THE ASHE VI T J jE DAILY CITIZEN. FrMaj Evening, August 11, 1893. WANT COLUMN, WANTED. "17"ANTKU Tii borrow $M0O to SO"U tor wv t li,-... nuitil li or lonai-r. on ni-at bixu ritv: no lionus, but reasonable InUreKt pri-nn-d (or numev. but colilil mime lllIU HUB Ulluuliiiun 1 Nut niore if (. Hox till-i. .iyliOiltf WANT1SK TO I'.IVB $MJO R15WAKI1 for nnvi'Bcof toothuihc thut one Ixil tlc of Williams ti Knm's famous toothache imdii-inc will nut curr in two minute. I-or mile by all ilrUKKititH at 10 cent xr buttle. Wc ask von to try it. I'.very buttle puarao treil by T. C. Smith & Co., wlioleSi'lc mints for Asheville, N. CV iclStlii.lm. VX KENT. -riiD KN-r House of 18 rooniH, No. tj Clayton Mtie. suitnlili! for t-'king boarders. Apply to II. H.I.KAN I, UKfuKI Ul South Mam Mtret-t. noR KliNT liwellini; li use, corm-r of I riiiii street anil Mirrinion uvcam- A i.i1 V to llenrv . St V, lis, Attornev, No. 1 johiiKlon building. j.v-Tilil ITIOK KliNT Will furnished rooms loi rent, with or without hoard, ut rea founble ratis. l'llut street, Host. Mrs. Ka.e Itelote. jyaiid-Jw rrio i. ITtoiK R1IMT OK SAI.H A nine-room house. tiiifuraishefl; modern improvements. HH llrtiltv street. Impure by letter .MISS S. M. WUSS15LI., moyGiUf P.O. ItoxW .ItT I'i private family, i-iiiKlc or eor- neetinit rooms with UriB.iiiK ro in 111- tnehed, with or without boiiril Location unsilt passed. 1UH HAYWOOD ST. UUK7illv ITIOK HUNT The Kurope n hotel, i! South Main street. Arheville, N. c. Pirm elass stand for restaurant. Terms reasona ble. Apply to T. 1 .lohnton or P VV. Thomas, johtistou building- juiiMiltf Ijl U HUNT 1 .ur room co'.taKC at No. I HI Preneh Itroad avenue, to parties without mno.II ehlidretl. t'ossvsHiou J Tub August. Apply to THUS. 1 jnilM Tliv, aUKiidtiiiir. ar Gtove sunt. ITIOKKKNT The briek liulldintr on the eorner of Chureh street and Patton avenue, t'.ooii garden; good house for bourdiiiK house , :iply to T. II. Johnston or P. V. Tuoinus, Johnston buildiiiK, AsheviPc, N. C. jun7ltf ITtOK KKNT low and conveniently nrruiiLreil house. No ti'J Merrimon live- uue Hot and cold water with baths on two All ni..:lern iui orovemetitH Location central, with law well shaded grounds Solendid resuleilee lor large lumuy or ooaro- iu house Apply to H C or M J PACt! uprlfidtf PILGRIMS AT ST. PAUL'S. Tti Nomlwr Who Wearily Climb to tilt Iome Kach Iny. There is only one St. Paul'H, and upon the summit of its dome there is but una ball. At loni? intervals a Londoner, and more fivijiiciitly a tourist, climbs to this bull and sticks his head and shoulders inside. Having done this anil looked upon the heart of the world from the stone gallery anil tho golden gallery, and upon tho eongregatlon from tho whisiHtring gallery, ho ro turns to earth and tells his friends and acquaintances of his feat, and advises them to follow his example. Tho num ber of persons who make this pilgrim' age averages about forty per day. To reach, tho ball it is necessary to climb nix hundred and forty (steps of many varieties. Tho proportions of the gilded globe are in perfect keeping with its surroundings. It has a diam eter of nix feet, and twelve persons can stand within its walls. It weighs fivo thousand six hundred pounds. The gilded cross that towers abovo it is iiftecn feet in height. From this ball nearly all London is seen on a clear day. hy there are so many kinds of steps in the cathedral no one pretends explain. In the opinion of those who have counted them, to climb these steps is equal to covering twenty miles on an ordinary road. It is unl- ersally considered, however, that tho return journey is equal to a Eussiun in th. The iirst steps are of wood These are succeeded by steps of stono, nd these in turn by iron ones. Then there aro ladders, some with a gentle slant, while others stand so straight that to t hose who climb they appear to lean backward. The iirst ladder stands on tho crown of tho second dome, where an oilicer gives necessary iliroc- ions to such men as want to seo the ball, for few try to go above the crown of the dome, being content to rest there and watch some exceptionally active sightseer do the rest. HOARDING 1'cnsant rooms and board cm family, lilt Uaili v M. with a Nrrth- ntiKiin nr 1 OAKl)INT, At No. 1 T Haywood street 1 Table furnished with the best the mar ket adonis Hot and cold water. Pine lo cution, on cur line. Mrs. A. Ottuitfer. tf "lOUNTKY IIOAKll Two and a llall'miks I Jironi eitv. three fourths of a mi c tri-nt stiaet car, ttvliKhtfttl location, daily mail, 5 i er week. Aildnss Mrs. T, 1. Cttilcr, Lock in-. Aahevillc, N. C oiiKd 1 w BOA Kill NO At No. H Stnrncs avenue. Table furnished with best the market fitl'ords: hot unil cold water: furniture new line location: on cur line: Milulc unit double rooms. npr lidtf )ARI1N; -House pleasantly situated in liest location in city, near street cars luruc' nulc and double rooms: table the very tinest. Reference can be Kiveu MKS M. SCH I K K M KISTK l', McCape House, -L Grove Street, uprl'.idff 17M.HHKMAK line of the most attractive X2J and home-like pluc-.-H about Asheville, ifcilh the iildciiendenee o! a hotel. Ielii;htlu!lv Hitliatcil on Oakland avenue. VicUina. lror icasonablc rates apply or call upon itllKftlUw UKliUNWOUil K. OI.IVEIt. mint CM ATKAU Private hoarding house JL No. Ull Haywood street. Pine city uud mountain views: perfect sanitation: hot and cold water; cuinlurtuble, oiry rooms well urovidcil table: attentive service; rcic iionable rates. Two humlicd yatds from Moutford car line. MKS.M. H. DRTWII.IvU, octTdtf Proprietress. MISCEL LASEO US. FOR SAI.K Old cuuutinif roo n. TjlUK SAUli Ten mi'eh JL? stock. Can be uatera at the Cilie 2o cents ii.-r hundred, tf I-ine Mur cows. seen at John A. doeh's farm, sou'h of U;ngha.u School. uttKJd 1 w " y'l RKMAN tautht by easy method; tl VJT lanuunKe rapidly acquired by lonvcrsn tion and grammar. Appir to aKodlw MKS M. SL 11IKM UlilSTliK. OTBNO'VRAI'HV Private insfuction liir O en in Shorthund and TypewritinK by L. Isadora McKee, loi llalley street. uti;7dliu T OST An JLJ Si umb -ella, left at the cml ol Sulphur Sprincs enr line, with nam Will lohnston cut on hand e. binder wil pit-use leave at Th- Citizen olliec and uet rc ward. uuKTtltr lTt liA l. liSTATH SALB llv virtue of au JLlj thority vested in mc by a certain dee id' trust executed to K. P. l-'oster and siimnt bv I. P. Woodbury, dated July 1XVI-, ilefault having bien uoide bv fai Woodburv in the nuvtnent of the notes cured bv Muid deed of trust, 1 will sell at pull lie auction, f r cash, at the court house ucor . in the eitv of Asheville. at 1 'J o'clock in the yilih day of Auciist. lH'.i.'i, a certain io of land lvinirand btini; in th-? count v ol llu combe. State of North Carolina, and boun rd and more particularly described as fol lows: Ilcitinninir at a stake in the southern mnrj;iii of Sttirnes avenue, at the nort west eorner ol G. H. Stt-rnes lot anil run with saiil return- s line and other south east Itit IV.ct to Kathcrine Itelote line; Ihcn s mth S5W west 7.H'i, feet; thence north :t west 1 it I. feet to Siarnes avenue; thence with saiil avenue north 5iVi'J cast "TtVj 'ect to bcuinninx, and nu)re fully described in said di?eil of trust registered ill book 30 ol miirtuaKcs and deeds ol trust, on pnc THE DEADLY SHRAPNEL. An Awful Agent of Destruction In Modem Warfare. Recent experiences In little wars in the far east and in peaceful practising have caused military experts to class tho shrapnel as tho gunner s most deadly weapon. Thero have been many improvements iu tho shell and tho manner of using it in recent years. It consists or a hollow cylimler of steel filled with a charge of powder just sufllclent to break tho cylinder when desired. Tho charge Is fired by a time fuse, which lights Itself after u flash in the gun and flrcsvthe charge after a fixed number of seconds, or by a percussion fuse, which explodes the charge whenever tho shell strikes the object aimed at. Tho timo fuse makes tho shrapnel do its deadliest work. Firing at a target three thousand yards away the gunner will time the fuse to explode the shell one hundred yards short of tho target, when about fifteen feet from tho ground. Tho one hun dred and fifty bullets rush on, spread ing as they go, and carry destruction to as many points over an area twenty yards wide and three hundred yards long. "One such crash of bullets," says an expert who has lately been studying the effects of the shrapnel fire in actual warfaro and in artillery experimenting, "would produce a ter rible effect upou any 'body of troops within its area. Fifty or a hundred such showers falling within a few min utes In tho same area would utterly de stroy all living things upon the ground they swept. Tho modern gunner's ob ject is accordingly to cover with a quick succession of shrapnel-bullet hurricanes the region where his enemy is to be attacked." :C COtaMSMMMMv "'MOTHERS'! ! FRIEND" a .'"5? v 1 P7M To YouriB O md Birth Easy. S Shortens uaoor, Lessens Pain, g Endorsed by tlio Leading Physician. llutih In .ir(i r"jlo-if !' KK. g DfSADFiELD RECULATOR CO O ATLANTA, G A. 9 ? SOLD SY ALL. DRUGGISTS. Remington Typewriter JTUPENDOUS ERUPTIONS. of tlio I.urger liavoc Crptitvtl by Siuiiu Volcanoes. I-'e'v people of this country Imagine what terrible work u volcano of the regulation size can do when it once gets fully aroused. In 1(W8 Cotopaxi threw its fiery rockets more than !i,000 feet above the crater, and, in when the blazing mass confined la the same mountain was struggling for an outlet, It roared so loud that the awful noise was beard for a distance of 000 miles. In 177, says tho l'hlladclphlu lleeord, the crater of Tunguruguu, ono of the great peaks of the Andes, ilung out torrents of mud and lava which dammed up a great river, opened new lakes, besides making s. deposit of seething mud. ashes and lava 000 feet deep over the wholo area of a valley which was ao miles long and averaged 1,000 feet in width! Tho stream of lava which flowed from Vesuvius in 18U7 and passed through the Valley of Terro del tireeo is estimated to have been 3".S,000,000 cubic feet of solid matter. In 17;o Aetna poured out a flood of melted stones and ashes which covered 8 1 square miles of fertile country to a depth of from 10 to 40 feet. On this occasion tho sand, scoria, lava, etc., from tho burning mountain formed Mount ltosini, a peak two miles iu cir cumference and over 4.000 feet high. In the eruption of Vesuvius in the year 70 A. 1., t lie time or tno Uestruc- thin of 1'ompen, the scoria, ashes, sand and lava vomited forth far exceeded the size of tho volcano itself, while in 1000 Aetna disgorged over twenty times its own mass. Vesuvius has sent its ashes into Syria, Egypt and Turkey It hurled stones of bOO pounds weight to l'ompeii, a distance of six English miles, during tho eruption of 79 A. D. Cotopaxi oneo projected a block of stone containing over 100 cubio yards distance of nine and a half dum. SUPERSTITIOUS GAMBLERS. flow the Exprcuslon "llpail Indian ITmlxr tli Holme ' Aran. "Thero must bo a dead Indian under tho house." How many times that has been said across the gambling table in Helena! Anil yet how few people know tho origin of tho expression, says a writer in tho Helena Indepen dent. Its meaning was well-known, however, us everybody was heard to uso it whon tho cards wero against him. Still, for all that, a dead Indian, or what was left of him after his dust had mingled with the soil his fore fathers owned, lay under ono of tho gambling houses of Helena from tho time the building was' erected until a short time ago. In digging tho foundation for tho Exchange, iu tho early days of tho town, an Indian grave was found. ltather than disturb tho bones tho builder concluded to let them rest thero. Tho house went up and for years the cams wero shuillou. ana dealt over the last resting place ol the red man. Tho proprietor of the house knew ho was there, and whenever luck ran against the gomo it became the custom of tho dealers to lay the blamo on tho "dead Indian." By and by people who wero playing against tho bank took up tho o.xpres sfon, and when a steady run of bad luck followed them it wes tho custom to remark: "There must bo a dead In dian under tho house." Twice within tho past six months tho Exchange has closed its doors for lack of funds or other sufficient causes. When the present owner decided to improve tho building ho concluded that ho would move tho Indian, and it was done. COAL IN WEST VIRGINIA. Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITING MACHINE OF THE World' Columbian Exposition. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE r "0 w yckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 3J7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ILL Ti'"vy includes the great temperance uiiuk 'Root Beer .'ives New I.ifc to the Old Folks, ; l'k-:surc to the Parents, HciilUi to the Children. -. :nl fur All liooil All IhoTlii RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. LIuiDBKorni and Urvbbm Fostek, Reccl vert WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect fuly 2, 18 Via. E ASTBOUNP NO. 16 N O. J2 Lv Knoxville M 1 Bam Morristown. 9 40am Lt. Paint KocJl. , ,"..'.6 2i)um 'Z 30m " liot Springs O li l-uni 1M 44im Lv. Aflheville H o.ram 2 3pm Hound Knob H flpm ' Marion 4 3Hpm MorKantou 6 I 7pm " Hickory 6 69pm Newton 6 2pm M Statcsville 7 11pm Ar. Salisbury 8 OOpxn ' Greensboro JO 4-Opm " Danville lliU7am Ar. Richmond 7 OOam I Lv. Greensboro Jl 25pm Ar. Durham 3 1 ft am " Ra'eigb OOam " Goidwboro t!2 O 5 pro Lv. Danville 12 1 Gam Ar. Lynch burp 1 68am Washington 4-ftara " Haiti more H o.Opm Philadelphia IO 30pm J New York .. 12a3pm Wfc-ST BO UN D N O.I 5 NO." II Lv. New York 4 3pm i'hnaicipma n oopnr J Baltimore 9 gQpm Washington IO 43pra Lynchburg 3 4-Oani Ar. Danville 5 3fam Lv. Richmond 12 GUam Danville S 35am Ar. Greensboro H 15 aro Lv. Gvldshoro 7 45pm Lv Raleigh 5 OOam Durham 5 5 3 aro Ar. Greensboro H 05am I,v Green Htjoro H 20am " Saliburv IO 15am Statenville lioiiatn ' Newton 11 54am " Hickory 12 16pm Morudnion 11! 59pm V Marion l 4(ipm Round Knob 2 4)ni Ar. Asheville 1 17pm 4)()pm Hot SprinRs IO 4-Wpm tt 3pm ' Paint Rock 11 2pm 5 5pro Mornstown ' Knoxville 7 4-5im A.j8t S- R AILROAD NO 16 NO 14 ! Lv. Asheville 2 lOpm H 12am HcmlerAonvllle 3 2pm Oltiam Flat Rock 3 lOpm O 27am Saluda 3 32pm O 52am " Trvon 4- Olpm IO 22atn Ar. Spartanburg S OOpm 11. 'tOam NO 15 NO 13 Lv Spartanburg O 20fiin 3 lopm Try on 7 ISpm 4. 20pm " Saluda 7 47pra 4- Giipm Flat Rock H loptn 5 22pm " Henders'nv'le H ispm 5 33pm Ar. Asheville, t U'pm 6 40pm MU RPHY BRANCH N Q 1 9 S" NO. 17 Lv. Asheville U oOnm t 45pm Ar. Wayncsvllle IO 25um H 15pm Ar. Brvson City. 7 OOam Lv Andrews 11 31am " Tomotla 1 2 ofipm ' Murphy 1 2 30pm N07203 NQ-T8 Lv. Murphy t J Upm Ar. Tomotla 1 55pm Andrews 2 35 pm Lv. Bryson Ulty 4 U5am Ar. Waynesvillc OOpm O 25am " Asheville 7 3()ptn S OOam SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nob. i'l and 12 1'ullman I'arlor tars be tween Salisbury and Hot Springs via Ashe ville, I u 1 1 n a ii sleepers oetween Asnevnie and Cincinnati via Knoxville and Harriman ami Asheville and Chicauo via Knoxville and Harriimin uud Louisviile. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Pullman Steeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y, connect ing at Columbia tor Savannah via S. fc R. R. with Parlor cars. V. A. TURK, S. II. HARDWICK, Gen. Puss. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. At., Washington, D. C, Atlanta, Ga. W.l!. (iKKK.M, Gen. MnnaKcr, Washington V. K. McBKli, Gcn'l Supt., Columbia, S. C. SfL. if A AS, Traffic Manager, Washlnston il'aily except Sunday. Sunday only. THE COUNTRYt MAILS. isrevard, Ar, G p n I-v. 7 a. in Ruthertoi dtoti, " 7 i m 4 a m HiirnsviUe, ""7 am 5 am Bench, 0 n. ni O u m leiccHicr, 11 u in 12 in Do You Ride a Victor ? If you ride why not ride the best? There is but one best and it's a Victor. BOtTON, OVERMAN WASHINGTON, WHEEL DENVER, CO. SAN FRANCISCO. A.slieville Bicycle Company, Agents. West for trie Summer. Manv of our readers will fi;o to the World's Fair this Summer. While in the West, w hy not visit some of its leading resorts see the Yellowstone, the Yosemite,the (Jiiind Canon of the Colorado, Hot Springu, S. D , Helena, Mont , or take a trip to Alaska, the Creat Salt Lake, or go to Banff, visit the resorts of Lake Minnetoiika, Miim., Kxcelsior Springs, Mo., Colorado Springs, Pike's IVak and Manitou. the California mountain summer resorts, picturesque Mackinac and the various Michigan resorts, or the Lake resorts of Wisconsin ? We will gladly send you formation in regard to these resorts full printed in or any others, with the ways or reaching them via any point, and help you to Jay out any tour or route you may think of taking. Write, asking for what you want. By special arrangement with the iioereatioii Department of The Christian Union, New York, address THE DAILY CITIZEN. Asheville, N. C. etc. I K. H. Illl. , Trustee. JOTICB. The State of K Uuucuinbe. In the Jennie C. St?i!Tird rth CnroUtifi. -uitt-ritpr euurt. piaintiu. eotiuty ol Course 1.. StntFurd, defendant T he ilet'emlnnt Mbuve named will take nn tice that au action entitled ax ubove ha. been eomuienit-d in the Superior court of lluneomlie county tor a divorce from tin bonds of inutrinioiiy, and the .aid defend ant will further take notice Unit lie is re quired to apeAr Ht the next t rm of the Su perior co;rt ol . tid county to be held on the 3d MondAV before the l.t Monday in K-"-tcmlcr. ISO.'I. fat the c.urt house of said county in AidicviUe, North Carolina, and an- wcr or demur to 1 he complaint in swiu ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the r. lief demanded iu the comduint. 'Ibis the Oth day of July, 1H!i;i. J. I.. CATHBY, C. S. C. M. K. Carter and 1'. A. CuniuiinK., plain till . attorneys. jvediitthurs SIGNIFICANT NAMES. Tliey Aro Sometime. Singularly ChnnRed by Matrimony. 2s"ow and then a family 1b found where the parents have been animated with a desire to (jive their children "names that mean something-," as In tho case of ono where tho children wero numbered instead of named. In other instances the first name had been bestowed with strict reference to tho significance of the last name. An English journal records that, not long- since, a elerg-yman in Notting hamshire, in baptizing- a baWy, paused to inquire the name, and was told by the father: "Shady, sir, if you please." "Shady!" replied the minister, "then it's a boy, and you mean Shadrach?" Xo, sir, it's a rirl." 'And what do you mean by givinff it such a name as Shady?" 'Why, bir, if you must know, our name is Uower, and we thought as how Shady IJowcr would make such a pret ty name." This recalls a case ot a young lauy in western state who bore the romantic name ol Ivy urecn or uoro 11 uniu she was married. Her case was more fortunate than that of the daughter of a gentleman named Hose, who bore through, her (Tirlhood tho name of Wild Kosej but, having married an excellent young German of tho name of Katz, was fated during tho remainder of her lifo to sign herbelf Wild Katzl OTICB. North Carolina, Buncombe county, Supe rior court. Kuehel licrrca, widow ot Kzckicl Hcrren deceased, v. Wtw. M. Hcrren and others. The defendants in the above entitled cause, W. M. Hcrren. J. M. Hcrren. O. H. llerrt-n Hannah K. Hcrren, Mary K. Wheeler, Nincy J. Hcrren, Arthur B. Herrcn, Clinton Wheeler, B. I. Coir, 8. M. Cole, I. K. 1'hil li, Ulizalieth li. I'liillipn. J. . Cole, Ara tnintn Cole, W. H. Cook, Naotut Couk. W M. Wriuht. A. Z. Wright. Sallie K. la.'l. T I'. Hall, lila Cathry, J. T. Cathcy, tddle Wrliiht. Aaron WrujnTT Rachel Wriht Freddie Wright and John Wright, will take noti e that the plaitttiir, Rachel llerren. will, on the 3 I at day of AuguHt, 1HU3. before J I., Cahcy. clerk of the Superior court, at his ollice in AHheville. North Carolina, move the court for a confirmation of the ansiKi ment of dower to her Id this proceeding made, when and where thvy may appear and show caue, if any they have, why said usillEflmcnt of dower shall not he confirmed a all respects. This 2ttli day ol July, 1 KAl, M t 1. llUKHlin, flaintlll. W. W. June. Attorney. jyl'OU ttwed 1'IVK KBlflKI Wiir Yoo 8llol'l.b Tiki Tii Citizkn 1. It I'rtnts the New. i It Write Its Own IMltori ll. 3. It i the llent l.M-nl I'uper lircr Printed in W. N. C. . It I'nnta the l.ntcot T-li Rra.-liic News l-rom All the World, fl. It lielicvcs in Asheville Always. To sum up If 13 A KKWSPAI'IIR. nv you thought Sis Dollars Will Get lt Vot a Year, and If Yon Lire io Asheville it Will Be lMllvercd at Your loor 11 very K veiling. ASPIRING INSECTS. Soma That llava Been Found at Great Altitude. In Gen. John C. Fremont's delightful reports of his exploring expeditions across mo continent xuty years ago thero is an account, which a contrib utor of tho Youth's Companion used to read over and over again when a boy, of the ascent of the mountain called Freemont's peak. A most interesting thing in the story was tho description of a bumblebee which, in the oppressive stillnoss sur rounding the summit of the great peak. more than thirteen thousand f cot above the sea, suddenly winged its way across the snow-covered rocks from the east, and alighted on the knee of one of the astonished explorers.' Oen. Fremont considered this the highest recorded flight of the bee Perhaps for a latitude so remote from the equator this may be true, but Air, Whymper, when clambering among the Andes of Ecuador, found insects at considerably greater elevation. A species of butterfly was discovered by him which seemed always to dwell between twelve thousand and sixteen thousand feet above the sea leveL Beetles were found as high as sixteen thousand feet on Chimborazo, and grasshoppers attained an equal eleva tion. Spiders were also found at an eleva tion of nearly sixteen thousand feet on three dUTerent mountains, being, fact, on the tops of two of them. Many Mllaa of Valuable Land Owned by Ignorant Half-Naked Teople. A geologist who has been making a study of Wyoming, Kalelgh and Logan counties in West Virginia, says that tho coal deposits averago five feet in thickness over an area of more than One thousand square miles. lie saw out-croppings of coal rising to a height of twenty-five feet and extending; for miles along tho sides of the mountains. On Thatcher's creek in Logan county he measured a vein of coal twenty soven feet in thickness. All this land is now in the hands of capitalists. "Mile after mile of it, as ho says, "has been owned since the first settle ment of the region by families, the male members of which could hardly muster enough clothes to wad a gun. whose wives went barefooted wintc and summer, and whose children never saw either the Inside of a school house or of a church. Traveling fivo or six miles along Trap Hill valley without seeing any Eigns of civilization, I reached a log house, where I found a family named Ross. The husband was absent hunting, but the wife and sev eral bright-eyed children greeted me, furnished dinner and directed me on my way. The wife told me she had never seen a larger town than Logan Courthouse with its two dozen houses, and tho children had never secu a school book." Weddlnjr ten in mw jersey. Tho Trenton Truo American has been talking with some New Jersey dominies about wedding fees. One re ceived for such 6crvico in a inouo- gramcd enveloped a bridge toll ticket of tho value of two cents. Another got something neatly wrapped in pa per, lie took it to a grocer, tola mm that it was a wedding fee, that ho had not opened it and did not know wlrat it was, but would glvo lt to mm, "signt unseen," for a watermelon. Tho grocer agreed, tho dominie seized bis melon, and tho grocer found in tho paper a silver three-cent piece. One groom, as ho nassed out with his bride, threw into a work-basket a pair of old gloves, saying to the minister's wife that she might have them. The minister's wife looked at them with scorn ana con tempt. A few days later, however. wishing to do some gardening, 6iio thought tho despised old gloves might bo useful after all. She attempted to put them on and found a difficulty. In every ono of tho fingers thero was a five-dollar bill. W. L. S3 SHOE NoTttp. Do you wear thom7 When next In need try a pair. Best In tho world. CO S2.00 FOR LADIES $2.00 SI.7S FOR BOYS L.1SW1S MADDUX, lrca II. T. COLLINS. Vlce-Prca. L. P. M'LOUD, Cashier 5.00in9i,!l3 42.50(1 2.25 ) run . en i yf. hwi $. S .3. .. .3. .9. .?..? .9. .V ... ........... M"f1"f,f1-1"r I Combination Offer! The If vnn want s (Ins DRESS SHOE, mads In tha latest stylos, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom mado and look and wear as well. If vou wish to economize in your footwear, do so bv ourchaslnir W. L. Douerhs Shoes. Namo and Drlce stamped on the bottom, look for It whon you buy. W. I DOCQI.AS, Brockton, Mass. SoU by Btanlon, Wrifelit & Co. THE . ROLLER TRAY TRUNK Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville Capitis!, $50,000. Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Static, County City Oepottltorjr. Ursaulied Slay, 188S. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES 'J K.N K UAL liANKlJStr UUrilNKBH THAN SAUTED. IiitvreMt l"itl osi Uept9lt In 8avlus Department The Most convenient Trunk EVER DEVISED. T"IIE TRAY Is otranKCil to roll back, loav- cess. Nothing to brcnk or get out, of order. Tlio Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to lmy this stylo is a guarantee thut you will got the strongest Trunk mado. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify tho manufacturers. BRO., H. W, ROUNTREE & Richmond. V. A Scientific American 1 fVEATS. I ijlVfc TRADE MARKS, I t7'-2s2P DESIOM PATENTS. I Home and Farm For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. - - - - . - - . . . ...... . . . . I VVVTTTTY-i-VVTT I L;vis Maddux, II Chan. MrNamcM' J. DIHUCTORS ' . T. CollhiH, M. K. Itankin, M. J J. Fustf, Beardeii, J. E. Ueed, S. 11. lleed. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til L S P. M.; ACME WISE & LIQUOR HOUSE Appropriate Nicknames. Down In Marblehead, Mass., nearly evcrv one nos at nlcKnamo. iiioiioi- ton Journal states that on tlio wnan the other night a jolly summer tar Bug-gcstcd that tho thinking cap bo donned and somebody should keep score. 'When remembrance was ex hausted and tho list was footed up of everybody thatcould bo thought of who boro a nickname tho Bum total was found to be but a couple t.b.ort of ono hundred and fifty. A veteran boat man, whoso nether uoids uescnim in most a circle, is given the euphonious appellative of "Ice-Tongs," and an swers to it now among bis friends con genial as readily as to his own family patronymic. Another townsman who walks Btifflvalonff the winding Blreeta with both arms hanging straight down before biro is hailed as "Half-Past-Six," both Vands down, you kaow. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS. COPVRIOHTS, eteJ For Information unci fn-o ltnndhook write to Ml'NN 0 ltHOAI.WAV. NKW YOUIC. OWcKt bureau for Beriiriiia imtentn In America. Kvory intent taken out l.y un Is brouKlil before Uie public by a uuiive g w free ol eliarge In to a Scientific American lareeatelrciilstlnn of nnv wiontlfle paper In tVc worla. (cleuliolr llliiKtrsteil. No Hitellltroj,, 1 These tiny Pr.psulcs arc superior to IJSalsaiu r of Copaiba, Ciibeba i and Injections. (JI0y They euro in 4S hours tho x J saiuo diseases without anyincon-l vcnlcnce. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS I Claims the largest stock of Iirst class 'goods of any house in the State. Makes'; a specialty of Cooking Brandies and Jelly Wines.; jSole agents for the Acme Old Corn. JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 South main Street. TULUPUONU CALL NO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, ASH1SVILLU. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. Weekir. .'(.(tit yeart Stl.fSt nix nionini. luow .ni;.. n . r. tusLiiUiuu. 301 llroadwaj. w Xork Clu. .. Iu. wllll. MIL it uin" " ...... . 1 ,1 ..... World's Fair, Chicaco. HOTEL - BANCROFT C'nlnmft Avonue and SCith Htrot r lrprMr ; 241 roomn; nonr r ati (inmndrt; batbs on every floor Amerltiiin and Ktiropmn plans 1 1 Ut Hi a day. Klrst-clam faiuils botcU W rtto Xur clrculur. BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO.. CURB A Kr-w ntnl rnmplPto Trcntmont, conRb-tlUK ol Si;ri'(lNIT()UlI--.S, Capi-ul.-s of Oilitlli.-nt ami two lu.x of OiiilniKiit. A ni-vur-fiillinif Cure tor I-llii-of evnry nnture au.l di-ri". lt maki-' an opuratlnn with the knlfo or iiijwtioun of rorhollc aolil. nfhiob are painful and i'lil"m p.-rn.aiieni rur, ami of tun rwulttiut in iloalli, ..niMiiry. Why snduri this terrible diawaaa? Vft. suarsntss 6 boxes to cuts any oo. Vou" only puy tor honxuut rnwlvi-1. (I n Sox. 6 for fj. bcut by mull. Ouarantee ImiihhI hj our ntfents. CONSTIPATION ruriTV the imsf T.IVKK nn.l HTOMaVH RW41ILATOR anrt BUKJDri llllir.l.. niiinii, I"-1, " tak, M.ueiUsllj adapted lor cuiulrau's us, so ixieat ounta. OUAAAKTEE9 Issued only BT RAYSOR & SMITH. 81 Patton Avenue, Asheville, K. C. nn.l vrhlskey Habits enroll itt lioiiio wiili otitpaitt. Id iok of tar tlrulars Kont II H. M. WOOI.I.F.Y. M.U. UtUuv, loi, n uiu,-Uall bt., Atlanta, llaw ffllEIMl L-.utNol t:.l.r.l. s;i;l -tt-liK OirSiSiCo. tiwrcawiss; eWiiiitr Nos. 4X and 4.3 S. MIm. St., iVHlicville. WUt)l.H8ALBHKPKTMrWT, OBNT8' XTA "I PAKLOK AND RBAD1NG ROOM. JLJ J m U CIGAKS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOOllS, BAM XT Til A '-f :PLB, B1LUARU AND POOI. ROOU. IlW EUs BEER : VAULTS : AND : EOTTLiriS : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEL! ENT. INJECTION. .uk v ii.i BV A1J. IIKlrn1STA. EHT 1M l'l.AIM.l'-KliyACJABK.'jrXJWHECEII't AhrTil!c Afrenta, Fjor c 8mltb. prcj acrlption drsngists, 31 fattooSTcnae. fcbi.OdXy We reai-rtrtfully solicit a shairc of your aatroi P. A. 1VIARQUA11DT, Manager. M (tin BntraacCsTCo Tcltptaona Call, Mo ya . ..... M