7" - , 7 Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME IX. NO. 01. ASHEVIIiLE, N. C FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- to' izcriiLXiir Oat 2 S. Flakes In bulk and packages. Fresh shipment Are You Satisfied WITH THE You've Been Using? FRUIT JARS, FRUIT JARS. NO EMBEZZLEMENT CASE TWO CASES AUAIN8T UI.OVi;! FALL TO THIS GROUND. i;HHATI.V RKDVCICD l'crlius it hicks fragrance and rlav ur, the two chief properties -which comprise excellence. Try CHASE tic S.VNUOKN'S S Roasted Java or Blend IN PRICK. Just now is the season for coming frui s. You can Ret them from us in any size. 1 int., quarts and half rrI'oiis and the bf st quality ! of Mason's ii.i proved. Seethe new guidswc are showing now. MCDUW1XI. MATTICHS. I LltuoKcs Novelties, Wedge woi-d and Coc Vuu wi I otliers. rauts in admit its superiority to all It is used by nil the rcatnu thc World's Fair grounds. It lius merit. Try it. . Cooper, NORTH COURT SQUARE. land; llluc Ware lu many odd aud duinty pieces. Our stock never was so complete In I every line, u'ld price way down to suit tbc hard f.nics. THAD. W. THRASH I GO. NEW INVOICE EMBROIDtBIES. NEW INVOICE RIBBONS. NEW INVOICE LACES. direct from the Mills. All Summer llrc&s Goods at Greatly Kc-1 duccd 1 'rices to close out. Kroger. i tii i i in REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WBST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. New Summer Neckwear lor Ladies Gentlemen. nnd Still Hit litsl line oi underwear lor ladies, I nun and children. BOItt MAttCUE 37 Moult Main Htrvct. GREAT REDUCTION ! Hammocks, tit Croquet Scfs, Tennis Goods, Mo ICvldeuce of Criminality Yet miown On Calover'a Part A Not atole Cross Examination Meicll. Keuce lu BookkeeplaK, In the Glover case yesterday afternoon Dr. K. II. Rccyes was on tlic stand to prove the charge of embezzlement. lie was closely cross-examined by VV. W. Jones. Capt. W. A. Dills was examined as to tbc sale for $2,500 of a tract of land to tbc Asheville Kaolin company. He testified that he was paid $1,000 in cash and that Mr. Glover guvc him a note for $1,500; that he afterwards credited $500 on this note, though thai amount had not been paid hint; that be was induced so to do l;y Mr. Glover's reprcsentatins that n factory would be erected on the land Dills sold to Glover, thereby enhancing the value of Dills' other land, aud also out of good will for Mr. Glover whom he, Dills, considered had befriended him. Under Attorney Cobb's.cross-cxamiua-tion of Dills, which was a poem in the beguiling wav it led Mr. Dills on, Mr. Dills swore that he endorsed this pay ment of $500 on the note as paid, solely on Mr. Glover's personal account, nnd not as any return to the company, which he bad not known in the transaction. NEW CATCH M 'lf - - ' L 11L 11 HIIUUIIUUU hUUt. VUV rested. Judge Armfield at once stated that no case of embezzlement had been made out by the State. Attorney J. S. Adams struggled heroically against this view, putting the opposite with proba bly all the force there was in it and ask ing time to gather authorities in support of bia position. Judge Armtield said that it would take an overwhelming list of authorities to change his mind, and the State dropicd the subject. Later Judge Armtield directed the jury to find a ver dict ol not guilty, on the ground that according to the State's own showing, if any offense were committed at all it was not embezzlement, the one charged in the bill. The ease ot State against Glover for obtaining $U.500 from A. . Lyman by means of false representations was then taken up and after the testimony of Mr. Lyman had been heard Judge Arm field said the State could not sustain the charge aud had failed to make out any case, and directed that a verdict of not guilty lie entered. Judge Armtield added that he was convinced that t lie State s attorneys had been misled by their clients. At the meeting 4i the court this morn ing Mr. Adams, tor the prosecution, asked that the court bind Glover to the next term of Criminal court, so that a new bill might be sent against him for the Dills transaction, presenting it as false pretense instead ol embezzlement. This Judge Armtield declined to do, stating that he had heard nothing of the case TfsAAT i I T M T TTTl Y R I except what had come from the proscen ia W VV XjJjJj CX. 01 llX-.tV tion and thnt while he had heard noth ing of defendant's side, yet from the State's testimony heard he could not sec that a crime had been shown, and there fore would not hold the defendant to bail. The ludge stated further that the evidence for the State showed negligence in bookkeeping, but at the same tunc it might have been inadvertence upon the part of defendant, and tlieie was no I evidence of criminality. MIXOJiS IK THE KIVi:it. I IVI.ack.erel i LARGE, FAT AND WHITE BOfiELiESS O O X - IT I Ss IX EVAPORATED Horicautoii District Conference In Session at Marlon. Garden City, N. C, Aug. 17. The gentle rain has come again, this being sufficient to mature all field crops. The farmers arc glad and the merchant smiles. The good wheat crop and scarcity of money has made corn worth some more this season than wheat. The McDowell court convenes in Marion next Monday with Judge Boykin in the chair. Some interesting and im portant cases will come up In this court. The Morganton District conference, composed of about ten counties, opened in Marion today with liishop W. V. Duncan of Spartanburg, S. C, presiding. A large attendance and much interest is expected at the conference. This is the first time a bishop has presided here. Mr. Gillespie, who was so severely scfOded in the blowing up of Rev. M. L. Kaj lor's saw mill boiler, has almost re covered from his painful injuries. Mr. Tom Finlcy, who was accidentally shot on last Sunday, is now recovering. The second McDowell county Sunday school convention was closed in Marion on the 6th. The attendance was not ns large as the last one, but the good ac complished in the county is highly en couraging. Twice as many children at tend Sunday school in the county as did a year ago. This was bronght about by the instrumentality of our re potts in last year's county convention. Then we appointed a committee of three, each of a different denomination, to travel over the cntirccounty, lecturing in the interest of a revival of the Sabbath schools. The result thus attained is that a much greater interest is manifested in this part of the church's work. Ours is a union work of all denominations for the good that may be done. At the convention Mr. V. G. Hunter was elected president. The secretary, Kcv. Wm. II. White, and Kev. John C. Urown were elected dele gates to the State Sunday school con vention, which meets in Greensboro on the 22-24 of this month. Speaking with all due respect, the Congressional mill is grinding, but the grist comes down slowly. When, in what manner nnd how much money will they put in circulation for the great relief needed ? The interest of the country first. Senator Vorhee's bill, with Sec retary Carlisle's recommendation to put $10,000,000 in circulation is eminently to the point. Let us have it soon. But if they need me up there they will scud for inc. Orupho, a pi:w KOAU. THE SENATE SILVER BILL IT IS KEPORTED BV VANCU AMD OTHERS. Tile majority Hill Has a "Ilcclara lion" In Favor of BlUictallsm, But Repeals T tie sneruiau Act Unconditionally. Washington, Aug. 13. The silver de bate opened promptly the morning in the House witb a speech by Sibley (Demo crat) Pennsylvania, in favor of bi-metal-isms ami the Johnson interconvertible bond proposition. The Senate finance committee this morning- agreed upon and later reported to the Senate a bill for the repeal of the urcbasing clause of the Sherman act , accompanied by a declaration in favor of bimctalistn. The bill comes as an origi nal measure, not as a report upon any ill previously presented. Mr. Harris, president pro ton, pre sided over the Senate today in the ab sence of the vicc-Prcsidcut. A motion to adjourn over until Monday was made n the Democratic side, resisted on the ground of the necessity of action on uancial measures, and finally with drawn on Voorhccs announcing that be would ask the Senate to proceed with the consideration of the National bank circulation bill. He then reported from the finance committee a bill to suspend he purchase of silver bullion under the Sherman act, with a declaration in the bill that it is the policy of the United States to continue the use of both gold and silver as standard money and to coin both gold and silver into money of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value. A substitute for the bill was rcoorted from the minority of the committee, Har ris, Vance, Tones, Arkansas, Jones, Ne vada and Vest, fixing the number ot grains of silver in United States coins at 4G4 3-10 grains of pure silver per dollar and proportionately for minor silver coins. The bill and the substitute were order ed printed and placed on the calandar, and Voorbees gave notice that he would call them up next Tuesday. lue bank circulation bill was then taken up. Cod. FisiLa.. Loans Securely Placed Per Cent. at 81 Notary Fubllc, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. ' - "-.' 1ST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., (teal Estate Brokers And Investment Agenta NOTARY PUBLIC. Loan securely placed at 8 per cent. Offiees 23 Ik 26 Pattern Avenue. Second ".floor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, Purniabcd and Unfurnished Houses. OPPICB BOOMS. Luam securely placed at Bight per a J e. Mi,' PRETTY Now is the Time to Buy! Hummocks wo have been selling at $l.il.1 f clllng now for 05 cents; $l.CO for $1.10; $3 for $2. Croquet sets from $1.00 to S2. to $1.15; $2 5ol Twenty I"er Cent. and Leather belts. less un Tennis Goods I p i w H O rA O t tJ O o C3T3.0 is o cc a S i i a; O Hi O 3 00 CD CO 5 ' as n3 f-j 03 a bo O o o o a uu - in 2 uo o -t-e a o s L. BLONQERG, The Model Cigar Store, 17 PATTONAVE. AMERICAN BAKERY flat, a? Q 00 Z2 rCjj P-s f-H A Csr Load Condemned lv the Board of HealtU aud Cut l'i. The Asheville Board of Health has manifested its existence and alertness in no uncertain way to the watermelon traders. For several days past the members of the Board have had their eyes on tbc melons offered for sale under the trees in Tcutville and in the store adjoining A. Whitlock on South Main street. This morning the Board, with toe exception of the sick member, Alderman II. L. Gudgcr, visited these places in a body. After an examination the entire batch was condemned as endangering the health ot the city. I here was a car load or more ot the melons thus condemned, aud they be longed to Carrington & Duckworth. Some of the melons, it is said, had been on hand nearly two weeks. District Health Officers Noland and Rogers were placed in charge of the condemned mel ons, and had them hauled in wagons to t IVarson s bridge on the trench Broad, where they were cut up and dumped into the river. The Board of Health will keep a strict watch over all of the melons kept on this market. Also a Ule-Hearled Major aud a Barbecue. Alexander, N. C, Aug. 1G. Ou Tues. day last the completion of the new road from Alexander to Itlackwcll's Springs was celebrated by Major Blackwcll in the presence of many gutsts from the hotel and several visitors from Asheville. A barbecue with all the required accom paniments was provided for the convict workmen by the Maior. Wlule the detail of cooks and workmen was busied with preparations for the table the remainder indulged in singing accompanied: Dy instrumental music. The convicts enjoyed, certainly for the first and perhaps it will prove the only time, contact with kindness and sympa- thv among those who have been bene nted by their labors. Not sympathy with the cause of their present condition. but a hearty desire to exhibit in the most ellective manner the generous character of a true life, prompted the great hearted Major to give them such an acceptable day of feasting. There is much credit due to the skillful engineering ability of Capt. White, who has supervised the construction of the entire road, a remarkable piece of buiid ing tat will bear favorable comparison with almost any other in this part of the country. if. CI.EV1CI.AND S POSITION. VliLI.OW FL.V1.K. at A Case on a Hlilu at Present Plilladelntala. Washington, Aug. 18. A telegram was received at the Marine hospital bu reau this morning from the resident phy sician of the Philadelphia quarantine station, in reply to a dispatch from Dr. VYyman, stating that the schooner Etta II. Lister, from which a case of yellow fever was taken off yesterday, had been cnKaScd in the coastwise trade between New York and ports south for the past six weeks. The man who was taken ill witb the fcycr had been on shore at Georgetown 5. C Dr. Wyman has telegraphed this infor mation to the authorities of Georgetown and to the South Carolina State board ot health. Advices received from Surgeon Hutton in charge at Brunswick, Ga., state that a cordon GOO feet in all directions around llranham's honsc at Brunswick has been established, and that active disinfection is going on. Surgeon Hut- ton takes a favorable yiew of the situa tion so far as to the extension of the dis ease is concerned and has begun an in quiry into the origin of the case. CKI'HAUi: AllAINsT CHINESE. FAMOUS: FIGHRO n CIGARS 00,000 SOLD IN THIRTEEN MONTHS -BY- Ruysor & Suiitli. It is undoubtedly the beat Get. eigar sold in the city, u.8 the gradual increase of salt s prove. Remember we are still giv- imr awav counorm fur tln World's Fair tickets, which will close Oct. 1. Ilememberto get your cou pons when you buy a cigar, for two round trin tickets to the World's Fair will cer tainly be given away, and you may be the fortunate man. If you have not tried ttiis famous Cigar, do so and be convinced of its merit. liemember the name FI GARO. Sold only by RAYSOli & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS NO. 3x PATTON AVKNUU. Want CHVINU FOR FOOD. ANl J TTUAC11VL LINE OF LUNCH BASKETS w. We are prepared to supply the citizens of Asheville with! Fresh Bread, Rolls, Pies aud Cakes of every description. If you want nice wedding or party cakes, give us nn o- dcr and if you ure not pleased in quality and artis tic work we will reiunu you a t attxtptt? your money, we wiu auu daily different lines of cake. Will bake any kind of cakes to order.' Telephone 174. Penn Mutual - Penn, Mutual Penn XVLutual Penn IVLutual C IG ARST Bleu lust BuitaLIc lor 1'ienlc Occas'ona Oa Sale of NBW SOUTIi DIKING roWDEIiT be found at LATIMBi. 16 COURT SQUARE, KEAR CITY HALL 8 N. COURT SQUARE THIS 13 TUB liliHT S CUNT STRAIGHT CIUAK LVUK OFFUKlil) TO THIi I'UDLIC. Tbc name and labels on the baits arc fur nished bj the Old and Reliable l'ciin Mutual Life Insurance Company ol l'biladilbio. which la a guarantee of the Ki ods. (BIA.DIS IN TWO HUAI'tttt) Por sale only by Uclnitsli &. Reagan. Trouble lu Mew York Willi Out or Work. New Yokk, Aug. 18. Acrowd of more than 5,000 men out of work forced tbc doors of Walballa hall on Orchard street because admittance was denied them. The police succeeded in partly dislodging the crowd. Those forming the crowd were mostly Hebrews and represented principally the clothing trade. Oa almost all of the cast side street coi ncrs stood groups of unemployed men with angry looks and determined faces. They said that hunger has made tbcm dcsjicratc. We have hearts," said one man, "and when we bear our children crying for food we feel it. Wc love our children as well as the rich man likes his." The police found it a difficult task to drive the mob away and were compelled to arrest seven more ot the disorderly crowd. . H Mot Tbal Power. Washington, Aug. 18. Attorney Gen eral Olncv has decided that there is no power lodged in the Secretary of the Treasury or any other officer of the gov ernment to extend the time for the with drawal of domestic whiskey from bonded warehouses. This is the last step in the movement to obtain relief for distcllcrs. Where la He At Mow T Washington, Aug. 18. Secretary Car lisle has requested the resignation of J. Webb Flanagan, collector of customs at Iil I'aso, Texas. Managan is known to lame as the author of the famous. What are we here for?" The nintluirulsliecl Ciove mor o Itliesourl Talks Free colaaige Manitau, Col., Aug. 1G. Governor William T. Stone, of Missouri, arrived here today on a tour of recreation. Speaking of the President's message h said : "Mr. Cleveland has taken a false position, I tlijnk. lie has not, to my mind, taken hold of the real cause of the trouble at all. The Sherman act has had almost nothing to do with it. VV are suffering from a stringency in the money market. There is too little cas to do our business. To me its 'ems that our political doctors will be about sensible if they entirely demonetize silver as those old lime barber surgeons wuo used to bleed a man on principle, no matter what ailment he had. "I'm a Democrat, a free trader, and a free silver man. I am also inclined to lie optimistic. I am confident that if the Senate agrees to repeal the Sherman act it will only be because it will at tbc same time pass a far preferable substitute. The 1 'resident's message necden't frighten our people to death. He is President, but he is not Congress. It is not what he wants, but what he proves, that counts. In my opinion he has proved nothing.' Wanlt Freer Trsde. Montreal, Aug. A Liberal meet ing, attended by 8,000 persons, was held here this afternoon and was ad dressed by leading Liberals, including the party's leader, Wilfred Lauricr, who outlined the policy ol tue party, lie tie nounccd the protective policy of the Con servative nartv. and declared strongly in favor of tariff reform and freedom of trade with the United States. ITuemploved W lute Bleu Tbelr J oh. San Fkancisco, Aug. 17. A crusade against Chinese laborers has been started in Fresno and other places in San Joa quin Valley, where, owing to financial troubles, large numbers of white men are out of work, while many Chinese arc employed steadily on ranches and vine yards. 1 lius tar there has been no viol ence, but it looks as if the unemployed white men in the yulley would displace Chinese labor. : SHIRTS." I will give one each of the above celebrated shirts to the three persons sending me the three longest lists of words made from the words 'MONARCH SHIRTS." HMO S' TO KILL. TUe jucen Healtu. In Uood. -. Loniion, Aug. 14. Inquiries have reached this city as to the state of the Ouctu's.health, it naviug been reported in certain quarters that she had been stricken with paralysis. 1 be report is entirely without foundation. Not a whisper is heard in court circles that the (jucen is ailing in any wav. Earlbquake lu Houiuaula. PtcilAKEST, Aug. 18. At 5 o'clock this morning an earthquake was felt in this city, followed in rapid succession by two others. Many of tbc residents left their houses with their night clothes on. Slight damage was done to a number of buildings, but no one was nurt. O'Farrall For UoTcrnor. Richmond, Va., Aug. 18, The Demo. cratic convention nominated C.T.O'Far- rall for governor, K. C. Kent for lieuten ant-governor and . T. acotl lor attor ney general. An Attempted Murder and a Hut eide lu a Teunessee Town. Dkesoen, Tenn., Aug. 18. AtGleason, Tenn., a small station on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad, J. K. Alex ander, one of the best and most promi nent citizens in thnt section, was shot yesterday by Dr. Wilson, a druggist at Ulcason. Wilson then shot himself, dying instantly. 1 he two men have been at outs for about a year. Alexander s wounds arc not necessarily fatal. Trouble In Far OUT India. Bomhay. Aug. 18. The Chamber of Commerce of this city and the India cur rency association have sent protests to the Marquis of Lansdownc, Viceroy of India, against the sale of India council bills at a price under Is 4d. They state that the action of the council in selling bills nt less than 16 pence has demoral ized trade, and is causing an immense loss to the commercial interests ot the country. Locomotive Explosion. Greenfield, O., Aug. 18. Affreight engine on the Baltimore and Ohio South-1 western railroad, blew up near Kokabil last night, instantly killing the engineer, named Basim, the fireman, named Rob erts, and a bra keman named ( tuinn. The track was torn up by the force of the ex plosion. Let It Come. London, Aug. 18. Gold to tbc amount of $3,080,000 was withdrawn from the Bank of Kngland today for shipment to I the United States. Southampton, Aug. 18 The steam- snip Columbia, lor rtew York, has on board $144,000 in gold for American houses. A Winston Bank suspends. Winston, N. C, Aug. 18. Special. The People's National bank has tcmpor-l arily suspended because of inability to I get currency. and Contest will close Wednes- Aug. 23, at 10 o'clock. They are undoubtedly the satisfactory shirt Prices for those that win, $1.00 and up most made, don't wards jMITCHELL, 28 ration Avenue, AslievlUc. Boy Watilctl. Buy of 10 or 1G wanted at Peek's I'rult Store. Must be industrious, polite, a gaud salcsraaa and come well rcco mm ended. MOUNT SlTUATHD AT THB FOOT orMlTCUBLL, HlOHKST Mountain Bast op tub Rockxbs I MITCHELL Hunting fob Bui, Wolves and Wild cats, Fisuino. lot Tbout ! HOTEL Fvery business man in Asheville citizens of city and county generally who are interested in the formation ola West- era North Carolina Fair association I should attend the meeting for tbc organ-1 ization of such an association, to tie bcld be re tomorrow. Board, S20 per month; $7. CO per Week; l.BO per bay. Address : A A. TYSON. juald3m Black Mountain, M. C. MODEL STEM LAUNDRY Ta" 1IH TEKT BEST WOEK, CHU.ICH STREET, TELEPHONE 70 JL.T :: :

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