if "sr-,niT 7 Friday Evening, August 18, 1893. THE ASHBVIILE DAILY CITIZJEN. -.L .I'.-l.' AROUND TOWN. Avoid Disease By Using BASEBALL TALK. THE MARKETS. i I a Uaiuc Asvcvtlle and niir iv lu l'eiterdaT. The Bis Ivy baseball club lias more left-handed ball throwers than auy team that ever paced the diamond. They came in yesterday and played a six-iuuitiRS game with the Asuevillcs, and as usual the game opened late. The visitors went to bat and it took the entire nine to make three outs. The runs were six and Asheville stock, because ofhev poor play; inc. went considerably McCinty wards. Asheville went in and Young started the business by a single. He was followed by Fletcher aud Chambers who faikil to reach first. Then, with two out. Dick Weaver batted a ball in bis old tunc style way out into the right field woods. He moved off with the speed ot an antelope aud was almost to second twrr- ihf h.-ill stormed rollintf. On Weaver went and the crowd began howling. The right fielder iound the hall nnrl st.irted it iu. but Weaver had passed third and before tlie visitors cuuui do anything he patted his leet on the home plate, which caused an outburst such as is seldom seen at the grounds. Hats and umbrellas waved and voices screamed, while the crowd looked at if it wanted to take Weaver on its shoulders. The home bovs made tour runs, and spirits rose. From that time on the Aehcvillcs had the game. In tlie lirst half of the sixth game was called on ac count of rain but in a few minutes it proceeded to the end of the sixth when it was called again because of rain. '1 he score was 20 to 10 in favor of Asheville. Chreitzlicrg and Walker pitched tor Asheville while Uig Ivy changed pitch, is four times. Clarke aud Fletcher made a play in tue that fooled the visitors mid nut out a runner at the plate. The nlavers and positions on the start were : Asheville Young. 3b.; Fletcher, b. rhamlicr. 1h Weaver, r. f.: Garrison, I f rwitzKerir. n. & c. f.: Walker, e. f. p.; Merrimou, s. s.; Clarke, e. I5ig Ivv K. Greenwood, lib.; C. V.aek, s. s.; Whittemore, e. f.; Nelson, p ; W Greenwood. 15b.; Lvda, e.; Chambers r f- Clnnof 1I P. Mack. I. f. The next games Asheville will play will 1m- with Knoxville. the series of three .r.iiu tn lie tiluved next Monday, Tues- .l.i v nnil Wnlnesihiv with the Keels. The plavers are making ready and the pic of the club will go down. 1 he excursion in Knnxville will leave here Monday morning and remain there long enough to allow the Ashevillians to see the first .mp The rate for the trip is only $1 and it is probable that a, large crowd will take ailvaiitnue ot the low tare snei inl car will be provided 'or ladies and their escorts. Charlotte defeated Ihuiville agaii Writipail.-iv. the score bcintr 1 - to 15. Tin. YV.-r Mini second nine and the Uouhleday second nine played a gam t liia miirnitl'r mi the Montford avenu or.iiMKla The West ICnds shut til Douhlcdays out, the score being 11 to THAT HABEAS COH1TH CANI Wushiagtan, Auifust IS. Forecast till S p. m. Saturday Coaler; uurtlicrly winds; t'uir weather. 1. O. Stikeleather is critically ill at the Mission hospital. Barlow Bros.' minstrels at the Grand opera house this evening. Advertising pays, especially when out advertises in Tun Citizen Teu dollars was the finciu the one case in Mayor Pattern's court this morning. A very heavy rain fell here about iS o'clock this morning but continued only a little while. Then the sun came out aud the day has been a lovely one. City Passenger and Ticket Agent C Waitiwright Murphy has given This CmzuN several eft he Big Four Route's attractive World's Fair travel attract ers. Uncle Sam prints his Columbian one cent rind l'our-ceut stamps so nearly alike that Mew York Market. Ni;w Yokk, August IS Cotton futuiet.1 opened Mteuiiy; Auinwt, 7.1.1; sst-ptrmocr, 7.17; tct ber, 7.'j:; November 7.J-; bcr 7 -AO; January 7.1'J. ticccu HlueU unotattouit. Nicw Vokk., Aur. IS. Krie tll; Lke Shore 04.it; Chii-uK" "n' Northwestern 113; Norfolk, anil Western, lOO's Riehnionil anil West l'oitit TrmiitiHl l-':H: Western Uniou 70. llullliuore Harhel. Ha i.tim oni:. Auji. 1 7 I'lour. stenil v; wheat, firmer; soot. Auk. a I .'t: Sept. iU' milliiiK wheat by sample. "rCMt; corn. liriner; spot Auijusl, 4.l'..': Sept. 4-7; white curl by sample, ol; yellow, 4'J(ji:r0 DOWN THEY COME ! GREAT MARK DOWIS ! Made From Distilled Water ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 34 Pattou Avenue. Telephone No. 40. persons enck'Sin stamps n in-: CiriziiN frcuucnlly scud tours 111- stcael of ones. At the recent meeting ef the State Boar.l of Medical Uxaiuibers at riRliti.- ille 16 applicants were licensed. Anions heise uiven 1 cense were K. Asliwoni , Fair view, aud f. II. Mease, Canton. DiidcJoni was startled this morning by the report that the 1'ruu'C et ales, he Duke de Veracna and tue l ritiecss Uulalie were in the city. It was a false ilarm, however, tjainiuu currency Iroin the fact that some one wrote tlie names of those distinguished personages on the Battery Park s rej;iter. K very body will have an opportunity to o down to Knoxvuie Aiomuiv aim see the lirst. game between the Asheville mil the Knoxville Kcils. I he 1'ittnian ec lohliston excursion will leave nere Monday morning at c o'clock ami leave Ktioxvil'c at 8 p. m. 1 lie round trip iaic is onlv $;5. KuAetie Cunningham tcllsTiu; Citizen t m instance wliu-li still nireiier uu -if ANTUi the inconvenience often caused wlicn an y a lari ot tlie Asheville Street uuiiwiiy pan v 's cars are sen t to the eiepot day altcruoou, when the ears down to meet the excursion W. H. Asheville Marktld. Corrected dailv by POWliLL .V SNllllilt, wholesale ami retail Rroeera. These prices arc beinK paid by tbc merchants to-day. Kuttt-r lSW-'OI Anplcs 75W1-5 liyiis 1 liiApples. dried aa'l Chickens KHiiiio I'umiikius. eaeh.S!4-'S Turkeys 7eifO:Srsxim f pucks Sltii2Slktwiui, ler lt 15 Potatoes, sw't lWlHoncy 1 " Potatoes. Irish. 4ol Wheat Turnips 30(itKlCorn 3 Ouions 7"l.Mcl n CabbilKe. lK-r 1T floats o Heans, nr bu.lOOi.tl Sol Kye ' peas tr((t7.r lla v. ton jfOOU Chestnuts aSOICelerv. dot iS5ui4" Highest l'rioes l'aid Tor Kailioml Tickets Speeial Kates Offered Acci tleut lusurauce. Clarke, . C. Hotel Index to New Adverimements. Wanted M rs O Wanted ltox i.'l Uosrdinii Mr 1 M Kay Wanted lliltmore l-'arm Mackerel Howell .V Snuli-r llov Wanted Peek's l-'ruit titore Fruit Jars Thrash's Cryt-tal Paluee Wanted S jut li western PubllsliiOK IP. u- 1 eve ll in (j. w music at the Phonograph I nui; 1 -Id 1 w T" ots of ne 1 1 lev. Ii4, Pattou aviuue. len every LAN to SGLUV UKOS.. 171 KinK ht . Cliarles ton, S. e . l-inc Press Shirts anil nnuer wear maue to sieeiai oroer. n " 1 tmec. kood horse shoer. Applv llll.TMOKli FARM rANTlil) at W Kcl't-renees. HUKlf d:tt eoni- Wedncs- were sent Mr. Cuu- uiiiaham's wile and litt le son came to tlie square on a ear expecting to be trans- lerreil to l'attou avenue, nut n" e.n ran that wav, and Mrs. Cunninjihaiii walked from 'the square to her home on Jefferson lrivc. haviny; to carry tlie uoy, wlie is about a year OKI, tue- enure- ii In the central part of town ire room wun lutuiy oi iiki suitable for tui-.imss. with side entrance Pouble rooms yieferable. Atlilress "J. J.' this oflice. dlt MATTINGS. RRPRir.K.RATORS. ICE CHEio. A HAMMOCKS. ULY SCREENS. T ETC., ETC. ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, -MANUFACTURERS OF- W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC. 16 Pattou Averuc, AsliCTillc, N. C. MTK1' .V mind tenant desires to ase a irood l.-irtn with eomlortanie lwellinii and out tuildniKS, near Asheville. Adilrcs. POX CM, uuKlbdtf Asheville, N. C. WANI.IUi A lady of reliiictncnt and edu cation desir. s a p--S tion as holl"e kecper in the home of n rooiI family, cither South or Nor ll. Address, MRS. O..Citiicu office. Asheviilc, North Carolinu. auKld3t" , Ueaier'sExplanutlouofHi Part in the Matter. liiirroR The Citizkn: In yourrepoit of the action of Judge lones in the ha beas corpus ease of the two Did; elcteml ents, in which you say that they were discharged on the ground that they weie illegally arrested, I think you do J uilge Jones au injustice. I understand that there were no witnesses, not even the pros ecuting witness at the hearing;. A ha beas corpus writ, is, as I think, simply to enquire if the party is legally held and find the causeofhis detention, and il thev are properly held by due process ot law, the court will not release them. In this case Eq. Sumtney issued the warrant charging defendents with forgery, which was executed in Buncombe county by a proper officer, and eommittetl on said warrant. It does not matter how the dependents were brought into the iuns diction of the court. It would not mat ter if they had been kidnapped fioin Europe. The facts are that 1 had obtained n warrant against Geo. W. Dick and Joe. Hick (not I. W. and A. I. Dick as you have iU for forgery. 1 found that the de fendants had with G. W.'s wile lctt the city on the night of the forgery in the eveninir statiuir to their motlier that the wife would go to Morristown, Tenn., and they (the defendants) were going to Concord. N. C. Next day I watched both trains east and west, and at Ilarn- ards, some eight miles from the Tennes see line, thev boarded the west bound train. 1 hart had no time to have mv war rant endorsed in Madison countv, and to iret off and do so was to let these men escape from the State. What was I to do but bring them back to w here 1 could nronerlv serve the warrant, which was done? And thev were properly held, as thouph thev had not been out of the county at all. Aa to the two brothers who you sav were the sole sunnort ot their motlier. puts a meaning to the case, which invites sympathy, and condemnation to me. The mother and these men lived in a basement ot a house and the mother told mo thev had left her AO cents. Also that she had picked berries and paid the rent on tbe room in great, pari, i cnim I did exactlv right and what any prudent citizen would have done, not 10 nnuw -.n nnr to leave the state where lie is knvn tr have eommittetl a crime. I have no fears in the matter. Such actions taken nit vonr reoort says would only tend to increase crime, and comin-1 the oeonle to take the law into thcit own bands. Respectfully. W. II. Dearer. The only statement made by The Cit izen referring to W. II. Denver in the ar tulelnwliich.it is nreaumcd, he refers was this: "A few days ago Detective W. II. Dcavcr went to Hot Springs Madison eountv. armed with a warrant issued by Justice A. T. Summey of Ashe ville. charring I. V. Dick and A. J. Dick, brothers, with forgery." HANV iulTOHS. ersoialn About I'e-opl", Ssome I Whom Von Know. K. 1. Could of St. Louis is at the Swati tiuuou. jolm A. Ca.npli.ll left yesterday on a trip east. A. T. Cooper came in Iruni Urcvard yesterday. . V. Wells of Oeala, I'la.. is at the Mattery I'ark. I. li. Mel- wcu ol "Wilkesboro is at the Grand Central. Rev. Scott H. Kathbuu is in the eity Iroin 1- lat Rock. Kev. las. Atkins went to Marion yes- terelav to attend coulcrence. Dr. lames McKee ol Raleigh is one ol the liatterv Park's many guests. A. I. Clark is in the city trom Lancas ter, S. C, registered at the Swanuatioa. Tlios. Kollins has returned from a trip that took in Niagara l"alls and the yrcat Chicago fair. Will Weaver, who has been in Omaha, Neb , and Chic.igo for several weeks, lias returned to Asheville. Col. W. A. Turk, G. P. A. of the K. l.. and Capt. V. K. Mclkc came up lroin Hot Springs yesterday. C has. I". McKesson ol Morganton is anions; the visitors to Asheville, and is stopping at the Grand Central. Mrs. T. L. Leonard and Miss Annie Leonard of Charleston, S. C, are visit- mit the blisses Cruise on rretien oroau ivcnue. Mr. S. L. Cunningham of Asheville was in ileniiersonville on l uesiiay, ami his many old friends here did all they could to make him feel at home," sas the Hendcrsonville Times. IJOARULSO Mr-l. lames M. Kay, l1! I miles out, in ViHu. Rsnloth, in close proxiinttv to street car line, lias just lind vacated one or two rooms and would like to till the-31 with pleasant parties. 11 i Local collector for Asheville, A man ho is thoroughly la- niilinr with the city ol Asheville. titranr- liniirv imlueements villt offered to tl eood man. Adaress Southwestern Puldishinic Ilous. No 153 North Spruce street. Nash ville, Tenn. auKlSdUt GRAND OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, AUG. 24. One TVii-lit Onl' CiStKAT KVEKT. Primrose & West's Sl'liCTACTI.AR - ClPliRATlU I'LA V, COM lit) V MONTE CARLO Iiitrtidu- ini: the famous Minstrel Comedian in W hi tc T-'aci1, GEORGE - WItSON And his own Sltustrcl OrKaulzatiou. :13 OKliAT ARTISTS. A Military Hand of 11! Musicians and Full orchestra, under the inaiiaKcmei t of PRIMROSIi .Sc WEST AT THE GKA.WJ. It is probable that a larttc crowd will : out this cveuiiiK whir Harlow Bros.' instrels will open the season at the Grand opera house. Many new tcatures are promised and hearty laughs will be in order from the rise of the curtain. The Atlanta Constitution says: From the overture till the curtain tell the Barlow Brothers' minstrels kept a larjje audience launhinjr at IJeOive s. Mr. I)ols.n, the proprietor, lias paid special attention and a liberal amount of money to make a tcaturc ot the over ture. It is particularly j;ooii even among first parts generally termed brilliant. Scofield's slight of hand feats are as- totiishiui;. The Rowleys delighted the audience with banjo p'ayinir. The Har low Hrothers, James ami "liilly", sustain the reputatiim of the name made famous lv the lonir-to-lie-rememlierea :i.viilt. The performance is clean and very credi table. It creates roars ot laugliter and leaves a good impression." The minstrels were in tvnoxviuc last eveninjr and had a packcel house. The Tribuue says tue lokes were new anu bright, and that the whole show was a lean, well-rounded periormance ana one that reflected credit on the performers. T he Journal also praises the performance. Those who no this evening are sure to have a mirthlul time. Grand Opera House ONE MIGHT ONLY. Friday. Ausrust x8th. The World's Greatest and Most Refined Minstrel Organization. Cumpr-MiiiK tlie of MiiiHlrclny. iWHITLOCK CLOTHING llHOUSE, oij) kj:liale Roller King and Electric Light Flour, Choice Corn Meal, GRAHAM FLOUR. Dealer in All Kinds ol GRAIN aud MILL, I'HUU ! CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. -0-1- 40 South Main, licen In ilMk "Mouiit Vcriiun." "Canttdlou Club," nd Old Baker Rje WtaUklc. f-T Tn rtl r 'Rlonl. Wines, brandleo, Kerr. Ale and Stont for family use. All gooda delivered free. nn rlrnnht Unttrone-c No. 10 North Main and 7A College atrcrts. Telciihoui No. 103 ir Offer all summer clothing at redufod prices !! to make room for fall stock. Our stock of light weight clothiuj; will be sold ifgimllcwrt of value Our assortment is laiiro ami desirable in ('hoviote, Casshneres aud Worsteds. Our clothinir lit and wear longer tliun any other clotliinu- in this marker. Extra pants for men ami boys at vnry lowh l rices. Manhattan Shirts, Mothers' waists for boys. Underwear in tho best on market. Cheaper than elsewhere. Hats, Neckwear, (Iloves, Stylish and Cheap. Extra size cloth up to No 50 P. 8.: On and after May 0th deb ted to trie If not aettlc 1 br that time. will aend Klutenicnt of accounta by uiuil to partica lo Repectfnlty, Friend Shir the Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, J HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. Hosiery, New, Fresh Lot of- TarUBll Cream Cfieese We keep a large fresh stock of feed, keep well posted ou prices, pay uo profits to middlemen or brokers, buy from first hands, paying cash, get all tlie brokerage that cau - be had, get lowest freight rates possible, cau, will and do sell at very low price, mainly to consumers, from ton lots down to single package. Respectfully, AL80 A FINE LOT OF W. TAL P. HAKVEY BRAND OF & CO.'S MONUMEN- C. S. COOPER. Hams and Breakfast Bacon. GITAK AN Tl II T11KV Wll.I- Ol VI? SATISFACTION. Headquarters far tlie Spartau1urjr Hteaiii Italic tl Hrcad.l THli FINlisT UKIiAU OUTAlNAHI B-l-K KSII UVBKY DAY. We arc liuyiiiK fur the spot i-uuh und acllin fur th same, and we arc prepared to tuve our customer from 15 to 2U per cent, on the $1.00 invcatcd. Call and be couvlnccd. R. B. NCXLAISD & SON, No. ai NortU M a lu street, Telephone io. 15" 1. S. All billi due U3 if not paid in 30 days will be turned over to the Grocer' Associ ation for collection and publication. Great Sale B THE FAmoUs ARLOW ROS. AMMOTH ST R ELS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. L. DOLSON. TUB SAMB DIO SHOW Thut so recently cbarnieij und dazzled New York, CliicaKo, St. Louis, San l-ran-cisco. New Orleans and all, the Itits cities. "A Night of Mirth and Melody." ALU TUB LATEST SONGS, JOK11S, DANCES AND MUSIC. REGULAR PRICES, GO, 75, SI. Tickets on sale at 34 I'atton Ave. Wednes day mornins. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINCTON'S.) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD, KINDLINGS, CIIAltCOAL, LIME, Tl 'j " I ' ' 'M 'r I T TT '1 'M"l '1"B''I'"I 1' witiioi' r TKIAL. ttontb Carolina Press Association . in Aattcvllle Briefly. reople who were at the depot yester day afternoon wben tbe Spartanburg train arrired saw a party of about lOO lailics and eentletnen come in, each of wbom wore a red-ribbon badge sur mounted with a fac-simile of South Car olina's twdmetto-tree seal, inzenionsly made from tbe wood of the palmetto. These excursionists are traveling in Pull man can to tbe World's Fair, and are members of the South Carolina Press association, accompanied by their fam ilies. The party is looked after by Secre tary Prince of Laurens, who has been working ap this trip since December last, and to whom the members presented a handsome gold watch ia recognition of his anurias; work in benaii 01 ms oreinrea ot the quill. The party remained in Asbe Tille until 9:17 last night, when they left for Paint Rock, from tnere tney taken to Morristown by- a special Many of the editors came ap town and took ia what they could of it during their short star. They hope to stay here longer oa their return. Au lutiireuHlvr nruiuiiier Nenl t Jail. Late this afternoon, Jesse Iiailcjr, I snare drummer with Barlow Bros.' min- t tr:Is, was arrested by Dcpnty Sheriff Hampton by orders from Judge Armficld, for disturbing the court. Bailey told Judge Armfield he did not know court was in session, but the Judge sentenced Bailey to jail till 6 o'clock this afternoon. ,3 O CD (. g 3 a cq 2 SO CD CD WORTH WAITINO FOR. Pi Ira rose & Honte Car- West's lo." Primrose & West's spectaclar operatic comedy play "Monte Carlo" introducing the famous minstrel comedian, George Wilson in White Face, corn's Jto to the I Grand opera house Thursday evening August 24 lor one mgnt only. i tie p-ece ia a noreilT ana contains any amount of clever dialogue. lndi- rroui cituations and catchy music. Tbe rehearsals show the company I to be uncommonly well supplied with fine -voices, and aa the piece provides a budget of new songs, tbe result cannot he otherwise than leasing. Of tbe yosng women of tbe company it may be aid that thev have lots of style and more tha an average eift of good looks. Thev all look as if nature had been kind to them. Me o n 3 ft It W p c e - r CD p w w -i o o o CD 3 S3 CO S3 CD ts S3 CD GO GO SJ w w HH w o GO M Silk Waists CEMENT. 1'LASTKlt l'AHIS, LAND l'LASTEIt, SEWEU VIVE, HAY AND FEED. AT RfllHUGH' S O. ES. TELEPHONE NO. 121. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders intrusted lo rayxare wlU reccWe prompt aad personal attention. Q-aoMtr of work and material guaranteed. ORDERS SOLICITED. ALL ORGANIZED. We take ver j great pleasure In stat ing that the United Rankin sr and Build. TBLBPBONB 170. ang7d3m 3 COLLEGE ST. THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL CO. NATTJKAL AND MANUFACTURED . ICB AND ALL KINDS of COAL. 39 Patton Aunne. Tel. x.30. Vaxd M4 lug Company OF KICHMO!tK VIRGINIA, Have organized the following strong advis ory board: OFFIOBHS: A. Rankin, Pres.;W. B. Williamson, V.-rres. U. C. W&ddell, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer; Chas. A. Webb, Attorney. DIRBOTORB : James IX. Ionghran, P. W. Stikclcathcr, B. Weatray Battle, W. V. Low, J. L. Catbey. W. H. WestaU. J. A. Brook hire, J. J. M acker. John P. Arthur, Dr. I. H. Williams. APPBAISSRS ! W. B. Williamson, W.V. Low. W. H. Westall. Loans will be promptly granted. MA J. U. H. BOGBR8. 8tate Agent. G. K. COLLINS, 8peciai Agent. Excursion Tickets ! BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHEAP ItATU TO ALL POINTS I C F. RAY, Member Amerkaa TWket Brokers' Assoda- ties, 2W SOHI JUU. nm Thoso lovely riaids, Wash Silk, Plain India, Fancy Em pire, Surplice, all new. This summer $7.50, $8 and $10 Goods all reduced to $5. This is the Best Bargain to be presented this season. Parties Wishing to procure any of these goods should call at once before sizes get broken. F. P. MIMNAUGH ft I 1 T

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