Asheville VOLUME IX. NO 107. ASHEVIIjIjE, X. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 15, 188. PRICE 5 CENTS Cottolene, a Pure and Wholesome Substitute for Lard. Indorsed o,y proniiiifiit physicians and ail leading1 authorities on cooking. Samples free at our store. Kroger. REAL ESTATE. V. H. (iWVN, W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successor! to Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. :-ofn .Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioner of peeds. FIRE INSURANCE. UUl'RT SyUARB. CORTLAND BROS., Real Itotate Brokers And Invrntracnl Aeenti NOTAUV PUBLIC. Loan securely pinion at per cent. Omces af. itt ZA Pattern Avenue Second ;floor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnisher! ami t'ufurnlnhcrt Houpci. OKPICB ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight cr cent. Mill California Breakfast Food! More nutritious than oat meal. More palatable than any other grain prep aration. One 20 cent pack ugc will convince you. G. A. GREER. ilH North Main Street. 'Phone 130 New Crop Country Iluck wheat ITou r. A. D. COOPtR GROCERIES. New Crop New ( hleans Molasses and Syrui). New Crop C ti rt iiti ts Flaisins ami Citron. COR. MAIN AND N. COURT SQUARE BON MARCHE Is Here To Stay I WII.I. OF I UK ITS I' IMS STOCK III' DRY COO US. KKKSS CflOllS. LADIKS' AND CIIII.IIKEX S WNAI'S CIIDAP. SI'IiCIAI. ATTENTION CA1.I.K" TO ITS SI'IJiN I 1 1 1 ASH COM PLLTH LINK OK LAL'IKS- AN'i C III UN'S IN PICK W UA Ei, U IvNTS1 I'l'H- NISU1NC?, FANCY COOIS AND AKT NUlil'I.Ii WORK. KVHRVTHIXO AT GRIiATLY K liDICKH PKlCli, ASCIIKAI' AS TIIH CllB.I'i:ST, MATHKIAL. KIN- shuck i:r. 37 S. main St. BON MARCHE I I I I I Results Under Similar Policies 'Any pttliiy comparison by itny acnt or any company showing a chcat:cr policy than a similar one iiu-il by the Northwestern is t"iil-c, fictitious an.l absurd; and ill be duly cxpopcil if referred to tiny experienced ngrnt of the North western Mutual Life In surance company." PuDittna & Webb, CI N UK A I. 1 NSl'K.X NCK AC UNI S, HIRE AM) LIl-'i: A SI' V. C I A LT V . Knrnard M'ld'n, Aslieville. N. C. ' JL' JtSL. M j Your broken wntroiis ami vehicles of all kinds to H. Burnctte's shop on College street, where thev will be repaired promptly ami In first-class style. Hav ing secured a first-class horse-shocr I make nil kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. H. BURNETTE. To Smokers! TIllv AMERICAN BAKURY HAS A VBRV IIANUSOMIi LINIi OF CIOARS, TOBACCO AMI CI'iARKTTBS. DON'T i'aii. to comii and sub i s ! hi:mbmiii;k wi-: auk si:kvin I-'RBSII OYSTERS IN lll'K PARLORS LNTIL K n'CL'IK AT NICHT. OPKN APTliS O'CLOCK SI NIIATS. OYSTKR3 SERVED IN ANY STYLE. The American Bakery 18 COURT SQUARE, TELEPHONE NO. 17. NEW GOODS AT CRYSTAL PALACE ! Christina ;oj1i so mi be opened and displavcd. Wnit for th-m. A larger stoik than ever. S e our Vi-nna dinner sets for $20 nnd $iff this werk only. Our thin, fine China tra at 1 cents per set. Our thi 1 water t -nib! rs at no cents pr r do.t-n, and the celebrate 1 IV A: II. lamp, n'ckcl plated, for $1 r ItiKcut Bargain e er of fered Also Oar Spr'nu extensi n library lamp, with s:lk and linrn shade, for $2,115, worth $f5.ii3. Yon -houtd not mi feting our co inter of reductions Many thi"4j on it worth three times what vc ask f ir them. lo not fofRft thft- we n e the largest Scal ers In the State n China, lass. Lamps. House? F"urnishinc etc A fine line of (fau-in- ml oi st ves, coal vas -. hou's, shovth, ton;, posters, etc . scbeap THAD. W. THRASH & GO. CRYSTAL PALACE. NO 41 PATTON AVENUE New H(l SOM SOI 1 1 j 1 O II) o 1 icacies. Atmore's XI i net' Nlent and I'lum Pudding New Crop Kais.ns, Currants nl Citron. I cw Catch Shore Mackerel and Roc Ifcrrinj Try I o well Sl Snider "s New Pack lancy VVho'c Tomatoes. Packed Spe cially for us. Just rec.i ved a lari- lot 1 I el I its. Jams and Preserves. Hcckt-rs Huck wheat. Maple Srup. New rl ansnnd lortt Rico M classes . our Stock is the Karecst and lit'&t Selected we h.iv; cvir o tiered to the trade. Powell Snider. r! Z . -i 5 't O 1 5 S 5 5 v. '"z k O r- y i 5 : ; rr h rr LiHYf & REAGAN. DRUGGISTS. TO WE A ROYAL Wl-ILCOMli thai- i;xi'LNii:i in liRIUIKON K'l I The i:.ciirsliilHiH will e tm Itlac-k Maiiitln lv Kimiiii: lee 'I'lit- VroKrin til ICtiic r: ineii. PATTON AVE. AND CHURCH ST. Jl'-T R BC El VKH li IM I'Lh I K I. INI. Turkish Towels Bath Sponges Bath. Brushes 1 Bath Gloves NOTICIi )l K WINI.)V. Patent Medicine Cut Prices ! Aurnt f..r HIIVL'. R'S CAMIV. An enthusiastic nRi'in-f l tin- i .111 uiittie who have- in tli.irf the mtir tainm.'nt of the OriiUrnii c!nl w.i-. at the Aslieville c in rooms vtMiiu ivj afternoon, the Hon. Kichniotiil I 'ca rscm ; presiding;. The eominiltce on liniinis' reported that they ha l in-.-t i 1 h pli-n- j did success and that ivcrvliodv wl.oj the interest of Aslieville at heaitj has indicated it in a snhstantial inaniur. j The program for 1hcentci ol j the club as outliiu d at the meet iv is j about as follows: As nianv uirinl-rs ol 1 the ffeneral coinniit'ec aspussiblc will o down to Black Mountain siati m to welcome the eluh anil their ladies. On reaching Aslieville the Oridironists will be escorted to thf il.i'ti i v l'aik hotel, where they will be made to lei I at home. General introductions will follow as soon as ti e mem bei s of the club have made their toilets, and if there is time they will be taken on a diive around the city. The banquet willliriu about S-.'M) or '.I o'clock. Covers will be laid for aboutl."iil people, and the indications are that it will be one of the linest in the way of viands and wines that has ever been Kiven in North Carolina. On Saturday the members oi the com mittee will escort 1 lie club and the ladies to Miltinorc anil they will be shown over the entire Yntidcrbilt property. Alter dinner at t he Ha t tery 1 'ai k hotil at (1 p. in., the reception to the ladies and gentlemen who arc on the excursion will be jjiven at the hotil, bcKmniujj about 'J o'clock. It will be a rather unique re ception in various ways, .and it will be wile o I theswcllcst allaiislhat has ever been held in Ashevi '.e. Invitations will be issued to all the prominent society peo ple of Asheville, anil it is expected by the committee that all of those who receive invitations will c ine. There will be at least Uo ladies in the parly ironi Wash ington, and, ol course, they ixp it to receive, as thev should, some attention from the people ol Asheviile. The chair man ol t he i;eucral commit tee a p; toi :i cl a committee, coiiM-tin ol I r. W. I. liilliard, K. K. K.iwlsaud li I'. McKi s'ck, to send out the invitations lor the reception, and these ;;ciitleuien are low CUKajeil in that work. A ill etiti1 ! the Keuer coi.imittee will be held lomor ro w a. .ernoou at o at '. h .' Asia: illc cl ah rooms and it is !iui?;irv liVii 1 vtrv member ol t he com :n :t tee w .11 be pie?ent. Abi ut noon today Tim. ell ':-.i N called at the Hattery l'ark and I anal Ih .t the ina'iiticen t ball room had lncii tu'.'ic.l into a bower ol bunliaK an 1 ll.iwvrs foi the Hi idiron members. Tnc t ..b'a s will represent in their sha pe the e-rcsl ol 1 he liiidirou club. Tiie colors of the tiub are beiivr entwine el about the ball room artistically, the' com mitt ev bavin:: the assistance of Mr. Tie I Hull, whose correct taste will add a meat del to the elTect. Around 111 t h--e' a rd "s oe-pa rt mentor the hotel Ti 1 1-: Cmi-.x was as sured that the banquet, will be the best that has ever been 1.1 ven in Ashev d'c. Mr. Mclvifsick has ri eel ve'.l alioul a d ,a a telegrams since vetcrilav a!teii:oun Ironi ditVcrcnt inembers ol th..-c'ul, inaa ifestinj a prcat desire to come to Ashe ville, ami all seemed to I- 1 1 assuie.i that thev would enjoy their trip very 11:1:1 !i. "I have just received the olhcial ll ly i't ol the club," said Mr. Me Ki-sie !;, "and when it is lloated Irom t h - Mortal! ol the Mattery l'ark it will i.ei iia ps create semic eonstern.a tioti anions the eiLi.eiis of Aslieville. Hy way ot ull.ivii'j; their fears, 1 want to sav that the ll:r.; is not a guerrilla banner. The s1. i.ine, nns tenons lines on the back bael.yi omul rcprestnt a gridiron, and clid it en pass- inn by need have no tears that u is a I l'ch'ork belonmnL; to other regions. I.very thinly seems to be woili: ; uueiv, mil ! am sure that th- pco;!e ol Asl e- ville will turn out en ma.-'c to reet tie members t f the tiridiron club. Thev outlit te) iinelerstaml that it i no inail ilTiiir for t he club to come to A-h vd'e. i r the reason that nearly eve 1 v 1 11 v and health resort in this counti v aie now viein wi t h each ot hci in t lu ir a t tempts to ct the club to visit their r. -n; e-'.tve places. The ndvei tiscau nl ami o ul that will accrue from this vi.-ii ol the club to Asheville can scan el v bee mpre- ht'iided. Asheville will be on the tongue ol nearly every newspaper readi r c in- telh4i nee in the I luted states wit 1:111 tht next month. The papers that wiU be represented here teach not onlv into I he- North, Northwest an 1 tanada, but away down Seiuth and through every Western State. It will he 1 ina;;n ilicent e)pportunit v lor the people ot Ashe'villc to show that they appreciate these f lets, ind 1 hope t ha t every at ten t ion will be shown these newspaper nun. It Un people of Asheville want tlair otv to (jruw and build up, now is the t one tor thcni to come forward a ml help enter tain these gentlemen in a io al 1:1 inner." Three of tlae lulureil Miiv Hit.- cil Tlitlr 'wuiitlH. M i.m 111 1 e, Tenm, Nov. 11'. The ccriu plete list ol the iujuied Ironi the fire yis terdtiy is :is follows: . K. I'ctkins, sec retary V. Nl. C. A., skull crushed, arms broken, will die. C. Iv. White, iiitcru.d injuries, may recover. W.K. H0.1rdn1.1n, Water Valley. Miss., s h till fractured, may die. .seph Watkins, j unto,- of ImililiiiLj, body mangled, mav die. ', Ashetoii, St. bonis, body burned and bruised. I". K. Hurrows, severe I v bin ued and bruised. A MONAHCIIV I OH lilt AXII.. Tlio Iihtiru-nlH Itec lclc- '' ItiilHr The Inifierlnl I lii- London, Nov. Kl. The-Times sas it has learned from private sources t hat the leaders ot the l'.razillian rcb- llion con ferred on Tuesday and decided to hoist the imperial ll i. They intend to direct I heir elloi ts, says the Time s, to restoring the monarchy. This policy was first announced bv Ad miral Melro, and was w ell received by the other rebel otlicers. one Iluck tsiiootliitt . Wasiiini.ton, Nov. 1.". 1 'resident Cleveland, accompanied by Sccict.iry I.nniont, left this city by the 1 1 :.".( New York express on the l'enns 1 vania rail road last niht. No inkling was alio wed to escape ol the l'resident's intenti tis or of his destination. I'rivatc Secretary Thurber says the l'resident will be back tomorrow. i t jii i! vi.:. 1 ms 1. 11. : Wt"ve:vi:ie I-.a-H 11 ; Ii.un II IM al Jin- Old (.".11c. VY !:.. . -:u vti.i.i.. N v.l:! They're 1 .cute 11. 1 t-lel tiieiii so, hat 1 1 v wouldn't listen to me. I toM them that In, 11 call bayes were re.-il hail on the e ' , ni plex io 11 . It washe Mais 11:11 hnfchnll team that was 1. eaten, and it was the Wei er v illc tram, w it ho ul any help horn Wake I'orcst or elsewhere that did the job up brown. The Weav-.: ville hnvs left here I . .. , : a 1, 1,1 1 :,, , 1,. :.. eyes and the ir sh irt pants I the- siioi t of pantaloons 1 in their pockets to wipe up the earth wii h the h iicl'ootcd dudes ol Mils Hill. The Mars Hill hoys were found in 11 deep hollow, sn ronnikd hv ,-t chain ol hills over wlri-h Pick Weaver evi 11 could ma send a llv. The Weaverville hall 1 nosers let them selves into the H'"1"- with such elTect that allot those living in ai:d aroiiiid Mars Hill thai have harps h ive lain;; theni mi the willow and thev sav ijonse CKlts lack liiients per doxen of inuy 1 ollo-.vurj is the scute worth anvthin by innings: 1 'j :: 1 .- c, 7 s : t in s Hill 1 1 t o 1 o 1 1 1:1 Wrivcrvl If. 11 r I 1 .' o 0 0 I'Ihoth: M:ii- tiill-tluH, ('.r.riiw 'Ml, A nili-iM'ti, S.tms. MiMalnm, ( lniii', Am rrns. Ili'iipu'nl t, t .-irltr. Y.'i ver lie 1 .irr-on. 1 .ill, C hum I vrs. o, Wcacr., t.rihl, C liaillliet 8, W., CultiH. Kobt. Chanibirs and Mr. Suns am pin d the name sat ird.'cto: ily. The w,-iv lelt handed t Ixer N'i ii-'.ni did wind his rainhow ciives nvutiml the links ol the ir-.-iitlcmen In ill the rural district was a real caution. 1 le st nick out seven during (he ;;anie. The coaching ul bak We.-o ei t . c j ; - the Weaverville hoys ninkiti tallies all the time, while the .birs Hill hoys were wishini,' they could crawl into -liile" liailey's pockets ai d heat rest. Clause pitched lor Mars Hill until the lilth inning when it ;-rc- too h it li rhim and he vanished. The hatting ol .Neilson, White and bill ol Weaverville, deserve special ir.ei.tii:; also the lielditii; of Carter a eateli ot t'ltceuwood for Mars 11:11. Weaverville's vietory wins the liile to the chain pionship o Wistirn North Car olina ol which Mars Ibil has ho.islcd. If III AIT TIM-. l-.XI'O. Anuiisia t'rvliii: (lui Aji 'bist 'I lie Kallwiu s Ai ,a - r., l',:i., Nov. 1.V At i:. ot: i-s-.e i d.iy ;l,e latest meeting ol ittei e'lants eer held in this e'ily w.i c: Me d to order at the eot l. .11 cxch.i a;.'e to take ,-ielion on I he K' ichinond a. id I Ian vi He md So nt h cai'i lina 11 a-'s' tettis d to earrv ot:l the :'i el Coii'ini.-sioner ; 1 3 :bi an , rattt III.: a oik' 0 tit a lt::le 1 ;'.(- tlvu d.O'S ill tic- e. e e !-. ' 1 , -1 i n; the tAiiosi.wn in this e-it w hich opened ye surd, tv, '1 lie to! hoviour 1 e s-. lit'. i o-:s was tinaiiinionslv a.i-.ptvl. ' l:l view oi tlo I aie: State: ina1.; taiiidc 1 I the- AitL-tisia ex;i si'.ion ai:d l'..o: u 1 Slate l-'air ami the w i te 01 e ;n 1 inteu-t shown hy ail I cop e in this seat i -p. it was all import.. :il that e very lacilily sliould he- oeiiti.e i.;;i':c to visit i 1 :c L-l'.'at i x 1 1 1 s 1 : i 1 1 1 1 , and a tci an iiilell :;eiit and inaiist i ions (!iirt the eoninottte' ;ip poinlcd to tihiaii: low raihoad rates Irom 1 he e 1 -ii-1 it n'.eil :n:il:o:i- we-re sae1 c ts!i:l and perm s;o;i was tveii to the v.ari'Ois hias ot tiie- .nthe-rn Kaihoad and s't ,,i:isti:p as:-, ci 0 ton . . I 1 1 ev 1 1 1 y; tar rales asked t. 0. We icon al hour that twool ; lie la;.. - at Ai: :n-la te-'' -e to abide by ill.- die--:-: a ..; tie e 1 ' :'-:: . i ''lets. I' hi- I I I s a 1 will v. ' 1 i. c eat i: itn y : 1 tie.- ex jr '.-it i ai .': h.l tie' material 1 1 1 1 e -: e 1 ol 11. e- hn-ir.e-s ol lie fit v. "Ktsolvid. !.v ti.. .iirieli.iii's "I Augusta, t'i'i v. e' e.'tiestb- ('loasl against a a v 1 1- ; au l a: in' titty rail: oad line tea n.i ! ' i' a! Aa pista li'MU t he rates rtinl i .1 us !.,- tae aso.ia:iin al the recent mo I 1;:; 1.1 A'i .la and c m li rni' 1! hy 1 he- 1 ;:. a 1 ! 1 1 -!' : a i sioncr Mai: ! in. a::d we a " ail t fi! these roads hy a t :he e''int:ii-ai 1: tensl hetween us th.t t'liv eoi 'aia to the rales tl:e ta':i:--. a.s l-a iiii-eii nsal Atlanta and . hi...i w : I .hhsl ed t hrtuihe'ti t a 1 ; .a. m c 11I.0 e : ion. 4M,r:iti''u t e i.s : i.vmi ; IiIk cause- -i Ul'CSSItl :i C 1 C I N N I I , ,'-'ae A. J. II. '!! Lis W.-iV lltill) is I ! tin ( r a t- 1 tilt t 1 I ifiii 1 - l!,c V. l.l'i I'.ii.l; ti. w ;!S 1 1 r i' t 1 1 . ,' . 1 v , .Mill .i i "Sccnt -Jl vc per cent l t!i.- c. kms di tl.c I 'c:ni r.ilic t!is:.s' r was tt the Vdriiiiiist r.'i t it "t', l ive ihtMts.niil ul itiv people liave Lceii in W" and, icciivii no s.i t il.u ' iun al nil, went honicatirv at C leveland. The 1 'un dent's rule that KejinLlie.iiiS shall linhl over It'iir veais Iron) the (.Lite ul e mln in a lion, w liieli means not oi.U two years more, 1ml ci'nl and nine innntlis ;nhli Lional, lias licin hot I y noinu ed. Never lietorc Lave Con;:i e-nu n one limne, ex prcsinji Mie'i Inttcrncss tiv.ird the Ties ident. Tins is ojt.cially the wiili tticiil Ik i s 1 1 oni the S.nith. I ean'l see that t l;e tai ill had an tlun- in d) with the Linilsluh'. I levar i 1 leiin et atie e 1 1 -dcnuiation of tiie administ rati.m the pi inie cause ut I he li ftuhluan sntiess, which, in pro pot lii 'ii, evi n overshadow s one ti iumph o! last I til. I u tin km ..Is st.t yvd at home." WH IJO'I lOl.O.M.l l.oiicUm Coiiiiuciit On Tut 11 a waltaii A tlatr I.ono, Nov. 1 .". The 1 iilv New s editorially sa s the Aituriein j;ovcit mcnt and pcplc have tm tied up! !i tLeiist 1 - s in the 1 mat li r with asl'Miishin se!! eoi.tiol. Hawaii was theits il thev earul ) stuteti 1 1 it ir It.. tnls out lor it. Thev wan'.ed Hawaii a lid were a No aw. ire ot h-r paw crs t'ov ttil if, it rus'ulent. C 1 vdand re 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 a Uc it . Slu li, ad Is 1 lie Ni s, is i he st tni h ol t he nat i; ma! t radii ti n aaii sL t lie policy d colouiaii-;. The place is so small and helpKss, hnl at the same time so useful, that I'lesiiLtit II n risoti t lioimht he in i lit aunt x it, and did his Lest to pledge his sneeessor to do s.i, hul Pre side it Cleveland n Ins tl the lint. The d- jiastd tpieeti lias not proUs'od mi vain. ACAINST .THE FREE LIST SAI'IT MAKIXU AUAINSr Tt3i: TAUIFF mi. I. ti'""' "U'.-r.Hy Tiie Wain and Means ( uniiiilltec Will AlaUe I ii a mil IMil.lle lairller 'I II an Mas 1 xineled At I'lrs'. i on, Nov. 15 The new tariff hill w ill probably he made public at a iinieli culler date than has generally be. n ,i i: t ici ; ni ' ed . The notes of .appre hension which have been sounded s-aice the- late edict ion have wanted the resolute- lat in ri formers of the party that the'es ol" party stu'c 'cs and discip line t!c end upon boldness and ptompti t in le in di lining a policy, and all haste consistent with deliberation is l)ein; made by the Democratic members to com 1 le the hill nial pive it to the coun try. It is nlie.-idv delinitely settled that the coniniiilee will not wait for the ap proval ol a cauc:i3 before presenting the incisure to the people. While some ol the li.iitocraiic members of the committee think that the hill miuht he strenmhened in the House hv first K'iitiin; I ue approval of the party caucus, the majority feel that the sub mission nl t he hill to the caucus would onlv lea. I to interminable wrnnylinj; and possible create a party dissension which misfit seriously cniharrass t)lc measure in its consideration later in the House. The prop. sis against the free list are sldl coining in, t he most emphatic ones now In in;.' troni the iron ore and coal nt'. n. Il ATII OK I)K. Tli'I'l-H. A 7e.ei!iil Mijro I cluealur f Ilie Memtli Km. t. n. it, X. C, Nov. 13. Rev. Dr. I let: rv Ma. i tin Tiipiier. president of Sha w I ' :i i ci l -i ' v colored i, died here yester d iv i t liriiil's disease at the ajje of O'J vears. II ,- was one of th-best known and m ist saecesslul teachers ol the nero in the country. He was born at Mem son, Mass., and graduate. I at Amherst College, and in lSijo ni aduated at New ton 'I IhoI icical iiistilute. That yiar he l.i'eaine;i liaptist preacher ; and a private si l lier, and s rved throughout the war. I !e came he re I b toln r In, Isto, en com missi'm bv t he American baptist Home Mission society, and hecan work amoni; tH'.i i i'. s. He and his pupils went In the woods a I'd cut the timbers I. o-1 he school litiihiine. ivhii'h was a chinch as well. 1 le has sc. at t his hantbie bejiaidno de velop into Shaw I'tiivcisity. with nine hiiek buddings, worth $2' K ,( MM, and wnh 1 an I si udi i.t s. which has sent eiut -il preachers and over l.tidil teachers all over the Smth. and atnopo whose students tm- a lirinber from various eotiutiies and parttculariy tiie Cono hie e St a' i'. Ad the hiii'diiie;s wei e ii ccted by the st uileiil s, and Dr. Ttipn r's plan a i way s w as I o teach t he nea;ro to help hiuisell. 1 le was much liked lute, and was de- ot i .1 to his W' a k. lie tried another ex pi l inn nt w liieli proved v. ry successful. 1'his was t he eintiioyinent ol Southern .elate men ol ) reiiiiiinnee as teachers ills bluer. d w id he he'd tomorrow at noon, and his b.idv wid b-.- buried be tween iwo iua;;uedia tree-sou the univer sity joo'.inds. flic faculty, ainoii); nliii'it aie some ol Raleigh's most p: om it" ul m u, have adopted suitable rcsolu li' .ns Ibi-hniond 1 1 spa tch. a ui'i-.i-:k casi: Much I,rii-r!v OepeitUs l oli WIHc-li Illed 1'lrnt. I'a i r i i: Chui-.k, Mich., Nov. la. A en: ions question has arisen w ith regard to the death ol Charles S. Saxe and his wile, two New York victims ef the (irand I'li.ak ii'vs mi. I'hey le ti two children, h S xc dad las: the wile's relatives will 1 t he-p1 opi i t v, hie Ii is very larc, 1 nr. it Mrs. S t e died Ii t si , ihe hi is ha nil's hen s :li be in hie-k . The supposition is that hot It die d iast.aittlv, alt houh the h'.'.sliatiil's hens w-.ll u-t-e that the wife, li.m supposedly I he weaker of the two, was hot lo siii'e'i iti'i. A loay; drawn out contest in the New York courts is the p:'o-.;e,l. Ii ! el llt-acl. W v-:ii.v,roN, Nov. lo.-john W.llojo;, e ha l e let k ol t he na vy department, and lor :'.; ye irs ctnp'oyec ol Iheoverniilcut, droppe d dead al his In line in hluckvillc, bid., tins no u tii 1114 ti sih;xsi:i TI. l.UCKA MS. $20 $20 $20 $20 IT GOLD To Be Given Away I How It Will JJe Done: We have-had made for us a nunijcr of ke;,. one of wliich will open a ll avy plate nljss m- ney box. We have p'accd in this box ia our window $20 in e.obl. unit on ami after January 1, ;pdi, each holder of one of these keys will be per mitted to try to unlock and cpen the box. The person whose key opens the box will be Riven the $20 absolutely free. How to Get a Key: t:aeh cash purchaser to the amount of 2a cents or more ot fancy Roods and sundries, royal peparations or prescrip tions will be given one key with each purchase free, anil on and alter January 1, IK'.U, will be entitled to try the key to open the box. To the person holding the-key that fits the box, the contents, $t;i in t'.old will hi Kivenv ithout rc s rve or condition. Raysop & Smith, at PATTON A YEN UK. lie-Hi v I minis hi Nrult rs 'ie iok'ia, 11. C Nov. 12. Claims an Rice,atu'K $1,0011,01111 have been wnrded to I Uta wa bv Collector ol Cns touts Milne, oil belialt eit ihe Itritisli Cobunbiau scalers: and will he pre sented aoainst the I' 11 i t eel Slates govern ment under the arbitration arrangement. Tin S 111 hweste-vii Tratiic association has elected Mr. !.. 1-'. Day ol Louisville ehaiimaii. Mr. Day was lormei ly tratli: mutineer o! the Ncwjiort News and M is isippi Valley railway. The salary at tache d is SI 11, tu ai per year. Col. I h ice. w ho was recalled bv Pres ident t h vehitid treou his appointment, le-ll Konnokc lor Washington on Novem ber bill, and neither friends or relatives at the lot titer place know of his where ab nils. Capt. S oniiel No: i -. one o! the last ol New lauidi'ii's 1 Ct. 1 oitec not cd ba ml ol w Indian cai'tan s, is dead. Ilcciicutil 111 vl-ali .1 t he jj die many times ill both ,w l.i'Ui!"ii and New r.e'd.'ord whale slaps. Deeds have been itcordcd in Washins;- toa i-.iiiM-yini; land near Connecticut avenue iiiteudid for the use ol the Protes tant llpiscopal Callu'iltal. which with its ailltinct nistitini m wdi cost .Sd,tilH),(MIU. The II iwaiian iriiiv s are de'c-reasin r.ipi'llv, then- be naj in lsilt) but I'o.lC'tl on all the islands, while in 177S, when 1 'amain C 'ok di-covrrcd tl.c islands, lucre wa re nt le ast .iiid.oi.M. The .laot ot l.n ksone ille. I'l l , has diicctcd that a special incctin ol the e-it y loiiii'.-il he called to pass a law to p-evitit the Mitchell Corbett liyht there 11 no st'e-li law e'xists. tuiieets 01 1 ne 1 ititco tatcs navy are st ronnlv 111 favor of the annexation of Hawaii and are mainly responsible tor t tie-scntimi nts m asiiiiifjton 111 that dll'ec'.loll, A hii i;e 1 -iyar lactorv of Marces Mai ales, all- Pine street, I'hiladclphia, was destroyed liy fire tothiv. Loss, csti match SKM.IMO. The rumor of the control of the Le hiyli Vailey road by the Yanilci hilts are denied hv Vice-President Garrett of the Lclcch, The I'liited Stat.-s cruiser Olvmuia de veloped a speed of 21.26 knots on her contractor s trial trip. $20 IN GOLD ! Absolutely Given Away ! I have placed on exhibition in my stere a heavy plate glass money box eontaiaiiiK SiOinjrold. 1 will give one key with every cash purchase of J5 cents or more. One key in the lot will unlock the box. On and after February 1, 1S9, parties holding keys will entitled to try them. To the person hold- ins the key that fits the box the contents ill he Kiven without reserve or conditions, eys will not be noticed unless attached to the orinioal tag. Please leave keys at stoic after trying ihcm. MITCHELL, Men's outfitter. id PATTON AVEXI'li. Standard Granulated Sugar, 18 POUNDS FOR $1. Best White 10CTs Coal Oil i i:r ;ai-lon. And Other Roods in proportior. 8. It. CUEDESTER & SON , 22 Patton Avenue. noT'.i(llw GAROLINA IGE I COAL CO. NATURAL AND T I MANUFACTURltD 1 , A I ALL KINDS. UAL HARD AND SOP! 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE- TELEPHONE OFFICB NO. 130. YARD NO. 14. THY TIIK- MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE TERT BEITWORK. CHURCH ITREET. TELEPHONE 70

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