THE ASHEVIIiliB DAILY CITIZEN Friilav Evening, August 11, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN ! Tub Daii.t Citixbn, Kemocrattc, ia published every afternoon (except sudqui ai im tfm nt rift I V CMSti: OKI VIU 9?.-1 Ulf UriKTKI J.OO ThbKR MONTU l.BO Orb Montb ro OmWiu I5 FRIDAY. AUGTST 11. 1893. OVER IX TILLXIA.MA. In the eyes of the President, we sup pose the Rrcat gri'idinn tariff tax is a mere nothing, a b;iatelle us eumpartil with this silver purchase la w. Wilming ton Messenir. This is hardly fair. The l'rcsiilcnt in his anti-silver message distinctly said, in very impressive words, that "tarifl re form has lost nothing of its immediate and permanent importance." "Trinity college makes a ucw depart ure in this State, in its school of journal ism, of which Professor Weber, formerly of the Charleston News and Courier, and Professor leroine Dowel of Charleston are to be in charge," says a current item A school to make journalists is not so mu. h needed in North Carolina as hun dreds of schools to make readers. Right there is where North Carolina news papers need assistance, not in the edi torial rooms. Tbe Carried A FINK UHKBSINU 1JOWIH. Iii the Senate on lucsuuv Mr. Hale submitted the following: "Resolved, That on and idler Tlnu s ilnv. Autrnst It). 1S)3, until otherwise orrlt-n-fl. the hour of the meetini; of ti e Senate shall be at 11 o'clock in the lore noon." Mr. Hale stated that the object of the rrunlnt inn was to s renidtlK ii the hand ot the President "by decreasing the mini bcrofdays which must elapse before (."omrresa ailoots tl;C legislation which he recommends." Mr. Hale's "nrcviousiiess" in thrustin Gaffnky City, S. C, Aug. 0. Your correspondent's bciiiK si Jiative of South Carolina may not prevent him from Kiviu an ex parte opinion of what is called the "Tillman Reform;" for fJ00! citizens of this State are divided as to that matter. Though born and educa ted in upper South Carolina anil belong ing to the class now in control of the State, 1 think I am prepared to state matters fairly and do justice to all. It is a misnomer to call it the 'Till man Reform," since it began with the people years before lJenj. R. Tilluian eer entered public life as a leader. The parties and the influences which produced the two factious the Tillman and the Anti-Tillman grew out of the circumstances of low country and up country. The low country being tt'e utiist settled and containing the wealthy pl-intcrs and the cinutnerci il cities, luruislieu the ablest I I w-m.-i kers indllie various iheials up to lst. The South Cnrolina college was estab lished and patronized by this inllaieutial class. The up country produced the s-inall farmers and mountaineers, who owned few slaves ami were in the minority until alter the war; since which they have been ijreatlv strengthened bs citizens of the middle and even lower section of the State until they now have a majority. 1 1 was this class educated bv denomi national influences, that were oppotcil to the state support of the South Caro lina college. Thi opposition led to the establishment in the upper section of the state ot schools operated bv individuals, and of denominational colleges, such as the 1-urmau I Diversity at l.ireenville. the WotV-rd College at Spartanburg and the Krskiuc at Due West. I'p to the war, and lromlS7 to 1 .sss. the low country plantation and ciiv classes held control of the state govern ment, and men educated in the State col lege generally held the ofliccs and domi nated the professions. hat is known as the 1 illman reform flalloriu Must Be Out. From the States , illc La dmatk The President's message is somewhat of a disappointment to the Landmark. We arc not surprised that lie advocates the repeal of the Sherman law. We had expected that, and thus far he is right. Hut we had hoped and expected that he would formulate some plan lay down some lines for the legislation whih must necessarily follow the rccnl of the la w if the promises of the platform on which the party marched to victory last November arc to be cariied out. Ami they must Wcanicd out. Cotlou "Will Help n Henp Prom the Auk st Chronicle. The cotton crop of the South w ill bring ) into the United States, during the season beginning S-ptcmbcr $J0(),O00,O00 in gold. I here will lie plenty ol money, too, to move the cotton crop. As soon as cot ton begins to move actively the balance of trade, .-is between this country and Kurope, will rapidly turn in our favor. Gold will pour in for our cotton and the financial situation will be greatly im proved. -Willi "1 lie- freHldeut. From the Cli'lrU-Htun News untl Courier. Tlie only danger from present appear ances, lies in the dilatory methods ol the Senate, ami w ith good and determined management on the part of the adminis tration Dcmoei als, backed by the sound money Republicans, a way ought easily to 1 e found to o vei eonie or, if uccesssarv, alter this - methods, ami carry into effect the loiiillv expressed wish of the country that the Sherman act be repealed at the earliest practicable niumeiit. Business Brevities THE CELEBRATED ' WALL TRUNK ! - just what von WRItiHT & CO. WANT. SOLD liXCU'SlVbLY ISY BLANTUN, NOVKLTIH8 IK TRAVELING BAGS Bl.f'OS, 'WRIGHT & CO. PRICES ON- tx "UMIIKI-LI.AS Rli COYKKUD Willi.! WRICHT & CO. . i r' at hlantun, himself forward from the ranks of the minority to urge haste on the Democrats I has put the opposing class in control t in the rental ol a measure wlucli Air. I puuue auairs. Hale and other Republicans voted fo and arc responsible for, was promptly resented bv Democratic senators. Mr Cnrnun said I we ouote ill this article from the Congressional Record ): "As the Senator from Maine knows, and as the coutitrv knows, we cannot dispose of this (uestion on the moment. :,.,.! tomorrow. The Senator knows lull well that members on both sides of the Chamber are divided in opinion as to the nniruT remedy to be applietl. l ne t resi lent has oreseiited a view, clear ami cm i, hatie on one side, but there arc other views, and Congress is to determine pre- eiselv what shall be clone. I tiat ueeisiou cannot lie reached today or tomorrow and in my judgment It is belittling the ouestiom it is trilling with the great iimmpri'iil 1 interests ot this country for ih to seek small advantages on cither side of the Chamber." There was some further talk along this line, Mr. llale insisting "on immed ;iti .-ii-t ion" and then the Senator from Maine lxcaine tangled in the grip ol the "Tall Sycamore of the Wabash." Right there the fun began. Mr. Yoorhces said : "The idea of dealing with this condi tion in the hop, skit and jump style s ,,,l bv the Senator from Maine is ..niyin.r In the Senate of the 1'nitcd Khiirs ,'iikI the haste with -a Inch the Si-n.-it or snrines forward to undo what li,-himself has hclocd to do is another surmisinir feature. The Senator from Mfiinc fovirrts that every curse of the Sherman act comes home to roost eia t hnt sill.- ot the chamber, and not on liiw livery vote that passed it throuuh this body was cast by that side of the i li;imU'r and not one bv this. Not a single vote on our side was given for that miserable act. 1 voted against it on its ,,:!. and for the same reason, because of its degradation of one of the precious metals of this country, I shall vote lor its -neal. 1 never believed in it; 1 do not now; but the ielea of the Senator from Maine arraigniug this side ot the STYLISH, RKI.IAItl.Iv, WRIGHT & CO. ClIliAP BY TUB THOUSAND AT BL4NTON, THli UKST Cl'STOM AND KLvl'AlK SHOP IN NOUT1I CAROLINA AT BLANTON, WRIGHT & CO. 39 Pat ton Avenue, AslievlUe, IV. C. The tact that this class has been swelled into a large majoiitv composed of the people who have grown up since the war and have adopted ideas of their own. assures the ocrmancticv ot their control, irrespective ol the iulluencv ot 1 illman or an v other man. The lenders and officials of the present regime were educated principally in pri ite anil denominational sciiools, aneJ put forward and elected by the' stalwart farmers of t he country. In educational' legislation t hey are encouraging thecom tnuii school system, anil are establishing such high schools as the Ccmsou college-. located on the homestead of John C. Cal houn, .arid the State institute lor girls, at Rock Hill, S. C. They continue to sup port the old State college and the mili tary academy bv appropriations meas ured by amounts allowed the new insti tulious. The issue which no w absorbs the great est amount -of public attention is the dispensary law, bv vhi;-h ali licensed bar rooms, run by individuals, were closcil on luc lirst ot I ist lulv. I lie op position to this l.i '.v e nlies principally trora violet. L opponents of Governor Tillman, Iroiti disappointed liquor ilea I- ets, ami mm extreme and taiiatical 1'rohil.itiomsls. It is st led the Tillman ; vet Tillman was not tbe '.atliorot the law passed by the Legisla ture. It was a measure adopted by that body to satisfy a demand made bv a lai '-e majority of the voters at the pri maries for reform in the liouor business. Notwithstanding the many objections and violent attacks against the dispen sary law, it is a pleasing fact that not a liar ruuiu can lie found in South Caro- iua. The removal ol these, with their billiard and pool rooms, has put liquor beyond the reach of those who needed protection from the growing evils. A igilaut execution of this law against blind tigers" will, in the judgement of many, produce a wondeilul reform, and this is the opinion ot Kowlntiit Hitwai i. lit iC? ti Br xs mm i rfJBrjir' m i mm mw (5po. W. M.'iy & Co. luive ivinuvt'tl to 42 North Muin Htitvt. Tlmir new store will be fixed up in a few duys Absolutely Pure A crctim of ttu tar ImkitiK powder. IMk'i-I e-it of till in IraveniiiK wtretifcth. Luteal I'nite-if Sjtl- CovrromKit 1'uoil Kepurt. KUVAI. HAK1NU I'OWIIEK CO., toil Wall St.. New V.rk. SOUVENIRS ti-GEMS-ir Wedding Presents. KLUBLU lilll'CIill AILROAU AT IiS. RAILROAD TICKETS itoo ro tio.oo AND Sold. Why pay $ll).OUO tor a ticket that you can buy fir $7.l0 or $ti.ol. CIkuji t'ckcU every licrc. Kvcry tick t Kuarantcvd. Accltknt insurant, $.1,000 Tor LT cts. tr day. Kay's Cut-Kate Ticket Olliee, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. Tele ;p li 0110 134. C, JEWELRY l ilt MeNHtiice Iulerpreled. rriiill tla- KU-limoml liiHjmteh. What does the Prcmdcnt mean when Chamber and appealing tome personally he says that "the people of the I'nited to money recognized MADE TO ORDER. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEYtELERt iH SUVTH 9IAIN STRKUTi READ THESE TESTIMONIALS Han-is' Litliia Water, Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. in m.-ikp li.iste tu undo the infamy aud fraud which he himself voted to fasten n,i this country is about the most re freshing thinir that I have witnessed in vFiirs of nublic life. I Laughter and anpiausc in the galleries. "The Senator is penitent; he is sorry for what he has done; he is in sackcloth M.i.l .-ivh.-s and he is crying, W oe is me hum no. sf) that I can undo this deed II.. is r.-iked with remorse. That is the attitude he occupies hete. 1 know the Senator from Maine. He is not sincere in supposing this great fmancial.iuestion can be disposed ol in ems way When the Senator appeals to me as chairman of the finance committee to hurrv. 1 cannot help but remind him I am annealed to unco his own wrong doing, to undo the flagrant piece ot legislation ol wmcn ne compiana-, auu I remind Senators on the other side ol the Chamber that thev are in no attitude in Kfu:ik inland sav. 'Hurry, let us undo this deed.' It is your own d-cd il i vonr own legislation, aud we arc called upon in this hot sum mer month ot August not to correct Democratic legislation, not to sit on errors of our own, but to sit on your errors. VYe are called here in extra sscs ! at the sacrifice of all the case and .nniliirlH of life to meet an issue made by i'iiii And not bv US.. "Whose name does this act ljear ? The name of the most distinguished Repub lican in the United States. Ills name has been borne aloft with this act. 1 did not Iwlieve in it at the time. I predicted evil when it was passed. 1 told the dis tinguished Senators who arc near me from the western silver states that it was a wrong movement, and they ought not to have accepted it as a compromise at the time; but 1 clul not octicve it would effect as much evil as it has. Now, in th face of these CTils. the Republican Riilt! of the chamber ask us to hurry and undo them. We will undo them as fast as we can. with method and in order, but not in haste, or in a spirit o disre States are entitled is sucli on e very change aud in every market ot the world".'' lie means to say that gold aud silver constitute the only real money m the world, ami not only so. but that lor gold money to be as good as silver money it is necessary that the- intrinsic value of the bullion in a gold dollar shall be eipial t.i the in trinsic value ol tic million in a snvcr dollar. He means also, of course, that lor silver money to be as good as gold money it is necessary that the itistritisic value of the bullion in a silver dollar shall be ciitial to the intrinsic value- of the bullion in a gold dollar. This real mone y can be weighed in order to ascer tain its value. We Can't Ikiioic Hie llat(ui in I-'ron th- AtUti:u Constitution. The duty of I einocrats in Congress is plain as elay. 1 hey are not in a posi tion to ignore the Democratic policy put forth in the Democratic platform. Speak er Crisp in his speech to the nominating aucus, outlined Democratic dutv in one short, sharp sentence. "We must redeem our pledges.'' It is clear that Mr. Clev land iioicis nimscif ana nis views aoove the party. ' He may be. as his intimates ha ve claimed, "a platform unto himself. Hut 1 )-tnoerai ic Congressmen cannot hold themselves above their party. They owe a responsibility to both tbe party aiul the iieople, and this obligation thev must discharge fearlessly and faithfully. For 4 old Alouc From the Wilmington Messenger. He makes no suggestion as to what is best to be done after the killing of the Sherman law. I!ut he seems at the ver- close to give a for gold alone as the American standard o? valves. D that is his meaning he is not in accord with SoutLcrn Democrats or with his party as it nctinccl itseil at tnicago. lie was . . ..i . .. . i i t.i . ,. , .. . g 1 .... I iiul 4IHH.U iinu wouiu never na vc uecn i'u ril to ail tnc meuiioua v, ..mi i , , . , t . . i , .4-,... ,. I tUVliU UI'Ull t 14 ' 11 1 l.lllllilTU. . n,at ,n imiinrtnnt lceislatioil. I 1 " ' ' ' . " Iu other words, instead of Republicans everywhere standing on the top rail ofl the fence and yelling out: "Repeal .the Sherman Act ; it is doing great mischief! sn- to what an awful state the Demo crats have brought this country ! " they ought rather to be out behind tbe barn. clad in deep mourning and saing noth- MfMffl ciaa la apuiuui.....n . I covery cures every one et tbem. It rrr, inz but what is in the line of confession. I them, too. Take It. as you ought, whe ...7 . i,i l.r , Y,nt im. i feel the first 3rrnptom. ( languor, loss. W bat assurance, what brass, what lm pudenceto ask tbe Democratic party to hurry in tbe task of getting them out of the hole they dug in the full flush of their undeserved and niisued power ! Lost His Watermelon. From the Franklin Prea. We left our back last Saturday at Mr. Stewart's 6eld, three miles this side of Highlands, to yisit the Cullasaja Falls, and oa oar return found that tbe back bad been plundered and all our rations and a fine watermelon stolen. ' a loxo mocEssioir of diwases start from a torpid liver and im pure blood. Dr. I'ierce'a Oolden 2Iedioal Dis covery cures every one of them. It prevents a. iau ic, aa you ougnt, wnen you nrnt irmntomi i lajieuor. loss or ao- petite, dnllness, depression) and you'll aare .mi i w If from wimpthinff itnrlraia. In buildinir up needed flesh and strenirth. ami to purify and enrich tbe blood, nothing can equal the " Discovery." It invigorates the liver and kidneys, promotes all the bodily functions, and brines back health and vat or. For Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," Bilious ness, and all Scrofulous, Rlrin, and Scalp Dis eases, it is the only remedy that's cniircmtH to benefit or cure, in eVery case, or the money is reiunaeq. About Catarrh. No matter what tou'tb tried and found wanting, you caa be cured with Dr. Bases Catarrh Remedy. Tbe pro prietors of this medicine agree to cure you. or cbx4 pay you aauu la caso. THE FRENCH BAKERY Has I ice ti UiuKht Uy W. A. JAM l;S, JR., uml will Ijc t un aa a fiist-ciiis -t Imkrry nt ISO. 5 COLLKUK HTKI5KT, Vc will keep a fro-h supply nl' CAKKS, I'lriS, ami IHit:AIl on liiiml all the lime. l'Ti-nipt attention kivl-h oil trlern. QIVE US A. CALiLil SJJMJ THE N i:YS Of your I section to THli C1T1ZUN. livt n if you cun f;-t tOKCtlii r unly u few cr- sonai itctiiA or somi'luini; about the crops. stud us a letter, lou will a.uvirli'.c your town; It will d irood and rot barm. If I you can't ecntl a letter, send a fustul card If you can't pend n postal card, th n scud SUUSCRIPTION DOLLAR. ot out of ytur neighbor w hrn he was fe :Hn; Kood and wanted to benefit himself. MISS L. M. BhOWNE, Formerly Tilth Stern Ilro'H.. 23r! street iin.l Fifth avenue. New York Cltj, will be in town till llie first of octctier, durinx which time she w i'l jclvc U-nsons in the S. T. Taylor system of cutting Ladies Garments. AIko cut patterns for l.-dicsdceirinK perfect filtinK garments. Can lie arcn from 10 o'clock to 4. p. m at the Oaks Hotel. auKsl-m 55 South Mala Street, U doors below city ticket of- 6ee. SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOIt WORLD'S FAIR TRIP, SS.OOO and 915 Weekly for $1 per week. Same for ladies. Excursion Tickets X BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHEAP RATrS TO ALL POINTS! C V. RAY, Member Amcriean Ticket Brokers' Associa- lion. 2M South Mala street. E. Bl. ANDREWS. 16 and 18 W Trade St. The lead in ir Furnitarr, Piano and Orjraa dealer in tbe CaruMnas. Write him for t-ricta, or aee W. 41. Heeblea, r-rcial ajcnt, at StH South Main Street, AabevUle, N. C. Spec ial attention Riven to famishing hotels and fine residences. U. M. ANDRKW8, JSdSm Charlotte, N. C. Oilicc ot" Dr. tjli u lliy Williiims, Ashcv'llo, N. C, April 21-, lu:i An cjLcmlcd use of Harris' LUhia Water, prompts mc to the statcnu nt thnt I rcttrd it us otic of the bt't, if not the very best I.lthia waters known t the profession. In the condition of 'phosphatic urine" its ac tion is marvelous. Its use In the rheumatic and gouty diathesis, afford- tne more com fort than cither the Buffalo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours. (Slenrd) J NO. HEY WILLIAMS, M. U. K. P. Walker testifies; I have used Harris Lithia Water and when using same was both please 1 ntid t etutittctl. In using it liberal quautities should be taken, for my cxrerlcnce teachts me that small amounts arc disappointing, whereas a gen erous use is followed by most gratify ng re sults. Yours truly. (Signed) R. i. WALK. lilt. 15IG liAKGAINS In Real Estate L will oiTtr during August Thirteen Lots of 10 acres each, two miles north of the court house, at the very low price of $2uu per acre. This laud is well watered w ith fine tpi ii'KS, has nice groves of oaks. Is only one-half mile from the electric ear and ad joins the dummy line. It is very rich and suitable fur truck farming, dairying, poultry miMuir. Think of securing a farm in the edge of At-hevillc lor $U,000 which you can make a living on, where tuxes and licnsis are not so high. I am determined to sell this laud in Auguxt, and first comes will Kit first choice. When the city grow? out over this land, which it wilt do in a tew years, think what ten ui'i'is is worth to make into lots and sell. 1 also have 10 ccven ucre lots, one and 6ne-fuurtli miles east of the court house for sale at $1 10 tvr acre. This lund is tieh and lies well fur truck farming. Nice groves and is well and adjoins the Sultlc a era! springs. Terms cany. Kespeetfully, T. 13. BOSTIO STIl.f. ANOTI11JK. A-iheTille, N. C, April 14, 1803. I am Kfad to be able to sny a word with regard tu Harris' I.ithia Wuter. I have used It with the greatest ponsihle teuc6t iu chronic rheumatism. As compared n-ith Uic Buffalo Lithia, I find it quicker and it re quires less quantity. It has my heart v en dorsement. Vcrv truly yours, (Sisncd) MRS. T. W. BRANCH. These arc all bonnfule letters from people we know and have conGiicncc in their state ments. Anulyiiis on each buttle. Wholesale depot for Ashevillc. and Western North Carolina. RAYSOR & SMITH, HOLB AGENTS, NO. 3t PATTON AVENUE. "Oak Terrace." BOARDING HOUSB, 94 HILL81DB BTKEBT. On Lookout Mountain Electric Car Line. Large grounds and plenty of ' shad.. MRS- M E HILL- TAKE Your broken waicoua atij Tcbieles of all kinds to B. Burnctte's shop on College street, where they will be re-paired promptly aud in first-elass style. Mar ine secured a first-class hurse-sbocr 1 make all kinds of fine shoeing a jcciuHy 13. BURNETTE. WORLD'S FAIR. Iftrota mrtt vahw to the World's Pair, writ- th Daily Citiseu. AsheTllle, N. C, for Illustrated Drtatcd matter describing the Pair, an ft time, table and pamphlets issued b trie at.amcr llnea or raitriads you would use from tout house to Chicago. No chanrt la made. This offcr in aaa U - special sr. rssgesMst with the sum-eat oa ucparuncat I the Csu-srtiaa Caioau : For Sale on Easy Terms : THE CHOICEST FARM ON SWANMANOA. ABOUT 0 MILKS EAST Ol- ASilBVlLLH ON W. N. C. K. K. Dozen line sprinRs, seventy-five acres wuud- lucds, larc acreage, eho!cc bottom lands, uplands In fine condition, crass and clover, vineyard, one and one-half mile river front, Rood roads, best of neigh borhood! etc. make tins the most desir able farm In Buncombe eouoty. Within one and a half mites is being crtetcd the $30,000 Industrial School building. Al so the proposed Mammoth Knitting Mills, backed by five mil ion dollars, wilt Include part of .this farm. Apply to Oa D. SUT'IXU, augTdtf Ashevillc, N. C. HIGH GRADE WHEELS xj DROPPED ! We have a munber of now ami oecoiul hand wheels on hand which we to close out, and for the next o0 daya offer them at greatly reduced prices. Call ut our store and examine and get prices, whether you wish to purchase or not. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., 34 Patton Avenuo. TKLHPMONU NO. 40. THE H AY WOOP White Sulphur Springs' Hotel, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Is Now Open for the Reception of Guests. It has been thoroughly renovated and many improve ments mad".', among which are Porcelain bath tubs on each iloor of the Hotel, with hot and cold water, also at the bath house at the Springs. A tine Chalybeate spring recently discovered on the premises, the water of which is as gcod of its kind as the noted Whitu Sulphur, which makes the plae doubly at tractive to those in search of fine mineral waters Amusements consist ol Ureneslra and Dancing, Lawn Tennis, Bowling Alley, etc. It is the intention of the management to make it a pleasant and homelike resort For furt her information address, B. I CIIATFIELD. Proprietor. JtetrAlso Proprietor of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, S. C. TUB Normal and Collegiate Institute, FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Second Session, September 13, 1893. This institutiuo ij located In the must bcautl'ul supurb of of Ashfviilc N. C The ui clous builUinB, rceently completed for Its ose st o cost of J00.O0O Is furnished with pure water from Springs on the premises, is lighted with kss, heated by hot water and pro vided with hot and cold baths. The health nnd habits of the pupil arc carefully Kiinrdcd. ltesidcs the ample snacr given for outdoor exercise, s well equipped KymauKium will be fitted up within doors. No expense has been spared to make the sin crane and sanitary arrangements perfect. liach pupil will have her share in the domestic work, as n part of her r jctieil train ing for life, and whilst aiming at thurouichnrss la every department, the iiiauaKcment will strive to provide for those committed to their care the advan tufcen, not in rily of a christian school, but a christian home. No pupil will be received who is not la reasona ble health, or who cannot furnUh credential, as to moral character. FOUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TQ THE STUDENT. 1. TUB NORMAL COURSB, for the thorough truiniuu of teachers uuder Instructors from the best Normnl schools. 8. SBMINAKY OR CUI.LHC1I ATB COURSB, inctudiuc ancient or modern lunKunj-cs. sciences, music, drawing, etc. 3. COMMERCIAL COUKSK, Including steuograiihy, typewritintf, bookkci ping, etc. 4. DEPARTMENT OF UiJMIJSTIO SCIBNCB, (a) Scientific cooking-, the study of the production and manufacture of foods, etc. (b) Sewing cmlirjielne the cutting and fitting of garments, millinery, etc. The teachers at the head of this department arc from the ruinous Pratt School, Urook 'yn, N. V., and the others from the best institutions hi the country, chosen with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organUcd Preparatory departmcut his been Inrni.tlicd for alt such as arc not prepared for the higher classes. The school year Is divided into two terms; cjt to pupil jO per term, or $100 per year, which barely covers the expense of board, the school being pructlcjlly free, huvlas been provided (or by a few liberal friend J of female education. For further particulars ap ply to REV. THOSIAB LAWKEMCE, jT2o' Ashevillc, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grsdlng of all kinds too. All sixes of crashed stone furnished. Send all orders to postoffice Dos Asbeville, N. C. aaglMtf 34-Year' IIxpcrfcijce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKBT STREET. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Vcncral t Insurance t .Iceul, Rear No. JO Boats Mala street. UatabUsbed IS6S. Ashevlile. H. C J. A. TUNNUNT, ARCHITECT : AND ; CONTRACTOR Plans, spedflcstloss and estimates far alsncd. AO work sa siy Uns contracted for, aad no rhars-ea for drawing on- cos tracts awarded me. - Reft usees wars arMred. j-theaat Coart 8aaar. AsacrilhE. GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A SURE RELIEF TO SUFFERERS. Wliatllon. T D. Johnston says aboat it: About four years sgo I commenced the use of the ClcnnlSiiiings water, to rid my sjr tcm of tbe malaria from which I had been sufkring for nm time. 1 be water baa en tirely relieved tnc and I cbicrfully slate that 1 belkvc it to b as good water aa can be found for all ordinary disrates of the II v. r and kidneys. Por a general tonic and renovaler of the ) stem I bellete It has no equal. Very truly yoB's. "T .JOHNSTON." Prom John P. Arlhnr, Bq , Attorney at Law: "1 don't know the constituents ol the Glenn Bprings water; If I did I would make some for myself. Neithr do I know how it ads; if I did I would act so myself. It is a well made water and it acts wcil. I raa only say thst its effects on ne and my forefathers baa been more bea Bcisl than any other water wc ever used, and I am glad it has beea pat in tbe reach of aa poor a man as . t JOHN P. ARTHUR. "T ?clbsm's Pharmary, May S3, 1803." whatC. T Rss is writes Pclham's Pharmacy, Asbeville, N C. "Gentlemen: I have ascd Gkna Bprings water and consider lt,aa compared with other mineral waters, the best I know of. Everyone in South CaroUaa known aboat 'Old Glen 8priaga.' la fact it has been most favorably knowa there for a century. Yours truly, "C. T. RA WL8." Asbeville. N. C , May 37. 1883. PELIIAM'S PHARMACY, 8ol Acrcnto ; - ...... AanCTlllc, N. C, L . T wrR?u''Mi Sll'i, i