THE ASHJSVUjLiE daily citizen. Friday Evening, Octobei 27, 1893. AMONG THE IKMAVfc. AROUND TOWN. Conccrnlni the Cherokee Tralu lag nctiaol at Yellow Hill. The news from tbe Cherokee Indiau Training school at Yellow Hill is to tbe effect that the new superintendent. Prof. Potter of Kansas, has set about making examination as to tbe fitness of every one in any way connected with the school, and the Indians who are earn estly wishing to see the tribe advance along educational lines are hopeful that the new superintendent will prove satis factory. When the trouble which arose among the band during Prof. Andrew Spencer's incumbency of the snperintendency died out, after Prot. Spencer had been trans ferred, it was hoped by many of the band that it might be possible to have a North Carolinian appointed to the po sition of superintendent and Indian agent at Yellow Hill. Congressman V. T. Crawford interested himself in the matter and endeavored to secure the ap pointment of a North Carolina man. He (oak the ground that as tbe ap pointee would 611 tbe place ol agent as well as that of superintendent, and as the agent was not under the civil service commission the appointment of a man to the dual position could be made outside of the civil service. The Indians very much desired this ac tion, believing that it would be better for the tribe and school could theyseeu e the appoitment of a man who was ac quainted with the Indiaus and who knew the situation of things on the res ervation. They endorsed for tbe positicn Mr. Snow, the clerk of the Superior court of Swain county. But all the work was to no avail. The civil service commission could not or did not grant the request, and Prof. Potter was appointed under the rules of the commission. The superintendent of the Yellow Hill school receives a salary of $1,200 a year. To this is added a salary of $200 yearly paid to him as Indian agent. The gov ernment allows $600 for a matron of the school, so that if the superintendent be a married man, and bis wife becomes matron, the amount paid for the services to the man and his wife would be $2,000 a year, a very respectable amount the Indian section. The superintendent ia assisted by three or four teachers, who receive compensa tion at the rate of $50 a month. The school, under ordinary circumstances. would have opened on the first of Sep tember, but this was made imoossibh bv tne unsettled condition of affairs rc eardiner the suoerintendency. The usual term of the Indian school is 10 months. A member of the tribe, talking to The Citizen not lone aeo concerning the- subject, said: "We have become well nigb discouraged in our efforts to get a first rate school among the Indians, and should the new appointee not prove as efficient as we have hopes of his being, manv of us will oack up and go to the Indian territory." There are now. all told, about 1,200 members of the Eastern band of Ctaero kees in North Carolina. The tribe, it if said, is merely holding its own in tram bers, the yearly increase, if any, being very small. moxs of tkmii:ranch FUU A DAY OR MORE. Meellng oftlieGrand DlvUlon In ASbevllle. The Grand Division, Sons of Temper ance of North Carolina, met in Asheville yesterday. There was a fair attendance of delegatus from the different subordi nate divisions in the State, chiefly from the Western counties. The following offi cers were present at opening: S. D. Hall, G. W. A.; Geo. L. Hackney, G. Scribe; Jno. G. Lindsey, G. Treasurer; W. I). Jus tice, G. Chaplain; John V. Shook, P. G. W. P ; R. L. Penland. G. Sent.; Mrs. F. L. Shuford, G. C. Among the delegates in attendance were: P. A. Cummings, B. P. Westmore land, E. C. Worley, Geo. H. Burnham, Wm. Ward. W. Turner. James Buttrick, Mrs. F. L. Shuford, R L. Penland, J. L. Chambers, J. P. Lewis, P. C. Orpin and J. B. Cole. A letter was read from the Hon. W. H. Hargrove, the G. Y. P., regretting very much his inabilitv to be present. He sent his report, however, which was read and considered encoutaging. The report of the Grand Scribe showed a slight decrease in membership: otherwise tbe order is in a healthy and prosperous condition. The election of officers for the ensuing term resulted as follows: G. V. P. P. A. Cummings. G. W. A. W. Ward. G. S Geo. L. Hnckney. G. Treas. J. G. Lindsey. G. Con. J. B. C'le. G. Sent. E. C. Worley. G. Chaplain J. L. Chambers. The next meeting of the Grand Divis ion will be held at Sulphur faprincs on the fourth Thursday in Vpril. Forecast till 8 p. m. Saturday Cloudy, witHrain today; lair and cooler Satur day. " A heavy rain fell here about 2 o'clock this morning. Patrolman Stephenson is able to be out after a seven weeks' illness. Kev. Dr. J. II. Weaver will preach at North Asheville M. li. church, South, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Deoutv Sheriff I. II. Hampton has been confined to his home by a heavy cold for several days but is out today. The top dressing ol fine stone is being put on the North Main street sidewulk between Woodtin street and Meirimon avenue. The Citizen is indebted to Messrs Al bright & Roberts ot the Banner job office fur the use ol the cut of Rev. J. C. Trice printed today. A fotce of workmen is engaged macad amizing College street on the north side between North Main and the terminus of the rubble paving. Proprietor Evans of the Skyland hotel nave an entertainment at ma Hotel last evening. A number ot Asueviiie people went out to take part, and the cnter- txinmeut was greatly enjoyed. Collector Elias' letter to Chief Clerk Rogers yesterday states that the Collec tor expects to return to Asheville in a lew d.ivs. The testimony in his case, the Collector savs, will doubtless be con cluded this week. Frank McCIure. messenger in Collec tor Elias' office, has resigned his posi tion, the resignation to go into effect on the first of November. Mr. McCIure will return to his home in Clay county, to go into business. Cards are out for the marriage of lames U. I'ittman and Mrs. Winnie C Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hampton. The wedding will occur at the residence. No. 42 Havwood street Tuesday evening. October 31. at S o'clock. The free lecture by Rev. lames Atkins, D D., in the lecture room of Ceutral church this eveuing promises to be an interesting occasion. The lecture, which is given under the auspices of the lip worth League, will commence at 8 o'clock, and the public generally is in vited. The funeral services over the bodv of the late VV. A. Kepler were held at Triii ity Episcopal church, conducted by Kev MeNeely DuBose. I lie pallbearers were Lawren-'e i'ulliam, F. A. Hull, W. R I'enniman, L. C. Waddell, George Hen derson and C T. Rawls. The huria was at Riverside cemetery. The lecture room of the First I'resbv terian church was packed last evening on the occasion ot the chinch social. The evening was spent in the pleasures ol social converse and the enjoyment ol refreshments provided bv the ladies of the congregati"n, The social through out was a very enjoyable afl'air. Sportsmen complain to Tins Citizen because of the fact that manv hunters have "crowded the season" in other words have begun shouting birds before the open season. 1 he season oegins the first ot November. It will not be we with those who are thii3 earlv in the woods if the officers discover them. People Wbo Come In and so oat Front Asnevllle. L. V. Stofiel of Roanoke, Va., ia in the city. M. K. Steele of Statesville is registered at the Swannanoa. H. M. Ropers came over from W'aynes ville yesterday afternoon. J. L. Morgan and W. McD. Burgin and son of Marion were in the city today. last. V Whilnrv nnii wife of Rochester. N. Y., are among the Battery Park's! guests. Rev. William Ward left today to take p his evangelistic work in the western counties. Mai. F. K. Hugcr of the E. T.. V. & G. railroad was here today, stopping at the battery I'ark. C. YV. Reanev, of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, and R. V. Roth well of Boston arc at Kenil worth Inn. 8). Iow Accident at the . A. & S. cr House. This morning soon after the machinery in the power house of the West Asheville nd Sulphur Springs rail way was started up the two cast-iron pulleys on the line shaft burst with tcrri6c force, sending pieces of the pulleys flying In every direc tion, some oi mem tearing notes m iuc roof of tbe po wer house. in consequence of the accident no power could be furnished for the running the electric cars and trathc was sus pended, in which state it mat remain for several days. The accident in no way interferes with the city a lights. Webster Herald: The New York Corundum Mining company, local head quarters at Svlva, under the maugement of W. H. Hoffman, has come to an un- imelv end. with liabilities said to aggre gate if 12,000. Sheriff McLain has served an attachment on all movable property that could be found, including a very tine turnout of carriage and horses. Don t pay a profit on your goods as long as Mimnaugb is offering his elegant stock at cost. His rush still continues, Yesterday's crowd was immense. His new cloaks were an additional attrac tion; superlative quality of goods at first cost attracts a crowd always. Altm nauirh's is the place for late styles and ost makes it doubly attractive. Try nir .lei I loo Ilomenllc Pint and yon will be pleased. Caro Una 1 onl ( oinpanr, Coke! teko! Coke! Call on Carolina Coal Company lor Xce, Clean Coke. CRIMINAL COURT, rork or tne to Noon Bodv Vf Todav. In the Criminal court the case against C. L. Jenkins, charered with talse pre tence, was given to the jury at 8 o'clock last evening. Jenkins was defended bv Messrs. V. S. Lusk and H. B. Stevens while Solicitor Carter was assisted by Messrs. T. H. Merrimon and J. VV. Sum mers. The grand jury found a true bill against Samuel H. Harper for tbe murder of John Right. When court opened tkis morning tne jury brought in a verdict finding Jenkins jjuilty. Up to the noon recess sentence had not been passed. State vs. W. T. Clarke, assault, guilty; fined penny and costs. State vs. Will Wnght, larceny, guilty Defendant's counsel moved for new trial, State vs. Harry P. Richmond, assault and carrying concealed weapon; defend ant submitted and judgment suspended on payment ot costs. John Tiantham had four cases against him one lor carrying concealed weap ons and t ree lorassault. In the first he was fined $50 and costs, and in tbe lat ter be was sentenced to two months in tbe chain gang in each case?. President Tavlor's Opinion President Cbas. E. Taylor of Wake Forest college, who was here last week at tending tbe Baptist convention, has this to say of Asheville in a letter to tbe Biblical Recorder: "Asheville seems prosperous in spite of hard time. At least fewer signs of depression are visible there than in most other places which l nave vis i ted. This is said to be due in part to tbe tact that large numbers of visitors continue to flock thither and that Mr. George W. Vaaderbilt continues to spend S30.000 a month on his palace at 5ilt more." I Allen. 36 Patton avenue, is making some fine home manufactured .French and taffy candy. Try it. If you are baying trouble with floor, Pillbory's advertisement on hrst page will interest yon. plenty of old papers for sale at Thb Cmxxx -office. Only 20 cents per bun- dredU Manv people in Asheville will be inter ested iu hearing that Rev. Dr. H. M. Wharton of Lialt'motv, who conducted very successful revival in the First Baptist church of this city a few months igo. is to be married to a Miss 1 ollard of lialtimore. The wedding is to occur n that city next Monday, November 30 The Board of Health and the Aldermen were to hold a joint meeting last evening it 8 o clock to consider the new system f sewer connections prepared by the Board of Health. Hut there was not a quorum in sight aim the meeting was postponed. Dr. tletcher, Aldermen Cosby and II. Lamar budger, and Citv Engineer Lee were present. The Brevard Hustler savs: "Collector Elias' nomination has not vet been con firmed bv the Senate and much interest is manifested in his behalf. We cannot agree with Senator Vance in trying to delent 'Kope.' If" he wants to defeat the election of Senator Ransom two Tears hence, whv make war on Elias ? Mar shal Allison, District Attorney Glenn and assistant Covington were appointed it his suggestion, and he should be satisfied." A dispatch from Charleston, h. C, savs there has been an increase in the band of Indians traveling with Pawnee bill's Wild West, which was here recently Orav Buffalo Kobe, one of the squaws. gave birth to a pappoose Wednesday morning on the train. The child was named Carolina, in honor ot Miss May Lilhe I Pawnee Bill s wife) and the State of her birth. The mother, who is Tellinz Star's wile and a daughter of Sitting Bull, rode in a race 0 hours after the child's birth. A correspondent of Tiik Citizen writ ing from Chimney Rock says: "This is a good time of year to make an excursion to Hickory Nut Gao and Chimney Rock, 1 he foliage is grand in its blaze ot color, During the late freshet the old mill that stood tor so many years at the top of Hickory Nut rails was washed over the aOO-foot precipice into the Broad river But Chimney Kock, 300 teet high, is still perched on the mountain side, and as the Esmeralda Inn is open again visitors may be sure of good accommodations.' The United States court will open here on Monday, November 6. In an article on the cost ot the courts of the district, the Statesville Landmark savs: "The estimate of tbe amount necessary to run the four courts of this district during the fiscal year, from June 30, 1893, to June 30, 1804, is as follows: Jurors $9,000; witnesses, $31,000; support of prisoners, 184,000; bailiUs, $650; miscel lancous expenses, $400, This does not take into account the salary of the judge, nor the salaries and fees of the clerk, district attorney and marshal." A plan to erect from materiala taken from the World's Fair buildings a fine large permanent palace on the lake front for tbe use of tbe people for great must cat events, popular assemblages and displays of natural history, &c, ia re ceived with public favor in Chicago. Overcoat Weatner. We show lateat goods for Overcoats and Ulsters. In suitings and tronserings tbe nob biest, most handsome line of clothea and cassimeres we have ever bad. Schartlb, Tbe Tailor, 43 Patton avenue, Sulphur Springs Senednle, Cars leave rear of poatoffiee for Springs at 3 a. m., thence every boar until p. m. Regular half hoar schedule be tween postoffice and depot. Car also leaves postoffice at 7:46 a. m. to Spa tan burg train. When yon put down your carpets this tail get yonr old paper at I he citizen office only 20 cents per hundred. Bread maker's sboaldx read the ad rer tisement of the Pillsbnry-Waahbani Co., on first page. PCLLEVH LET OO. index to Mew Advertisements. Pillsborv's Pe.t Kroner. O 11. Sale Major J. M. Illnlr. Waldhcim 2 1 1 Vattou Avenue. Nenicr to Contractors Geo 8 Powell. Grand Uisulay Tliail W. Thrash & Co. BOXWOODS POK SAI.R Applv to 83 MlvKKIMON AVBNITB. oct2idlw TTVlK SALE 12 bnt'ery and wire. take 00 octl!tUI3t Two ttlrgraph coat Address i nstrumenta, $ 1 2.00, will BOX 633 Prsons desiring to attend tbe great Southern Bxnreoa O. H Sale will ha.c he Dleaiiure of hearing Major J. M. Blair, the beet auctioneer in the state, Nov. 18. oct27d3w TTVO YOU WANT a position as drummer, 9 clerk, bookkeeper, manaaer. solicitor. teacher, mechanic, serraat. etc.? Addrcaa ith stamp Employment Bureau, Raleigh, N. c octSdeodJm XTI'TICB TO CONTRACTORS Sealed 11 bids for the ereci ion of a Library build ini; on Church atrret will be received by tbe undersigned until 12 o clock m. Haturday. November 7, 18U3. Plana and apeclficationa may he seen h. applying t9 me at Powell & Rnlder's. The riuht to r.ject any or all bid is reserved Dy tne committee. tittO S. PUWUL1., President Asheville Library Association oct27Ulw NOTIC8 TO CONSIGNEES Office South ern Hxpreaa Company, Aaheyiile, N. C. let. lKth, 1M93. The Southern Kzpresa Company will Bell for chargee Saturday, November 18th, J M. Hiatr, auctioneer, all unclaimed ireight on band six months and over prior to date Consigees are hereby notified to call, pay charges and receive goods before day o anle W . A. I1l.MvBN8HIP, Agent. O. M. SADLliK. 8UDt. oct 1 Kd4twedncsdava 2. 3. 8. SEASON'S - OFFERINGS IN Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Etc. I WE : RE-SCREEN : ALL : COAL At Our New Ctrute OUR FACILITIES FOR PROMPT DELIVERY ARE UNEQUALLED. ESPECIALLY CHOICE AND -A.T KIVB K RASON8 Whv You Should Take Tub Citiibn 1. It Prints the Newa. It Writes Its Own Bditorials. It is the Beat Local Paper By Printed in W. N. C. It Prints the Lateat Telegraphic News Prom All the World. It Believes In Ashevill Always. To sun CP- IT 18 A NBWSPAPBR. -Km too thought or it;! 1i Dollars Will Get It For a Year, and If You Live in Aaheville It Will Dc Delivered at Your DoorBvery Evening. Astonishingly IjOW Prices. We handle the best quality of Coke and Jellico and An thracite Coal. Your orders will have careful attention. ASHEVILLE-ICE & COAL CO., 34 Patton Avenue. Telephone no. 4- Triumphs of Modern Milling are the LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT VERY LOW PRICES Roller King and Electric Light Flours. Don't accept others as "just as good." Ask -your grocer for ASHEVILLE MILLING CO.'S PRODUCTS Choice Corn Meal and Graham Flour. Wholesalers of Grain and Mill Feed. GIVE US A CALL W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., 6 Patton ATenae, Asheville, r. C. SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED !l ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. WHAT IS IX ? Too many Clothing is too little money. We have houerht manv and had consigned to US more, to be sold at Wholesale Prices. The Stock is new, fresh and very select, such as you cannot find elsewhere. Overcoats, all weights and lengths, Cape Coats, Ul sters and Reefers. Double Breasted Suits for men and hovs. sunerior in finish and stvle to many so-called cus- y-7 x v torn made. We will save vou monev. Underwear. Hats. Neck wear. Extra Tants. Mackintoshes. Umbrellas. The lar gest stock in the city in every line for men's wear. Whitlock Clothing House. Is Now Prepared to -Furnish, all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures BOARDING : HOUSE ail PATTON AVENUE. -- Aslierille, N. C. Telephone 101. Is charmingly locatrd ia a grore of eight j three pines, witb numerous old oaks, and a spacious lawn of two acre. Electric cars pass door every IS minutes; fire minute' walk from postoffice; hot and cold water baths; excellent tabic and aerricc oct27dlm B a. u d B r 9 0 A B S ft Q 0) 9K CD Ul CD (0 p (At si. CD p 3 CD (h NRNR FOR HSTIMATKS, Asheville Woodworking Co. II. Kauffman, Supt. Telephone, 104. HEADQUARTERS -FOR. THB Mr Spartanburg Steam Baked Bread Beware of Imitations. DOPC'T ACCEPT SOMETHING ELSE FOB AS GOOD. HEADQ METERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 NORTH MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE 67. We make a specialty of the Feed business. Are in con stant communication with leading mills and dealers. Uep I resent some of the largest concerns in the Feed producing sections. Buying large lots, get all discounts and broker age that can be had. Sell at wholesale and retail. Don t want the earth. Guarantee low prices and fair dealing. Respectfully, COOPER. FRESH EVERY DAY.- IMMENSE! ? SON. THB SPOT CASH 8TORB ax north Main Street, Telephone No. 151. t n as COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North. Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD, KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER PARIS, SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEED. O. E3. MOODY, TELEPHONE NO. 121. 1 take pleamre taespreaalnff mjentire sat isfaction with the management of the North- weatrra Mutual Life Insmrance Compavay. On the date my premlama are dae on toy 110,000 poller, it ia gratifying to find the dividend are MOSB THAN WBRB PROM ISED. I heartily commend the Company to any who contemplate investing ia life losar ance. Yoara truly, Koar. U. Oabbbtt. AalKTille, N. Ci Oct. H, 1 803. PULLIatf Si WKBB, Agenta. oct38dSm Salesmen "Wanted FOB NOITH CAKOLINA. SOUTH CARO LINA. VIRGINIA. AMD TBKMMBB. S1.SOO per nsr easily marie. Ko compa tltion aad qsick ealea. A bauan lor tksat ho vast work and money, wmr fau par ticular call at one at MO. PATTOK AVMTJB, stlldaw Ban U. The crowd as great as the bargains were stupendous. Our assistants taxed to properly serve the throng. Every day hence to 1894 will have additional attractions. The entire stock without reserve at New York cost. The finest stock in the State at wholesale rates is what attracts and pleases the ladies. Many lines will soon be sold, therefore we urge all to come as soon as possible and make their se lections. Every department yet unbroken. Nothing re- LAND PLASTER, pienished as this is a l5ona b ide Closing Sale. We open in Buffalo, New York, on February 1, 1894, with a complete new stock. No goods will be shipped from here. Everything will be disposed of at some price. We have dona a splendid business in Asheville, (thanks to the ladies), and regret that our ambition for a larger A BRANCH OF J. 0. business will separate us for a time from our friends, who for the last four years have been mutually benefitted. Our successors, whoever they may be, we trust will keep up the reputation of No. ll's "former greatness" with a high standard of goods, libera) accommodations, polite and experienced assistants. This place will be a splendid open ing for any one satisfied with doing a business of seventy five to one hundred thousand yearly. In the mean time we expectjor gladden the hearts of the multitudes by offer ing the grandest bargains ever offered in North Carolina. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. T3. OP N. Y. AND PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER OF ART NEEDLE WORK A fall line of Wash Embroidery Silka, Flio Flo, Turkish Floss. Rope and Embroidery Silk, Stamped Goods, fine Linens for Scarfs, Trays, Center Piece, Cotton and Linens Lctiont GlTen. ARTISTIC DESIGNING AND STAMPING. AGENCY FOR THB DBL8ARTB DRESS REFORM GARMBNTS. i8tt Sontli Mala Street. oct331m CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW t Idle wild Grccnliotasess 324 Charlotte Street. October 81 , Not-ember 1, 9, 3 and , from 1 to 6 p. m. Everybody cordially Invited. Take Sunset VTonntain car line at sqaare. ort23dlw PlAlfO Trmwo s Prompt aad careful attention siren to ORDBRS FOB PIANO TOKIKO. Satiafactlon saarantaed. Terms reasonable. -H. B. CBOTJCH, eetaidlw 47 Soata AlaJu tract F. P. mimiSTAUGH