1 a Asheville i 1 - VOLUME IX. NO 117. ASHEVIIjLiE, N. O. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS. - CORN - MEAL OUR ROASTED COFFEE BID REDUCTIONS EVERYBODY OUGHT TO CO; WITH TERRIBLE EFFECT OPENING OF CITY SCHOOLS Knives, - Scissors MAVOIl PATTON'S thi: pair. it i- THK . W.VV MILL toia v. VACATION IH O'KR AMI WORK Do ally $7 Citizen. '4. ii MAKES BETTER BREAD MAKES BETTER CORN wn I, WAKE SUPERB DRINK on these roor, mohniMos for the !IB FAMI r.Y. TDKRR ARK PEOJ'LK rn this town who always l ly thrlr Tea of us, because they are sure of uniform quulity. There Is nothing that variis so much in character n the Teas that the mn.iority of dealers dispense. SVK ALSO UWI5 AN ESPECIALLY fclv SIKAllI.i; LINK OF 1U! Ill.lv-!, Tilings to elu w on ninl things that ran be swnllowel without chrw'nc .A.. ID. Cooper. BON MARCHK NrW INVOICE EWBRU I Dt R I f S. NEW INVOICE RrBBOIsS. NEW INVOICE LACES. AT THE Crystal Palace. In ord- r to mnl.-c room for the lar; c stock our buyer Is now -WectinK in the eustern mark ts, we will offer All Summer Dress (.nods at (ireatly duecd Prices to close nr.t. CAKES Than nil v nl.ln, Fronli lot just in KROGER. New Summer Neck ,enr fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Si ill the best line fif underwear for ladies, mi n nnil children. BON MARCH E 37 floutli Slain Street. REAL ESTATE. W. II. C.WYN. W. W. SVIiST, Gwyn & West, ( Suppesfiorn to Witltcr D. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 181 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loan Hccurcly Placed at Per Cent. 8 Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeils. FIRE INSURANCE. KOUTHRAST COUKT 8UUARR, COKTIAND BROS., Heal Khinte Rtokem And Investment Agent notary prm.ic. loans securely placed at R per cent. Office. 215 & 86 Patton ATenue. Second lllnor, JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AM LOAX BROKER. PttrTiiti,'fl nn,t T'nftrrnished douses. OFFIOfc KOOMS. Loans securely placed at Klht per cent CUT FATH WORLD'S FAIR TICKETS $.'t,ono, $l,CfH), $15 weekly. Insures ynu en rout and 1n Chicio Same for LaOies. $1.00 riiR WBEK. A. RANKIN, Two doors below City Ticket Office. ft. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All sice, of crashed stone furnished. Send all order to postnlGce Box 143, Asherille, N. C. auclOdcf 34-Year' Expcriencc-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDBB. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACB AND MARKET STREET. GO TO STALL NO. 5 CITY MABKUT) COLTRR 3c CO. hare just rteelred a fine line of MB VTS. Yon will find, the best home meats In tbe market at onr stall. Give ns trial. We solicit your patronage. COLTER & CO. (tptiadiw Kc- SMOKE. TIh Thrre roimLii- lr;iinl-t of r O11I riur- KISS OF THE WAVE, ona lllvana Filler anil Sinnalin Wrapper. ESSENCE OF ROSES, Lonu UoTnuH Filler, SuiriHtr. Vrnrrr. BLOM BERG'S EXTRA GOOD ccfttfl, 0 fnr 2. T cents Hnvnna mid Little lutc.i FilU-r.Seed Wtftpjer. These Cigars hove been the grvntcsT sue- ccon of nny Ci?:ir in Anhcville W.en you bity ary (f the three brawls of ('.Liars you i don't pay for firijera, but you v the value for your 6 cents. Sold only nt the Model - Cigar - Store, 17 PATTON AVE. L. BLOMBERG. 'TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. coun- Vc hove the bat-trains arranged teis from G et-. up. Many articles ore being otTcrcd at half their value. Come early and Ifet first selection. Those ovsiiiK ui ai'countii of over ) days' standing must settle before October 1 or we will pines ail lor collection. THAD, W. THRASH X GO. 41 lutlon Avenue. FAVORITE FLOUR. V tirv otlWinK extraordinary in tlnreincn Is in the price of n (irsf- class I'ivoritt- flour is a hib prnde patent and Hunran te; d to be absolutely pure. It is made at Hi o It hratcri Hjdlard Mill-,' Lonisvilh . Ky., oimI is lnrffrly used bv the laktr-t ( tha citv. The pri cs we n.mic LcTow defy cotn peti tion, end wc will probi bly 11 rive only a tew car., to o:Ter at these prices: Harrcls, $ l-.'jr; whole luijts, $2.1.'0; one-huU t ngs, Jl.lO; one qua r trr haRS, 5S cents. POWELL & SNIDER IV V ELTIES V ry stylifh Clothing for t ll and winter Just re-o-ived These arc from our best nianufacturers, and are ne:;rly ecpud to tailors fin-, work. A la? pro ciscotint 011 tfprinK weight ClthiiiR. AMERICAN BAKERY We are prepared to supply the citizens of Abbeville with Fresh Brend, Rolls, l'ies and Cakes of every description If you want nice wedding or party cakew, give us an o'1- der and if you are not pleased in quality and artis tic work wo will relunu you your money.- We will add daily different lines of cake, Will bake any kind of cakes to order. Telephone 174. Dress Goods and Tr'mm nr!i for autumn in several weaves, entirely new and ' fetching. ' H. REDWOOD & CO 'J lot h in p. Pry Onods, Shoes, llati and Rugs. CIGARS ! CIGARS ! jit Rr.cEivnn A COSSIiJNMHNT (IP (il'R 5 - f ENT - CIGARS The Mayor and Pnriv Mvturti Nnlurdav From Ctilcaifn, If- llKliiecl WItl, the Trip, vt'Iilcli Wan Made for S45 or S50 ljucli. Mayor T. W. Patton and party, con sisting of the Mayor's family, attr- works Supcriiitcnclent Murray anil Mrs. Murray, Miss Nina Johnston, Miss' Cheesboroujih, Rev. and Mrs. MiXiely DuBoso, Miss Walton and Miss Georgia Harkins, returned Saturday aftirnoon from a 12 days' trip taking in the won ders of the creat Columbian exposition. The party were delighted with the trip in every particular, and none of them more so than Mayor l'atton. lu a talk with Tnii CiTiZK.N he gives sonic of the impressions made upon mm ly the greatest exposition the world lias ever seen. Did the Columbian exposition fulfill yatir expectations?" Tub Citizkn nslicd. Yes, indeed," enthusiastically replied the Ma or. "Its beauties were far be yond any anticipations that I had formed. No description can posbibly give an approximate 1 lea ol i's won drous rVliahts." vYhnt portion especially pi .acl yr 11?" "The great charm, or lather (.11; i f the main' great charms, is that every possi ble taste or disposition can he satisfied. My chief ei joyment was probably in the electricity and machinery bui.di ig; but any person who preferred to look upon rich clothing, magnificent furs and silks, gorgeou:" jewels, or exiiuisiie glassware. could be pleased as much as 1 was in those things w hich best suit- il nic." Did you find North Carolina well ren- resented ?" Yes, In the uuricultural, mineral and forestry buildings our exhibits are very creditable, and sustain critical eoniii iri- son with those ol other states, 1 mink the State commissioners have r.;.ule a consecutions expenditure of the money at their disposal, ivt it would have been bi tter, ns a business matter, if we had provided four t imes as ntueh as we el id, find thus enabled them to make a more thor ough collection of our varied products, and also to have ere'eted a suitable build ing as a place of meeting of our people 1 his would have had the e fleet of exc.l mg more interest amongst our farmers, and would have iuduceel metre ex tensive con tributions and more general at'.etulai. c. Among our contributors I recognized some old tiiemls, and glantv read the names of Mr. C. U. Mood v attached to a beautiful rhodeielendron settee, while Messrs. A. M. Field, M. C. Toms, am!, of course, good Dr. Smith held up North Carolina's reputation for minerals. T he beauties ol this mountain section were well set forth bv photographs bv Lind- sev oc Brown." "These gentlemen," coneinueel Minor ration, "ami othev contributes deserve our thanks, but I wish their patriotic spirit had nnivcrs illy prevailed. It is too late now for us to correct tins error, but wc should still eio all in our power to increase the attendance from our own State. I cannot imagine a more pre li'.- afile expenditure et time and money. 1 wish every man, woman, hoy and gn 1 111 my S' ate eoulel enioy what 1 have; and if it were in my power I would te.u! evcrv teacher and scholar Iron) Asheville s Schools, for a fortnight's p'easure coupled with an education such as they may never meet with again." Octiing down to a eiuestion of nuances. Tiik Citizkn asked "Did you find vom trip t x pensive " 'lsyno means, was the reply, "bach inemtjcr el my party spent Irom 54-. te $50, which covered all expenses from here and back home again. We were gone 12 days, nine of which were passeel in tne exposition. 1 propose to make everv effort to get the cost of leturn ticket materially reduced, and Iremi con versation with railroad officials have hopes of success, especially if a l'artv tt our people will go at one time. There is no nece'ssity to have a personally con ducted partv. liach one is able to look out for himself or herself, but each mitrht as well take advantageol the lower rales winch a larger number will secure will exert mjselt at once on this line, and will gladly advise anv one how te avoiel a few errors into which I fell. Iiy these means I hope my friends may go com lortalilv, staying 10 days at a cost ne.t exceeding $4,5 each and possibly cut it down to !--), Did you meet any oeepiaintauces in Chicago ?" 'Yes. Governor Carr was thei'v and was exceedingly peihte to me, getting tne admission to t he inner department the elairv buildings, which interested me much. The selected hcrel of Jersey catt'e was sp:endicl, eme cow having a recou of three pounds of butter each day for the past 'JO (. ays. I also met Iiishop Wat sou of Wilmington, and several other good folks who, as usual, presented the genial characteristics so universally ree ognizcel and highly appreciated anumg North Carolinians. 'So you advise all who can, to go te Chicpgo ?" liv all means. No one should miss it It will elo much to premiote practical anel useful etlucation, in fact it is one huge object lesson, a real kindergarten in which the children arc grown men atn women. It will teach ns true patriot ism, and make us proud that we are citi zens of America, the first of all nations to exempt. fy the text written over one of the chiel niche i of the peiistyle, 'Ye shall know the truth, and the tiulh shall make you free. Six .Men are Killed Ins 11111I1, 011c of 1 11 et IKInj; Illeliarcl Nlelinls of AsJievllle-Kelle-r H Mill, Ni'ar W'liiltler; lite Hcene. Canton-, N. C, Sept. IS. Special. The beiikr of L.J. Keller's saw mill on C01. ley's creek, near Whittier, exploded ab oil eleve n o'clock today and killed six men instantly. Tbe killed arc: Kie.u.'.Ki Nie-noi.s, of Asheville, fore man. J am lis Ktll.i.v, sawyer. Ib:x McMaman. Oatks McM.mias IIuxh y Smi 111. Jiissi; Gi'Ster, farmer. T he cause of the accident is unknown, but is supposed to bo a loo high pressure of steam. The whole wrecked, and mit n p! left on the f undatioii Ji itr 100 VK.tltH mill is ee)inple'telv cce ef the boiler is . C. I.. Mitifftts i:en!rnnrj of tli:- I.niiii); or tlie 'iipl!il t'nrner Stone. Wash i.i-.T( n, S.-pl. IS. Washington today celebrate It he eenU'unial of the lirst national event w bich eccnrre d with in h-.r borders the la ving of the corner stone ol the C'lpitol, on the ISth ol Sep tember, 1 7'.". Today was thiretore a holiday 111 the District of Columbia, and all public busir.ess was suspended. There wasa procession, pre ceding ilie' e Ne re is, s, which were 1m Id on the east front e.'i' tb-' c ipitol, where t he Tie sdents of t he Ibiitcd Slates de livercel their "in mjural a ddress. s. The retite eil t lie para !e will b" t'ie- same taken bv l'residenl. C,eort;e Washington one hundred ye. .i s ago; troni the trout of the .tfite, w.ir an. I navy building, eu 17th street, via I V 111 s 1 vatda avenue, to t he t a 1 'itol. The exercises will begin at twi o'cln-'k, in 'he prisenee ol Con gress, tia I ioii.il anil district otlieials, .anil a threng of spectators which il is ex pected will fill tiie plaz !. 1'ref 'dent Cleveland pre sided. H r It S V Ii. ' t l Ii I" c'.V 1 1. It t fas. 'M fjf Veiluw fit v. l--vt r In Tlirtt I-in evicts., (ia., Sept. IS. There were 11 new cases ed ve'.I.JW L ver Sunday and in e pidemic ileclared. Such was the an- liouncenient mane ny 1.01. tjooiiycar at the boar el eif health meeting, sending a thrill of horror to the grief stricken I'.runswickiaus present. Sixteen eases are now under treatment but the board of health derided not to ... give the names lor luioucatiou. 1 he change 111 the weather Sunday was unfavorable and the worst may be expected. Nothing but the heaviest frost will stop it, and the people had better cmain away until ice forms. ciuible Cuiisecl Snluitluv ly n Itov Who Tosstel it Hall. Saturday afternoon while the regular editiou of Tiik Citizkn was being printed, Willie Creasman, a young sem of ex- ati olnian M. A. Creasman entereei the ressroom. In his hand he carried a unmon yarn ball, which he was tossing up ami catching lor amusement. .s lie oil near the newspaper press and threw up the ball it missed his hand anel 11 between the cylinder anel heel of the less. Right there trouble began. The ttle ball, inneicent enough while in the open air, stopped the press as etteettiaiiy is il it had been a piece ol iron, and the sudden step gave the big machine such a wrench that the frame was lirokeu 111 two places. I ! ceuirse the printing could 110 longer be elone on this press. The "lorms were taken te the job edliec eif Albright ec Kobcrts, where iilii Citizkn s press work will be done unt il the broken press can lie repaired, which will probably be tij morrow. Tieholel what a eleal of trouble mas- he caused bs- a bos- and a ball !" pttt n str!;ciAi.i.Y k.r SPNPAV FMOKF.R8. 25 IN BOX HclnitKlt & Ucngnn, DBl'CGISTS, Cor. Patton Atc & t liurcta St. Ulrrcl Home to tltc SVorlil's I'alt The Riehtn jnd anel Panville railroad are selling round trip tickets to c lueago at very low rates, anil svill give you choice of routesvia Knoxville anelCiucin nati or Louiss-illc; via Atlanta and Chat tanooga; via Richmond or Washington Also, a very low rate ticket either going or returning via Niagara rails, with stop over privileges. There is nothing saved by going ou excursion trains, as same rate is chargcel on trains tf this kind as on regular trail s of the Kiel mot:d anil Dnnville railroad. I hree thronjrh passenger trams, eae war, daily good connections quickest time to Chicago oulv one night on the road. For rales, rchedul 'S or other iuforma tion. call on or address anv ticket agent of the Richmond and Danville railroad or Cbas. L,. Hopkins, traveling passenger agent, Charlotte, N. C. n-.toiii: Tin-: riiiisa, i;i)! CATIONAI, ll.tl.I.V Ir. J. Trl. Currv lo Deliver an AiUlrcsN t C'amller. UorruK Till" Citizicn: With great pleasure I announce that Dr. J. L. M. Curry of Virginia will aeldress the Hom iny valley- people on the subject of "Kdu- canon, at C .-miller, on Saturday, Sep tember '-'.', at 1 1 o'clock a. in. There is not in the whede land a more able, elo quent, enthusiast ic worker lor tins great cause than Dr. Curry. The citizens of the beautiful valley arc highly favored bv this opportunity te hear him, and to has-e his posvci ttil aid in behalf of their noble school enterprise at Candler. II they will all tuin out e-.n that day, nnil catch the glowing spirit of education that lires the great heart of Dr. Currs, their "big school house" ss ill soon be open to tbe hit ml reds that are waiting to hear the "lust bell." Cemic one, come all. C. 11. War, County Superintendent. Nearly Nine Hundred IMiuiln ICitrohtel lu Hie Tliree -vsinte HclioolH Todat Kesolu' lous llic Heliool Coiuiulttee. A liltle army was astir in Asheville early this morning and before 9 o'clock the streets were dotted with the passing little troopers. Hut it was not an army on carnage bent. It was Ashcville's army of school children, anel they 1110 veel to the public school buildings to take up, where they had left ofT last session, the svarfare for the acquirement of greater knowledge, determined tt) eonieout more than triumphant in the end. The sight was ii familiar one, and as the children passed along on their way to the temples of learning they caused to spring anew in the breasts of those who sass-, pride in Ashes illc's public school system, and the hope that these institutions of learn ing might continue tej grow in efficiency until they shall be second to none in the country. With the opening of the schools today Prof. J. D. Kgglcston, jr., began his active dm ii s (is superiiitendi nt, succeeding l'rof. I. P. Chixton, and it is believed that un der his superintendence the schools will continue to advance 111 usefulness. Prof. Claxton has hern here a couple of weeks, aiding his successor wherever necessary in familiarizing himself with the details of the position. The attendance in the various reiemis nt each of the schools today was: ( i. ange street school 1st A. and I!., Misses Hiughnm and Jones, o; 1st C. and D.. Miss Millard, 50; 2nd A. and P., Miss McLoud, 4t; ,'5d A. and It., Miss Lanier, 4S; 4-th A. anel 15., Miss Robin son, 4-0; ,-th grade, 4-G; Olh grade, 20; 7'h grade, 51; Nth grade, 20; ;ih grade, 1 7. Total, 432. Montford avenue school 1st A. and P.. Miss Prowne, 71; 1st C. and P., Miss Julia Johnson, 40; 2 1 A. nnil P., Mies 1 Hikes, :VJ; .".d A. and P., Miss Min nie Johnson, 40; 4th A. anel P., Miss Ycntman, 20; 5th grade. Miss Cent, 47; 0th grade, l'rof. Lewis, 42. Total, U20. Pailev street rehool 1st A. and P., Miss Di ummoiid, :!'.); 1st C.and I)., Miss Kimherlv, 35; 2d A. and P., Miss Hatch, 21; Md A. and P., Miss Hatch and Mrs. I'ciitherston, 27; 4th A. and B., Mrs. l'eathcrstou and Mrs. Hatch, 20. Total, 142. The teital enrollment in these three schools toelny, therefore, ss-as 804. No report couhl be gotten from the Catholic Hill schools. At a mee ting of the school committee Saturday the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : "Whereas, We have been associated with Prof. I'. 1'. Chixton as superintend ent of the Asheville city schools for the piist six years, during which time he has filled this position with peculiar zeal and ability, anel whereas, he has tendered his resignation to the committee, "Resolved, That in severing our rela tions with l'rof. Claxton, we shall lose one who sviil be creatls- missed not onlv bv our school, but by our entire com munity. "Resolveel, That being our first super intendent his duties were especially arduous and difficult, notwithstanding which he has filled every demand made upon him with great credit to himself. "Resolved, That by his universal kind ness anil strict impartiality he has en deared himself to all, and it is svith gen uine regrets that we accept his resigna tiem. "Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions he presented to li of. Claxton and a copy be spread upon the minutes." Dr. Williams reported that the Pailey street school furnace, as it now stands, is dangerous to the building. Dr, Wil liams and Superintendent Kgglcston svere appointed a committee to have the necessary changes made to render the building safe. Miss Grace Jones, who ss-as elected to it vacancy in the 1st A grade, is a grad uate s-ith high honors of St. Mary's, anel comes ss ith tine recommendations of culture and scholarship. She is a native of Asheville anel a member of one of the oldest resident families. Mrs. Caldwell, the supervisor of music and drasving, has lis-ed in Asheville be fore. She has taught both music and drawing with great success in some of the lcaeling schools iu Virginia and North Carolina, and comes recommended as a stremg and able instructor. Owing to the washouts on the rail roads last week many of the books or dered for the public school children, aud which wouhl otherwise hns-e been ou hand, have not arrived. Mr. Morgan, the bookseller, has, however, many ol the list anel expects the great hulk of I hem todas- anel tomorrow. and Razors AT RAYSOR SMITH'S Prescription Drog Store, 31 PATTON AV2JNUE. We arc now onVring special prices on the above roods. Our assortment is very large and prices lo'.v. Kvcry piece minranteeil lo give perfect s:eti faction. Call early before the assortment is broken. POCKIJT HOOKH, I'URHICS, C IRD CASK8 Raysor & Smith's Irescrii9iirn Ritijf - Store, 31 PATTON AVB.NUi;. We are nlao ofTerinjr special lmrc,nins in these Rootls. It' you will cn!l carlv nnil ex amine our stuck, you will be convinced Hint we are oirorinjr bnrjrnins in this line. Our stock is always complete in every de partment, and you can always net what you want at Raysor & Smith's Prescript ion Drug; Store, 31 PATTON AVENUE. Knox t Celebrated Hats FALL SHAPE, Just Received. NI'IA'IAI, MICICTIMtS Kill Thf! Joint Hoard CoiiNlile rs a From Coiitrat-lors. A special meeting of the Joint Poard was held Saturdas afternoon at 3 o'clock for the purpose of effecting a settlement with Webb, Oatcs, Hskridgc cc Co., the pas ing contractors, for extra work on the streets. City Knginecr I.cc subniittcel his report on the svoik, anel after some discussion it was elcci leel to pay the con tractors $l,O.H, less $210, the cost of 4-2 barrels et pitch belongingto the city and useel by the contracteirs. This is a set tlement in full ssith theexceptionof some $.500 withheld eti account of defective work em l'atton avenue. A. iMeatture to Meet. Advisor J. V. Sawyer anel daughter Miss Daiss', have returned fromMorgair tein. Saturday's Charlotte Observer savs: "The Observer had the pleasure yes tcrdav, anel a pleasure it was, of meet ing at the station J. P. Sawyer, esip, president of the Pattery Park bank ef Asheville, and his attractive daughter, Miss Paisy, remembered pleasantly ns a cuest of Airs. C. C. Kennedy last winter, Mr. Saws-cr was returning home from Morganton, svhere he had been to attend a meeting eif the board of directors of the State hospital. It being impossi ble to cross the mountain on account of the washouts, Mr. Sawyer anel daugh tcr had to make the trip via Charlotte.' COXDIiXSED TEL EG KA MS. He HiulcHiul llunnlvel Cold. V.Siu.e-.ToN. Srpt. IS. The theft of $134,000 worth of gold bullion from the Philadelphia mint was the ss ork of II. L. Cochrcn, who has been in the employ eif the government for 40 years. He hoarded the golel, anel most of it has been found in variom hiding places and returned tothevault whence it was taken. It is IxMievcd that Cochren's mind is unbalance el. A train of the Mineral Range railroad was stopped between Hancock, Mich and Calumet by three masked men Fri elav morning and robbed of $75,000 in cash belonging to the Calumet and Hccla Mining company. Jack lling.a wrestler. and Jack Kehoe, a sporting man, were arrcsteel. Out ef (i t- irem and steel mills in the Pittsburg district 31) or more are being operated on n non-union basis. Five years ago more than a majority of the mills were working under the Amalga mated association rules ana rates. Cardinal Gibbons, after a tour of the buildings, said of the Fair: "It is bewil dcring in its grandeur. It seemed to nic like fairyland. I had read all about it and seen all the pictures, but they convey no idea whatever ol tne sight. Governor Hughes, of Arizona, in his annual report to the Secretary of the In terior, urges the admission of that Terri tory as a State. MITCHELL, Hahcrdaslicr. 28 Patton Avenue, Asheville. I. W. PECK, v4 Patton Avenue, FINE FRUITS and CONFECTIONERY, CAROLINA ICE 5 COAL GO. NATURAL. AND T " TTS MANUFACTURED I t, j T . COAL ALL KINDS " HARD AND 80FT 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. -TELEPHONE OFF1CH NO. 130. YARD NO. 144. -THY Till MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY TUB VERT BEST. WORK. CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70