- J ' W- Ashevl Daily Citizen VOLUME IX. NO 130. ASHBVIIiLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1893. PKICB 5 CENTS- x e NEW HOLLAND HERRING, HIGH GRADE FRENCH SARDINES. Chaumette Fils & Co.'s NEW PACK. OUR ROASTED COFFEE WILL HIAKK A BIG t REDUCTIONS A DEVASTATING STORM SUPERB DRINK ON THKSB COOL MORNINGS I'OK THE BNTIRB FAMILY. THERU ARE PEOPLE In this towti who always buy their Tea ot I u, iKcanse they are sure of uniform quality. I There is nothing that varies so much la character a the Teas that the majority of dealers dispense. WB ALSO I1AVU AN BSPUCIALLY DB 8IRABLB LINB OP BUIBLKS, Things to chew on and things that can be I swallowed without chewing. . ID. Oooiper. s Crystal Palace. In order to make room for the larc stock our buyer Is now selecting In the eastern markets, we will offer BPBCIAL INPUCKMENT8 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. We have the bargains arranged on coun ters from 5 ct. up. Many Articles arc being offered at half their value. Come early and get first selection. Those owing us accounts of over GO days' standing must settle before Octobrr 1 or we will place all for collection. THAD. W. THRASH 5 GO. 41 Pat ton Avenue. I.OHB OF LIFE AMD DESTRUC TION OF PHOPFRTV. WVJii:HVll.LK REUNION. BON MARCHE . FAVORITE FLOUR. NEW FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods, Wc are offering extraordinary In ducements in the price of a first class PATENT FLOUR. Those are select Fish, put up in the finest olive oil. With patent band key open- Dry Goods, BRAIDS, TRIMMINGS, ETC. l'avoritc flour is a high grade ;patcnt and AKB1VIW DAILY. ers. LAIllBS' TION. MISSBS' WRAPS OP HVliKY FULL LINB OF AND CHILDREN'S DliSCRlP. LAMBS', UNDER I guaranteed to be absolutely pure. It is made at the celebrated "Ballard Mills, I Louisville, Ky., and is largely used bv the bakers of that city. KROGER. WBAR AND HOSIERY, BETTER THAN BVBR. NOVELTIES IN ART NEEDLE WORK. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER WEAR, NECKWEAR AND HATS. PULL AND COMPLETE LINES. . BON MARCHE 37 Soutb Main Street. The prices we name below defy comprti- -I tlon, and we will probably have only a tew cars to offer at these prices: Barrels, $4. GO; whole begs, 2. US; one-hall bags, J1.10; one quar ter bags. (JO cents. Mobile Visited II v The Worst Storm Iu Her MlHtorv Tlie city Under Waler-RoofH blown on And The Streets Filled Willi Debris. MoniLE, Ala., Oct. 3. A southeast Kale broke here yesterday morning about 4 o'clock. The storm readied its height' about 1 o'clock p. m , when the wind gained a velocity of seventy-five miles an hour. Rain fell in torrents ttie entire day, and last uight the city was in dark ness. The bay steamer, Crescent City, dragged her anchor seven miles and went ashore on the beach between Ar lington and Monroe Park, about three miles below the city on the western shore of the bay. The Magnolia and Cooley's ware houses were blown down and two un known negroes were drowned in the cot ton yard. Magnificent oaks all over the city are laid low and the earth is covered with the green leaves, whipped from the trees by fierce winds. There is not a wire in the Western Union office affording inter course with the outsiilc world, and this was written to be sent several miles out ot town where communication was established. All the wholesale and a great portion of the retail diseriet is sonic four feet un der water and thousands of dollars worth of goods have been dam tged. It is reported here that some fifty miles of the Louisville & Nashville railroad along the coast is under water and that the Kiloxi bridge has been swept away by tlie gale. In this city houses were unroofed, trees blown down and one cotton ware house 8uccuinbcd to the fury of the gale. All the smokestacks of all the inanufat turing industries has been blown down. Street car traffic has been totally sus pended. The busiest thoroughfares ot the city are uctng navigated m boats and par ties are wading up to their armpits in an enort to save goods. The southern part of the eity presents a scene ot wreckage as it it had been bom barded. The towers on the court house and Christ church are tottering. Todaj'H I.alcM ilepnrl. New Oki.ka.ns, Oct. 3.-Spccia1.J The death list by the cyclone reaches 30. The total loss to crops is fully $ 1,000,- UOO. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 3. Special. The storm is central here today anil moving North. At Mobile 30 houses were unroofed, two men were drowned and several factories totally destroyed. LOVE HIM FOR HIS VOTE Home Information for TlioMe Who Wish To Attend. Editor The Citizen: Iu reply to numerous inquires about what is ex pected of those who may attend the re union', I cau only repeat the order of Gen. McEIroy : "Bach veteran will take three days' rations and one blanket." This will make every one safe. The Hay wood people are now as liberal as her sons were brave, and I am sure no one will starve or freeze over there, but the crowd is likely to number up into the thousands, and those able to go should be prepared for emergencies. The camp and shanties will be well supplied with straw and firewood, in case ot bad weather. There are numerous empty buildings in the town, balf mile away. A large court bouse and an elegant and roomy academy will furnish nice speak ing halls. 1 artics wijhiuc or rctiuiring house room in the town would do well to write to W. 11. Ferguson, chairnipii of commit tee of arrangements, a iew days in ad vance, and such will be furnished at mod erate rates. IJut my. advice is for all of the soldiers to stay iu camps, where around the camp fires they can recite ind hear thousands of thrilling personal and heroic accidents that never can or will be put in print. We are making efforts to get very low rates, and convenient railroad schedules. We certainlv expect Ocns.Longstreet and Ransom, and then we have a host of good speakers of our own, who need no invitation, they are already ordered to come. I understand that every veteran. C. S. or U.S., is invited. All citizens of Western North Carolina, once S'ddiers, from any State arc included. I cannot call names. all are included.. 1 rulv. IV. W. StriiigficlJ. theri:pvui.icanpartv anb the negro. A KlvPCUHli) MJtT HTATK YOlHt IllTHINIWH. POWELL & SN IDER REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFEH TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. TO Sports! NOVELTIES JUST RECEIVED FULL LINE SPORTING GOODS I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Fabric, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., . Real Estate Brokers And IUTestment Aleuts NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. umsea IS k M Pattern Avenue. Second Zfloor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OPFICB BOOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. B. B. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All alsea of crashed stone famished. Send all orders to postofflc Boa 148, Asheville, N. C. aaclSdt 34 .Years Hxperiencc-34 MILTON HARDING ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDBI. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT FLACB AND laAJMCBT BTRBBT. C.M.TATE, MODISTE, l. sS3 CBMTRAL AVB., (BRIDGB ST.) ; . f S. T. TAYLOR SY3TBM. . pauis you raopEKTY with E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance sent. . . , Rear No. 80 Santa Mala street. VERY LATEST STYLES SWEATERS STANDARD SWEATERS, TURTLE SWEATERS, PEERLESS SWEATERS, STANDARD LACE SWEATER, COLUMBIA SWEATERS, ECLIPSE SWEATERS. Very stylish Clothing for fall and winter Just re ceived. These arc from our best manufacturers, and are nearly equal to tailors' fine work. A large discount on Spring weight Clothing. stabttahed IMS. AshertUc. N. C : ft. WORLD'S FAIR If yon srt folnr to the World's Pair. writ, the Dally Cltuten. Asheville. N. C. for 111 mat rated printed matter describing; the by tb atrWHr Maes sr rain- tads yw would from yo.r borne to Chic ro. No charice la at ads. This oner is ma Ic . pedal sr. at with tb. Hecreat gsi Department Prices to Suit All. SIZliS FROM 28 TO . Also everything you can mention In th line of In and out house sports. It is useless I I for ane to mention Call and examine the I line Just come in. I,. Blomberg, The Model Cigar and Sport. Ingr Goods House. AMERICAN BAKERY We are prepared to supply the citizens of Asheville with Fresh Bread, Rolls, Pies and Cakes of every description. If you want nice wedding or party eakes, give us an or der and if you 1 are not pi eased in quality and artis tic work we will refund you your money. We will add daily different lines of cake. Will bake any kind of cakes to order. Telephone 174. New Dress Goods and Trimm ngs for autumn in several weaves, entirely new and "fetching." I To Protect President t'ltvi lauQ From Interruption. WSIUNGTUN, Oct. 3. Several import ant changes looking to protecting the President from needless interruptions have recently been initiated at th-j White House. The latest of these, which has just been aunuounccd, will in ike it nec essary for Senators and Representatives in future to conlcr with l'riv;ite hecrc- I retary Thurbcr, when calling to sic the President, as to the feature ol their busi ness. It is frequently the case that an audi ence with the President is not absolutely necessary, and that by submitting the matter to Mr. Thurbcr, ho will, at a convenient season, submit it to the President, early and satisfactory action can be secured. The President h.iS rtt last discovered that it is impossible for him to see and conler with all the people who seek an audience with him. lie has asked the members of his Cabinet to his aid, and they will share with him the great and growing burdens ot listcniut; to appli cants for office, and cxauiing some ot the recommendations tor lavors. I he only callers at the White House therefore who in future will be admitteil without delay to the President's olbce will be Cabinet officers and such persons as may have encasements with the l;x ecutive. N. Y. World. lie Couiee Kroin Plague H.rlekeu HruuHwIck. Yes, sir," said Mr. E. F. Dukes on the veranda of the Glen Rock this morning. "I am a refugee from the plague stricken district. I left Hrunswiek at the first sound of alarm and was none too soon in the leaving either, for the next day liter my departure the town was block aded. I lav on my bed sick and over heard a conversation between two doc tors. They were discussing the two first cases of yellow fever and the proba bility of its spreading. My mind was made up on the instant. I had mv grip packed and checked just in time for the first outgoing tram. v hen I reached Asheville, some two weeks ago, I was a sorry looking white man, 1 assure you. 1 nave gained in flesh just one poiinil per (lav since arriv ing Here. I have ucen breathing this de lightful atmosphere and 1 am no longer the color of a safTVonbag, as you see. I am so happy at this change in my condition t hat I have about concluded to remain hrc and become a citizen. 1 have business interests on the coast which mav sometime be worth some thing, but at the present time such things have ti- value; all places ot business are closed and the town is dead. Late ad vices received from there report this state of affairs, a letter received recently from a Irierid there relating a. deplorable state of things. 1 think I am tired of the low country and its epidemics, and I think I will try and establish my sell litre and live among you. I have come to believe altitude cuts an important figure esiK-cially in a low latitude." A. Democratic Representative Dais The G O P. Haa Mo Use for the Colored brother Except on Election II a v Borne Hard Hits. Washington, Oct. 3. In the House de bate on the Federal elections bill was re sumed. Discussing the negro question Mr. Clark of Missouri predicted that within a short time the people of the South, white and black, would be found working together on alljeconomic ques tions, lie contrasted the attitude of the Republican party towards the negro with that held by the Democratic party. The Republicans gave him taffy; the Democrats gave him the plain comforts of life. The Republicans stuffed his head with a esthetic philosophy; the Demo crats built schools and provided teach ers to educate his childi en. The Kepub- licansgave him pamphlets; the Democrats administered to his wants in time of trouble. The Republicans asked him to break into the society of the South; the Democrats gave him honest employ ment. The Republicans endeavored to stir his heart to mutiny and rage; the Democrats took him kindly by the hand and said to him "My brother, we are in the same position, in the same locality, traveling to the same destiny; now let us reason tgether. live in peace and make the best of a bad situation, and with malace towards none and friendship for all, solve, it we can, the most difficult question ever presented to the children of Africa." Applause. Clark then ridiculed the love which, be said, the Republican party pretended to feel toward the negro. I-or 3G4 davs of the year the Republican party had no use for the negro. It was on the 3G5th day only that it called out Sambo and covered him with love and affection (laughter). The affection that had ex isted between IJavid ana Jonatnan was nothing to the love that the Republican party had for the negro when the ballots were going in ( laughter ). 1 he Republi can party had gone out of power, ani it would stay out. While it lived, it lived in clover; and wfcen it died, it died all over." (Laughter). In conclusion Mr. Clark said that the Democrats were honest and earnest in this business. Whatever the Republicans might think about it, the Democrats had no doubt about holding the executive and legislative branches of government, (and would soon hold the judiciary branch) for the next 25 years, with full consent of a majority of the American people. IN FRIKNDLV CUNTESr. (snow HTABBING AI'I HAV. JliHUr's YELLOW FKVKR H. REDWOOD &. CO. Ulothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Rags. 13 jR XJ Gr Uitut Mew Canes Houhch uar- aullued Iv Armed UuardK. JESt'l-, Ga., Oct. 3. LSpecial It is understood that six cases of yellow fever have developed here. Armed guards surround all the infected houses Mayor Steele on yesterday forwarded the following telccram to Surgeon Gen eral Wyman at Washington : "All contiguous cities have i uara n t ined against us. One case is pronounced yel low tever by Surgeon Murra v. rive cases of yellow lever are reported suspicious by the local physicians, but the patients are convalescent. There is no exper ienced physician here. The town is pan icky. Will you not detail an experienced man to take charge of the situation here?" No trains on the S. P. & W. stop here and nil communication bv rail is cut olf Graduates in Pharmacv. 'U1 T,tion ,' onc tr-,in on tbc E 11 ild m'ayue Han a (leasee Willi llie Court. Hud Payne and Will llaydcn were before "Squire Frank Carter this morn ing for an affray yesterday at Hud's house, in the "acre." Thirty-two col ored individuals, from a little coon who tried to keep his bare feet warm by standing on his hat, to the usual sizes ot the idle gang that infests the tough re sorts of the race, attended the hearing. Hud personally conducted his case. lljydcn's witnesses all swore that liud cut a lagged hole in llavdin's coat, and Hud's folks were equally positive that Hud onlv "pushed the gentleman." One- witness testified that the fuss was about "twelve or fo' o'clock, and Hurl said to him; "Iiov, look at mc; don't you li you don't like me and you wan't there When Hml's turn came he s.'iid : "These devils came suruunading me, all 'round mv house, and. Oh how it did hurt 'cause 1 couldn't go out to 'em; I tell vou th" truth, I went in for a pistol, but I couldn't find it, so I took a chair, but mv wile took it away, and I just knocked the gentleman down; he tell in the ditch and cut his coat on the sharp rocks." Justice Carter dismissed the case with out costs. KCacli Veteran Anxious to His Good JKeelHiit. Washington, Oct. 3. When tellers are called for in the House the two mem bers designated as tellers stand one on each side of the middle aisle in front o the Speaker's desk. The other day Gen Sickels and Cen. Stone of Kentucky, who founht on the ounosinc sides during the rebellion, and each ot whom lost a leg in the struggle, met in front of the tellers and both tried to get through the nar row way at the same time. Their v.i-utc!u-s clashed together, and there was it uiocKaoe. Meii supml hack lor the other as quickly as his crutches .ii permit, and then each stepped lorwara again to avail himself of the courtesy offered bv the other. So they met again in the narrow pass. Then one backed off to the right and the other to the left. Lach raised a crutch in the air as a salute, aud they shook hands and went back to their seats. A minute or two later Gen. Sickels sent his crutch through the tellers in the hands of a page to be counted as a vote. Raysor & smltn, 31 PATTON AVENUE. We have just received the loveliest line of BRISTOL GOODS that has ever been seen In Asbeville. They will le all marked low and sold close to suit the times. So If you think of buying a HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, HAT, SCRUB or S1IOB BRUSH, remember that you can fee nearer what vou want here than by looking the town over. SOAPS. We are cutting some of the old time prices away on Soaps, among; them we name: Colgate's Cashmere Boquet 20c Palmer's Ind'a Boquet 20c White Rose Glycerine. (4711) 3 cakes to box. per box 4,5c Cutlcura Soap lGc Cutlcura, three in box 45c Johnson's Oriental Soap, very fine for the complexion SOc Packer's Tar Soap 20c All others generally sold at prices very much less than usual. We want to fill your prescriptions also. and promise if you bring them, only GRAD UATES OK riiARMACY will prepare them, tbc best chemicals used, and you will not be Overcharged. OPEN EVENINGS TILL II. RAYSOR & SMITH, Prescription Druigglsts 31 PATTON AVENUE. II-; I, I- THEH! THIS IS NOT A FAKE it is my intention in the future to devote my entire attention and capital to the handling of MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS, .70,000 People llepenueiil on Cliurlly For TUe Necessaries. Washington, Oct. 3. The following telegram has been received from Miss Clara Uarton, President of tbc American National Red Cross, at Beaufort. . C: "The Red Cross has today officially accepted and assumed control ot the re lief ol" the Sea Island sufferers tendered two weeks ago by the Governor and committees of South Carolina. This implies the housing, feeding, clothing and nursing ot 30,000 people tor eight months with no aid from the government and no fund but the direct charity of the American people. Our headquarters and address is at Beaufort, S.. C." And with this in view I now offer WOKTII OF MEN'S : AND : BOYS' : SHOES At anal Below Cost. Heinitsh TO CHICAUO l-'OK. S I 3. Reagan, T. V. & C. railroad. A FEW OF OUR PRICES : FACKU BLI8TERINO NTIiM. lutiLin ova l'RICB PKICB Mclliu's Pood, Large 75 BR Mellin's Pood, Small 40 33 Maltlne $l.SO C7 Mai tine and Cod Liver Oil... l.OO 07 Fellow's Syrup ISO on HolTs Malt 33 28 Scott's Bmulalon.... 1 .00 G5 B. B. B l.OO 65 Carter's Little Liver Pills.... 15 Pear's Unseen ted Soap IS lo Cashmere Boquet 33 20 Heroism of Joseph I.utz, a Jersev Central Kuglueer. PiiiLhirsiii RC, N. J., Oct. 2. With his cab full of blistering steam, Engineer Jos' eph Lutz of this place heroically stuck to hH post on the engine ot tnc central ex press train leaving here for New York at 0 o'clock, and brought it to a stop near Hampton Junction, then he scaggtrcd from the cab and tainted away. A flue had burst and the steam scalded Lutz's face, neck nnd the upper part ot his body frightfully. It is thought that I he will recover. His bravery is the ta among railroaders. To stop his train he had to stand right before the escaping steam. N. Y. World. The Rate Reduced Till The close of Tlie fr'alr. J.J. Noland has received the following message trom I. r. llrown, traveling passenger agent of the Big I-our route, showing that the movement started by Mayor I'atton for a reduced rate to Chicago and return has been successful 'Have just been informed that the Southern I'assenger Association has granted one fare (or the round trip to Chicago, in tlioct October , and con tinuing every day till the Fair closes." THEATER Bl'RMEb. 8 N. COURT SQUARE Two Firemen Probablv FalalU Injured Loss 930,000. Omaha, Oct. 3. Special, The Farn him theater burned last night. The to tal loss is a quarter of a million. Two . , t 1 ri ww . . ri f.. 1 01 rue six iniurca nremca mar uk. 1 nc UC11UWU mm. MCUUU, ere was out at 1 o'clock this morning. All other goods sold in proportion and no over charges in prescriptions. Depew on Ihe. Deadlock. Niagara Falls, Oct. 3. The Hon Chauncey M. Depew and his son and the Count and Countess de Ders of I'aris are visiting here. In an interview Mr. De pew said regarding the action of the Senate on the repcul question : 'Nothing has happened since tue or ganization ot this coverument that has brought the Senate into such cisrC' pute as their action on tbesilvcrquestion, and 1 think that unless they act speedily it is eoinc to lead to a serious agitation for the changing of the structure ol that bodv." This is no fake, but a sauare. honest sale. and is worthy of your earnest consideration. Revenae Onlv. The receipts for the past three months from stall rents in the market show that the hucksters paid iu July, $14G; August, $137; and September, $100. The butchers arc credited in July with $H3; August, $10t.50, and in Septem ber, $21!0. September was considered a good month for huckster stalls because ol the abundant supply of produce, and a tailing otT would naturally be expected alter that time. The ten hucksters who went out vesterdav paid stall rent to the amount of $GO. The rents lor October to date are $113, nnd rcntcls usually continue until the 20th of each month. Bite cotton Receipts. Afc.usTA, Ga., Oct. 3. Augusta yester day recorded the largest cotton receipts in the history ol the city, the number of bales received being 4.23C. Augusta is already the second largest interior cot ton market in the South, and her receipts this year will be 25 per cent above those ot former years. Richard Proctor Rebnrled, New York, Oct. 3. Special. The remains of Richard Proctor, the astron omer, were placed in their new urave this morning. Geo. Cbilds was present. Dr. Talmage delivered a glowing eulogy. Dtbt iDcreasrd, Washington. Oct. 3. The debt state ment issued this afternoon shows a net increase in the public debt, less cash in the treasury during September ol $83,- 7'J3. 28 Patton Aye, A.shevllle. D. D. SUTTLE'S MINER. A. jL. WATER. Will be kept fresh at the following places: Rclnhart's store, corner Merrimon avenue and North Main street; Owen's store, Mont ford avenue; O. II. Simmon's store, Patton nne; McDowell & Johnson's, South Main i street; J. 8. Grant's drag- store, 8onth Main street. octadtf GAROLINA IGE & COAL GO. NATURAL AND T -I TT manufacturbd X iLi COAL ALL KINDS HARD AND SOFT Preferred Death to Siberia. Warsaw, Oct. 3. Capt. Tomassevicz of the Russian artillery was found guilty of ill-treating a sentinel and forging cer tain documents. The court martial sen tenced him to exile in Siberia. As soon as the finding was announced, Capt. Tomassevicz drew a revolver and shot himself dead. 39 PATTON AVENUE. ASHEVILLE. -TELBPBONI Whipped II t Negroes, Madrid, Oct. 3. In a battle between the Spanish and the African natives at Melitta the Spanish were routed and 18 killed and IOO injured. 191J New York, Oct. 2. SpcHal Burton Webster sbo killed Goodwin, must serve 20 years, tbc highest court this morning athrtned tnat sentence. OPFICB NO. ISO. YARD NO. 144. -mw THE- I MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THB TEH.1 CHURCH STREET. TELEPHONE 70

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