THE ASHEVJXIjE DAILY CITIZEN. Frit I ay Evening, August 11, 1893. KENILWORTH IN? A Happ I . AROUND TOWN. Crowd Tlit-re KvcnliiK. The season of glorious summer iu this mountain resort is ou in ileud earnest now and the sojourner is iu the best kept stopping places in the Southland when here and may fill the days uud nights with happiest relish. Around the mountain Keuilworth Inu is catering to satisfactory business, the fullest summer it has kuowu, and its guests might write a readable book ol their agreeable experiences. The all'air last night from enjoyment's point of view was completcst success. The music is better at evcrv hop and those who "never dance" thronged the parlors till the artists tuned the final number. Dancing reigned till the hall way clock held its haiuls straight up between the night and morning inl invited the willing partners to a dainty luncheon, and then the more subtile pleasures of Kenil worth's famous porches and their quiet nooks and corners was indulged wherc"lhree's a crowd"aud the drift of chatty gossip floated off that mayhap goes for airy nothings. Hosts Drowning uud Kuoadcs were whole souled in their attentions and if making friends is prosperity Keuil worth lun is getting rich. Of those in the house participating were Dr. and Mrs. V. S. Lawtou, M'ts 11. Lawtou, Mr. and Mrs. II. Clinch, 11. C. Cunningham, T. M. Cunningham, Henry Solomon, Savannah, I'.a.; Mr. and Mrs. Kemseu, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Miller, Miss Miller, Miss lulia Miller, Dr. V. II. Tutt, Mrs. Fwing. Augusta, Ca.; Mr. and Mrs. T. . Tuomey, Miss Dright, Sumter, S. C; Mrs. J. It. Sellers. Mrs. A. II. Gratz, Lexington, Kv.; F. M. Armstrong, Louisville, Ky.; Mr. ant! Mrs. T. A. McCreery, Miss McCreery, Miss Alice McCreery and Miss Dcssie McCreerv, Columbia, S. C; Mr. and Miss Delia Torre, Charleston, S. C-; olm T. Melton, Mrs. L. Austell. Atlanta, tia.; Mr. W. V. Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Clinch, Houston, Texas; Col. Spaight, Galveston, Texas; Mrs. II. H. Merrell, Mrs. John II. Barnard, Wilmington, N. C; Mr. and Mrs. Winters, !av ton, hio; Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'. Clark, Miss Clark, Miss M. 11. Darker, Mrs. Fx. Norton, New York Citv; Mr. T. S. Wallis, Mis. Henrv Schmidt, Mr. Schmidt, Mrs. Hal sev. Mrs. Ilartmau. Dr. llartinau. Haiti more, Md.; Mr. L. Laroussini, Thos. Dugan, New Oilcans, I. a. Among the guests Irom the eilv were Mr. and Mrs. L. I'. Mcl.oud, Miosis Kobinson, Rumbough, McMiIIit, Gi illith Kasee, Policy, Cartmcl, Mahone. Wi! liamson, Aclieson, Messrs. .rlliur Kan kin. Hilliard. McUee, Ionian, Myers Jones, Denison, Merrinion, McCloskev. Sanders, Sciblcs, Clarence Waukiii, l-'in-man. lid. Kumbough, Thrash, Waddell, Tiller, Downes, Sawyer, Muiphey Jack Kumbough. FKon cm., novr. W'ashiiijftoti, August 11. l'uievust till S p. in. Saturday: Southerly winds; fair, except local Ihmnlcr storms with lililit ruins; followed y cooler, westerly winds Saturday night. the Mrs and ricud KeicurdH to The Ieia toitne nod Flatters "I," Iiuitok Tub Citizbx : The voice d il c demagogue is heard in the land, as is invariably thecase on all occasions, both big and little, and which will continue until the proclaiming trumpet shall an nounce that time and demagogue shall be no more toivver. This t-ine he iu lornis the people, the dear people In whose bi hall he has ever toiled u; com plaiuingly, and tor whose behalf he lias ever sacrificed himself, and in comparison with whom the Swiss hero Van Winkelricd was an aggregation of sel fishness; the Demagogue, 1 say, lilts his voice in sonorous braying and informs the people that this is a "bardicr's panic," a "capitalist's panic," a "'A'al! street panic." In shot, he tells us that the nrescnt financial stringency was brought about solely bv capitalists, bankers, ct id oniric genu, in order that their already overflowing coffers may be crammed to bursting. Are the people such dolts as to believe this devilling nonsense? I trow not. tin this very day at tins very moment, railway trai"s are speeding in every di rection throughout the lengtli and breadth of the laud, leaving at every rural postotiicc, every hamlet, village uud town, great sacksot newspapers. These paiers are eagerly read by an alert and anxious people. They arp read aloud to those who cannot read, and tell the lis tcning throngs that those monsteis of iniquity, those money-sucking vampires, the bankers, the capitalists, are the very ones who are sulTering most; that, while the Agricultural class is comparatively safe, and an occasional manufacturer and merchant goes down, the failures among capitalists and bankers have looted up among the hundreds. Arc these bankers and capitalists such fools as to set this trap lor their own destruction ? Are the people, I ask again, such fools as to believe it ? Ict me close by thanking an unknown friend for the compliment he paid me in your issue of August f by criticising mv recent article on the silver question. 1 re gret very much that hisexcessive modesty prevents mc from bowing my acknowl edgements to him by name. 1 thank you sir. or madam, perhaps, since the letter ' 'l'"doesnot indieatecven your sex, (or the honor done me, and besj leave to remark that, in my poor opinion, both the arti cle and the "1"' are capital. John K. Hoy l. Fngadine, Aug. H, 18U3. THE KMTTINU Itlll.I.. Alderman Startles is still improving Advertising in Tun Cirizi:x is thing that pays. Mayor Daltuu's court docket was blank this morning. Alderman 11. Lamar luulger is ill at his home on Montloid avenue. Registry Ckrk Fluier Westall, of the postoiUce force, is on the sick list. Ba'low llros.' minstrels will open the Grand opera house next Friday evening, August 18, Tiic city was billed for them today. Conductor Dan Drown of the Ashcville street' railway, who has been sick lor several weeks, will be able to be out iu a lew days. Mai J. M. Blair, the auctioneer, today sold tor O. D. Kevell, trustee, the Daks hotel furniture. It was bought by Dr. A. Crawford for $2,000. Attend the "Feast of I. interns" ibis evening at lnglesuie, ,o i rcuea nruau avenue for the benefit of the Ashcville Free kindergarten. Tickets, including refreshments anil music, L'.'t cents. That popular resort, the Haywood While Sulphur Springs hotel, Waynes viile, of which that successful hotel man, H. 1'. ChatlicUl, is proprietor, has some thing to say to readers of Tun Cmzicx iu a large ailvei tisemenl today. Messrs. W. L. Walker and K. 12. Lyon returned yesterday troin uckson county, whet c thev have been looking at a tract ot land a half interest in which Mr. Walker recently sold Mr. I. yon. The tract comprises 17,000 acres and is finely limbered throughout. Rev. Father While will celelnate mass at St. Lawrence's chinch Sunday morn ing at 7:30 a in. Rev. 12. Kirwan, pas tor ol St. Patrick's church, Mobile, Ala. will celebrate mass and lucach at 1 1 a. m. The singing will be bv some of the leadinc: vocalists from several Southern Catholic choirs. Woi k is now will mulct -wax upon ll new buildim: that is luiug ended under the siinei vision of I. A. I'ennciit for Miss Champion's sclioi i. An extra force will be put on next week, and the building will he completed by September 1 There will he lour school and recitation rooms, well lighted and well ventilated bv liich windows anil open tires. The school venr begins Wednesday. Scptcm bi r -7. The Clin'-lolte I disci vcr's Washington correspondent wiies unit paper: ..ep- rcsentalive Cr.iw:ord was at the State department todav in the interest ol Col I. (",. Martin of Ashcville to be consul fit Kanagawa. 12 l'.ditor J. S. Tom Imson. a treasury clerk, has been ap n liiit.'d bv the Picsideiit captain iu the Nati'iiml Viiianl ot the district." Mr. Tiiinlinson 'was once a resident ot Ashc ville uud established the County Homes a mouth v lourual that wasseveral years later consolidated with the Journal. The Ashcville contractors wh went t Morgantou to bid on work at t lie new deal and dumb asylum building returned vtsterd.iv in a not too satisfied frame ol mind. The bids were openid while they were there, and ranged on the pbinibin: from S7,ooo to SIO.OOO; on the steam heating Irom $lo, ouo to $!., (0; on the laundi v woik tiom iM.Soi) to u. Alter kieping the biddcis ill Morganton two days the committee decided that all bids would be rejected, and the bidders were informed that new soccitieations would be notion up and bids would be opened in October. PerNonalu Aliout People, (Ionic ol Wlldlll You Kuuw. lames M. Moody, esq., of Way iiesvillc spent yesterday here. M. Dillard and wife of Johnson City are at the (Irani! Central. Cant. T. S. McDce has returned fiom a 10 days' Slav at Morganton. Alex. Rickard and wife of Drooklu are guests ol tlic flattery Dark. V. II. Deiilaud came up from New port, lenn., yesterday ou business. YV. II. l'earce d the Thermal licit Inn autographed at the Swannatioa. Prof. 12. P. Manguui of the Cullowhee Normal school is here for a few davs. FVanklin Press: Mr. D. 12. Cunning- un ol Ashcville was in town last week. Mrs. 12. L. Stamey left this afternoon louesboro, N. C, where she uoes to uke a position iu the Jonesboro high school. Mrs. YY. Shillar of Roanoke. 'a., and the Misses Coliskv of Wasliiiigto.1, D. lie guests of M. and will lend a month heic. John T. McI2achern andlamily, Savau- ili, t;a., and Mrs. 1.. At. naruec, ix.ey est, ! la., are at the Swaiuiauoa to pend several days. D. P. Chained! ol the Highland Park hotel, Aiken, S. C, and the VVayncsvillc i hite Sulphur Springs hotel, was at Hie ittery Park yesterday. II. P. Carke, general passenger agent the K. K: D., New York, accoiupanied his family and Miss Darker ot Ports mouth, Ya., is at the Keuilworth Inn. illli MAKKliTS. New Vulk Market. NKW V'lUK, AllHUst II -Cotton llltllic, tt-ned sleilil.v; AuKUHt. 7.0; tsvptcmoir. II; tet bcr.; Novcmher i .o 1 ; lieecm r 7 7-; Jaiunirv 7.-. muck uuotatlous. Nkw Vukk. AnK. 11 lirle UP..; I.niir Shore IMi; Chienico and Nrth weslertl ll!;NoiLilk ami Western, ItUU; Kienniunu ami We-. I'cint lernilnul l; veslcrn Uniou AMlievllle MarktrlM. Collected .laity 1V TOWKM. . N1ILK luilfsalt anil retail criiwrn. 1 licne priecs arc being pmd bj the nicrehauls to-uav. n t tfr If,(i20l Mm lrs , ei;m loiAnpleft. ancd i hiekens loiiiJo I'unipkins, efteh.5t' urkevs Tow loo;SorKum ao Ducks I'llffirrilHeeKWax. IM.T In IS Potnti'fii. sw t I LTillloney i Potatoes. Irish. IDIWheat ltirtups.. ao(i oic rn Oninns ,.,Mell Cablmse. per IT, ',!Oals Hcms, pr wye I-us 'ri(fi.7rilJny, ton Chetuute USUICelerv. Uoie..., at p.a it! i: inert ai lime nt iC Mitle." The first of the "I'cast of I..111U i ns' passed off very successfully last cvenin at "InglesHlc, .10 l-iencti llroad avenue I he house outside and grounds were tastily hung with Chinese lanterns, the three parlors and hah were dressed with Japanese "kokomos," lanterns, fans am palms and flowers and brilliantly ilium i- natccl. I'll the spacious porches were placed the tables of relreshineuts served bv young ladies in costume. Tne musical part ol the entertainment was thorough! v enjoyable. Misses Scl lets and lturdick, guests of "luglesidc, performed some very pleasing piano du ets; I'rot. J. l. Russell of Huston gave selection on the autoliarp and srttig scv era! eniovable songs. II. A. Umdscy on the llule and Willie Mvcrs on the violi played solos, and these gentlemen also nave duets on their instruments. .Miss Sellers presided at the piano as accom panist for the various performers livcrything passed otfiu a most enter taming manner. The Philharmonic String I luiutettc will take charge of the musical part of the entertainment this evening and there will doubtless be lari-c turnout of citizens to hear them and assist the ladies ol the Free kinder garleu and their Inciius who nave done so much to provide for a pleasant even What The lnlted Industrial Com pany Waula To Uo, The CiTiziiN today talked with YV. R. Whitson, csip, who represents the Failed Industrial company of New York, which corporation purposes the establishment of a large knitting mill on the Swan nanoa, concerning the company's plans. The proposed site is near Lonjj's ou the estcrn North Carolina railroad, two miles above the water works. Mr. Whit son does not know whether the mills will be erected on the river or at the station. The latter would be entirely practicable should thecompany desire to run its muchinery by electricity, getting the power from the dam. One objection raised against the location of the plant' above the water works is that the dye stuns used in the mills would operate against the purity cf the water. Mr. Whitson says he is confident that the company would not thixilt of allowing the dyes to go into the river, as that would at once subject them to an injunc tion from the city. As to the sewerage from the operatives' houses, that could easily he conveyed into the riyer at a point below the water works. The company has spent a considerable amount ot money here already in the way of securing options, etc., and will cer tainlv locate at this point if no obstacle is thrown in the way. Sites have been offered in Atlanta and Columbia and in the eastern part of North Carolina, but the buncombe site pleases them best. An eastern North Carolina man came here to meet Mr. Maxwell, who has been here several timet looking over the ground, and offered him a dam already built and all the land neccsaaiy if bis company would locate there. The company proposes, ii successful in potting their plant here, to connect it with Asbcvillc by an electric railway. mjj ;i,iiii the will be len Philharmonic i lie billowing pro; dered this evening by quintette: Hungarian daiu-e. No. 1 Hrahm l-tirtation waltz Stcek 'Cello aolo, gavotte Cioiiniuric iterr cuiutnark. Plaint-, ret Gillrt I nurmczo Sinfunicn Maseai;ni o.iartrt te, Kt rcnaite Muhr bonK, "ik-uuty's Iivt" Tostl Mr. ( .eorice I ollins I'uartcttr, a Volklieil, b Marselicfi ..Konizak Velio solo, andnnte FUZinhagc llrrr ooinmark. I.o-n liu Hal C.illct In Ucr Mulile 'billet Take Notice. new side of the market Th - new side of the market bouse now oiii.ii and occupied by first claass dealers and wc earnestly hope the pubh will patronize them, now that they have taken their chances against the other side. Use the new entrance on north side of tire department. There is a sign over the door but it cannot be seen uulcss you look for it. isotlce. Bargains to be had. A splendid port able steam saw mill and fixtures, and 2U head of tine cattle to be sold August 1 18i)3. at Andrews. N. C. Parties desir- hie such property should not miss this opportunity. For particulars inquire of Gudger & Martin, attorneys lor the mortgagee. Tate Springs, Tenn., now has a splen did crowd of eleeant people. Health pleasure aud enjoyment reigns supreme, Tate leads the World's Fair and a good number booked to arrive next wtck The hand is taxed to its capacity to sup- Cly the demand for germans, dunces and iwn music, etc. II lirlicst Prices Paid for Kail road Tickets Mpecial Kates Offered Acci dent insurance, tiarse, u. u. uotei Tate Springs, Tenn., is er.joying boom, shipping the renowned Tate wa ter. More brine shipped than any time before. ' UN tiii: UO. DOWN THEY COMC ! GREAT MARK DOWN ! MATTINGS. REFRIGERATORS. Knhlniort' Market Hl timofi:. Ana. 11 Flour, sternly; wheat. r.ner: mot. ti.e',: AuiiUSl nimiiiK hi-:i t bv sample. 04w I'lo'iwii, firmer; spot August, 47a; white corn Uy nam pie i; velluw, i'Jw riu. Hli Ii tut 50 7U ...$'JOOO l, cave Coin t Hottsc Stitiarc 011 Char lottc street eltctvic car lor Sunset I 'ark it t a. in., and evcrv 110 minutes there alter until 1U:;0 p. ni- Coinmcncmi: then at U i. m.. take ear it sauarc every 't' minutes until 7 p. m. iMdejcto New AdvertiiteiueiitH. Wanted r:i i'iUre street 1 .am! Siile J D Murphy Itoard - 1 r.s Chestnut street obelisk Flour Towell .V Snider Sulphur Spunks 1 Intel H I" Cliatlielo AITAN TICK A colored boy to r II an n vulul 1 hair. Must be well tt reused wiih ri"l rclt-nnees. CjiII :it tiiK ' ' ii-t ii l ' u.i.r.iiii oi. Strt-trt. lc. Jew ple:s;int rooms recently vaeated at Mrs. A. i'. i.uii.-it'De a. l'leawaui location. IV ixirtl renson;i a 11 a 1 1 d 1 w T" AM) SAl.liHv virtue of n deed of trust MJ exeeutcil by Oaim-s Washington to J Muri)h. trusiee, on Hit- I ith day of te ler, ittitl iuty rieorded in book No v. uaue ;iit), of (Ui'ds ot trusts and inort Lriitrfs in the Keirlster of Ieed ttn.-e of Hun 111 tie eountv. to secure tne? notes inert in ilcseribed to AllK'rt hunn, and, at the request of ftahl Bunn, the untlerfit;ned trustee will p4ise to puhhe wale to the hiK'itSt biddi r, r rnwh, bi-forc t he court house door iu AshcviHe on the 1 (Uh dayiol September, lN'.ta t)ie tollowinc real estate. ti-wit: Situate on the north side of Kale street in the citv of Ahevtlle a"d lieKinniu at, and annexed to. the rear part ot the barroom formerl v .-upied by mini names tv ashiiiKtcm, and ninmiiE back 4-.H teet by U'J Ket wide ant beitii that part of said barroom which the snid Hunn bunt to the old part 01 a d house r said (aines .v. ashuiKton. I he prop erty herein deperibed and to be sold embraces only the house built bv the said Hunn and the lunu upon wtiicn tne same is situute This the 1 Uh duy ot August, IM'.Ki. J. U. Al U K I'll , aitfil Iddtfri Trustee ALL ORGANIZED. TCE CHlilU. 1 HAMMOCKS. ELY SCREENS. r ETC., ETC. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE, CAKPETS, ETC., ETC. 16 1'attou Avenue, ijWHITLOCK iiCLOTHING ii HOUSE, OLD KELIAHLK 40 South Main, Cor. Eagle Block. in Dllor all KiiinniiT elotlun at roducwj prices to make room for fall stock. Ourwtock of liht weight clothing will be sold rep ml less of value Our assortment is larjjje anil desirable Cheviots, t'assimeres and Worsteds. 0 Our clothiii;' lit anil wear longer than any "i other clotliin- in this marker. III Extra pants for men and boys at very low prices. "I Manhattan Shirts, Mothers ; waists for boys. Underwear in th !! inarket. Cheaper than elsewhere. !! Hats, Neckwear, tl loves, ;! 8tylish and Cheap. ;;! Extra size cloth up to No 50. Frieml best on Shirt the llosiwry, New, Avoid Disease By Usiiijj Made From Distilled Water ASHEVILLE ICE c COAL CO., 34 lattou Avenue. Telephone Nu. 40. ASHliVII.LK MII.I.lISCi COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF- Roller King and Electric Light Flour, Choice Corn Meal, GRAHAM FLOUR. Dealers iu All Kinds ot URAIN aud MILL l-'UUU! CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN ANO 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. - O I- Weep In ttk "Mount Vcinun,' "Caaudlua Club," wail Old linker Ujt Wblsklc. I In- i t Wines, UraiullcH, Kccr, Ale and Stout for famll J use. All Ktuls dell vcrctl frcr. Ale uud Porter on dranKUt, UuUttiU'-c No. IU North Main aud 7Vi Collr-e atrcts. Tclciliour No. 102 P. S.: Ou aud nftrr Me Vlh I will pcud -tatt-utcnt .f aceuunU by tunll to ,taitic iu debtvd to me If not settle I Uy that time. RefiprctfallT, PROrKIIiTOK CAROLINA HA LOOM. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. Wc keep constantly on band a Seeially ol tlic business, ers and mills in various Sell mainly to consumers from tun lots down to a single package. C;ill Get Prices Fresh Lot of TarDell Dream GUbbsb ALSO A FINE LOT OF W. TAL P. HARVEY BRAND OF & CO.'S MONUMEN- We take very Rtcnt pleasure hi Mat ing that the 1'iiUccl nankins: and Ituild ins; Company Ol' RICHMOND, VIKU1NIA, Ilae tiraiiizetl the following strong udvis- ory board : OFFICERS : A. RutikiM, rre.;W. B. Willianisnn, V.-l'rcs. 1. C. W'atUlell, Jr., Sfcrctary and Ticosurcr, Cha. A. Webb, Attorney. DIRECTORS : luiiu-s II. I.DUiiliran. K. W. Stikileuthcr, Westray Iluttle, W. V. Low, I.. Cathvy, W. H. Westall. A. ttrookshirc, J-J. Mat-key. Juhu T. Arthur, Ir. I. H. Williams. APPRAISERS : W. II. Williaruson, W. V. Low. W. II. Westall. I.onnw will be protrtttly granted. MAJ. If. H. KOGliKS, State Attnt. 1. K. COLLINS, SK-cial Agent. Hams and Breakfast Bacon. ;t'ARAN rivlCIt TIII'.V Wll.l. CI Vli SATISFAC1 ll v. Headquarters lor tlic Siartaul)urR Htcani UaRitl Krcail TH15 I'ISIiST UKUAI) OHTA1NAHI.B I'hUSlI UVUKV liAY. Wc arc liuyiiiK lor the spot caxh ami selling fr the same, ami we are pieiiatcd to lave our customers from ir tn SU cr cent, on the $l.on iuvrstcil. C ill anil lie couviueed. R. B. NOLAND & SOX, No. ai Tiurtli Main Street, TelepUouc No. 15 1 S. All bills due us if not paid in ao days will be turned over to the Grocers' Associ ation for collection and publication. W e-- o 0- Tfi 7 is -I S3 (9 P 01 0) P -t O O o o III r-H u w r I w o a CO W COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CAFIRINGTON'S.) COAL. COKE. PLABTKU rAKlS, FlIlEWOOl), KINDLINGS, LAND I'LASTLU, CHAIICOAL, LIME, SEWEU PlI'E, CEMENT. O. E5. TELEPHONE NO. 121. HAY AND FEED. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73 J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders intrusted to my care will receive prompt and personal attention. Qsallty of work and material guaranteed. ORDERS SOLICITED. TELEPHONE 170. ang7d3in 43 COLLUGB ST. THE CAROLINA ICE AXD COAL CO. NATURAL AND MANUFACTURED 1CB AND ALL KINDS of COAL. 39 Pattou Atciiuc. Tel. 130. Yard 144 TO VISITORS! II' YOU WISH TO CARRY AWAY A LASTING ASD C1IA RM1NG SOUVENIR OF ASHBV1LLU, DM'OSIT 50 CENTS WITH "TUB CtTl ZISN" and HA VB RETURNED VUL.L. YALUBltN A FINE ENGRAVED VIEW Of ASHEVILLE JOHN G. RUSSEU, OF BOSTON. Teacher of Mttale. Vocal Ma sic a aoecialtT Church choirs and choruses traiscd. Pkaaoa aad charch orgaas taoed. 47 WAL1UT STREET, CITY. Ij28d2w lavyc :iiiU select block of kcil. M.-tkc a Arc in constant comnitiiiic:iliun with the principal dcal 111.11 Ucts. l'ayinj; cash, wc get a!l discounts possible. Will Ssive Yoti Money Wc also keep in stuck Wilbiit's Horse and Cattle I'owilcts ami othcrstock med ics. Wc have Icsti'iioiiials Irom leailini; men in Ashcville as to their value. C. S. COOPER. Great Sale Silk W'aists AT mmmi Those lovely Plaiils, Wash Silk. Plain India, Fancy Em pire, Surplus, all new. This summer $7.50, S8 and $10 Goods all reduced to $5. This is the Best Bargain to be presented this season. Parties Wishing to procure any of these goodt should call at once before sizes get broken. F. P. MlflOfrJLtTGH