THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Wednesilav Evening, September 6, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN THB Dn.T Citiikn, Democratic, In published every afternoon (except Sundmr) ut the fol lowing rate sencur mim osa Ybak Six Months Thbbb Months Om Month OnbWbbk $8.00 a oo 1.50 60 15 REMINISCENT. unci WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMDEK C. 1S03. "... Silver, being a commodity the value of which fluctuates olleu ami widely, the parity may nay day be de stroyed and the country be upon a shift ing standard of gold and silver, accord ing as the price of silver rose or fell. . . Charlotte Obscrucr. Where silver has becu ti money metal aud fully recognized as such its fluctua tions have been few and far between and slight. "PERSONILLV CO.MlVCIIiU" A Charlotte paper wants Colonel Ilar rcllto submit the charges and complaints made against him by the "personally conducted" he took to the World's Pair to a committee of arbitration silting at Raleigh where there would be nothing going on to distract their attcutiou. The Charlotte rjcaccmaker fortrcta that the one body of intellect competent to con; prehend this thrilling question has ad journed, having decided that the sal is not a mare c ausain. or words to 111 a effect. The rp.-il lesson of the J larrell excur sion of discontent has not vet U linTivrrrri. 1 1 is sim id v that intended World's Fair visitors from North Caro lina are not generally children and tl.cic fore do not need to be personally cor. ducted anywhere. The way to j;o to tin Fair is to pack one small trunk and j;c atone or with a lew friends. T put one s self under the wing of a man who knows no more than you do is to sacrifice that niii. ti nf inrlenrndetiec. freedom to go and come as you will, a freedom no possibl .amount nf monev saved on a ticket or board bill can take the place of. the BO Mi; RKSOI.l' TIONi. Th- mrtnh'rs nf the Marion bar I legal bar) have adopted some resolutions of sicklynaturethatthcy should lieasliamcc of. These resolutions say : "k'.-snlved. That His Honor. V.. T linvkin. is an able, impartial, pure : upright Judge, and that his ridings have been lair anu eimitaoie as wen as nut and learned. "Resolved further. That the citizens McDowell county are greatly inilehic to His Honor for the amount of wor done on the criminal and civil dockets. due to his unilorm patience and desire I do justice." We do not doubt that Judge I'.oykiu has been all that these resolutions say he of it? To be "inin utial pure and upright" is simply to perlori his duty as thousands of judges do over the country. Secial eciumcmlati of these ordinary and expected tpialities seems to convey the tl are, in some way, unusual m Marion or that they were such as Judge lioykin was believed, until this sitting of not to have. The citizens of McDowell county ar not "greatly indebted to his Honor I the .amount of work done .... due to lite uniform patience and desi-c to d justice." Judge Kyk'm is paid for doin justice; it is his business; aud there or should he, nothing so unusual in tl fact as to call for especial remark from any one, least of all from the Mark lawvers who. we are fearful, worn have not had the courage to pass resolu tions of censure on Judge Hoy kin had his conduct been other than judicial. We hope Judge Coy kin hns the clear sight to recognize at once that such res olutions have no place "spread upon the minutes of the Superior court of McDow ell county," as the Marion lawyers sug gest. They should be dropped into the judicial waste-basket aud forgotten. NEWS IN OUR OWN STATE. nt-yt;loiimetit of The eit- Cuuulry coumared. Euitok Tub Citizen : In the rush of the age, as we now sec it, with the pro gress and development of the country, is well to lake a look at the past and .... . ,,..... ccp in siglit I lie struggles aim laowi s 01 our aticcstois; in fact it is me only way to keep their memory green in the minds of their children. As the years go by, ami ttie sere md yellow leaf appear to s line ot us, . i - . .i. ii.: . ...i .... we ttiiiiK more ui cuv.-sc iuidk li-.-is.-inter task can be iicrlornieil than o devote an hour to these pleasant rtcol- elior.s. The first thought atul observations ot man ot advanced years is How tilings i ve e uirucw liiuu ins uieiiioi y , ou lmw this beautiful land ot ours lias in the last half century, and it is a reflection to see that the mate-, ial imurovemcnts of. the country :ivl- l-.eiit oaee with tli liuikling ol cities, towns, rauroaus, eie , .mu &u il i IimImv. The advancement in tin-country in everything calculated to make people more comUnlable, happv ancl intellect ual is quite abreast of our towns' aud ilies ail vaiKemeuts. 1 ins is so in ;-.o n-rs ol society, religion ami politics. In lonking back we see, w here lue ashes t llu- Imliau's canio were louml, a iMiidsoTi e country cqu u It the wains ol tin- community, aim of other convenienecs. an l anopteil to the gro'. in ol c iirisii.iu tn iuiaii'iii. S;-akii -g ol reminds me ol the condition of Haywood county, tlie place otmv hirtli (ami I inn j'l-.aiil toclaimil). t the ti ne ol my lirst reecilcition ol lunch-going it "was about the year 1SLT) the people calico .Met mulisls ami liapti-.-ts had the onlv ehureli organiza tions kn.nvii to tneeoi.iiiy. fhc- May wood circuit, as it was called under the- itinerate system of these hard- oiUiog and planting people, embraced II Havwood county as it then was to tin? Tuckastege river, as its southwest boundary it was tnen a lour weeks cir cuit with appointments leaving sometimes two and sometimes three what may be called rest days. One ol these rest days was employed to ride from my father's lio'ise ( always the home of the pre acliers of all denoiniuat ions I on loiiathan s creeK to -orani l.iuoc s on Oconee I. ul t v 1 1 er. over a lny'i mountain, the head of Jonathan's creek, a distance JO miles, an.l this was called a rest ,-. One other r s'. day was a ride in this settlement to th headwaters of t he Tuckaseegee river, say a distance of:!' I miles, and 1 presume the third rest dav. if it happened, was employed in some special appointment. 1 his arduous work was pcrioriiKii in LSJO l.i v a young, vigorous man by the name of David l"ieiaiug, a man of strong mind, full of energy, who lived along, useful and laboretis" life, liigulv honored b I he ehureli, wit hout a stain or blot in his character. This labor was performed lor the sum of $HH if lie could get it. This icrritorv cow has about live or six circuits aud about thiee stations is no ton much, what the necessities ol til The HiirUe county agricultural fair will opcu October 10. Salisbury will soon have one of the best opera houses in the Slate. The Virginia Silver association has ordered 10,000 and Mr. Alexander, Sen- itor Call's orivate secretary, OOO copies of Senator Vance's speech. Charlotte News: A new gold, find has been made on the Surface Hill. It is several hundred yards from the old pits aud is said to be very rich. A Mr. lley lor found a yold studded rock that was voith$S5. The place is being worked at a great profit. Charlotte Observer: The Charlotte Cotton mills have not only started up its f pinning; mill, but on Monday com menced operations in the new weaving mill, which has just been completed. This new weaving mill will make wide white goods, and will probably give oc cupation to 30 or t') weavers and as many more hands in other departments. The following advertisement appears in some Kiistcril N. C. papers: regres sive institute, male and female. lunn. N.C. A good preparatory school, with a well matured course of study. Web ster's speller. Smith's English grammar, and a good smooth switch still hold their rosoective ami time-honored place. Fall Ui in for lS'j:! bcnins September Glh. D. II. Darker, principal. Charlotte News: Dining the fust praver in Amity l'resbv lei lan church, Sunday, Mr. Dave Campbell had an epi leptic lit. The excitement was so great at one time as to almost drown the words of the minister, and take the at tention for him. The case of Mr. Camp bell is most peculiar aud very sad. Some time ago he was driving a horsepower attached to a threshing machine. The horses became frightened aud ran away, throwing Mr. Campbell into the Hying wheel and i evolving rods. lie received a lick on the head that caused the malady. A GREAT GAMS. lO TO 4 IN FAVOR OF ASHEVILLE. You may not take nu Interest iu bas.-bull, but you eunuut fail to be pleased with the low prices 1 um now olTiriiiK in Railroad and Steamship Tickets TO ALL I'AKTS OP TUB WOK hp. .. .. (too TO fio.oo 8vr.I). $ Kay's Cut-Kate Ticket Ollice, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N.C. Telephone 1 S3 4. PRICES ON- tx mv.e.i. people demand only mentioned the growth a county, and t the step of town. (7-.. li vi- CJ Vilf l Kip an.! it a ml i iiat impi ought to have. 1 -- a", illustration ol evelo nient ol til the country keeps ovcincnt with the .1. T. lUivitlsmi. ii t in 1 1. t'i-ov. William FRO.U MAUISUN, Yes, , It Blew A Series of liltf JJecl- inics Cliurclm liullclliiif. LViNdi, Madison Co., N. C, Sept. 1. You can talk of northern blizzards and western cyclones, but we arc sure that there never was a worse day in the Laud of the Sky than last Monday. Hie rain came in torrents and the wind blew in every direction, prostratingcorn and do ing much damage to other crops that were very much below the average any w nv Our section of country is now having a series of big meetings. The Sprin Creek Union Sunday school convention met at Lurk's Ch-tjjel on August 25, am with lirother lasocr Ebbs as chairman, hml it fraud time as any otic can have with the good people of Spring Creek There have been many new and elegant churches and school houses erected in the cii'hth and thirteenth townships re cently, anions them the Spring Cieek seminary wherein now M. li. and licnily keeves is teaching; school. 1 tie ictno dists have built a cood ehureli on Meadow Fork. It is called Itahhng Chanel. It was dedicated last Sabbath by Brother Sconce, who preached one of the best sermons ever preaeiien Meadow Fork. The Christian people of Upper Meadow- Fork had a fine time on Auaust at their annual meeting. So if the good neonle of this section hold out faithful there will be none left ignorant and not a sinner lost. A. Aoms, PKOUKAil OF RACKS. The Will Occur at Ilie Morlli Car olina State Pair. K A LEIGH, N. C, Sept. 5. The race pro cram for the fair is as follows: Second day. Wednesday, October 18, 1893, o'clock p. m. 1 3.00 class, trotting to harness, purse $100. Mile heats Best three In five. 2 Running race, purse $50. One-half mile beats, weight for age, best two in three. 3 Two-year-old class, trotting to harness, pur&e $lt.O Mile heats Best two in three. 4 2.4() class, trotting to harness, purse $150 Mile heats Best three in five. Third day. Thursday, October 19 1893. 5 2.50 class, trotting to har ness, nurse $150. Mileheats Best three in five. 6 Running race, purse $oO. Half mile beats weight for age, best two in three. 7 Three-year old clns, trotting to harness, pnrse $150. Mile beats Best three in five. 8 2.30 class, trotting to harness, parse $200. Mile beats, best three i.n five. Fourth day, Friday, October 20,1893. 9 2.35 class, trotting to harness, purse $150. Mile beats Best three in five. 10 Kooning race, parse $50. Half mile heats weight for age, best two in three. 11 Open to world, trotting to harness. ; $1,000. Ad tie beats Best turee in t2 0B T" PaTjjrv'S SAI.H By virtue of a. power of ii'r e..n tionc.t In n nd of rruit Mr.'l to hi.n ht U M. WiU'nms and J. W. J.tti-e. on the 13lh ilav of Mine, A. I. IKOl rtefault haviiR tireu mule In the payment of the inebteilncs as -curefl therein, the uti i si -zneil as trustee wt'l on M-nnay. the O dav of Oc'otier. 1S:.1. ot thecourt home lobr in the eltr of A nhcville, Hell for cash to the hierhrnt bidder, the land and premises dccritrd in naltl Lleed of Trut. situate, ljinu and bcinjj In the comity of Puncoinne and state of North Carolina, o the waters of H-avcrdnin ercek. on t h- ent sjdr of the Ashcille n- d Ilnrnsvil'e ro.iil, Bloinin IS the lndsol" S T. H.-Or.l. W O Kamscy pml others, and ilc-serilicil as follows: BciMnninc on n sniHll l.lai-konk S. A . c''s sou t heast corner. It ru-s with snnl Carter a lint somn einli' v drKrccs.- wist two hundred and seven ty and '.i-io ('J70 ill fi-et toa dosrwood: then aimtti eljrhty-four drervni 2' west, two hun dred -d one nnd 4--10 (201 . feet to ii stake at a sprin-; then stiuth s'jf a7' west two hUn.irr.l and fifty tvro and I t0 (U52.0) feet to a stake near another I'rine; thn aouth 1 !i 27' west fort y-one t1 1 left to n pr -losed roacl: then with fsi.l road north 77 2' west three hundred and 'isty-stK and 3-lt Lldl m feet to a st:ikc on top of a ri'lKe ii an old orchard; then south 7l west one h'lti 'red nnd thirf.- nnd 210 (t:t0.2l feet to a s'ae; then s -nth r,:t west oe hundreil anl liftv-one nnd ISI K) li-ct to a stake in the mMd'e of the Ahevillc and rtiirns-vilie ro;id. thn wl h said road ouh 11 -"' west f rcr hundred rut. I forty (3V0 feet; then sotU ti1 e-ist three hnndred and five l.-Mf.) feet; then south 2.1 lX'enst seventy nine ati.1 r-lo I 7'..". i feet to n stake in th-i-entrc of siid r'-n-i, llrown's north west cor ner in the Wo nlfin old tine; then with said Mrown'a flo- th line north 77" HlV mt ot tluusand two hundred and ciulity -right and 3 lO l 12XH.51 feet to a small oak the south west corner of the land own-d lv Ir. . S. R-.ird; and then with Unir.t's went line north east five hundretl and nlnely-fire and 5.11) .r'.5.Bl tcet to a m ill liliiek ok. t -e ti.-iiinninn corner, con ' ai fiur Twenty and tlVl-lOo acres, more or less, all of which land" nr.. more particularly described in s d Heed of I rut, which is reeoTded in Hook No 2-t of Mortuaires. in the Ri-Ki'ter's otli.-c of llun comlie count y. at pa,:es '..), etc .to whici refer ence is hereby mad- for a further descriotion f the nme, i i order to satisfy the indebted n. ss, interest and costs, as secured by said deed ot trot. -M. li. CARTKK. Trustee. T COLUMN. tV ANTED. "17-ANT1SP A four-room honsc as central TV as possible. Addrc-s U X., Citizen Of fice. aiiKldlw A SOUTH CAKOI.INA l.AIJV who has lost heavily by the Cyclone, ileslrcs em filovment of some kind. Kelcrcucc Riven. Address A. II. C , l'l-Htullicc. Cidl'.l STHNO OKAC'HKR.Ti pc writer anil llookkcciicr wants a positiiu; loni; t-xpci icnee. 6iUlt A. J , Citizen Oilier. flOMPHTUNT AND K1U.IAH1.I5 rANTKH A live If business In this place, previous ex perience not m-ccsarv to the riyht man dress PLYMOUTH KUCK PANTS CO sciitldMl Knoxville, Tcnll. man to represent our ex-Ad- WANTKH To borrow $20(1 to 51HI for three numths or longer, on best secu rity; no bonus, but reasonable interest. Not pressed for money, but could make more il 1 had this udditional capital. 1. O. box titi. .jy2VKItf AirANTKD-TO OIVB $100 R1IWARU for W any case of toothache that oae "bot tle of Williams King's famous toothache medicine will not cure in two minutes. For sale by all druKKists at 1( cents per bottle. We ask you to try it. livery bottle guaran teed liv T. C. Smith oi Co., wholesale acints for Asiicvillc. N. C- ic21d:im. FOR RENT. TTIOR KliNT From October 1st, twelve- I' room furnished house, 127 llavwooil St Apply to : .il iwk GEO. S. 1'OWliLU. JfbsoiuUty Pure T,L liOK KliNT AJ Clayton boarders, an5dtf -House of 18 rooms, No. 20 street, suitable for taking Apply to II I- OK ANT, 24. South Main street. A crc of ftli! est ttU Ic lar bukinj; powder. Hteli :ivtuins strength. Intest 1 Stat.-s Ooveii" incut Tood Kcport. KlYM. HAKINO I IUVPEK C.. !..! Wall St., New York. SOUVENIRS ii-GrEJMS-Sr l--0 HV t;r;ice f X'i:v V, Kit. SLiit. -'. F.-i- cruelly of eoncciiliun :;ml b. liliicss of execution, the storv oti'oli-hcil in the riiilaiiclclii.'t Tress ol last Tucsil.iv a-. il tele-graphed bro:n.l cast nver tl;.' civilized world to tin effect that the life of fieri 'cut Cl.-vclaml was lieiii.- :;radually b,-tpC-l away liv caticer in his liioutli is probably without n.ira.l'.e! hi p.i. .iterts roli! ieal histi..ry. Tin le-rin "political history" is used adyit-cdly .th-.Hi''h tl.c rccit.'il dealt re-let fuilv with an alleei! pcrs.:ilal aliiietion ilh tlic 1'itsidcnt. us l.iiirua:-re hid the real motive tuiuci iv niij il, as iiic mi. up claws of a ti.ucr are liuldeu by its sou coat, which motive had its origin m the keenest personal resentment ami polili- 1 hatred, tlie article np ared over the sioiiatt::c "lLolland" hieh is the de- plume of K. Jay Hd- w.irds, tho New York corrcspoude-nt ot the Tress, but the ical author of the scandalous narrative holds his head duller m llic community I ban tlic journ alist. To t he lew re ; sous w bo are lanuliar with the inside history of the late Tres- ktitial c;im pni.L'.ti and the events subse- pient to the flection of Air. Cleveland. it is not iiillicult to trace toe story to us real author anil to guess at the animus which prompted. It is but to echo a ucpicion wlireli Has been expressed Irc- tjueutly since Tuesday to chromele the name ot Air. wiu am rv. t.racc in tins connection. (ountin that Mr. Grace inspired this lory crediting Mr, Cleveland with a aiiccr a story based rather on a gum .oil ora bad tooth the fiendish malignity of the act w ill be obvious to all when the ichcatc condition ot the Trtsidenl's wile is considered. Americans love a fijiht, but thi-v hate a fighter who docs not t fair. The nan who inspired the Cleveland cancer story is not deserving f any consideration at the hands of the prcs under tl.c circumstances. Cincin nati Tribune. Wedding Presents. T()T 11 vested in ttie by a certn'n deed of trust executed by M. U. ltailcy and his wile, K. li. llailcv, on the first day of March, lsini, for the purpose cf securing a certain promissory n te for the sum of $l,OIM and interest, the said note being more particularly described in said deed of trust, which is registered iu book li. at pane Hill, in the olliee or the KcKistcr of lieeds for nuncombe county; de fault ha vinsr been made iu the payment ot suid note nnd interest, and having been rc nuested so to do by the party of the third part to said deed of trust, I will sell to the htKhet bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Asherillc, in said county of Kuncombe, on the 2Cth day of September, isu:i, for the purpose of satisfying pui.i note anil interest, the folio wing described lands and premises, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in the county of Funcombc and State of North Carolina, in the citv of Ashcvdlc, being lot No. L'l in Shelby Park, to the plat of which im regis tered reference is hereby made tor further description of said lot. snd bounded and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Hcglnning at a stake in the eastern margin ot ltlunton street, at the corner of hit No 'Mi. nn(i runs thence with said street north 1 15' cast 75 feet to n slake, corner of lot No. a-'; thence south H7ij cast mu leer to u stake; thence south 1 in' west 75 feet to a stake; thence north 7H west 150 to the hcffinnine. beimr the land eouveved to K,i-.l M il 11 lili v hi lohn It Hostie and wife toid C I'. Iilnnton by deed dated the 7th of September, 1 tsua. Reference in hereby made to the said deed of trust as registered for further particulars thereof. Till a 3d ol August. 1H03. J. G. MKKRIMON. aug i!3d.rtwctlncsday Trustee TjVIR HUNT-Dwelling house, corner of AJ Orange street and Mcrrimuu avenue Apply to Henry 11. Stevens, Attorney. No. 1 lohuston building. jy.'Tilif KliNT, No. I- Jefferson Drive, near st llavwood street, close to street cars, six rooms. $ 10 r,o. Owner ias water tax. w. s. CI SOMAN, s Court square 5.1 tf FOR Wcs JEWELRY MADE TO OKDER. LEADING JEWELER, 18 OD'ffH MAIN H.Ti.IIS'r. J. C. BROWN, "VTOTICK Uy virtue of a. rower of anle IJI contain d in ndct il of mortearc exe cuted tti itic ly S. Hammt-rshlng and wife on the 13th Uav ol I'eltruarv. is'.u. nni re a lit tered in the otltcc of the Keyister tf lccds of lUmcimle county, Nurth Carolina, in Hook i!;t at pave 003 of .Mortjiuc Kreords, and liv reason of default in the pavincnt of prin cipal and intercut of sale) debt secured hy sniil mortirpe, I will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidiler at the cturt house door in Asheviile. Nortli Carolina, lliiocnmbc county, on Wtdnndav, Oc'.obrr 4-th. 1 isy3, at 1'J o'clock m,. the house and lot of land in Asheviile. North Larolin Buncombe county, on the west side of Spruce street, described as follows: Pcf-innins at the southeast corner ol a lot formerly be IfinfdiiK tn Moore, in the writ margin of Spruce street, and running with said street in a southerly nircction nt ieec to me norm- cast corner of the Barnard lot; thence with the line of the latter in a western direction J HO fert to the Slmlcr line; thence with the Sludcr line in a northerly di rection 90 feet to the line of the Starncs property, thence with the line of the Startles property and the; Moore property iOU fet to the beginning, as hy reference to said deed of mortgaiie will more fully appear. This. August ;tOth, lH'.Kl. ANNA B. GKOUSIiHCK. auj30wed5t&oct3 i; lj iittfuriiiahcil; modern improvements, lu-t jlOR KliNT OR Sl,Iv A nine-room house. Hailev street moyOdtf Innntre liv Utter MISS S. M. VOSSHtX, P. U. Box 05. F 71(tK HUNT The ICurunean hotel. 28 South Main St.. Athcville. N. C. Mrst class stand for restaurant, lernm reasona ble. Apidv to T. I. Johnston or F. W. Thomas, Jolmston tiuililmK. aiiK'J'Jdtf 0)R RBNT- J: arrmiKcd house, That lnre nnd conveniently No d J Merrimon ave nue Hot and cold water withbatns on two floors All modern improvements Location central, with larye well shaded grounds Splrnilid residence for la rue family or board injc hou c Apply to U C or M J PAGO. aprlod tl HIGH GRADE WHEELS J DROPPED ! We kuvo n number of new and second hand whtelts on hand whi h wo wish to close out, and for the next 30 days offer them at greatly reduced prices. Call at our store and examine and get prices, whether you wiah to purchase or not. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., 84 Patton Avenue. TKLKPHONK NO. 40. THE HAYWOOD White Sulphur Springs Hotel, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Is Now Open for the Reception of Guests. HOARDING. IJ'easnnt rooms and board with n North ern family, 101 lluili-y st. nunTdlm rpwo ptensnnt rnoinn with bo-irdut Mrs. A Alice Reynolds, 4-S Spruce street. uiiKld t w C(l)I'NTKY tRU-Two and a hnlf milts J from eity, three fourths of n mile from street car. delightful location, dtiilv rani!, $t per we k. Address Mis. T. 1). Carter, Lock Box 44 t, Ashcvil'c, N.C. aunlildcodtf LORBTTA HALL Hot SirinBS, N. C. Open all the year. The finest elevation in the prinys. Well furnished. Kucili-rnt table. Kates reasonable. 11, M. Swaine, proprietor ntiudlm It has been thoroughly renovated n nd many improve ments inndo, among which are I'orcvlain bath tubs on each floor of the Hotel, with hot and told water, also at the bath house at the Springs. A line Chalybeate spring recently discovered on the premises, the water of which isasgcod of its kind as the noted White Sulphur, which makes the plae doubly attractive to those in search of line mineral waters Amusements consist of Orchestra and Dancing. Lawn Tennis, Howling All"y, etc. It is the intention of the management to make it a pleasant and homelike resort For further information address, 15. I. CHATFIEX, Xrnrictor. "Also Proprietor of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken S. C. K TliKRACH Uo iidinu house. 11 1 Jlill.-ide strec-. (In Lookout Mountain Itct'ie Car Line. Lnrec Krutimh and plenty of -hade. UK3. M. B. HILL, uugl7dtf Kiecl BOA RHINO At No. H Stamen avenue. Table farnihetl with best the market atfortlrt; hJt uml cold water; furniture new; fine location,; ou cur line; single und ilnuhle rooms. npriitidtf .Plumbing, Steana and Gas Fitting. t For Sale on Easy Terms THE TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. CHOICEST FARM ON SWANMNOA. All orders intrusted to my care will reeeivc prompt and personal attention. Ouallty of wi-rk utid mntcriul guaranteed. OHDCRS SOUCITHD. BOA K III NG House pleasantly situated in best location in citv, near street cars; larc S'n;le and double rooms; table the very finest. Reference can be given. MKS. o. I11KKAI I McCape House, 2 4 Grove Street, apriudtf THB CHATEAU Irivate boardin(?house No. ail Haywood stivet. Fine city aud mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, niry rooms; well provided tabic; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two bundled yards from Montford car line. MKS.M. li. DI1TWILBR, oct7dtf Proprietress. jMISCEQANEOUS. lJK SALR Old oarers at the Citizen Xj counting room, Su cents prr hundred, tf ITIOR I'onv. ponv nhneton and har- Mj ness; all in gooU couditiou. Inquire at Winyah House. atiKlodtl ITIOR SAL1J A thoroughbred Jersey J entitled to register; two years old dress. sept 2(1 tllll: bull; Ad BOX 013. I tti::c-om IcM ;ocl Kouda. Hkmikkson, St'it. 1. As in my wide ruiiiljK-s throu -li Western Nortli Caro lina I share in tlie profuse hospitality of eaeli section, I am struck with the com parative excellence tt" our Huncoinhc roads. If our counties cmly take note wisely and put prisoners to work here property wouhi speedily double in value. Ktspeetlully, iV illiam Ward. UusiiichN. From the S jrinrield Ecpuljlican. The improvetacnt so marked in the la&t two weeks unquestionably marks the Ijeginniiif; ot a lull and speedy recovery TELIil'HONB 170. aiK7d3m 43 COI.I.UGE ST. THE FRENGH BAKERY Has Lctn bouKht liy W. A. JAMES, JR., and will be run ns a fust-eluss bokery at PO. 51 COLLEUB 8TRSKT. We will keep a fresh supply of CAKES, PIES, and BREAD on hand all the time. Prompt attention given all order. "LOOK UP. and not down." if you're a guffer- Ing wonian. Every ono of tho bodily trouble-s that come to womon only hns a ffnaranteKU cure in Dr. l'i?rce's Favorito Pro acription. Thixt will bring you safo and certain Help. It's a powerful gonern, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it Duuus up and invigorates trie entire female fry stem. It regu late and promotes all the proper lunations, Improves digestion, enriches the blood, brinm refresh ing sleep, and restores health and strenirtn. For tilcerations, displaoements. bearine- down sensations, periodical pains, anil all female complaints " and weaknesses. " Fa vorite Prescription" is the only guaranteed remeny. it n trrer I ails to Denelic or cure, yon nave your money baciu In every case ot Catarrh that seems hopeless, you can depend upon Doctor fa.iife uatarrn itemedv lor a cure. It's proprietors are so sore of It that they'll pav $500 cash for any Incurable case, bom Djr all druggist. Tic season's English and domestic woollens are in with us and we hare the correct patterns as well for gentlcnca : suitings. Schartle, tbe tailor. AllOUT O MILEi; UAST Ol' ASHEVILLE ON W. N. C. R. R. Dozen fine springs, seventy-five acres wood lands, large acreage, choice bottom lands, uplands In fine condition, grass and clover, vineyard, one and one-baJf mile river front, good roads, best of neigh borhood, etc., make this the most dasir ublc farm In Buncombe coutty. Within one and a half miles is being erected the $50,000 Industrial School building. Al so the proposed Mammoth Knitting Mills, backed br five mil ion dollars. mill include part of this farm. Apply to D. D. 8VTTLK, STBNO'IKAPHV Private inst-Tiction Riv. en in Shorthand and Typewriting by L. Isadora McKcc, lol Builcy street. aug7dlm I- OST. Hetwcen Judge Moore's hnujcnnd A Mr. Policy's, a nair of Kvc-CJlnssc in ease marked Pox, 1'h'lndclnhia. A suitahle reward will be paid rn thrir rtturn to the latter place. MISS KAVANAliuH dit" NOI.KS1HH RBTRKAT For Diseasts of Women. Scientific treatment and cores Kuarnntecd. Hlennt apartments for Indies before and during conhnemcnt. Address Tbe Resident Physician, 7 I 72 HaxterCourt, nasnviue, icon. augvua.m N' auK7dtf Asheviile, N C. OTIt'B TO SCHOOL CHILIIKKN All children exra-ctinir to attend the Public Schools during the etjming session are re luestcu to meet me at the respective school buildings it the times given below, that they may be graded foradmlssion. This ap plies to lormer as wen as to new pupns. parents are in vlted to come with their chil dren. Examinations will continue from 9 to 1 and from 3 to r ench clay: ornnge street building, Wednesday, Scpteinhcr 0; Montford avenue building. Thursday, Sep tember 7; Itailey street building, Friday, September 8; Catholic Hill, Monday, Sep tember 11. J. I). UtiliLUSlON, JK. sept4dlJ OIVS US MISS L. M. BhOWNE, Formerly with Stern Bro's., 1.3rd street and Fifth avenue. New York City, will be in town till the first of October, daring which time she wi'l give lessons in tlie S. T. Taylor system of cutting Ladies' Garments. Also cnt patterns for ladies desiring perfect fitting garments. Can be seen from lO o'clock to 4 p. m at the Oaks Hotel anglHdSm TAKE Your broken wagons, and vehicles of ah kinds to R. Uurnette's shop ou College street, where they will be rcpuired promptly and in first-class atyle. Hay. iiir secured a tirst-class uorsc-fiiorr BINGIIA3I SCHOOL ASHEVILLB, N. C. 4- ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST YEAR BEGINS SEPT. 1. C barges, t ISO per half terra. Tuition for I day scholars, f "SO per half term. Found I trio on Montford avenue car line for ONB I PARB. P"or catJdogaes address. MAJ. K. BINGHAM, angl 4d 1 m Superintendent. make all kinds of fine shoeing a Sliceialty li. BURNETTI3. PIANO TUNING. TRICB RBDITCFfl Rave ns croft - Scliool OPENS SEPTEMBER 21. FOB INFORMATION Apply at toe Scliool from xo z p.m. avanSSdlm Till September lO I still tune Squ-re, fp right and Grand Piano f r S2.SO each. Work guaranteed. J K USSfc LI. 47 Sooth Main Street, or P. O. Box 32. aug31dlw Vorldu Fair, Chicaco. ' ohimet Armnsaond aabBtrmt. HilTrl m m Vreproo: rooms; n-r r"li V Hal unnnwi nwn va wv. '.' Anwrleu sod Itsrosesn Blana rilffT?nCXloslar. Flr-cH famU; WsvsiWssiiri aotsi, Wott o csnmlaa, TIib Normal and Dolleolate Institute, FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Second Session, September 13, 1893 This Institution is located lit the motit beautiful supurb of of Ahlicville N. C. The spa cious building, recently completed for It use at a cost of $00,000 is furnished with pure water from Springs on the ptctmtKS, is lighted with gns, heated hy hot water and pro vided with hot and cold baths. The health and habits of the pupil arc carefully guarded. Uisidcs the ample space given for outdoor exercise, a well equipped gymnasium will be fitted up within doors. No expense has been spared to make the sewerage and sanitary arrangements perfect. Each pupil will have her share in the domestic work, as a part of her practical train ing for life, and whilst aiming at thoroughness in every department, the management will strive to provide for those committed to their care the advantages, not in rely of A chrktian school, but a christian home. No pupil will be rcciivcd who is not iu reasona ble htaltb, or who cannot furnish credentials as to moral character. FOUR SEPARATE COURSES OF STUDY ARE OFFERED TC THE STUDENT. 1. THE NORMAL COURSE, for the thorough training of teuchcrs under instructors from the best Normal schools. 8. SEMINARY OR COLLliOIATB COt'RSl', Including uneicnt or modern luuguugcs. sciences, music, drawing, etc. 8. COMMIiRCIALCOURSK, including stenography, yewrlliiig, bookkeeping, etc. 4. DEPARTMENT OP IK) M EST 10 PC I KNOB, (a) Scientific cooking, the study or the production and manufacturc of foods, etc. lb) Sewing embracing the cuttiug und fitting of garments, millinery, etc. The teachers at the head of this department arc from th : fatuous l'ratt School, Urook- yn. N. Y., and the others from the best institutions In the country, chosen with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers A thoroughly organised Preparatory department has becu iurnlshcd for ull such as are not prepared for the hiKhcr classes. The scliool year Is divided into two terms; cost to pupil 50 per term, or 100 per year, which barely covers the exiiensc of board, the school being practically free, having been provided tor by a few liberal friends of female education. A limited number of da pupils rec.ivcd at 25 per term. For further particulars apply to REV. THOMAS LAWRENCE. jj.vr) asueviuc, n. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a deed of trust, ex ecuted by T. W. Shelton and S. B. Rhelton, mm wile, on tne lsin nay oi Apm, innv, uc fault bavins; been made on the payment ol the indebtedness as secured therein, the un dersigned, as trustee, will, on Saturday, the Z3d nay ol rleptemoer. lpua, at ine court house door, in the citv of Asheviile, sell for cah to tbe highest bidder, the lands and premises described in said need ol trust, which is duly recorded in the o flier of the register of deeds of Buncombe county. North Crnlin.. In hnok 1ft. oa Dsns 103. etc. and to which record reference is hcrebymnrie lor a more eomplctedcscriptionofsaid lands nH nr.mli., in nrrfrr tn aatiafv the indebt edness, interest and custs, as scented by said deed of trust. it. U vAKKbl l. at23d4t wed trustee. WORLD'S FAIR. ir Mr. train 9 to the World's Fair, write the Ually Citisen, Asheviile, N. C, for 11. ost rated printed matter describing the Pair, and time-tables snd pamphlets issued ht fhr steamer lines or rnilr isds yon would use from your home to C nice so. No charge is mode. This offer Is ma ic special ar rangement with the Recreat- on Department uie Lonniss onion HONK fWOI.I Some cures sre knows as gold cares, but the Houston Cure is known ss tte sure cure for the Liquor, Opiuns asa-sswrpnim nin ...H 1. mm riallv. I ft. MDencC BOS iiA tn ahnvt habits and failed only ia one case. No known remedy for any dis ease ran show such a record. Cares guar anteed at 60 Co)egc Street. Askevil), N. GLENN SPRINGS WATER IS A SURE RELIEF XO SUFFERERS. What Hon. T D, Tobnston says about It: About four years sso I commenced the use of the Clenni8prlng water, to rid my ays- tern of the malaria from which I had been suffering tor some time. The water has en tirely relieved me snd I cheerfully state thst 1 believe it to he ss good water as can be found for all ordinary of the liver and kidneys. For a genend tonic and reuovater of the S3 stem I believe It has no equal. Very truly years, "T. T. JOHNSTON." From John P. Arthut, Esq.. Attorney st Law: "1 don't know the constituents ol the Glenn Springs water; if I did I would make some for myscir. Neither do I know how it acts; If I did 1 wouM act so myself. It Is a well made water ssd It sets well. I csa only say that its efftcts on me and my forefathers been more bear Ada! than say ither water we ever used, and I am glad it has been put hi the reach of as poor a man as JOHM P. ARTHUR, "T Pclhsm's Pharmacy, May 23, 1803." What 0. T. Rawls writes Pelhsjn's pharmacy, Asheviile, N. C- "OcnUemes: I have used Glenn Springs water and consider it, as compared with muICTal waters, the best 1 know of. Everyone la South Carolina knows about 'Old 8nrbwi.' Ia (act It has been most favorably known there for a century. Yours truly . "C. T. RAWLS.' asheviile, N. C, May 37. 1803. PELIIAM'S PHARMACY, Sole Agent . . . . - - . AsbcrUlc, N. C,