Tuesday Evening, September 26, 1893; THE ASHEVl AK UAIX.Y ClTllilN. COMING AND GOING. AROUND TOWN. personals About People li aU oat of Aabe-vllle. J. H. Whituer of Knoxvillc is at the Swaonauoa. Mr. and Mrs: I. J. WiUard of Augusta, Ga.. are at the Battery Park. Among the guests of the Swanuanoa today i IS. t. liDcrts 01 i"ew Miss Lillie Buxton of Lenoir is visit ing at Judge E. J. Aston's. G3 Chuicli street. . Burt Denison has returned from Low til. Mass., where he has been tor several months past. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Conant lelt yester day for Cincinnati and Chicago. Tht-y will spend the month of October at the Fair. George R. Collins was a World's I-iir passenger on No. 11 yesterday. He will do the White City for two or three weeks. W. G. Maxwell, of the United Indus trial i-nmiumv New York, arrived ill the city yesterdav, and is stopping at the Battery Park. Miss Stella Davenport, sUnograt.lur and typewriter in Chisa. tv.:irice's office, lett yesterday to visit her moili. r iu Marietta, O. J. C. Lipe has returned from NuslivilL-, Tenn., where he has been buying o;tk and ash lumber for the Asheville Wood working company. Rev. K. F. Campbell, pastor of t! e First Prcsbvterian church, C. IJ. r;ili:nn and W. H. YVeetall left tor tlic Columbian Fair this afternoon. J. M.Terrell of Sonoma, a brother ol T. V. Terrell, ot the Asheville Cotton milla vu.-i ill 1 hp l-itv veStcrd.'tV Oil 11 S way to Emory and Hcurv college. Lieutenant Robert 1'. Johnston, en jrineeriiiu corns V. S. A., left tliis alter- noon for Willets Point, Long Island, where lie will be stationed for the nexi two years. David H. Scott of Providence, K. L, u brother ot George F. Scott, isvisitiugtlu' tatter Mr. Si-ott is c'lti'f electrician ol the Old Colony and New York, Ilarlloid and New Haven railroads. The westbound train as it pulled out this afternoon carried Kev. Dr. James Atkins and daughter. Miss Love Brut ner Atkins, and Miss Bessie Hreese, win go to the Fair for a 10 days' inspection ot it. A 8WEEPINU CUALMiNUK bo me How- have him Peo ;i vol". ol this Cap). M. J. Kant to Tlie Norlli Car ollua Farmer. Capt. M.J. Fagg, who is as thorough a farmer as he is a fox hunter, has de termined to issue a challege to the far mers of North Carolina, with a view to seeing just what the lands of the Old North State can do when given a chance. The challege is a sweeping one, and the contest is open to evcr lar mcr in North Carolina who cuts to enter. It is that he will S iv one acre of ground in wheat, will defy any tanner to beat linn vield. The land he proposes to this contest is a portion ot im! in tlie use in splendid his nroniTtv on North Mam Ins "pavcii farm," as he calls it. He will not use a pound ot fertilizer on the proline, hut will allow the other competitors in Un contest to use as much tnanuie or fertilizer as they wish. The only conditions he imposes ore that the land used in the contest shall be carefully laid out by disinterested par ties atid that the "yield shall also h: measured bv persons who have no part in the contest. Capt. Fagg has his ground nearly readv now, and believes that the yield on the acre thus set apart bv him will take the blue ribbon against allcomers. Capt. Fagg is in earnest in this matter and will be glad to have his challenge accepted by farmers in any section ol the State. The challenge is out. The idea is a splendid one. No, who will enter the contest ? 8IDKWAI.K 08TSI. Mayor l'uttou had four cases before hiin today, and the fines aggregated $30. The change in the schedules on the Asheville Street railway has caused the cutting off of two crews or four men. President M. M. Leuimond; of the Southern liusiners college, tells This Cit izen that the college night school will opeu this week, probably tomorrow night. The track force of the West Asheville and Sulphur Springs railway has been t'oiiig some good work recently in the way of Idling up gullies, surfacing the track, etc. IS. A. Wilkie, who recently graduated horn the Southern Business college, has accepted a position as bookkeeper and stenographer lor the Frerch Broad Lum ber company. Tl,n:mv hiciids of Kli Mustin will re-ret to hear that he is ill at bis on Starias avenue with j .iiind ice- ever, his physician expects to out within the next 1U clays. social is to be given in the Sunday srlum roc in oi tlie fust lieso ici ..in church this evening bv the Young n'e's s cietv of Christian Uuui .in , .is n t ie coniMcnanou cimieii arc invited to aiieuu. The comaiitues of the First Baptist Inn eh are biisv making prcp.-fr.it ions lor tl.r cntcruiuniH lit ot tlie Of legate who will attend tlie sessions ol ii.t. Western North Carolina Baptist conven tion, to he held here October IS to ''2. The iurv seal on Southsid-- avenue vestcriUv to a warn ua wages w .- property ol the hue Maj. A. . Aic Dortcll.'liccuuse of the opening ot the avenue, will report to the Board Friday 'dlowiiiK d.uu.iges to the amount ol 570 Thiiisn.iv morning, the ysth, is the .late liNcd fir the start of Wilson oc Me Canlcss' ixeursioit tioin Asheville to Charleston, S. C. This trip will be a pleas nit one for Ashevilliaus who wisa to go to the seashore, and a cheap one, the round trip tare being only $4.-. In the jewelry stoic of A. M. Fhld, South Main strict, are cards which it pre sented ; t the exhibit of the Keystone Watch company in the World's Fair, will ..'ni-e lor the bidder a handsome Fait souvenir. Asheville people going to the Fair should get one ot tlie earns, which are given out ftee by Mr. Field. C I. V. S. busk o une in this morning trotn Wchstcr, whither he had gone to attend Jaisoii county court, if the court should he In. Dt. On account of Judge Armliekl's illness, however, the court w,.s not held. Col. Lusk says that a nuuihcr of suitors were there, but on learning that the term was off "folded their tents and silently stoic away." Waterworks Superintendent Murray s:ivs the supply now is all that could be desired, livrr'x body lias pletitv ot water and it is pumped into the city mainly by the new water pump. Occasionally the steam pump has to 1 e operated for a few hours at a time. The work ot re pairitm the old water pump will soon he eoinntctco ana wueu iios i m-m. . probable that there will be little or no ise f.r the sieam piiin, except, possioij ii midsummer when tne hwannanoa is low. i SEASON'S - OFFERINGS AT THE GRAND. "Uncle Hiram" is the attraction coming to the Grand opera house tomorrow evening, with Aaron H. Woodhull in the leading role. In rewriting the play Mr. Woodhull has made it a scenic and me chanical production, the principal effects being a saw mill outfit, cutting lumber in view of the audience and the passing of a railroad train. The scenes are laid in Vermont and New York city, and "Un cle Hiram" ketns along with the pro cession to the end. Tickets on sale at II. A. Lindsey's, 3-t Patton avenue. Ml 01 IN Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Etc. AR.H1 Inciesjc to Mew AUverttsemenw. Lost It Stwrej teooc liruxs llciuitsh & Kragan Iru;a Baysor & Smith Wanted at Once Baron d'Atinge For Sale 21 OranKerstreet Season s offcrlnBa W t Williamson & Co ' lf- ESPECIALLY CHOICE J AND -A.T ' v ?3$SF?p& Astonishingly Low Prices. WHILE THE PRICE IS LOW Bixy Your Coal BEST YARIETY OP ANTHRACITE. CELEBRATED JELLICO LUMP. Car Lots and Less ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO.. 34 Patton Avenue. Telephone No. 40. Triumphs of Modern Milling are the -r oST Ladles iillver watch and pin, be Jj tweea 11 Strne avenue and Ivpiaeopal ctiuTcli. ly way ol Main uud ration avenue. Reward if left at 11 Starnes avenue, alt WANTED AT ONCIs-Oo private estate, a tirst-class horseshoer. Give reler ences and Btate wages required Apply to BAKUN U'Al INl.B, cptSOilUt Biltmore. V-.d ii iii,.lio'd Oooda of every Jb description, the greater part of them be- npo. t'nii ut Ml tiraiiKe street n lUia week from from t:30 to li! noon. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT VERY LOW PRICES Roller Kinf and Bleolrio Ll8ht Flours- I Don't accept others as "just as good." Ask GIVE US A CALL - - - W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., I'lVB kltANONS Why You Siinn.u Takh Till ClTlZHN 1. It t'riuts I lie News. a. it Writes Its Own lvtlitorials. 3. It is the lltst Loeal l'aier Byer l-rintcd in W. N. C. . It I'riutM the Latest Telegraphic News From All the World. 5. It Believe in Asheville Always. To st'M ui 1 T VRWSPiPKR. I1AVB YOU THOUGHT OF ITl? Six Hollars Will Get It For a Year, and If You Live in Asheville It Will U Delivered at Your Door Every KveninR. 16 Patton Arenue, AsneTllle.N. C. your grocer for ASHEVILLE MILLING CO.'S PRODUCTS Choice Corn Meal and Graham Flour. Wholesalers of Grain and Mill Feed. Old Reliable WHITLOCK Tlie WoKlllill Asst'HsiueulH For Pnvlwc loin I.alelv oia Two (lr.'M. At Inst Friday's meetini: of the lioiinl City Ivusineer Lee snhmittcd rejuirts o assessments against projicrty owners on Central avenue and Church street lor sidewalks nut down on those streets. The reports are printed herewith cost on Centred avenue bctweei and Orange streets is: F. W.iFIcntie $ T. W. Fitzpatiick l'.M.o T. S. Morrison 13 U-' Mrs. Orr 7-1 s Elisha Baird K. a.i A. H. Baird 'M i: Mrs. Patton 13 I'.l Edward Gibson l-"-l The assessments on Church street be tween 1'atton avenue and Willow street are : Johnston estate $K!4. 1'J Carter & Graham 03 Presbyterian church l,soll Asheville Library 37 07 THINKS IT'S ALI. UIlillT water in the IN t il!". ttliALTV -ViI-l. V)iil iM i'3-.itiiirliiit i 1 le wav of ! Tiaus.iclous . Tlie lollow invr deeds have been filed i'l KcKister Maekev's citF.ee: Asheville L'.iin, Construction and Iiuuroveriietit company to Kobert l'.iiiyh.im, (" acres oti west side Fieneh liroad $ 3 oUO K. P. Walker ami wile to Mrs. Uariie: K. CDms, lot liS'.lxl 1 I leet i'ii l-'ieiieh liroad avenue... Asli.vilie Loan. Coiistruttion ami Improvement company to . S. Adams, three lots on Cuiu herliind a venue Asheville Loan, Construction find Improvement company to . Iv. liiekerson, 3 lots on Moutloj d avenue : 300 8 SS i lti;V. Sill. FOKRIiH. Uletl It IKtuiirtrl And liuritcl At Mewlitrn. N'HWlii'KX, N. C, Sept. IT,. Special Kev. Mr. Forl.-es died at Beaufort yes terday and was buried here today. Mr. Forb'.s was a prominent man iu the e.nly d.ivs of the diocese of North Carolina and one of the best known ot the older clergy of the Episcopal church in the Stale, lie wds witn liisliop lvcs in his iinsSHin.iry tours and was greatly nteresLed in the work ol the church at VallcCrucis in Yancey county. A II ANUSOMKI-Y Kl' KN1SII Kl BOARDING : HOUSE SSI 1 1'ATTON AVEM'E ASHUVILLU. N. C, TELEPHONE lfil. Is eliariniiis'y located in a Krove of eiKhty- three pines, with numerous old oaks, and a spacious la wu of two acres. Electric cars nass dooi every 15 minutes; five minutes' walk from nostoiliee; liot and cold water tatlis: excellent table and service. scptl'.id3w EXCURSION - - PROM - - Asheville to Charleston, S. C. SEPTEMBER 28. STOPPING AT ALL STATIONS B8TWUBN ASHEVILI.B AND LANDRUM, S. C. Leave Asheville 8 30 a. m. Returning, leave Charleston Sept. S'. at 5 p. m. ROUND TRIP, $4.00. Special car for ladies and their escorts. For I further information and tickets, see WILSON & M 'CAN LESS, scptlDdlw 59 S. Main St. XTOTlCB-llv virtue of a power of sale lN contain, d in a deed of mortgage exe-I euted to me bv S llarauierslilnir ana wile on the 13th day of February, 1K91, and regis tered in the oflice of the Register ol Heeds ol Ittinc.mbe countv. North Oarolina. in Book at pane fo3 of Mortgage Ricords, and bv reason ot default in the payment ot prin cipal ana interest ui suiu uco. bwuicu uj s.,1.1 ,.-.,-! Hff... 1 will sell nt iitlic auction tor cash to the highest bidder at the court ln.nw door in Asheviilc. North Carolina. Huncombe county, on weanesuay, wcioocr 4.th. 1S93. at I a o'clock m.. the House anrl lot ,f land in Asheville. North Carolina, n..n.-.,it.l.i- eoiiutv. on the westside of Spruce u..,.t H..u.rilifri ns follows: lleizinnine at 1 1... ....tht.fiKt corner of a lot formerly be- lontrini: to Moore, in the weat margin oi l Sorucc street, and rnnninj? with said street in n southerly direction tio feet to the north east corner of the Barnard lot; thence with the line of the latter in a western direction too it to the Sluder line: thence with the Sluder line in a nortneny ai reetion 90 feet to the line of the Starnea property, thenr-c with the line of the Starnes property and the, Moore property 190 feet to the beulnniuif. as by reference to said deed of mortRice will more fully appear. This, August aoth, IH'.Kl. ANNA B. GKOESBECK. nuK30 wedrit&octS c L. O T H I N G H O u s E During the next thirty (30) days we offer great inducements to cash buyers of Cloth ing. All our Summer Goods must be sold to make room for fall stock. A glance at our present marked down prices will convince you that this is your opportunity. Our stock, always best in quality and fit, is now offered below values. This special sale embraces the entire stock without re serve. Clothing, Hats, Rubber Goods and Gents' Furnishings ah marked down as never before. It will pay you to see us be fore you buy. WHITLOCK - CLOTHING - HOUSE Corner Eale Block. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures 8BND FOR ESTIMATES. Asheville Woodworking Co. 2 CHIPPED BEEF Collector Ellaa on the Qutrilon ol His Confirmation. Collector Iilias, who returned jester day afternoon from a trip which included Chicago and the Nutional capital, when asked tbia morning about the question of his confirmation by the I'nited States Senate, said there was no doubt in liis mind that the confirmation would be made all right, probably next week or the week after. He also said in reply to a question, that he did not know upon what grounds Senator Vance was basins the opposition to him. The Collector says the Fair is a great exposition in fact, too great tor a visi tor to eraspin a few davs' stay. He was weary almost the first day be spent there. FREIGHT It I.IVKLV. Tbree Mew Blir Enslaet Put tlie M.. & I. For tbejmit week or two freight on the Western North Carolina branch of the R. & D. road has been rushing. So heavy has the traffic been that the rail road authorities have secured three ol the largest engines in use, commonly snoken of amone the "boys" as "hogs." These big engines will carry across the mountains one-third more freight than will the ordinarr freight engines used on this road. Chief Dispatcher Newell says that recently tha K. & D. has received on an average 80 tars a day at Paint Rock, which, together with local freights, ) amounted to at least five trains a day. Columbus discovered a new world where today in millions of homes there is one or more victims of alcoholism. The Houston discovery is a positive cure for liquor, morphine and opium habits that has radicaHveared thousands. Asheville institute at 63 West College street, cures guaranteed or no par. . Be sure you ret jroar ticket tor the ex cursion to Charleston on the 28th. Tick ets oa sale at Wilson it McCanlcss, 59 S. Main street. For oysters in any style go to Moon tain Gem Restaurant. Trout Will (io Hack. KH:iiMoNi,Va., Sept. II. S. Trout, Mayor ot Knanoke, who is here with his wife auil son. expects to return to that eitv ri a lew ilavs. lie lias no tear oi beiiij; molested when he goes ljack. lie will in a tew davs prepare a statement for publication in w hich be will give a history of the event which let' to the riot and n storv of the battle. Koanokis, Va., Sept. 2o. A citizens committee ot tnirteen lias issued an au- dress to Mayor Trout, inviting bun to return hre I.tcetiHe To Wcfi. Register Mickey has issued license to wed as follows : John Vilon and Icey West, of Bun combe; white. Henry Collev and Sallie Britton, of Buncombe; colored. L. W. Williams and Eliza Iiurnin. of Buncombe; colored. W. A. & . H. R'Y HCHEDirtE. Regular half hour schedule to Sulphur Sorinus without change. Cars leave rear of pnstoffice 8:30 a. in. and thence every half hour until 8 p. m. Round trip 25 cents. Car also leaves postoffice at 7:45 a. m. to Spartanburg train. Stop Oveks on all World's Fair tickets over the Queen and Crescent Route, R. & I)., and 15. T., Va. Sc tia. Ky. are granted at Cincinnati, Louisville or In- I dintiapolis. inrougucnrs io nicago. U. G. Edwards, G. P. A., Cincinnati, O. To Adverllaers, T' Insure change of advertisements I running on regular contract, copy must I lie hnnden in bv IO o'clrttlt a. m. ANUe-vIlle nsrkeli. " Corrected daHy by POWBLb SNIDER, wholexalr and retail grocer. Tneae pne arc beta); paid by tlie merctuuita to-dav. Combination Offer! The Asheville Weekly Citizen And .the Louisville Home and Farm For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. Potted Ham I FresH Lot DON'T FAIL TO GET OUR PillCES ON ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES BEFORE BUYING. c&3 SON, HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. We make a specialty of the Feed business. Are in con stant communication with leading mills and dealers. Rep resent some of the largest concerns in the Feed producing sections. Buying large lots, get all discounts and broker age that can be had. Sell at wholesale and retail. Don t want the earth. Guarantee low prices and fair dealing. Respectfully, C. S. COOPER. TUB SPOT CASH 9TORB ax North Slain Street. Telephone No. xsx. -M"M"M r'l"t I'TTTTTl TT fa CO Batter. 202SIAtple 80ftT8 Bra 1 3IApP. rtrled 3A Chicken. lOdiiu Pumpkin., each. Turkey. 70rtlH)0:8orKain SO Duck...... 2t3:j5! Beeswax, per id la Potmtoe. .w'Cm HtK Hone v. ...... Potato.. Irish. COIWbta.t .. Tornips. 80gOlCorn Onions.. 7SMeJ... Cabbage, per 1 .4IOts Bran., pr bu.lOOiifl oolRye. ........ Pea. 65a7BlHay, ton... Ckntniit. . aou SOICelerv. dot.. .10 70 . 65 SO .......4.0 . 69 ....1850 26(MO w 2 3 .it i 9 r- o" ? f K x o o o. m 0 ft tr n 00 ? rt . 2 a cq p o o 1 Nnftcial Accident iDHnrancA md Kallread Kates for World's Fair. curl, tirand Central 11 tel. s S'S h Bl o tit OS p CO t CD is GO GO r I w U O W w o GO R ARE NOW MAKING THEIR APPEARANCE IN THE COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North. Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD, KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. PLASTER PARIS, LAND PLASTER. SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEED. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE. TELEPHONE NO. TS. DBAIKBS IN nDTjnniTD nnrra UQDUnjlD a unAnj-wgL.il Paper, -INTERIOR DECORATORS -AND- FINISHERS : OP : HARD : WOODS, CAM HO RBLIBF8, LINCKU8TA WALTON3. LIGNOMURS. Contractors for Interior TJecoratias and Painting of Dwellings, Store Rooms. Etc s PKOPRIETORB OP A.8lievllle Slfis and Advertising Company. PICTORIAL. COUNTRY AND DBADW1LL ADVBRTI8INO. Blana of an kind, made cheaply and promptly. DB8IGK8 OP JA.DVXXK.TISIKG BPECIALTIBS. Advertlaina Sign Boards oa Wood or Metal, Etc, Bte. W give prompt atcatloa to aH I 01 dels aad guarantee oar work to be ot Some already here, more entransit. Misses Haupt and Driver will be here on the 15th inst., with both their departments well represented. They are at present in New York selecting all the novelties in the DRESS GOODS LINE, with trimmings to match. Also French Pattern Hats, to be displayed at our opening. Notwithstanding the crj of hard times, our store will be kept up to its usual stand- ETCii UsAn -nnrkiJrn vf mil I ill Kim XlVjIUiatUlJ' W U1C lllivjimwu fall stock goods on hand will be greatly re- duced in price from this date. Bargains in abundance for all at ICPERIOR QBALITT- AND UMBXCBUBD BY ANT, AND WB kf BAN JUST WHAT WI SAY. Corner - Court - Square - and Main - Street OTBB COOPaXBL'S CUEtOCXXXLV STOIXS. P. S. Parties owing accounts will please settle at once, as we need all the money possible to purchase fall stock.

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