THE ASHEVIXiXlE JOAXLY CITiZEN. Tuesday Evening, September 5, 1893. A DAY CHUCK FULL OF FUN (Continued front lirst pane.) AROUND TOWN. lleau, Stoves, Moore and Alexander into the running and nn interesting contest made. Stoves and Mean kept up the rear until the finish was in silit and within a hundred yards of the line the formci Icajicd ahead of all and Ilea a spurted with all his might to head the speedy leader, but the end came too soon tor Bean aud gave him second pluct. uaata WIuh. The bicycle races were not held till late. The first, a quarter dash, was ruu by Hush. Sawvcr. Kieh and T hrash, and a irood race made. Unfortunately the timer's watch was off when the pistol fired and no time was taLeii; the boys came in in the order above. First nioncv m the hurdle race was reached bv Otter: Sam Ileaii and Moves second in a dead heat and their money was divided. Frank Uluckwood and Will Smathers . nine in touether in a half mile lit and wheeled a beautiful finish too close for cither to win. When the tie was run tlie same close riiliiis occurred till Smathers spurted halt way home and not a wide lead which he kept to lapcwiimii.K in 1 -' Uluckwood lost his pedal, but said the result would have been the same. The kids were given a chance for the medals in a running number and the en tries filled the course when the word was given. Thev broke like frightened sheep, upset the starter, and ran away with the track. A. I'atton led the string aud lzzie Schaycr got in stcoml. Will Gush and Gene Sawyer UmU first and second medals in the last event lor the bievelists. The winning lime was l.'.'l -1:5. Four entries in the hall-inilc ama teur's ruu saw an exciting brush in IMSU'ii won bv W. WoinacU, Will A Ward of the telephone ollice pushing him a clever run as second. Those who lelt the grounds before the llievcle vs. Trotter race missed a treat. A, M. Field in lilac and black wiih glis tening wheel, turned into the track as the trotter, driven bv Frank O'lUuncll, sailed in for the start and the racers got oil' at the first attempt. A beautiful start was spoiled as thehuggingcrowd's approving cheer went up ami the horse squatted and went to pieces in a break Field was vvav ahead w hen the driver L'ot the animal down, and the l ike slowed un till the stietili was reached for a close race home. The lilac was it. however, and had the race us own wav, winning clc, eilv in 1 1 The foot ball teams had the field tl last half hour and theladdr bucks betted the leather n livelv tussle: as Ihev I'm ished an ancient white mule ambled down the track with flapping ears and the crowd surged out of the grounds to the car platform and in a few minutes were homeward bound. The lirttcar u from the depot a fit r dark had ninety- two lares rung up and they were gath ered from passeimers tl un in am! snick iiu till the windows bulged out and daring individual climbed iq for a place on the trolley, Tlie UasehiUl liuiin-, When Umpire 1 lagan called gan the baseball match between the Husmcss Men and the StoneeutUrs the crowd ex pected to sec the well known figure of Banker i'cnland covering lirst base and the bat. Hut in this they were mistaken. Mr. I'cnland dui not plav at all, Ur. Grant played an inning and a half and with all the get tliereity of an ice wagon made one ol the runs for Asheville. The home boys batted first, and Waildcll went out iroia the lat second baseman to first. Carrier split the wind with the willow, but Me I.oud, who tollowcil him, did better, knoekiuu' a single. In the wild throwing following the hit Mcl.oud silted down to third. -Mcrri-mou hit to short who threw awfully wild to first am! in the excitement the runner and Mcl.oud came home, and as Redwood went out on a fly, made the score two. liiltniore's first man to bat was Culbrcth, who made first on Mc I.oud's mill), but Dougherty was out bv Mcl.oud's catch of his llv ar.d the crowd forgave Lawrence's mull. Three runs were made before Cair and Wallace struck out. Dr. Grant was the onlv Ashe ill.: man to score, making a cle;.n single and finally coining home on tie ball that cost Kankin his life for that inning. Jordan and Waddell struck out. In the Stonecutters' half plain went to first on an error, traveled the circuit only to be put out at the plate. Cul brcth und Dougherty profited by errors, Womaek struck out and Garrcn got to first. Then with two men out and three men on bases, Kecd knocked a two bag ger that brought in two runners. live men toed the rubber in this inning. In the third Mcl.oud was the onlv man to score tor the home team, and he knocked a two-bagger neatlv. Merri- mon'got tangled up with the first base man and it was several seconds before he knew where he "was at." lie died on base, however, as Redwood struck out and Dcnison flew out .'o right. In liiltniore's half there were two men out and two on bases, when keel came to bat and knocked a ball across the track. cleaning the bases and bringing himself in for a home run, for which he wasgiven due credit by the grandstand. These three runs were all they made in the third. Denisou relieved Men itnon in the box in the fourth. Asheville was gooseegged in this inninir. Ionian stilling out Fletcher goini: out by a beautiful slop of Keed's, and Waddell dviug on account of a fly to short. Champlain and Culbrcth were given bases on balls in their hall and were the only ones to score. The Asheville plavers were shut out in the fifth and the score at the conclusion stood 13 to 1 in favor of the Stonecut ters. The players and positions: Business Men Waddell, 1. f.; Carrier :i b.: McLoud. c. f.; Merrimon, p.: Ked wood, 2 b.: Grant, r. I'.: Dcnison, p. and r. (.; Kankin, 1 b.; Jordan, s.s.; Fletcher, W., c. Stonecutters Culbrcth, s.s.; Dough ertv. c.: Womaek, 1 b ; Garrcn, 1. f. Kced. c. f.: Lee. 3 b.: Carr,2b : Wallace r. f; Chamolain, p. , The Attendance. The crowd that attended the games was the largest that ever gathered at the track. One thousand and eighty-two tickets were sold at the gate. Besides this, several hundred tickets were sold uptown. It is probable that the Mis sion hospital, for the benefit of which the . sports were given, will receive $250 or $300. IM THE REALTY WORLD, Still the excursions come! One is to be ruu from Santuck, S. C. to Asheville to morrow, Wilson & McCanlcss are making ar rangements to run an excursion from Asheville to Charleston oti the 20th. The fare will be only $ t. l'cople who want anything put their ads. in Tim Citizen's Want column, be cause every body reads the paper and ad vertising in it has the desired effect. The friends of "Our Hoke" Morris will lie idad to know of his irrcatly improved condition todav. The operation by his physicians this morning- was successfully performed. The first game between the Asheville liaseball club and the Knoxvillc Kcds was plaved at Carrier's track this after noon. The second game will occur to morrow at i p. tn. The service with holy communion which was expected at Lower lieaverdam chapel bv Kcv. Dr. Porter of Charleston will be changed from tlie second to me third Sunday in September. The bricklavers on the Vanderbilt cs tate and the Slabtown White Stockings plaved an eight inninjrs uainc ol liaseball at Kcnilworth Inn vcsterGay. The score was 9 to '.). It. S. Carter umpired. George Whitehead, colored, vjiis before Mavor I'atton this morning charged wit h cm sing Grocervmau lenkitis. After hearing the evidence the Mayor severely rebuked Whitehead ami imposed a fine of $2o. Miss Marion Kadcliff of Newbern, who is in the citv. will give a concert at the Hatterv Park hotel 1 liursilav evening Miss kadclitl has studied music in New York under Prof. Dudley Puck, and will render a number of choice vocal ami in strumental selections. A partv of fox hunters composed of 1). L. kevnolds. Dick Sevier, It. V. Morris, N. A. kevnolds, Dr. J. S. T. Paird and J. W. Spears had a lively lox eliase ol a couple of hours last night on lilk moun tain. The lox ran into a Hole just as tlie hounds were about to take him, and he could not be caught. Todav Mai. 1. M. Blair, the auctioneer. sold for k. 1. Hill, trustee, a house and lot on Stai nes avenue near l'lint Street. The purchaser was 1. K. Pickcrsou aud the price S33C. the sale subject to a sec ond mortgage of Sl.-'OO. Tomorrow at noon Mai. Blair, for Master Commis sioner A. T. Suinmey, will sell the Ashe ville street railway. Asheville will be well represented at the present session of the University at Chapel Hill. Those already gone from here are lamic Sawver, Will Weaver Hugh Atkinson, and 1 W. Thomas. This crowd will be augmented bv the following students, who left Asheville todav: Tom Brown. Guv Kankin, Tom Smith, Willie Mvers, a nil Harold John StOII. Gen. k. l'. Vance and his son J. N. Vance, who conduct the hotel at Alexan der, assigned vestcrdav. The liabilities amount to about $20, u and the assets arc about $2S. 0(1(1, and include the Mor rison tract, 112 acres; the hotel tract 123 acres: the Riverside tract, U-HI acres md the stock of goods at Alexander. A. II. Baird of Asheville is assignee and ludger & Martin attorneys. kcv. C. O. loues of Cleveland, Tenn., formerly of Asheville, is now conducting i revival meeting in tlie First Al. li church. Mr. tones is engaged regularly in evangelistic w ork. lie has had marked success in many places in different States md inanv people in Aslic ville will he glad to hear him again. The service Sunday evening was well aitcncea. lvionuay evening the attendance was mucli larger and the interest manifested was encour aging. Services at 1U a. in. and N p. in. ach dav. 1 he public is cordially invited to attend. President Cleveland 'Will Speak. Washington, Sept. 5. President Cleve land has been invited by the citizens committee to attend the Centennial an niversary of the laying of the corner stone of the United States capitol build- inir ou Monday. September iStn. 1 He WHILE THE PRICE IS LOW President said he would attend and also promised to make an address. He Itt H Train Kobber. Sr. Loi is, Mo., Sept. 5. -Chailcs Gunn, under arrest as a suspected train robber, has been positively identified by the crew of the Mobile and Ohio train he held up in June last, and his cause lias been turned over to the officials of the Southern Kxoriss company, who will prosecute. AnUevllle Markets. Corrected daily by POW ULL : SNlPbK. wholesale and retail srrooers. These prices arc bcuiK paid by the merchants to-oay. Butter 20i25l Anpies low 1 -n Belts 1 I Apple, dried Chickens 1o02O I'umpklns.cacn.nuta Turkeys 70(un imisurKum '" Ducks 2l(a)25Hecwx, per li 15 Potatoes, iiw't ,;,monev Potatoes, Irish. Wheat vo T'irnips 30((X4.0lConi ;5 Onions 7...vieai " Caboose, per lb 'poats y Means, pr Uii.1uumi.iii - IVns C01i75 Hay, ton SgooO Chestnuts 250!Celcrv. dui udioi" tVuiong the short articles that appear in the North American Review for Sep tember arc "The South Carolina Liouor Law," by the Mayor ol Aiken, b. C; "The Hriggs Controversy from a Catholic Standpoint," by the Key. I.. A. Nolin, I.U.D., anil "iSci'dcd l'rison kc forms," bv 1 C. Ivhbcd. Ul'MSIV SCHIiDl'l.!-;. Leave Court House Square on C har- lottc street electric car for Sunset Park at "J a. in., and every 'M minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. Commencing then at 2 p. m., take car at square every 30 minutes until 7 p. m. w. a. it t. v. cHi;ui i.i; Regular half hour schedule to Sulphur Sorines without eliange. lars leave rear ol postoiuec s:.m a. in. unu iiicncc every half hour until S p. m. Round trip !o cents. Car also leaves postomce at to a. tn. to Spartanburg train. II ighost Prices Paid for Hnilroail Pickets SpiM iul Kates Oil ored Are dent Insurance. Clarke, ii. V. Hotel FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS WE OFFER AT COST FOR CASH Refrigerators, Ice Chests, ill Index to Mew AdvertlNeiueuts. Wanted A. II. C. Keeil C. S. Cooper. Lost Mis Kavannilgll. 1'or Kent leo. S. Powell. For Kent W. S. Cushman. Pcnehes ami ilrajies Peek. Wanted A .1., c itizen titlicv. Crackers and Cakes Kroner. Aeeidcnt Insuranee A. Kankin. A SKl'TIl CAROLINA I.ADY who has. last heavily by the Cyclone, ilesires em plovment ol s'une kind. Kclcrencc kivcii Address A. II. C , Postolliec. Bd:il IIOK KlvNT From October 1st, twelve- MJ room lurnished house. 127 llaywuiid St Apply to l.HO. S. roWIiLI.. (Ulnk y li M PliTliNT AMI Kl-:t,lA S1I-.NO C.KAf'llRR. Tvpiwriterand Hook keeper n ants a position; Iuiik experien'e. OiUl" A. J , iLizen oiiitt-. dress. sept Jiltllll : HKd'.iuRhbrcd Jersey bull AU HUX 013. IK SA I.I-: A j entitled to register; two years old 1". . F K RUNT. No. ptlerson Drive, near West Haywood street, close to street cars, six rooms, siu ;o. owner pays water tax. W. S. CI SHUAN, court square. idtf t)ST. lletw cen JuilKe Moore s house anil Mm. Holli-v's. a nair ol case marked Fox, Philadelphia. A suitable reward will be paid on l heir return to the latter place. MISS KAVANAl till. ill t" fUNO TUNING. ! PRICI5 KliPI CKIl Chief ol l obce Ilarkins lias rcceivctl .'i card from L. I. Dcltusli of Middlcsboro, Is v., asking him to be on the lookout for i couidc ol men who are passing counter- lerfeit money. One of the men is de scribed as Ci feet 1 inches tall, weight 15 to U0O, light comiilexioti, smooth shaven and wearing light suit of clothes. riic second man is o feet i or !-, wcmlit 14.1 to loo, blue eves, brown moustache, aud wearing dark clothes ami hat. line of the men represents himself as a whis key dealer and the oilier claims to be cot'.on ouver. The article from tin. tatesvillc Land mark concerning O. H. Wheeler, jr, itiolcd in Tin: Ci riziiN of a recent date having been brought to the attention of Mr. McXamce he informed Tmc Citizen that the securing of bail and the depart ure of Mr. Wheeler both took place without his knowledge or assent and that he was in no wise responsible lor the apparent reduction in bail aud was not consulted at all about the matter. He further said that he was informed in New York, on Thursday last, that Mr, Whcilcr was then in that city. Till September lo I will tune Square, t-p riiilit and Grand Pianos for $J.SO each Work guaranteed. J ".. BI SSEI.L, 17 South Main Strc.t, or 1". O. Box 32 i- UllJlllllw N' TIC1$ T SCHOOL L'llII.MK UN All children t xik-cUhk to at tend Ihc Fuldic ScIkm.Ij duriiik: the inminu session are re micsted tt mctt me at the respcctivt. senool tjuildiiiizdt ,-tt the titm-ft veil ln-lcnv, t hat they may ne raticu inrnuimssum. l ins ap plies to former as well as to new pupils I annts are invited to cmiic witii ttK'ir t'liu dren. lis animations will roiitinuc froit 1 and troin ;i t-k each day: (raiiKi' t ret t build in tr. i dtu sday , Sept e in tier Montlord avenue buildiiiK. T!i ursday. Sep temlier 7; Itailev street building, !rida v Septcmher 8; Catholic Hill. Monday, Sep Umber l 1 . J. I. liOt.i L. L. r i I;4N, J l icpt4dU COMING AMD (iOINt; A T" OKTOA.GIS SAI,B By virtue of the i? 1 power vested in me by a. itiortiinue ex ecu ted tt) mc an trustee by A I- lnyte and wife, Ullie Ingle, un the tHh tlay of March : wi, 1 , to set ii re certain notes therein dc scribed to Martin Whitamore, und default having been, I will sell ti the highest bitldea for cash, at the court bouse in Ashe villc, on Monday, the lsthdav of Sept em ber, the land dtsenned in paid trust ileed, as ndiiinini' the lands of lames R, VVhiUmort, John M. CiUtdwooiI und oth ers, containing 20 acres more or less This August 10, 1S'.3. JOHN I- GKir-'f IN, l r us tec. V. H. MAI.nNU, Attorney. auKjr,dltw3t : HAMMOCKS China and J a p n 1 Mattings W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC., Buy Your Coal BEST VARIETY OF ANTHRACITE. CELEBRATED JELLICO LUMP. Car Lots and Less ASHEVILLE ICE ic COAL CO., 34 Pattou Avenue. Telephone No. 40. 16 Pnttou Atvuuc. AsbeTlltc, I. C. Triumphs of Modern Milling arc the Roller Kina and Electrio Liaht Flours. Don't accept others as "just as good." Ask your grocer for ASHEVILLE MILLING CO.'S PRODUCTS Choice Corn Meal and Graham Flour. Wholesalers of Grain and Mill Feed. oi i Rouble CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES WHITLOCK NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. 1 crsonalH About People In Alie- vllle aud Out. Ciipt. V. E, McHcc is at the Battery I'nrk. W. C. Sprinkle came up i'ruui Marshall yesterday. C. L. Conndim ol Georgetown. S. C is at tlie awannanoa. Sam Hear, ir.f is at the Itattcry 1'ark todav from ilminiton, N. C. ('.. P. MtGibbon of Montreal is amonj; the quests of the bwannanoa tod.ay. AsaV.Ioomis, a fonncr popular hotel man of Asheville, has returned to the eity, where he will make his future home Willis E. Boyer, advance ajjent of the "Zeh" company, which comes here on the 13th, came in yesterday and is reg istered at the Grand Central. Roht. H. Troy of I ayetteville is stop- niiii; with his brother, Kev. J. C Trov for a few days before eoinc to Knoxvillc to resume his studies at the University of Tennessee. This afternoon's train pulled out with a jolly party of World's Fair pilgrims from Asheville aboard. The party is comnostd of Mayor T. W. i'atton and family, Waterworks Superintendent Murray and Mrs. Murray, Miss Nina Johnston, Miss Chcesborough, Kev. and Mrs. McNeely DuBose, Miss Walton ond Miss Georcia Harkimi, and they will spend ten days in the White City. FlVB R BASONS Why Yon SUOtTLD TAKB Thb Citizbn 1. It Prints the New. 2. It Writes It Own Kditoriuls. 3. It is the Best Local Pajwr Ever Printed in W. N. C. 4. It Prints the Latest TcleRrapliic News From All the World. R. It Believes in Asheville Always. To gun up IT IS A NK WSPAPIiR. HAVB VOU THOUUnT OPtlT'.? Six Dollars Will Get It For a Year, and If You Live in Asheville It Will Be Delivered at Your Door Cvcry Kvening. ! r1 - CD P. P S3 3aK CO o 3 CQ 1 Wbal la TransptrlnK In Tbt Wat of Dirt XrausaclioiiM. Tbe following deeds have been filed in Register Mackey's office : M. A. Rickman and wife to . M. Kiekman, s acre in Ardco $ 100 C. W. beale and wife to R. V. Youneblood, Vi sere in Ardcn... 100 R. P. Youngblood and wife to Tbot. W. Tow, ' property in Atdcn 300 Tbe early fall is tbe appropriate time for outfitting and we are better than ever ready to furnish your garments promptlv and perfectly. Scbartle, tbe tailor, 43 Patton avenue. "What 13 It 7" Yesterday while a painter was at work at Grant's pharmacy be found in the yard in rear of the building a woim that for size and formidable looks "takes tbe cake." His wormsliip is about six inches long;, an inch in di ameter, green in color, and with eight or ten ugly horn a on its bead. Dr. Gront showed the worm to a number of per sons, but none of them could name the find. Tbe Doctor then put the worm in alcohol, bottled it and labeled it "What is it?" and kindly contributed it to The Citizen museum, where callers may see it. tr n X m o o CO S3 CO I O O O C Tbe season's English and domestic woollens are in with us and we bare the correct patterns as well for gentlcnen'a suitings. Svhartlc, tbe tailor. P (0 01 p CD i O o CD a u w r I w o a c L, O T H I N G H O u s E -I-0 . IS down your During the next thirty (30) days we oiler tfi-eat indueeiuents to cash buyers of Cloth- irnr. All our Summer Goods must be sold to make room for fall stock. A glance at our present marked prices will convince you that this opportunity. Our stock, always best in quality and fit, is now offered below values. This special sale embraces the entire stock without re serve. Clothing, Hats, Rubber Goods and (touts' Ftirnislunirs all marked down as novpr before. It will nay vou to see us be fore you buy. WHITLOCK - CLOTHING - HOUSE Corner Eagle Block. Keep In stuck "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club." and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. Tlie Ins Wines, Brandies, Beer, Ale and Stoat for family a sc. Ail goods delivered free. Ale and Porter on drauKDt, Bntcrancc No. 19 North Main and TVt College streets. Telephone No. 1S3 P. 8.: On and after May 9th I will send statement of accounts by mall to panics In debted to me If not settle I by that time. Respectfully, rROrHIBTOn CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. We buy from first hands, paying cash. The Money Panic has lowered of all kinds of Feed. We have taken Fine Lot of- Honey : in : tlie O oixlId KUMIT OUT ! THH MOUNTAINS prices advantage of the low prices and are now stocked with Fresh Goods in the Feed Line. Can sell at such figures that no man can expect lower prices. We sell at Whole sale and lletail. Respectfully, C. S. COOPER. Bcadc.uartcrn far Hie Spartanburg: Steam naked Bread, Til 15 l'INUST UK HAD OBTAINAU1.B. NO TAULIi IS COMl'LUTB WITHOUT IT.- FKKSH EVBKY HAY. ft FALL TI1K SPOT CASH STORK ax Mortli Main Mtrcct. Telephone No. i5 ARE NOW MAKING THEIll APPEAHANCE IN THE COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, COAL, COKE, FlItEWOOD, KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) PLASTEK PA1HS, CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. LAND PLASTEIl. SEWEU PIPE, HAY AND FEED. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. OSBORNE & GHRR FINISHERS : OF Contractors fur Interior Decorating and Fainting; of Dwellings, Store Rooms, Etc. 4 PBOPBJBTOU OP Some already here, more cntraiisit. Misses Haupt aud Driver will be here on the 15th inst., with both their departments well represented. They arc at present in New York selecting all the novelties in the DRESS GOODS LINE, with trimmings to match. Also French Pattern Hats, to be displayed at our opening. Notwithstanding the crj of hard times, our store will be kept up to its usual stand- HARD ; WOODS. : ETC ard. Preparatory to the reception" of our fall stock goods on hand will be greatly re duced in price from this date. Bargains in abundance for all at DKAI.KKS IN I Wall Papor, INTERIOR DECORATORS- -AKD- CAMBO RBLIEF8, LINCRU8TA WALTON8, LIONOMUR8. Aslieville Sisn and A.dvertislns Company. PICTORIAL, COUNTRY AND DBADWALL ADVBRTI8INO. Slgna of all kind made cheaply and promptly. DESIGNS OP ADVERTISING 8PBCIALTIBS. Advertisins; Sign Boards oa Wood or Metal, Etc., Etc. We gWc prompt atonUofl to all order and gcuumntee oar work to be ol VPCRIOR QUA. a. ITT 1T- AND DNEXCBLLBD BY ANY, AND WB kf BAN JOST WHAT WB BAY. Corner - Court - Sauare - and - Slain - Street COOPBK'8 CUOCEKV 8TOKB. P. S. Parties owing accounts will please settle at once, as we need all the money possible to purchase fall stock. V