rj-' f Asheville any VOLUME IX. NO. 123. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. D Citizen. NEW PACK GHERKINS, CHOW CHOW and MIXED PICKLES. Bulk and in Bottles. KROGER REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successor, to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS.. Real Estate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans Meanly placed at 8 per cent. OtBae. 88 86 Patton Avenue. Second Cfloor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Hook. OFFICE BOOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. E. H. BUTT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading; of all kind done. All aim of crashed atone furnished. Send all order to postofflce Box 148, Asheville, N. C. ClMtt 34 Years' Experience MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BOTLDBE. OSce and shop, Wolfe Bonding. CORNER COURT PLACB AND MARKET STKBBT. Ravenscrollt - School OPENS SEPTEMBER 21. FOE INFORMATION Apply at the School from xo a. in. to 1 p.tu. aug2Sdlm INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General 1 Insurance t Agent. Rear No. 90 South Mala street. SatabUahed ISM. - Aaks-rfne, N. C WOOLD'S FAIR. If you are coin a to the World' Fair, writ the Dally CiUsea, Asherille, N. C, for lllawtrated printed matter describing the Fair, and tiro, table and pamphlet, Issued by the steamer Hate, or rallr lad. you would as from your home to Chics go. No charm is mad. This oiler is ma fc special ar rangement witk the Becrcafroa Department theChristlaa Uatoa. , . v s 01 ROASTED COFFEE WILL WAKE A SUPERB DRINK ON THESE COOL MORNINGS FOR THE BJJTTJ FAMILY. THERU ARE PEOPLE In this town who always buy their Tea of us, because they are sure of uniform quality, There is nothing that varies so muib in character as the Teas that the majority of dealers dispense, WE ALSO HAVE AN ESPECIALLY DB SIRABLB LINE OF EDIBLES, Things to chew on and things that can be swallowed without chewing, -A.. ID. Cooper. '. BON MARCHE . NEW FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods, Dry Goods, BRAIDS, TRIMMINGS, ETC. ARRIVING DAILY. LADIES' WRAPS OF UVERY DESCRIP; TION. A FULL LINE OF . LADIES', MISSUS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR AND HOSIERY, BETTER THAN EVER. NOVELTIES IN ART NEEDLE WOKK. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER WEAR, NECKWEAR AND HATS. FULL AND COMPLETE LINES. .. BON MARCHE 37 South Main Street. SMOKE. The Three I'opular lErnmls of 5 Cent Cigars KISS OF THE WAVE, Long Havana Filler and Sumatra Wrapper. ESSENCE OF ROSES, Long Havana Filler, Sumatra Wrapper. BLOMBERG'S EXTRA GOOD a cents, 6 for 25 cents Havana and Little Dutch Filler, Seed Wrapper. These Cigars have been the greatest suc cess of any Cigar in Asheville. When you buy any of the three brands of Cigars you don't pay for prizes, but you ge the value for your 6 cents. Sold only at the Model - Cigar - Store, 17 PATTON AVE. L. BLOMBERG. AMERICAN BAKERY We are prepared to supply the citizens of Asheville with Fresh Bread, Rolls, Pies and Cakes of every description. If you want nice wedding or party eakes, give us an or der and if you are not pleased in quality and artis tic work we will refund you your money. We will add daily different lines of cake. Will bake any kind of cakes to order.' Telephone 174. 8 II. COURT SQUARE BIB REDUCTION ATTHES Crystal Palace. In order to make room for the large stock our buyer is now selecting In the eastern markets, we will oner SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. We have the bargains arranged on coun ters from 5 cts. up. Many articles arc being offered at half their value. Come early and get first selection. Those owing us accounts of over GO days' standing must settle before October 1 or we will place all for collection. THAD. W. THRASH 5 GO. 41 Patton Avenue. FAVORITE FLOUR. We are offering extraordinary in ducements In the price of a first class PATENT FLOUR. Favorite fluur is u high grade patent and guaranteed to be absolutely pure. It Is made at the celebrated "Ballard Mills," Louisville, Ky., and is largely used by the bakers of that city. The prices wc name below defy competi tion, and we wi: probably have only a tew cars to offer at these prices: Barrels, $4.25; whole bf gs, $2.20; one-half bags, Jl.lO; one-quarter bags, 55 cents. POWELL & SNIDER NOTELTIES Very stylish Clothing for fall and winter just re ceived. These are from our best manufacturers, and are nearly equal to tailors' fine work. A large discount on Spring weight Clothing. New Dress Goods and Trlmm ngs for autumn In several weaves, entirely new and "fetching." H. REDWOOD & CO. Ulothlng, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Rugs. DRUGS -FOR PROMPT ATTENTION, ACCURATE DISPENS ING, REASONABLE PRICES. 00 To Heinitsli &. Reagan. Patton Awe & Church St. SODA WATER FOR ICE CREAM, FROZEN FRUIT FRAPPE, HIRE'S ROOT BEER, EGG PHOSPHATES AND OTHER DELICIOUS DRINKS. GO TO Helnitslm & Reagan. Just Received a few nice LIMUS. CANDY FOR HIITLERB go to the selling agents, DTtlnitsli &. Reagan. MYSTERY OF THE FUTURE WUliN WILL THK HIiJtAT K VOTE ON REPEAL? It Seenis to be InirOHHl Ijlti to Ap proximate a Date The Frieudt of Repeal Mot Gaining Cjrouuu In The Senate. Washington, Sept. 25. The situation iu the Senate as day after day passes, fails to show any encouragement for those who are making the battle for unconditional repeal. It is only a dis passionate statement of the truth to say that the repeal forces arc appar ently no nearer victory than they w re 10 days ago; that it docs not .-tp- pear that they have made a converted United States Senator for 14 days and that the prospect for unconditional re peal is not so bright as it was when the repeal bill passed the House with the unexpectedly large majority a month ago. That startling result and that phcuoni cual majority gave the cause of repeal an impetus wlncli seemed likely to prove such public sentiment 1 hat would rush the measure through the Senate linnic diutely by deterring those Senators who had been preparing to invoke the wiles of the parliamentary lilibusterer. Hut since the bill passed the House and there has been no concerted attempt to force the issue in the benate, and since every advance movement of Senator Voorhees and every demand ot the chairman of the tinancc committee for a day definite on which the vote should be taken has been successively met by the vigorous opposition oi the silver Senator: wild me piain intimation that every resource offered by the rules would be inyoked by the opposition, the rcneal Senators have apparently lost much of tueir confluence and the anti-reoeal Sen atorg uave regained all that courage wlncli tliey temporarily lost after the passing of the measure by the House. KIOIIX IN A. CUIHICII, True Love Won it Alwain De serves To. WiiJLDON, N. C, Sept. ya. During the progress of a revival meeting at Ubcntzcr Methodist Episcopal church, iu this county, yesterday a free fight took place in the church. Mr. E. V. Dickens had been paying his addresses to Miss Dona Hix for some time. The father and brothers of the young lady were oi.enly hostile to the young man. esterday was the day appointed for the marriage to take place. Mr. Dickens, hearing of threats biing made by the irate father and brothers. notified the Sheriff to be pi t scut. I lie llix bovs appeareuVdurinir the ser mon, and, making their way to Dickens in the clinch, a fight at once began. The Sheriff rushed forward and other friends of both parties interfcrrcd, and soon the sacred edifice was turned into a pugilis tic arena. Men were piled upon each other fighting in the aisles, and women were screaming as they rus'ied frantically to the doors. The scene was tr.osi dis graceful. 1 lie friends ol the young couple linallv separated the combatants, ami as soon as order could be restored the plucky young man and young woman were hurriedly united in the holy bonds hv Justice I'ittmau, while the Sheriff stood by as best man. the pastor ot the church. Key. lesse Draper, decided at once to close t he meet ing, and Kcv. Mr. Giles of Northampton who was here assisting him, left for his home. Richmond Dispatch. BHECKENRIDGIi'H UKNItL. He is as Innocent as TUcv iiiuke Them. Washington, Sept. 2-i. Kcincsenta- tive Breckinridge has filed his pica in nn swer to the declarations in the suit of Madeline V. Pollard for breach of prom ise of marriage. lie says lie never prom ised to marrv her .-is nlleop.l lie A. r! i she wrote to him saying that she was distressed about an engagement to marry wllil!ll had flHSIimpri n l.Mnlittnn r-ir.M.ifi. than divorce, and requested him to see me ueientianc nt wcsieyan university. 1 Ii' rn llpil fitwl cli. tr-i li.n n ,'..11 eital of her relations with one James C. rwioucs, anil lie advised her toconsumate the contract between her and Rhodes by murri.'ifTp fiml Ki,isi.-iiir,4-l, of,.... i'..u conversation with Rhodes, 'renewed the auvicc. i lie ueiendcnt denies that anv time, or by any means be attempted to take advantage of the youth and inexpe rienre nt' M is P,t1!;ir,l U-.t- 1... ,-, - time prevented her from going abroad or from cntciiuu on anv enrn-r II,. de nies that there was at any time an agree ment oi marriage between tlicm, and the nl.iintifT knew fliirim-r 1,,.;.. ... quaintance that marriage between them was uxipussioic. 85-Vear-Ola Kllzu Uoud Visits Hie I'alr. Elizabeth, N.J , Sept. 2a. Mrs. Eliza Bond is the oldest woman to do the World's Fair. Although nearly K5 and an inmate, she made up her ini'i.l that she could not die content unless she saw the great Exposition. With her scanty savings she bought a $17 excursion ticket, spent two weeks in Chicago, and returned home well and hearty and de igntcd wjtn her experience. 1 lie lout ride in the cars did not seem to inconven ience her a bit. A 91exlcan Volcano Active. GiADAl.AAiiA, Mexico, Sept. 22. The Colina volcano, on the Pacific const. south of this city, is again active, and the people living near the base of the mountain are greatly alarmed. Many have abandoned their homes. The sight is impressive at night. The flames may be seen for a long distance on sea and land. Shook Uouaparle's Hand." New Yokk, Sept. 2-t. Jacob Hirseh, a Talmudist, died Thursday. lie was in his one hundredth year. He was born in i'inueby, 1'osen, German v, was the lather of GO children and Kret-grcat-grand-father of 20. He shook bands with Na poleon Bonaparte on the Emeror's re turn from Russia after his defeat. Will Roll It to Mew Vork. Chicago, Sept. 24. The Ferris wheel will go to New York city at the close of the Columbian exposition. This much has been informally decided noon at a meeting of the board of directors. THE NEW TARIFF BILL IT MAY BE READY ON MOVES' BER I. Uut The Probability Is It Will Be Delaved The Mew Law To Go Into Effect Jnnuarv 1895. WAsiiiNGTON.Sept. 25. This week will see the beginning of the work of putting into shape the tariff bill to be reported by the committee on ways and means. ine committee is confronted with a serious financial situation. It admitted that in some way at least sixtv millions of annual reveuuc must be proylded to meet the ordinary current expenses of the government, and unless the sinking fund law is suspended or repealed, the delicit will amount to $100,000,000 How is this to be done ? is the question the committee must answer bv its work. wuc in wicicaauig members ot the com mittee snva thi hill n,ai nmKmna n eral scheme of reduced duties, the changes m w. uiuuc wuu no reierence to tue per sons or interests affected." And Chair man Wilson has been quoted as saying, in harmony with the above expression : The tariff bill which the ways and means commiftpe will nnn,i- .,ni r.acn in every respect the declaration of the na ..... - ( " nui iuiuii tional Democratic platform on the sub ject." The member referred to was further asked if the committee would adopt the suggestion of David A. Wells, to increase the internal revenue taxes. "We must have more money from some source," he v uuu 1 uu noc Know any net ter way to raise it than by that scheme.' Keprcsentacive Wilson declined to set date tor the introduction for the bill. ut said, in his onininn. it- wmilH rmi Vw ready belore November 1. A month Liter IS believed to hp nparrr thn tim wnen it may be expected. An impres- iion ptcyails that the first of January, 81)5. will he finrperl nnnn Vv fl-io onm mittee as the date for putting the law into effect. KNOCK DOWN ARGUMENT. J. U. Drake Makes Trouble Vnr a Trio of Unknown Men. A little after 12 o'clock this morning B. Drake, who conducts I he fruit stand near the passenger depot, was awak ened by voices outside his place of busi ness. One of the persons outside called Mr. Drake, who made no answer. One oice then said ; "Let's break in." and the persons then proceeded to carry out 11c idea. Mr. Drake arose, -seized a hatchet and warned the men that he would make trouhle fur rmilw-,,i if they came in. The three of them) ran and Mr. Drake came out of the stand and saw the men stop near the street railwav rrossimr lneil the depot grounds. He followed them with blood in his eve. Twn f 1V1P w. run and rrnf nnf rf .,.,. u... i n - - - - ,i(i, uut, 1.11c third was not so fortunate. " Mr. Drake picked up a rock and with good aim iloutrht his trame tn fnrth Tlila down diversion was repeated the third time, and then the man got on his pins and showed a clean pair of heels. ivir. urakesays the men were unknown, old that this is the fourth fltrpmnf tn break into his stand. HELLO, CENTRAL! ot a New Operator? Yes, autl a Youuie Lady This Time. Manager C. W. Thornburtr. of the Asheville Telephone exchange, believes in idvertising in Tim Citizen. A few davs he used the want column to say that he wanted a young lady to stay in the office. He savs that before he time to read his afternoon paper two ladies called on him in response to the advertisement. In all, he had more than 0 answers to this advertisement. One of them was from a Greenshoro vnnmr lady, and she it was who was selected bv Manager Thornburg for the position of dnv oneratnr t flip pvplin.. Tl,n lady is Miss Nettie Fowler and she went on duty this morning. Persons who use tne iiciio box are reminded of the value of an "ad." in Tub Citizen and of the fur ther fact that they must be careful of what they yell into the 'phone hereafter. WHO WAS IT? Mr. HceachlnofLaurlnburK Asks iniormalion. Last Tuesday night as T. T. McEachin of Lnurinburg, N. C, was on the west bound train he was struck on the hca-l hv a rock thrown through the window by sorcc scoundrel from without. The rail road authorities took charge of Mr. Mc Eachin, who was taken off the train at Alexander and Ins wound was dressed bv a company surgeon. As the injured man was getting off the train a gentle man supposing that Mr. McEachin might need funds, placed a $5 bill in his hands, -frivinir his nnmp nml c f 1 1 ; tl,. his home was Asheville. Mr. McEachin has returned home and writes The Cit izen that he has forgotten the name of the !rt'n t lem n 11 vhn ravp him It. m..,n.. nnd requests a publication of the item, in !,.. 1 i.i. :t ... . : . me huik: 1u.11 it mav meet tne eye ot the gentleman, Mr. McEachin desiring to re- .Miii i.m. iiimicy ttiiu iuuuk ine iricnu. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Susan Oliver, ninetv-six years old, 1 Elizabeth, N. J.. Friday night. She died in Elizabeth, N. J.. I riday night. She was born in tt.'ilinvnv M I nn4 1 ... - .. I , M HO 1IK daughter of William Meeker, one of New Jersey's patriots during the revolution. Josiah Quincy, whose resignation of the office of Assistant Secretary of State III . .. I rr - . 1 -t , . vyui mac rucii ci. a , severed nis connec tion with the office Thursday and went to Massachusetts. Severe earthquakes have been felt In I'eru and Ecuador and many lives have been lost. Uhina volcano, in Peru, which has been quiescent for 100 years, is in eruption. Directum attempted to lower the world's record of of 2:0C'i Saturday at St. Joseph, Mo. The track was heavy uuu lie maue it in Over 5,000 specimens have been en tered tor the World's Fair poultry exhi bition, which will commence October 16 and continue until the 21. Prince Bismarck is slowly regaining bis health and is exeedingly pleased with the friendly dispatch from Emperor Williams. FOILED BY DUMMY TRAIN EXPRESS ROBBERS IIMEX PECTEDLY HEET BULLETS. Two are Killed and Others Cap- tared Mews Given in Advance of the Proposed Robbery of the Train. St. Joseph, Sept. 25. rSoerial.1 The Council Bluffs railway foiled an attempt to rob one of Its passenger trains, killed two of the bandits and captured three others at Francis, one and a half miles from this city, last nicht. The dead are Ed. Kohler and Iligs Tin dull, and the names of those captured are Frederick Hersch and Harvey. i rain no. 3 was the intended yiccim. It left Kansas City at 9:05 last night and arrived here at 12:30 this morning The officials of the railroad had been notified that a robbery of the road had been planned and they notified the po nce. When the train arrived here a dummy tram was made up and sixteen police officers in command of the chief of police were put aboard. In order to thoroughly deceive the robbers the dummy train was made the exact duplicate of train No. 3 and con sisted ol an engine and tender, express and baggage car and the usual coaches ana r-unman. At a point two miles out the robbers stopped the train and entered the express car. There they were met bv a volW. Two fell dead and three were captured. The man who jumped into the endue cab escaped. OFF WITH THE. OLD LOVE. Not oulv With HI 111 But Their Two Chlldreu. Ci.arksvillk. Tenn.. Sept. 24. A sen sational elopement occurred at Lewis- burg, Southern Kentucky, a day or two ago. Mrs. Toolcy Sutton left home os tensibly to visit a neighbor. Failing to return search was instifntpil but she could not lie found. liimPQ Kii fnn a .1 ..I. ... .f "P. 1 . . C... ton, who was visiting there, but whose borne is in Texas, was also missing. It is now learned that thp rminlp hnvp UpH to his Texas home. Mrs. Sutten had been marriprl piohr: vpnt-a chi. anA v.- husband living peaceably! She left two little girls aged 6 and 4 years, behind. Yellow Fever and Brunswick, Savannah, Sept. 25. Special. There are two new cases of yellow lever at Brunswick. New York, Sept. 25. rSpccial.l A ship load of provisions for Brunswick will leave here in a few days. ine sensation ot the day in Brunswick was the banishment of Mike J. Eagan, a oorresoondent of t lip SflVfi nn fill Prnfiia from the pit v on rp . , , nt .:a ., n... i 7 v. UlitLU slanderous statements. Best Government Plum at Atlanta. Atlanta, Sept. 23. The agony over the Atlanta DOStoflice is over. Anvn Fox nets the llostmastprsliin Rnrrlnn went over to him. Cooper gets a place under F"ox. The Unfortunate Camperdowu. London, Sept. 25. The Camocrdown. which wrecked the Victoria, grounded in Malta this morning, her first trip since the big wreck. Sixty Persons Drowned. Victoria, B. C. Sent. 25. rSoecial.l The Russian steamer Zeewicke has been lost, her. Sixty persons were drowned on Corbett SIkus. Niiw York, Sept. 25. f Soecial.1 Cor bett this morning signed articles for his finl,i . 1. :.., ii i'K"i nuu luilLljCli. French war Ships at Mew York. New York, Sept. 25. rSoecial.l The French war ships arrived from Boston this mornin". The Father Still Alive Prom the Savannah Press. A colored woman in the Fort cave birth to five boys Saturday morning. At last accounts the quintet were doing well and giving every evidence of a de termination to take 11 n a rwrttiflnpitl rpa. idence on earth. The father of the chil dren is also said to be doing as well as could be exDected under the circum stances. NEWS IN OUR OWN STATE. Raleigh correspondence Richmond Dispatch: The news of the Roanoke affair has caused a great deal of talk here. In this State the law forbids the use of blank cartridges by troops on riot duty, and requires ball cartridges to be used and the aim to be direct. A Rockingham correspondent of the Winston Sentinel says Willie Johnston, son of Elias Johnston, has married the mother of his father's second wife, and wants to know the status of relationship between Willis and Elias. The football team of the University of North Carolina agrees to play the Wake Forest team, Raieigh.at State fair, only regular students to play, and um pire, etc., not to be conected with either institution. The States villc Landmark says that a minister of the gospel ia Iredell county has applied for a position of storekeeper and gauger. In his application to the collector he states that he is a minister, There are 172 new students and 360 in all at the university. The total en rollment is now 360, and it is evident that President Winston will soon reach bis self-appointed goal of 400. The Landmark says that iu five of the townships of Iredell county no property was returned by colored people for taxa tion this year. Kinston Free Press: The Orion Knitting mills management has cut down the pay of operatives about 7 per cent. The State of North Carolina has mined nearly 910,000,000 worth of gold 2 - TO THE World's : Fair 2 FREE We will give a round trip ticket to the World's Fair to the one holding the largest number of FIGAKOcoupons, properly signed and returned to Raysor & Smith by October 1,1893. After the first ticket has been de cided, the other FIGARO coupons will be put in a bag, shaken together and one cou pon drawn out. The holder of this coupon will be f entitled to the other round trip ticket to WORLD'S FAIR. ASHEVILLE CICA.K. CO. From the above letter it will be seen that two tickets to Chicago will be given away. The time Is drawing near. The Figaro is the best 5 cent cigar in town. You get a coupon with each cigar. Sold only by RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVENUB. - AslievlIIe, I. C. THIS IS NOT A FAKE It is my Intention in the future to devote my entire attention and capital to the handling of MJOJAIMND FURNISHINGS. And with this In view I now offer $2,000 WORTH OF MEN'S : AND : BOYS' : SHOES At and Below Cost. This is no fake, but a square, honest sale, and is worthy of your earnest consideration. MITCHELL a8 Patton Ate., Asncvillc. WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER SHIPMENT CALIFORNIA FRUIT TUESDAY EVENING. ... PECK'S, - . . Opposite BHmnaug;n0. GAROLINA IGE 5 COAL GO. NATURAL AND T T-1 MANUFACTURED I I Hf PHAT ALL KINDS. ' wUiL HARD AND SOFT 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. TELEPHONE OFF1CB NO. 180. YARD NO. 1M. T11V Till MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY TH8 TEXT CHURCM STREET, roi TCUrifflKi 7a