Asheville TUliRll IS TIM 11 roR KHAMSt: ASl TIMIi -"OA." ITS, A. TIMIi 1'OK A 1.1. TlllSliS I' SIHiK Tllll SI'S. ASl A TIMIi l-lK WDKKY Til. I. MASKlSIt 1UHS. HI T SOW IS Tllli TIMII TO AOVHKTISI! fL v'.Vfi COL.B WAS A AlBKRV f)Z,J) SOT'L, 11 t'T(C CA SI ON A I.L. Y 1111 I'll 1. T HAD. TI111 KHASO.V IS FI.AIS ins rjsaAsit.AZ. fais ini cof.j.vT fsn A f-'lTIZE.V AD. VOLUME IX. NO. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1G. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS Citizen., uany Cottolene Pure and. Wholesome Substitute for Lard. IOimIoixm iiy prominent physicians and ail lt;i( authorities on eookinp;. Sa tuples lice at our store. Kroger. h'EAL. ESTATE. V. 11. l-.WVN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, i SiH'1't'i.siirs to W filter H. ESTABLISHED lo81 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLfc. Real Estate. onus Securely rMncctl at 8 Cent. Nolnrv I "ill .He. Commissi, mc-r nf lieeiis. FIRE INSURANCE. S' (!' I II -: .'.T .( IT SOUAKB. cal Ks.t;ile liroher And Icvetit.-tit Audits KOTARV PUBLIC. Loan sceurely placed n.t P oer cent. Other jr .t i;6 F'.itton Avenue. Second ;floor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Kurnihhed and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICB ROOMS. Loam securely placed at KUht per cent. California Breakfast Food ! Mole- nutritions than oat meal. Mine palatable tliun any other jrrain prep aration. One jo cent pack age will convince von. G. A. GREER. Not 111 Main Mint. 'I'lionc 13(1. I I I I New Crop Country Muck wheat Flour. A. D. COOPER Now Ready T Ol)R first GRAND OPENING GROCrRIE-S, New Crop Currants, Kaisins and Citron New Crop New ( Irleans MnlasFt-s an 1 Syrup. COR. MAIN AND N. COURT SQUARE BON itihrghe: Is Here To Stay I Wll.l. OKI-l-R ITS 1--I.NIJ STOCK OF DRY coons, nmss coons, lauibs" and CM I l.tlKE.N'S WRAPS CtlliAP. SPECIAL ATTENTION CAI.I.EDTO ITS SPLHNDlll AStl lOMPI.fc.TI-: 1.IXBOF LADIES' AN L'llll.iHliX'S ISIIliK WliA R, C, I: NTS' FfK- nisii inc.s, i'wcv coops and art .i;i:ii.i; wukk. hykrytiiing at CRUATI.V K I i I t J t I ) P K I c i ; S , A s c n I : A I as tiii; ciii:api:st, majhrial con- Sll'l-fci:. 37 S. main St. BON IHHRCHE Results Under Similar Policies "Any policy comparison by any a;cnt or Miy company showing n ch iiper policy thun a similar ouc i.-sticd hy the Northwestern is t'dtfc, fictitious and abmird; and will be duly exposed if referred to nny experienced fluent of the Northwestern Mutual Life In surance compnu y ." Full i am & Webb, I'.I'MiliAI. INSt'K VNCI! ACUNTS. FIR IS AND LII'KA SPECIALTY. Unrnnril It'ld'K, Asheville, N. C Wednesday and Thursday, Now. 8 and 9. Allure very cortliitlly in vital tu attcmi t these attractions Our tine this season far excels oar past eftitrts, aifl a kitul visit will convince you tf the tin t. Price lower than ever before. Look for the tlargain Counter when yon are in fmm thin date. Wc will sell tor cash only. Nothing charter. THAD. W. THRASH I GO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO 41 PATTON AVENUE- -A. nd Seasonable Delicacies. Atniore'n Mime Meat and Plum I'liikling. New Crop Raisins, CutranM and Citron. New Catch Shore Mackerel and Roe Herring. Try Powell & Mulder's New Pack Fancy Whole Tomatoes. Packed Spe-tia'l3- for u. Just rec.-ived a large lot lellics, Jams and Preserves, lli-ckcr's Iluekwlicnt. Maple Syrup. New Orl ana and Porto Rico Molasses. Our Stock is the .arrest mid Itet Selected we have cvr olTcrcd to the trade. Powell S: Snider. 5 v. 3 r. J as a: T -A. KZ IB Your broken wagons and vehicles of all ( kinds to H. Hurnette's shop on College street, where thev will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a fust-class horse-sbocr I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. R BURNETTE. To Smokers I THIS AMBKICAN I1AKKRV HAS A VERY HANlSOMIv l.INIJ OF CK'.AKS. TOBACCO AMI CP'.ARMTTKS DON'T I-All. TO COM 15 ANI SE8 PS '. KKMBMIIHK V li ARK SHKVINt; PKBSII OYSTBR1 IN ol'R PARLORS I'NTIL J M'CLllK AT NIl'.HT OPBN AI'THS t O'CLOCK SI bLATS. OYSTIiRS SERVED IN ANY STYLB. The American Bakery 18 COURT SQTJAKE, TliLEPHOXIi NO. 17. 61 O n it 3 S o S 9! 3 aj ui o " 3 Q ?" 5 i 0 o Sil w 5 - 2 t 5 . f w r X vi v. G G G G. 0 DRUGGISTS. PATTON AVE. AND CHURCH ST. Jrtr Receivkip ciiui'Lhtb link Turkish Towels j Bath Sponges Bath Brushes Bath Gloves NOTICHOI R WINHOW. Patent Medicine Cat Prices ! Auent for HUYLBR'S CANHV. the roruusTs not i it; H ItI.AiI Hit- It !.. tiii:v did Ko'r i-.ii:i:r I IS KANSA4, .(u.iion;s Nrbrafcka and Knr.HnH Join i lie Kepobllcau Lliic-une Jlatiiiiie Smaibcd-Tammauv Holds I'm irli on Mew Vork vM. Omaha. Neb., Nov. H. C luiinii-iu Beaver, of the Populist St i'c ecntinl committee now admits the of Judge Ilolcomb and the ikclioti ol Harrison, Republican, to the Supreme bench. Toi'KKA, Kas., Nov. 10. Additional returns from Tuesday's election swill the Republican pluralities ami the l'op ulists so lniptful vestertlav eoiutiled that they have been badly bea ten. Sulli cient reports have been received bv tlie newspapers and the two State central committees to warrant the Republican claim of a large plurality of the reat vote and it will probably apitar that the victory is really a majoritv over the I'opulists and Democratic vote. New York, Nov. 10. New York has elected the Republican State ticket Im probably 4r,0()0 majority. Seliiereii, Republican, for mayor, has .'Jo.oim) plu rality in Ureoklvn and the machine has jjone all to smaih. Tammany holds iis grip on the city anil elects all "of its local candidates bv pluralities avcraizinir O00. Aliianv, N. . Nov. in. Governor Flower conceded this morning the elec tion of both branches of the I.cyi-.bitiirc according to the returns, but said: "It may be that a careful can vass ol the State will show that we have a majoi it v in the Senate." LAW AliAINItr UAXI7i. Severe PenaliteH I'ropoNetl to the Prltieeton Trunlem. Trinceton, Nov. 7. The indictment ol the hazcrs of young Leopold was not a surprise to I'riuceton students, lor they were aware of the determination ol Prosecutor Stockton to press the cases. The authorities are equally determined to suppress hazing. It is rumored that the matter will be taken up at the meet ing ot the trustees next Thursday and that Col. McCook will nrfjc vigorous and immediate action. It is thought that lie will propose not only that the sopho mores be asked under strong pressure, to pass a resolHtion denouncing hazing, but also that herealtcr the first hazing olK nee be punished by the expulsion of the par ticipants; the second , hy ileprivii g the gialuitv tor the quarter; the third, by withholding the privilege from theelassot having any athletic team or in any way p n tii-lp it ing in the college athletics of the college LltiHT YIICI.II (.- CiU'l'ON Mortli Carolina Next tu lloi-.l In Poutids lt-r crr. W'ASiiiKii roN.Nov. 1 0. Cotton returns of the department of agi icult urc tor the month of November do not indicate ;i high rate of yield, but point rather to a diminished harvest as compated with that of 1SU2, wh'ch was less than nnv in the last decade. Ca' s f light vield are reported as caused by el rought, exces sive moisture in some sections and rav aces of insects, enemies of the plant and some other causes of a minor nature Local estimates vary in range Irom one fourth to three-lourths of a lull crop The weather throughout the enti e cot ton belt has been generally ta voraldc to picking, and the department is advised that, owing to this fact, a large part ol the crop has been successfully secured, a considerable portion of which has luen marketed. The indicated yield as av eraged from county estimates, apparent errors eliminated, avcriiges 14- pound per acre, distributed bv States as follows: Virginia, 1 ,"2;Nort h Carolina. 174-; South Carolina. 112: (icoiui i. l.",C; Florida, S2; Alabama, 17; Mississippi, 14-.'!; Louisiana, 1 7": Texas, l."7; Arkan sas, 174; Tennessee, i:ts. As severe Irosts ha ve not 1 ten iieneial it is possible that rt portetl isin eta t ns may De exceetleu. t'ara llitr;. it Hats Unit rcunlc Wi re liuiiiilehh. W'asium, ion, Nov. in. Miss Clara I'.artou, president ol the America-.! Itol Cross Society, has addressed an audience here on the condition of the unfort una tc people inhabiting the Set Islands e tV the coast oi South Carolina, who were re cently rendered homeless by a destruct ive hurricane. She said ' there were at least tcvi nlv lsl ,u I in what is generally known a Islands-, ami that . 'ID, linn ol the natives were homeless, without the h ire neces saries of life, and with no hope of sub stantial rebel until the next crops. She said that (i.iiou hou-es were either washed out to sea or rendered unlit (or habitation. I'll behalf i, f i he Red Cross society she contracted for ."ui l.tHJU feet of S u'.hcrn pill" lumber, and through the gi-nerosit v ot the rail way officials and tiie owners of the inmbirit was delivered at a re markably low rate. She described the dillictilty which was then cucouii tei ed in the lack of tools. ' Nails, hatchets, and saws," said Miss li.irton, "Hate since then beer, a continual rclrnin to me." It was prircipully for this reason that the memorial was presented to Congress by Senator Hoar askipg lor an appropriation of $."jn,lliiii. It was also intended to pay these people 7." ecu's a day to build places of shelter so that thev might be aide tobaryist the next crop. She was not disappointed in the action of Congress, but she said "nobody could s iv that they were not told ol the condition ol these people." Since Congr ess had failed to aid them, she a p pealed to tlii-c-iim'rv to contribute any amount, however small, for the relie f of the sufferers. Miss liarlou will leave Washington in i few days to supci iuten i the work ..f the Red Cross Soeietvon the Sea Islands RKTUKXS '10 HIS FATIIKK .1 XI IKIGIC'N 111(11.!-' t'O.-S-1 CAHI-IKU. Hi' Ita! ;! iM l-'jtr s Han l rmi clM'u On Ills -vv Tt Amor, tliliiit, Win n lit? Wum Hcvallecl I o li.tte iii t ptaiuitlo.-i San I-iia.-C!scii, Nov. 1 ') Col. J. 11am- illoil Iloge, who had started for Amov . i . . : . .. i , t i . i. i"--- io.o .-t!.uu. (. iiiMii, oue wiiii eaiue i i... e:.... J . - .- . , . . -.-- ... o gnu lu re last wteli, lias " turueil to the lr -me of Lis father at Roanoke, 'a. Iloge was appointed last May, but swilled aiooiol at Inane until he became accustomed to bis ne-.v honors. ftera wb-lv be went to Washington. :ind or tie red ui t s of eloi lies of a fash ion aide tailor, wine- i Ik rclused to pay for. However. 11 oge might ha ve slipped away to China it a I', iltiniore firm had not In i n too i lc i r for the consul to Amov. His recall just as l c was about to em bark at San I lancisco was based on rep resentations lv a lawyer of Ilabiniore, that Logo bad attempted to defraud clients of his, by name the .Merchant's I 'i ote i t i vc Credit and Collection bureau, "t of .-.bout ,S loo, collected bv Iloge on their.. account. Iloge had given Ins ili eiits a i h. ck tor S2." in part payment of bis indi-bt 1 1 1 ni s-s. whicil check went to protest. Mr. 1 1 l'c had s t a rted for San i-'i'.ir.eisjii lief ne it was learned the check coiiwl not be collected. The mat ter was laid bn-foie the I'lesidcut, and he I reeled that Mr. Iloge be lecaUed to Washington pending an investigation. -S-IltC TOI'-lllvtVV laMIOATN, C'l'IIV NOT "l--UI-:-Cl' VKT. I ;rle r A ;x) I'i ImIiiu' Com c-s On I lie IMlituil. Ki.v Wist, Flu.. Nov. in. brought by steamer from Havana lat night has cheered the- hearts of i he C ulcin revolutiani as here, who ihe'iarc that th 'ir cause has received fresh impetus. The present movement i:i Cub i is evi dently an outgrowth of jdtins hutched lv leadeis here, who have been since t he lling tei incite aiiot her last 1i uso elide msui rection. vine- Kti the emissaries ree-t-ntly se-nt to Cuiia leturned last night. lie reports that an uprising took place Saturday night in th-- jurisdiction ot" the Cicntue gos, 1 ro vn ience ol San ta CI ira. About - men under the leadership of lien, hs-iu':r.-, raised the cry '-Cuba bbre!" near the town ot 1 .as Ci tices, w hi re thev had an engagement w it b t l;c ei vil guards. The rc o'utionists took possession ot the guard house, capturing more than a hundred stands ol arms. Several en gagements have taken place between the insurgents and the government troops and a number ol men have bee-u killed on both sides. Havana papers received here cot. firm the story ol the- outlueaU and while-attracting lilt lc importance to the uprising, show that the uiithoritits are taking ac tive measures to sup; rcss it by the con centration ot all t heir a vai 1 i bjc forces in locair v. Comm imic 1 1 i in was set -iousl v hit en u pted bv l he in.s urgent s i u t- um in- 'Aiifs out 1 1 . 1 s I tec u I I - stoiid. La te rep. .rt s show that several! ! ' s i in-! u h i :g bst ( u e i i e, with t hi ir j a ill i.l si v. I !. he ha ve : c t . ,1 ill . - un t a iiis to a-.-oi I cap- n re. '. I dent I lie- U'ti-aiie; - ill hove- an lint rmMiiK I '. i tr I in e-ii to le Iiiclt- in I t-Mi I heir 4iulIllt. Wasiii.m. i-on. Nov. 7. Having en d.irsed the plans purposed by the Hoard of Naval I'.nrcau Chiefs for remedying top tea vita s; and other ilef i ts in the I et roi L .'i a d i 'ther cruisers o f si inih-tr cir s'.rueti ai ami a : ui.'.men t . the special b.'.-ird, ii! wdiieb Commodore John (',. Walker is president, has a'i uirued to itwail the- ic-idt ol s-:iie i 1 1 1 1 resting e x -peri ui-ei 1 1 s In I re t a king action intht-case of the gunboats M.ieln is and Cnstine, both of wb i b ,- re belienl to be top-be-a v v . I ne o t t bei e x pei i n it n I s, pi i ha (is t'emost iuiii .rta'it. will tak- place in New York, u-r'.cr tiie supervision ol Chief Const t ik tnr I-'cinal 1, a ineuiber ol the WalUii" bornd. It i-onsst in hlrill;; the gin bo a in a dry dock till- (I with water .mil pi. ci ig s n tli . ie n i weight upon one side to m ike la r l,ci 1 oer. This is t d e : crn i i ne Hai-ii.tfi o i gr.o-it v of the vessel, and the data obtained will be ustil in a sce-r t a i n i ng lur metre centric height. As the Maehias is one ol tht vessel s host" di U ci s a : e to 1 ie i o -i sh iei ed by the board, the i . pe: Liu t:t is of un usual iiitire-t, and the result will he used in de1 1 i-rin i nine, what plans t he lioard shall ri e--i-nm. nd lor retnedving the- defects in the gun' o. i '. s n a mcd New York Sun. zxc l ien i .; I " hi it. AN OVKH1IUAWN I'll 11 Id; 1 '. n g t ' ie similar to ill it ol hi.-1 s : i n g ng . v J" j-.t t i I tic A t 1 O fli' K 'flit- I 1 '. til ,1 11 t.'.ir C:;l ll J:i ii v for Ha i. Ti.v M ! , No v. la - As i sc nel Lo tae c. n-pi:acv and d an ,ge cases inst i 1 tiled 1 Nathan IVnaa-r so me tuneagii, atiot tnr damage suit has been begun by 1 iin agai: st the I'liilman I'. ! ace Co r C nil ji. i n to $ 1 1 1. ,o. H I. Too n,e r, ho is pi i ll . s i i, he-1 c.d oi d man in t In fSout Ii. ca me lure toon Aueus'.a to testlt- bcl -it-the LTallil jur- r. g irjieg the kidnapping ol his daughter. The i xei ti nu i, t ot the c. i se ) u i s I ra t ei 1 his wife, and to get her 1 1 u ickl v h one br a ri a n jeil tor a sect ii u in a I 'u I ! m i n car. that t lie i rain would reach Augusta m t went v-lotir hours. At Columbia, S. C. it is alleged t lia t the car was side-t raeki d amid sev eral noisy switch engines and allowed to remain there 'for some time. Mrs. Toomcr died within forty-eight hours a I tcr reaching her home. While at Co lumbia Toomcr offered Sl.niin to have the car pulled away from the noisy place and the trip continued. The suit now brought is under what is known ns the Lord-Campbi II law, which permits one to sue in the ii-iuic of the State to tccover tor the death ot uiiot her. The previous suit, also for Slnn.Oiio, was brought on the claim of Toomcr for his own loss through t he ilea t h of his wile. THKlht l I.NM A M'lT. Ill lltll of Will Hllllill. Til; Alloail Kuox lilt' Train llnlilu-r Know nil, Ti nu., Nov. lo. 'Abb, in. Smith, tin- alleged train robber who was The Kavaiccn ot T li -..-r Sanlos, Hro7.II. Halifax, N. S., Nov. HJ The ai rival! wi'h the iiudei staudiu here yesterday of the bark Woll, ihrect from Santos, Brazil, was of interest to shipping men. The reports reaching here all summer regarding; tin ravages of the fever in Santos have depicted tcrii blc scenes, but the officers of the oil sav the picture was overdrawn, (if the lever plague there is in plenty in Santas, but then the fever never leaves the citv. The death rate there now-is large. 1'iob.ibly 1U0 large ships are in port at ptcsctit awaiting their turn to discharge. Among the crew of the Wolf arc t ,vo seamen who were in jail for some i (fence in Santos. They say that the treatment of foreign prisoners is barbarous, lair eight days one of them was lilt w itl-.riut food. Another Naval lllundt r Ualtimoku, Nov. !. -Information re ceived at the Navy department from Norfolk shows that the injury to the new battle ship Texas at the Norfolk navy yard, through the weakness ot her boiler keelsons, will cost the government between $40,(100 and .""n, nun, an I the loss or three mouths' lime while the vessd is being repaired in dry dock. I he accident was caused by Idling the boilers with wutcr, thus bringing a heavy weight to bear -m the ketlsons, with the result that the keelsons gave way. crush ing in the inner bottoms and frames un der them. FallnriH Nkw York, Nov. 10 R. '.. iMtu's n view issued tomorrow will state 1 hau the number of failures in the Failed Statis for the List week was :t(il and 27 in Canada, against HoM in t he I nited States tor the prccceding week and 2S in Can ada, nnd 210 in the I'nitcil States and 2(1 in Canada for the corresponding period last year. Not an AnnexailoiilH, Montreal, Nov. 7. Kx-Primicr Mn -cicr, of Ijucbcc, in a letter published in the Montreal Patrie, declares that his annexation views exist solely in the minds of Canadian conservative news papers, and asserts that be is opposed to the annexation of Canada to Un united States. V Yrrtllct '.:- siv ooo AualilNl i'lie Missouri I'acllic uallwav. I'.i'.i in ii.i.i'. Mo., Nov. in The case of' Win. Spahu vs. The Missouri Pacific railway cutipanv was decided in the Cooper County Circuit eoutt, the jury giving Si'.iim j-'a.H ii! a'h-r having been on! sinee- Sat nil i v after u o. i . Mas. i at' n t lie most noted case-sin the bg.-il i-i 1 1 n. i Is of Missouri, has been revel sed .ill! remanded by the Supreme loiirt. Match o 1 so. Spalm was a t:sct:gcr on the i.uhoad hum St. Louis to Kansas. the conduc tor Irightet e 1 him bv some bl-"d-curtl. bug i.Ii'iii t'-rics so much that he i'luip. d rum the train, thereby losing bis leg. The suit for damages was instituted in C de foil -it v . a ml has I ten t rii d in a n um !er ut ot hi r emu t a's, i esulting always in a f ol'iie to agree on a vtrdiet lor pbunt-ii The i-ompauv has appealed tin- ea.i-, and il will go to the Su p;eu:e 1..1111 for the fourth time. .V minouii v ui:i'(iiir e w Turin Kill inv lie llei-.cSv tVl.luii Tliree Wt-kn, 1 1 im, i a in Nov. lo line ol the uiajority me ni'ei s of t be Com m il lee on Ways and Mouis suid that he fullv ex pect fit the in.-ij oily would have the- new t at ft bill s far advame 1 that it might be siibmi' ted to the mm n ity members at a called meeting within three weeks. According to the order made by the House- tust bet ne a.:j .uriimcnt the minority mil th'nbc ailowel todays within which to prcp'.rc their views for pu I die.-i t ion along with the majority re port. It will necessitate sonic rapid work on tin- part of the minority it it is cxpti tcd thev shall undertake in this p: i sen t at i. m of their view s to dissect ami discuss the bill in detail, but if this is not n 1 1 em j it ed the t ii d ivs' period will sufliee for I he pn pa ra t ion ol a gen eral argutnent against the proposed tin iff reloriu iiicasaue ot the majority. Jlitl-: JIAN; 1 1" I I .l.t? Her N . w dud shot at Coal Creek a e-e k agi yestcrihiy. Tiie coroner's iurv ri turned a verdict to the ilhct that Smith died from wounds received at the hands ot 1 'ol ii'cina u I'.nincy Irwin. Irwm has been aricstcd on charge f niuiilei m the degnc .am! placul under b. ltirt her up; ea ra nee. lost s'lu.niin ti la l hi r ot Mn, tli lliri.ilins to Southern Fx im ess com p. i n v tor damages and to have several .1 of I'he 'lie" t lie i'o.( nu i othci.ds the murder ot ariesied as accessories to his son. I ltd Ian iiuilireiilot 1 i u a i-.o. Cob, No v. In. Kamois ol of another Navajo outbreak weie re ceixed last night. It is repotted that settlers west of Mouttzuma alley bad a collision with Indians, killing four. A depot v slit rill It It Coi u z vestenbiv with a p isse tu iiiiii- llii'.N.iv.i j isli.iek hi their reservation. thev bid permission ot t heir agen t to go oil on a limit and t his has enraged the whites. l.i'.Ki-i Iron Unllnav llrldKe I.omion, No'-. 1(1. ( hi Wt di.esd.iy the longest iron railway hi idge in the world was opt tied. It spans the Vi stula be tween l-ordon, Prussian Poland, and Culmsee. It is l,oil yards long. Voile Purls II it 111 nd Is 'Tlrftd of Her. N i w . uc k . N . v. 1 1 1 RoLi i t L. Rindc, the New Yoik who has been liv ing at I ,u is I r scvei.d cirs, is here niaWitii: arra ogt :ne:.ts t. -r a legal setiara- tiou tiom 1 is wie. who will icinain il'ioail. She is Jos-c Mansfield, who lo years auo w.,s ibe mi! -e.-t ,n u : a c: ion with t he si , jr . by I'M ward s .mew hat mature 1-cnutifiiI and lasi- years ll g 'SS o in o- 1 L s. fhi-ngli d to be st.h in u S-hooi j, Stok she- is s. 1 1 a 1 1 1 - g . Nlrlhe t'nut I . to,ooo. M weiii si i u. N.-v. lo. t a meeting d the Ciiaaiber ol Commerce the prt si lent aarioaiiecd that the loss bv the coal strike w js t s t i mat c.l at S 1 . ( I.OOi I OOO. T lit Yilluw l-titr. P.KiNswicK, t. a., Nov. in. Twelve new t ast s of vellow fever were reported loii.i v, all i-oioi in . $20 $20 $20 $20 1 1ST GOLD To Be Given Away ! How It Will Be Done: We have hail made for us a number of Leys, one of wliich will oped a Ii avy plate itlass in acy Imi. We have- p'nvvd in this hoi in our window $ao in Colli, anil on and after January 1, IRtit, each holder of one of these keys will be per initti-il to try to unlock and open the box. The person whose key opens the box will be given tbc $go absolutely I ' rce . How to Get a Key: l-;aeh cash purchaser to the amount of S5 cents or more ol fancy RoodH and sundries, royal peparations or prcHcrip tious w ill be jj'.vea one key with each pureha c free, anil ou and ai'tt r January 1. IS'.) It, -will Le entitled to try the key to open the hoi. To the person holdim; the key that fits the box, the- contents, gO in O.olil will l,c KivcuHwithout rc. s-rve or conditions. Raysop & Smith, .11 PATTON AVENUE. Szo IN GOLD Absolutely Given Away ! -i--i"5 5 5 5 S"5"5----S--i 5j. I have placed on exhibition in my stoic a heavy plate Klass money box eoiitahiinc g) in Kold. I will give one key with every cash purchase of g"5 cents or more. One key in the lot will unlock the box. On and alter I-Vliruilrv 1. 1 Kiu. -. i..a hi,ii i - - . uviuiud Keys will be entitled to try them. To the person hold ing the key tliat tits the box the contents ill be given without reserve or conditions, t-ys will not be noticed unless attached to Uieorisinal tas. I'leasc leave keys at store after trying them. MTTCHELL. l- i'is out toi tin- gnat Wrap Sale at Miiiiuougli 1, styles at m.inufactur er.s' prices. 1 he best chance this season to get a nice stylish g irment at whole- rates. CottoV-iie is endorsed bv French chtfs and skilled teat hers of cookery cverv- w hi. ie. fur sale a I Krogei's. When you put down x our carpets this inn jjei your oiu paper at linj citizen otfice only JO cents pt"r hundred. Men's i lutfitter. !- PATTON AVKXl'K. Standard Granulated Sugar, 13 POUNDS FOR$l, Best White Coal Oil IOC TS PUR C.ALI.ON Anil Othtr icootls in proportiox. S. It. CUKDESTEIi & SON , 21' Patton Avenue. Hi) v 1 v 4 CAROLINA IGE 5 COAL GO. NATURAL AND 1AL AND J pin MANUFACTURED 1 C j H . C r A T ALL KINDS. CyCVVij HARD AND SOF1 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. TELBPHONB OPFICB NO. 130. YARD NO. 14. THY TI1K- MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY ""ME YERY BEST:wOKK, CHURCH TREET, TELEPHONE 70