',i:;t..r-.i-1'.' THE ASHEVXLlLE OAIL.Y CITIZEN. Thursday Evening, August 10, 1893. v'.V THE PAVING COST around town. thbaki. - Vt I lAV"" "" WHAT PAVING A8SEBnEMT8 AGAINST PKOI' ERTV OWSEK8. Vt'asAuton, .4ius l. Forecast till S n. in. Frit In v : Sort hcastcr ly Minus; fair, exec't local thunder sturins Thurs day and Friday. K? porta of Clt Knglueer on a Number of Htreeta Improtl br Pavluic ruder Hie Act 1891. The publication of assessments against property owners for street paving, as reported bv City Engineer Lee and ap proved by tbe two Hoards, is completed today. On tbe streets givcu below the amount of damages paid was very small if anything, therefore damages do not f.triire In the renort. The amounts printed below are what each owner will have to pay. Since these reports liavc been made out paving has been done on Havwood street near the government building and on south Court I'laec which will be included iu laUr reports. Irierrlruou Avenue. HAST SIU1!. OWNKK. am.isS5.mk.-n I IV Merrimon $ .S Mrs. Adelia Worth Asheville Transfer Co I. It. Bostic J. E. Rankin Milton Harding A. J. lvman J. L. Carroll Mrs. Owen Smith Mrs. S. S. McKae S. J. Sharpless wkst sun;. T. V. Malloy M, I. Face Lewis Maddux David Kobertsou The Misses Merrimon A. . I.vman G. W. Pack Chas A. Moore Buxtou Street. NOKTU SIKH. Melke estate $ J. M. Campbell Lance Gay Green 13. j. Armstrong Clapp Baptist church Ir. Kawls soi Til sum. Mrs. Duffield W. W. Hays P. C. Humphrey Riverside church II. I). Mav D. II. Hughes I. M. Green Went Havwood Street. From Roberts street to the county liri,1..p flii- I'osl nf rubble iiaviuu n;is $3,112.27: NIIKT1I SIDli. 12. D. McCollnm $ C. 1J. Wanton Richmond Pearson K. P. Withers E. P. Ilines Buttrick & Kav A. J. Lyman E. W. Jones SOUTH SIHK. E J. Armstrong ' Asheville lee .v Coal Lo Asheville Milling Co Graham Manufacturing Co.... Haiwood mreet. From Iluttrick street to James trick's west line : J. L. Smathers jas. Muttrick From James lUittriek's west Uuxton street: SOI Til SIDli. J. L. Smathers Rachel Erwin II. 1). Baker A. Patterson Mrs. ILL. l'eatbcrstou Mrs. Tvler J. M. Uiiy Mrs. N. A. Lal'ierre Mrs. I). U. Adams II. S. Ilarkins Mrs. Duffield NORTH SIDE. Dr. J. A. Watson D. L. Reynolds Mrs. Marv I ones Smathers & Hampton 1 'i- :i Mow Vork Market. Nuw Y..KK. August '.1 Cotton futiiies. ni.rncd stead v; AUKtist, SM-pt.-muer, 7 r.t: Oet. hit. 7 or.; November 7.iO; Lcr 7 ; Jaouarv 7.o:s. 1CCCH1- to the !S3 277 50 () 2n 111 UO ii t :i7 12'." 07 isa ir. im7 : 130 v 160 5() 701 1 IS 01 1 1, (;.- f 5-1 I-1 1 l'." '.'50 0O JVJ 72 210 1'-' l r.o 1 7 101 70 7D."i IS 55 SO 75 00 75 00 75 00 151 J0 170 i:i 1 US 0 t '221 20 2-K SO KiS 0( 1 S5 r, i 7 :ss 1 00 o :ir.G 7 1 10 4. 40 -132 SI 55 20 5S 2l 5S 21 7 7 00 si 4S 14-5 50 121. 10 tOO S2 Hut 32S 05 451 OS line to S3 .14 151 OS 132 01 07 05 71 52 SI 05 00 S3 00 OS 343 15 102 41 50 CO 35 01 74 50 02 38 lailorjaiiiisoii now lias ei:; lit jn isoucid iu the county prison. Mavor Patton heard two cases this morning and the lines amounted to JO. Tin- Newfound P.aotist association opened today in the Baptist church near Leicester. The new Pullman pai lor ear line was put in operation on the R. cii 1 ). In tween Salisbury and Hot Springs yesterday. A force of workmen under- Foreman H. P. Hurt betrau this mornin the work ol outtintr the College street car track irrade between North Main iintl Kawls block. People who have been so fui luiiiite as to get a glimpse of Ticket Audit Frank Darby's watch sav that it would un doubtedly take tnst award at the World's Pair. Prom unavoidable causes the time games between the Asheville ISaseball team and the Kuoxville Kens nuw hum postponed to Mondav, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 21, 22 ami 23. Esquire K. Y. U. Rhinebai t of Civile, Ilav wood count v, and Mis. Addic Car-1 laud of tuncoinbe were married on Montlbrd nvt'iiiic at 1:30 this atlcrnooii hv Justice A. T. Summev. I He "run aid groom left on the atlcrnooii train lor the groom's h-jnie at Clyde. Considerable change lias been wrought in the appearance ol North Main street .it US junction wall C licstuiil ami i.asi. The li'viliaiit has been moved a short dis tance up Chestnut, and the tint Heap taken down so that the street is nearly level tor the first time in many months. Waterworks Superintendent Murray stys he expects to have one t t lie inters idv tor use tomorrow, t ne i ieuniur of the two tillers is no ngiit J""- Some idea of the task may le had wlieu it is stated that two ear lonils ot clt! saud were required for the filter that will be rea.lv tomorrow. A nt quanta will be required for the ot liei Ulter. Baltimore Sun, Tuesday: On Loard the steamship Patapseo yesterday were a lava monkev and a 'og of hih degree brou-dit froi'n Koltcr.laui lor Mr. James Buchanan of Asheville, N. C. The ani mals had made t vv trips to Baltimore on the vessel. On the first trio the con signee could not he found, and the mon key and dog-, hke reminded iimiii-rants, were taken back. Advisor J. P. Sawyer has returned from Morgantoii, wheie he went to at tend the montlilv meeting of the executive committee of the Stale hospital. He suvs there are now about 5".U persons m the hospital. The rafters arc being put on the new deaf niH dumb asylum budd ing at Morgantou, mid Mr.Sawvcr says it is expected that the building will he ready for occupancy witb;n a twelve month. The music at the "I'east -f Lanterns" given tor the hem lit of the Asheville lice kindergarten at " 1 nglesulc, .. I reuen Uroad avenue, this evening', will consist of instrumental trios, duets and solus on violin, Mute, piano and antoharp anil vocal solos. Tomorrow evening the music w ill be in charge of t he Philhar monic String ijuiutette. The price i I admission. 25 cZnts. includes admission to the concert and iilrcsliincuis. 1 ue tables will be served by voting; ladies lapamse costume. 'oii can't aff)rd to miss it. Lemuel t'.ossctt, familiarly known as "Daddv" C.ossett, died 1 hnrsd.iv night at his home at B-iunoie. Mr. t'.ossctt was S3 vears old and a native ol South Carolina, but had lived in this county lor a nunilK i ot years, itc n io cuaigc Kitd's mill lor perhaps l. ycais until his henlth beeanie sncn that lie uld nou do active work. lie was a Liuber ol the Baptist church, an car- nest, devoted eliristian, ami was wen liked by all who knew him. The body was interred yesterday nltcrnooii in the cemetery at (lash s crccK, tne lunerai service being ci'iiductcd by Kev. Millard . Jenkins. OTS THli Ci. Mock UuoiatlouK. Nkw Vonk, Ann. u Kric lll'ii I.uWe Shore U-:ii; Cliit'UKO Hud North vvi-Mtrm 1 Noi-folK ami Western. HI; Ku-hmunil and W.'Mi lJoiut Tcrniiual 14.; Luioil 73!y- Westei-o THEY COME ! Hultiuiore Market. 1 H.U.HMOKL', Ami.'. - -Klour. sternly; wheat, tirrmr: Knot, 7 1,; AiiKst 74-'s: milliiiK wheat bv sample, li H.Miii; corn, tinner; Jpi.t 7; AuifiiKt, t7ij; while corn by Bam pie, 5'(!.5J; veltoA-, 4tl(j 30 1 GREAT MARK MOWN ! AnlievlUe tai U trt. l..rre.-teil dnilv tv 1'lWKLL Xt- SNIKUK, whi.lesule an.l rctuil (truer rn. These rteca are btiu paid liy the merehauts to-day. . ir.i)lOIAiii1e! ...75(iH;G Hens...... KIIApples. dried 3W.-0 Chi. kens nwf.git l'tuupkiiis,eaeh.5Jil;a Turkcva 70i.li'0:Srnu'n 3 liuiks". aloi.gr.illeeswax, per lo lo nt.iti - w't 1 L'rt 1 1 one v t H Potatoes. Irish. ol wheat 8 rt.rnillM .'UHll'.l.O'C'oni i 7.-.lMeal tso 1-Hhl.ni. e. net tr , It lats GO lli.n.,4 or I..1. 1 OlXrl: I r.lM K ve ' Teas.... i;ff,7rjlfay, ton $UI00 Ciiestuuts nr.oiCclerv. il..x 25(Ui II i-hest Prices raid for Kail road Thki-ts Special Kates 0 lie red Affi- dont Insurance. Clarke, U. C. Hotel ATTINGS. REFRIGERATORS. ICE CHKt.li 1 HUMMOCKS. CLY SCREENS, f ETC., ETC. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. FU UN ITU RE, CAHPETS. ETC., ETC. 16 X'Httuii Avenue, AMlicvllle, IS. C. I you fejel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS iitlex to Xew Ad v.-l I trlil-n. Trustee Sale Clus. A Moore. rnursTiiii'S s VI. H- I er vested in tnc bv a .iced (t. II. Simmons.. II. N. bock wood T. A. Hendry I). M. Luther Fannie G. Hurst Clark & Beck Richmond I'earson Dr. li. C. Stnrnes Roberts Htreet. EAST SIPK. . I'.Rawls K. . Aston T. C. Itrown Richmond I'earson s-t 4-1 is;t 21 OS 34 i:u in in 1 sr, 2a SI Do 177 s:i 4-t i 41S 1)5 14-S WEST SIDE. Asheville lee and Coal Co C. S. Cootx:r 10147 C. T. Wells :t4 7.". li. J. Armstrong 1 1 3 9S Church Street. EAST SIPR. F. A. Sondlev $ Johnson estate Carter & Graham N. W. Gird wood I'reibvterian church Asheville Library Kpiscopal church WRST SIDE. lohnston estate 17 3i Methodist church tU) Cheesborough lot 87 Mrs. F. Stikeleather -73 55 230 Oil 1(53 00 HO 22 10(1 40 or. oi I SO 0 00 HO 202 57 Mrs. E. J.Afton Willow Street. SOUTH BIDS. I. R. Kawls B. T. Clemmons , W.Johnston.. 113 56 141 48 82 51 70 02 Episcopal church 1U2 S8 NORTH SIDE. Bearden & Rankin 77 00 Chambers & Weaver 90 72 J. K. Connally r' 1 Methodist narsonaee 108 00 Presbvterian church 102 81 J. Q. ADAMS. Tender Ilia Reilcttallon Fan tor of French Broad Baptist, The congregation of tbe French Broad Baptist church was greatly surprised last night when tbe pastor, Kev. J. Adams, tendered his resignation. Mr. Adams came to this charge nearly three years ago. He is an excellent nmtpher and a fine gentleman and his congregation win renin. to have him to u.w. He has been true and taitntui th vrrr interest of his church, and the -.t, has ahared the benefit of tbe good work which he has done. In addition to hia mrnlar duties with his church, the v naators of the rations denominations of the city honored him by making v presiaenioi vnjr Tnt rinrPM is not advised as to Mr, . Adams' moTements. but learns that bis .fti art in -flemana m anoxner c.y. ZtZA his letter toacom- I?teVt"s their pastor conld not be nd f withdraw bis resignauon. him confer 'ei-HOimlit (houi People, Some ot Wlioiil Von Know, I. C. Ivrvsiu islieie fu.ui Kutliei ford ton on business. Advisor J. A. Nichols li:is returned I'roni Marshall. alter N. liavis is at the Swannauoa Iroui I'alatka, I-la. Miss Mary Hull of Athens, (V;i., is 'ituotiK the Battery I'arL's ijties'.s. I. C. Adams and Crawford Cradilock one up from Murriston yesterday. Miss Irene Mcl.oud has icturiied Iroui a trip to CliicaKo and lvnlewood. 111. C. A. I'.iid anil W. M. (.. ilson ot Old ort are autocrat hed at the Grand Central. Mrs. A. Macbeth of St. Louis, and Mrs. T. ti. Hunter of Savantiuh arc at tne S waunauoa. Mrs. S. T. Kelsev, Harlan I. Kclscy ind Miss Hdith H. Kelsey f I.inville are it the Hat terv l'i.rk. I. Ii. Ferguson, l.itelv st crctary of the Ashtvilie V. M. C. A., Kit this altcrnooii lor his home in Bridgeport, Conn. W.Aiken Khett and Kiliiiunl Khett came up from Flat Rock last mailt in order to take part in the ijasehall auic at Carrier s track to:lav. Take Notice. The new side of the market house is now open ana occupteci rty ursi iihum rl,..-ili-r nnd wc earnestlv Iiotk: the public will patroni.e them, now that they Have taken their chances against the other side. Use the new entrance oil north ile of lire department. There is a f in over tl.edoor but iteatinot be sceu unless you look ior it. Notice. n.ii i.iiiis to be had. A pi lendid port able steam saw mill and fixtures, aul 2 head of fine cattle to be sold August 15, mna.at Andrews. N. C. Parties tlesir- in aueh orouertv should not miss this optiortunity. For particulars inquire tf I Gudger & Martin, attorneys mortgagee. li t virtue of the onv' t trust i-ic- ..t,l l.v K. S. II. K. mold. to the the tin.lcr- .ii.iird trustee, t.entinv: .lKte the lT.th tlT ,tt Mnv. 1 ho. iirtd registered in Htok No. Jil, iit p.iKc ii!5. In ll.e Keeor.lsol MortuK. s i,., 1 .,f Trust ill the omcc ol the Keiris- t.r of I ,!. I for the county of mincomlic an.l state ,,r V.utli Curuiiiui. to w h ich rcierence in hrrel.v niiidc t. secure the itayiiicnt of tile notes tliert in ileseril.eil ili-fault havine l.een mritle in the r.avment of saiil notes, and hav- in been reiiuestetl liy the cestui tjue trust to sell s:ul laiul to satisfy said notes. I will sell .-it the eourt house .lour in the city of Ashe ville, nt imblie nuetion, . -it 1 li o'clock in on M.itulur. Seut 1 1 . 1 !".K1. the t,,l:o wluvr cles- criheil tni'tn of land auu ull tne aiiui-icn- fitn-es. tor ettsli : i.,tnt tr.-iet Heinninu at a stake, the cor- ...-r f IVU-r Miller's sinallt raet: thence south 7 east one hundred and thirteen (1 13) poles to 11 small nv hite oak on the southeast hoc .if n ridtfe; thence west srventy-eiirnt 17HI ixle to a wist oak; thenee south fifty-one ir.ll i.i.les to two small tx.st oaki; thence west thirty four I.1M poles to a pine: thence north t .vent v 1 JO l poles to n white oak; theme east forty (o poles to a black Jiiiin. thenee north one auudred an.l thirteen 1113) noles lo a black toik. I'cter M.uer s corner; thenee east with l'eter Miller's line to the beuinniiiK. containing sixty-twti n2) nces inn re or less, beiiit; tbe same lutul convey" t., ! s. it Kevnolds bv Harbarv Hill 1 .l.-e.l ibi:.-.l the 5th tlav of Mav. 1SIK!. an.l registered in bonk 31. :it pane 334. of deetts it. the Keeister's ollice t.f Ituncoiu be i-otl n t y . t. v. hich detd reference is herebv tnnde for the o.irnosr of tlesciit.tion: and nlso eeon.l tract Flrfiinnins on a stake near a maple stump on the etst side of the liraneh and runs north twenty six (ltd tio'es noil ifht i H i links to a stake. Marion Alexan- ilr-i 's uout he.Tst eorn-r: thanee north 7 untl with Alexanders line sixtc-n 1 1 0 ) pt.les to his northeast comer; thence north , west twentv ( 20) u -lcs with the suit! Alex ander's line to his northwest corner on the enst miirtfit: of the road leadinir from I'at ter- son's mill to the Havwood road; thenee w it h said road north 7" west ninety-seven 1 117 i i.olis and eiirh t ( m) links to a roek on the east margin ol said ro.-i-l, cornerol'O. V . M ilk-r's sevt n acre tract ; thenee south sev- eutv-eiulit ilei-rees I 7M l west tifty-onc 15 11 p ilss to a bla. k oak and doKw-ootl in tne larrett old line; thence north with sni.l line lortv-scven t l 7 I poles and ten I III links to a slake in the edtic of the mdluond; tuctiee down and with the south edire of the mill- pond us follow s : South 3f" east four t) oolrs. south i'.s enst six ( 1. 1 poles: Bout ti HI-- esst lour i l l poles; south lit west two pole south iu'-' enst sixteen (llll Doles; south '.o east emht (M) pales; north 4-. east sixteen llt.l po'cs and thirteen ( 1 3) links: north 1! 3' east sixteen noli s (lot; liort n tio east lour 1 41 poles to a stake or cliin- i.iel.itl. where the line between Miller ar.d t-atterson leaves the tnillpond. llieni-e xvith said line souih sa east f.rty-seven (4-7) uoles and thirteen ll.l) li.iks to Cowan's lenec; 1 hence with said fence south i cast three (3. tiles, south 7J west fifteen . 1 f poles to the branch- thence up and with tr.e meaudcrs of the branch as lollows: South li.' west nineteen tit) poles; south east three 13) poles, south B3 3 west four (4 poles; south a'.-. west nineteen I 1 11 1 poles; south Su west seventeen ( 17) poles: south west eleven (11) poles- south -t1 west nine lt) uoles: south r ' enst seven 1 71 poles, south 1 west seventeen I 171 poles; south 3D ' east thirtv-two 13 I uoles to the ttiMlininir. lc- inir the same land coiivevetl by James Ftut- truk and Canada Cowan to 1. S. H. Kev nolds bv deed dated luly i:2nd, lss7, nnd reuistercti in book Gsl of deeds at linKf 1 in the Kewiter's ollicc of Ituncaiubc county, and for the purpose o.l description is hereby referred to, exeeptitlK from the above tracts abuut sixteen acres heretofore sold- Auk io. 1 SO.!. C U Sv A. Mt 'l IRK, au-IOdotfii Trustee. "I ill WHITLOCK bLOTHING :i HOUSE, 40 South main, Cor. Eagle Block. Oittu- all Hummer clothing at reuucetl pneoB to mak room for fall stock. Oui htoik of light weight clothing will be Hold ivg.-irdle-HS of value Our MKHort.mont i.s ame ami (loii-al.iJo 111 Cheviots, CassimeivH nnd Worhtoti!?. Our clothing lit and wear longer than any other clothing in this marker. Extra pants for men and boys at very low prices. Manhattan Shirts, Motlier' waists for bovs. Underwear in th 1 'i o'markot. Cheaper than elsewhere. !!j Hats, Neckwear, (Jloves, ;;:StyliHh and Choap. ;;! Extra si.o cloth uj) to No 50 Friend i best on Shir the Hosiery, -New Made From Ilistillctl Wtcr ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 34 l'alton Aveiiue. Tclcphouc ti, 40. ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, -MANUFACTURERS OF- Roller King aud Electric Light Flour, Choice Corn Meal, GRAHAIVL FLOUR. Dcalvrs iu All Kinds ot 'GRAIN and MILL. FKHUI CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Keep Iu Un.-k "Mount Vernon," "CanitdtfUi Clnb," nnd OKI llaher Kye Whlaklca. 1 lie Wlncn, IlrHiiillcs, IScrr, Ale o.l Stout ltr fumlly uoc. Alt Kuoils dcllvernl free. Ale und Porter on drauKltt, Utitercacc No. 1 Morth Main ttud 7V4 Collcne strerts. TcU-linn No. 1S3 P. 8.: On ami arter Muy Uth I win ncuJ atutetnent of ammaU b.v tmill to iiorinf deb led to me If not settle 1 b that time. KepcclfuHy. raoPRiGToa carouna saloon. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, HEADQUABTEBS : FOE : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. Wc kciji constantly on hand n large and select stock of Itcd. Make a specialty of tlic business. Arc in constant communication with the iiriitcipal deal ers ami mills in various malkcts. l'avinj; cash, wc yet all discounts posbiblc. Sell mainly to consumers from ton lots down to a single package. Cull Get Prices Will Save You Money Fresh Lot of TarDell Cream DfiBese 3 ALSO A FINE LOT OF W. TAL P. HAHVEY & BRAND OF CO.'S MONUMEN- ALL ORGANIZED. Wc take very great iienitic in stat ing that the Vuilcd Banklttsr tid litiild- Hams and Breakfast Bacon. C.llAKANriilCIl T11IY Wll.l. 1 V li S ATISI'ACT l) v. Hcadquarlers ftr tlte SpartanliurK mtani Bantu mrru. TUB I'INliiT liKliAU OBTAIXAUI.B HKIiSII IiVBKY DAY. wc re l.uviue for the soot cash aud ncllinu for tliw , and we ure pripatcd to rave ir customer, from 15 tu 20 per ecnt. on tlte $100 invested. Call and be couvineed. II. B. NOLAND & SOX, i North Blalu Street. TclcpBonc Io. 5 i. c i.:m. ir ..ni.i i.. rtn .i..vs will bi! turucd OTtr to the tirocers, Aaaoei- atiori for eolleetion and publication. Wc also keep in slock Willuii V Horse aud Cattle 1'owdcrs and other stock med ics. Wc have testimonials from Icnditn lucu in Asheville as to their value. C. S. COOPER. Great Sale 1 ii jjCom p a it v til' RICHMOND, Y1KC.1NIA, Have ..rgauied tlie following slruiii; advis ory lioar.l : OFFICERS : A. Kunkin, Frc.; W. B. Williamson, V. l'rc. D. C. Waddcll, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer; Chas. A. Webb, Attorney. DIRECTORS : Janiea II . Lounhran, 1'. W. Stikeleather, S. Wcstra; ltnttlc, W. V. I.ow, J. L. Cathey. W. It. Wistall. I. A. Ilrookshirc, J.. I. Maekey. John 1". Arthur, Dr. I. 11. Williams. A.r'P'RA.ISERS : W. B. Williamson, W. V. Uow. W. II. Wcatall. T.fjann will be promptly grante.!. MA). H. H. SOGERS, State Agent. G. K. COLLINS, Special Agent. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD. KINDLINCJS. LAM) l'l,Afe'll'.n, 2 ST a ci (D P CQ lor the o Uhtc Court House Square on Char iot te street electric car for Sunset l'ark at 9 a. m.. and every 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. fnmmrnrin? then at 2 o. m.. take carl at Wjuare every 30 minute until 7 p.m. W. A. & (. S. Wt'V. HCHEDDLE. Regular half hour schedule to Sulphur Springs withoot change. Cor leave rear ot postoffice 8:30 a- m. and fhence every half hour until 8 p. m. Round trip 'Scrnt. Car also leaves postoffice at 7:43 a. m, to Spartanburg train. To Aaverilscri. X Insure change of odyertiac merits rnntjnff on rejjular contract, copy must In handed In br 10 o'clock a. m. t.imrs or childrr-n who want build 05 a OOP Kocdlng s tonic. nnnnU'rntON HI ITKIIH. plewuit ; coral btalria. Indisatkm. T la fm u t UjapUwu sad mmtTa. CD P Ul CA P 1 o o o o 5 f - O O W 125 o a Silk Waists PLASTEIl l'AIUSJ at inMNAycm C11A11COAL, LIME, CEMENT. SEWEll TIPE, HAY AND FEED. O. EJ. TELEPHONE NO. 121. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders intrusted to my care will receive prompt and personal attention. Quality of work and material guaranteed. ORDERS SOLICITED, TELEl'HONB 170. anr7d3rn 43 COLLEGE ST. THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL CO. NATURAL AND MAMVFACTDKBD ICB AND ALL KINDS ofCOAL. 39 Patton ATcnne. Tel. xj. Yard 144 TO VISITORS! IP YOU WISH TO CARRY AWAY A LASTING AND CHARM ISO SOUVENIR VP ASUEV1CLB. DEPOSIT SO CENTS WITH "THE CITI ZEN" and HA YE RETURNED PULL VALUE IN A. PINE BNORAVED VIEW OP ASHEVILLE JOHX G. RUSSELL,; OF BOSTON. Teacher of Mtwie. Vocal Ctrareh choirs and choral and cbsrrh orgaaa toacd. a socelaltT. trained, fiaaos 47 WALHUT STREET. CITY. Those, lovely Plaids, Wash Silk, riain India, Farifcy Em pire, Surplus, all new. This summer $7.50, $8 and $10 Goods all reduced to $5. This is the Best Bargain to he presented "this season. Parties Wishing to procure any of these good& should call at once heforc sizes get broken. F. P. MIMlSrAUGrH Jj3Sd2l