Friil aj Evening, October 27, 1893. THE ASHEVLLIxE DAILY CITIZEN. THE EMPEROR RESENTS ADVICE. HZTUGIOUS Ilia Young Majesty of China Has Notion as to Ilia Own Education Tho IVkin Gazette lately contained a curious decree from the emperor re ferring to certain proposals that had been made for his proper education. An oflleious censor presented a memor ial sug-gestlng that the emperor should restablish tho former practice of hav ing the classics and other sacred writ lnga daily expounded to him. Upon this his majesty observes: "SInoe we huve undertaken tho task of govern ing in person, we have daily received in audience tho officials of the metrop olis and the provinces, and done our very utmost to rightly discern the proper men and pass judgment on their actions. Such time as remains at our disposal after transacting the multi tudinous affairs of state wo devote to the study of the classics and historical records, often engaging in discussion with the imperial tutorB, and never permitting ourselves for a moment to indulge in luxurious ease." Tho great Kien Lung explained his objection to the old jjinctice to bo that tho censors whose business it was to expound tho classics in rotation, and thereby to raise the standard of moral virtue, made use of tho opportunity to tender their advice on tilings in gen eral, and to air their private views. A few years later tho same great ruler publicly announced that af tor" 1 lsten ing for more than ten years to tho ir relevant comments of his tutors on public affairs he was Aired of them, and that these unenlightened and un Btatcsnianlike expositions must stop. A later emperor said much the same. With theso precedents of his ances tors to guide him, tho present emperor concludes his decree as follows: "Two emperors have thus expressed their views with regard to this matter, and tho conclusion they arrived at was that theso expositions were a mere fraud; that they did not advanco a true understanding of the principles of gov ernment; that those concerned endeav ored to put forward their private views and by flattery carry out their falso designs. Ve sea throvigh all this quite clearly, and it would be well were the censor to reverently peruse the views of former sovereigns in re gard to this matter. His memorial is, moreover, in many respects obscure, und his arguments not to the point. His proposition need not be enter tained." CHINESE DELICACIES. AND EDUCATIONAL. S00.034 teachers in the MONKEYED WITH THE TROLLEY. 1'lgs und Poultry 1'ut I p Attractively and Sold Cheap. The Chinese delicatessen store is re plete with the appetizing dishes of the Chinese household, and they are done up not only in better style, but with much better materials and more tastily than the average food of an ordinary Chinese family. Everything, says tho New York Sun, is exposed to view in the most con spicuous manner possible. A whole pig, fat and juicy, soaked in highly spiced liquor and then baked a crispy brown while cooling in the air in blightly anointed on Its back with a rich coat of See Yo (vegetable oil) and salt. The ears and nose are dyed in vermil ion; tho entire carcass Is made as at tractive to the eye and as tempting to the nppetlto as possible; it is then hung by its little ehubby tall upon a hook near tho door, in very much the same fashion as a Dutchman's butcher shop. When a customer comes ho ia asked which part of the hog he wants. It is then chopped oft at twenty-fivo centB per pound. The same price pre vails throughout the entire pig. Tho liver and entrails are cured sep arately from the rest of tho body, and then are sold at half the rate of the body. Ou an averngo three pigs a day and a dozen or more of dncks and chlckeriB are disposed of in quarter pound lots, besides other delicacies. The difference between a Caucasian and a Chinese delicatessen store is im mense. The one always sells stale meat and rotten cheese; the"other roasts live pigs (killed within an hour before they are prepared for roasting), chickens and ducks in the same way. The one costs hundreds of dollars to start and makes little profits, while the Chinese delicatessen shop costs only the twenty dollars to buy tho meats and makes big profits. An or dinary hallway is amply big enough for a pood-sized Chinese delicatessen shop. There are United States. The first normal college for the ulind was founded in 1873. New churches built in America last year numbered nearly 10,000. Sunday schools for teaching- the elements of English education were established by Kaikcs about 17B1. The first systematic effort to teach the deaf to speak was made by l)r Thornton, of l'hiladelphia, in 17t):i. t'harlemango' founded schools In every monastry in the empire, in which reading, singing, arithemotic and gram mar were taught. Between 1698 and 1741 the society for the promotion of Christian knowl edge founded nearly 2,000 charity Bchools in tlreat Britain and Ireland. In Scandinavia, Switzerland and Germany over 95 per cent, of tho popu lation are able to write; in Great Brit ain. 90: in France, 85, in the United States, 93. He that repents every day for the sins of every day, when he comes to die will have tho sins of but one day to repent of; short reckonings make long friends. Phillip Henry. Joseph Lancaster began the sys tematic Instruction of poor children in 17JW. Tho peculiarity of his system was the fact that ho utilized the older pupils in teaching tho lower classes. To hunger no more and to thirst no more Is but to havo our ever-returning need perpetually satisfied, and from the overllow of our blessedness to be come wells of the water of life to other Eouls. Lucy Larcom. The Tcabodygift of fa, 100,000 for the purpose of promoting education in the south was made in 1S0O, and in 1809 the donation was increased to f !S, 500,000. Mr. l'eabody's previous dona tions to the cause of education amount ed to $1,250,000. Gen. Booth carries on his missions nt comparatively small cost. The ofll cors who work among the Zulus get sixty cents per week as salary, besides cornmeal for breakfast, rice for dinner. with an occasional bucket of molasses thrown in. The latter costs twelve cents at tho sugar mill. In 1538 Luther and Melanchthon drew up u scheme of popular education which was followed in the German schools for seventy-live years. The first class learned to read, write and sing; tho second class studied Latin grammar, music and tho scriptures; the third, arithmetic, Latin and rhetoric. A colporteur wns recently arrested in the Gala ta district, lurkey, for sell ing the Epistle to tho Galatians, on the rround that it was a seditious docu ment Tho Turkish authorities called for a certificate of the author's death to assure themselves that tho document ivas not of recent origin. Chicago Standard. The seal ring worn by the pope. and used by him on oClcial documents to which his signature is attached, has on it the enirraving of a fish with the cipher of the wearer. Since the thir teenth century every pope has worn a ring of this character, and it is shat tered with a hammer when tho wearer Jies to prevent its use on a forged docu ment. I'hlliiilelplilav Hoy Turned the Garden Hose cu One and Mow ltcgrets It. At least one boy on Catherine street knows more about electricity and the trolley than lie did, and so does his father, nays tho l'hiladelphia Call. The other evening- tho boy was out in front of his home, which is not far from Broad street, preparing to sprinkle tho street and cool off the pavement. Tho nice, black, shiny hose had just been brought and it was his first ex perience at the job. lie uncoiled the hose, coupled it on and turned on the water. lie first sprinkled the pave ment liberally and felt grateful at tho coolness which seemed to pervade the atmosphere. Th en ho sprinkled the street until the dust was all mud and tho water was trickling in streams into the gutters. Still ho kept up the good work, and papa came out, lighted a cigar and sat do vn upon the steps to see Johnny do his work. Then mamma camo out, too, and the neighbors who wero across tho street admired the family group. After wetting down the street and everything else in reach, Johnny looked around for more worlds to conquer. Suddenly ho glanced up ward, and his eyes rested on the shin ing trolley wlro which stretched away in the distance. It looked rather hot and ho concluded to sprinkle It as an evidence of good faith. Without con sulting papa ho turned tho hose on tho trolley wire, and struck it fair with a nice, plump, strong stream of water, while he held tho nozzle of the hose the better to direct the stream. Then Johnny was stnick by the current of electricity which flew down the stream to meet him. He dropped to tho side walk and the hose turned loose, sprink ling papa and mamma well before they could escape. Then tho admiring neighbors laughed and papa grabbed Johnny, lupgeu him into the shed and paddled liim with a shingle, after which ho delivered a lecture on elec tricity and the dangers of tho trolley. Then ho fondled Johnny again with a trunk strap and put a dry suit of clothes on himself. -SIX TM0USAND dol: WO tlTH RECKLESS BICYCLE RIDERS. WIT AND WISDOM. FINE Coming SPANISH ONIONS, to America In Increasing Quan tities from Valencia. The largo and handsome Spanish onions, which havo been coming to this country in increasing quantities: for tho lost half dozen years, aro now cheaper than they have ever been known here. According to tho Oar ilerifcr's Magazine, these vegetables aro grown mainly near Valencia, In Spain, and tho first shipments this year, which came by the way of England, were harvested too early, and were therefore watery. Being liable to quick decay, they were hurried upon the market and sold for low prices. The first direct importation was also off grade in quality, and this sot the price for the season very low, so that in many auction sales the price has barely covered the freight and duty,' to Bay nothing of tho commissions and cost of packing. The duty of 40 cents on a bushel of fifty-six pounds, to gether with tho freight, commission and cost abroad, brings tho actual value to the importer about 80 cents crate laid down, and, therefore, when prices range from 55 cents to 81 a crato the- trade has been a disastrous one. Together with what has already ar rived and what Is expected, the Imports this year will amount to 150,000 crates, or about 87,500 bushels. Attempts to raise this Spanish onion in California and other parts of tho country from seed purchased in Spain havo generally proved unsuccessful, a the vegetables when grown hero do not differ much from the ordinary do mestle onion. It seems that a Castil' ian climate and soil is necessary for the production of this delightful product There is no darkness but ignorance. Shakespeare. You can not play the flute by blow ing alone; you must use your fingers. Goethe. Solemn Stranger All flesh is crass. Deaf Man Hey? Solemn Stranger No, grass. N. Y. Tress. Pessimist Don't you wish you'd nover been born? Book Agent No; I let other neonlo do that for me. N. Y, Journal. A laugh is often the echo of an anirel's sonir. a spray of broken music left sparkling on the shoro of time. Kam's Horn. "Is she well married?" "I should say so. She's been trying for years to tret a divorce and can't" Kate Field's Washington. A child that staycth at one stature and never groweth bigger, is a monster. Unless we go forward we slip back. Bishop Jewel. Citizens Do you have much troublo arresting tramps? l'ol iceman Oh, no; no matter how strong a tramp is, he will never resist a rest Yonkers Stutesman. Mr. Tlppel I'm or just going out to see a man, my dear. Mrs. Tippel Well, I wish you'd bring a little of him back in a bottle with you I feel thirsty. Chicago Mail. One of tho pathetic things of life is to sec a man trying to carry what is technically known as a "jug" and the tune of "After the Ball" both at once. Washington Star. Not So Black as He is Tainted. Ilardalee We had a fine sunrise this morning. Van. Did you see it? Van Tank Sunrise? Why, old man, I am always in bed before sunrise. N. Y. Ledger. Creditor "Don't you know that It Is using up a deal of my time to have to keep dunning you as I do?" Debtor "And that isn't tho worst of it You use up a deal of my time also." Boston Transcript. Cook (to nurse) "The mistress says to be very careful in moving thOi.clock, and not let It falL" Nurse "Then you carry the baby and let no carry the clock. You might let the clock fall." Texas Sittings. Fair Customer "Is it true that milk Is soured by lightning? ' Thoughtless Milkman "No; by thunder." And to this day ho doesn't know why she transferred her patronage to a rival dealer. Buffalo Courier. Little Ethel It's awful impolite to ask for things. Little Johnny Course it is. What of it? Little Ethel Noth ing, only I'm gettin' hungry for some candy I've got iu my pocket, and there isn't enough for two Good News. When you have found your talent do not despise it or be disappointed in it or yourself because you have not some other, but honor it respect It even If it Is not much of a gift It is vours, your all. You are in no debt Anon. Officer of Clubs Should Call Down the Careless Wheelmen. The reckless rider Is, first of all, says British report, a danger to the public, a fool to himself and an unmit igated miisance to none more than his fellow-wheelmen. The first ho fright ens, but otherwise does little hnrm to; ho jeopardizes his own neck (which, It may be remarked en passant, la never above the average in value), and plays tho very dickens with the affections of his fellow-sportsmen by invariably hug ging the curb on the wrong side when he is not lurching all over the road. It Is to ho feared that the law will never be able to suppress him, for the Mniple reason that he Is hard to catch and the pollco are proverbially Mow as runners, We Bhall probably have to endure the reckless rldor as long as our cycling lives last, and that In splto of the higher education and university ex tension lectures. The nuisance can bo mitigated, however, by the use of a little moral suasion, and in particular officers of clubs might do much towards the conversion of men whoso reckless ness is not, after all, necessarily born so much of innate caddlshness as mere high spirits or ignorance, allied to thoughtlessness. Let olllcers of clubs never weary of impressing ou their young members tho necessity of ob serving tho rules of the road, the truth of tho old axiom, "More haste, less speed," and tho very real danger of scorching- through city streets and even suburban roads, and at least some good will of necessity accrue. Fur the writer's part, he has made up his mind that the next time ho is run down by a rider husrjrinjr the near side curb he will have "the luw on him" for assault and bo bothered to "the freemasonry of tho wheel." A SILKEN TRAP. Elegant Cloaks and Jao&ets AT ONE HALF PRICES Our buyer has just returned from the East, where he attended one of the largest Bankrupt Sales tjjat ever happened in New York. He bought the entire bankrupt stock of the great cloak house of Johnson Levison & Co., who failed for 825,000, at nearly his own figures. We have bought these goods at a terrible sacrifice, and are w illing to give the good people of Asheville and surrounding country the benefit of this great sale. We are able to show you the most elegant cloaks and jackets ever brought to this town. We invite the good ladies who love to see nice cloaks and wrho love to purchase at their own price a garment,. to come and inspect our immense stock of cloaks and Jackets, and we are convinced if you arc in need of a garment we far as nice quality and style are concerned. When you through our cloak department, we will at the same time show you through our complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Ladies' Underwear, and at prices that will make our competitors howl and gladden the hearts of our customers. Please remember that in our connecting store yon will find the most complete stock of tailor made Cloth- lg, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods ever brought to this State, and at prices that defy "competition. Yours very truly, arc certainly able to please you so we have the pleasure of showing BALTIMORE, CLOTHING, SHOES AND DRY GOODS COMPANY, 10 Introducers, - Leaders and - Controllers of - Low Prices. Th. or What a Creole la. A Creole, strictly speaking, Is any person born in this country or tho West Indies of European ancestorsi also but person born in or near tho tropics, and this Is the sense in whlchj the word la usually employed, i. no use of the word, however, ha been by some restricted first to children of foreign parents born in Louisiana, and, second, to children of Spanish or French parents born in Louisiana, and then in the north the word has been perverted bo that it Is believed to Imply tome strain of negro blood In person to whom it U applied. It doe not Imply anything- of tb sort A few evenings ago a little boy was busily engaged at his lessons. Ilia father, one of the leading citizens of Harlem, had gone to the lodge, and his mother was busy sewing. The little boy looked up and asked: "Mamma, what does the word "pretext' mean?' "When your father Bys he has to go to the lodge two or three time a week. that is a pretext to get awsy from his family. The boy did not say any thing, but next day when he read, it out to a whole school his definition of "pre- Huge Web llullt l)T a flpeclea Holder Native lu Ceylon. Ceylon is tho homo of the largest species of spider, that has yet been made tho subject oT entomological In vestigation. This web-splnning mon ster lives in tho most mountainous dis tricts of that rugged inland and places his trap not a gossamer snare of uiry lightness, but a hujro netof yellow bilk fiom five to ton feet In diameter across the chasms and fissures in the rocks. Tho supporting guys of this gigantic net, which in all cases Is al most stronff enough for a liammoctt, are from five to twenty feet lu length (as conditions and circumstances may require), mado of a series of twisted webs, tho whole beinir of tho diameter of a lend pencil. As might bo im agined, this gtgantic silken trap Is not set for mosquitoes, tiles and pestiferous gnats, but for birds, gaudy moths and elegantly-painted butterflies, some of th latter having a spread of wing equal to that of a robin or a blue jay. Home extra fine skeletons of small birds, lizards, enakes, etc., havo been found in theso wobs, with every vestige of flesh picked from them. The owner and maker of theso queer silk traps is a spider with a body averaging four and one-half inches in width and six inches in length, and with legs nine to twelve inches from body to terminal claw. Faying- a Vow by Proxy. A Kobo (Japan) paper copies a curi ous advertisement wnica nns ueen hung out on the board by a rich man at Matsuragata, Nagasaki. I ho no tice explains itself: "When my daugh ter was sick I prayed tho Kompira of tSanuki provlnco for her recovery, plodorlnpr to let her pay a thanksgiving visit to the temple by creeping on ner hands and feet all tho way through, in imitation of cattle, if she recovered. The prayer was heard, and sho recov ered by tho miraculous influence i tho Alinlgh ty Deity. Hut, after all, it is impossible for a tender girl to creep several hundred of miles to fcanuki. I should therefore llko to llnd a nubsti' tute for her, and if anyone offering himself or herself for such be found suitable to tho task I will offer such a person one thousand dollars " A Bright Hoy. "Ma, said a newspaper man s son. "I "know why editors call themselves 'we.' " "Why?" . "So's the man who doesn't like the article will think there are too many people for him to tackle." Washing ton otar. IfcT' ALL THE" P' "Comforts lfi 3 iiuluilc d the great temperance drink 1)1 B.n&'& Beer W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE NoTVfP. Do yoq wear them? Whan next In need try a pair. Best in tne woria. 43.00 42 50 42.00 FOR LADIES $2.00 4I.7S FOR BOYS k7 f All gives New Life to the Old Folks, i f.5v j'lensurc to 111c rureuis, fe ' Health to the Children. 1 r. !"il for All tlood All the Time. A 25 cent package makes Five 7t J-i4S3. gallons. He sure ana gcVs ma fife. 4.00. f A 2.25 iffgj 1 REttWSTQN Typewriter If von want a fine DRESS SHOE, mad In the Uteri rtylee, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4,00 n E $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom mad and look aM ear a well. If yoa with to economize In your footwear, iota bv Dtirchatlnc W. L. Dousiai Shrs. Name ai I 5i-ce stamped on th bottom, look for It whn you buy. W. I.. DOCQLAS, BMonm, aanaa. oia cj Blan ton, Wright & Co. Indorsement A rroor ot Trnnt. Fond Mother Willy tells me his em ployer is gradually taking him into hia confidence. Father Yes? Fond Mother Ileaavshe showed him texV'.crealea a senaanon.-i.exaa oui-; now t0 iock the saf yesterday. J'uck. inn. . Valued of Scott's Emulsion is contain ed in let ters from ihp mrHi. cal profes- sss& sion speaking ot its gratity ing results in their practice. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites can be adminis tered when plain oil is out of the question. It is almost as palatable as milk easier to digest than milk. Proprod he Rente A Bownfl, N. V. All (froafftota. Combination Offer! Tne Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville Home and. Farm JAPANESE I For omy CURB a Vow rimnli.t Treatment, cmtwletlnjz of RUPPOHITOBIKH, CapMllfW of Otntnieat and two lioxen of Ointment. A nover-falllng Cure for Piloa itf every nature an.1 dryree. It make an operation with the knife or inlHclionnof carbolic acfd, wfalcb are painful and wldom a permanent cure, and often .Mulling in rifwith. linnpceosary. Why endure tnia terribla !? Wa. aunrantee. boxes to eure any ease. i"u nir par zor Imirata received. II a eim. f or aa. Bent Dj mall Ouaranteea Iwraed t onr agenta. nnnnTin a -rirl Cured. Pitas Pravanted, bUnOlirHHUn bY Japanete Liver Pellet the great I.rVF.R and STOMACH REGULATOR and nt fuin ii wiFtkH Kmnll. mild and Dteaeant 1c I take, especially adapted fur chiklran'a naa. ou Vote I .s cents. OUABAKTEES leaned only GT RAYSOR & SMITH nt Patton Avraiie. Aeberfll. N C $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance cuior cai'ik arnicTi'ttB. FKi:rr.cTI.T PaiNLEas To can and WhUkev Xfantta curod at home wilU- I out pal u. Book of rar tlculara aent FECE. i B. M. WOOLI.ET. M.L. HUE; INJECTION.. rates el on. nuu at iu Daooowra. Fi" BUT ta rLAlB.BBALED rACKASE tlN BKCBIIT OF fKlCB, . . - ehcville Agmta, criptioa Draargaate, ieblOUlT Ririor gt Smith, Pre 81 rettoa avceae. Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITING MACHINE OP THE World' Columbian Exposition. RECKMOHD & DANVILLE R. R. CO. Samuel Spencer. B W. Huidkopcr and Kcuben Foster, Beccivera. WESTERN NOR P-. CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Aug. 31, 1803. fcASTBOUND L.V Knoxville... Morrifttown. . I.v. Paint Rock Hot Springs Ar. Asheville L.v. Asheville " Round Knob " Marion " Morganton " Hick.-y Newton " Stateevillc Ar. RaliHbury " Grecnwboro , Lranvillc S lRam O Oara "ia'30pru 13 4pm 3 lOpm 3 SOom 3 52pm 41 33pm S 17pm 5 S9pm A SOpm 7 11pm ft OOpm 10 49pm 13 OTam Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lr. Grecutboru 13 01am Ar. Durham 3 3 nam " knlemh 6 SOam " Ooldsburo 13 lOpm SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED OATALOCUK r - Wyckoff, Seamans &. Benedict, 37 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK The Most Convenient Trunk EVER DEVISED. THE TRAY Is arranged to roll back, leav. ing the bottom ot the Trunk easy of ac cess. Nothing to break or get oat of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to bur this style Is a guarantee that yoa will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot fnrnlsb yon, eociry the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE . BRO., Richmond. WA. SrienHfio American Tn J.tCAveAT. I jqri Tj TRADeT MARKS, I fiffiQV DBBKJM PATENTS, I Dan vine Ar. Lynchburg vv ashinKton 12 16am 1 68am 6 45am Baltimore 8 OSpm aueipnia 10 SOpm 1 -j . 14 ooam Nev. WEST BOUND "NO. II Lt. New York 4 SOom Philadelphia 6 S6pnr Baltimore 9 SOpra Washington 10 43pm Lrvnchhurjr a 4Stnm Ar. Danville a SOam Lv. Richmond 12 fiOam Danville R AA,m Ar. Greensboro 7 20am L.V. Goltlaboro 2 afitiin Lv Kaleigh 1 OOpm Durham 2 30am Ar. Greensboro 6 30am Lv GreensDoro 8 OOam Salisbury 10 1 ft am Statcavlllc 1106am Newton 11 S4am Hickory 13 160m Morganton 13 S9pm Marion 1 40pm Round Knob 3 46pm Asheville 4 Ottpm Hot Sprints 6 Stun Ar. Faint Rock o (SOpm Morns town Knoaville 7 4Spm 'S. MLftOAD NOrU Lv. Aaheville 8 13am ' icnderonvule 9 16am Flat Rock 9 27am " Saluda 9 62am " Tryon .. IO 22am Ar. Spartanburg 11 SOam Nona Lv. Spartanburg 3 1 Opm Tryon 4 20pm " Saluda 4 66pm " Plat Rock S 22pm " Hendera'nv'le 6 83pm Ar. Aaheville 6 40pm "MURPHY BRANCH NoTTT Lv. Aaheville tlSam Ar. Waynesville . 9 66am " Brvson City 1160am ' Andrews 8 26pm " Tomotla 4 OOpm Murphy 4 16pm NO. 18 COPYRIGHTS, ate J tot tnf nrmatlon and free Handbook write to alt'NN CO, Ki Broadway, nkw York. Oldest bureau for securing- patanta In America. Kvery patent taken out by as Is brought before) tn pubilo by a oouoe sirsa free ox charge la the 9 txtntiixt Jlmwcatt Lai eat etranlatton of any sdentlfle paper m tY,r Mid aniMrtulta tllmttratAd. No Intallieerti sua should be itbout It. Weskli yeart SI JO sis months. Address l A Bioaawart ew York OW. Lv. Murwhv Ar. Tomotla....... Andrews Bryaon City.. W lynesvillc... Aaheville t ti OOam 6 16am SOam IO lOam 13 2upm 3 OOpm "LEPiNd car SERviee. Noa. 11 and 12 Pullman Rleepers bet wees) Aaheville and Cincinnati via Knoxvflle aad Uanimaa, and Pullman Ballet veetibale sleepers between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Hot Bpriaga via Aaheville. W. A. TUFK, S. H. RAKDWICK, Gen. Paaa. Art. Asst. Oca. Pass. Agt Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Oa. W.H. GRBBN, Gen. Manager, Waahlngtoa V. B. McBBB, Oenl 8upt-. Columbia, S. C. SOL. HAAS, Traffic aaaaatTer. WaaUagtoa t Daily except Baaday.