THE ASHEVILIiE DATLY CITIZEN Thursday Uvening, August 10, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tub Daii-t Citizen, Democratic, la published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rates atrictlr cash: OKI V BAR $0.00 Six Months 3.oo Thibr Months l.BO 0 Month ro URiWasK Is THURSDAY. AUGl'ST lO, 1893. SviiAKiNG of "our countrymen who la bor," President Cleveland says in liin message that tlicy "are entitled to the most watcbftil care of their Kovcrn mcnt." The finances of the country, so far as they are in the hands of the na tional government, are entitled to its watchful care, as ate all other materia interests it has in charge; but no class of jicople is in the care of the government, nor ever should be in a free country. It is the government that must be watched by the people, not the people by the Kv- cruinent. Just as little paternalism , possible, please. Only the vigilance of the New York health authorities kept the cholera out of that city when the steamer Karaniania, from the infected port of Naples, came into the harbor last week. One case o( the disease has already developed among her passengers, and it is probable tln-.t two of the deaths on the voyage over were from cholera. There was not at first much reason for detaining the vessel at quarantine, except for the fact that the officers of the vessel had suspiciously little information to give as to these deaths. The Karamauia was, moreover, in a filthy condition in the passenger tiuartere. and now that one case ol cholera hasdcvclopcd it is to be expected that there will be others to follow. .1 iwxiurs yousg i'iasist. QOSLING STEW. Bit LIVELY TSO W ! There is one thing this country will not tolerate iu the present condition of business and the present tempi r of the people and that is delay. Congress must do something and do it quickly. The adjournment of the Senate Tues day "out of respect to the memory" of a deceased Senator was a solemn farce; it delayed the publication of the Presi dent's message i!4 hours, and, consider ing the necessity for legislation to lift our financial depression, if legislation will do that, It fell little short of being wicked trifling. No honors due n Sen ator already mouldering in his grave, decently buried by his friends and rela tives, can excuse Congress for delay in getting down to work. Neither will a partisan wrangling over contested seats be received by tin people with any other feeling than that of dis gust at the delay thereby caused. There are Democrats enough in the House and Senate if they are of the right kind; let them get speedily to work to prove that they have something statesmanlike about the in. WIC NI'tT ;hTM1 XOiilCXIltCK. Secretary Morton recently remarked that the workman who saved money was labor and capital combined. His assertion was demonstrated recently in a Western city where a run by work men on a bank compelled it to refuse a loan to a large manufactory, and it was thus compelled to close. As many of these panic-stricken workmen wire em ployed at the factory they had, by with drawing their accumulated capital at a critical time, thrown themselves out tf work. As the Toledo Commercial saj s : If you ha ve money on hand, first pay your debts; then, if you have sonic left, lend it to some one who can secure you against loss your neighbor, your em ployer, or a bank. In this way it will earn you interest and put the wheels of business in motion. I he person w ho draws his money out of a bank in To ledo and hides it away ought to be driven out of the city to find a home in some locality where the seal of the citv is: "Every one for himself and the devil take the hindmost." Many a man is out of a job today because he and his wife hurried to the bank a few weeks ago to draw out the few dollars they had there. The next week his employer was made to pay up a loan and forced to shut up his shop and the first man to be discharged was this panic-struck deposi tor. We are knit and bound together so closely that even an ignorant woman may in drawing; out her few dollars bring hardships on hundreds and herself lose many times the amount of her deposit." The Nashville, Tcnu., American of J uly 30 contains a loug article concerti ng; Miss Marie Louise liailey of that city, who Is now attracting more atten tion in the musical world at home and abroad than any American pianist has ever d.-nc. Miss liai'cy, who is now scarcely IS years old, went when 14- to Leipzig, the musical ccnttc of Iv 11 rope, and began her studies. She received encouragement from the first and at the end of a year was ac corded the privilege oi performing before Kir.g Albert of Saxony. The result was that she was granted a scholarship at the Leipzig conservatory. Last spring, ha vine finished her course of study, she was invited to play before King Albert. The New York Musical Courier says of 1 his event : "Miss Marie Louise liailey, the young Aiiieiican piano virtuoso, was com manded by the King of Saxony to appear at the royal castle to play for the court, M:ss liailey rendered her entire musical program alone for one hour before the King and Ouccn and members of the court. At the conclusion the Kinj; con gratulated the talented American on. her A-onilcrlul execution, and in honor of her genius conferred on her 1 he tit le of ' Kon igliche Sachsifchc K.nminervirtuosiii.' Miss llailcv has studied for several years in Germany, and later lu Vicnim under I '11 if. Li schetizUy." After this Miss l'.aiky was invited to a banquet by the Kitit;, given in bci h'Mior. About this time she composed a minuet at Vienna ami dedicated it to the Archduchess Sophia, and as a result of this she was invited to the wedding. The date of the invitation to plav at the Court of Saxony was April U, 1S13, and on the day following the appoint ment -t court pianiste was sent to her. It is the only instance of its having been conferred upon a torcigncr, and it has never been conferred upon one so vomig. 1 . :.. 1 1.:., . t : 11. nia 111 ij ktii3 7'iiii! LiiilL .vi iw I'.ailev made her debut, which was a de cided success, to be repeated ;it Berlin, Dresden and other cities. 1 he best crit ics gave her unstinted praise, and one clubbed her "the future Caricmio.'' liss Bailey is able to play from memory !ilH) solos and concertos. Chopin is her fav orite, (or, under the guidance of her l'ol i'h teacher she learned to bring out alt the beauties of the ureal composer. The substantial result of Miss Bailev's long study she shows in a contract with Steinway, of New York, for a concert tour of the I'nilcd States to begin 111 No Tembe r. While In the American's account due credit is given to the Conscrva teiry of Leipzig nnl to Miss Bailey's principal Austrian teacher, I rot. Lesclie tizky, no mention is made of her Anier lean teacher, who, from the age o nine to the aye of 11, from the beginning of her scales to her entrance upon the Cen servatory course at Leipzig, con ducted the development of her re mnrkaMc genius along those very lines of accurate technique and passionate expression upon which her world-wide fame now rests. This teacher is I'rof. W. F. Grab.iu, formerly of Nashville, but now a citizen of Aslit- ville. I'ri'f Grabau is musical director in the Ashcville Female eolleee and organ ist at the Central Methodist church The 1'rofesKor feels a sense ef just pride in the fact that one of his pupils lias made a world wide reputation at the ajjc of IS years. COM MIOSIS OS Till; MLSSAlil:. NEWS IS OCR OWS STATIC. Charlotte News: The Cannon Man ufacturing; company, of Concord, had to shut down its mills from an unusual cause. In a lot of 100 bales of cotton bought in Charlotte were four bales of peeler or lone; lint cotton. 1 he long lint rained the day's run, entailing a loss of $2,000 upon the company. President Crowell of Trinity College says a school of journalism will be es tablished there in September, and will be in charge of I'rolessor Weber of the Charleston News and Courier, and Pro fessor Jecome Dowd. of the Mecklenburg Timee. Mr. K. B. Lacy, State commissioner of labor statistics, says that he finds it verr difficult to obtain information from mill owners. Many decline to give it. Some who do furnish speak in slighting terms of the work of the Bureau of La bor Statistics. Charlotte Observer: Mr, J. C. Long has cure for hog cholera. It is to put turpentine on the "devil's" holes in a hog's leg, give it poke root and feed it well. The large lumber mills at Aberdeen. Moore county, which shut down a month ago, started up Tuesday. There are foar mills. The Atherton, one of the largest of Charlotte's cotton mills has shut down. No market for the goods. t The school census of Raleigh shows that there are 5.6O0 children of school age in the city limits. Corn is selling in Shelby at ( cents per bushel and wheat at 50. Pure Gall. From the Wilmington star. The Republican party, under the leadership ofTom Kced in the House and John Sherman in the Senate, brought about the present disastrous condition ol affairs, and he now has the affrontery to say that it is the result of the Demo cratic "failure to legislate." Better Have red It To Hagr Proa the X sleigh News and Observer. W beard yesterday that some wheat had been sold op toward Winston at 45 cents a bushel. I-'rom tin: C Iid 1 le ttc ( ibse-rve r It is not to be supposed tor a moment that the Pies-hicnt would re peal the Sher man act and stop. To de that wouUl be to put the country oil a gohl basis at once. As we see it, it would reduce the silver dollar from its face to its bullion value and cause a depreciation of th sil ver certificates outstanding to the bullion value of the coin behind them. This sud den depreciation and contraction, if it should occur, would mean universal bankruptcy. It is not to be doubted that the President would follow the re peal measure, which lie so earnestly in sists upon, with some other provision ot of law other legislative action which would provide a place for silver in the currency of the country, auel it is to be retjretted that fie ilnl not in 1ns mes sage outline his plan. Few thinking men will he found to deny that as far as he goes he is altogether right, and the only reasonable fault to be found w ith the message, is that bc.otid a certain point it is indefinite. A. IMNUPPOllltlHC'Ill. from the Ralrinh News- ibscrvrr. Mc. l le vel.ind s message will oe a great disappointment to the masses of the American people, and particularly to the masses m the South and we suppose at the West also. We cannot commend ei' her the or the argu mcnt. It has long been understood that lie would urge the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law, and fer that we were entirely prepared, but we had hoiicd that he would not stopat that, but after consultation with other exiiene-nced men would nave rccommcnclcii some further action. In this we arc tlisap pointed, and the disappointment is the greater because we have a verv hih opinion of Mr. Cleveland's capacity, of Ins extraordinary powers, of his fine in telligence and undoubted patriotism. It seems to us that it was his duty to have recommended some further action in view of the situation which be alleges the country to be in. w line- elisappomteel in this particular. we are still more so at some ot the state ments 011 which he basis his argument. H. route AriEunicnt. I-'roin the Kie-hmcnd Despatch. lie uses the phrase part company as he used it iu the first anti-silver letter h: ever penned. He makes n cood argu ment as to the power of the Secretary o the Treasury to pay out gold whenever it was demanded under the laws which used the word "coin." He makes a still stronger argument in favor of letting Europe feel the results of the present con dition of the silver problem before the International Bimetahc conference is re assembled or a new conference is called mi 111 A VISTVHBA.NCE Isn't what you want, if your stom ach and bowels are irregular. mat s about ail yon fret, tuoueb, with the ordinary pill. It may re lieve you (nr the moment, but you're usually in a worse state af terward than before. This Is lust where Dr. Pier' Pleasant Peltate do most (rood. They act in an easy and natural way, very different from the huge, old-fashioned pills. They're not only pleasanter, but there's no re action afterward, and their help lasts. One little sugar-coated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective three for a cathartic Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilions Attacks, Dizziness, Hick and Bilious Head aches, are promptly relieved and cured. They're the smallest, the easiest to take and the chrarmxt Dill vera can buy, for they're QuaranteeA to give sausiacuon, or your money 11 resurneo. Ton nay onlr for tbs oood too In Oberhausen, on a time. t I fare1 as might a king, And now I feel the muw suhlime Inspire nxo to embalm in rhytno That esculent and wiplel thing, llchigbt of Cieutilo and ol Jew A gosling stew I The good Horr bchuilt. brought out his iM'St, Houp, cutlet, sulad, roast; Ami 1 partoeik Jtb hearty zest. And presently anon I bleared That geMitnous and benignant host, When piul.leiuy duwneu on my view A gesling stew 1 . I sniffed it coming on apace. And nn its odors tillel The curiems little eltnlns place I fe'lt a glow suffuse my fueie: I felt my very marrow thrilled With rupture altogether now "Twaa tfosltiiff tew. Tlicso e-allow birds had never played Iu yonder villasre pond. And nert'r throug-h the gateway strayed, And plaintive splssant uiubIo made t'pon tue' grassy irreen beyond. Cooped up they simply ate uud grew For freisltiir stew I My "loot or said I mustn't eat II lull food and seasonixl game; Hut surely ttosllnif 1 a meat With tender nourishment rtplut. Ijcastwiso I gayly ate the Home; I braved dyspepsia wouldn't you For gosling- stew ? I've fonstoel where the 'liossurus grow rtoaet turkey havo I trU-d; The Joys of canvasbaclce I know. And l'Toejiieutly I've eaten crow In bleak and chill XoveMuoertlda. I'd barter all that native urew I For gosling sto w 1 Aud when from Bhtneland I adjoura To st?ok my Yankee shore, Ilii.-k shall my memory often turn. And nere-ely shall my palate burn For Rwcrtta I'll taste, alas: no more Oh, that lueln klelne frau e-ould brew A gosling; stew. Vain are those keen regrets ef mine, Aud vain the sons I "hifr; Yet would I quaff a stoup of mine To Ofecrbausen auf der Rhine, Whore fared I like a very king; A nd bid a lost and fond adieu To gosling stow. Eugene Field Ibsofutely fure Powder A cream of tartar linking pnwilir. High est of i.II in l:a vcuin; strength. Latest I'nitcd Status Govcromi'nt I'ood Report. ROYAL MAKING POVIKK CO., IOO Wall St.. New York. SOUVENIRS tl-GEMS- Wedding Presents. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. LEADING JEYiELEfl 18 MICTH 91 A IN H I HUIiT. THE FRENCH BAKERY Has been nought by W. A. JAM KS, JR., uud will be run ns 11 fiist-claws bakery at NO. 51 COLLUUE STREKT. We will keep a fresh supply of CAKES, I'lICS, and liRliAII on hand all the time. Prompt attention &ive-n all orde-rs. dive O-A.I.I. 1 MISS L. M. BhOWNE, Fori-irrly with Stern llrrVd., if 3rd ntrcct an I-'iftli avenue. New York City, will be in town till the first of October, during which time edie v i'l ive lessons iu the 8. T. Taylor system of cutting Ladies' Garments. Also cut patterns fur ladies desiring fcrfect fitting garments. Can tic seen from lO o'clock to 4- p. m at the Oaks Hotel. aagHdlfm Business Brevities THE CELEBRATED WALL TRUNK ! JUST WHAT YOU WANT. SOLI) I-XCU'SIYIXY 11 V HLANTUN, WllICiliT & CO. NOVKLTIM8 IN TRAVELING BAGS- PRICES ON- tx Iir.-froM, WRIGHT & CO. "UMitkiii.i.AS ki:-C() i:ki;h wiiii.;; WUUJHT V CO. I I'" AT RLANTON, STYLISH, KI-I.lAlU.i:, CIIKA1' 11 Y THIS TlIOl'SAH-AT BLiNTON, WRIGHT .St CO. r5 South Main Street, 2 doors below city ticket of fice. SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR WORLD'S FAIR TRIP, $3,000 and $15 Weekly for $1 per wnk. Same for ladies. Excursion Tickets ! BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHEAP RATFS TO ALL POINTS! C. V. RAY, Member American Ticket Brokers' Associa tion, us South Jdaia street. TUB lil-ST ei'STOM AND KKl'AIR SUDl' IX NOKTII CAROLINA AT BLANTON, WRIGHT & CO. 39 Pallou Avcuuc, Asltcvillc, N. C. ' UKMOVAh (iro. W. M;iy & Co. luivu roiiiuvrd to 42 North Main trtvt. Their new utoro will bo li.Ncd up in a few tlajys. R RAILROAD TICKETS ATT liS. I Bou-glit AMD Sold- -$--- Si 00 TO $10.00 N Vl-:i. 4. ""' Why pay 10.000 fur u ticket tluit you can buy lor $7.r0 or $8.00. Clicnp tickets everywhere, livery ticket Kuarunteed. Aeeulent insuriinm, $5,000 fur Ufl cm. per dllv. Itay's Cut-liato Ticket OHice, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Telephone 1B4, E. M. ANDREWS, 16 and 18 "W. Trade St. The lead in ir Furniture. I'iano and Oran dealer in tbe Carolina. Write him for prices, or sec W. O. Heebies, special agent, at &oatn Main btrcci, Asoevine, r. . npec ial attention friven to fnrnisbina; hotels and floe residencts. H. M. ANDKBW8, jSd3m Cbarlotte, N. C. "Oak Terrace." HOARDING HOTJSB, HILLS1DB 8TBBBT. On Lockoat Mountain Klectric Car Line. Large grounds and plenty of bade. MRS- M E- HILL. READ. THESE TESTIMONIALS Harris' Litliiii Wilier, Harris' LitMa Springs, S. C. Office of 1'r I-.Iiti iley William, Ashcvillc, N. C, April tH'ja An extended use of Ilnrris I.ithia Water, rotiitts nte to tlie stntexi.tnt thut I reKard t as one of the best, if nut the very best Utthla waters known to the profession. In the condition of "phosphatle urine' its ac tion is marvelous. Its use in the rheumulie nud gouty diatnesi, affords me more coni fort than either the Puflalo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours. (S)Kiird) JNO. HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. R. r. Walker testifies; I have used Harris' Lit hit Wutcrund when nsiiiK same w as loth please and t eucfittcd. In using It liberal cjuautities should he taken, for my experience teaches mc that sniali amounts re disappointing, whereus a gt'ii crous use is followed by most gratifying re sults. Yours truly. (Signed R. P. WALK UK. BIG BARGAINS In Real Estate I ill offtr during August Thirteen l ots of 10 uerc-s each, two miles north of the court house, at the very low price of $'J0t per acre. This land is wdl watered with fine springs, llus groves of oaks, is on1 one-half mile front the electric ear and ad joins the dummy line. It is very rich und suilnhlc for truck farming, dairying, or poultry raising. Think of securing a furm in the edge of Ahevile lor $J,00U which you can make a living on, where taxes and ex peases arc not so high. I am determined to sell this land in August, and first comes will get first choice. Wh-n the eify grows out over this land, which it wilt do in a tew years, think what tin aerrs is worth to mtike into tuts uud sell. I also have 10 ecven-ucre lots, one ami Onc-fourtH miles east of the court house for sale at $1-10 per a err. This land Is rich und lies well for truck farming. Nice groves and is well watered and adjoins the Suttlc min eral springs. Terms easy. Respectfully, T. 33. BOSTIC STILL ANOTIIUK. Ashcvillc, N. C. April 11, lh'J3. 1 am Ktad to tie able to sny a wurd with rtRurd to Harris' Lithio. Water. I have used it wltb the greatest possible benefit iu chronic rheumatism. As compared with the HuRalu Lithia. I find it Quicker und It re quires less quantity. It has my heartv en dorsement. Very truly yours, (Sicncd) MKS. T. W. BRANCH. These arc all bouaride letters from people we know and hate confidence in their state ments. Analysis on rack bottle. Wholesale depot for Ashevllle and Western North Carolina. RAYSOR Sc SMITH, HOLE AGENTS, NO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. ICE Your broken waKuas and vehicles of all kinds to II. Burnett e'a abop on College- street, wlicre they will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a firs-clasa horse-shoer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. B. BURNErrE. WORLD'S FAIR. If yon are srvdns; to tbe World's Fair, writ' the Dally Citizen. Asherllle, N. C, for inastraut priatea matter oeseriDiiiK uw Pair, and time-tables and pamphlets Issued br the steamer lines or railr -ads yoa would k from josr konc to Ckktio. No eharjre Is made. Tbia oiler is ma le special sr. rsngessent with tbe Kecrcst an Department tac Cartauasi usKm. : For Sale on Easy Terms THE CHOICEST FARM ON SWANNANOA. ABOUT 0 MILI& HAST UP ASHIiVILLU ON W. N. C. R. K. Dozen fine springs, seventy-five ucrcs vuod- luuds, lurye acrcugc, choice Itottoru lands, uplands iu fine condition, grass uud clover, vineyard, one and onc-liulf mile liver front, good roads, best of neigh borhood, etc., make this th most dir ablc farm in lluiicomhe coucty. Within one and a half mi'cs is being encted the $50,000 Industrial School building. Al so the proposed Mammoth Knitting Mills, backed by five mil iou dollars, will include part of this farm. Apply to D. D. BUTTLE, au7dtf Ashevillc, N. C. HIGH GRADE WHEELS o- DROPPED ! PROFESSIONAL CAXDS. EC. HrBRITT CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All sites ol crashed stone furnished. Send nil orders to postofflce Box 18, Asherllle, N. C. SUKiedtf Wehuvo a number of new and second hand whrela on hand whifh wo wish to close out, und for the next 'M days offer them at greatly reduced priceu. Call at our store and examine aud get prices, whether you wish to purchase or not. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., OL Patton .xtojclulo- THI.!PHOSlt NO, 40. 34Ycarn Kaprricucc3 SIILXON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILPBK. Office And shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKBT STRBUT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance i Agent, Rear No. 20 oth Mala street, established 1S66. AshevlSle. N. C J. A. TENNKNT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plans. snecMcatloiia nod estimates tut- olnhcd. All work la t line contracted for. and no ehargea for drawing on contracts twtraco me. Mgferrncea when devlred. Oflioc, 1 athcaat Cotut 8quaxe AthcTtlle, West for the Summer. Manv of our readers will go to I he World's Fair this Summer. While in the West, why not visit Home of its leading reports see the Yellowstone, the Yosemito, the (irand Canon of the Colorado, Hot Springs!, S. 1) , Helena, Mont , or take a trip to Alaska, the (Jreat Salt Lake, or go to Hanff, visit the resorts of Lake Minnetonka, Miun., Excelsior Spriogs, Mo., Colorado Springs, Tike's Peak and Manitou. the California mountain summer resorts, picturesque Mackinac and the various Michigan resorts, or the Lake resor'sof Wisconsin? Wo will gladly send you full printed in formation in regard to these resorts or any others, with the ways or reaching them via any point, and help you to lay out any tour or route you may think of taking. Write, asking for what you want. By special arrangement with the Uecreation Department of The Christian Union, New York, address THE DAILY CITIZEN. Asheville, N. C. The Normal and Collegiate Institute, FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Second Session, September 13, 1803. This institution is located iu the moat beautiful aupurb of of Asheville N. C. flic tspu ciuua building, recently complete J for its use at a coat of $(i(,UOO i furnished with pure water from Springs on the premises, la lighted with gas, heated by hot water aud pro vided with hot and cold baths. The health and habits of the pupil are carefully guarded. I ten idea the ample space Kivcn fur outdoor cxercis?, a well equipped Kymnutiium will be fitted up within doura. Nj erene has been spared to make the sewerage uud sanitary arrangements perfect. Hnch pupil will have her fdtarc in the domestic work, as a part of her practical train ing for lilc, and whilnt aiming at thoroughness in every department, the manngcmcut ill Htrivc to provide for those committed to their care the advantages, not in- rely of a christian school, but n christian home No pupil will be received who is not la reasona ble liralth, or who cannot furnish credentials as to moral character. FOUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TC THE STUDENT 1. TUB NORMAL. COUKSB, for the thorough training of teachers under Instructor from the best Normal schools. 2. SltMINAKY OR COLLUCI.VTB COURSE, including ancient or modern laDgugKo. Ni-k-ncca, muftic, drawing, etc. .1. COMMKKCIAL, CCH'kSli. includiiiK (tcnocruphy, tP -writing, Imokkcc ping, etc. 4. I1UPARTMBNT OF IVJMUSTIC SCIBNCB. (a) Seientilic cooking, the stndjr of the production and manufacture of foods, ct- lb) 8cwIur embracing the cutting and fittiiiK of Karnicuta, milliner r, etc. The teachers at the bead of this dcimrtmcnt arc from th: famous Pratt School. Uroik- lyn. N. Y., and the others from the bent inatitufioui in the country, chosen with reference to Chriitiun character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organized l'rcparalory department has been lurnisbetl for all such as arc not prepared for the higher classes. The school year Is dirided into two terms; cost to pupil $SU per term, or $10U per year, which barely covers the expense of board, the school being practically free, having been provided for by a few liberal friends of female education. For further particulars ap ply to REV. THOMAS LAWRKNCK, jyua Ashcvillc, N. C. GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A SURE RELIEF TO SUFFERERS. What lion. T D. Johnston says about It: "About four years ago I commenced the use of the t:lcnnSirlngs water, to rid my sys tem of tbe snalarla from which I bsd been suffering fur some time Tbe water has en tirely relieved me and 1 chierfutly state that 1 believe It to be as good water as can be found for all ordinary tlisearcs of the lln r and kidneys. For a general tonic and renovater of the system I believe it has no equal. Very truly yoors, "T. I. JOHNSTON." From John P. Arthur, Erq , Attorury at Law: "1 don't know the constituents ol the Glenn Springs water; if I did I would make some formyMlf. Neither do I know how It ads; if 1 did 1-would act so myself. It la a well made water and It acta well. I caa only say that its effects on me and my forefathers bas been more beneficial than any other water wc ever used, and I am (lad it has beca s-ut in the reach of as poor a man as JOHN P. ARTHUR, "To Pclham'a Pharmacy, May 3S, 1803." What C. T Rawls writes Pclham's Pharmacy, Ashevillc, N. C- "Gentlcraen: 1 have used Glenn Springs water and consider It.aa compared with other mineral waters, the best I know of. Everyone In South Carolina knows about "Old Glen Borings.' la fact it baa been most favorably known there for a century. Yours truly, "C. T. BAWLS." Ashevillc, N. C , May 37. 1893. PELIIAM'S PHARMACY, Sole A scuta. ABastnlllC, Tim C, i