THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tucsilav Evening, September 5, 1893. '1; i ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tim Daily Citizrn, Uemocrarlc, Is published every afternoon (except Sunday ) at the fol lowlnit rates strictly cash: OKI Yeah J6.00 Bix Months 3.oo Thies Months 1.B0 Onu Month SO OM Wbbk TUESDAY, SEI'TEMISKR 5, 1893. AM KRKOIt CORRECTED. The Wilmington Messcujjer of August 31st has an editorial on North Carolina history, In which it accepts us correct the followiug extract from mi article in The New York Tribune : "And if the darinc 'Tarheels' were the first Americans to declare themselves in dependent, they were also the hrst to stike a blow for freedom, . . . On February 15, 1775, all "loyal subjects' were summoned to join His Majesty's forces in North Carolina, tor the pur pose of crushing that rebellious prov ince. And a brave show they made, led bv such douj;htv warriors as Sir Henry Clinton and Lord William Campbell. The Highlanders, numbering two or three thousand strong, were commanded bv General Donald McDonald, husband of the famous Flora McDonald, whose services in behalf of the unfortunate Prince Charlie rendered her an imaeo adoration in their eyes, and, magnificent soldiers as thev were, it is not wonder ful that they felt their victory assured when they met the handful of provincial raw recruits. The reference is to tlicbattleof Moore's Creek, fought early In the month of Feb ruary, 1770, between the provincial forces under Moore and Lillinglou on the one side and the loyal Highlanders, under Gcu. Donald McDonald on to other, in which the last suffered a deci sive defeat. The patriot victory was im portant in results. Sir Henry Clintouaml Lord William Campbell had sailed from New York with a large fleet and army to operate on the coast of North Carolina, proposing to co-operate with the pro viucial land forces, and in the event of success, to have established a firm hold iu North Carolina, and thence overrun that State and the adjacent State o South Carolina. The defeat at Moore's Creek bridge deranged this plat.; and Sir Henry Clinton subsequently sailed for Charleston, where, on the L'7th of June- following, he encountered his disastrous repulse from the guns of Fort Moultrie The defeat at Moore's Creek thus save North Carolina, and postponed the at tack on her sister province. The error in the Tribune's account is in ascribiun the command of the Loyalist lorces at Moore's creek to "General Don aid McDonald, the husband of the fam ous Flora McDuiiahi." The husband o this lady was Allan McDonald, a kins man of Donald, and a son of the Laird o Kingsburg, at whose house Char Edward passed his first night on the Isl of Skve when making his escape throu the aid of the daring and loyal Flora McDonald. Her husband, Allan, held a cantaiu's commission in the army General Donald McDonald and took part in the battle. He had been only a snort time in North Carolina, coming over with his wife and some of his friends in the beginning of 1773, and making his home at Cross Creek, now Faycttcville, subsequently moving to Cameron's Hill, UO miles north, and subsequently to Alison coun ty (tiow included in Richmond county), eventually returning to Scot land, where Flora died in 1790. go out of existence. Snail tne ucmo- cratic party meet that emergency by the issuing of morebouds running farther in ebt or shall it create a uew banking system, better than the old and even more lasting ? Another view of the matter is that if the Democratic party gives the country neither a system of State banks nor uny- thiuyr approaching the free coinage of lver. States iu the political condition of North Carolina, for instance, cauuot be nri-icd for the Democratic party at the next election. in Tin-: i.iui;i. case TIi- Hpccclies ol Xtarec Attorneys From AHhevllle. The Marion Free Lance has this to say of the arguments by several ol Ashevillc's lawyers in the libel suit brought by J. L. IVird against Editor Griffin: The next to address the jury was Mr Dug. Carter of Asheville. He spoke of the fact that Mr. E. J. Justice had said u his speech that what the defence had proven on Mr. Ilird could be proven on the best citizens in McDowell county Mr. Carter painted in colors ol living fire the picture that the evidence naU shown of Mr. End's character and isked the iurv in tones that mug through the court house with power if the 'best citizen of McDowell county was no bet ter than that, llis speech was indeed withering. Mr. Locke Craig of Asheville followed him for the defence. Mr. Craig's snccch was one of the clearest, most log icnl and effective made on cither side. In :i calm, dignified manner he reviewed the testimony find in language that was per fect tor its clearness, force anil beauty depicted the character of the prosecutor as lie tlrew it lrom tne testimony. mt touch of pathos introduced iu the sjeech melted the iurv and audience. Mr. J. vi Gudgcr of Asheville next spoke for the orosccution. in Ins inimitable way n maelc a speech that was calculated to ue- very cllective. Ills speech was tiumorou very. TILL. rKX-r HEAilON. Twits a verv raiiiY nitrht. And all about the shuck was quiet ; Except the mice which raised the squall That caused the rattler to climb the wall. Off inmncil im with a thirtv-two Anil shot the rattier iiiroug" mhu through, ilm for fear it wasn't dead ut another through its head. Vernon rose with a light Just in time to sec the fight ; Vance jerked it from the wan, And it wasn't dead at all. Then the snake struck at John And just barely missed his arm ; Then he picked vv) a stick And give the snake a tcr ible lick. Then Ott with another ball I'ut an end to it all. That did end the snake right Of that rainy Wednesday night. Composed;i, uy a. u. it. A ;oiiiIIliuet. Krprcfcutativca Allen of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, a conversation 1 had with the President unc tune, in one of our long, pleasant interviews laughter, when he said to me that the Democrats were not like the Republicans; that they could not be controlled anil hurled as a mass, but that the Democrats were men of indenetideiit thouuht, and that was what made a great party. ILouel applause.) The ClWzvix'a" Hot ttrtiiEN Clor I .-Ioult.-iit HaiH "Ail Revolr." Hot SfUiNcs. Sent. o. As an occas ional correspondent from this lovel place, during the heated term, permit me to express to the ever obl'ging Cirizii my grateful acknowledgments for many courtesies extended through the frcquen use of your crowded columns. Again thanks to these blessed hot baths and invigorating mountain air, and eve kind attentions on tiie part ol mine host and hostess, Dr. and Mrs. W. 1 Koss of the Mountain Dark hotel. Kcad and able to again resume life's toils another sphere of usefulness in the Sunn South, nothing remains for me to say i oartiug, but to renew my best wishe for the continued success for Till-: Crrizi: and to bid you and friends ".-lu Kcvuir." The foregoing is from Albert Strasbur ger of the staff of the New b'leans Times Democrat, a gentleman who has spent his summers in North Carolina for years and who spreads far and wide, as he travels for his newspaper, the glories of North Carolina and especially of the lio Springs and Asheville. I hough advance in years Mr. Strasburgcr is so vigorou in health ana sprigntiv in manner ena he seems barelv to have left boyhood be hind. Affable and intelligent, he is al way welcome to Asheville and The Citizkn May be come again and again! ANUTHKK ABiHIJilBTRAflO.N un.i.. Tiiu Citizen has intimated or said that the one-idea message of Vrcsidcnt Cleveland, with one of the brightest in tellects of the Democratic party at his elbow to give him advice and informa tion we refer to John G. Carlisle was not creditable to the party; that it was a poor showing from the statesmen of a political organization that had been intrusted by a large majority of the people of theeountry with the immensely important affairs of this government. The President's message did not suggest any creative measures to gradually build up the finances of the country on; it was merely critical of one piece of Re publican legislation; that is to say, it was destructive only. It is therefore a pleasure to learn that at a conference of leading members of the party with Secretary Carlisle to represent the Fresident if we may trust the Washington correspondent of the New York Sim something more than the repeal ol the Sherman act was ad mitted to be necessary by the Adminis tration. The Sun says: "The whole subject was gone over, and while the conclusions reached by the con ference have not taken final shape, it may be stated as a certainty that an Ad ministration bill will soon be introduced in both houses of Congress. "It will provide for a radical change in the national banking system of the coun try. The first step will lie the repeal of the ten per cent, tax on state banks. This idea is is alleged, by some of the leading financiers of the country. "Petitions in favor ol the repeal ol the state bank tax have been received in great numbers from bankers and other financiers all over the South and West, and from many portions of the East, and the sentiment in many instance is em phatically expressed in favor of a change of the uresent system that will permit a reorganization of the national banks ns state institutions. "It is suggested, of course, that the government retain supervision anu con trol of them as far as the system of ex nminntion and holding them to account is concerned. It is said tonight that the President: now favors the chance, anil the nlan nronosed will be embodied in a bill to be drawn under the direction of 1 he Secretary of the Treasury, with Mr. Cleveland s approval and einlorscnent, The measure will come from the commit tee in due time, and the influence of the administration will be used to pass it through Congress nod secure its enact ment." Now, whatever the opinion of individ ual members ol the Democratic party as to the advisability of State banks ol i--ue, it will be agreed by all that it is highly necessary for the present Adminis tration to demonstrate that it has the ability to manage the finances of the na tion at this critical time and to do it along the lines pointed out by tbs Chi cago platform., By reason of the expira tion of the time for payment of national bonds, on which is based the present banking system, the national banks mast, within a comparatiYely few years, IrlelJlJ Wl.I.I. MATTKaS. VISG AH RIDGE SNAKE FIGHT. I , I Shy A.VS ft 11 ELIAHLB U"C KDVCKD H n AILROAU - ' a '".- RAILROAD TICKETS -A.--T ID Si oo to Iio.oo HtVllli Why puy S.1U.OO fura ticket that you can buy for $7.5) or $8.UO. Cheap tickets everywhere. Kvery ticket juarnutccd. Accident Insurant-. ?a,uou lor -i cis. icr uuv. Hay's Cut-R:ite Ticket Oil ice, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, IM. U. Telephone 154. Remington typewriter t' ,f r r A-'. C w.- A tl.i rlCK-Maslcr's anle snilcr "I'lonure in -the matter of the i Railway company. In the i the United States for the . t of Nortb Carolina. The I I'omiitflv, complntnant, vs. Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction," Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITING MACHINE OF THE World' Columbian exposition. Absolutely pure powder J SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE -3 Wyckoff, Scamans & Benedict, 37 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. A mum of tartar IjuMng powder. High est of all iu leavening strength. Latest fulled States Oo vrrnment Fuoii Report. ROYAL MAKING TOWPKR CO., 1O0 Weill St., New York. SOUVENIRS ii-GEMS-lr Wedding Presents. JEWELRY Combination Offer! MADE TO OKDER, The Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville ARTHUR M.FIELD, Home iricl Farm LEADfNG JEMLER, 'rite Bloriu'H 1-ZlTectH Storm sea lers- -"Free Lance" Illjel Case Makiun. Sept. 4-. The late storm left so'iie losses in its track, mostly from tl: destruction to corn. The grain will be injured at least 10 per cent.; the fodile ibout oO per cent.; otherwise the crop was the most promising for years. Our mountain region is a favored on: u its protection from storms. The mountains serve as immense wind break ers, and storm scatters. The McDowell Superior court will close this week. The case ajjaiust Win. II. Llobbitt and Dave IT. I,onon for an affray, resulted in the submission of the former and the conviction of the latter. A few weeks since an iron bridije was completed over the Catawba near the Irwin larm on the Marion and IJakers ville road. A bridge is to be built over both Muddy and Crooked creeks, this county. I-or a while the iurv stood eiylit tor Griffin and four for Bird, in the Free I, a rice libel case, but thev finished seven for Oi ittin and five for Iiird. The case will have to be traveled over in the next court. 18 MOUTH MAIN STRKKT. DISINFECTANTS. Tliev Will Be Hent to Moulli Caro lina II v The United slales. Washington, Sept. 5. Yesterday Sur Keon General Wynian received a letter from the district chairman of the Beau fort, S. C, Board of Health asking for discnfjctauts. Theehairman writes that the entire water front of the town has washed away and that the usumula- tion of debris, in view of the fever further South, threatens the locality with di sease and that prompt action will be necessary. The law gives the Surgeon General power to grant supplies in cases of epi demics and he considers this to mean that he has like authority iu taking such action as will prevent epidemics, and he will therefore grant the request for disin fectants. Surgeon Carter who has been on duty at Brunswick, Go., called on Dr. Wynian this morning. He reports the condition of affairs there as good. There are no new cases of yellow fever and the only existing case is that of a little girl who will recover. TO VISITORS! IF YOU WISH TO CAKKY AWAY A LASTING A.D CllAKMl.SO SOVVliSIR OF, Vlil'OSIT SO -U.TS WITH "TIIU CI1I ZliX" anil HA VIS KLTVKSLU FULL. VALUE IS A FIX IS EXGKAVED VIHW OF ASHEVILLE J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. f TTfVTTTTTTTTT For Sale on Easy Terms to stop Tim rnooRKss .. m , . . . t ii iiinuuipbiiiii. you will And but one guaranteed remeay iwctor Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery. In advanced it brinirs cooif and relief ; K yon canes, mfort haven't delayed too lorur. it will certainly cure. It doesn't claim too much. but it will make dimmed ones sound and bealtby, wbea everything else haa failed. Tba scrof olous affection of the longs that's caused (jonsumpuon, ma every outer I arm of Scrof ula, and every blood-taint and dis order, yields to the " THsoovery." It is the moat effeetlv blood -cleanser, atragth-restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to med ical acienoa. In aQ Bronohial, Throat, and Long Affecons, if it ever fails to benefit or euro, 70a nave your money Dae. A. perfect and permanent cor tor yoor Catarrh or 500 in caah. Thia to promised cna proprmors oc ur. oara-a vatarra TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders intrusted to my care will receive prompt and personal attention. Uttallty of work and material guaranteed. ORDERS SOLICITED. TELKPHONB 170. 3 CULI.UGB ST. iutf7cl3m THE CHOICEST FARM ON SWANMNOA. ABOUT O MILKS 1SAST OF ASUBVILLE ON W. N. C. R. K. Dozen fine spriuKs, seventy-five acres wood lands, large acreage, choice bottom lands, uplands In fine condition, grass and clover, vineyard, one and one-half mile river front, good roads, best of neigh borhood, etc., make this the most dssir abl farm in liuncorabe county. Within one and a half miles is being erected the 950.000 industrial School building. Al so the proposed Mammoth Knitting Mills, backed kj five mil'ion ilollurs. will Include part of this farm. Apply to D. D. BUTTLE, sag7dtf Asheville. N. C. THE FRENCH BAKERY lias been bought by W. A. JAMES, JR., and will be run as a first-class bakery at MO. 5 COLLEGB 8TREET. We will keep a frevh supply of CAKES, riES, and BREAD on band all the time. Prompt attention given all orders. BINGHAM SCHOOL, AStlBVlLXB, H. C. 4- ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST YEAR BBGINS SBPT. 1. Chances. $150 txx half term. -Tuition lor dar ichulum. $50 tKf half term. Round trip on Montrora arcauc car unc iur uu FAKu, I-or catAloKOM aourrss. magi 41 lm Superintendent, The AMtirvilk- direct Kailwav company and the Asheville Lint and Power company, defemlunts. No. i! in equity. Whrrcuw, nt a term of the Oircult court of the United States of the Western IHstrict of North Carolina held at the city of Avheville. In the aid State of North Carolina on the .diy of May, 1M3 a decree was entered fa the above entitled uit, forccloains the mort Kajs'c of said defendant, the Aahevillc Street Knllwrty cmiipnn v. mentioned In said corn pln'nrtnl'H lili ol romp! i in t. nml Whcras, it i therein onion !. adju lijei! .ind decretd that nil the corporate property f all and ever nature whatsoever nml wltrrcver Rit mile. n w owned or buIirc P'rnily ai-quircd by the aaicl AheviMe Street Ktiilwuv eotnpanv in and near the said city f Ahi'viHe. consistinK of all and inrulnr .lie et:ie. real, pertionnl and mixed anil ail '.he riht. privilcnes. franchises. Iraes, e:n tract and v hoses in acl ion in law and in i-quit v, of all and everv kind. 1i Itl and owned bv ir Ixl-mpinK to, or which mibv be here after held, owned or Im Iohk t said( mrt eicnr company, Includinif all aid sinulnr the rnilwity. switches nml iouraouta. rolling itoek, equipment, electric fl:int nd all other property in process of contraction, owned ornc(iiircd at the date of the caecuM-m o' the said morlK!1' or au'iacfiuently by it .'otistructcd operated aid maintained, twne l or acquired and all the protits, (u jonie and revenue derive-1 therefrom, to pettier with all the rijif its, power, privi U cert and immunities Kra i tori under the or Jmances of the Hoard of A K-rniin. nml all Mhr thin:" whatsoever now or herenfter tt lontrini or apicrtaininff to. or which mav tie useI tor the purpose of ciiuipitiK, opera t nijt and inatntiuiuK cuid rnilroail or any p irt thereof; also nil the pr.tmrrt.v, rights .ind franchises of th- Asheville Lrifiht and Power company acquired by the said The Ashevil e Street Kail way company, includit g inmnK other things the follow in k described proper! v : The following lot or parcel of land In t'c mid citv of AshcvJlc, biKinniiiK at the inter section of the fences oil the Booth side of Kn tile street and about tdxty fect east of tlu hinlitiiiK formerly occupied ty the Hlcctic I-icht company, and rnnuinK wi'b the su(li-.-rn itiArjrin of liable St. fouh scventy-th -cc ind one-half dfKrc-s ninety tivefect to a tnkc; thence north thirteen decrees ftfi y itinutct east one bun lreil and fi'tv fcot to a italtc; thence north seventy-three and nc ,in!f decrees east twenty-seven Icet to a stake at the fence; thence north fourteen and .Hie-hnlf degrees west nine feet to the fence .-finer; thence isith the fence north twenf- l wo and one-half decrees cast one huuur ind titty-seven feet to the beginning. Also all Hint tract or lot of laud In said city of Asheville. (adjoining; the lauds of Mrs. Atkins. S. O. Wrl'lon and others and con veved bv J Wcbloii and wife to C. M Mel,outl and on wiicli the Gas Works of the Asheville i:it and i.icht company are ot were situated, with all rights of way and other privilc:r conferred on said Me Loud by tlecu rec'n tleil ! oince or register of deedi for luitieonilie conn t y iu tuk 4-tV of deeds, page H7; also, t he r.lcctric Light and Fowci Works, buUdtag, engines, bui lers, machinery ti'ls. wires, electrical appliances and np parntus. tl na uios, genera tors, arm a tares con tracts of till kind, and all other prop erty formerly btlonginK to the Asheville iCUi-trtc Liht company; also the lias and Li ili l Works, buil-li tigs, engines, boilers, ma chinery, tool!), wires, con I racts of all kinds, retort hotter. co-l slictl aul other buildings, deb verv l'ip ,. b i. tares, lamps and lamp poHtn. huniti ami all other property, real ami p;' is' in id. formerly belonging to the Astieville iis ami Light company; also all thi proisrrty both real and personal of all and every name and nature whatsoever, and whenever acquired by the Asheville Light nml I'ower company, including among other things tli? grounds upon which the new power house stands and held in the name ot .1. A. rei.nciit, trustee, together with all and singular the appurtenances, privileges and heriditamentK belonging: to all of said prop cr !) iMcludinc the franchise of sntd Ashe ville Light and Power company to be a cor ooratiou, un i ull rights of in and through the strict!, ullevs, avenues, public squares, build, iiigjand parks und over jund through pri vacc proper! y in sai l city of Asheville or elsewhere to lay deli v ry and service pipes or siring wires, and the erection of all sorts and kinds oi gas, electric ami other posts or tow :im be s.ld under the direction of A. T. Sum. m y the u idersigned special M astcrCommii u olier, and the proceeds of such sale applied to the satisfaction of said j ud ment, lutercst and Ci.sts eicrpt su.h as are otherwise pro vided fr in suid decree, and Whereas, it Is further ordcrcl, adjudged and decreed that said Master Commissioner shall selt suid property for cash, or for cash and bonds, and as an entirety, and withuut the iietien. oi any stay, valuation, extension r redemption laws at imnltc auction to the highest bidder therefor at saij city of Ashe vibe, and Whereas, It is further ordered, admdgcd and creed that notice of the time and olaee of said Mule ahall be given by said Master Com missioner by advertising; the same c uce a week for eight successive weeks precceding he day of sale in a paper published in the it v of Asheville in said State ot North Car- bna, anu ior me same penou. in a paper pub lished in the city of New York in the State ol New York: and that such sale shall be hehl at the front door of tne building used as s court house by the Oircuic court of the United States at said city of Asheville at such time as said Commissionet shall in said notice ol said sale appoint and Whereas, it is further ordered, admriecd and decreetl that no bids ahall be received from any person tor a less sum than one ban drcd and twenty-five thousand dollars, and that no bia snail be received from any per son who ah 11 not first deposit with said Msster Commissioner as a pledge that such bidder w ii make gooa nis uni in case of ac ceotance the sum of twentv-five thousand doll rs in money or receiver's certificates, ot said bonds secured v y said martcauc to th complainant to the xraoun t of fifty thousand dollars exclusive oi interest; the deposit so received irom mc succchsiui niuucr snail be applied on account of the purchase price, the balance of the purense price mav be nnid either in cash or the purchaser may satisfy the same in wnuicor in pari, oy paying over and surrendering aa v of the unpaid and outstand ing rvi .v it. o . .. caiau ajr upcrif IC- leanii and iLscharirinsr an v claims whiok have hsretofore or which may hereafter be ail udized to ue valid liens and on or in rip hi to tne lien oi tne saiu mortgage and by pi seating and surrendering the outstanding bonds and tne overdue ana unpaid coupons of the Asheville Light and I'ower company and the bonds and the overdue and unnaid coupons pertaining thereto, secured by the mortgage mcnuoncu ana acicrmca in com planant's bill of complaint. The purchase, will take the said property subject to the twenty-six thousand dollars of bonds of said Street Railway company secured by its mortgage of also aubject to the debt off the Receiver herein aa ahall be outstand ing at the date of said sale or the confirma tion thereof, and also asbjeet to tbs then outstanding bonds issued by tne Asheville Light and I'ower company under Its mort gage to the Farmer Loan and Trust com f any dated January 21. 1HHU; also subject o the purchase money mortgage held by J. A. Tenncnt for three thousand dollars and accrued interest. Now therefore nubile notice Is here by given that I, A. T. Hummey, Master Com missioner, ia pursuance of said decree will, oa the 6th day of September, 1893, between tne nours oi twelve taa four o'clock or said day, in the city of Asheville, In the State of Nortn Carolina, ac ue rront door of the United States Circuit court house in said PRICES ON :o HICH GRADE WHEELS X DROPPED ! We have a number of new and second biiiul wheels on hand whi h we wieh to clone out, and for the next 30 days offer them at greatly reduced prices. Call at our store and examine and get prices, whet her you wish to purchase or not. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., 84 Patton Avonuo. TKLHPHONE NO. 40. THE HAYWOOD White Sulphur Springs Hotel, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Is Now Open for the Reception of Guests. It has been thoroughly renovated and nniuy improve ments made, among which are Porcelain bnth tubs on each iloor of the Hotel, with hot and cold water, also at the bath house at the Springs. A fine Chalybeate spring recently discovered on the premises, th water of which isasgcod of its kind as the noted White Sulphur, which makes the pla'-e doubly attractive to those in search of fine mineral waters. Amusements consist of Orchestra and Dancing, Lawn Tennis, Bowling Alh-y, etc. It is tho m intention of the management to make it a pleasant and homelike resort For further luforniation address, B. P. CHATFIELO, Proprietor. lfo&""Also Proprietor of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken S. C. aivB X7S 0 -A. Li Li ! C. M. TATE, MODISTE, S3 CBNTR1L AVE, (BRIDGE 8T.) S. T. TAYLOR 8V8TEM. MISS L M. BhOWNE, Formerly with Stern Bro's., 33rd street and Fifth aveaor. New York City, will be la towa till tne first of October, during- srhlch time she will give lessons la tbe B. T. Taylor system of cnttins; Ladies' Garments. Also eat patteraa for ladies desiring perfect fittlas; Saraseata. Caa b seen from IO o'clock to 4 p. at. at tba Oaks Hotel. aac8d2n Kavenscroft - School OPENS SEPTEMBER 21. FOR INFORMATION Aip1y at the School ft om zo a. im. to 1 p. in ug2Sdlm WORLD'S FAIR, If yon are gslait to ttsen. to the 'World's Fair. write the Uaily Citlsea. Asherille, N. C for iiiastraled printed natter ortenmnr ue Fair, and time-tables and pamphlets isaaed by the steamer linea or railr -ads im would nse from your home to Chierao. No chsrsc ia made. Thia ofser is ma le speciaj napanit with the Recreat: oa Dcpartm the Chriatiaat TJasoa some cares arc Known aa Kold cures, bat the Hmntoa Care is known as the ran care for the Uqoor, Opiaai and asorpstne natiita, and in rnrine mew dally. Ir. SDence ami treated 1 foe above habits aad failed only ia one case. No known remedy for any dis ease cab show ,sck a record. Cama aaar- aatccd at 6S College 8 tract. Aahrrille, TUB Normal and collegiate institute, FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Second Session, September 13, 1803 This Institution Ii located In the most beautiful supurb of of Asheville N. C. The Hila rious building, recently completed for Its use at a coat of $0U.O0O is furnished with pure water from Spring, on the premtacs, ia lighted with gas, heated by hot water and pro vided with hot and cold baths. The health and habita of the pupil are carefully guarded. Besides the ample auacr given for outdoor exercise, a well equipped gymnasium will be fitted up within doors. No expense has been spared to make the sewerage and sanitary arrangements perfect. Kach pupil will have her share In the domestic work, aa a part of her practical train ing for life, and whilst aiming at thoroughness lo every department, the management will atrivc to provide for those committed to their care the advantages, not mrrcly of a christian school, but a christian home. No pupil will be received who is not la reasona ble health, or who cannot furnish credentials as to moral character. FOUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TO THE STUDENT. 1. TUB NORMAL C0URSB, for the thorough training of teachers under Instructors from the best Normal schools. S. SEMINARY OR COLLIiOlATB COUKSK, Including ancient or modern langunges, sciences, music, drawing, etc. 3. COMMERCIAL COURSB, including stcuography, typewriting, bookkeeping, etc. 4. DEPARTMENT OF B0MBSTIC 8CIBNCB, (a) Scientific cooking, the atudy of the production and manufacture of fooda, etc. (b) Sewing embracing the cutting and fitting of garments, millinery, etc. Tbe teachers at the bead of this department are from the famous Pratt School, Urook 'yn. N. Y and the others from the best Institutions in the country, chosen with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organised Preparatory department has becu lurnished for all such as are not prepared for the higher classes. The school year Is divided iuto two terms; cost to pupil $30 per term, or $100 per year, which barely covers the expense of board, the school being practically free, having been provided for by a few liberal friends of female education. A limited number of da pupils received at f 20 per term. For further particulars apply to REV. THOMAS UWKENCE, jy29 Asheville, N. C. city, sell at public auction to the highest bid der In accordance with tbe said terms and conditions of said decree the above men tioned property, land, premises, rights and franchises and appiy the proceeds thereof aa ia by said decree made and provided. ror more particularity, ootn as to the property to be sold and the terms of the sale, reference is made to tbe aaid mortgage and) the decree of foreclosure entered in said salt. A X 8UUUBY Soeclal Master Commissioner. United Ktates Circuit court for tbe Western District of North Carolina. J. Augustas Johnson, 6s William street. New Vork city, M. B. Car ter, Asheville, N. C, solicitors for complain ant. C. Your broken watvona and TchlclcsT)T all kinds to B. Bnrnctte'a ahop on College street, where tber will ' be repaired promptly and la Grst-clasa style. Hay ing secured a first -claaa borse-sboer make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 13. BURNETTE. GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A SURE RELIEF TO SUFFERERS. Wkat Hon. T D. Tohnaton says about it: ' "About four years ago I commenced the use of the OlcnnS8prlngs water, to rid my sys tem of the malaria from which I bsd been suffering for some time. The water has en tirely relieved mc and I cheerfully slate that 1 believe it to be as good water as caa be found for all ordinary disrates of the livir and kidneys. For a general tonic aad rcnovater of the system I believe It has no equal. Very truly yours. "T l. JOHNSTON." Prom John P. Arthur, Bsq , Attorney at Law: "1 dont know the constituents or the Glenn Springs water; If I did I would make some for myself. Neither do 1 know bow It acta; If I did 1 woald act so myself. It la a well made water sad it acts well. 1 caa only say that Ua effects on me and my forefathers been more bear fid al tkaa any cither water we ever used, and I am (lad it has bees pat In the reach of as poor a man as . JOHN P. ARTHUR. "Ts Pclham's Pharmacy, May 33, 1803." What-O. T. kawls writes Pelhan's Pharmacy, Asheville, N. C- "Oeatlcmca: I have used Gknn Springs water and consider it.aa compared with mineral waters, the beat I know of. Bveryone la South Carolina knows about 'Old BoriaKS.' Ia fact It has been most favorably known there for a cen.'ury. Youra truly. "C. T. BAWLS." Asheville, N. C, May 37. 1 80S. PELIIAM'S PHARMACY, Sole Agent . n a n AaJtevlUCt Zf. Ct ft