7dtf 16 Patlon Avcuuc, Astacvlltc, N. C. rin i:ht-Ih m ivute family, sincle or con I nctinir t-oittns with dressing room At or without hoard. Location lH 11 AY WOOL) ST. tuched, will! unsurpassed. auK7d 1 w IIOARlINU norsis, . 9 II II. LSI UU 8TKKMT. l)n Lookout Wouiitaiii UlcclricCer Line. Large srounils and plenty of thudc. MRS. M E HILL. J. C. BROWN, " " Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. WHITLOCK i CLOTHING I. HOUSE, J1,1 KKL1A1SLK 46 South IVIain, Cor. Eagle Block. GRAHAIVI FLOUR. Dealers iu All Kinds ol GIIAIN aud MILL, FEKU ! CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Keep to toik "Moaut Vtruoo," "Ciutudlan Clat," tind Old ticker Rye Wlilkle. rbe Ih i Wines, tlraudica, Uccr, Alt- anil Stoat for family ne. All goods delivered free. Ale nun Porter on draught, Uutcrruce No. li North Mniii and 7V College lre U. 1clcphiir No. 152 P. 8.: On and after M ay Oth I will Mod statcnieot of occouuts by mall to puriics In TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders iutrusted lo my cure will receive prompt and iRisonal attention, ysa'ltyot work anil imitcuni guaranteed. ORUHKS SOLICITHI), l:i COLLliOli ST. For Sale on Easy Terms Offer all summer clothing at reduced prices ;; to make room for fall stock. Our stock of light weight clothing will be sold regardless of value. Our assortment is large and desirable in Cheviots, Cassimeres and Worsteds. Our clothing lit and near longer than auy other clothing iu this marker. Extra punts for men and boys prices. Manhattan Shirts, Mothers' ; waists for boys. Underwear in tho market. Cheaper than elsewhere. Hats, Neckwear, (J loves, Stylish and Cheap. Extra sizo cloth up to No 50 deb ted to me If not settle I by that time. Respectfully. THE PROraiUTOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. at very low Friend best on Shirt the Hosiery, New, HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. Wc keep constantly on tuuitl u large and select stock ol Iced. Make a siMX-iulty of the business. Are iu constant communication with the principal di al ers aud mills in various markets, l'aying casli. we get all discounts possible. Sell mainly to cousuiuers from ton lots down to a single package. CHOICEST FARM ON SWANNANOA. ABOUT 0 MILliS liAST OF ASHEVILLE ON W. N. C. R. R. Dozen fine ppriiiK. scveflly-fiv acres wood- Iunds,lurK acreage, choice bottom lands, uplands iu fine condition, yrass and clover, vineyard, one uml u tic-half mile river front, good roads, Inst of neigh borhood, etc., make this th? most ds1r- ahtc farm iu Buncombe county. Within one nnd n half mites is being enetcd the $ru.lMK) Industrial School building. Al- s j the proposed M u in moth Knitting Mills, hacked by five mil ion dollurn. will include part of this farm. Apply to A BIG CHANGE IN BUSINESS! Cull Get Prices "Will Save You Money l-KOM Tllli 1-lkST DAY OF AUGUST, lS'Jii, Wl A SPOT CASH HUS1NUSS ! WILL DO Wc also keep in stuck Wilbur's Horse aud Cattle Powders uud other stock uicd- iciucs. Wc hayc testimonials from leading men iu Ashevillc as to their value. Wc have uu ik.-Is ! Wc urc ui'it to si'U for casli iur cent, more tu run u lime uu mesa. c k"v-- amount. Wc are guuit; to knuek the Lutloin out onu low c ur D. . SUTTLE, EIUK "ill? Ashevillc, N. C It costs u Bicrchuut rom lo to 15 customers the benefit of mat nrlees must urcvail. Urcilc a Celebrated steam baked bread, the finest bread obtainable, tincst anu must luscious : in i .i,l w. ,,r.- sole iieenta for tliis bicad. and vou can et it fresh every day Try his cream rulls U. beats the record. We have a limited amount of country Lard which wc urc tel!in at 14, cents per pound. Twenty pounds of Good Kite for $1.00. Give us a call. R. 13. NOLAN D & SON. C. S. COOPER. Great Sale ALL ORGANIZED. ISo. ax Korth Main Street, Telephoac No. 151 s. WII.I. 1 HAVE THi; KII.MSTHV. eays the season in THK AI.KXAKtOKM. FIKIi lie en Not Thought Mow (o Have Ioceudlarjr. Detective W. II. Ileavcr of this city has been looking into thematter of the burn- in); of the R. & I. depot at Alexander on Thursday night last. He is of the opin ion that the 6re wasiccidenlal and not incrmliarv as at first thoucht. lie can hear of no motive for the burning , and his belief is strengthened by the fact that, judging from what evidences the fire left, the trunki in the deuot were not broken open. There was a lot of "waste," such as trainmen use, and which is very com- hnstihle. in the deoot at the time, and this the detective is inclined to believe caused the fire by spontaneous com bus tion. Si 1 trunks in the deoot belonged to Mrs. Cbas. Ellis of Savannah, Ga.. who was then at Blackwcll's Springs, but is nnw at the Swannanoa in this city. In these she had a lar?e Quantity of fine clothing, seven rings, 15 pins and otheT valuables. There were several diamonds amoni the tings and pins. Several of these were recovered from the ruins K. 8. Morris is the railroad agent at Alexander. .we're o. k. R. P.Walker has returned from Atlanta and other cities in the South. lie says the Deonle of Ashevillc have bo room to tlk of hard times tbev should sec the condition other places are in. There are in Atlanta twice as many vacant houses Mr. Walker aavs. as there are in Asbe- vilte. and la this estimate be considered th difference in DODnlation. When be truck borne acrain. he saya be felt very mack like throwing up his bat and cbeer- Kev. 1C. I.. liney to ueitiu ihe Study ot Medicine. The many friends of Kcv.E. L. Stanley, pastor of Lethcl M. L. church, houtli, will regret to learn that lie has decided to leave the ministry. This course has been made necessary by consideration for his health, as he is a sufferer from laryngitis. Mr. Stamcy lias decided to adopt the medical profession and is now readmiT under Ir. Chu. E. Hilliard. lie will till bis pulpit nt intervals uuin 1 nc fall, when he will leave for one of the medical colleges to t'tke a course ol lec tures. Mr. Stamcv has held the pastorate of Bethel sir.ee it was organized nearly two years ago. lie isan earnest, consecrated young worker anil is lovcil by eery member ot his congregation as well as bv many people of other churches, all of whom regret that he is forced to take tbis step. It is probable tliat Air. Mnmcy, as an M. V., will make Ashevillc bis home. . Wc take very great pleasure hi stat ing that the United Ranking and Huild- Ing Company J Ol' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Have organized the following strung advis ory board : OFFICERS : A. Kankin, Prcs.;W. B. Williamson, V. Pres. l. C. Waddell, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer; Cha. A. Webb, Attorney. DIRECTORS : Jainea H. Loughran, P. W. Stikcleathcr. S. Westray liattle, W. V. how, I. h. Catbey. W. 11. Westall. J. A. Brookshirc, J.J. Muekcy. John P. Arthur. APPRAISERS : W. li. Williamson, W.V. how. W. II. Westall. Loans will be promptly granted. MAI. H. H. ROGERS, State Agent. G. K. COLLINS, Special Agent. j. s. All bills due us if not paid iu 30 days will be turned over to the Grocers ution for collection and publication. Asaoci- COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CABRINCTON'S.) fi()AL. COKE. l'jbASTJJJJl 1-A1US5, FIREWOOD, K1NDL1NCIS, LAJND SEWEll 1'IPE, . a. t. ,fcAiti Jul i ii A - tl'1"trt TTT TTTTTTTTTTTT P m i-r1 o CQ P DUMMY LINK BCHHDVLK. Leayc Court House Square on Char-I lottc street electric car for Sunset 1'ark ot 9 a. m.. and eyery 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. Commencing thea at J p. m., take car at square eyery 30 minutes until 7 p. m. W. A. St . S. K'V, HCHEUt'LK. Reeular half hour schedule to Sulphur I Sprinas without change. Cars leave I rear of postoffice 8:30 a. m. and thence I every half hour until 8 p. m. Round trip I 25 cents. War also leaves postomce at l 7:45 a. m. to Spartanburg train. Advertising novelties and designers oil advertising specialties, Asbeville bign and Advertiniru? Co., cor. Court Square I and North Main street, op stairs. Gold signs of all kinds, Asheyille Sign and Advertising Co., cor. Court Square I and North Main street, up stairs. p , S, " o o m 05 CD 0 OOP s CD P 0) w p CD 1 o o ft) hH w w o ei CP W Silk laists AT CH ARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. I1AY AND FEED. O. -B. TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. IS THE GREATEST LUXURY OF LIFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT iFLOUR: On the market. Ask your crocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. We Sell Only to Eltrcliants. Those lovely Plaids Wash Silk, Plain India, Fancy Em pire, Surplus, all new. This summer $7.50, $8 and $10 Goods all reduced to $5. This is the Best Bargain to he presented this season. Parties Wishing to procure any of these goodb should call at once heforc sizes get broken. JV1USTIN FAKES & COMPANY. F. P. JSILTJSILN AUGH 1