Thursday Evening, August 10, 1893. THE ASHEVIL.LE -DALLY CITIZEN T WANT COLUMN. WAMTED. WANTIil) A reliable, intelligent boy; one who known something ubnut me chanics prclerrctl; ami one wbo is nl"riii cf work reed not apt ly. Address, with refrr encca. A., care Citizen. augWdilt WANTED Tii borrow $Buo to Sr.oo for three montlH or loiiper, on best secu rity; no bonus, but reasonable Intc-retst. Not presneil lor innnfi, lut eould make wore if I had this uiblitioiuil capital. I. . Hox 00. jyliliiltr "7"ANT1-I TO C.IVH $VIU UliWASn r W nnv rar nf toothache that uii'';intt lle of Williams c Kinu's latnons toothache medicine will not cure in t wo jjHnutvs. For s ile by nil dniKKist" " inccnti Tier bottle. We nsk vou to trv it. livery bottle euaran Uctl bv T. C tilllith .Si Co., wliolctf 1c tinnta for Asiieville, N. C icV-MHrri. RUST. T71UK HUNT Ilo'ise of 1 r'.onis. No. 'JO t'lilyUm st'ect, Mi'-tnble for tikitix boiir.lers. Apply tu 11. F. O KANT, tiKodtf u ! South Main street. I Ai ) R k ! N ! 1 w citing lKtise. cormr of ) Orange street him. Mirrimon avenue Ai-i'ly t Ilcnry H. t.Viim. Attorncv, No. 1 Johnston builtlin. jy-J7tUf For R 15 NT Welt rooms for rent, with or without Imn rtl, at ren roiiHlilc ritt s. Flint sLrcvt, Mr. Knu- IWloc. jyi41Ml.:w FOR RHNTOR S A 1.12 A ninp-roni house, unlurnished; modern improvements, lol Uuilcv street. Inquire ly letter MISS S. M. WotfS5Ir,. tnoyOJtf I. O. Jlox Cr. Mlo I-WT In iirivatc fftmilv, unjr'c or con- 1 mi'tinif rooirn with drtfcsin ro nt tMehed, with or without lumrii . Location US UAYVUUDST. utiuri)US"eu. UUk7i11 w FOR KENT Mrs. Col. J. B. Ray will have two vac -Hit looms oil Suturia; i.urtictf iitrdlrinif nm-li with l-nri imply to M rs. Kay, Kamoth. Twenty minutes from court house. d 1 1 IjlOR KKNT The Euruiwm hotel. L'S J South Main Rtreet. AheviMc N. C. Firt class stand for restaurant. Terms rensotm hie. Apply to T. IV Johnston or F- W. ThonuiH, Johnston buiUlir-K. junCtJtf X. -Ui French HroH1 avenue. t: partit-B 1 jl ix KT'iN I I" "Ur room umuc u l without snmll cluirircii. rosscsion Joth Auuust. Apply to THUS. l JCMIS-TOV, (iiidtiU 1 5 55 Gtovf street. TjI K KKN r The brieve Imiidinsr on tlie Jj corner of Chureli s'.reet ami corner ot Churcli s .rcet ami ration uvenue. (fooil K.u'ucn; (joou ti-Mise tor ltonnlinu hue A.nly to T. !. Jobnton or F. W. Tt.oiiiiis, Johnston huildtiiK. Ashevil'c, N. C. jun7dtf JJluR UttMT That larc nnd conveniently J nrraiiKed house. No G2 Merriinon ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors All modern improvements Location ee n tr a 1 , with 1 ur e well shaded grounds Splcnilid resilience for larffe family r board iiiR house Apply to 11 C or M J FAGG. aorlodtf L)'cavant rooms and bourd with a Ncrth ern family, lOl tiailey tl. anj7dlm PKIVATU IIOAR1H Mi; I'leasant rooms, fjood tablt tine loe ition Convenient to postoltiee uud street ear lines -I t Orove street. J 11(11 m BOARlUNi; At No. 17 Haywood street' Table furnished with the best the ninr ket nllords Hot and cold water. Fine lo cation, on car line. Mrs. A. Ottiti)?cr. tl" COUNTRV iulAKl' Two and a half miles Irotn city, three fourths ot ri tai'e freni straet car, delightful location, daily mail, $ ler week. Atlilr-is Air?. T. 1. Carter, bock H I-, Asheville, N. C ftuMd t w" BOAKItlNd At No. H Stames avenue. Table far niched w't U best t be market all'ords; hot and cold water; furniture new; fine location; on car line; single and double rooms. a pr2tdtf 13 UAKPlNiJ House pleasantly cfituated in 9 lest location in city, near street cars; 'L'L' sitiLrle and doube rooms: table the ,y iincst. Keferenee can lie piven. MRS M. SCMIKUMlilSTHR, McCape House, y Grove S'.reet. aprlOdtf pUHKKMAK cine of the mont attmetive JQj and home-like places abou t Asheville, with the independence of u hotel . 1 Kdih Lfull y situated on bikland avenue, Victoria. For ietisonuble rates apply or e;d! nfoit ftUKSiiaw CiK tili.VVOtl K. DMVIiU. Til K CH ATTi AIT Private bonrdiiiK house No. ii 1 1 Haywood street. I- inc city unl mouiiLain views: perfect sanitation; hut anil cold water; comfortable, airy room; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two huudied yards from Montiord ear line. MRS.M. lv. OHTWH.IJR, oet7dtf 1 roii ne tress. MISCELLANEOUS. SAI-V Old papers at the Citizen ITIOR counting roo n, U'J cents p:r hundred, tf 1 71(K SAI.K Ten milch cows. stock . Ci n be seen at fohn A . M ur- iloeh's farm, south of Bingliaru School. auKhl 1 w CI KKMAN toujiht by easy method; the 3T laiiUHKC rapidly Acquired Uy tunvcrru tioii nnd Krnniinar. Api-tv to ugSdln MHS M. vSCIHK VI KIClSTli. QTU.Mr'.KAPIIY-l'rivste iunt'tictii'ti iv k3 cn in Shorthand and Typewriting by U. Isadora, lOl Uailey street. au7d i in -w- OST An timb-ella, left nt the cr.d of JLj Sulphur Springs enr line, with name VVill Johiiston cut hand e. Fnvlcr will ptciise leave at TU- Citizen ofiicc and wet re ward. u7dtf RUAI. HSTA Tit SAl.H-Ilv virtue of au thority vested in mc by a certain deed f trust executed to li. l Foster and ns-sumt-dbyj. F. Woodbury, dated July liO. lH'Jli, default haviuif Ix'eu nadc b v s-aul Woodbury in the payment of the notes se cured by said deed of trust, I will sell nt pub lic auction, I" r cash, at the court li'iuse duor in the city of Asheville, nt K' o'clock m., on the 2(ith day of August, IS'.ct, a certaiu lot of land iyinn and borix in thrcountvoi Buu comhe. State of North Carolina, and bound ed and more particularly described as bil lows: IteKinoin at a stake iu the Nou bKn tuargin of Starnes avenue, at the north west corner of tl. II. SUrnes lot and runs with said Stamps line and others south ol cast Hifc feet to Katheriuc ltelote line; then -e stutb west 7iVh .cirt; thence north :tl west 1 - feet to Stamen avenue; thence with said avenue north G4it J cut 7;'-3 feet to beKinninK, nnd more fully described iu said deed of trust, rcitcrcd ia book ot mortjnKcs and d'.-eda of trust, on p;te ti'J'j, etc. K. K . llll.b, Trustee. N OTIC 13. The State of North Carolina, countv of Buncombe, In the Superior court Jennie C. Stafford, plaintill, a. GeorRe I. Stafford, defendant The defendant above named will take no. ticc that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su fieri or court of ltuneombe county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the next term of the Su lcrior cort of ssid caunty to le held on the 3d Monday before the 1st Monday in Sep tember, lMtKt. at the court house of said county in Asheville, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint, in said ac tion or the rjlaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the Gth day of July, IMp.'l. J. I-. CATI I5Y, C. S. C. M. R. Carter and I. A. Cummins, plain tiffs attorneys. jy6tlot thurs s OT1CE. North Carolina, Bancombe county, Supe rior court. Rachel llcrrca, widow of ICzekicI Hcrrcn, deceased, vs. Wm. M. Her rem and others. 1 he defendants in the ubove entitled cause, W. M. Herrcn, J. M. Herren, i. H. Herren, Hannah li. Herren, Mary F. Wheeler, Nincv J. Herren, Arthur H. Herren. Clinton Wheeler, B. F. Coir. 8. M. Cole, B. R. Fhil lips, Elizabeth K. I'hillips. J. I. Coe. Ara tnintn Cole, W. 8. Cook, Naomi Cook. W. M. Wright. A. Z. Wright, Sallic K. Hall. T. F. Hall, Ida Cathay, J. T. Cnthey, Kddie Wrlfih t Aaron Wrieht, Rachel Wright, Freddie Wright nnd John Wiibt. will take not! e thmt the plaintiff, Karh I 1 1 rren, will, on the 3 l st d.y ofAuuust. 1H3, J. I. Caihev. clerk ot the Superior court, at Ids ollice in Ashevi'lo'. North Carolina, move tbe court tor a continuation of the hw-ikh ment tf ! er to her in this orovecihii niude, when and whtr thev may appear and show raufe. It any thry li.-ire. whv said assignment d-iwrr .hn'l not i-e -eouHmrd iu all respects. This litHh dtv of Jul v. 1k.3. K'ClbL HbKRHN. l lamtilT. W. W.Jones. Attorney. fylitidtwed is n and Whiskey fi&blts CUrVll ti.4 JiiMHD Wllil- out ptiiu Book of par ticulars wilt l'Kl;F U Vf Wr4U-t t-v rt SINGULAR NAVAL FACTS. Rtiroa OlHoora Pay Their Own Ex PCU803 Vliori Under Orders. Ono Delayed by a Htorm and l'uuhl to Uecovrr for Traveling KxpiMiHCS Hcyoud the l'ohit Wlioro II is Natal Anniver sary tvertoolc Ubii. A singular rulistg' ly the treasury de partment Is tt thu effect that a navy ollicor on tho rutircd list cannot re ceive iniloao for travel under orders. Thus an oilleer Hearing tho retired ago of sixtv-two must hasten to his olll- cinl homo while still on tlio active list, lest tho fateful birthday occurring1 while far away his traveling expenses must coroo out of his own pockot. Under this state of affairs, says tho Chiea-fo Times, nu oillecr serving on the l'ucilic coast had reached the ago of sixty-two years lacking a month. His homo was in an eastern state, and ho was naturally anxious for orders homo so as to insure mileage across tho continent. lSeing' strictly prohibited from leaving1 his station before being rcyulnrly relieved by orders from the navy department, this ofllcer waited patiently for detachment and orders homo as tho clays ilew past and his sixty-second birthday drew on npaeo. Throug-h some lnadvcrtenco" at tho navy department this caso was over looked until lut n. few days remained of active list cHity for the oillecr, when a hurried telegram was sped across tho country detaehing him and order ing him home, l'.omg in daily expec tation of such orders tho recipient hastily left San T'rancisco on tho re ceipt of the telegram, and on his way across the IJocky mountains was caught in a heavy snowstorm which delayed tho train two days. Arriving1 in Chicago on hia birthday he, without tho loss of an hour, set out for his home, nnd when he eamo to collect his mileage found that ho must pay his own way from some distance west of Chicago, because by law ho was on tho retired list from that point, and no ofllcer on tho retired list can receive mileage. Appeals to tho fourth auditor were iu vain, and to this day that ofllcer has failed to collect mile age from, San Francisco to lialtimoro, although traveling tinder orders. To those familiar with the subject it is well known that a man-of-war in commission is an expensive luxury. l!ut it is not (generally understood that a largo part of a ship's expenses go on whether the vessel is in commission or not. It comes about in this way: Tho men and officers which make a ship their home during a cruise, if not serv ing on a particular craft, are on board some other, and their pay, which is the major part of navul expense, is al ways going on, and tho only items es pecially chargeable to a ship are wear and tear, and this Is usually less whilo in commission than when laid up at a navy yard In ordinary; tho expense of fuel, which whilo lying In port is a small tjiituitity, and thd various arti cles uood in tho engine department. So it can' bo shown that once a ship is built it is cheaper to keep her in commission than to lay her up iu ordi nary. In former days, during tho reign of wooden ships, the expenses of a crulso practically equaled tho ex pense of building tho vessel, but tho advent of the modern cruiser has changed all that, and tho fleet of to day, costing millions per ship, requires no more money to run it a cruise than was needed for tho old stylo of ship common before the war. Of course this leaves out of tho count tho Increased vulueof ammunition and some other items, accidents of tho situ ation, which were not thought of in tho olden times. OVER "THE CKOW'S NEST. Jtlff Waves EDcnnntt-nd by Ocean Steam, sl&lpfi The daily papers recorded tho facts that the steamship Majestic, on a re cent eastern trip, caught a sea that de molished her crow's nest lookout, and thut the Teutonic, which caught tho same pralo coming west, had ono sea which combed over tho crow's nest and carrl.vl ; vay her forwurd port lifeboat ns it .-ent over the rail, says tho Marino Journal. Dut none of tho daily papers took tho trouble to mention just how the crow's nest on these ships is situated, nnd consequently how high that sea was. Inquiry discovered that whilo in men-of-war and many other ships the custom is to havo the crow's nest in tho foretop or a trifle above, tho White Star ships havo it at an alti tude of twenty-five feet above tho main leclc on the foremast, reached by an iron ladder from the forward hurricane deck. In such u ship us tho Majestic or Tel. tonic tho height of tho main deck at the forerigglng is about forty feet above tho level of the sea, which would make the height of the wave that car ried away tho crow's nost in this in stance about seventy feet. This Is a pretty bi-y roller for the North Atlan tic, but in other parts of tho ocean such waves are often encountered in a storm. Supposing tho ship to have been in tho trough of tho sea at the time this wave swept her, tho mean height of the wave might be calculat ed as not greater than forty feet, but it was certainly a body of water near ly seventy feet high from where the) ship floated. TALKINU MONKEYS. They Have Not Learned Encllan Tot, Bat Talk with earner. A chimpanzee who can say "Good day, stranger," in tho Maori tongue, a gorilla who speaks a little Fijian, and an ourang outang who has mastered a forcible German expletive, are de clared by Prof. Garner, the famous stu dent of the monkey race, to be now in his possession. It is to bo hoped, says tho Lady'i Pictorial, that the worthy professor, whose very interesting book on "The Speech of Monkeys' attracted so much attention lost year, will bring his pets homo with him when their vocabulary has grown somewhat, in order to give us an opportunity of listening to their edifying conversation. On tho professor's principle there seems no reason why they should not be taught to speak English as well as any other language, so we may yet enjoy tho novel sensation of being greeted with an oral welcome from behind the bars of a cage in tho well known "house" in tho zoological gar den Prof. Garner claims, moreover, to have mastered almost the whole of the peculiar language which the monkeys speak among themselves. Perhaps he will be' able to treat us, one of these days, to a translated report of a debate in a Simian parliament, so that we may hare an opportunity of comparing it with human eloquence. KOW TO GfiT CTHONG. J Iir. K:imi.Miit?:i a Kuntlorr TellH IKuw Ha KtucKtnl u model statue In Mlluu. Great strength is created, not made, pays Sundow, iu tho New York Morn ing Journal. I mean by that remark that tho bone and sinew must bo of tho right material, else any amount training will fail to develop strength. It has been my experience that many havo been unable to arrive at satis factory results through inefficient training. Tho fault lies with the trainers. To add strength to limb and muscle re quires more than running and dieting. What is ilesli for one person may bo fish for another. A careful study of tho laws of hygiene and anatomy must bo a part of tho knowledge of tho trainer, and his discretionary powers must play an active part In the train ing of his subject. Tho training1 of a man who makes his appearance In tho pri.e ring Is dif ferent from that given a man who uses his strength in lifting and carrying weights. A very good model for tho latter class to follow is a statue of somo ono of tho heroes of olden times, when men wcro bred for tho arena. Man was nearer perfection In those days than ho Is at the present time. Dissipation and vice have reduced us XB strength and physlquoand if the pace is kept up I doubt not that a few centuries hence we shall bo a race of consumptive pigmies. Years airo. when I was a boy, with my father I vis ited Milan, and there in tho art gal leries I found tho model I desired to copy. Hay after day I visited tho model, each tlmo Btudylng a new mus cle or a new bump, llefore long I had photographed that statue so firmly on my mind that I could bring it beforo my gaze at will, and it was my only trainer during1 my hours of exercise. The growth of strength can only bo ascertained by increasing tho weight. but it is dangerous to test your powers too far. i ools have attempted to lift more than their reason dictated, and have met with failure. Tho wiso man will continue to live so long as his egotism remains dormant. LOST FORTUNE AND COURAGE How a Miner Killed Himself and Loved One Too Soon. Some strange things happen in min ing camps. Tho number who have worked and delved in following a pros pect until their money or their pa tience became exhausted arc many. And It not infrequently happens, says the Auburn (Cal.) Herald, that such parties live to learn that they havo abandoned their claims when a few more days' work, or possibly a few more strokes of the pick, would havo revealed tho lead which thev had worked to find. A story was told by an old miner-a few days ago of an east ern college professor who camo out hero in. the early days and started to prospect on somo of tho quartz lead around Grass Valley. When he arrived here ho had seventy thousand dollars and he bought up qulto a number of claims and spent his money freely in prospecting them. lie worked with a buoyant heart, confident that his labor and investments would bo remuner ated. Ho had a- charming wife and four bright children. Ono thousand after another of hla money was sunk into tho ground until finally his last dollar was pone, and from outward ap pearances ho was no nearer getting it back than he was when ho started. lie became despondent and whilo la boring under a fit of mental depression he prepared n draught of deadly poison. gave a drink to his wifo and to each of his children, and then after waiting long enough to satisfy himself that they were past recovery he partook of the poison and laid down to die with those ho lovrd. Before their bodies were cold they were found by a man from ono of the mines who had come to iufonahim that a large vein of rich rock had just been uncovered. lie and his had passed beyond thecals of this world and had no further use for earthly treasure, but tho lead that was struck tho day of his death turned out a rich one and yielded gold enough in subsequent years to have made him In dependently rich. EGYPTIAN REVERENCE FOR CATS Thousands of Them Conrortod Into Mum mies by 'Woralilpers in Ancient Times, The cat Is well known as having been an object of worship In Lgypt. The Goddess l'asht, many of whoso statues may be seen in the llrltish museum, was always represented with the head of a cat; a temple was dedi cated to her at l!enl Hassan, which 1 as old as the eighteenth dynasty, ono thousand five hundred years 11. O. The cats that died wcro buried in countless thousands in pits near tho temple, having been first of all em balmed and converted into mummies, A few years since these cat-pits wcro excavated, and many tons of the em balmed cats were broken up, shipped from Alexandria to Liverpool, aud li rfi rrrminl I Ti i Tiinniiii nr. vln I w . 1 1 " (" - - " mills of that city. When first dug up vuv 1U3 ULS eillll Auuiuiiiy wun velopcd in thin cloth. In most of the mummies that were shipped to Eng land the cloth had been stripped off by tho diggers in order to obtain any trinkets or ornaments that wcro burled with tho animals, and tho bodies were broken up in fragments beforo they were shipped. One cargo alone is said by tho Commercial Gazetto to have contained the remains of not less than one hundred and .eighty thousand cats. The examination of the skulls proved that tho cat domesticated by th Egyptian s was really a north African species known to the naturalists as felis maniculata. This is rather small er than our ordinary domestic cat and of a yellowish color, with somo dark etripes on tho body. Tho domesticated cat of tho Egyptians was venerated by them to an absurd ex' ent. Herodotus recounts the fact that when a cat died a natural death in a house the inhab itants shaved off their eyebrows, and in his own quaint way says that when a fire occurred the peoplo were more anxious to save their cat than tticy were to extinguish the conflagration. Tbe Alexanarlan Codex. Tho "Alexandrian Codex," often re ferred to In Scriptural studies, is ono of tho most valuable and important manuscripts of sacred writ known to be in existence. It is written, in Greek on parchment in finely fo rmed uncial letters, and is without accents, marks of aspiration, or spaces between the words. Its probable date is the latter part of the sixth century. As early as 1008 it is known to have been in the library ot the patriarch of Alexandria. It was sent to England as a present to Charles L by Cyrillus Lycarls In 1038, and is now in the British museum. CURES RISING . BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" HirWX ollrril :luhl-U:ariii; wiiintiii. J limn 1k.'imi a imim-wih! mr iimny yrurn, hum in t-urli caso wIiito "Mother's l-ricnd" liml ImtiuimmI it.liun niilili"l wnmlers ami luhevt'il liMich riulli'i-in. It is lliu ln'st rvmedy lor riding of thu breast known, anl worth tlm vWro for thut alonu. -Villi). M. SI. JIiu'ktkic, AIunluiiii;iyl Ala. lean tr.l all expectant mothers if Hiev will nso a lew liotllesol' M..tlur .s I'ricn.l they will Ii" through thu ordeal without any iaiu uiul KUirtrillK. Jilts. MAV llllANIIA.M. Arii.jvillu, j. 1. l'sel Mother'. Trientl heforo birth ol' inv eighth cnilil. Will never c ease in praise. hi km. j. i-. .uuuUE, Colusa, I al. Sent liexpress, charges lireiiaiil, un receipt uf jiriee, 1.50 J)L-r bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by nil druggists. Atlanta, OA, Typewriter Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITING MACHINE OF THE World's Columbian Exposition. SEND FOR LLUSTRATEO CATALOGUE i Vyckoff, Seanians & Benedict, 337 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Any Time is the right time for everybody to drink tG a ' Root rCb Beer A temperance drink. A home-made driuk. A health-giving drink. A thirst-quenchine drink. A clr.'nk that is popular everywhere. Delicious, Sparkling, Effervescent. A v cent nckace mnkes s enllnns of thisl delicious bevcraue. Don't be deceived if a dealer. 1 ' for thfi sake of larger profit, tells you some other ' kind is just as nood" 'lis false. No imitation i is as good as the genuine llluUS . S3 SHOE "ptp. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pttlr. nest in trio worm. I3.0D 2.53 $2.00 FOR LADIES $2.00 41. 75 FOR BOYS If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mado In the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $3, try my $3. $3.50, $4.00 or 35 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and I wear as well. If you wish to economize in your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Namo and price stamped on the bottom, look tor It when you buy. W. L. BO HULAS, Brockton, Mass. bold 07 lllaulon, 'Wright & Co. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK The Most Convenient Trunk EVER DEVISED. 'JHE TRAY Is arruntretl to roll Jjack, leav- lug tuo uoitow 01 me iruu& easy ui au CCP9. Nothing to break or Kct out of orilnr. Tho Tray can be lifted out if desired, ati'l to bny this style is a Kuarantce that you will gut tuo strongest Trunk made. If yonr Dealer cannot furnish you, notify ute manuiaciurcrs, H. W. ROUNTREE A, BRO., Richmond. V. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. etoJ For Information na free HftTidbooli writ to MI1NM to. CO.. 1 llllt.AllWAT. NlW VORfT. OlilAMt hiiromi Miiriiiir nntcntn In A mftriraiL Krery patnnt taken out by u in brmnrht before tbe pubMo by a notice given froe of charge tn tbo Lanrest crcn1tlon of ftrtv t-ripnt-flc paper Iti tr world. Hulf-nilirllr No iiitcll.t?oi. man should be without It. Weekly. yoar: i.m. six montnu. Ainrc mi m a uu afUBLdHUicuiik JOl uroauwu?. new uri uu MAGNETIC NERVINE. It told with written guarantft to cure H ervuv rroiTra-Ion- Fits. Dizzi" neiSfHoailiichfl and iSeuralKa and Wake fulBHtw, caused by ex- .'Sm. JSio h"'i Mental Cprw BE-F-ORE - AFTER lofMnincol the Brain, rauKlrm Mlsory, lnanltv and OMh HnrronxM, Impntoncy, Lost Cor in altlier mx, Pramatura Old Abo, Involtinuiry Lorwe-t, osu-whI hv nvAr-lTiilnlcrHntiA. uvMr-.SRI-tl4iri of tlifi llr&ln maa Crrora of Youth. It k1v to Weak Onrana thoir Natural Vinor and doubled the joya of life; cure (.ucorrhoM and Female Weaknem. A month' treat runnt. Id plain package, by mall, tn any addrvee, l per box, 0 btixee IS. with every 6 order we gin a Written Ouarantaa to cure or rerami .ii mmey. cin-uiara tree, uuaxaulea uanea oiuy uy our luelvu agouw RAYS OR & SMITH. SI Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. 63 50SSSP11 -v.l Scientiflo American WIX VHi TRADE MARKS, &yCjV-J OE8IOM PATENTS. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. lliiDHBorns and Kbcurs FotTm, Receiver WES TERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed achedule In effect Tulr 2, 1893. EAsi bouNu None no: 12 L? Knoxville H main MorriwtnwB. & 4-Oam Lv. Paint Kock U UOttm ia:iOnm " Hot Springs C 3 tuin 12 44nm Lv. Aiheville 8 ufiaru 22 aopm Ko-jna Kaou 3 2pm Marion 4 33pm Mo-Kantou c 17pm Hi 'knr. K Ro.t,m " Newton o luiim w d . a........................... . J ((III Ar. Salisbury 8 oopm - urjennDoro Ill 4'jpm Da.nv.ll-- 12 07am Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Grcenuburu 11 2riim Ar.D-trhn.rn 3 1 Sum " Raleigh e OOam tjo'ownoro tt2 OOpm Lv. D n viae J2 l nam Ar. Lvnchburfc 1 (.Hani w .nntneton t 4Sam Baltimore H nfipm Fniladclphia K 3pm N -w York...... l aJaSi'in " WfcTti6UNO "" NO. 15 NO. II Lv. New York .J. SOpin I'litladclphia G 66pnr Baltimore it UGom WnshinKton ill 43pra Lvnchburir :-i innm Ar. Danville Q a.'.am I. v. Richmond 12 KOani Dnnville R -inm Ar. Orcciisboro s lAnm Lv. OoldMboro 7 Lv RuleiKh r OOam Durham n R.inm Ar. Greensboro M 05am Lv Greensboro 82lnm hallsuarv lo 15am ' tStatCSVille It Milan, Newton ii fiani " Hickory 12 lOpm Morpanton 12 50pm 1" Marion i 4.6pm Round Knob 2 dKnm Ar. Asheville !)17om 4, OOtim Hot SprinKi, lo Kpm tt 3fpm Paint Rock 1 1 PUpiii ft r.opm M nrristo wn Knoville... ..... ......... ........... 7 4.5pm A. & S- B MLROAD- NO. 16 NO-14 Lv. Asheville 2 lOnra H 112am Ilciuieroonvllle 3 olipm U ltiatti Pint Kock 3 lOpm 27am Saluda. 3 32pm U o2am Trvon 4.OI1.111 1l(-nni Ar. Spnrtanbnrg 6 OOpm 11 3()am ' no 15 no: 13 Lv Spartanburg 20 pin 3 lOpm irjon 7 lxpm 4. UUprn ' Saluda 7 47pm F,rm ' Klnt Rock H 10pm R a2onl Jlenders'nv'le S lKum .-, 3:inm Ar. Ashcvil'e B l'Jpm 6 4-Opm MURPHY BRANCH NQi I9i" NO 17 Lv. Asheville il lionm f II 4511111 Ar. Waynesville lo 20am H lSpm Ar. Brvson City 7 OOam Lv Andrews 11 Slam Tomotla 12ll..nm " Murphy 12 SOprn NO. 20S NO. 18 Lv. Murphy , fl 30pm Ar. Tomotla -l fiftum Andrews 2 35pm Lv. Bryson City 4 O5uoi Ar. Waynesville e OOpm e 25am asnevine v .1011111 lioum SLEEPING CAR SERVICE: " Ko. 11 and 12 Fullmau I'arlor cars be tween Salisbury and Hot Springs via Ashe ville, i-u-iiiiuii sleepers between AsncviUe and Cincinnati via Knoxville and Marriman and Asheville and Ch'cairn via Knoxville and liacrinian and Louisville. trains Nos. 13 and 14- l'ulliimn Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y, connect ing nt t-oiumma tor savannah v!as. B K. R. with Parlor cars. V. A. TURK, S. II. HARD WICK. Geo. Pass. Airt- Asst. Gen. Pass. Aftt., VVnshinnton. II. C. Atlanta. Un. W.H. OKHKN, Gen. Mananer. Washington V. B. McBlili, Oen'l Sutit., Columbia, s. C. SOL. IAS, Trnfric Manager, WatdilnK.otl tl:iily txci'pt buuilay. gSunday only. THE COUNTRYi MAILS. Brcvnrd. Ar, G p m l.v. 7 a m Kutticrl'ordtoli, 7 p in " 4- am lii'rnsvillc, 7 am" ti am Bench, i am " ! a in Leicester, "11 a ni " 12 in Combination Offer! The Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville Home and Farm For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance a"!5"5--!--5--4--5"t-.- TVVVVtv . WVT ShWI) Till J K i:YS Of your ; acctioii to TF1 B CI I 1ZUN Bvt ii if you cuti t tojjt tit r only a few cr tonal items or something; about the crops. send us a letter, Vou will advertise you town; it will d- guud und cot barm. I , you can't send a letter, send a postal card i If you caa't send a pontal card, then send a I SUBSCRIPTION DOLLAR, k'ot out of you neighbor when he was feUnp good and wanted to benefit himrctf. Those tiny Capsules are superior to JJialsam -' Of ' Copailia, " Cubcbs .. and Injections. (Wflft J They euro in 48 hours tho V J sarao diseases without any incoa- veniencc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS World's Fair, Chicago HOTEL - CalnmPt ATnti end 2lH.h Htrrvt l-'trcprtMif ; 24 1 rooma; near Patt urounnn; ontnf- n evry nMr D BlIPDnCT'l tf ria clay. Ftmt-clAM. faiuU UMIIVIIUI hotel, write Tor drculur. FiXKi iT l Al Ut Ml HHTl'I'K. pi irvrTLT PAIXLR!1- Tl tK INJECTION. BUT IM FU1N.BKAI.KI PACK.AC.KUPUII BKCEirT ir rkivi, AehcTllIe A rente. Kanor St Smith. I pre1 acrlptton drasgtata, SI Ir at ton nine. Do You Ride If you ride why not ride the best? There is but one best and it's a Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON, WASHINGTON, Asheville Bicycle DO NOT THE WEEKLY CITIZEN ANJD LOUISVILLE HOME AND FARM ONLY SI. lO STRICTLY IN ADVANCE! LliWlS MADDUX, Prea II. T. COLLINS, Vlcc-lrea. L. P. M'LOUD, C ashler Capital, $50,000. Su:rulufc, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. Orsanlxed May, i8S3. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES UENKJUAI. U.4.KKINQ lutereMt IJiitl on Deposits in Havings Depdrliueiit DIRECTORS ' LowiH Miidilux, II. T. Collins, M. J. Fjiirir. J. K. Itoed. CI1U.S. McNumee, J. E. Uaukin, AJ. J. Bearden, S. II. lleed. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL AGME WINE & vSabLi-te JVLaaatx's Bar "Claims the largest stock of first class goods of any house In the State. Makes) a specialty of Cooklnj, Brandies and Jelly Wines.) Sole agents for the Acme Old Coru. JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 SontH Ulnln Street. TKLItPHONB CALL NO. X39, P. O. BOX 688, ASHEVILLE. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR 00 Nos. 4-X and 43 S. Slain St., Ajslieyille. WHOLBSALB liBPA HTM UNT, OBNT8' "XT yfl T 1-AU1.UK AND RBADINO ROOM. LIM KJ 1 C1GA.KM, TOBACCO AND MOTTLB OnODS, 8AM. "KTA A O I PLB. WLL1AHU AND POOL ROOM. J9 Qm BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEL! EXT. We fxsjpcetfully otidt a ba.rr of you y am ' -- " Pa A. MARQUAIIDT, Iaiia BSaln BatrtacTTVo. 43. a Victor ? DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO. Company, Agents. FORGET THE PER YEAR, UUBINESH T It ANS ACTED. 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY TII L 5 P. M. LIQUOR BOUSE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. I