THE ASHEVmLE DAIXiY CITIZEN Fri.lav Evening, October 27, 1893. ASHfcVlLLE DAILY CITIZEN Thi Daily Citizbk, Democratic, is published every afternoon (except StindY) at the fol lowing rate mtrlctlr crnsto: Omb Yim $6.00 Six Month S.OO Tiui Month 1.60 On Month BO Omb W uk IS FROM HILL'S SPEECH AT BROOKLYN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1893. Ohio ia the residence of the author of soul-stirring "Dixie." His name is Dan Emmett and his postoffice is Mt. Vernon, Ohio. It occurs to us that such a man would prefer to live in tbe South. Win ston Sentinel. "Dixie" is heard oftener at the North than at tbe South for tbe reason akin to the profound question: 'Why Jo white sheep weigh more than black ones?" Alderman Westall miht have car ried his argument oeainst the United Industrial company's proposed enter prise still further. He might have assumed that the company had not obtained any options; that its dam could be only fixe feet hisb. and that therefore it could employ but one man. This would have been of apiece with Alderman Westall's assertion that Mr. Maxwell promised to pay out to oper atives $100000 per week. Mr. Max well placed the figures, in the letter con taining his only proposition, at $100, 000 per month. (See Citizkn for Sep tember 30. first page). Give a man iu correct premises and he can prove that the moon is the Ferris wheel. A Raleigh teleeram savs that "the North Carolina Commissioner of Agri culture has issued an address to the cot ton growers of the State, iu which he savs that the cotton crop this season is overestimated; that the outlook is de cidedly inferior to that of a year ago and that instead of being 7,500,000 bales, this year' his opinion be less than last year's crop. He de clarcs that if farmers will hold their cot ton thev will sell before the season is over for at least ten cents a pound The Commissioner takes a great respon sibility on himself when he promulgates this advice. It is doubtlnl whether his duty is not done when he furnishes without' comment, the facts as gathered in regard to the cotton crop, allowing the farmers to draw their own conclu sions. Some weeks ago a minority of the pco pie of Roanoke, Va., attempted to jus tify the lynching and burning ot a negro But since that time reason has come back to the citizens of that town, and the report of the grand jury just maile on the Smith case says : After the Mayor was taken away they could have removed the prisoner to a sale place, and the city would have been soared the disgraceful scenes ot that night and of the following dav when it had no protection and was ab solutelv given over to mob law. There were no means tor good citizens to get together to aid in restoring order. "The riotous speeches then made can not be censured too severely; The at temot to drag the dead negro through the streets, and the burning of his body was an exhibition of brutality hardl ever exhibited in a civilized country, an the brave men who, in the face of au angry mob, resisted this, deserve the highest commendation." The day is past and gone forever when there shall be "protection for the sake of protection" irrespective of the demands of the treasury, a doctrine heretofore zealously advocated bv our Republican friends, but now distictly repudiated by the people. The exploded doctrine can not be resuscitated: it has gone to the sleep that knows no waking. It is the plain auu simple duty ot tne Democratic party the duty of its choosen represen tatives, not with unbecoming haste, but at the approaching regular session, with deliberation and care, to proceed to the enactment nf a "tariff for the revenue" measure based up the constitutional principles to which I have alluded and to which we arc solemnly committed. The senseless farce of having Federal officers at our polls every two years is not only contrary to the spirit of our constitutions, and not only tramples upon our State rights, and accomplishes no beneficial results, but is a grievous burden upon the taxpayers of the coun try. The records ot the Treasury De partment at Washington show that since the enactment of this law, there has been paid out for tees tor Supervisors ot tvtcciionsaiune lucsura ui ii,oot,ojci tt-, and there has also beeu paid out to spe cial deputy marshals during the same tune t lie sum ot $1 , l- ,u;.i j. If our national Treasury is nearly empty, if our revenues are insuthcieut tor our expenses, if our tariff laws are de fective and inadequate, if there exists un easiness In business circles owing to the governmental extravagance of the past four years, these are conditions which have been left us as legacies by the Re publican party and for which Republi cans alone are responsible. The Democ racy is responsible for its own record, but not for the record of its adversaries. The expenses of Mr. Harrison's admin istration were greater bv $'.lo,4-27,- 13.83 in his last year than iu his first year; and the expenses of his last year were greaser by over eighty million dollars than clunntr anv year ot ilr. neviiana s administration. We kit the Harrison administration a respectable and abundant surplus in the Treasury in 1SS8, when we went out ot nower: they left to us a substantial or practical deficit, daily increasing. HEN4TOR VANCE'S VIEWS. CUT RATE TICKETS I II OCTOBIVf1. MONTH TO 1HTY. bat Wllliuif to Keep lip the Fllit Tblnk Itae End Near. Correspondence Richmond Dispatch. Senator Vance said he had not given up, and frankly said be was not disposed to do so. lie was in feeble health, he added, but was willing to keep up the fight against unconditional repeal as lone as he had any strength left. He admitted, however, that be thought the end was near, and was prepared to be lieve that a vote would be reached. It might be this week, and it might not come for some time yet. Senator Vance also said that in bis opinion the reported surrender was simply servile submission on the part of the Senate to the President of the United States. Tbe silver men, he went on to explain, had been forced to crive uii hone because so many of the Southern Senators had refused to stand by them in the fight. They became tired of the weary struggle. He Oailit to Suffer. From the Sa lsbury Herald. Mr. Foust is in tbe hands of the law and if he docs not suffer imprisonment we ill be surprised and disappointed. And he well deserves it, too. $1 OO TO $10.00 SAVED.- C HEATER THAN EVER BKFORB. Tickets (old and staterooms secured on nil Iiur opcan steamthips. $5,000 Accident Insurance only 25 cent per day. Kay's Cut-Kato Ticket Oilice, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Telephone 184. STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS, $1 ,343,905.50. Jaiuea Wolfe, Stella Kniubcri 8 acd 9, 9Iaikct If ulldiiisr. A. CAPABLE CLEANLINESS IS Til 12 MAIN 1 DBA at IAS. WOLFE S SLAUGHTER HOUSE WOMAN'S All meats chopped free of dust by water power, r smoke or anything else offensive to the taste. Kenil your onlers to Carolina Coal Company for JellleoLump at ail Antl.ra.cite. SUPERVISION Mrs. Wolfe superintend!! the establishment anil all are invited to call and sec it at any time President Cleveland will have the ear nest and hearty support of the Detnoc racy of New York in all his patriotic efforts to carry out Democratic politics and to cnlorce Democratic principles. at Home. Methodist cicrKy- SEWS IN OUR OWN STATE. A chyrsanthemum show will beheld in Wilmington. The colored State Fair will be held at Kaleigh Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. Robt. T. Gray is now reporter of the decisions of the Supreme court. Mrs. M. S. Whittlesey died in Raleigh, aged, aged 99. Her brother is 92. J. S. Carr of Durham was elected vice-president of the American Bankers' Association, at Chicago. A good deal is said about sorghum making in this State, but very little about smjar making, yet it appears that considerable sugar is made at home. It answers very well for domestic purposes. Cherokee Scout : The shipments are larger than we ha ve ever known before trom our county. The amount of pota toes, chestnuts, apples, onions, peas and beans are simply immense, to say noth ing of fowls that go daily. A new registration oi commercial fertilizers is required for each year by this State. The fiscal year begins De cember 1, and all brands rci-istered on and after that date will run to Novem ber 30, 189. There will perhaps be 300 brands. Private Secretary Telfair is now sending to the various States and Terri tories, and to the various States and Territories, and to the various English speaking colonies of Knjjlmul, the last number of the North Carolina Supreme court reports. Editor C. L. Stevens of the South port Leader has placed in the museum of antiquities in tbe State library, a re markable powder born made in 1761, and used during tbe Revolutionary war. It is carved in a wonderful way, bears the roval arms and has tbe date of Feb ruary 2. 1761. Knoxville Journal : Col. I. II. Bailey, a member of the United States commis sion to convert tbe historic battleground oi Cbickaraauga into a park, was at the Palace Wednesday. Col. Bailey com manded a North Carolina regiment n the late war, and was three times wounded. He has long been a prominent figure in Western North Carolina poll. tics, serving several terms in the State Senate. He ia an nncle of Mr. S. A. Bailey of this city. A special from Salisbury to the Char lotte Observer tells of the death ot Kev. I. C. Price, D. D.. the eminent southern negro orator and president of Living stone college at Salisbury. Dr. Price was not quite torty years old. He died at bis residence, at Livingstone college, Octo ber 25. of Bright'a disease at about 1 p. m. He was appointed by Cleveland, during bis first term, as minister to Liberia, bat declined, preferring to de vote bis energies to tbe advancement of tbe youth of his race. JL sTLssntl4BSB Vkwsl It. From the Knoxville Journal. It is not ont of place to say here, that the Republicans of the Senate have made this final conclusion possible. Bat for tbeni the administration would have been in a strange country witbont friends. It wonld have been too weak in tbe Senate to have invited even so much as a feeling; of comternpt. fbe Democrats ia tbe Senate who stood by the Preaiden ia bia tight against the purchase of silver ball too were no more thaa a corporal's guard. 17,500 barrels of floor made every day by the Pfflabtny-Waahbara Co Tue Heaihen Rev. l'rank M. liristol. man uf Chicago. RiKiit here in Chicayo we are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars to evangelize the brownstone fronts on Michigan avenue, while almost nothing is being done to evangelize Plymouth place and South Clark street. I could lead vou in four minutes trom where we stand to as dark a spot as ever defiled the face of tbe earth. It is useless for us to talk about saving the heathen abroad unless we can save the heathen at home. If you cannot save Chicago you cannot save Calcutta. Unless vou can save San Francisco vou cannot save Shanghai. Unless you can save Boston vou cannot save Bombay. We plant our altars amongst the silks and satins and not amidst the rags of Chicago; among homes whose tables grlan with every luxury and not among homes that are empty, where little children are pinched with want and hunger HO YOU EXPECT O BECOME A MOTHER ? "Mothers' Friend" asaKFs p.Him birth easy. A .i.hs N.iture, Lessens Danger, sjul Shortens Labor. ' 31 v wilo suffered more in ten minutes vith. her other cliildren than she di-i all another with her last, after having used .our bottles oi -olhj a xbx o x ,11, mya a customer. Henderson Dale, Druggist, Larmt, iu. Sent by express on receipt of rrice, f 1.50 per but le. Uuok " To Mothers " moilcu free. ERADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Ta ti nv ALL DRUGGISTS. MTLAHTA. Grand Combination Offer! The Louisville Home and Farm And The Asheville Weekly Citizen For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictlyin. Advance. The only strictly Boiler Imsuronce Company iu the United States. Four inspections annually. Best in- spection. Best Insurance. BRANCH & GASH, Agents, 34 PATTON AVE., AHHhVILLK. TELUPHONB NO. 40. If you pay f 150 for a lieycl6 why not buy the best made? Best material. Best Workmanship. Best finish, latest improvements. Vr AVER Li Y Best Wheel on earth for $ 100. Second hand Wheel at greatly reduced prices. ASHEVILLE BICYCLE CO., 84 Pntton ATrentie. The Cosmopolitan Magazine . . . . O .... Ithe weekly citizen SOUVENIRS WANT COLUMN. WANTED. Castle Kest. ii-4 Grove utrect. octdlm MKS. M. SCH I K R M BISTER. TOSITION WANTED-A ynuoRman thor JL ou k my competent wouki line p an clerk or bookkeeper in store or omi dree. L, Citizen Oflicc. Wedding Presents. osution Ad- octiifidiw AirANTKK Agents everywhere to TV new patent unefal article to fnmilv. Send Add reus. octi.6d3t ell a every cent Mnmp for circular. J. J. MI rCHKLL, .Birmingham, Ala. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. ' ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEYiELER. IS SOUTH MAIN 8TUBET. WANTED To borrow $2UO to S500 for three months or lonser. on beat secu rity; no bunas, but reasonable interest. Not pressed for money, but could make more if 1 had this additional capital. V. o. llox 60. jv'Jdtf FOR RENT. FOK HUNT A. new, nicely furnished and conveniently arranged house. Call at octl'.'dtl G3 CUUKCU STKKdT. RBNT Furnished or unfurnished lice eight room houvc. Apply to W. A. Blair for information. 45 Patton Avenue. oct23dlw FOR nic. VJR RENT The European hotel. 28 South Main St.. Asheville, N. C. First class stand for restaurant. Terms reasona ble. Apply to T. 1). Johnston or K. W. iding. aufCftfati TO VISITORS! If YOU WISH TO CAKKY AWAY A LASTING AMD CHAKMISO SOUYEX1K OF ASHHYILLi;, DF.rOSIT SO Tin; ay C'i.VTS WITH TUli CITI Zliti" uml II A VI! KKTL'RXlilf FULL. VAI.CE IS A l-'lXtt liXOKAVIiO l7i H- OF ASH EVI LLE ;otltx for 353. oo x Yea,r. Hi: GKKAT ILIA'STRATKD MONTHLIES have in tlic i.ast sold for $4.00 a car. It was a wonder to printers bow Tlic Cosmopolitan, w ith its yearly 1530 pages of reading matter by tbe greatest writers of tlic world, and its 1200 illustrations by elevcr artists, could be furnished for $3.UO a year. In January last it put in tlic most perfect magazine printing plant in the ,woi Id, and now conies what is really a wonder: We Will Cbt the Price of the Magazine Still More for You ! Think of it, 1 IS pages of reading matter, with over 1 i.') illustrations a volume that would sell in cloth binding at $1.00. I-OK OTMI.V IS" - I'KJiTS. Thomas, Johnston building- The World's Cilala Over. From the London Saturday Review. Three years have passed since the Bar inir crisis. It was accompanied by the breakdown of South America: it has been followed by a further great depre ciation of silver, by a banking crash in Australia, bv a currency crisis iu the L'nited States, by the bankruptcy ot Portugal and Greece, by an increase ot the financial ditliculties of Spain. Italy and Mexico, and by a genersJ depression ot trade. There are good grounds for hoping now that the series of disasters is at an end and that we are entering upon a period of recovery. Investors everywhere are beginning to take cour age, and there are signs that by and by investment buying will become lariie. Three great mapkets in particular are likely to attract attention in theimmcdi ate future. First and most important of these is the American. J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. FOR RENT The 18-room brick house No. 55 College utreet. For o central a sit uation the outlook is beautiful. It was built for a home for a larcre family, and lias I everything necessary for a first class board- : nouse. umurn.sncu. Appiy to ing 1 sept22dtf L. M. HATCH. FOR RENT That large and conveniently arranged bouse. No 62 Merrimon ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors All modern improvements Location central, with large well abAdcd grounds Splendid residence for large family or board ing house Apply to HCorM JFAGG. tgrio a tt TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. TTIOR RBNT- JU dwelling or UO rooms; All orders Intrusted to my care will receive prompt and personal attention. Qsatity of work and material guaranteed. ORDERS SOLICITED. -A desirable and well located thoroughly fur nished for taking first clas boarder: estab lished as a boarding house, convenient to streetcars; good sidewalks. Any one wish ing to rent will communicate with me and I will make terms that will be to their inter est. Address, MRS. A. P. I.ABARBti, oct26dlw 158 C hestnut Street. BOARDING. OARD Rooms, single or in suits; house well furnished; tare aa good as market afiprds. 318 PATTON AVENUE. cctddlm Bc TELBPHONB 170. aiiT7d3m 3 COLLEGE ST. a Loxa sriiixa of disea-ses follows a "ruu-dowu" system when the liver is inactive and the Mood in disorder. Look out for breakers ahead " by putting the liver heaitl only to turn to tbe rieht remedy to ourseLt secure trom-disensn. rr 'ierce's Uolden Medical llivn.on, as well as oures. Take it. aa vou nncrhr when you feel the first symptoms ( languor, lues of appetite, dullness, depression) and youTl save yourself from something serious. In recoverine from T- Orin." nr frt convalescence from pneumonia, fever, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it to build up needed flesh and strength. It's a bloodDurifler that has atnnrl th 4t of time; for a quarter of a century the ' Dis covery " has numbered its cures by the thou sands. The manufacturers prove their faith in it by guaranteeing it for all disorders aris ing from bad blood- In Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum. Erysipelas, Boils, Car buncles, and every kindred ailment. If you receive no benefit you'll get toot money back. What offer could be fairer I Consiipatlon. Burlington, N. C, Aug. 22, 1892. Dear Sir: I have been a great suffer with rheumatism and neuralgia for five years, and have been greatly distressed witn indigestion lor two years. I could not have an action from my bowels with out taking medicine in some form. I tried doctors and remedies till 1 des paired of obtaining relief, at times I was almost helpless, but Since using the Blec tropoise I ieel like a new man. I am able to do a fair day's work. My wife was a great sufferer from cramps, she is al most entirely relieved, and is in better health than she has been for a long time. I have us d no medicine since I bought tbe Electropoise; before that, my drug bill was considerable every month. Mr general health is a great deal better than it has been for years. The Electropoise Das proved a wonderful benefit to my self and family, and I heartily recommend it to the suffering. Yours truly, George w. HOIt. For information about the Electropoise tbe instrument that "cores when all else fails" write ns. Book free. Atlantic Electropoise Co., Washington, D. C. Smoke Flor de If yuu want the peer of Smoke .... OAKOINU Comfortable rooms, with good board; gas, hot and cold baths; bist attendance; near postotrice and street car. UKS. J. A. I. KB, oct21dlm 28 f lint street. Orleans. HK ClC IH CLASS OAK TERR AC B Board ins house, 84. Hillside street. On Lookout Mountain Jttiecttic ar i.ine. Large gronnas sua plenty of shade. MKS. M. H. HILL, auK17dtf all S cent cigars. BOARDING At No. 8 S tames avenue. Table furnished with Ixr.t the market stlords; hot and cold water; furniture new; fine location; on car line; tingle and double rooms. apr26dtf "SABOROSO," MANUFACTURED BY VETTERLEIN BROS., rpHB CHATEAU Private boarding house I No. 211 Hayw and mountain views; No. 211 Haywood street. Kine city perfe and cold water; comfortable, PHILADELPHIA. doct.4m erf eft sanitation; hot ktry rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rate. Two hundred yards from Montford car Une. MRS.M. B. DBTWILER, oct7dtf Proprietress. To Water Consumers. The attention of consumers of city water is directed to the lollowinn ordinances Irom the Citv Code, which n uit be enforced : Sec 04-7. It is understood that the citv will not be liable for any dr.maize that may result to consumers from the shuttinK on" of a water mum or service for anv purpose whatever, even in canes where no notice Is given, and no deduction from water bills will lie made in constuurnce thereof. Sec. Ds. Persons tMk'nu water uiust keep ineir own water pipes, unci ail nxturcs con nected therewith, in eod repsir and pro iccrca irom irost. J nev must provide stop am! waste cock, projicrly located inside the butulinL;, and have the pipes so arrange! that the water cun be drawn irom them when or wherever there is flanker of frefzintj. Sec It'J. If hen water shall be tupplicd to mure man one party mrouicn a anisic tap the bill for the whole Kunulv furnished through auch tap will be made to I he owner oi tne property in casein non payment the water may De shut oil. until witliKtannin one or mors parties may have ptiid their proportion to such owner. Sec. IM"3. When water has been turned oiT lor noti.pnyment or lurany violation of rules water will not be turned on until SO cents is paid for shutting off nnd turning on. feec. yb. ater rents are payable quar terly in advance, except meter rates which are payable monthly. If not paid within live unys uner tne same necomcs uue ana pay ante tne water win ne cut on. T. W PATTON. octaidlw Mayor. virtue of the rower in me I certain deed of trust made 1 and executed by J. T flostic and wife on the rflst day of AuRUKt, lH'.ll, which dulv ree- istered in book as, at psue 5s, et rq., in the I office of the Register oi Deeds In and lor tbe I county ol 14uncoonbi. and to which, as rr ir is tcred, reference is hereby made for full par- I ucumrs tnercoi. to secure the payment ol a certain promissory note therein flrscrtbetl and default havinir been made in the condi tions of said deed of trust, and having ueen requested oy tne cestui que trust to execute the power sale therein con ferred. I will, on the 27th dav of Novem. bcr, 180 3, at ia o'clock m at the court house door in the ciiv of Asheville. at t PUb'ic auction, for cash, sell the land so conveyed to satisfy the terms and conditions oi sain aeeil ol trust. Said land is bounded ana described as follows: HcLr'iimnie at stake at the intersection of Pine i-treet and the street south of the Colored rtantist cnurcn, ana icet from tne southwest cor ner of the Colored Baptist church lot, and runs tbrnce south 37 east 11 poles and 11 liuka to Love's northwest corner: tht-nce with Love's line south 4l writ 17 mile. and 17 links to a tnke in Laura Aiken's line; thence north 75 went 23 links to a stake at h-r southwest corner on I'ine street; tnence with pine street north 3 east 1 polca and 7 links to the beKinnini: This October Hist, 1SLI3. I li. MbKKlMON, octaidiot Trustee. Wc will Bctul you TUB COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINU. which lias the strongest staff of regular contributors of any existing periodical, and THE WEEKLY C1T- 1ZUN both for only $2.00 a year. I.KWIS MADlinx, Pre T. COLLINS. Vlce-Pres. L. P. M'LOUD. Casta! VTOTICK-IlT vested by a Colnrnbns discovered a new world where today in millions of home there is one or more victirasof alcoholism. The Houston discovery is positive cure for liquor, morphine and opram habits that bas radical! v cared thousands. Asheville institute at 53 West College street, cures guaranteed or no pay. NOTICE, To Creditors of City of Asheville All persona clairain-r that thl cUt ia la debted to tQctn on ace- ant of aerTicea ren dered or other consideration given, prior to the 15th da? of May. 1893. arc hereby notf- ned to present their evidence of uch indebt edness to the Finance Committee, at the city hall, before the first day of December next. This notice does not apply! to holders of bonds or notes under seal, tbe committee al ready baring record thereof. tiy order ot tne Hoard of Aldermen T. "W. PATTON, nayui TTIOR MISCELLANEOUS. 8ALK Old papers at tbe Citizen counting- room, 20 cents per hundred, tf FOR SALK Matched team of black mules, 6 and 7 jcara old, warranted, S26o. Ki KAMI B til ARM H. Apply to octzoaat- LOST Pair of steel-rimmed, half-eyed" spectacles, between rtorrell street and First Baptist church. Kinder will please leave them at Citizen office and receive re ward I. J. TMUMFSON. octSOdtf jivjk aftL,n stirs uov, uihhui., Ij part Norman, rood order, sound and faultless; also a very handaosne pony, good I rider and driver, larsre enourzh for man's uae. Harsains on prompt application, auaresa P. O. Bos 33. octttdtl Castle RestX Formerly McCape Bouse. Mo. 24 Urove street. House beautifully situated in beat location. near street car line. Three minutes from postoffice. Lsrre sin trie and double rooms. Heated bv steam and fire places. Hot and cold baths Table best aorthera stile. Ref erences can be fovea. ociidtr MKS. M. 8CUIKRMBISTM. KBTRBAT For Diseases of Scientific treatment and cures Kiegaat apartments lor laoies aorinsr eonfimrmeat. Address Tbe Resident Physician, 7 1. 73 Baxter court. nasnvuie. less. , unuuou. TNGLBSIDB 1 women. guaranteed, before and COT RATB WOKLD'S rAIR TICKETS. 3.0OO. 1.0OO. flS weekly. rrux NOTICB To the tax carers of Bun JL cOTntie county take notice I will be la my office in tbe court noose every dav ex cept euadaye from 11 a. m- and 3 p. m. and at other places tbroajrhout the county as in dlcateo br noatera. Pieatae come and settle ionr mi ran. aaa isn uusdic. ivjnn n WB1VBR. tax collector. oct7deodcwlm Insures yon ea route and la Chicago. - for Ladles. SX.OO PKR WBBK. A. KARKIK, Two doors below City Ticket Office. DR. T. E. LINN, TVISSO LOTION NOTICaT The arm here- JL t of ore known aa Kelly ac Btrachan has this dav beea dissolved br mutual consent. Mr. Kelly will continue tne buatnesa at the old stand, and will be responsible for all the liabilities of tbe Arm of Kelly dt Btrachan, and will also collect all mua one aaia arm. X . a. KELLY, WU, STBACHAN I take this occasion to exams to my I friends my tbsaks for favors extended the old firm and respectfully ask for air. Kelly a I coatinuauce ot their patronage. octaSdlw Wad. B STRACHAK. BURG BOM AND ROM BOPATHIC Telepl aosve, IT. PHYSICIAN, aHrceU oetBdlm THE COUNTRY MAILS. Ar. Kutaerfordtoa, - t BfirnavBls. "7 w p m X.v. P m " isa " IB sb Capital, 5is,ii50. Jssrpiea.s, 40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Stute, County And City Depository, Oreaniscd May, xS8S DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENEEA.L. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, rnterssat Paid on Iteposlts iu Bavlnei Departmeiii DIUECTORSl Lowi3 Maddux, II. T. Collins, M. J. Fagg, J. E. Iteed, ("biin. McNaiuee, J. E. Rankin, M. J. Bearden, S. II. Iteed BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til LIP. M.: E WIRE & LIQUOR BOUSE Aalicvllle narkels. Corrected daily bv POWBLL r SNIDER. wholesale and retail srrocera. These n rices are being paid by the merchants to-day. Butter. ... Bears Chickens. Turkeys.. uncti Potatoes. ....20(Z25I Aoples 0OS80 , lHfApplcs. dried 3f5 lOW 20 Pumpkins. each. 6i:0 ...7o(dJ100!ora-um 3d ....X&OS 201 Beeswax, per lb 15 v't SOIHonev in Potatoes. Irish. OOlWbeat.. ................ 70 Tarnipe SO44iCorn no Onions 65 1 Meal BO Cabbage, per lb atIOat 40 Beans, pr bu.ioosxiso Rye 5 Peas Hav. ton $1850 Chestnuts SOOICclerv. dos arB4t Your broken wagons an J -vehicles of ah kinds to B. Bnrnettc'a shop on College street, where they will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hav ing secured a first-class horse-shocr I make bX) kinds of fine shoeing a specialty B. BURNEriE.. 34 Years Experience MI.UXOIV HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BU1LPBR. Off! es and shop, Wolfe Building. CORN BR COURT PLACB AMD MARKET 8TRBBT. K XX. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STCSL Grading- of all ktada d eraabad stone furnished. postomea Boa 1M, AaacrtOs. N. C. staurlMtt vSTliito Man's Bar laicoa the largest stock offTrst cJaa (goods of any house In the State. Makes a specialty of ( SCooklnj? Brnndiea and Jelly Wines.) (Sole agents for tbe Acme Old Com A J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor ISo. 58 South Itfain Street. TELKPHONB CALL MO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, A8BBTILLR. Y sftflTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. "BONANZA" WiNE AND LIOUOR CO.. IHoSs afc cvad 4.3 Sa SXain Stv 'Aaflmevil0a I WHOLB81 LB PBPARTMBNT, OBNTV "VTsT A V PASLOK AMD HBADINO KOOAC. JJM Jm CIOASS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, 8AVt. VTTs A PLa, BILUAKU AND POOLROOM. J J9 tfcO. BEER : VAULTS : AK3 : B0TTUX3 : DEPARTIJEMT : IX : BASEUEKT. We rsspectrailj solicit a sbara ot xonr ss TarpaaOBi Call 11 o. 71 afala Btnuio4f 4X

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