tieviiie VOLUMEIX.-NO. 139. ASHEVIJIlLlE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- Citizen. WHEN IN NEED OF A HAM CALL ON US. MACK HREL MACKIiREL, MACKEREL NBW CROP NUMBER ONE NHW CHOP NUMBER; OMi NBW CROl' NUMBKR ONE A. D. COOI'KK A D. COOPKK A. V. COOFIiR CORNER COURT Syl'ARli, NORTH SII'E CORNER COURT f IJUARE, NORTH SIDE CORNER COURT fnl'ARli, NORTH SIDE FOR R.iNT, TWO FRONT ROOMS OVER STORE. WE HAN SAVE YOU -MONEY- Canvassed and UnranvasstHl KROGER. REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST Gwyn & West, (Successor to Walter B. Owyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Coinmts-iloner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE SOUTH BAST COUKT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS.; Real Instate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices 28 Sc. 26 Patton Arenac. Second floor, JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AMD LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICII ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent Wo arc Authorised -BY THE- Largest Tea Importers in America TO SAY TO TUB PEO PLB OF ASHBVILLB That we can furnish you with THR VKRV BRIT THAN 1 II AT ARB NOW OF FBRBD TO TUB AMERICAN PUBLIC. O. A. GSBER) a8 Hortli Blaln St., AsIieTille I I 1 I 1 I J L NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES NI5W CROP I-KKNCIt PRUNES NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES &8 NEW CROP ITRB MAPLE SYRUP NEW CROP PURE MAPLE SYRUP NEW CROP Pl'RE MAPLE SYRUP BIG REDUCTIONS AT THE Crystal Palace. In order to make room for the large stock our buyer Is now select Ins in the eastern markets, wo will offer BON MARCHE HEW FALL AHD WINTER Dress Goods, Dry Goods, 3RAI0S, TRIMMINGS, ETC. A wwivivn D 1I.V. LAIlIKS' WRAPS OF 12 V BR Y I)ESCR1P: TION. A FULL LINE OF LAIiIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR AND HOSIERY, BETTER THAN EVER. NOVELTIES IN ART NEEDLE WORK. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER WEAR, NECKWEAR AND II ATS. FULL AND COMPLETE LINES. . BON MARCHE .. 37 Soulh Main Street. JUST RECEIVED - - a. - - FULL LINE SPORTING GOODS I MAKP A SPECIALTY OF THE YERY LATEST STYLES SWEATERS STANDARD SWEATERS, TURTLE SWEATERS. PEERLESS SWEATERS, STANDARD LACE SWEATER, COLUMBIA SWEATERS, ECLIPSE SWEATERS. 5rlces to Suit All. SIZES FROM 28 TO . Also everything you can mention In th line of in ami out house sports. It is useless for me to mention. Call and exumine the line Just come in. L,. Bloinbergr, Tlie model Cigar and Sport ing: Goods House. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. We have the bargains arranged on coun ters from 5 ct. up. Many articles arc being offered at half their value. Come early and get first selection. Those owing us accounts of over GO days' standing mast settle before October 1 or we will place all for collection. THAD. W. THRASH S GO. 41 Patton Avenue. "Fairbanks Golden Cottolene." CHEAPER THAN I.4HI). "Fairbanks Golden Cottolene." BETTER THAW LARD, Powell & Snider. For Sale In Any Quantity. A PRIM 3 ASSORTMENT OF NEW fYZ-ES JUST RE- CHI Vt2i MANY OF THESE WERE llOl'CHT LATE IN THE WHOLESALE SEASON ON A MARKET GREATLY DEPRESSED The American Bakery HE1N1TS11 & REAGAN HAS REMOVED TO 18 COURT SQUARE, AND IN ADDITION TO BREAD, CAKES, PIES, ETC., HAVE OPENED A FINE OYSTER : PARLOR, WHERE OYSTERS WILL BE SERVED IN ANY 8TYI.B DESIRED. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADIES. OWe tiff a trial. AMERICAN BAKERY TTLEPHnNn 17 ABBEVILLE. II. REDWOOD & CO , CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES, II ATS, RUGS, ETC PASSED INTO HISTORY i;o or -vine WAV.M:fvii,i,i; HICl.'KilOX. VOORIIEES HAD TO GIVE UI i hi; anti-ki:ps;ai.H';rs woke 22 1 M TO A. FHAJiZLB. hoi. re ii:ntm IN ASIIHVILLE FOR THE SALE OF DP LI CK (US BON BONS AND CHOCOLATES VOU CN DEPEND ON IT THAT THEY A Hi; FRESH, AS We Receive it Twice a Week DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY'. Hcinitsh & Reagan. CHORCn ST. AND PATTOS AVE. It XV an a Grand HucceHs And Tlie IIh vwoocl People Treated Tlie Old VelerauH Ilaudsonulv A.u old Battle Flair. Wavni-sville, N. C, Oct. 13 As ttiis annual reunion of tbe Confederate Vcttr ans' association of Western North Caro lina passes into history the old"vets"! shoulder "knapsack and lIankct"aml go out from the circle of the great blazing camp lire some ul them, perhaps, ti gather at no more reunions with these comrades until the long roll beats lor the gathering in that other world, and nil. officer and private, must alike respond to the last roll call. The reunion virtually closed last night. The afternoon was taken up bv addresses from Judge A. C. Avery, Col. J. S. MeLTroy and a number of veterans. Those who lived west of Wayncsvillc left for their homes in the evening, while those living in liunconilic and cast Hay wood remained in camp until this morning. During the encampment about ;iiM veterans have reported. These have been well taken care of bv the commit tees having this entertainment in charge, aided by the people of 1 l.-ivw. od comity :inu a small contribution truin llnn- combc n contribution which. Col. -Mc- blroy said, vras made almost entirely by the lawyers of Asheville. The occasion was beyond doubt a pleasant one to those who participated, and served to bind even closer together those old brothers in arms of darker days whose reunions are alas! only too few. May they live to meet each other many times yet. At the front in the line of inarch Wednesday was a banner that told a story more pathetic, more thrilling than man could paint with words. It was a flag that had passed through the battle of Chickamauga. Around its edges it was tattered, while the myriad holes in it plainly told whete the bullets of the enemy had made their wav. With all of its service the color had been well pre served. At ChicUamauga the bearer of the flag was killed under his colors. I!. II. Cathey, first lieutenant Co. K., ii'Jth N. C, now living at Iirj sou City, rushed up and picked up the Hag, carried it awhile and then gave it over to Wesley Shelton, who upbore it to the close of the war, Mr. shelton was at the reun ion and was kept busy sho wing the re lie to the curious crowds. No man in camp received more" atten tion than Col. Henry M. Kutiedge the "boy colonel" of the" 2'Jlh N. C. He is now u prominent planter in the Pal metto State, and bad not gathered with his men since the parting at Appomat tox. When he was seen in camp his men eagerly gathered around him and talked of the happenings since last they met. Col. Kutiedge went "off to the war" from Asheville at the age of 'JO years. l'inned onto the hat worn bv M.JM. iMagie or Asncvine was a mini Con federate bill. It was a part of the niorcv he received for his services when the wai closed, together with the Sad bounty. I'ndcr no consideration would Mr. Siaglc part with this relic. An interested visitor was John (i. Lea, now of Danville, Va., "then" of Co. C, e!d N. C. regiment, Dnrringcr's bu.eie. He was with the army at the surrender, and has a fund of anecdotes. With the Western North Carolina veterans there are fewmoie popular men than Col. J. M. Kav of Asheville. Col Kav was wounded in the right arm at Chickamauga, anil no less than I 7 pieces of the shattered bones were taken from the wound. Ivx-Clerk J. R. I'atterson of Asheville is never at a loss for a story to tell. Some one mentioned the name "Tarheel" in camp, which reminded him that the Vir ginians in the war time would call out to the North Carolinians: "Cot any tar?" And the reply would come ip.iick as a Hash: "No, we gave it all to Vir ginia to get her men to stick to the bat tlefield ! " One of the Kough and Reaelics t Co. I" Hth N.C.I inciimp ws W. M. Cudevr of Uuncombe. lleentcrcl the armv in Mav, '01, and followed the flag until the surrender. lie was promoted to a lien tenantcv at Cold Harbor, ami was :;o days in the Wilderness. His first vole was cast for Jefferson Davis, and, said he, "I have been putting them in straight ever since. County Treasurer Courtney of llim- eombe, the filer of Co. I., U5th N. C, found an old timer m the shape of a file made of steel and said to have been in use in Cornwallis' army in the Revolu tion. The fife belongs to I'inkir.v Mc Clnre of Haywood, and it is said that the claim as to its being with Coiuwal lis can be fully substantiated. Mr. Courtney manipulated it awhile am! pronounced it a good one. Nobody in camp felt more at home and satisfied than Captain A. li. Thrush ol liuiicombe. He was in demand in everv group. I rot. II. L King is an expert in mak ing camp coffee, it Tine Citizen is any thing nt a judge. He and Col. Kav and the scribe fared sumptuously from the baskets of the two gentlemen first mentioned. "Maj." John Hrwin, when asked where he got a $-0 Confederate bill which he wore on his coat lapel, replied Tought tor it." Col. Kutiedge took with him to the en campment the old flag of the Cane Creek Kitfcs. On it in bend lettering were the words: ""Liberty and our native soil." Capt. Stephen Whitaker, Co. 10., 1st battalion. Thomas' I.cgiou, came down to t he reunion from his Cherokee- home. He went out as a private, but was sent back to re-cmit a company, v hich he did, and served throiig li three- e.irs of I lie war. He- was i lirougli the valley ol u ginia with Maj. Slrnigliclil. Lieutenant Ccoigc 11. Mills, Co. C, lOth N. C, brought with hiri the flag ol the Kutherford County Volunteers, pre sented to them by the ladies ol Kulher fotdton. In the upper K it hand coiner were the words : "In Cod vc 1'iiist; Victory or Deaih." H. N. Alexander of Kuticoiiihc was one of the vets. When be started oil to war, be had just turned his 1 Tth .ear, and weighed 1K pounds. He is a good de larger now. Lltvusc To M t di Register Mackev has issued license to wed ns follows : Marshall Taylor and Willie Norwood, of Buncombe; white. (be Hoiintc Hi Coia'.liiuous NcnnIoii I" or 3 Hours and .8 SlIiiutcH Wewnrt Ni;Hklii Tudnv and liood For a We It I'rolialilv. Wasiii.noton, Oct. 13. The Senate dragged along until S:30 o'clock, when Voorhees, challing under the continued roll calls, demanded to know of l'rve of Maine who was in the chair, to what extent the privilege cf calling for a quo rum could be abused. The scene wau a brilliant one. The setting of the fierce struggle in progress on the floor in the dazzling glare of the artificial lights was one to impress the niiid and fascinate the eve. The galleries were hanked to the doors. In the reserved galleries were many ladies, their bright dresses adding color to the scene. The press gallery overhanging the President's chair, was crow ded with busy corres pondents, scratching; away with persis tency. Ik'low on tbe floor, was the wreck of a parliamentary battle, then 32 years old. The venerable Senator Stewart look ing like a patriarch vi:.h bis long white heard, was grinding monotouslv away n hile the hatrgard faces around him be tokened the long strain to which the attempt to force the bilver men to yield bv a test of brute streiiiith had sub jected the Senate. Mr. President, my inquiry, said Mr. Voorhees with head erect, and defiant, "is whether there isanv limit or restraint on the rule permitting Senators to make the point of no quorum." "In the terms of the rule," said Mr. 1'rye, who was presiding, "there is no limitation and the chair knows of no power in the presiding; officer to place a limitation."' Voorhees sank back in his seat angry, but with no further word of protest. Atl:tuthis morning, however, Mr. Voorhees said : "Mr. President, I feel thnt I have done my duty in this matter, and without comment, 1 now move that the Senate adjourn." The motion was unanimously agreed to and in instant the Senate chamber was deserted, alter a, continuous session of uS hours and -U minutes. Hiewarl H3;ij Vlie Floor, W.siiinc;to., Oct. 111. Special. Alter the reading of the journal Senator Voorhees moved that the re)' al bill be taken up. anil Stcw-irt resumed his speech ol last night. A FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT AT I-ICABT 50 l'i;UHO.NS AUK IvII.I.I.D SI-:? VTOK. VANCE'S COI'ItNlv An i:xcursioii Train Oil The Way To Tlie 'ulr Torn AH To Pieces Bv Coillson one H unarm ler hoiih Injured. Jackson, Mich, Oct. 13. Spcciul. A11 express tniin collided near here tliis morning. It is reported over 100 per sons were killed. The wreck occurred at 'J:-M a. 111. at the station here. The trains were the Delaware and Lackawanna and a day coach excursion train. A misplaced switch was the cause. In 20 minutes six bodies were taken out; at 11 o'clock 15 bodies were dis covered and the dead will number 50. The injured will he at least a hundred. The trains carried 1,000 excursionists. One car was driven completely through another, and the others turned entirely over. Governor Drown and staff of Khodt Island are reported 011 the train. It is impossible to secure the death list now. Surgeons are at. the scene and the wounded are being taken to the hospital. It is the most frightful accident of the year HKLl" Ilill NSWICKi The It Is thnnrdit England that miners' strike is ncarlnR nn end. It 1st S'.iieSome d lv Hie lluiiconine t (anil v Alliance. At the regular meeting of the Bun combe Partners' Alliance held here yes terday, the following rcsolu'ions were adopted : ' Resolved, That we leader t.i Senator '.. P.. Vance our cordial and heartfelt thanks lor the patriotic and 111 inly comse he has pursued in regard to one! of t he den. rinds of the Alliaree, to-wit : the iree coinas."' of silver, and are proud to s e that the sneers of "some of' the press bcli 11 -dug to, owind and controlled bv the powers ol Wall sirccL, have no in fluence upon him in the inaulv course he has seen fit to pursue in behalf of the downtrodden and oppressed otour com mon country. Wo tender our thanks also to all other members of C-ougress who stood by him. "Resolved, That the Farmers' Alliance of this and adjoining 1 , unties be re quested toco-operate with the citizens of this section, without regard to party, in urging ami inviting I'nitcd States Sen ator X. I. Vance and" Judge J. II. Merri nion to address us 011 the financial ques tions now iig i 1 a 1 ing 1 he co uut r , at such lime as may be convenient to iheiil. "Resolved, Th.it tbe meetings of" the Alliance be carried from one pait of the county to another, and that the execu tive committee and secretary ami treas urer select and publish the recular places from time to as n 1 1 uiri d." TiiuivS'; s 5 lis it.ii r. That IsTlmt liuiiiierTlic VljjUnnt Will l lv. New York, Oct. let. Special. At 1) clock the wind was 20 miles per hour id dispelling a thick tog. both yachts. the Vigilant and Valkvrie, lift f -r S.mdv Hook at S o'clock. At KK.'iO the wind was .. miles an hour ami ti esignnl was given thai the course woulif 0c K miles to windward and back. Later The start in the yacht race was postponed to 12::it ns the Valkvrie met w ith an accident to her call. All is now in readiness for a fine race. Wind to miles. Loll p. in. The Vierilant appears to be an ci;;hlh of a mile ahead ami gain ing. She is already almost certain to w in t he ti nal race. 2:L. The yachts are almost lost in the mist. The Vigilant appears to be a mile ;i head and Hearing the stake boat. ItCiiil nial Iti llicl. Visitors to the citv hall these days sec posted in many places about the building this notice: "Spittoons ami sandboxes arc provided lor those unfortunates who cannot control their saliva; or, i' thev desire it, medical aid will he rendered thiin at my cost; but at any tale all parlsot lliis buil ling must he proleeled." This is signed ly Max 01 T. W. Patton. Li oilier words, il a tobacco ehewcr, hunt a cuspidor, swallow vonr quid, or hiii'l the houl door. c.i.i;.s:i r:u;:ix.iis. In the name 01 bis leovcriimeut the Chinese mini-ler at Washington lias riven distinct . ssurances that if some of the oll.ns.,c Kali-nsol I he Cearv la w are nioiiilied and tbe- lime for legisla tion c leaded Chiiu-sc lcsidcuts 111 the l'l,i:cd Stales will en. lea vi r locouiply Willi t he ii;;isl ra t ;on provisions. lanir C. I'ariaph. presiiient, and lClnn-r C. Satl'.ey. cashii r of the Kansas City Sa:c IK icil .o.d Sixiigs bank, li.'ivf Ih-O' :-a" u . ! .n 1 1 char-.:r each of grand larceny. The bank closed July 10 wiih M ,;Oi . 'O in leuosus, of which it will probably pay 2.1 cents on the (lo.lar. The bacteriological examination in the case of one ot the five person who died on the steamship Russia on the pns- Sapc from Jiamuurr; to ,r York flu closes the presence of cholera germs. CoiitriliudoiiH Ment In to Citlzeu" Today. Tlie $5 sent in to Tins CrnziiN yester day by a sympathizer, to he sent to the Itrunswick sufferers, has started a fund that, it is hoped, will grow as the days go by, until Asheville shall have shown that her heart is in the right spot when she is called on to help suiflcriug human ity. That Brunswick is sadly in need of help is a well known fact. The At lanta Constitution speaking of thesitua tion says : "Brunswick is in dire n-'ed. Five thousand human beings are hi'inmed in there hv n shotgun quarantine. They are on the verge of starvation. Unless replenished their supplies will he ex hausted on Saturday. Then thev will slowly starve. Georgia lias not realized how desperate is the situation of the unhappy people. When the first appeal came the state responded generously and then forgot. Succor must he sent speed ily. Every village and town should give something. The greatest need is provis ions. "l'or three days' rations one could only get one-fourth pound bacon, one qu:irt ol flour and three quarts of meal, for the rapidly decreasing supplies would not warrant wider (listnljutiou. Mavor bam!) ol lirunswick, in hisnii- pc a I t !ir mo h 0 avertmr Northcu to the people of Georgia, savs: 1 he conditions 111 lirunswick are daily rowing worse. It looks as if every man, woman ami child in the city, except those who have imtinmitv from the dis ease, will take the fever. In a few words the situation is no business, 110 money, city treasury depleted, sickness and sul- teruig everv where. We are therefore compelled to ask lor aid from a generous pulihc, wlucli up to this tune has been kind, hut, with the fever on the increase and both money and provisions coming in slowly, I am compelled to appeal again for assistance." Knowing this condition of things, will the people of Asheville who can give, lon er withhold their hand The amounts contributed up to date arc: "Crnziis" $ r Kinpluvcs Abbeville Cigar Co 10 Cash 1 A I.adv o Alter ClitckeiiH. Last night I'aolnien McDowell and ''inland saw Sam Bowlin.a middle-aged colored man, coming out of Vance street with what they thought was a bundle under his arm. Sam saw the officers and stopped. A moment later he "got a move on" and eluded the officers, who examined the ground and found a sack full ol line chickens, oneof w hich, a large rooster, bail been killed. The chickens were taken to the city hall. This morn ing the ollicers saw Samuel and arrested him on a charge of stealing the chickens. I le was turned over to the county au thorities to await trial. Sam, the police say, has been 011 the chain gang more than once. NEWS IX OI K OWN STATE. Wi; ARK NOT CLOSING OUT. WE ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE OUR BUSINESS. But we Intend giving the public the benefit of a TliM TO I-IFTIiBN PliR CENT. RE DUCTION on our elegant and well selected line of druggists' sundries. Our goods are all fresh and clean; were bought for CASH nnd marked low in the l eglnnlng, and this reluctiun from the market price means COST for most buyers. I-'ive dollar Hair BruBhes for $4.5; $3 Hair Brushes for $-'.00; $2 Hair Brushes for $1.75; $1.50 Hair Brushes for $1.30; $1 Hair Brushes for JO cents; 00 cent Huir Brushes for 45 cents. Tooth brushes will share the same fate. All our 35 cents Guaranteed English Bristle Brushes for 25 cents; our 23 cent brushes for 20 cents, and so on. I.ubin's, Pioaud's and Atkinson's extracts, in bottlen or bulk, will be reduced In a like proportion. Our American makes, such as Ricksccker, Palmer's and Wadsworth's will be reduced also. The same reduction applies to our choice line of Ladies' and Gents' Pocket Books and Card Cases. This line is unusually full with iree goods. Sponges, Chamois Skins and Bath Brushes will also be reduced; in fact, nearly all our sundries will come In on reduced prices. Don't buy Patent Medicines until you price them at our store. Possibly we may save you 0 cents or 10 cents on each bottle, and that much counts in thesi hard times. We have already reduced prices on Soaps and Toilet Waters. These prices on Sundries will Inst for 30 days from date, so call early If you would get the selection. We want to fill your prescriptions also, and promise if you bring them, o!y Gradu ates of Pharmacy will prepare them, the best chemicals used, and you will not be OVERCHARGED. 0?EN EVENINGS TILL 11. RAYSOR & SMITH, Prescription Druggists, Ul PATTON AVENUE. N. II We are agents for the SABOKOSO 0 cent cigar. Try it. 598 PAIR LEFT. Had a big run on my Men's and Boys' Shoes, Put have Csis poir left, so you may not lie too late. Remember tliey must all ero at cost as it Is my purpose to c!o:e them out, so you had better come before the beet are gone. By the way. my stock of Men's Still' Hats in late fall shapes is great. tic in and so- it. Agent for the cele brated Knox hat. MITCHELL, MEN'S OUTFITTER 28 ration Ave, Asheville. Tuckaseigce licniocrat: Stock ship ments during the week just passed have averaged one carload for eaehday, tbr. c car loads having gone to Charleston, S. C, one car load ul sheep, one ol mixed cattle and sheep, and two ol cattle alone to k'icbiii'oiid, Va, These make 'J 5 car loads shippped from this station alone Ibis season. The Senate lias confiinud the follow ing nominations of postiunsters, North Carolina: Waru'ti (',. Turner, at Mor ganton; John C. Wooten, at Kinston; T. Kennedy Marnclt, at Shelby; John W. Hrvan, at Goldshoro; llci.uctt liunu, at Kocky Mount; Lewis C. Hancs, at Lex ington. The Record savs a South Greensboro man went to the- W orld's l air, remained eleven days and spent only $a I lor the entile tup. As Jjil'il.tiil ol tins was lor ; inihoad laic, he spent $111 In lor hoard rind seeing the sights. Uvideutlv he ,,.,1 . 1 h,. 1,.U, . -Stalesvillc baiidiiiai k : How much life insurance would you suppose was carrie'1 nv Mntcsvillc parties. A gen tleni.-iii w bo has t iken the pains to in vestigate tells the Landmark it amounts to about 7al,OIUI. There, -ire s.iid to le an unusually large number ul revivals in the Metho dist and baplist chinches this fall, and the additions to the niemlierhip are very numerous. In August one firm at Durham bought l, 1200,(100 of revenue stamps for Its cigarettes, ten in n package. llrvson Citv Times: Judge Armficld Mopped orer here Sunday on hia way to Clay county superior court. Nearly all the wheat Is lown and tbe acreage Is considerably larger than last year J). 1). SUTTLK'S MINERAL WATER Will be kept fresh at the following places: Riiiiliart's store, corner Merrimon avenue and North Main street; Owen's store, Mont- ford avenue; G. II. Simmon's store, Patton avenue; McDowell Ac Johnson's, South Main street; J. S. Grant's drug store. South Main street. oct2dtf CAROLINA ICE 4 COAL CO. NATl'KAI. AND T T- MANUFACTURED 1 . j Y . rr a t ALLKiNPs. JJ 11 1IAVU AND SOFT 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. -TEI.BPHONB- 0FF1CB NO. 130. YARD NO. 144. -TJIY 'I II lu MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE TF.ftV BF.BT WOUB, CHURCH STREET, tELEPKOTE 76

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