Asheville Daily citizen. VOLUME IX. NO. 170. ASH E VILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 18, 1893 PRICE 5 CENTS- THE BEST FAMILIES OF OUH TOWN AND VICINITY USE COTTOLENE. THE MOST INTELLIGENT AND PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE USE IT. K ROGER'S, 4 1 COLLEGE ST. HEAL ESTATE. V. B. (iWVN. W. W. WBST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. nam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. .Notary PutiHc, Cummfiwloncr of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SUUTHBAST COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., Heal Ratutc Brokem And luTCNttncnt AscnU NOTARY PVDLIC total neemrely pli&ced at a per cent. OfScn 2S A J Pattoo ATmu. Second ;floor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Rnrnhhcd and Unfurnished Huuaen. OFHIL'B KOOMS. Loan, securely ptturrd at Uticht per cent. Block Inland Boneless Codfish. G. A. GREER Two pound Tablets, Very Pine Alhambivi. Lnyer KaisiiiP, Large clusters. New Crop Country Buck when t Flour. . D. CC0PR GROCERIES, New Crop New Orleans Iedasscs and Svrui). New Crop Currants Knisins fine Citron. COP. MA'N AND N. COURT SQUARE rT NEW GOODS iftT CRYSTAL PALAGE ! Cli tint ma yooU will su lie opened and d'sptayed. Wo it for th?m. A larger stock tliatt ever, ike our Vienna dinner rets for $'J and $L'5 this week only. Our thin, fine Chiiiu tea at fs eems per set Our thin water t mlikts at "() cents p r dozen, and the celebrated B. & II. lamp, nxktl plated, for $1 f0 tifcucst Bur;;uin c cr of fered Also Oar Spr'iiff cxlcnsi n library lamp, with silk and 'in n .shade, for $2.U5, worth $5 25, Ynu hould not mi-n feeing our co-inter of teduetions Many thi' on it worth three times what we as'.i f r them. Do not forget tha we a-c the lirpcst deal ers in the State in Chi ia, Class, l amps, House iMirnislunKs etc. A fine line of fff.vo ine and oil st vcs, coal vas s, hods, sh uvil, tor,;, pokers, etc , sclienp THAD. W. THRASH i CO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO ' 41 PATTON AVENUE I A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS i BON MARCHE Is Hene To Stay I WII.I. OFI'liR ITS I'INIi STOCK 1)1' PKV HOUIIS, IKHSS 01)01)3, I.ADIKS' AM) CIIILUKKN'S WRAPS CHKAP. SPliCl.W. ATTENTION CM. I. HI) To ITS Sl'LliN 1 I I AN'U CUMPUTli MNlilll'LAI'IES' AN CII1I..)KHN'S I'NDIiKWHAR, CUNTS' Fl'K- Nianixos, i'ancv conns and akt NlCiil H.I-; WORK. EVERYTHING AT OF UATLY RlilTCI II I'KICliS, ASC1ILAP AS TIIK CHEAl'liST, MATERIAL COH-Sllllit- 1-; 37 S. main St, BO INT MARCHE New Crop Buckwheat Flour Florida Oran ges, 20 to 25c per dozen. E3. H. COSBY is daily m-civing Aililitiuns to his ulicaily welt selected stock of Jewelry, Silvcrwnr', Clocks, Watctie-, No rt It CM C. THE Citizens of Asl: t v die and visitor, the UmMcp especially, :irc iuviteil to cell and inspect his stock. 1 1 is prices arc fcnsouaMe ami Falcs- in en RELIABLE i anil iittentivc. KepuWinK of watches and jewelry, a. sj.cclnlty. .cms and I'rccions ston-'s set by an expecientcd JEWELER, Wedding, Birthday anI Chrirttmus presents to satisfy nil tastes at price to suit the times. A few more of those luautilul en agenient ringti U f c at 27 Patton Ave. New A 1 it I S e ix soru lble Del iencies. ALuiorc's Mince Meat and I'lum i'mltliiij; Ni w Crop Knisins, CuirauU mid Citron. Jew Catch Slicrc Mackerel ami Koc Herring Try I'o'.vell .V SniiUr's New Tack I'ancy Who e T( niutoes. Packed Spe cially for u Just revived a large lot Ullics, Jams and Preserves, llecker's Hutk wheat. Map'c Syrup. Xiw Orl nnsand Porto Uieo Mclasses. Our Stock is the Lament and Hcst F elected we hav cvt r o He red to the trade. Powell & Snider. To Smokers! WWW V f?tfTftfTTirtTTTTTT?TTTfTTTftTtTTT THB AMERICAN BAKBKY HAS A VERY HANDSOMH 1 INI? OF. C1C.AKS. TOBACCO AND CI'-IAK l-ITTES. I O.N'T PAIL. TO COME AND SUE I'd! KHMBUBEK! WK AKIi SHKVINC FRBS11 O VST BR 3 IN Ol'K TAKl.OKS UNTIL, 12 O'C LUK AT NlilHT DI'liN AFTER ll'CLOCK SWNUATS. OYSTERS 8ERVBII IN ANY STYLE. The American Bakery 18 COURT SQUAKE, TELEPHONE NO. 174. J y a; 'j 2 :- s 3 s 32 n 5 J ; l s I (I ? I I- " m 5 5 3 a 3 2 3 Z y ? 5 -j, A O O k REAGAN DRUGGISTS, PATTON AVE. AMD CHURCH ST. Jtvr Rkchivkii comi-lhtk i.ini: Turkish Towels Bath Sponges ' Bath Brushes j Bath Gloves NOTICE Ol'K WINDOW. Patent Medicine Cnt Prices ! A tent for HUVl.KR'S CANIIY. THii i viugi'KT -i i ei'. .:n.: I MOM CI.l'H. Happy (iuIUeriiiic at lue lla: it'ii-j I'ark (o Take liirt In n Mt'iii't. ; rablc i:iHt-rtaliii!it iif. The ljanij m t givtn by the citizens, ol'j Asheville to the itn'tnbers oftl c CiitH en ! club of Washington Citv mill t!ie la.ii-. s of their party is mw a tliiny; ol the jiast, in reality, but it will live tort vir in the memories of the Asheville people who were there, as one of th brightest mul most thoroughly pleasant events in the history of this city. Asl.eville in thus honoring her ilis'.iii;uisheil vit-itors tlie men who represent at the Capital the prtaltst Amerian pip.r.i tloublv houoietl herseli", anil ile is proud of it. livery window in the liattcry I'arls hotel beamed a welcome to the quests they ass milled to par'iei pate in the lestivities of the hour I really four or five hours ). About U o'clock the banqueters proceeded to the larye ball room of the hotel where the baia piet w;,s spread. The hall had been hands'imcly decorated under the dincti m o! Capl. l-'red A. Hull. A liuc 11 iral gridiron ue peuded from the ceiling over the sinsji- in fact the gridiron, tlieclubeuibleiu, was everywhere. While the guests were slamiini; tlie cltctric lights were tut ( IV for an in stant. Out of the dark came the voice of Humorist "E l." 11 : "This is w hat you uuuht call the 0. id iron club off its t rollcv !" The humor was i i.'eeti ius. The lights flashed up iiaiu and everybody bewail the evening in a royal jjood humor. When Manager MeKissiek's quests were seated about the table, which, like evtrythimj else, tool.- on a prii'iron shape, Hon. Richmond Pearson form ally tinned over tie affair to lion. I'rank Hatton, the Gridiron president, to be conducted on the club's rules. Mr. Hatton accepted on behalf of his club, and the enjoyment was on. The spread was in the llatleiy Park's famous style and the yiiesls showed their apprceiatio i ot it in the proper way. The menu : PaniHi-o ( ) stt rs Uollilh n ol t!uUL-ollibt' nil'il l-'ilet ol So'f T.o t tr'c l-'ntradine W lute Itaibteiicil ou.i I l.t-ttiu-c Sa'aJ " 'l'n sum nrd ' I'.Oiis " Itimei ui lie l'um'li S.nldle ol" Vcniso'i. tro;n Smoky Moi'.'itams i '. ri'fii 1 Vas Willi luck. Sw.Tiinanoa Slyl." i : r n v Salted Cllrslnuts Nurlli t'aroliua 1'i.iit TiliiHvlv:ni.i e n a in Nuts PaisiiiH ('rai:!(i-is ClK'rse Collie Cigars Ciiiari lL' ISetwtcn the cours'.s the speeches, music and dancing v.eie -vii led. making theeveninji one ol contir.u kt'i n enjoy menl. llun. I'rank llatton, who was Postmaster General under President Arthur, and whose j;avl cou trollcd the Kntberinu, was an excellent presiding otlieer and liisaini'uticenicnt ol the toasts and introduction of the s tak ers won the admiration of the baiapii t ers Whoeer or wliatever the sul j.'ct, he was reailv with jast li e proper tnin.a to say, and it lnxariablv caught the list eners. The ordr of thinus was arc frcshino; innovation lure. It was I anii'iar to the Gridirons, but not so to all ot the Ashevillians present. Vet not a one would have had it otherwise. It was rich, sparklinir and c )iil anions. "I here fore it was a, delight. President llatton i:it rodived Mavor Patton in words that were convulsive to the listeners, and would have l.icnto "the other 14,(MI0 of Ashev'lie's pi.pul.i- tion. 1 he Mavor was m la.i 1 1. 1 r i j .ns t mood and the laughter which President Hatton's introduction evoked w. s pro longed as the Mayor "held up Ashc- ville's strin"" in a neat speech that was only made brighter by lb" inUri up'.ions I which arc alwas a char act ci ist'c lealutcot Gridiron chili meetin s i :;dim1 iiaturedlv made Iroin all si.lcf. Col. H. It. Hav, whose wit is ever readv, was bront;ht from his position behind a saddle ot venison an I kept the procession of fun movini; double nuick. the only objection bein that Ik Mibsidetl till too soon. Gen. Noah, w ho, if one ol the cc.tle men who came with him in iv hct-e'ieM-il. came here in the ail;, proved bv his n Iv to the call that there was nothii i f the antediluvian about him. ohn P. Arthur, )eneial manager i ! the Asheville Street Kailroa.l conip: hi , had for his response the toast, "What the Press Hoes Not Know." As the ecu tleman bcfjan someone moved that the speaker be allowed to submit his re marks. President llatton put the mo tion and the vote was"No" with a howl of laughter. The chair declared the mo tion carried and Mr. Arthur proceeded to make a characteristically attractive response to his to.'ist. A poem was Kohert M. s con tribution to the literary icast The poem was filler! with happy n I o res to local celebrities, find was ruavol enthusiastically. Dave Hanks, the Kane Kvcak bard, was called from his attentions to the wild duck and told the company about ShuriV Lemon and the boss trade. When be sat down President llatton gave it as his opinion that Hanks iiad done well for Hanks. Col. W. A. Turk, the jolly ; encral passenger au'ent of the Kichuioi.d and Danville, wlio placed a special tiain at the disposal of the Gridiron club, was heard briefly but delightedly. It made no difference that he w; s introduced as "a Turk late of the Midway Plais iuce," who would nddress to the crowd "a lew incoherent remarks in his native toucne." Col. Turk is always at home when talk ing time comes and his S eech was one of the best. I'rank H. Hoford was on the li:-t and in n polished bit of oratory proved that his best work is nut always done in t he Detroit Free Press. The introduction of I. Murphy, isi , was to the t fleet that a note bearing his signature sent to President Hatton in sisted that he was ore of North Caro lina's great orators. Mr. Murphy blusli ingly responded, and averred that it he were n great orator then "Lord lulp the rest." To which the company fang. "So say we nil of in!" Mr. Murphy, how ever, hail his say in apt style belore the matter was done with. Manager McKissick, of the Hatter? Park, who had been there before with the Gridirons, had to respond and came out of the cross-hrc with flying colors. He extended a hearty welcome to every one of the guests of the evening and in affable manner assured them that Ashe ville joined him in the welcome. A call for Dr. S. Westrav li.ittlc brought that gentleman to his feet in a response that was just such ai he can akvavs be depended upon to make bright .-unlet, tert lining. He closed with a nciiatiou, and w ben he sat down the c nnpauv swing ' Saw My I. eg Off." Hon. Kicbinond Pearson was coaxed out for a short speech that s-pni-l; !c.i, ,-u:il had lor its iliiaax :t pun that was on President llatton, which caused a coti: motion for an instant. Then the- ba i:q net approached the close, when Prtsident Hatton began bis good night address, lie thanked the people ol Asia vi le for the kindness ex tended, and assured them that th y bad all done will. lie promised that the club would call on tbcni again at lunch time tod iv. His linelv expressed seuii lii'. ills were Mpplandid long. Dr. Hall le led the "home team" in "Here's to I'rank 1 latlon," 1 he quartet sang "Good Night," the entire assem blage joined in "Aul.l Lang Syne," and tlie most ci, j' iv ;i Lie occasion in Asiic ville's history emu to an cud. The guests went to theolii en ml c.m veised tor halt an hour, when the ladies lett the party. Then the gentlemen, loath to Lave without nnotb.r song, returned to the lnuiput hall, uhe.etbe singing ot poind u songs filled up another lippi y hour. V.'Ito V. cte Vhi r.i In addition to t lie visitors, the ban quet w'.-is attended by the folio. i g gen tlemen : Mavor T. W. I'. it ton, Hon. Richmond Pearson, Alilcrinn u J. M. Wcstall, Dr. S. W. lint tic, W. 11. Williamson, II. ); llciint-h, Dr. C. II. 1 1 il-iard, L. A. bnrin holt, In-. W. D. Geo. K. Collins, W D. Gash, 1 'osl master . 1 '. Kerr, Di . . A. Iiiirroug lis. C V. Mm pluv, 1'red. A. Dull, S Al.iins. W. W. West. Advi sor W. It. Gwyn, Dr. Geo. A. Mcbaiie, Ad vis. r . P. Siwvir, I. P. Arthur, Lawrence Pulliaiu, II. M., as. M. C. i m i .h. 11, Maj. o. W. Uudd, A. Whitlo.k. 1 1, p. llerndoti, 1'icd Ktith dgi P.. A . .MeKinuev, Will Aiken, C. A. Webb, . V. Slinlcr, Th .d. . Thrash, Nat. S. Rogers, Adv;s ir 11. Red wood. W. !' K.iuiloloh, J. D. .Munihv, I'rank Darby, S. C Cortiand, udcc T. A. ones. "T. S. Morrison', M It. Lewis, (olin Cbibl, C I". Peuuiinan. Geo. S Powell, W. T. Penirin in, A. At. Field, C. 1 Roy, J. I). Carrier, C. IC Graham, Dr. ). A. Watson, liaion L il'Alingc, M.-ij." K.,l ca t I-.ingloun, 11. P.. Stevens, Lrwin Sltuicr, C. A. Ravsor, Prar.k Longbraii, Ahleiiuan P.. II CVsbv, Dun Mi rriek, A. I. l.vinan, C. . I! oris, I. II. Lvoos. Ca t. M. . I- .-'g, I. K. llovt, D. C. Waddell, lit i.-e: t liiug h.iin, Senator obu M. Campbell, u l ;e A. C. Avery and Mr. Wis'ou. " Jtlrlv ! The i oar let si :i gi -ig of Mes -rs. Hoover, M usher. Mors, li and Lamer was f a li'gh thiss ami cae'.i niunber was enthusi astically appl iiidc.i. The solos ol Mes -rs. Smith, Moisill oi:d on ig Were also r -illy ci j ivi il . !' '! l.araer and I'rank D.uby got roil! a is oi . i ppl a n - v lor their i lever da nc in IKio v L Wisl'spociii was ;i p'c.'is'tng pa rt ol 1 he I il . o; ram. H H. llav r-.citcil fi "S.'ckLss Simp sun" oile in bis inns'- dramatic st le aii'.l it "took" with a whoop. Several of the gentlemen at. the b u. cpiet b 1-cfi to tin ni ovci coats not their . Araoi.g them w as Mayor Patton. flu- Mayor's overcoat was a brand new onr, and a lu'isi-i.t, and be would be glad to enter into l. ego tiati, ms looking to an i xcha ngc. Likewise Dr. Walsou a :ai the othcis w ho have coats not t lu ir o -, n . i lie Gri liron el n'oinc 1 a ' c tile brlgbL est. s- t "t meo that, have ever come into iVi's'Tii North C.-i r d ua and t'e oecas- ! a I i,: 1 1 i g ! : c i all i ver lie r iiieui-I r- o Iv all !u I k pit t . A-.hcyole ta'a.s i if 1 1- r Kit loilej news; i i si. i- m m .-ill the 1 ids at.t! Il l- n is .: t he p n I . Presidcio. II. ill. in to'd Tm: c'lt .i s th-i t 1 he c! ii ' i ! a i in vi r had c ten e.l to it a tnoi e li ,:r-y i a. . - ; , t n I li tii.,t it had receive 1 ' o -:n the ; :.,, ;e ol A-'i:-villc. Tl c i-g p.icy so -,! in l.i ,'h praise of t'ee : o; a f. el the r, c--Ji'io- given the:!! K 1". ; u .:! Pro ok L ngh-ra-.i, of the !i-.-, at lliAnu, 'I in- paiiy stopped at til.: lanlu- brc.i:. ..-t;iv tnorniag, ao l the pntt c :e- o l o-e.r which Mr. 1. , g 1 n . in p-csah s g ve I'm viiiiinii: t:s Noiih C'aro. liua. Mr. 1. '.i:-!;v.iu e am.- up to Abbe ville with th-.- port . 'tiCay lr 4g in This mi m u:.-,g a I) nit lilo'-i e'-; uu ir. bcisnf tie i i ice; it io ; conaiolee iiict 1 he Gi ii I i r , :i party ,,i i b Park anil io carriage-, cn.v.'nl the visiioisto I'sltni"!'.. At this point Mr. Mi , o uici: place i a special ti.ra at tin ir di-posal and in it all mad- tla- tiipto the Wiiidii bilt mansion. Severn! hours wete spent in looking over and admiring the ni insion anil the' estate aojoining, a Iter which the parte iciiiri.ed io the citv. '1 his evening the rcicntim- in h nior ol the ladies ol' the party will occur at the Battery Park, and it is to le one ol the very enjoyable tialtnes ,1 the t:in to s'..cville. The proprietors ol the Mountain Park hotel at Hot Springs have invited the party to visit that noted tesort and they will go down on spe-ci d train for a lew hours tomorrow morning. The visitors will leave tor Washington tomorrow alte rnoon. Mnvlces nt Hon-Illicit-. Rev. L. II. Italdwin, pa-tor of the So ut hsii'e I 'res I y teri, . ,1 cl-.ureh, w ill c- in menee a series of meetings tomorrow evening to coiitinue during the week, lie will be assisted bv Rev. R. 1". Camp bell and Rev. II. M. Park r. Services each t veiling commencing at 7:4.i o'cloek. A car will leave the church at the close of the set vices. All arc invi'ed. Rev. R. I-. Campbell will picacli on Sab bath evening. A li.Illf to tils SlltV'N I.omiox, Nov. is A liismitch to the Times from Berlin save: G rmaula de clares that ll:e lCmpcr..r. in his nilditss te rcerr.its ye'stctl iv said: "Soldiers arc not to have a w ill of their own. Vou mast have but one- will, and that is mv will; one law, and that is :ny law." l."4 ot $i,nno,oui, Indiana I'oi.i ;, Did., Nov. IS. William B. lUirtorei's extensive printing ettab lishiiient c.iiigbt fire this morning. The tl. lines wi re coiifined te- the nppir stairs, but the entire building was Hooded with water .-mil the los will reach probably if l.dllO OIJO. L X (j U li MX LILI UO K ALAN 1 miNm rs-.ii -vs ii.i.iis kavk notii- Camphoriine 1 1 Oil .- Nllllltl'H Noil III. Atlanta, O.I , Nov. Nov. IS. Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior, left at IL' o'clock today for Washington, being called away uncxpccteilly bv a telegram announcing the sickness of his son. If lie 14 Iiistrucic-cl To Place The AncW-iit Rclle in I'ower Aisaln, Tlie Fact ll:a Blot i:h,.-.ii (1 Him At I. ant Accounts. San l'i(A.cise .j, Nov. IS. At '.) a. in., Sin Praneisco time, the s'.camcr Ausj tr.'ilia, from Honolulu, came over tie bar, stu ruuadcil by stc. ni craft of all description. She came into port without stopping. Her i lii-cis s iy that tip to the time she lclt there had been no change in Ha waiien idV.iirs. Minister Willis presented his credent i lis to the pro visional go vci u mcnt without saying any thing about Irs ir.sti ucliin s. if be has any, regarding the restoration ol O.ieen Liliuokalani. Ci'iiyi igli t l,y Mie ssociutcil l'.es. 1 lo.Noi.r.i.i-, No v. 1 U. Hut. little of a iklinitc nat me has transpired since ad vices bv the steamer China were sent. Minister Willis' remarks when he pre sented his credentials on tlie Tib inst. were in put as loll o vs : "Mr. President, Mr. Blount, late envoy extraordinary ol the I 'liiled Slates? to your government, having resigned bis i fiiee, 1 have honor to now present his Utter of recall. I desire at the same time to place ia your hands a 1- tter !:.-crcdit-1 1) me as his successor, lu doing this I aiii ilireeted by the I'rcsi lent togive re newed assurn nee of the IriciiiUhip inter est and hen t v good will which our gov ei iiHHiil i n'.ert a ills for you and tor the pc-ple ol this Island realm, involoug that spirit of peace, friendship, and hospitality which lias ever lie-en the shie Id a ml sword ol this country, 1 now, Uaon bchall of the I'niled States ol A nierlea, lender to your people t he ri. lit hand o! good will, which I trust may be as lasting as I kiio v it to be sinceie expressing tin- liope iha'. every year will promote an I inrpet ua I e that good will, I i the 1 1 o 1 1 o r , b appiae-ss ,-ir.d -rospcril y of both L'li'a rnme nts." Presi leui 1 1 ,le replied : "Mr. Minister, it is wi(h iiiin-b sal s ai'tiou hat I receive the e.'eiiciitials on bring. Vour asuur auee o! the con', ianed Iri lidship ol your g vt i a men t tor ivc and the Hawaiian p. i. pie, ad Is ! t he tiii-it ion which long experience i f the generous eolisidi ra t i ni of the- I'lii'c.l States lor this ciuu'.iv has proved. I'eiiuit me to .assure. you that we heirtily reciprocate the expres sion of iatene-al and good will evhie-h you have e-onveved to ns . . . . K is not surprisiner. tlu-refou-, th.atlhc 1'uited Statis were tlie tn-si to recogni.e the iial pi n deuce ot I he- ilavxoii islands and to welcome- them into the great family ol trie, equal a. id sovereign nations. . ." I n speaking; of bis mission here M mis ter Willis has il-vbo re d : "There is ,-ibso-lalely no P i o inlet t io-i for the various rumors all nit ns to wi-at I am empow ered to do or not to do. There are hut two or 1 brie- men. ea n in Washington, who know- what my instructions are. I most o-i 1 1 vely dei bue at present to st ile whither 1 c.irrv nn ultimatum or not , ti e ity or w hat." Mriuiti.:s iiet.(i.iv?i rsi-.wt 3Ie lH Iri c ' i sus In I-a, of of ail I iiip.-ioi-Joiirnaltst Miol I.omi is, Nov. IS. A disjiateli to the Lxe hangi: lehgriph company says that Mello, alter iiroin ulga t iug a proclama tion (lic'.a: in Prince l'e-rrie D. Alcoti- tora Louis I'bille ppi, son of count U'Hu, Iiinp.roi- ol Brazil, proceeded to his ves sels v. il 11 t be object of g'-i-g outside to intciecpt vesse Is purchased abroad by the I'.i .- . 'lion govi rnment for rse Mell ,'s A ilisn itch r.o.i Lisbon, reeeivtel here today, savs that a messenger who has ariived there from Ira;:l, announces that Seaor Jose. I'.-iln -i-iiiio, editor of a in. vvspa pi r which has been continually and stioii'j,- opposed to President 1'eix has bee n shot by order of the Pics'. .Iiiil. l i. m tmuv Il- JlHkes Tlie Speech of f lie l)uy ut Augusta, t;, Aii.tsiA, G.i., Nov. is. lid ucation dav was ieli-l,'' 1 by ,'!,IMlll school chil die n a I the i x j i"si '. i in yesterday. De-legations w eic in atti iidanee from the priucijial colleges of Georgia. Six bun died public school children s u.g a choral greeting; over 'Ji ill girls from the normal and i ilustrial college "I Georgia at tended and a vc a n ex bibiiion ofcooking, typewriting, stenography, art, needle woi k and la ucv work. Hon. J. I,. M. Curry of North Carolina delivered, the address ol the- dav. Law Is Ki i' i.U fl, Ni:w Viikk, Nov. IS. R . G. Diiu.n; Co. in their weekly review of trade say: "Business is gaining, but it is a constant co m pi i in t t ba t t lie itu p- o vcment is slo w." Bi adsti ee t s sas: "t'.eucral trade has been ii re gular w.t' out actual increase in volume " C KM. 'AS '. ' Tl-. I. Kt ; e . t US. The ii q .est.-, In the Rock I -land collis ion at Chicago and the Giaud Trunk collision at B ittie Crul , Mich., rt suited in yetdic's holding tic railroad rreu guilty ol lit No Im lli' r 'a v. h ' oiii-nt s in the Ha waiian imbroglio .ore anticipated until ihea'riiv d at San l'ra ncisco of the r.ext steamer lio:n Honolulu, which is due this week. Piolcssor (. tiner has ret in md from Ati ic.i and tleel ir-.-s tb it he has learned. beyond (! ub' , that there is a 111 inkcy l.mguage ar.el it can lie learned by man. Mot moii leaders from t he I'ni'cd States chase of 3.0110,000 acres of land in the mate oi i uinu iiiua, .itxico. Mrs. IVirbara Hubbard, mother of Lx-Attoi ney General Garland, died last night in Washington. Stationery at Jul el cos. I intent! to close out my entire sta tionery department. I offer it at exactly cost. J. II. Law. 35 Patton avenue. CURE S CHAPPED HANDS ! ROUGH SKIN ! After S.-ivintf "j()eI NIGHT" L'se Camphorlin-. Camiiiuirliiu- hai become such a household remedy ,jr all kinds tl rugh skn and chipped hinds th-.t ve-e lcK only to call your attention to it during this, the first eolj spell of winter. It is no lissu'eful after shavou, especially where the skia is tender or inclined to l,e sore. The city barbers have found this out and it can now be found at most of the- sh-,,,. it has become so popular that uthtri have tried to imitate it, not only in natr.e, but appearance and properties. We have succeeded in KettinB tin- coiel word "Comphoi line," trade marktil by the government at Wellington, so Unit w-vi ean now protect our rights. The- genuine may be knownlby atCuubrokcn seal. It can lie- found at nearly all the drug stor.s i i . he- c ty, and by the manufacturer-, price g5 eents per bottle f?aysor 8t Smith, I'KliS J K! I'TiONI DKUGCISTS, :il HATTON A V EN UU. IPN tVEwmGS UTI'- EUV-N O'CLOCK. $20 IN GOLD! Absolutely Given Away ! 1 have placed on exhibition in my store- a heavy plate glass money box containing no in KoId. I will give one key with every cash purchase of gs cents or more. One key H the lot w ill unlock the box. On and after February 1. iS9, parties holding key. will be entitled to try them. To the person hold ing the key that fits the box the contents wall be Riven without rcScrve:or conditions. Keys will net be noticed unless attached to the original tag. I-lease leave keys at store after trying iheaj. MITCHELL, Men's lutlitter. -S PATTON A VENUE. MIS. S. M. HUDSON, M. L. A Ipared to give instruction in Vocal lVLusic and Elocution AT 11 RK RISIIIENCU: 29 BAILEY ST. ASHEVILLE. N- C m.Ji r"' ',.uudsn is also open for tnran-t?,,nt9-!r.Vaentc'OCUtiODi" at - -TERMS MODERATE - novl.tttl ra GAROLINA ICE 3 GOAL GO. NATURAL AND T , , MANUFACTURED 1 C II, CCi A T ALL KINDS. NWrll HARD AND SOF1 39 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. TELEPHONE OFF1CB NO. 130. YARD NO. 144. -THY TlliiJ MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY -VERY BE8T:OU. CHURCH BTREET. TELEPHONE 70

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