Citizen. vuie VOLUME IX. NO. lOO. ASHEVIlOLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS fi PILLSBDRY MADE FllOM Tin: C1IO ICEST iM INN ESOT A SrillxNO WHEAT. 1 VLa,xi In. SO Miy ti:d fault with Ihf clears sold by us, T ut if that biuKlu man w ill show us herein we uro to blnme we will fjive liim a ci(i;ir that will please him lid you evi r try the FRUIT JARS, FRUIT JARS. ONE OF THE VERY WOUST WM KROGER Asheville Agent. t Gray - Gables?" Tot!a.y wc l'eiiut. cil the ii'cc in scvirul tu ti ck's. The stringency Ui the money market it h iving its clVcct 011 ; he pr'tvti f groceries n well uh ua cver tiling .A,. ID. Cooper. nor? aiAatHE NEW INVOICE ClViBKCIOi Kits. NF.W IKVCICS mBBOKS. NEW INV01C5 (.ACTS. iWKATI.Y ITS lRICi. Just ihjvv is tli'- scnsfiii f--r canning Yi:i s. You van fii-t tl c:n li'-.'Ui us in u size, f inls., quarts a;cl half Kulious ;iud Uu- beat t(iiu!itv f Maai'ii's htipi vvcil. Seethe new f'u ids wc tire 1 kovi;, now. it!; Hue Ware in many oUtl auil duittty inccis. Ui r litcek ui'vtr was ho complete :u .1;, !iu , and priced way down lo suit tin lior.J t in s. THAD, W. THRASH & GO. Ail Summer lints Good ducoi 1'iiecs to close 1 1 Gica'.k n.t: REAL ESTATE. W. U. GWYN." W. W. WEST. Gwyn &. West, (Successors to Walter B, Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Lonus Securely Placed at 6 ler Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COU8T SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS,, (teal Itelatc BroUcrs And IuVcstmcnt Agfciitu KOTAUV PUBLIC. ' l,mn securely p'.acrd at 3 per cent. Offices US SO fu t tun Avenue. Second Ifloor. New Summer Neck a car ior Ladies (mil Gentlcnicn. Still tlic best line of tiiiilri car for Uulies, men aud children. ISOSt MARCUS 37 iMlli IHaiti sued. The THic Ioulai of 5 C'f t 'l,;-ar JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AKD LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFl'ICB KOOM3. Luuns securely placed at lliht per cent. KISS OF THE "WAVE, Luii;; H ivatia Killer and Sunwitta Wrapjier. ESSENCE OF ROSES, Long liavatia 1'iUcr, Futnutri Wrap; er. BLOMBERG'S EXTRAGOOD G ccr.ts, G ft;r i'.'j cents Havana and Little Hutch Killt-r, Seed Wr.ipicr. TLesv Cigars have been tUe ri-atcsl su: ct" any C i;ar iu Afcliiivillc When you buy tt'y of the three oranus ol Cia'syou .lon't iu. for piU.s, but yuu tt the value or yo'ir i cent.-. t-lu taiy at tile 17 PATTON AVE. L. BLOMBERG. A PRETTY ANL ATT11AV11VL IJNL OF LUNCH- BASKETS lust Suitable for.rienlc Oeeus!ous. On Sale of W. A. LATIMER NUWi SOUTH BAKING VOWDERS.To be found at LATIMBR'S, NEW - CATCH Mackerel LARGE, FAT AND WHITE A TS.Klillit.USTOIlJI ! AViS RAIN. W I I Nciirly ulloi tlie Wires KtillHuwii una i: im niossiie to ;et l-uii ItetnilM ol tlie i:fTt.-c ot (he Htoreu. Washington, U.C., Aur. U'J. Tlic hur ricane center has pusseil nortliwai tl over Washington City imJ 13 probably uow ATHICNS OF Till-; WKBT." Enslcru Editor's Uplulou AHhevlile. or II. A. Luthnm, editor of the Washing ton, N. C, Gazette, recently spent a week in Asheville, and wrote a letter to his paper concerning this city, "The Athens of the West." From this letter the following paragraphs arc taken: "The seven years since my last visit have wrought wonderful changes. Ashe ville is a veritable city. It has a fixed population, counting the near suburbs, in reunsvlvauia. All telegraphic com- 0f X5. 000: also 3O.000 visitors who uitmieatiou is tut oil except liom Mary I spenu the seasons, either winter or sum land to Noi th Carolina. I mer, here; and a hundred thousand vis , . . ... .. , ,c i,.,,,,, ,.r, "tors an toiu ior tue year, llie city is . I Situated 111 tlie htrlr nt i 1in!iHtif1 mu.iical.i.m by wire with the north and ,.-rcncll Broa1 and tbe Swannaiioa. webt. We have no wires north of Ihilti- famed in legend and in song. A splendid system of electric lights and street cars more. nHiHnhw pnmrnrt ..-ri :., r I , . Muu W ,, VUlUL The storm U'nl immense damage to I the city, while waterworks and a fully . v'. i. 4 , t,, I i",i'-" - u.jaiiuu.-iii uarc uui uecu s':"ul "A" .,U!u,si,.w.h ...w I iieirlcctcd. T ic streets arc wr r,nv-rt up bv the roots, or dismembering them "The city is amply provided with Tl 1 ' r ,i - l I "teis, uoartung nouses ana livery sta REPEAL IN THE SENATE Wilson dili. buii:iihil-.i-:o iu every direction telephone service in : Jiyht and A'cxTudra ntid O O I - 1-r- X fiS XX EVAPORATED Cod Iisli. POWELL & SNIDER oies. rtiraosi every otner house 19 a boardincr house. Amontr the hotels of Georgetown are crippled in b.-th these itl1( Iiear Uiltmore. which cost $250,- suburbs as well as in the city proper. "JO, whose rates are $Q per day. The , location as well as the hotel is inagtnfi Great uneasiness id felt by th..- police and ccilt, as it overlooks a range of beautiful fire deparnmcnt. mountains and the riv4tr meandering , ,. ... , , 1 lui uuiu iuc vuiieja. nailery i-arK ana Iclcgraphrc commuwcutioi with the Oakland Heights are alio very attractive West was entirely broken ofi about 7:30 ln lntlr architecture, and complete in . , , , , , , appointment, l or courteous treatment, p. tn., and with the hast shortly belore convenient and comfortable rooms and midnight. In the early morning the Parlors.a good tabk-aud companionable Postal teU-Krapli company reopened the Swannanoa is possibly the best cast as far as ISaltimorc, but there J1?,11'1' T,lc Proprietor is a splendid fellow. topped, and as far sjuth as Lynchburg. J "Natural beauty has bacn bestowed t tiavatiiiali. I with lavish hand upon this 'Laud of the I ell,., XT. ,4- . ,i .. c , , Intcnte anxiety is manifested lor news for llatura- beiuitv. SUrimSS the solcn.lor of the havoc of the tornado at Savau-I of these mountains towering to sublime , ... , mi. 4 I grandeur, rivers that gurgle and ripple nah inJ other points south, but up to ..,i Bi,:,.,. ,, ,,,L ? f , . -'--"- - -. "'Ill IU11 UlI.U 11::U n. in. nothing was Lcaitl to sup- I courses adown the valleys; tlic jutting I Cllffa rind Icon T t-Ya A elmifilla picmenttlie meuKre ana alarming tns- , !lare too f tl , rcvl-iatiolla Hatches of iatt n;uht when it was said 1,1 "nture. , I ,tT ... ;.. t , . . , , . ,. , . . . .1 1 uc eujr is cican auu ncai, no uuriai that 1 hvrs wcic k-st on the i iv.r; that is allowed in town, and 110 stock allowed on the streets. The drinking water is bronghtjfivc miles, from the Swannauoa river. oac of thtm was C. A. L'luur. assistant cashier ol the Central r.iilroud bank. that 11 vessels were ashore in Savannah harbor. A rumor comes lv wire from Rich mo:. d, Va., at which point trains have 7S I4KK CKiHT. NOVELT I 1Ztl Wry stylish Clothinu for fall onl winter just re ceived. Tliese are from our best manufacturers, unel ure nearly ctiuu! to tailors line work. A large Ciscount ou Sprint; weight Cli.tliir.B. Tlim Proportion of onices I 1 1 1 c (I bv Collector Kllaa. No appointments to office in the rev- urivcd fro-n the S nitli, th;i-. Charleston, I cnue service were made bv Collector S. C, is uiii'cr water. Signal set vice in-1 h,as today. It is estimated that up to dieations are that Cl.ailcston is .i-ht in u',lt l,lc collector has nncU about 7i3 per cent. 01 tne oiiiccs that arc at Ins dis- TWMlr.l . . . I :4.....n.,...4,...',.. .1, I'l, ,,:,ll,,i It . . . . . e.te.e i"iu..j " -1 I. OllCC tOr li 1.1S lias lSSll.ll t ln f.lll 1 r incr talc which had turned early in tlic lore-1 warning to distillers and others in this noon flooded the lower portion of the I district who arc interested : city. The waves dashed hi;;h over the "The Hon. Commissioner of internal T ' cnr. I 'tveuuc cans attention lo the disregard I by distillers, rectifiers ami wlinlcsnli. den and every street below Trad J and j; uor dcaIcrs in th;3 d:str:ct; of th Dro. Uroau streets. I lie roan way an.i sine- I '3,"! " rciaave id hook lorm anu tne monthly abstracts tucrcfrom tne entire city were "Distillers must record in ink in book Ui.Uer water ulso, hut l.crc it c:in:e J- "jt uimrjaiuuii umue 01 every package ., ... .lot spirits produced bv them, must keep ol course from the driviair rain, i n... ,i::n : !, Every wire in the city ii down. foli icre and limbs are blown rain, i ti,:a rccorj on t.-c jigtuiery ,)rCiniscs and Thou-1 produce the same on demand from any ivvpnnp rfTif4M- 1 ,1 1 .. tr .,11 :,tn.l sands ot trees have been denuded ot tlieir entries, or falsi; entries, or tl.- m.,t iw. entirely I of entries, or non-production of the I honks. llnnn r1,r,m.i.l x,:il a,, !:.. 4- 4 down. A huiidted houses aie unrooted SgiZUre for forfeiture the distillery, ap aud a number of frame buildings arcparatus and personal property on the . . I piciniscs. a nc same uro visions and nen- w recked. 1 lie Charleston Lead W orks I alties also apply to w holesale lirjuor have been seriously damaged and the uVi o-f, L ,, ' e- AMERICAN BAKERY Wo tiro prepared to supply the citizens of Atslieville with FreHli 13 read, Kolls, IM'es and Cakea of every deiseriptioii. If you want nice wedding or party eakeH, give us an or der aira if you are not pleased in quality and artis tic work we will refund you your money. We will add daily different lines ot euke Will bake any kind of cakes to order. Telephone 174. 16 COURT SQUARE, NEAR CITY HALL 8 N. COURT SQUARE New Lres TrimutiiiK fv Goods :ii'.U autuuiii in jj ecvcal weaves, er.tir'y new auJ!ilt?." H. REDWOOD &. CO. Clothing, Ury Goods, iliocs, Ilati ana R'j(;.s. property in the neighborhood of Charles ton Neck is inhtreJ to the anu'Utit ot $1,000,000. It is stated at the offices ol" the Kich- mond and Danville railroad and Atlan tic Coast L'he that no trains have ar rived since the storm recurred. 'A train came oyer the Richmond and IJunvitlc early this morning bat it was in advance of the storm. The Sjutlicrn train on the Atlantic Coast Line which was to reach here at 2 o'clock rcouircs every person whose duty it is to keep record .', on or before the lOth dav of each month, to make a lull and complete transcript of all entries made in such book during the month tirccedinur. and to forward the same to the collector of tlic district in which he resides. Anv failure, by reason of refusal or neglect to make said transcript, form 52 subjects the person so offending to a Que of $100 ior each, oltcnsc. Hereafter a check record will be kept in this office of the transcripts which should be filed, and criminal prosecution will be begun in each case ol failure for two consecutive months. "This circular is issued iu earnest and is intended as a fair warnimr to all con ccrucd that the provisions and require WIIhoh mil lMHNcd the House liuslly ICuonKU-Tlie Detail- of lie Vole Xo Move ou Tariff Reform. Washington, Aug. 'J'J. In the House Monday, the Wilson bill, having been read. Bland offered his first amendment, that of free coinage at the present ratio of 10 to 1, and it was defeated by a score of yeas, 12-t; nays, 22G. The ratio of 17 to 1 was defeated, 100 yeas, 210 nays; 18 to 1, 102 to 293; 0 to 1, 121 to 222. The proposition to re enact the I3Iaud-Allison act was de feated by yeas, 13G; nays, 213. Final passage, yeas, 240; nays, 110; majority, 130. After a little routine business, Catch- iugs called up the report of the commit tee ou rules, reporting the rules to trov- crn the House of the G3d Congress. 1 he House is now (2 p. m.) considcr ng the code of rules under the ceucral debate. The committee on ways and means will proceed at once with the prepara tion of the general tariff bill and will give hearings iu the course thereof to persons and parties interested. Chair man llson has announced the following sub-comtnmittees: On cus toms, Wilson, Whitincr. Breckenridcre Kecd and Burrows; on administration of custom laws, Turner, Stevens, Tars- ney, l'ayne and Gear; ou internal reve nue, McMillan, Montgomery, Bynuin, iiopKins anu rayne; ou public debt, Byan, McMillian. Whitinir Burrows and Dalsell; on reciprocity and commercial treaties, Cockran, Gear and Oalscll. 1 he Senate committee on finance this morning decided to report back to the Senate the Wilson repeal bill with a recommendation that the Vcorhees bill, already on the Senate calendar, be sub stituted for it. The committee also resolved to set aside the National bank circulation bill which is now unfinished business in the Senate, in favor of the Voorhecs bill and press the latter measure as rapidly as the tcmiK-r of the Senate will Hermit. fhe differences between the House bill and the Voorhees bill is found in the at tachment to the latter ot a paragraph declaring that it is the policy of the United States to use both gold and sil ver as money metals and to preserve the parity Detween mem. 1 he program ot the committee, as far as it contemplates the settinir aside of the national bank bill, can only be car ried out through the aid ot a majority in the Senate, lor the national bank "bill cannot be withdrawn or set asiie save through a majority vote in favor of con sideration of the repeal bill. The silver men in the Senate protess to be indilierent as to which bill is considered by the Sen ate, holding that the bank bill is almost as objectionable as the repeal bill, but there are indications that the program will meet with prolonged resistance nevertheless, and silver men say they will fight repeal at every step. Chairman V oorhecs reported the Yoor- hes bill to the Senate as a substitute for the House bill at 12:15 today and gave notice that he would call it up immediately. Teller objected to its immediate con- sideration and it went oyer until tomor row. The Stewart resolution, inquiring into the condition of the treasury was then taken up. 1 he resolution was rcterrcd to the finance committee and Gordon addressed the Senate in advocacy of the uncondi tional repeal ot the Sherman act. lie de clared that be could not vote for any measurejthat involved delay, aud that he was therefore opposed to the substi tute report today. this morning, was abandoned at Kieh-1 merits of law aud the special instructions Penn Mntual - Penn Mutual Perm Mutual Penn IVLutua.1 CIGARS! moud and merged into a train scheduled to reach Washington at 7 a. m. At II o'clock it was said at the office here that this train wou'd probably be iu shortly. .V l Florence. I- i.oui;nck, S. C, Aug. 20. In a cy clone at Sullivan island yesterday, a man named Bryant and his wife were drowned, and Mrs. L. Holland, white, was killed by a falling house. Fifteen houses were swept away, and every house t.u the Island was more or less damaged. of the Commissioner of internal revenue herein retcrred to will be henceforward rigorously enforced." IB IT I.SCCiAI.. Knives, - scissors and Razors -AT RAYSOR & SMITH'S Prescription Drag Store, Ji PATTON AVliNtm. Wc are now offering special prlccn ou the above soods. Our assortment is verv hircc anI prices low. Every niece uuuruntced to Kvc perfect satisfaetiuu. Call early before the assortment is broken. POCKBT BOOKS, PUR8K8, CARD CASKS AT Kaysor & Smith's t'o-escrlptlou Drus Store, 31 1' AT TON AVBNUli. VVe arc ulso offering special burguius in these KOocls. If you will cull early cuet c amine our stock, you will be convinced that wc are ofl'eriuij bargains Iu this Hue. Our stock is always complete iu every de partment, aud you can always yet whut you want at XCnysor & Smith's Prescription - Drug: Stoie, 31 PATTON AVIiNUE. i?KfML .vrsci-; ciitKuiiH Fall Hats o N PALL W NECKWEAR I N ABOUT A DOI.I.IU Joliu SI o ore IMckccl I: l'i ntiU Trouble Followed. C. A. Webb ou Cant. laUu't 11 an of icelivr Eiutou Tun Citizen : I have read the communication of Mayor l'atton in Sat urday's ClTiziiN, iu which he suggests a plan for continuing the improvement of our streets, by having the city issue cer tificates of indebtedness. Whether the city has authority to do such I am una ble to ascertain, and unless there is some express legislation to that effect, the is suance ot such certificates would be an undoubted violation of the law. Section TU13 IS 'i'llli llliST S OUST STKAIOHT Clt'-AK liVUH OI-TUKi:i TO tub rriii.ic. The nuutc and labels on tlic lire fur. nirlivd by the did and Reliable I'ciin Mutual Life Insurance Company of l'hiladcliihiu. wuieh s a Kuaruntcc of tbe goods. (MAD1! IN TWO HMAl'lXS) l7or sale only by Ilcialtsli c 2.4cugu.u. 2-493 of the code of North Carolina, vol Up to yesterday John Moore, colored, I ume II., reads this way: "No person or i.,. he- I. stewnrt r.f I corporation, unless the same be ex- - - I i i . i. 1 1 :.. t i i C hieago, an invalid who i3 staj mg at 53 uue bil, Qrd uct certficnte yof del j College street. A s iort tune ago Mr. posit, promisory note, or obligation, or Stewart suspected Moore ol thclt and I any other kind ot security whatever may vcslcruay marked $1.10 and left it in his u,c lts 'orm or name, with the Intent that room under a pillow. Not long after the of. or ns . fr,r money, it was found, had been trans-I money on pain of forfeiting and paying ferretl to Moore s pocket, r.itrolmnti for c.-ich ofli-nce. the sum of fiftv lll.-rs Shuford w as sent for, who called in Jus- I ad if the party offending be a corpora tice J. B. Worsely, and Moore's cxauii- tion , of having also violated its charter. nation was held m Mr. Mcwart s room. And every person offending against this Moore admitted that he had picked up j section, or aiding or assisting therein, tue money out sum nc luieune.i iu nve i suall be guilty ot a misdemeanor." it back to his employer. Uond was I Spptinn l4.l4. nrnvirlea thnt fixed at $100, in default of which Moore I nassino- or reccivini' such certificates was seat up. i shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor. Vhili tlir- i ,1 .-v n fanrriTesterl wnulil Iu cif . ...n.. ...... strikes mc Trains Nos. 15 and 10 ou the Asheville I that it would clearly be illegal mid Kii.'irt.nihiirir r.'iilriinii. now lc.'lviiifT I t-ZiireS YGUU. . , . . . i : ; . . , .a. i n at -:io p. m. unu arriving ae v.i p. in., short Crops III Enrone. I, 1 t " . " , it a. 47 i ' I Will ue uiscoutinueti uu inc uim.ui oep- i ... . 4. .ie ti, . , rt , . . , . I 11A3lll..Ul"i., 41444 Lice . , . A tie Ui U t. tcmber. The Sunday train on the Mur-1 . . . , . tihv branch between Asheville and aa vices recciveu oy occrctary iNioriou W ay ncs viile, lormcrly leaving at 'J a. m, Irom one ol his agents in buroiie, Air. and arriving at 7:30 p. m., will also be I Matters, fully confirm previous reports i discontinued on the 1st. The cutting off I regarding the shortage of certain crops of tbe Spartanburg trains will leave 1 in many sections in Hurope, which he Asheville once more with a single day 1 represents is likely to create a very large train service ou nil roaus running into I demand lor American lorajje crops, iu ! the city. eluding corn rrederlck ICntledire and J. KC, Palleraon Forma Partuctsliiti. Messrs. I'ulliam & Kutlcdgc, the in surance agents, will dissolve ia: tnersbip ou the first of September, Mr. Pulliatn retiring from the firm. A partnership has been formed by Frederick Kutledgc and J. R. Patterson, cx-elerk of tbe Criminal court. Both of these gentle men arc well known to the business community of Asheville, Mr. Kutlcdgc, previous to his present partnership, hav ing been the active member of the well known firm of I'ulliam iSi Kut ledgc. His experience in that capacity brings to the new firm a thorough knowledge of and acquaintance with every branch ot the insurance business Kir. I atterson, although he has had no experience in this particular line, has es tablished too firm a reputation by bis long and satistaetory services in the pub- lie othecs ot the county, to leave anv doubt as to his success in the new field of action which he has chosen. It is not I 28 Patton Aveuue, Aslieville, necessarv to rcter to tne eloquent ap peal of that empty sleeve," but it is a rather curious coincident that the col onel under whom he served so gallantly is the father of his present partner. Mr. i'ulliam, the retiring partucr, will remain in the business in which be bas been successful here, and has associated with him Alex. Webb, for the conduct ot the insurance business, the firm name bcinir I'ulliam & Webb. Mr. I'ulliam is one of the best known citizens in Ashe ville and bas a ripe business experience that commands success. Mr. Webb is a youns man but has had some experience in insurance hues since coming here, and will doubtless prove a lively man in his business. FALL O c NECKWEAR KI Haberdasher, VERY FINE MARYLAND PKACIIUS AX PUCK'S, 14 PATTON AVIS. DealUof au old opera lUanaKer, Kku Bask, N. Aug. 2U. Angclo To- riani, sr., of New York, died suddenly in his summer home nt Occanica, of heart failure. Mr. Toriani came to this coun try in 1848 with an oocra company, in which were the father and mother of Adelina l'atti. The latter was then about three years old. GAR0L1NA ICE 5 COAL CO. NATURAL AND T - Tr MANUFACTURED ItCi Tlic Haulier Week at tlie Pair, Chicago, August 29. The paid ad missions to the Fair last Saturday were 1C4-.800, making the total for the week over 1,000,000. This is the banner week of the Fair, the avcrnue attendance including Sunday, when the attendance I OFl'ICB NO. 130. was only 21,000, being over 13,000 Hoke Hiulth-a Movements. Washington, Aug. 20. Secretary Hoke Smith left Washington last nigbt for Mount Airy, Ga., where he will spend two days with his family and then go on to Atlanta for a dav. He expects to re turn to W a8hington next Saturday. ALL KINDS. 1IAKU AND 6QFT COAL 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. TOLBPUONB YABD NO. IU, -rrxw tub- MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE TEBT BEST WOI CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70 1 V