Asheville Daily Citi OLD KINO COLE WAS A MERRY OLD SOUL, BUT OCCASIONALLY HE FELT BAD. THE REASON IS PLAIN FOR BIS OCCASIONAL PAIN HE COULDN'T USE A CITIZEN AD. VOLUME IX. NO. 151. ASHEVIIiliE, ST. C, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. THERE IS TIME FOR READING AND TIME FOR FUN, AND TIME FOR ALL THINGS UNDER THE SUN. AND A TIME FOR WORRY TILL. MANKIND DIBS, BUT NOW IS THE TIME TO ADVERTISE. zen0 BEUJRRE OF New : "Wheat : Flour We Guarantee Old Wheat Flour Wli carrjr more than a million bushels of old wheat orer into the new crop. Wc can give our trade old wheat flour one and two months after other mills are taking their chances on cew wheat. And every dealer knows of the yearly s trouble with new wheat flour. No wheat of the new crop ever gets into Pillsbury's Best even after it is well cured and through the sweating process, unless it has been scientifically examined by our experts. Wc have several high priced men who do r othing else but test wheat Every crop of wheat Is different. There are always difficulties with new wheat a ide from it beinz NEW And vre keep in our eleva tors a stock of old wheat large enough to alio w our chemists, and millers, and bakers time to carefully experiment with, and accurately analyze the new crop In a'l parts of Minnesota and tbe Dakotas. Wc never use anr of this wheat until we ' know.its chemical properties and milling qualities. No wheat of this year's croo will be ground into Pillsbury's Best which has not b-.en through the most s 'arching test from tbe samples sent to our own laboratory. 1 h!s thoroughness In selecting our wheat is fol'owed by the most skillful milling in the world. The practical work of making flour Is simply perfect in our mills. All the world knows that we make the most flour of any mill ing company on the", earth (seventeen thousand five hundred barrels a day). And it Is just as true that we make the debt. We have no wonderful milling sec rets, but the downright ability of our millers and the superior qualityof wheat used w ill account for the world wide reputation of our flour And nobody dis putes that "Pillsbury's Best is the Best." PILLSBURY-WAIUBURN FLOUt MILLS CO.LIm. Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. Kroger, AGBNT FOR ASHBVILI.E. REAL ESTATE. W. B. OWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successor to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loanf Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE SOUTH RA8T COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., Real Instate Brokers And luTmtincnt Agents NOTARY Pl'BLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Offiaea 38 a 9t Pattoo A Ten us. Second Hoot, JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OPPICB ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. i i i i n We are Authorized -Bt THB Largest Tea Importers inAmerica TO SAT TO THB PBO PLB OP A8HBVILLB That we can furnish you with THB VKHY BBUT THAN THAT ARB NOW OP FBRBD TO THB AMERICAN PUBLIC. O. A. CRBBKi sS Mortli Main St., AaneTlllc. I I I I I I I NEW CROP PRBNCH -PRUNES NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNBS NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNBS NEW CROP PURB MAPLE SYRUP NEW CROP PURB MAPLB SYRUP NEW CROP PURB MAPLB SYRUP m NEW CKOP NUMBER ONE MACKBRBL MACKEREL MACK.BBBL NEW CROP NUMBER ONB NEW CROP NUMBER ONB A. D. COOPER A D. COOPER A. D. COOPER CORNER COURT SQUARE, NORTH SIDE CORNER COURT SQUARE, NORTH SIDE CORNER COURT FQUARB, NORTH SIDK m FOR RiiNT, TWO FRONT ROOMS OVER STORE. DON MARCHE NEW FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods, Dry Goods, BRAIDS, TRIMMINGS, ETC. ARWIV1VO DAILY. LADIES' WRAPS OP EVERY DBSCR1P. TION. A FULL LINB OP : LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR AND HOSIERY, BETTER THAN BVBR. NOVELTIES IN ART NBBDLB WORK. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER WEAR, NECKWEAR AND HATS. FULL AND COMPLETE LINES. BON MARCHE .-. 37 Houth OXatu Street. To Sports! JUST RECEIVED - - A. - - ULL LINE SPORTING GOODS I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES SWEATERS STANDARD SWEATERS, TURTLE SWEATERS, PEERLESS SWEATERS, STANDARD LACE SWEATER, COLUMBIA SWEATERS. ECLIPSE SWEATERS. Prices to Suit All. SIZES FROM 28 TO . Also everything you can mention in th line of in and out house sporta. It is useless (or me to mention. Call and examine the line Just come in. L.. Blomberg, Tlie Model Cigar and Sport- lnsr Goods House. The American Bakery HAS REMOVED 18 COURT SQTJAKE, AND IN ADDITION TO BREAD, CAKES, PIES, ETC. HAVB OPENED A FINE OYSTER : PARLOR WHBRB OY8TBR8 WILL BB sBKVBD IN ANY 8TYLB DBSIRBD. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADIEf . Olve us a trial. AMERICAN BAKERY TiLBPBONg 17 WE ARE MAKING READY FOR THE GRANDEST DISPLAY OF CHINA, GLASS, &C. Ever 8b own in Bf. C. Our opening days wi'l occur in a few dajs and will be dul y announced. One of the dainty this year is the delicate nk and green China, very sweet for h'gli teas; and the Chrysanthemum Vases in gold, green and crystal arc all very swell, and we can't get enough of them. Thousands of other novelties to catch the aye for the beau tiful. Only a visit to our PALACE w'il con vince you of the gorgeous articles displayed. IN OUR DEPARTMENT OF HOUSE FUR NISHINGS will be found the neatest and prettiest wrought iron ' things in Piano amps. Fire Sets, Umbrella Stands, And irons to be found anywhere. We bare com mon and fancy Coal Hods and Vaes, Pok ers, Shovels and Tonga, Oil Heaters and a line of winter goods generally. " HAD. W. THRASH X CO. 41 Pattou Avenue. "Fairbank's Golden Cottolene." CHEAPER THAN I-ARD. "Fairbanks Golden Cottolene." BETTER THAN LARD. P' owe? 11 & Snider. For Saleln Any Quantity. V u a a s iH an V - CJ it O a a u t 0 .J So O o . ja a -,) o St js o E'3 0 a Zx .35 S3 s - o 5 fc O.o g s 5 a O M a Jag Hat Urn 5 HEIN1TSH & REAGAN L3zT-rn IN A8MBVILLB FOR TUB 8ALB OF BON BQNS AND CHOCOLATES CIOU3 YOU CAN DSPBND ON IT THAT THEY ARB FRESH. AS We He eel re It Twice a Week DIRBCT FROM THB FACTORY. Helnltslx &. Ucagan HE STEWART. WILL CASE 4KOTBER ATTEMPT TO DI- VIDE THIS ESTATE. Alexander Stewart Wauls Wkat He Conceives Tc Be His Pro Rata or The Millions Lril Br Tbe Great 8bop Keeper, New York., Oct. 27. Another attempt to be made to break the will of the late merchant prince, Alexander T. Stew art. Alexander Stewart, who claims to be a member of th Irish branch of the Stewart family and a cousin, once re moved, of A. T. Stewart, has put in a claim for the second time within a year for bis pro rata share of the Stewart millions. His first case was thrown out of court because he could not establish his relationship, but he lias since then secured new evidenc and) is confident that he will win tbe pWisenc action. Jtsx-ludce Hilton, tbe trustee of the Stewart estate, is named as defendant Alexander Stuart s suit. Tbe case came up today before Chief Justice Daily in the court of Common I'leas. Tech- icallv it is an action in ejectment. The plaintiff relies on the testimony of one ox, said to have been a partner once pon a time of A. T. Stewart, and who as been examined abroad bv a commit tee appointed for the purpose to substan tiate his claim. Wm. II. Secor, Stew art's counsel, was taken suddenly ill in court today and requested an adjourn ment until tomorrow. which was granted. THE MIOWAV. Manj or Ibe eiliown -Will Keen open After tbe Fair Closes. Chicago, Oct. 25 The Midway will be a lively place after the Fair Is over. It bas been said many times that the foreigners are anxious to leare the Inter national street and that they would return to their homes as soon as possi ble after the close of the Fair. Good business and much money, however. ave induced many of them to decide to remain alter the close of the exposition season. For at least four weeks after the close the street will have plenty of amuse ments, and will probably be a popular place. Ha ecu back's show is to remain. It has dates for December, but it will continue performances until November and, if business warrants, it will re main until the first of the following month. If the weather keeps pleasant Cairo street will be open until Nov. 15. It will remain open after the first, but will be likely to close at any time. The Java village may remain open The directors ave not vet decided. The Irish villages will combine their bus-ness. ine managers ot Ularncv Castle have leased a store down town, and until it is pened they will continue to be a part of tl.e Midway. The beauty show will keen its beauties on exhibition until No vemuer 10, and perhaps lontrcr. Old Vienna and the iermn.n village are to close on Monday, Tbe bands in the I "9 nn artist also and is filling her port German village have enaerenocnts that I folio with sketches of the wondrous will make their last day tn the villajre next Mondav. Manawr Ivv will rlnsf the Turkish village then. N.-Y. Sun. MISW LIBRARY BIHLBINO. SometblUK Evert Good Citizen Will Be Glad To Know. The Asheville Library association dvertising for bids for tbe erection of a library building, the on association's lot on Church street. The building is to be a brick cottage of the colonial style. The plans were furnished by the well known architects, Cram VVentwortb & Good hue, Boston, Mass. The specifications were drawn by contrpctor I. M. West nn, ana tne elevations and otlier eneri neering work was done by F. Ii. Rice, civil engineer. Both of the latter gentle- men are Ashevillians. These services were kindly donated by the gentlemen named. The association hopes, through the kindness ol these and other friends who have volunteered to loan the necessary funds, to soon be able to open to the citizens of Asheville a model library buildintr. and hones that every citizen will give them the encour agement ot at least one membership. The cost of membership is only $2 per year or $1.50 for six months. The ibrary bas nowover3.000 volumes, and with the support it ought to have it can aouoie tnis within the next vear and erect tne Duuding. Plans and specifications of the urooosed new home can be seen upon application to Geo. S. xoweu, president 01 mc Library association THE DR. robb CASE Dr. M. H. Flslcber Has a Pew Worda About it. Concerning the . of rr. Ts,r- Rnhh. - - the homeopathist who a few days ago was trtca ana lountl guilty in the Crimi nal court on a charge of t he illegal prac tice of mcdicin- Dr. M. H. Fletcher to- day told The Citizen that there was disposition on tne part ot the medical factwas. he said. Dr. Kobbaoolied to State Board of Medical Examiners license to practice medicine, and failed pass tne examination, in tnese ex itn n ,f !,- i; orri;of'. .. Marino o exam nation. The examiners know 'tect or creed," and there is no feelintr to prevent a homeopathist securing a cer tificatc if only be passes an examination. IJr. Hetcher instanced tne case of Dr. Linn, the homeopathist who recently removed to Asheville from Cincinnati, and who was granted a certificate, to show that no distinction was made. Orcanlie to Hnpprcas Crime. Macon, Ga., Oct. 24. About 300 groes met in the Superior court room I wreck this morning. The loss will here today and organized the Afro-Amer-1 o to a million. She is going to pieces icsnssEocutinRnfneorpia. v,!..,W,1 A11 the passengers were use every means in their power to pnt down tnose crimes amonfg tne negroes I Married Kla-mt Times. V. . : . ft ol nsolntinns wr. Hrown nnonri .ill presented to the legislature, asking for I -artcr, axeu uracij ium years.wno tbe trial of all cases of rape and more I been married eight times, and wbo beimous murders. The meeting was derly and marked by tbe earnestness the speakers and the general air of deter-1 ren are living. N. Y. world minatton tnat pervaded it Another Judgeship Vacant. Pittsburg, Oct. 27. Special Judge McKenrow of the Federal Circuit court REV J. C. PRICE. He Died at Sallstonr jr Wednesday Mornlt) ir As an educator and orator Dr. Price took high rank. He was without a superior among his race in any respect, and few speakers anywhere surpassed him in persuasive eloquence and choice language. He gave the whole of his life to the elevation and improvement of the negro, choosing the task of raising them mentally and morally in preference to political or church honors. He refused the office of bishop of his church more than once and also declined the appoint ment of minister to Liberia tendered him by the President of the United States. It is hard to estimate the value of such a man. A life spent in the service of one's fellows is of incalculable good. We do not think it exaggeration to claim that Dr. Price has done more for bis peo ple than any other negro who has ever lived, and he was at the zenith of his power and usefulness when death claimed him. Young and vigorous his death seems little short of a calamity. But the good he bas none will not die with him. On the contrary it will live and serve as an example and incentive to all colored youths who desire to be useful citizens and to make for themselves a name. Salisbury Herald. MOTABI.R VISITORS. Mr. Vauderbllt'a Onesls eat His Home Near AtbevlHe. George W. Vanderbilt and a party of friends will leave Biltmore tomorrow for a trip through tbe mountains to Caesar's Head. Mr. Vanderbilt's guests will in I elude Clarence Barker, Mr. and Mrs, I Charles McNamee, W. Gerald Barry. 1 xviiss luatnie a tfecket and John J. I a uecKet. I Mr. Barry is of the party from the I worm now stopping with Mr. Vander- I b,lt at the Brick Farm House and is an - I artist of note. He has become an en I inuiusi on ine spirnaorsot tne scenery in I western JXortn Carolina. .Miss a'liecket I Dauty ot the mountains for her New lork studio. Her brother. Mr. lohn I I aBecket is a literary man, an author of I distinction, aud ins sojourn here is prov- iue to be a mnnt roncrenml on-. Mi.. a'Becket and herbrothrr are- Hf.-nr1n n t of the distinguished Arrhhi.hnn of Can- I terbury, Thomas a'Becket. They will is I remain in the mountains for several months. CBRVIANTHEHIIHI Fine Specimens sent "Tbe Cttl sen" toy Mr. Deake. Mrs. C. T. C. Deake will accept The Citizen's thanks for a number of rare - I and beautiful chrysanthemums, sent yes terday from the Idlewild greenhouses on Charlotte street. The specimens are I a delight to the eye and a study for tbe I connoissenr. Th- nmnl nf Aahivill I will have nn nnnortunitv nf uvlno' the 1 laree variety of chrysanthemums at Idle- I wild next week. th rhrrunthpmnm show opens there Monday and con tin ues until the afternoon of November 4, between the hours of 1 and 6 o'clock p. m. each day. WORI.D'8 PAIR TICKETS. Reduced IRates to Ctalcaaro Are Known Mo More The gates of the Great White City I Lake Michigan, which have admitted I hundreds of Asheville people since oncn;nroti.. WnrlH'. Vdr- Mr..- for mally on next Tuesday, and the sale I reduced rate tickets from this point by the Richmond and Danville I railroad company was stopped this I ternoon. P. A. Msrauardt. who set I r 1 - . 1 . . . - . - . . ,ur "c rmrioQay, ni tne distinction nnrrhnnnoi - l vr PacasnrMf I Agent Murphy the last Fair ticket sold - I oy tnat omcial, AFTER THIRTY YEARS. no I a Man Reported Mnraered Tarns I I'd at His Old Home the PaRKERSburo. W. Va., Oct. 27. Thos for Day. a school teacher formerly of to I Lubcck district, wbo organized a com - .,j ,..: 5 I an Illinois regiment, and who was rt - ported murdered and robbed while serv no iy yCHr uco. x uc siory his murder was a "lake," and has been residing in Arizona since he was di charged from the army. ON THE ROCK8. Wreck of m Million Dollar Boat and Csrga San Francisco, Oct. 27. Special. I The Pacific Mail liner City of New York no I went ashore yesterday and is a complete i I H. I u''OLIt' --.aputnariei or - I the father of thirty-eight children, of I in this city last night. All of tbe child Franco-Rnsslan Cheers, Toulon, Oct. 27. The new French war shin was safely launched today Carnot's speech was cheered to the STILL THERE'S NO VOTE BUT STEWART IS THROUGH. NEARLY It mm Mot Vet Known When Tbe Repeal Bill Will Be Passed In Tbe senate. But Passed It Will Be. Washington, Oct. 27. Special. The repeal bill was again taken up, Stewart making his closing remarks. No time has yet been fixed for a vote. peculiar fatality; Revolver Falls and lis Bntlel Ooss Tbrouicb a Woman' Head. Kokomo, Ind., Oct. 27. A pcculia ac cident occurred at the borne of Mr. G. B. Seavers, two miles north of thiscity.last night, by which his wife was fatally shot. only living a couple hours. Seavers and nis wue were cleaning up tne backyard and buildings, and finding an old boot hanging up in the woodhouse, turned it upsiae down to see what it contained. An old worn out and foreotten revol ver dropped out and striking the ground went off. the only ball it contained strik ing Mrs. Seavers, who was outside the louse in the forehead, nassm? through her head. The revolver had been there so long it had been forgotten, was rusty and useless and probably could not have oeen nred in any other wav. seavers Is a highly respected farmer. CLEVELAND GLAD. He Was a Winner aud Knows It Well WASHiNGTON.Oct. 26. President Cleve land is very much gratified at the turn affairs have taken in the Senate, though he bas believed all along that the uncon ditional repeal bill would pass. There have been times of anxiety, but never tor a moment has the President wavered in bis belief. It was learned at the White Ilouft that the President would have no sug gestion to make, as to an adjournment or recess after Congress passed the bill, though he was anxious to have the Chinese bill, extending the time in which Chinamen could register, pass before the dissolution 01 congress. It was the im pression at the White House that 110 message would be sent in until the regu lar session in December. SILVER DROPS IN BOLIVIA. A Vail ot Over is Per Cent In tbe Price ot tbe Wblte Metal. Panama, Oct. li. Advices from La Pas, Bolivia, say: "A crushing blow bas fallen on this Republic, in common with other Bilver producing countries, but which is felt with more se verity in Bolivia than elsewhere, be cause this metal is by far the most im portant export ot the country. It is till too early to estimate the full effect of a fall of over 25 per cent, in the price of silver and a corresponding loss in ex change, nor do we yet know if there will be a tavorublc reaction, orif silver is still to fall to unknown depths. We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst." EIRE AT SEA. The 400 Became Greatly Excited, Naturally. New York, Oct. 27. Special. The ocean liner Gilbert arrived this morning. Last Sunday tire broke out. The 400 passengers were 111 a panic. Much of tbe cargo was jettisoned. The fire was ex- tinciuishcd after a day s fighting. WANTED, A LION TAMER. Mew Vorlt Has One Thai Downs Tbe Police. New York, Oct. 27. Special. The lion in the Eighteenth street stable had not been cnged at noon today. The police will kill him unless he is caged this afternoon. Wbat Ransom MlKlit Have. Washington, Oct. 25. Senator Ran soni could secure the Circuit court judge ship vacated by thedeath of judge Bond, if he would take it. He desires re-election to the Senate. Among the North Carolinians mentioned for the place are Justice Avery and Hon. Charles N. Cook. Charlotte Observer. Canadian Pacific Loan. London, Oct. 27. The 1,320,000 is sue of 4 per cent, preference stock of the Canadian Pacific has all been under written at 90, and already commands a premium. on the of SIk Failure lu Mexico. City of Mexico, Oct. 26. Special. af - Pedro Martin & Sons, the largest bank out ers here, failed for a million and a half r 01 this morning. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Rev. Benjamin Griffith, D. D., need 72 years, died suddenly from heart disease at bis home, in Upland, near Chester, Pa., recently. He was elected secretary ot the American Uaptist 1'ublication so ciety in 1858 and he held the office unin terruptedly until his death. the After vears of experiments the ordi nance bureau of tbe United States arruv has found that two brands of smokeless re- powder one invented bv a Virelnian and the other from California are bet ter than any small arm powder so far 01 invented in this country. Suits have been begun ia Tiffin, Ohio, by Mrs. Anna Ball of Fostoria, one ot tbe creditors of ex-uevernor l oster. to enjoin tbe transfer of certain property, real and personal, on tuc ground that they were made under pending lnsolv ency. ' The independent Democratic movement in New York against tbe Tammany ticket has failed. Tbe Republican State be and county committees are at war and Tammany, it is thought, will have walkover at the election. The three Spanish caravels which are now at the World's Fair, Chicago, will be towed to Washington next spring and anchored in tne lakes about the Hats south of the White House, where they nas was will remain permanently. died The Ferris Wheel company bas the privilege by its lease of operating the wneelinlts present position until May 1, 1894, and it .will do so. It may be moved to Coney Island after that date. Qoincy, Omaha and Kansas ,City rail road directors have decided on a sweep echo ing reduction tn toe wages ol employes, SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! WE ARB NOT CLOSING OUT. WE ARB NOT GOING TO CHANGE OUR BUSINB8S. But wc intend giving the public the benefit of a TEN TO FIFTEEN PBR CENT. RE DUCTION on our elegant and well selected line of druggists' sundries. Our goods are all fresh and clean; were bought for CASH and marked low In the beginning, and this reduction from the market price means COST for most buyers. Five dollar Hair Brushes for $4.?S; $3 Hair Brushes for $2.60; $2 Hair Brushes for $1.76; $1.60 Hair Brushes for $1.35; $1 Hair Brushes for 90 cents; 50 cent Hair Brushes for 5 cent s. Tooth brushes will share the same fate. All our 36 cents Guaranteed English Bristle Brushes for 25 cents; oui 25 cent bruhes for 20 cents, and so on. Labln's, Fiaaud's and Atkinson's extract In bottle or bulk, will be reduced In any proportion. Our American makes, such as R'cksecker, Palmer's and Wadsworth's will be reduced also. The suine reduction applies to our choice Hue of Ladles, and Gents' Pocket Books and Card Cases. This line Is nn.ui.f.11-. fii nice goods. Sponges, Chamois Skins and Bath Brushes will also be reduced; In (act, nearly nil our sundries will come In on reduced prices. iDon't buy Patent Medicines until yon price them at our store. Po.sibly we may save you 5 cents or 10 c nts on each bottle, and that much counts in these hard times. We have already reduced prices on Soaps and Toilet Wateis. These prices on Sundries will last for 30 days from date, so call early if you would get the selection. We want to fill your prescriptions also, and promlBe If you bring them, only Gradu ates of Pharmacy will prepare them, the best chemicals used and you will not be OVERCHARGED. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 11. RAYSOa & SMITH, Prescription Druggists, 31 PATTON AVHNUB. N. B. We are agents for theSABOROSO 5 cent cigar. Try it. TO LET THE CHILLY WINDS OF WINTER FIND VOIR BODY PROTECTED ONLY BY A SUMMER VNDERSVIT MEANS SEVERE COLDS AND PERHAPS CON SUMPTION OR RHEUMATISM. GET INTO WOOL AS QUICKLY AS YOUR PVRSEWILL.ALLOW. TWO DOLLARS A SUIT FOR WOOL UNDERWEAR OUGHT NOT TO WORRY YOUR bo TER GOODS: MORS unvcv i , STOCK TO SELECT FROM. MITCHELL, HABERDASHER, 3S PATTON AVENUE. D. D. SUTTLE'S MINERAL, WATER Will be kept fresh at the following places: Rcinhart's store, corner Merrlmon arena and North Main street; Owen's store, Mont ford aTcnue; G. H. Simmon's store, Pattou avenue; McDowell & Johnson's, South Mala street; J. S. Grant's drag store. South Main t. octadtf CAROLINA IGE J COAL GO. NATURAL AND T -!-T MANUFACTTJHBD lUlii PHA1 ALL KINDS. VWAXj UAJU AND SUFI 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. -TELEPHONE OPFICB NO. 130. YARD MO. 144. THY 'X'lXl MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Vtlsl TEH BUT WOI ABUMVILLB. CHURCH BT. AND PATTON AVB. did this morning, aged 76. by the Kusstans present. commencing Movemner x. church mm, . TuxreoNg to

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