THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Friil ay Evening, November 10, Al'IIIN.iM AN f I' !.-! AilOUNO TOWN. Hu if Ui'lU'vi'd it- t;oi:, I 111 l'tjll lit Unci H r.ill i Mayor 1'aUuii visUrd.iv reci-. i.l tia folio injj letter V. A. Al!e:i. ot' W. .'. Creek, Ttnn.. ihiteil e: tt-r.!..v "A ilcitK tHcil ." hia.-im.i !, v. I. - ' seems to In.- 1I"! W ". I: ma laiualiv, Ast;c ille. i in '. ! . !- Paint K. ck. IK- was .as . ta' . a ., .1 ! i hurt j'tst "vir tin.- ..a . - l North Cat -liu.i '. - ' ; ' ' ';-: roail be tweet! A . . I i . . Srinsi lv'.i r W a ! 1 ! 1 Morris on Sun )a . Sn. ..- : . at ' - to he wild ami 'ami''''-; through the man: tai -. seen s-evci al times "' - i- a -in a ik-iilt iral'le .!.' t. a knul hcartea i -1.1 m it-, t now trvii-jj to liml ia.a s c ireil tur. "The Chilian. a-i -- .. I ilea t v nl mom a w ! a. " i i -hive been taken li . a-ait a; a. , a-i,-i.i A. a . if . -. .'a r : ( .'e.-e-. i a.-1 all .s .- .- .-- a ; u.i v VV7.7.S ! !"t Till: I'LOi'lM. Hit-Sioi". iii aTifi ii'. aai a: Tlth e na.'i.N ; -TI;o?c ;:s a a..; in :n Click Me i kw ciihrvl ni) ' - a. 1 1 1 . t . 1 1. 1. SEASON'S - OFFERINGS IN . . 1 : a v I' 'a I .t.!i t ;:e lit..-!, 1 a i M 1 1..-IU I..: - less Sk-iiiniis, o-t the IV i - -l'aint U'lL'i. . 1 h i -. a i a .a ottieer to im e-a. te. i ' pr.ihahlv lias . -a : who will look . a ! ' a a ; ill unic; ite it a ' - at M;iMir Pata,i ... wil h I'.eo - - e . - . i vh i is e. a a ' :a ; : . e - M .on -t : ci t . ! . - v lion Wo ts i-i ! -. has 1 K i n ta. a i i : . . a 1 'aim K or U . . t a' c" -1 1 1 : lei t he i e i et . i ' 1 i a ; Liny Cam ha-! hill ill: I UK I a. I ' ' s -ti , a e. ' o i e. '. l ; a . ra v lie re, ;it.,i w h - ilow m t. . I ' i-if. U - a ill l.riiai t he el a., a : ' i ! le i i l'e ea a 1 -a '. t t ' 1 a letter tr. aa V. . . . ' t .mil a let 1 1. i- i i t i i s . trom t'.e- a u-e Wo'..!.: ... ' IMlDII .s--v l t.. .. l oll): 1.IJ-.J 1 l-t i. l-t!:'' eslero a y y Slates court Wm. ! i. k - a t lie i r.l rae I aa n . t ; I. .Ull.l 11 1 L a 1 1 . 1 : i ; a : a . : months" imp'-.s ' ' ' ami cost s. I mijjnu 1. 1 a - - - -men t . ! .lelemlaitt- ; -a - 1 I, as o:i ta---.-:-. i I'alKHl'. ' M. V Ilaek M.a !a - ' V- f i ' w : s I . i: i s It a ; f . Wm. MeC. . W . ! In the eas.- : - : ' ' 'm'un'ett '. -e a - - ' men t t .s : '. i The t : ' t -il.-i v. v..s " ' Tills !!.. r- - a a I nsh. a: a ' 'a ' 1 . a i : a. : '. I " - - !..:,. I. -a-: il.iti: 'A . -v. 1 a-.i. i a hrnkms. ; ; a -: l-ieen a . H! :u .'a. a Ma. . -. v - - - :'':;:i''a '::;;!i ism ! Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Etc. :-J I-"-! I., Life 'I ($:4-- 1 - ARE - ESPECIALLY CHOICE AND AT m !' 1 . -y07 - 1 . 1 I w 1 1 I 1 1 I I I i m 4 w m T - LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT VERY LOW PRICES - - - GIVE US A CALL - - - W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., i6 I'attoa Avenue, Ashcvillc, Pi. C . . ! , . 1 . ... . ... i ' 1A - I I i .i... i i- - ii i. v- - i WE : RE-SCREEN : ALL : COAL At Our New Chute OUH FACILITIES VOll m PROMPT DELIVERY 4 arm Alii: ILNKQUALLKD. V hiuullf t lio best quality of Coke and Jollico and An tlniiciti' Coal. Your orders will have careful attention. ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO.. 34 I'Hlton Avenue. Telephone Mo. 4. Susan ss. i ::i..kii-s U j t-a: u iitv ll 1 : l-t. ul a! wilting i , an .- .Mat '.ft i.l V Whiilock Clotliinii" House. THIS WEEK i ar .. . 1 1 .in., '.iiis,ra.ll..:::.i riaia: a w iir ... 1.' .l:a . .le k l J n.'. .(.it . ii -ti-rafim SPECIAL MIL- ! SALE. ye have ton mneli Keiiilv-.Macle Chilli I 1 iiif;. We iiiiist ;ml will sell them ! This week we oiler a I'.eneral k'eiliietinii ; horn n priees. All-Wool suits at ISS anil Mress Suits, hl.iek ami eolors, at $la. Overcoats anil I'lsters tar tucii .-mil j liovs from $U up, at prices to umlersell all Jealers anil pciltllers of lake custom clothing. Compare our goods anil prices with any on the uiaiket ami voti will he eou vineeil. It is generally ailn.ittc.i that we have the hest stock in the city. We give you t!ie opportunity of getting lirst-elass Winter Clothing at prices that will at tract vou. Hoys' Clothing, the largest stock in the city, at prices ramjitig trom $'5 to .s-1 ( i astoiiislnnglv low lor iiualitv. Triumphs of Modern Milling are the Roller King and Electric Light Flours. Don't accept others as "just as jood." Ask your grocer for ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. S PRODUCTS Choice Corn Meal and Graham Flour. Wholesalers of Grain and Mill Feed. SIIEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared tq- -Furnish all Kinds of j IrillMIIUME liLM H!IITII JIM' STS. BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures NKND FOR ESTIMATES. Asheville Woodworking Co. II. Kauffman, tfupt. Telephone, 101. ;k a it's. -, ; . I m: I in. m. i i hi ver M il". : I n I he eas.- . ion ami W. i ' ! . t .i; i.l pi :cc t N!t--,s . l n. . -'iN;it U 1 . I . i vc a:''- ' ' '''' ' ' " ' a ' : s I ' . t--'. tr an a v i - a : . t ' i ' . iVt-i- ' a', t ne U.itu : i' ' - " ' M.-.k his. W W 1 -. : . ro.o! ci -ir. m---: T - - ' ' ton t, t. -' . : i ! Mrs. i A- a. I ;. ... V i 1 t ' -1 : C I ' . I t 'a r '. Mi - her s:M.-. .: - - M ::!!.- 1. 1 1 t - at ' : ., : : . Llltil '.a; '-i-..- a visit t . . ta 1 : a. i - : Miss i: i . i: : - (:-. i ill a l a ;.:.- Fair, C:ccci:. ' ... a c ' t "Messrs. V. M . iiaa. ! . "i W. C. i",a a .-.s i v, I C -. : . : Commissi! at-, r N- i'i a ; went to -' a 1 . ' i will iitu i. a thi. i. ha vc o ; 1 1'. a I a - a a. - - ' ' . the ISrcvar 1 H :-.. t . I'lFTI ! : !.-- H'ork nl tin- frlmiHitiC orie. : In? ' : . f i The Ihi'-.e. ai.'-e Ci an : . - ' ilS l.Sillo M-U'ai IV aia r a- - h.inl wm k. 1 1 i i i -aj ' i . -a. ' 1 1 1 - ' . two murilcr tii .!- !. . ; ', which cwnviettas ; i s t ' -. e ! . ' Whitt's enti tire was ' . , , . that ot S.'imia! Ihirpu- w.i i - v .- - .VltiTil .M r ra-av. -i ,i M'.a a a-' . tence. Tl.c li -Ihivv ifii vm t e sent im t..i county chain a.-ir 'or I li tt i 'i,s i a . a lai ther Sherrtil . si x i-a . n - 1; -; llr t.iii, six m out hs; I ulc h. a . ; , t . . m i la, - , Will Wright, one eai ; I'.en 1I '.; t . vtars; Sam I'atrgia, two tmmths. haan i Smith ami J ohtt KieT'.aras were se-a. 1 j nl, the former for t href tm .'it Its, ami the latter t r six moi-.tiis. 'i'lase i.h"- aia lurriishei' hv Itcunty Cletk S. I'.. la wic .'OOTIIlI.I. tici;ikvv -rue Aslielltc- aticl Illiii;!i.i:ii T t H ill s i X. Kei.ltwirtlt. The Asheville ami hiiiglrnn ten ms; are j to kick for s'lpreinacv on the h.n'.hai: held tomorrow at'- eian .. in. The will occur at Zi.Zi') o'clock on the Keaii worth KiT.uudj an l wi'.l itouhtk :-s at tract a larjgc crowd of ailmiieis af the j;nme. The Asheville learn wiH line tip as tal lows : Sch.-irtle. K. 1-Z ; Hainl, 1 . K. T.; Sawvcr, K. O ; lt.iird. K., C; limit, I.. (1 ; Haird. A., L. T ; ILrwin, I. l:. ; Lewis. O. Ik: Ferguson, U. II. H ; Clark. I.. 11. B.; Hrecse. I-". Ik and captain. An admission fee of l.'." cents will he charged. Plenty of old papers hr p.-ile at The Citizen office. Only 'JO c-ints hun dred. Russian Cavier, I'jte Ie I-"oies Fras, aud Truffles just received. Kroner's. ..anal i.l -i I ... r ! u-rv it a s o n Miit I I I; v I M! I n HOARDING : HOUSE .11 I t I 1 O N tll.M I . t-!:.a illc. ,N t . i . Ii ihniic IHI. .. - nam: . . i a I a, .i .a Vr ..I' a-Hty-a - v, an nun: r ae- nl ,.aV.-. atfl a Grand Combination Offer! The Loviisville Home and Farm And The Asheville Weekly Citizen For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. NEW HOJTIE SEWING mflCHINES No. 20 North Court Square. MACHINES FROM $20 UP. Oil, Needles &c Paris of IVLachines Supplied MACHINES RENTED. O. 3H. MOODY, NO. 20 NORTH COURT fi QUARK OAL : COKE, : WOOD, : KINDLINGS : AND : CHARCOAL. Try Coki in your Furnare and Range instead of Hard Coal and save 2 50 per ton. l.i.ari 1 .' :: I biiNGH Gf J, 0, 3ENTLEY, 'IT:'- r:f .V.lvh I'.V. -t.- .! "I V ,!K. i ! ni '. :: ii r '. St) s , '. .i ;.i ; a .) '.!, - d". !i I.i-ic c -f I'M" S ;i . 1 I .i -, Ct tit I lit t -, .1 ' i ii ink I !.',. ii- "And I he Hand Played Amite ltooncy" DID YOU KNO W? I tl.c C i . a i a ; : i i .tlllul ; T 1 ; ,e re. In . as Im.-,:,. s a . 1 i I A-t. .ii. l:.-i w ! .V Ci i tae 1 A . kill . . a .,; t i.e v. 1 'StiT i sli.a.l t,.,l t .-l ! t i a I a. l !.:,:-. . t la-.A is I . S . i I'tni y .1 A r:c n i L u i-e 1 . M . !;-!;, is .ho : . u : ' v -11 nLliis h. ilia- .-1 !. V ; . - ij ua . II,.- ..i-se.i a ij iil lii-'ut anil sitiicri i t i severe ela..?. iii -l 5 a 1 1 is r a . Akiyka. with great hi o d H Pi & i-d i P r-f o CD I :a iilinti stl 4'inan.v ."M--. !: ll 4'Lo. To Adrerlserii. T insure change of ad vei tkscuients rL-tiLics on rcl:ir contract, copy must hi- handed in hv Id o'clock a. m. Sfiiil jour !-- 'sn-oliian 4 ';! 4 ': ii. v I'vr .lelli-o Liniip iiikI Anlhrai ile. : BREVARD is c-losino-out his larye stoi'k of Gent lv i-.-iilv-niaili- C 'li it hi n- at Cost. Xnw is t h t i n if tolniw of V AM. l-.illl am i.rin . r VlULFACU-KE-t OF AT NF.EDLE WjRK j BREVARD has the lai't stock of Cunts' Woolen Shirts, Urawers and Ilalf-Ilose in the city. lie is oiler ino" Special Low I'riees on all extras, lanre and small sizes. I vslls i.i'Ci:. ! a: -t stic DESiu.iMfl STAM ifiG. I BREVARD i v 1 si ti out all his ( ien ts ' Fine Shoes at . !:.-., , into -uir. m i i.i i.ssl Cost ami will make vou lower priees in this line than i -. : . i ' 1 1 ... I ' t - A I , I ." . j is Sowtii 7Ta?:i Htrett. any house in Asheville. BREVARD has the best Ladies' Dollar Shoe you ever saw, "And don't you forget it !" BREVARD has evervthin,: vou want in Ladies" Dress (ioods. lie only asks 75 cents for 51 inch Storm Serge, that cost one Asheville merchant jo cents. BREVARD does not keep Ladies' Hats, but he will sel you any of his 25 and 30 cent Dress (oods for 20 cents BREVARD carries a large and well assorted line ot Dress Linings, Trimmings and Fixtures. lie will save you money in this department every time you go to see him. BREVARD has Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Shawls, Cloaks, Wraps ,JJlankcts, Sheetings, l'ants Goods, Ging hams, Outings, Satines, Silks, Laces, Ilamburgs and al kinds of Notions. BREVARD believes "A satisfied customer is the best of advertisement."' He has been here so long and treat ed them so nicely that many of his old customers wouh rather do without a thing than not get it from Xo. 11 North Main St., Asheville, N. C p a) 2 p s (p. 1-1. 1 CO p CO 50 E. Ail Open Letter ! 'HI FN I) MIMNAUCII : Your offer on my entire line of Sample Wraps lias icon accepted. There are about 1-J5 Jackets, raninij; in n ice from $1 to 3"; 2. long capes, 40 inches lon&, price from 7 " to 23; 2:5 short capes, 32 inches Ions, price from 8 to 28; 13 misses' reefer?, from $4 to $10. (loods shipped today and will reach you early next week. They are great values All the very latest cuts and col oring-?. Sizes run 32, 34 and 3(5, the colors are black, navy, brown and tan. Long capes are black, only. This is the last lot I can let you have this season as we have already commenced to manufacture our spring gar ments. Hoping to get a larger order for your Buffalo house this Pprirjg, I am sincerely your friend. KRAMEH. The above is a letter received from a friend in the cloak business. Most ladies are aware that samples are made better and more perfect than general stock, and al ways sold at a discount; besides there are no two alike. Anyone buying one of our samples will have the satisfac tion of knowing there will be none in Asheville like it, as this manufacturer sells no other store in town but ours, and we only get one garment of a kind. These goods will be nnrke.1 at manufacturer's prices and will be the great est bargains in the cloak line seen for years. We will be glad for parties who bought their cloaks in Chicago to compile quality, styles and prices with this line. 188 garments to select from, no two alike, at manufacturer's prices, should indeed attract a crowd of purchasers at Mimnaugh's, No. 11 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C.

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