THE ASHEVIULE DAILY CITIZEN Friilav Evening, August 18, 1893. "V. - ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tb Daii.t Citizkn, Democratic, In published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing ratesatrcty cash: Onb Ykah n Brx Months 3.00 Thrbb Months Onb Month UnbWbbk 13 FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, 185)3. The effect of the decision of thcRcliriu Sea arbitration tribunal is that Great Itritaiu and the seals win and the United Stntes loses. We shall now have a big bill to pay for seizins Canadian scalii'-K vessels. A Winston dispatch says: "T. A. Dance, formerly of North Dan ville. Va.. who was convicted last week of setting fire to his furniture store, was released today upon the unilcrstanuiiia that he nav the costs and leave town within 20 days. The motion was made by the Solicitor, prosecuting attorneys, and acting mayor." In other words, Winston lias Viiully sloughed off on to any other community unfortunate enough to receive mm, a convicted fire buir who. Koine hence practically without punishment, is now free to practice his profession of house barning at will. Winston has set a bad example. Women who run snivclliiur to t.un hubbies when some impudent chap "makes love" to them, lack good sense and womanly dignity. If a lew frcezin words lire not sufficient to cool the ar dor of such an indiscreet man, a swipe with a broom or any convenient cudgel, will impress on him the fact that he's "in the wrong pew." Chattanooga Tunes Then the first time the editor of the Times noes home to dinner to find his very much better half dispensing con gealed veibalitics and broom swipes he will not ask her to come "snivdling to her husband" and explain, but will un derstand that the "ardor of an imlis crcet man" is beingcoolcd after methods approved by the editor himself. They huveuueer ncoole in Chattanooga as well as elsewhere. It has been stated in our Washington correspondence that two ami perhaps more of the North Carolina Longicsstm-n ure opposed to the proposition to allow national banks to issue circulation to the nar value of their bonds deposited. We should like to know the reason why. It mav lie overwhelming, but we have not vet seen nor heard of an obieetiou t( this apparently simple means of putting into circulation a large additional amount of currency of a quality as good as gold. Charlotte Observer. We suppose the objection is based on the old assertion that, w hereas the banks collect interest on all bonds they deposit with the United States Treasurer and also on the bank notes therewith obtained thev already have too large a share of the loaves and fishes, and that they should not also be given the basket as well It is stated that the United States Treas urer is in shape now to redeem millions worth nf United States bonds and thus put that much currency into circu lation. As it is the peoplcvand not the banks who are Buffering:, perhaps the latter way of increasing the circulation is the better. MR, HI.Ol IHT'H ADMISSION Minister Illouut did not intend to say much on landing at San Francisco from Hawaii, but he let fall one expression nf his fccliiics that is significant. II said : "The native Hawaiians are a landless neonle. who have been robbed ot tlici natural riulit to a share of the soil Onlv a very small Dart of the domain ever reached the common people, and o 20.000 acres thev secured when eoust tutional government was begun very lit tie remains, as tliev nave soiu u to io cigners. Large foreign corporations have also secured the bulk ot the ottie land, excent that vested in the crown "The result is that the country today furnishes the most striking contrast to the laud svstem of the United States, and I see no wav for the United States to nu the islands so lomr as these vicious land laws remain in force. Nowhere the face of the earth has land monopoly reached such power as in Hawaii, and ti make the islands American soil w llhoti revolutionizing the land tenure would be as absurd as to annex a part ot Kussia Considering that we do not need, and as a peace nation, can have no use f the Sandwich Islands other than that already secured to us by treaty, why undertake to revolutionize this little Russia? It would be equally sensible t cut off, say Florida, and tow it mil out into the ocean for the sake of having n detnelicd state that would be wrested from us nt the first outbreak of a war i which it might, for the first time, be some value to us. No detached territory, no lar oil prov inces ! MOTUOI'UHT OK RliITNCK A Beanllful TriUnte To Tlie I'ope I rani The Heart. Frsm Archbishop Corrigan's Address Suu day. "For myself, if I may be permitted to allude to the subject, 1 count it a special grace that 1 made my studies in philoso phy and theology tiuder the shadow of the Vatican. In his well known work entitled 'Recollection of the Last Four I'opcs,' Cardinal Wiseman observes that, as a rule, attachment to the Holy See, for those who have lived as students in Home, is not so much a conviction of the intellect, luminous and far reaching as it is, as a deep-seated and growing affection of the heart. How can one live amid the constantly recurring memories of the martyrs, how can one visit the grandest Uasilica on earth, and, kneel ing on the spot where Peter was cruci fied, not have engraved deeply on the table of his heart the divine words. 'Ou thee will 1 build my church,' 'Feed my lambs.' Feed my sheep. "Do thou, when converted, confirm thy bretuern. All one's subsequent study end reading; in theological channels strengthen and in tensify the convictions of early years, and one who had enjoyed such advan tages counts it no glory, but rather a humiliation, that it should every become necessary for him to avow that tie thought even of resisting the Holy Fath er's will, much more of dirobeying hit positive enactments, neyer found lodg ment in his mind." DliaHV UNE ICBEDVLE. Leave Court House Square on Char lotte ttreet electric car for Sunset Park at 9 a. m., and every 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. Commercial then at 2 p. m., take car at square every 30 minutes) until 7 p.m. the iiattlis ran silver. Mr. Itryau of Nebraska in the House. The question was not whether the resident was honest or not. The ques tion was whether lie was right. 1 He resident had won the confidence of the leoulc, but he had been deceived, lie had said in his message that the people demanded the repeal of the Sherman act. He had heard lrotii the boards ot trade and from the chambers of commerce, but he had not heard from the farmers or the men in the workshops, ami lie ould no more judge of theopmion ot the lu people than he could measure; the uccnu's depth by the foam on the ocean's wave. Let the menus ol silver call tne uatiic on md never leave the held until the peo ple's money was restored. aiuHt Mluud bv llie People lu conclusion Mr. ISryau said: "The Democratic party stands today between two conflicting forces. On the one side stand the corporate interests of the United States, the moneved interests, , regaled wealth and capital imperi ous, arrogant, compassionicss. l iicy ire able to crush, w ith their all-pci vad- iutliicuec, anv who mav dare oppose. and to those who lawn ami Hatter tliev mav bring ease and plenty. These de mand that the Democratic party shall lecomc the agents to execute their mcr riless decrees. On the other side stand an uunuuiiicreii inrong. inose wr.o gave to the Democratic partv name, and tor whom it was assumed to sneak. Work-worn and dustv-U grimed, they make their mute .-ppcul : Hid too olten hud their cry lor lalp lieat in vain against the outer walls, while oth ers less deserving gain ready access to legislative halls. 1 his army, vast and daily vaster growing, pleads with the Democratic partv to be its champion m this ten iblc conflict. It cannot press Us claims amid sounds of revelry; it cannot inarch its phalanxes in grand parade. No gaudy banners float on the breeze. Its battle hvmn is 'Home, Sweet Home;' ts war cry, 'Uquulity Ik fore the law. Wliom Will Ve Nerve f "Between these forces hesitating, in doubt which side to turn, yet conscious that upon its decision must rest its fate. stands the Democratic partv, and to it standing thus come the words of Israel's second law-giver, 'Chose ve this clay whom vc will serve' Ave, my friends. let me invoke the niemorv of him whose dust made sacred the soil of Monticcllo, when his spirit went to join the dead but sceptered sovereigns, who still rule our spirit fi'om their earth. Thomas Jeller son was called a demagogue. I is fol lowers were called a mob, but he dared to follow the best promptings of his heart, lie dared to place man above matter, humanity above poverty. He dared to simru the bribes of wealth and power and to plead the cause of the com mon people, and because of his devotion to their interests the Democratic party was invincible while helived.and because of that devotion bis memory will be revered while historv endures. "We stand today, just .'liter the great est success in the history of the liemo- cratic party, and, standing upon this victorv-erowncd summit, will the party turn its face to the rising cr the setting sun ? Will it choose blessings or cursings, life or death, which which ?" NEWS JN OCR OWN ST. A TE. The North Carolina Agricultural l".x- peritntut station has now on hand a small crop of crimson clover seed in the chaff, which will be sent to every farmer who will make application to the sta tion and pay freight charges on the seed. 1 en pounds will tic sent, which is sum cient to sow one-lifth ot an acre. This clover will thrive on land in moderate condition, but, like some other Jorage plants, will pay best where given a rich soil. 1 he composition of crimson clover hay shows it to be a highly nutritious food. Address F. II. Hniery, rigricultu rist, experiment station, Kaleigb, N. C. A syndicate of West Virginia capital ists recently purchased the Adams nolil mine, near Weldon. They have organ ized a company, to be known as the West Virginia Miuing anil Milling company, and will begin work as soon as the ma chinery arrives. The mine has been vis ited by members of the company, who say it is a rich one. The)- exneet large returns for the amount already invested and lor the additional amount w hich thev propose to put in the works. Commissioner of agriculture Robin sou hasjust returned to Raleigh from a round of farmers' institutes. These arc over for the present, the last one being held at lloone, in Watauga county last week. In most places far mers seem to take great interest in these institutes, and they are carrying; new ideas in farming and stock raising; to many portions of the State. Cotton is small, but is fruitiui re markably well. Huyers anticipate no trouble in getting money sufficient to move the crop. They say there lias al ways Ijccii enough when the time came and they anticipate little trouble from that source. Secretary Aver is preparing a num ber of attractions for the approaching State fair. The Wild West show, which attracted so many last year, will be ex celled this season, and many first-class attractions will be there. Mriuember 'I lie lMulf'orsii. 1-rotn the Ct-luiu!,ia, Mo., Mer.iM. Let the Democratic party keep with the people. To do otherwise is not only bad lies; it is down-rilit dishonesty. Broken pledges invite ilrf-al; iaith poli they linns; disaster anil deserves it. Nothing is gained by dodyin); issues. Kverythinjj is lost when piiuciples arc sacrificed. Remember the platform. CHILDREN who are puny, pale, weak, or scrofulous, ought t t.ike Doctor I'k-mjjs Ooldfn Medical iJiscov.i'ry. That builds up both their flrsta and thwir strength. For this, and for purifying the blood, there's nothing In ail medicifte that can equal the " Discovery." In recovering from ' Grippe," or fa con valescuhoe from pneu- -wasting diseases. It speedily and surely ln vlgnrates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic. It sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ Into natural action, and brlrlgs back health and strength. For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or Impure blood. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrof ulous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases even Con snmptlon (or Lnngcrofula) in its earlier stages the " Discovery " is the only puaraa Ued remedy. If it doesn't benefit or en re, in every case, you hava your money back. W. A. St t. 8. K'Y. KUEDVLB. Regular half hour schedule to Sulphur Springs without change. Cars leave rear of postofhee 8:30 a. m. and thence every half hour until 8 p. m. Round trip 25 rents. Car also leaves postoifc at 7:45 a. m. to Spartanburg train. T Insure change of adyertlaemeuf mniunir on regular contract, copy must be banded in bv IO o'clock a. m. THE STOCKING SAVLW HANK. From the Knoxvillc Tribune. Times, indeed, arc very hard and money very scarce. And labor goes in idleness and meu stand round about. Hut we know no change is likely nor very apt to come Till the old style slocking purse is tnrncil inside out. i lengthy tncssa our ruler may ad vise, And Congress rave on sil vcr aid the Senate loudly spout, Lwt the times will still get harder ami currency be scaice Till the old-style stocking purse is turned inside t lit Gold will flow from lingl.itid and batiks new notes issue, And your"banker" gladly lake anything you have to spout. Hut the sun will niver shine nor the clouds roll clear awav Till the old-style stocking purse is tin ned inside out Then do not wait for eoiilidcni'c nor leg islation's way. Hut stand aside with hat in baud mouth all fixed to shout. i lid the For the times will smeh- mend and wheels go round again When the old style stocking purse is turned inside 1 iiiniiH muiiiii lie nillcrtiil. Prom (lie I'liacat." I 'ally Tribune. I'roiid young woman Ho! 1 wouldn't marry you if you were the last man in the world. Fond youth (rejected but not crushed I You can bet your sweet life you wouldn't! I d have too good an assort ment to select from. Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar ImklnK powder. High est of till In IcuvrnliiK strcliKtli. I.utertt United Stutcs Government Food Keport. KOYAL BAKING VOWDliK Co., 100 Wall St., New York SOUVENIRS Wedding Presents JEWELRY V V MADE TO ORDER. ARTHUR M. FI1CLO, LEADING JEMLEB, 18 SOUTH MAIN HTR1IUT. THE FRENCH BAKERY Has liecii boUKlit by W. A. JAMKS, JU. ami will be run us a Grst-class bakery ut NO. 51 COLLEVi; STRKGT We will keep u fresh supply of CAKES, I'lliS, and UREAD on hand all tin- time. Prompt attention given all orders. GIVE US ONE OUT OF 140 THAT'S TUB K15CORI) OF TUB HOUSTON TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR, OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. No othr remedy for any disease can allow but one lailnre io ure out of 14-0 treated by I)l SI KNCK. G5 College St.. Ashe ville auciumi MISS L. M. BhOWNE, Formerly with Stern Itro's.. 123rd slrcc und Fifth avenue. New York City, will be in town till the first of October, during which time she will give lessons in the S. T. Taylor system of euttins Ladies' Garments. Also cut patterns fur ladies deriring perfect fitting garments. Can be seen from IO o'clock to t p. m at the Oaks Hotel. angKdlim BirCilEAM SCHOOL -.. ASHEV1LLB, N. C. ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST YEAR IIRGINS SEPT. 1. - - Chnrn-r $1."o tier hlf erm. Tuition for ilav cuolar.. $;,o wr half term. Kouml tiiu on Montfortl avenue car line for OME FAKE, For catalogues address, MAJ. K. BINGHAM, auxl iillm bupcrintendent. C5 South Main Stra 3 doors below city ticket of fice. SPECIAL ACCIDBNT INSC8ANCB FOR -WORLD'S FAIRTRIP, 93.0OO and 915 Weekly for $1 per wrck. Same for ladies. E. M. ANDREWS 16 and xS W. Trade St. The Iradinar Furniture. Piano and Orgs dealer la the Carolina. Write him for tn-iers, or se W. O. Peebles, sriecial agent, at SH South Main Stmt. Asberille, N. C. Spec ial attrntloa slvea to furnishing hotels and line residences. s.m.subws, jOdSaa Charlotte, K. C V. n, P Cat Business Brevities Till: CELEB&ATED WALL TRUNK 1UST WHAT YOU WRIGHT & CO. WANT. SOLl NOVHLTIKS I IV TRAVELING BAGS HI A Tfj, WRIGHT & CO. "UMBkKU.AS KF-CO KKlil) WRIGHT & CO. STYLISH, KI-LIAHI.U, WRIGHT .V CO. CHF.A1' UY II Li 15ICST CI STtiM AND Klil'AlR SIIOl" IN NORTH CAKOUNA BLANTON, WRIGHT Sc CO. 39 lattoii A.vuus, Grand Combiri3ttioii Offer! The Louisville Home and Farm And The Asheville Weekly Citizen For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. RAVI 1I-I All. A. T AV8 ABLE EDUCKU RAILROAD .ROAD ATKS. Si 00 Ti Why pay $10.UO for a ticket iliat you everywhere, livery tick t guaranteed. Accident insurance, i?5,OO0 for -5 ets. per duv Kay's Cut-Ua-tu 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., Telephone 194 READ THESE TESTIMONIALS Harris' Lithiu Water, Harris' Llthia Springs, S. C. Office ol Dr. loliti I ley Williams. Ashevillc, N. C, April '4., 1fSl3 All extended use of llari is' I.ilhia Water, lirompts mc to the statement that I regard it as one of the best, if not the very best L.itbia waters known to the profession. In the condition of "phosphatie urine" Ita ac tion is marvelous. Its use in the rheumatic and gouty diathesis, affords tne more com fort than cither the Iiutlulo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours. (Signed) JNO. HEY WILLIAMS, M. 1. K. P. Walker testifies; I have used Harris' I.lthia Water and when using same was both pleuse I and licucfittcd In using it liberal fuautilies should betaken, for my experience teaehes me that small amounts are disappointing, whereas a gen erous use la followed by most gratifying results- Yours truly. (Signed) R,. P. -WALK BR. STILL ANOTIIUK. Ashevillc, N. C, April 14-, 1S'J3. I um glad to be able to say a word with regard to Harris' Litbia Water. I have used it with the greatest possible benefit in chronic rheumatism. As compared w ith the Itutfaio Lithia, I find it quicker and it re quires less quantity. It has my heni t v en dorsement. Very truly yours. (Signed) MRS. T. W. BRANCH. These are all houafide letters from people we know and have confidence in their state ments. Analysis on each bottle. Wholesale depot for Ashevillc and Wistern North Carolina. RAYSOR & SMITH, 8ULK AGUNT8, NO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. Your broken waijoim anj vehicle of all kinds to II. Burnett e' tibop on College street, -where thev will lc repaired promptly and in 6rst-cla styl. Ilay- inu pec u red a firt-class horae-shoer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. B. BURNETTE. WORLD'S FAIR. If yon are gain; to the World's Pair, writ' the Daily Citixea. Asbeville. H. C. for uiusirairo prtnuis maiicr qottiiiiiir Pah-, and timetable and fMuapkkrU iaaued bv the steamer lines or rallr lads TOS would use from your home to Cater ao. No char ire la made. This offer 1s ma le speciml ax rangement -with toe Becrear mi Dcpourtcneat the ChrbrtJaa Ualoa. liXCIAlSlYKLY UY BLNTON, VI1ILI. Vt.; V. .If AT HLNToX, THIi T1IOUSAND-AT BLNTON, AT Aslicville, M. C. TICKETS Sold- io.oo H4Yi:n. can buy for $7.50 or $H.uo. Cheap tleketa Ticket Ollice, ASHEVILLE, N. C. BIG BARGAINS In Real Estate I will offer during AuKUst Thirteen Lots of IO acres each, two miles north of the court house, at the very low price of $200 per acre. This land is well watered w ith fine springs, has nice groves of oaks, is only one-half mile from the electric car and ad Joius the dummy line. It is very lich and suitable for truck luriniug, dairying, or poultry raisii'g. Think of securing a farm in the cili;e of Ashevillc lor $U,000 which you cun make a living on, where taxes and ex penses are not so high. I urn determined to sell this land iu August, and first comes will get first choice. Warn the city grows out over this land, which It will do in a few years, think what teu acres is worth to make into lots and sell. I also have IO scven-uerc lots, one and Cne-fourth miles -nst of the court house for sale at $1-1,0 per acre. This land is rich and lies well for truck fanning. Nice groves and is well watered ami adjoins the Suttle min eral -sprints. Terms easy. Respectfully, For Sale on Easy Terms THE CHOICEST FARM ON SWANNANOA. AUUUT O MILlia UAST ol' ASilliVILLIi ON W. N. C. R. R. Dozen line springs, seventy-five acres wood lands, large acreage, choice bottom lands, uplands In fine condition, gruss und clover, vineyard, one and onc-hulf mile river front, good rouds, hist of neigh borhood, etc., make this tlv- most desir able farm in ISuncombe county. Within one and a half miles is being erected the $50,000 Industrial School building. Al so the proposed Mammoth Knitting Mills, backed by five mil ion dollars, ill Include part of this farm. Apply to D. D. SUTTLE, auK7dtf Ashevillc, N C. PROFESSIONAL CAKUS. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE, OradlnR of all kinds done. All sixes of crushed stone furnished. Band all orders to postoflice Box 148, Asheville, N. C. antclOdtf 34-"V cars' Kxpcrieuce34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILPES. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. . CORNER COURT FLACB AND UARKBT 8TRRBT. INSURE YOUH PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General I'lusurancc i .sVgciit. Rear No. 20 South Mala street. 3stabllsbcd 1SJ5. AsfaevClc. N. C. J. A. TKNNKNT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plans, ntshed. twriffcsthH and estimates far. A 11 work in my line contracted for. aad no charsjes for drawing on contracts awarded roe. Kefeieacca when desired. Office. jitaaaat Coart Square. Askcrilla. PRICES ON- HICH GRADE WHEELS xj DROPPED ! Wuh '.vo u uuiuber of iu w and second lismd wIu'uIh Dii Land wliii-h wo wish to dajH offer them at gr-oiiMy reduced prices. Call at our store and examine and get prices, whether you wish to purchase or not. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO, 0 Patton A.vonno. TKLMI'HOSK PiO. 40. THE HAYWOOD White Sulphur Springs Hotel, WAYNES VILLE, N. C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Is Now Open for the Reception bf Guests. It has been thoroughly renovated mul many improve ments made, among wlik-h are Porcelain bath tubs on each lloor of the Hotel, with hot and told water, also at the bath house at tne Springs. A flue Chalybeate spring recently discovered on the premises, the water of which, is as gcod of its kind as the noted White Sulphur, which makes the pla-e doubly attractive to those in search of fine mineral waters Amusements consist of Orchestra and Dancing, Lawn Tennis, Bowling All"y, etc. It is the intention of the management to make it a pleasant and homelike resort For further iuformation address, B. P. CHATFIELD, Proprietor. BfcSTAlso Proprietor f Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, S. C. The Normal and FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Second Session, September 13, 1803. This Institution is located in the most beautiful supurb of of A.shcvlllc N. C. The spa cious buildiiiK, recently completed for its use at a cost of $00,000 is furnished with pure water from Springs on the premises, is lighted with gas, heated by hot water und pro vided with hot and cold baths. The health und habits of the pupil are carefully suardcil. Ik sides the umplc suace Kivcn for outdoor exercise, a well equipped Kymnusium will be fitted up within doors. No expense has been spared to mukc the sew erase and sanitary arrangements perfect. liach pupil will have her share in the domestic work, as a port of her practic 1 tralu- Ing for life, and whilst aiming at thoroughness in every department, thjaafJpjaaBasrenient will strive to provide for those committed to their care the advantages, not m rely of a christian school, but a christian home. No pupil wilt be received wtho is not In reasona ble health, or who cannot furnish credentials as to moral character. FOUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TC THE STUDENT. 1. TUB NORMAL COURSB, for the thorough training of teachers under instructors from the best Normal tehools. S. .SUMINARY OR COLLEGIATE COURSI', including ancient or modern languages, sciences, music, drawing, etc. 3. COMMERCIAL COURSB, including stenography, typewriting, bookke ping, etc. . DEPARTMENT OI? DOMISSTIO SC1UNCB, (a) Scientific cooking, the study of the production and manufacture of foods, ct lb) Sewing cmbrucinir the cutting und fitting of garments, millinery, etc. The teachers at the bead of this department are from th: fumous Pratt Srhool, Urook 'yn. N. Y.t and the others from the best institutions in the country, elu.sen with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organized Preparatory department has been iuruished for ull such us are not prepared for the higher classes. " The school year is divided into two terms; cost to pupil $SU per term, or $100 per year, which barely covers the expense of board, the school being practic illy free, having been provided for by a few liberal friends of female education. A limited number of day pupils rec ived at $23 per terra. Vur further particulars apply to REV. THOMAS L4WKKNCE, jy29 Ashevillc, N. C. GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A SURE RELIEF XO SUFFERERS. What Hon. T D. Johnston says shoot It: "About four years ago I commenced the use of the UlcnnJSprlngs water, to rid my sys tem of the malaria from which I had been suffering for some time. The. water has en tirely relieved mc and I cheerfully state that 1 believe it to be as good water as can be fonud for all ordinary disrates of the livr and kidneys. Hor a general tonic and rcnovater of the sstem 1 believe it has no equal Very truly yours, "T. I. JOHNSTON." From John P. Arthur, Bq., Attorney at Law: "1 don't know the constituents of the Glenn Springs water; If I did I -would make some for myself. Neither do I know bow it ads; If I did 1 would set so myself. It Is a well made water and it acts well. I caul only say thst its effects on me and my forefathers baa been more beneficial than any other water wc ever used, and I am glad it has been put in the reach of as poor a moo as JOHN P. ARTHUR, "T-5 ?clham's Pharmacy, May 33, 1893." . What C. T. Kawla writes Iclham's Pharmacy, Ashevillc, N. C- " Gentle men: I have used Clean Springs water and consider it, tea compared with other mineral waters, the best I know of. Everyone in South Carolina knows about 'Old Olea 8priags.' Ia fact it has been most favorably known there for a century. Yours truly, "C. T. RAWLB." Asheville, N. C, May 37. 1893. PELIIABX'S Sole AgcnU, close out, mid for the next 30 Collegiate Institute, ASHEVILLE, N. C. PHARMACY. Albert Ulc, Ti. t,