Momlaj Evening, October 23, 1893. THE iASHEVILLB ..DAILY CITIZEN. o l'Oit DUELS. . Q.i'.'-t Spot Whoro Frenchmen Settle Affairs of Honor. Tha Islanri nr I.a Grande ilatlo and IC Mliifctular Restaurant The Hcent of Uuttles Between Women Several Frenchmen have rventlj been tlnlnc; tlio proud honor IniMiioss. They satisfied their outraged feolinfM by brancllsliinfr rapiers and flrtn" oil pistols at each other. Tito other n brace of noblemen had a set-to itli swords on the Island of La (.ramie Jattc, and one of the furious lot got nil uply thrust. On tho following day there wero two encounters lie twees Journalists, during which pistols and Kwords were used with vlen us lntcii' tlon. A few days ago, write; respondent, I, aeeompuni vent to a f unions rehl Island of La (irande .I; I'nrls cor fricmil, in the Iposlt! Courbcvole, where most of the duels that take place near l'aris uro fought, I was quick to take advantage of the waiter's surmise that tho pair hud come to arrange for a tilt and In conso quenco tho landlord was suimnnned. This proprietor Is a jovial individual and hos just turned his fifty years. lie welcomed us most genially, and ex claimed: "Ohl so a duell Well, there is the (ground, behind tho swings; twenty meters of splendid ground, quite smooth and hard, lteautiful trees ami shrubs; plenty of shade; quite quiet and private, you see. Over there on the quay, bordering the narrow branch of the Seine, is where the carriages (stop. M. Dehaynin and M. Jiicques Lebaudy fought here only the other day. M. Lebaudy received three cen timeters of steel in the middle of the chest. Would you like more opea ground? Here you have it. "Last month there was an exciting affair on this very spot. A duel be tween ladles, and smart ones, too, can tell you. They wero actresses. Love was the cause of the dispute ami they fought like tigresses. I'jxin my word, you would have thought they wero mad. The seconds were elderly gentlemen, both decorated and evl dently rich. The girls wero nuked tc the waist and wore full riding breechos. One of them had her breast pierced threo times before she would give In. Upon being asked if ho witnessed these duels tho urbane proprietor somewhat reproachfully answered "Most absolute solitude reigns hero on those occuslons. All the doors are bolted and tho waiters lire shut up lu the cafe. I remain near at hand be hind ono of tho bushes, for example to give assistance If needed. My clients need bring nothing with them but their arms. I supply everything, ex- cept the doctor and his Instruments, ol course. Two salad bowls full of car bolic acid and water to wash the wounds, bandages, lint, cotton-wool In faot, all that Is required for the first dressing. In a word, you aro just as comfortable as if you were at homo, "Tho ground I have just pointed out to you would not do on a rainy day. In bad weathor these affairs aro settled In tho ballroom, which bus a beautiful smooth, even lloorlng, as you will seo. Just like a sallo darmes. Itwus there that the Mores-Meyer duel was fought. M. C'lumenceau, who Is ono of iny best customers, will never fight anywhere else. He was hero a few weeks ago to settle an affair with a deputy, but tho commissary of police arrived upon tho Bcene. In such an eventuality, every thing is prepared. As the commissary entered by ono door, my customers went out by another, and did tho oust ness in liothschild's park, whero M. C'lemenceau had all tho time ho re quired to put two or three inches of steel Into his adversary's ribs. When M. Clemenceau Is not hero, others are. I generally have two or three duels a week. "As for tho fee? oh, a mere nothing a couple of louis, service complete. If It were not for the refreshments. It would not repay ono tho trouble When the affair does not terminate badly, the gentlemen often lunch here." . Then, In answer to a query, this ac commodating host continued "No, It is not now customary for tho duelists to shako hands and lunch to gether when the encounter is over. "One of tho principals lunches with his two seconds and his doctor in ono arbor, and the other with his friends In another, lifty meters apart. Hut tho dejeuner that Is the most curious and profitable is that which is given a day or two afterward. A duel natur ally makes lions of tho principals, who are talked about by their friends, and when it has not had an unhappy issuo one or other of them, sometimes both, but at different times, returns hero with a party of ladles and gentlemen and 'fights his battles o'er ugaiu' In words. "The trround Is Inspected and every thing is minutely explainod. The horo Is applauded by the men and admired by the ladies, who glvo utteranco to Suppressed shrieks, and exclaim: "bo vou wounded him, mon cheri, did you? Well, it was very chic, anyhow.' Then they cuddle and kiss him, and you eon easily imagine what a set-out thero Is after that." Thereupon tho landlord burst out into a fit of laughter. When his hilarity had somewhat subsided he exclaimed: "And now, gentlemen, lets have a look at the culinary ar rangements." And the monarch of the swell king dom led the way from tho garden into tho elegantly appointed edilice where. in a sumptuous dining-room, mobt savory menus are served. Old Holland FortllU'atlons. With very few exceptions the old cities of Belgium and Holland hav leveled the walls which have playei such grand parte In the national hlsi torles, and they are converted lnta promenades after the manner Chester and York. Tho walls of Anb. werp and M alines have been replaced by boulevards. Tho old bastions o Amsterdam still remain, but the citizens of Arnheim and Utrecht an lloorn and Zwollc and Haarlem an Ley den disport themselves on line evenings upon tho line of fortifications famous in the most stirring pages of what Is perhaps the most stirring of European histories. I A Curious English Naval Law, The archives of tho port of South ampton, England, contain a curious naval law of the fourteenth century, The document holds tho captain of Vessel responsible for the value of tho goods lost if his vessel is wrecked on any voyage begun In spite of the oplu loo of a majority of the crew that the T- l 'IT, - I I. wind was unfavorable. GIRL. 111 till spree That Appear to Her In tlia I.lcjit or ueiuooiae tenrs. A couple of girls met down town tho lother day, and both at tho same time xcliiimed: "Sayl Lets do something dreadful!" They thereupon rapturously resolved break away from conventionality's bonds, swear eternal secrecy and do something daring. They couldn't quite decide what was bud enough to do, says the New, York Recorder, so they adjourned to a soda stand to talk over, while their guardian angels wrung their white hands lu trembling horror of what was to como and tho girls themselves felt like awful adven turesses. And what was It they really did? Well, they crossed tho street to a plneo where somo long-hnired ladies held forth, envied them their six-foot ong tresses, wero coldly frozen out at presuming to question them, bought some shampoo powder and emerged thrilled at tlieir wickedness. Then they remembered a certain lady specialist who lias tho power of con ferring beauty's diadem upon ono for a monetary consideration and breatb- essly tore Into her office, whero they sat In chairsand had their complexions decried to them omphatieally. They uid always labored under tho Impres sion that they were to bo modest not especially bad looking, and this experience rather put a damper upon their feelings, so they gained tho street in a subdued frame of mind and wondered how peoplo could bear to look at two such homely girls. After that they hilariously sought a cheap store and shuddered with joy nt the plebeian cheap sulesman who oflleious ly urged things upon them. Then they weighed themselves and went home, absolutely speechless with rapture They think they had a riotous time and nod understandlngly when people sigh over tho way morals aro degener ating in these days. It is strange how all girUi enjoy these exceedingly mild escapades. It is safe to warrant that the girl has never yet icen horn who was not attacked with wild ambition In this fascinating line. There Is a certain young woman of my acquaintance who nt times, when n lot of girls are telling ghost stories, with the lights turned dim and the wind shrieking around tho windows, relates with unction the tale of how kIio and a cousin ran away one day and went to a real dime museum. Oh, these maidens need looking after! AN OPTICAL KHtNOMENON. Peculiar ftllhoiiettns Heen from the Top of a Hlirh Mouutaln lu Telemarkeo. A correspondent of Nature at Chris- tliinia gives an account a! a very curi ous phenomenon witnessed from the top of (iausta mount.iln (height six thousand Norwegian feet) in Tele- niarken, south of Norway. "Wo wero a party," ho says, "of two ladles and three gentleman on the summit of this mountain on August 4. On tho morn ing of that day the sky was passably clear; at noon thero was a thick fog. Itetwoen six and seven o'clock in the afternoon (tho wind being south to southwest) the fog suddenly cleared In plucea so that we could seo the sur rounding country In sunshino through tho rifts. Wo mounted to tho flagstaff in order to obtain a better view of tho scenery, and there wo at oneo observed in tho fog. In an easterly direction, a double rainbow forming a complete circle, and seeming to be twentv to thirty feet distant from us. In the middle of this wo nil appeared as black, erect and nearly life-size silhouttes. Tho outlines of tho silhouettes wero so sharp that wo could easily recognize the figures of each other, and every movement was reproduced. Tho head of each Individual appeared to occupy tho center of the circle, and each of us seemed to bo standing on the inner periphery of tho rainbow. We esti mated the Inner radius of tho circle to lie six foot. This phenomenon lasted several miuutcs, disappearing with tho fog bunk, to be reproduced in new fog throe or four times, but each time moro indistinctly. Tho sunshino during the phenomenon seemed to us to Imj un usually bright. Mr. Klollund-Torktld- sen, president of tho Telemurken Tour ist club, writes to me that tho builder of tho hut on the top of Oausta has twice seeu spectacles of this kind, but In each case it was only tho outline of tho mountum that was reflected on the fog. IIo hud never seen his own imago, and ho does not mention circular or other rainbows." CHOLERA IN A BUI ILE. Ilnt'trrla of thu tlenulne Asiatic Article at the Army auil Medical Museum. In one of tho cases at the Army and .Medical museum at Washington there Is a long row of small test tubes con taining bacterial organisms of several of the most dangerous diseases known to tho medical profession. I ho cxhl bitlon Is a brunch of that department under the management of Or. Gray, who conducts experiments in the for mation of the disease germs and speou latos on their terms of cxlstenoo and powers of resistance. Among the col lection Is a tube labeled Asiatic chol era," which attracts more attention than any of .the others. Tho tube was filled with gelatine on June S3, at the same time being inoculated with chol era. In a little over a month tho dis caso germs havo developed and multi- Tilled to such an extent as to be plain ly visible to the naltcd eye. In tho open end of tho tubo is loosely wadded a pleco of cotton, although, the con tents may bo seen through the glass doors of the caso. Manager Elynn, of the museum, kindly takes tho tube out of the case and explains the growth 01 the germs when particular interest is manifested In tho culture by visitors. The other duy, says tho Tost, while showing the cholera tube to a party of visitors, a nervous lady approached the group and in an excited manner inquired: "Is that real cholera you have bot tled up there?" "Yes, Aslatlo cholera," politely plied Mr. Flynn. The woman threw up her hands and exclaimed: "Then, for Ood's sake, do be careful and don't drop tho bottle!" Chcieaa for the Bride. In Switzerland the orange and myrtle blossoms, those graceful symbols at weddings, find their substitute In Uruyero cheese. On the day of her marriage tho brido reoolves a whole tlruvcre cheese which is religiously preserved in tho family. As time goes on various marks and notches aro cut Into It which serve to record the births, marriages, deaths, etc., occurring in the household and among the relatives. Anyhow it may always serve aa provision for a rainy dav. . TOLD BY A SOCIETY INSTINCT OF LOCALITY. The Turtle Took a IMrect Route for Iloiua Experiment with Bees. An interesting experiment was tried by a Maino farmer's family not lonir since with a mud turtle which bad been brought to tho houso from a small pond a quarter of a mile away, suyss the Lewiston (Mo.) Journal. It wiia noticed that when set free tho reptile raveled off In the direction of tho pond ("going back home," said ono of tho lads), and this led them to put him to the test. Ho was tried under u great variety of circumstances which might tend to confuse even a mud turtle of uncommon mental capacity, but put him down in whatever way they would, or anywhere, he would instant ly turn his stubby noso straight for tho pond and walk off with every o p- pearance of one who knows ho is right and intends to go ahead. Ho evident ly bad tho samo instinct or supernat ural knowledge so often observed in pigs, dogs and eats, which will tako a bee lino for homo when they could not possibly know Its direction by any power of observation possessed by liiman beings. It may not bo amiss to nuta in con nection with the turtle Incident tho xperiments tried by an eminent Eng lish naturalist with bees, which pos sess tho same peculiar knowledge of direction. Ho took bees from their hive and carried them In a close box by a circuitous co-irsc to a point at a onsideruble distance away; but on II b- ration they would start straight for tho hive. After testing this repeated ly, he stopped on tho way while carry ing tho box, ond whirled it rapidly around his head a number of times. Then when liberated tho bees were confused and flew about in various di rections, not knowing whero to go. rom this he attributed tho faculty of Hying straight for home to result from the keen attention paid by the bees to the direction taken while thev wero icing carried awuv and which the whirling of the box upset completely. BURIED IN THE SEA. Two Am li nt Sulmicreeil Cities Wlilch Have Just Been Discovered. On tho coast of Portugal is to be found tho submerged city of Cetohriifa or Troya, as the Portuguese of to-duy call it, and which is said to have been built by tho Unmans on tho site of a town founded by tho Phoenicians. It was only by accident at tho beginning of tho century that the city was dis covered. A fisherman pursuing his avocation along tho coast was aston ished to see tho walls of houses par tially standing and well-paved streets under the water of the Hay of Sines, and ho sooncommunleuted the wonder ful news to tho Inhabitants of Setubal On examination they found u city in part submerged and running in toward the land. A society was formed under tho protection of government to make investigations. They found that the city had stood on a strip of lund nine miles long by threo wide, bounded on tho south by tho l!ay of Sines, on the north by the river Sodo, and opposite it was Setubal. Every old record was searched, and at length It was Rurmifsed that tho newly-discovered city must navo lieen (.aetourlx or Cetobrigu, from chance notices by old writers, but nothing was known of Its history or lute. Another city submerged bv the sea for one thousand years has juwt ro appeared above, tho waters. The town of llulgeu, north of Nlng-po, in China, was completely overwhelmed during the Hung dynasty, and lay burl. tin quito recently, when tho sou gradually receded and exposed tho ro- mulns of buildings. PLAYING WITH AN ICEBERG The Remarkable Eipertance of Some I reach Null or.. A few years ugo a French man-of- war wus lying at anchor in Temple bay, and tho younger ofilcers took it into their heads to umuso themselves with an Iceberg, a mile or more distant in tho straits. They would liuvo sumptuous picnic on the very top of it. Ail tnc warnings ol tho brown and simple fishermen went for nothing with these gentlemen who had seen the world. It was a bright summer morning and the Jolly boat with a flag went oft to the berg, lly twelve o'clock the colors were ilying from tho top, and tho wild midshipmen were reveling on the iee mountaiu. ljr two hours or moro they hacked it and clambered over it. They frolicked and feasted. and laughed at tho very thought of danger on this solid ice. When, like thoughtless children, tho young men hud played themselves weary, they descended to tho cocklo Khell of a boat und rowed away. As if time and distance had been measured on purpose fur tho men to view tho scene in safety, the great ice berg lay silent until tho boat was a certain distance oil. Then, as if its heart hod boon volcanic flro, It burst with awful thunder, and filled tho sur rounding water with its ruins. Awed and subued by tho sceno of de struction, and thrilled at their narrow escapo from death, tho picnickers re turned to their ship. It was their first and lust duy of amusement with an iceberg. AO Kngnan Traaicioa. There is a large bowlder lying in a field near Foremark, England, which is known throughout Derbyshire as "Hangman's Stone." The exposed por tion of the bowlder rises about six feet above tho surface of the surround ing field and has a narrow ditch or in dentation running across the top. The mark, so tradition says, was made in this way: A shoep thief in the dead of night, while leaning against the bowlder to rest, placed his booty above on the flat surface of the stone. Tho man had tho sheep tied with a rope and in its effort to escape the creature slipped on the opposite sido, and the rope catching under tho thief s chin choked him to death. The indentation in the. rock was made by the friction of the ropo while tho dying man was en gaged in an effort to extricate himself. eTSamese Judicial rrocaar. German papers tell of a queer method of Judicial procedure in parts of the kingdom of Slam. In the absence of trustworthy witnesses, the learned Judge orders the two contestants to dive in deep water. He who is able to remain below the surface the longer time is tho winner of the suit! The re port further declares that a particular ly quarrelsome merchant, who consid ered himself too old to try the "cold water proof process," had a famous swimmer train his son to perform mar velous aquatic, feats. In all the subse quent suits the father was represented by the son, and as a result was always victorious! DOLLARS' Elegant Cloaks sand Jackets Our buyer has just Bankrupt Sales that ever happened in New York. lie bought the of the great cloak house of Johnson Levison & Co., who failed for $25,000, at nearly his own figures. We have bought these goods at u terrible sacrifice, and are willing to give the good people of Asheville and surrounding country the benefit of this great sale. We are able to show you the mostjilegant cloaks and jackets ever brought to this town. We invite the good ladies who love to see nice cloaks and who love to purchase at their own price a garment, to we are convinced if you far as nice quality and you through our cloak department, we will at the same time show you through our complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Ladies' Underwear, and at prices that will make our competitors howl and gladden the hearts of our customers. Please remember that in our connecting store yon will find the most complete stock of tailor made Cloth ing, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods ever defy competition. Yours very truly, BALTIMORE, CLOTHING, SHOES AND DRY GOODS COMPANY, IO -A.TrX 12 IPATTOKT a-ZHSTXTTJE!. Introducers, - Leaders and Controllers of - Low Prices. Said the to himself, "If the moon I could get, whenever I m dry my Uiroat I could wet; The moon is a quarter with n quar ter I hear; you can purchase five g;d lons of Hires' Root Beer." A Delicious Temper ance, Thirst-quenching, Health-Uivlnff Drink. QooU for any tltno ol year. ' A 25c. package makes 5 gallons. Be sure and I get HlKBS. The Marked Success of Scott's Emulsion in consump tion, scrofula and other forms ot hereditary disease is due to its powerful food properties. cott's Emulsion rapidly creates healthy flesh proper weight. Hereditary taints develop only when llie system becomes weakened. A'olhing ill the world of medicine his been so successful in dis eases that arc most menacing to life. J 'hy sicians everywhere prescribe it. MAGNETIC NERVINE. H sold with written guarantee to cure MorvousProstrn tlon, Fits, Dtzzl- Iteurttlrfia bihI Wftk f'ltm'wt.rmi! hyex- hloii. BofteninKof '.he Brain, causing Wilaery, Ininnlty nnn oeatn; l.arriiiii-na. Impnti'iiry, Lout Power in itht.rppx. premature Old Age, Invoiimurj Ixwww, cnu"..l '.y ivrr-lnlulR(mr, t)Vtrnrllon .f lllf Ilriun mm Errors ot Youth. It kIvi-h to V.mik OrRRiis their Nnturnl VlKnr and dnuMfH the j"J f cures CuuirrhcBa anil Female Wenhui-HH. A nmnth'n treat ment, In illn pnekutm, l "mil, to any aoilri., per hot, A boxen 9.. With every Iftonler we itlve a Written Guarantee to cure or refund the moDey. c ircular free, Uuorautee iaeaed ouljr by our ex clublve atfeuU RAYSOR St SMITH 31 Pettoo Avenue. Asheville. N C. (mnirc f3 u and Whiskey HaMta F" -3 cured ut iiume with- I M.t nail, 14. nt ...v. 3 tli'lllars aent t ltt.K. m n i wivir i irv m d ' OUwu,lw,r.Uitniiau 31. Atlanta U. Owl BEFORE - AFTER SIX THOUSAND returned from the East, where lie attended one of the largest come and inspect our are in need of a garment we are certainly style are concerned. When we have the Vs'li.l. Po you wear them 7 When mod la re-.! U-j a pair. Eaet In tho v.oriii. 01 2.25 H !.7S 02.09 tc? Ik' If ya want a Sue CHFSS SHOE, iraiti !n b lafesl iyls, licn't p;'.v SG to ?H, try ny $3, $3.30, $4.00 or f.;j Shr.e. Ti 'V lt e'i'nl to Cd!fn imrtc rind 1-..U ni! li. if veil wish to cf on- In f. ot-'-car. ;d Itv p-ui :his!w W. L. Di!m Sh " tv'.iinr and -rl.ii) it.vir.r't on txarc, y ' f.T it :: ..n y in h':y. Klatiton, Wriglit & Co. Combination Offer! The Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville Home and Farm For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. CANNOT I'Al'HK SI KH TI'IIF. I'l.l FM IJ.I rAIAI.I' I" 1 M. INJECTION. y 6 I'RK'K 1.0U. BOLD IH ALL llllt OOlHrS Jf BUT IN PLAIN, SKAI.KD PACKAGE UPON RECENT OP PKICK, ...... Asheville Agents, Raysor A Smith, Pre scriptlon Druggists, 31 Patton aveuus. fcblOdly WORTH immense stock of cloaks and jackets, and brought to this State, and at prices that Typewriter Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL. WRITING MACHINE Or" THE World's Columbian Exposition. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE VVyckcff , Seamans & Benedict, 337 BROADWAY, NEW VOKK. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK The most convenient Trunk EVER DEVISED. 'fHE TRAY Is arranged to roll back, leav ing the bottom of the Trunk earv of nc- OCSSL Nothing to break or gret out of order. Tlio Tray ran be lifted out If desired, and to buy this atyle is a truarantce that you will gut the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish yon, eottry the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond. Va t&r rnovDinurs. ntrJ For Informftt.rra and free Handbook writ to MI NN A CO.. atil llKOALtWAT. NKW YOHtC. Oldont bureau for mm-utiiik 1 'ft tent tn America Kvery patent taken out by tin ts brought bnforo toe public by a notice given free ol charge in too Scientific JVtucricati lArsrevt circulation of any soientlBo parr m tr-e world. (ipleDdidlT Illustrated. No Imellleem man should be without It. Weeklr, :i.uO r year; tlOalr months. Address MI NN ft (XX. KauHUUu. Uttl AlroSAlwajr. Mew Hat. UU. jjj Scientific American Ji Jk1JOP TRADE MARKS, . id5L2' DESIGN PATENTS. entire bankrupt stock able to please you so pleasure of showing RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. Snmucl Spencer. H W. lluitlkuper and Reuben Foster, Kcceivcre. WESTERN KOP.P, CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Auu. 31, 1893. EASTBOUNO N0. 12 K isam Man i jTSOpini 12 44pm 2 lOpm 2 30ra 3 fi2pm 4 33pm 5 17pm 6 59pm 6 2Upm 7 11pm 8 Oopm IO 49pm 1 2 ()7am Lv Knoxville. MurriiitowH. .. Lv. Paint Koi-k... Hot Kurinue... Ar. Anlievillc Lv. AHhevillc Koynii Knoli... M arion , M orKanton Hicki Newton States villc Ar. tialinbury (..reensuoro .... Danville Ar. Richmond . 7 OOara Lv. OreenBboro Ar. 1 ;ur!iam 12 Clam 3 3Ram 0 30am 12lOpra 12 16am 1 6Ham 6 4ftam K u!eiKh Ooklsboro Lv. Danville fr. I.ynehbtirR " Washington ' Haltimore 8 115pm ' t lt ndelphia in 3pm " Nevs York 12 53pm t . W EST B.O UN D NO." II Lv. New York 4 30pm ' Philadelphia 6 S5pnr Haiti m ore 9 gOpm Washington H 43pm " Lynchburg 3 ioam Ar. Danville 5 30am Lv. Ku-hmond 12 fioatn " Dan villc o 3Aam Ar. tincnsloro 7 2Cam Lv. UAldsboro 2 3f3pra Lv KnlciKh l UOpm Durham 2 30am Ar. rrflnnburo 6 3Uam Lv Oreentoro 8 UOatu " Salisbury IO 1 nam " statesvllle 11 (16am Newton 1164am " Hickory 12 lflom " Morij-anton 12 69pm " Marion 1 46ptn Round Knob 2 46pm " Aeheville 4 UHpm " Hot Springs 6 3Upm Ar.l'aint Kotflt B BOpm " MorriMtown " Knoxville .... . 7 45pm A- & S- RAILROAD NO 14 8 12am 9 lriaro 9 27am 9 62am IO 22am Lv. Ahhevillc Henderson villc . Flat Rock " Saluda Tryon .. Ar. Spartanhory 11 3am NQ13 JLv. Spartanburg 3 lOpm Tryon 4 20pm Saluda 4 66pm " Flat Kock O 22pm Henderp'nr'le 6 33pm Ar. ABhcviilc 6 40pm MU R PHY BRANCH biOTXI Lv. Asheville jO 40pm Ar. Waytiesville H 10pm Ar. Brvson City JO 20tm Lv. Hrynon 'ity 7 OOatn Ar. Andrews 11 am Tomotla 12 06pm " Mnrphy 12 80pm Lv. Murphy fl SOpm Ar. Tomotla 1 56pm A r. Andrew 2 35 pm At HryauaCity 7 12pm T.v I'ryaon Citv 4 OS am Lv W lyneavlJle 6 26am Ar Asheville S OOam . SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 11 and 12 Pnllman Sleepers Wet ween Asheville and CiueinnatJ -via Knoxrilla and H arriman, and Pullman Baffet Testibailc slt'cpera between New York, Philadelphiat. Haltimore, Washington and Hot Springs via Asheville. W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pasa. A (t. Asst. Oca. Paaa. Act., Washington, D. C. Atlanta Oat. W.H. GRKKN, Gen. Manager, Waahlnartoa V. B. McBBB, Gcti'l 8upt., Colambia, ft. C. SOL.. HAAS. Traffic Maaaatr, Wstahlnartoa t Daily except Budaj. NO- 18