THE A SHE VIIjLE DAILY CITIZEN. Monday Evening, November 20, 1893. FOR A DAY OR MORE. People who Com In nnd Out From Anlievllle. Washing -, p in. restav AROUND TOWN O.Furscust till S .V)V. Getierullv fair, C. W. Penchard of Now York is at the fecumi"g- vnnul'lc: sfitiututrv Swannanoa. tolluwcil by rimr u-aiiicrutun.: Julinn M. Solomon ot havannali. Ua is in the citr. Edward Duikv of Knoxville was in the city yeslerdny. Ed V. Whiteside re turned from Win ston yesterday iit'iertionii. Max Marcus lift this :iternit. lor Baltimore on a busintss trip. Actinji Collector Rogers this ir.orn inj lor Franklin, to visit his t:tiiiily. mproveil. W. A. blair returned this allivnoon ; Capt. Natt Aikuisnn. who w.isscvire y from a three davs' trip to Knoxville. ' imurril lv a tall at his lunsie t-eveml Mrs. D. J. Kenncv cr" Cincinnati is nmonjj the late arrivals at the llitteiy Park. II. Henry came in from Baltimore yes terday and is stopping at the Swai. nanoa. Mi-ses T. MeCusker and Allele Uovil of Milwaukee, Wis , are the liat tcrv Park's guests. M. V. Moore came home Saturdav from a week's hunt around Kind's Mountain. lie reports splendid sport. Dr. W. F. Ross, formerly manager tit tfie Mountain 1'ark hot el at 1 lot Sjiin-, is in Ashevdle negotiating for the inai. atmont of a hotel in this city. Rev. J. L. White will leave toinorm w for Birininjlinm, Ala., where he ;'"cs to conduct a revival. He will be as-sistol by Kev. Dr. Wharton ol Iiuiiimore. M. ssetiger J. A. Wild ol the collect..- V office has returned from Wehster. when he had j-one in rt spume to a ti let-aiii antinuneing the death ot his father, Rev. B. O. Wild. "Miss L. A. Clarkson ol Atlanta, pro prietor of the Dixie Cook Book, is Mop ping in the city a short tunc, in route from Ashcville, where shctias soeiit the summer," savs the Char lotte ' Le-i ver. M. F. Burke, formerly tnimayer of t lu Western Union tclcuraph otH.'e lice, l.nt who is now repreentii j; the ' hl I o minion nurseries,, is i-.i th city and will probably make Alsiiile his home anain. weeks ts ea run. KUctltui at Cen rut t huiclijju ir- e.isteryl e" I'onnreuee. At the fourth ciuarttrl, conlei encc lor ' Central M. 12. church. South, Saturday eveuiiur, the following ollicers wtr." electid for i.s.H : j iioard of Stewards W. II. Pcnland, 1". ; Stikelealher, Clati l 11. Miller, o!in A ! Nichols, Win. M. Jones, l it h Taylor, !ti A. Unci , J. M. li'cle, P. A Ciimtiiini;, IS II. Cludester. S. Pat Icy Mcars, J K. i Lulosc, Ir. K. 11 R-eves. Dr. J. F R un j sey. Dr. II. D. Weaver, Frank Weaver, , C. V. I'.rown. O.-s'e 11. Henry K 1. Cli.toi- b. i-J, 11 LI.S4 ll C. lo'.inson. Iioard of trustees Dr ril.l.. ro 1 our m!! lie I 1C IUK1I. I nil. iiis arm in a slinii. There were no offenders in M.n r I' li tem's court th'S moruini. The ol.I boss sale at the Southern Kx press ortice iiccurred Saturday, and in ire than GOO iackai;es were sold. The fi ie-tiils ot Auctioneer li. 1! D v's, who has lieeu very ill for so in.- time, ic irret in his condition is not l C. Sm'uli. M. U i: Atkins, W. T. f. Sawvtr, I. S. Adams, Win. p ., W. I'. R mdo'ph, W. R Weaver, J . M LVck Sliei-ilt P.i ookshire am! Deputy Mor-1 liitn wliiU- tinntiiiK Friday started up a Sunday school sa perm tend. at 1 1 drove tit wilil turkeys, ue..r the pum ping : m I . , . ' 1 'eniand. A NBW UOI'll''. !-- WOltNIIII" liedlcailou f Ii. inipasl l lur eli at Biltmorr. The dedicatory services ol the new Baptist church at IJiltniore were held in the church at 11 o'clock a. m yesterday, 1 conducted by Rev. D. B. Wlsou, assisted by Kev. A. IC. I'.rown of Ashevi',1 , ami the pastor. Rev. G. L. Finch. Dr. N. lsou delivered an able, iustiiu t ive and impressive sermon to a i.nt; and attentive congregation, tak!n-r t ir ' his text the l''2d l'sabn. The community at Itiltmote are in debted to a yrent extent tor this beauti ful eliuich to th liberahtv of Mi . (Vein l;o W. Yamlcrbilt extende i llmmiili his attorney, Charles McSamec, esi , as sisted hy Mr. Smith, his arih'.Uet, who had the edifice built and conveyed to the Bautist brethren in exchange tor the oh; ehurch at the same place. The new p istor. Rev. G. I.. Finch, who came from GiVdsboro, with his popular- ' ity and address bids fair to build up u large cur reuation at once in Itilimort-. It was announced that services wot. Id be held in the new church at T:3 l o'clock everv evenini; this wick, to which ali persons are cordially invited. PI.KAMANT tiliRUAN. lilven lu Tlir Nriilnr class l iIsH Champlou'M Hcliool. A very pljasant german was iven on Saturday evening by Miss Champion complimentary to the senior class of her sohool. The school room, tatciil'y decorated with the school colors, was converted into a temporary ball room Many friends and patrons ol the school were present, who seemed to ei ny tiie occasion (piite as much as the vour.g people. Dancing bcuan at S o'clock and con tinued until 11:30, with an intermission, during which refreshments were served. The german was led by Mr. Whitaker. The couples dancing were: Miss Gregory with Mr. Whitaker, Miss Nye with Mr. Waite, Miss Folsotn with Mr. Taylor. Miss Westteldt wi h Mr. Skinner, Miss Patton with Mr. Park r, Miss Steele with Dr. Jordan, Miss Rice with Mr Folsom, Miss Williams with Mr. W il liams. Miss Pulley with Mr.Mvu.., Miss Blanche Folsom with Mr. Wilson, Miss Winnie Nye with Mr., M is Davidson with Mr. Vanderll rst. Miss Skinner with Mr. Short, Miss West with Mr. Bingham, Miss Chtvcs West with Mr. Child. ChrlMitau Church Ki vltul, The revival meeting at the Christian church began yesterday morning wit h in dications of success. Tie theme dis cussed was"The More Kxcellcnt Way" I Cor. 12:31. The more exe I'ent way was shown to be love love to G xl and love to man. In the evening the attendanre was larger, and the people ntered into the spirit of the occasion. The etiesi ion dis cussed was '"What Should be Taught ? ' or what were the "all things" taught in the commission. Three thoughts were presented: First, funda mental principles, applicable alike to all ages, to the Jevv and ti e Gentile; second, direct commands; and, third, principles applicable to our daily livinjg Services will he held each morning .-it II o'cl jck and evening at 7:30. stall m. lint did not succeed in bagging anv ol lie birds. Chief liispatebcr D. W. Newell kasic turncil iVom a hunt in the country near Salisbury, with Conductor Crawford. Mr. Newell says he killnl ll.'o birds and one til! key on the expedition. It lias ! cen dccitU d to hold the Sunday scho. 1 t t be First Presbyterian church in t he a I It i noon ii stead ot the moriiu:g, and 1 lie change will 40 into ellVet Dicciu lu r 1. The hour ot opening a ill be 0 0O p. 111. The c .pgr. -if.. a :o --, ' !. K chinch. Souih, at the nioiuiug sci v ice yestertl.iy etijoved a s do sung by Miss Marv Jiniii'i. Rev. Dr. 1.11. Weavir I'lenchcai at 11 o'cloil; and Kev. J. C. Troy at 7:'iO. The C harlot t e ( los. r 1 is R.'.li igh e n -respi 01. lent says: "Cii I heoilote 1". D.viiisiwi and bride (!orinir!v Miss Sal lu- Cartel ) are in Parii. Mis. David son's 1 vv 1 sifters are with hi r a ad arc at st hoed in . U. K..n;Ii. 01 ;h nluincl S.iluiday noma hioit 111 I he SiiioUii-s. 1 w o ider weie. 1 ; a 1 t ol 1 i c 11 opines ol the tup. 1'he ot 1 e-: tucniln 1 s ot the l'.:g S x who went nut .v.lti Mr. Ku m In. tig ll wtil speiui ti is week m the wools. 1 '. put y Kegis-ti r Kolelsou is fu-i'v e 11 gaei i p epai ing t i .e l- uncon: 1 t e u n 1 V el 1 1 11 .0 1 L ; . I e 1 11 e 1 1 1 , a 1 1 . 1 i L be le.oli for puli'ic itioii .-ooii. The icpott wiil in clude i lie financial statement tr. in De- ti her :'. 1, 1VJ', to October 31 , W'.i. 1 The lnl.owinu: area k w ot the salts made at the Farmers' w. in house lasi w-iek: Six lots lor C. II. Condiy at S.s 7,-,, ,s;o J. ''(",, S-o. Slti e?il ; V. S. I'.row n, .- lots .t tsT, ;.;. tf.'i". S'J t. -'s: ! . .. Ctui'irv, 7 loi s at SI 1 -a, S2-, :t". S- t . S 1 7, S, S3 Dl. 1 Spec:;;! Deputy Shct.iT W. R. G.idgtr o! 1 1 is city, who I as bi en at 1 '.on I Koi k i:i ves' iteming the linn i-ir.iage, was in Is. m i x ii Ic S, i . in day a nil told t ue j am -nal l l::it t wo . il Gun's . -is ail, ints are in re;i!:es-ec, aid that SJo icwaid iiad ii'.eu i ii. rid tor t'oia, luad or alive. 1 iistrict steward Recording steward P. A. Cummirgs. i Clui'ilte'N. Richmond, Va Nov. 2D. The annual : meetings ol t lie stocknoMers ot tlie iv.cti I niiiu I cc l'cterslairg and the Petersburg railroads were held today. The old otli :ers o both roads w ere re ek ctt d. ','.' .UAHkkTS. -V . vt vurk MarUt t Mav N'ouk. Nov. -O Cottiin lutiut-s oiicuiii siiTinv; net. I if,-, ; Nowmli'T. n-wpL iMZ? ni-- SEASON'S - OFFERINGS IN Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Etc. ESPECIALLY CHOICE Astonishingly Low Prices. What Do Our New Screens Do ? They take the dirt out f your coal. . . . ., -(Jet a load and see ! LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT VERY LOW PRICES - - - GIVE US A CALL - - - W. B. WILLIAMSON c CO, iO l'Htton Avetiuc, Astievillet 3M. C i Milur 'el trirary , hniuirv, March, s lit.; April Mock uuutHlioiiH. N i u Vhkk, Vi v. L Ki i , M, I :ikc Slu to. 1 Hi-; Chicatf. mm! Northwestern, l.'JT'1,; arui Wis tern. 'J - : Kionmoiid ;ui.t Uet i'uint 'iiruuiial, Tiiioii, 7 . llal'.imotT' Markt t l MOii K, Nnv. erti siipi r i a i n i i , : fe.l s ! t , t 1 1 1 . I . t e A - lKnr, dull; v st- 1 ."..f '.!."; cxiia. :i'Mi (, .1 f fti.'-.e '1: wtifiii, t ml' No Nit'. " V-L'tti 1 ( . milling wheat r,r "''.: corn, (jN.; mixed sjitit 4 1'j white corn by sfi"1!1'. la ki; l e .v ellttw. 4-Jul -;' . Co. reetevl daily by IVUVIiUl. c; SXIIM K, whult:ile Mtid retail tzruvv. 'I '-icpc prices are le:n itid by tiie uiei i liun ts t-.tav. Ivi: t v i K' I." i tudes ra H.i 1 t i- . it'. Apio. dried iS C h .1 tis 1 i I'uinj'kms, cuvh.fHii.L'.'i Turkey .TUdltMJ Sir:um P'leks ..i;(ff Jt HeeswtAX, per Tt 15 t...-s "-'t M.inrv 1" Potatoes, Irish. 5 o:Vheat 7( i ., i ,,i j..-.. 3(i(,HiH.nni a' i lni.riM. '." Meal 'u C'i.diave, p v V ;4 'tits 4-J I'cuus, pr l'u.t'.o l.'ni K ve " i . no Hay. ton 1 Cicstnutu It' t'Ceierv. di'Z M5u- 50111- order lo 'u i-ol 1 11 n 4'o:il 4 iti:iii for l tkt I Wo lu mp .V 11 1 li i'SM i I . $270,000 Worth ASHEVILLE ICE Sc COAL CO.. Genuine Jellieo. Anthracite. 34 Pattou Avcnur. Telephone 't. 40. Coke. Some won't because it's made at home. Some do for the same reason. Those who want the best do so anyhow ! WHAT ? Ill'Y ROLLER KING FLOUR. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. ru hi v C I I'IZKN ii-.-.i. :t i.l.l iiapi-rs tor sale at Tin-: itiicc. Only L'0 e-eiits per liiin- '1"! tr ni ll.i.e.l 1! !kic -c II I 1 1 I . C I A si i vi! s lac in la' eS V . r lu ti vi l i.s. v ! il Sa : -cc -1 11 rl i .t'tie 1 ri I.s Ii vili a ev.i e let: the ar.cii.o 'i ir - If 'I 'll's . avlu-,a--.I . n I c. i - I ii r. a K-. 1:1-1 1 i . Ira 1 11 ! . r ! i:e ir II ulH s 1 1 1 ie w 1 1 il 1 lal I l.c '. )"lt;i--, wlai ware' Iflll le-nli.iti t th.s tc J. V. I K st., 1 l.c i.'iii. law Manila I A I 1s1.11 ! I. lew . liy us ami cue ii .xi'iai.y 1 1 I cm: t. s t 1 . c a 1 R I- 1'. ST-Fi.r :i : 1 1 a 1 on v veu ue' 1 1 : 1 1 . 1 .1 1: 11.11- lev mills ill), a s t !l M :i ln:5s. .iiul 11 SI I ce-1 A,.. A. L. I. NoltH, The membtrs of the Ashevillc Liylit Infantry attended the services at Central M. E. church, South, in a liody last evening. Rev. H. F. Chrci zherg preached the sermon. Forty new overcoats, regulation pat tern, and a rpantity ol ammunition were received Saturday afternoon by the A. L. I. The company will be inspected this evening nt 8 o'clock in the armory, bv Col. J. F. Armfield, of the Fourth regi ment. A Stroke or ParalvsU. Ma). J. M. Blair was stricken with paralysis yesterday morning at his home on Church street. The paralysis extended over his entire leit side nnd also affected his power of speech. For a time his con dition was critical, but today he is im proving slowly. Waj. Illair had worked bard all day Saturday at the Southern Express company's old boss sale, as auctioneer, and this overwork brought on the paralvsis. He is attended by Dr. M. H. Fletcher. License To weS. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: J. Willie Roberts of Madison and Sallie J. Lunsford of Buncombe; white. Satuocl Reed and Ida Literal, of Bun combe; white. Henry Gilland and Alice Brackctt, of Buncombe; white. W. M. Plemmons and A. D. Wilson, of Buncombe; white. Cottolen is endorsed by French chefs and skilled teachers of cookery every where. For sale at Kroner's, who vv,,s 1 laiily ii j n e.l a i the lint nine; . tl.e W.ivsiile- Inn at 1 Iciaii rsan v il !c. was taker, te Kiii'Nvi.le Satiuilay. The Jour nal s.i m .Mr. riess is nn iii. el aial in a l.a 1 r wuv to rieoviry. lie was toi nierlv a clerk in tin: li. T..' V. .V t'. i tii.e ;.t Knoxville. A :i ictn.l ot Cereral Manner Arthur of i l.c As!nvil!cSt reet K.nii a an I com p.-m , in taiieiuc; with that cent k man 5s itut i.l a v re n i a i keil that l.c iiatl not ik ii ve re.i allot lus sptci li at tic loiiliion clali haiajlivt I'rid i lllht, hectare ot t!ie iiitciru; Lions. "I tion'i caie." M". Ai-t'-ur itpiie-.i. ood h inn. -re 1 1 , 'i was tlitir K.'ss aial not mine." Y. T. 1'iiiniinan, whnst resi.lene'e e-n South Main stieet was parti. Ilv ile strove.l liv tire Sat nriia - morning;, asks Til i: C rt'ii-:N t o ex pre ss to the nuii-oeis ot the tire ilepartimin ami all nt those who wurkeil to save his .rouitv his sincere- t lianl.s tor anil hc.arlv apprecia tion ot t lu i r eth .ri s. M r. i'e ani ii1 an a s he never saw better work at a lire. Airs. ( K'ureC Iiisietlv ilie.l this man in at S o'ch c!i at the resilience i I I e: tathei-. Wrii. R. .Ne-ilsi-n. ir. ta vcrville, '. i it eansii m pt i n. Mrs. Ktstcrlv's h.nne ' was in re-L;oii hut- sin: had hem on a , visit to relatives in I'.uneonihe tor the past three months. She' was 1". yens ohl, ,-iiiil Iraits a hus'iaial anil hvecial (In n. .Mrs. Iiasteilv was a s sier o! i .U ssi s. K. I., .iii.l C'. I.. Neil oa ot Asl e- ville. The liarial w lil occur at Wcaver i vi lie tomorrow-. ; At t lie First I'.apti. t i haicii last even , ir.v; I'.islor J. I. W ine priacl'eii to a l:ir.ce ei'i'e,'ice'.i'a..ii on t he sul .-. ct "C iirisl anil the ork i n u ma a. " hi spealeiiiL: ol ! t lie (1 1: t volt in pio ( r to cni'livc'l Mr. In t e- a llu led to the Ashe:lle Street Kail ev.-i v comp in 's noa-pa iih nt ot its em i ilo ve s lor sc vera I mo nt lis iiumc.iia te 1 y jireci-o1 1 ri its liein piacol in the hainls ot a it-eeiver, ami saal it was wiiiiil: tor t he eo in pa u y to wit'ihol.l the wats ol its or k ii l e n. An lCjeoith was nrn ai.. d ytstirda.v niani'ii at Halm l',:ove chureli. on t lie Sulphur Spi ing cueuit, alter tin: riaju'ar preaching srrvicc by Kev. J. A. Cl.i rk , t he pastor, l-'iltv-tivc persoi .s gave their namfs ns charur ineiri 1 .ers. The toMowin ( llicers were eieetcd : S. i . Hall, president; C. I,. Kiee, first vice president; Miss I.'.l ae PouTiilt rs, sce'oinl vice presi lent; Miss Tenie IVuiiriek, third vie'f-piesidcni , M. M. L,etlford, secretary; Miss Sue C.ark, trefisnri r. Pel sots who wa'teil t-ar their in a 1 in the posioilice last evening were auroved by lour o- five boys who si'tintai to think the c- rridor had been made for tl-.eir express accommodation and use as a skatinc; rink. Wl.ile this was going on pntriisot the post(jtiice had t o stand aside. Whir the boys had tinisl'cil skat ing thev turned their attention to men having on overcoats, and many of thim walked away with "Lost D.g " cards stuck on their eoats. Tlie nevr nuisance apparently broke out j-t sterday. - . I K IN il I l.lfile i nt in I r a ' in 14- I 'a item I'M left '.her 1. 1 iiuinl.rr iii a .la. call on I. nn.'r to l'c- lle)V J lit 1 W 1.1 IK .-s M i; i n. : sc .te h Ci.l.i.- ir ot" Inll-l.looilfd t-iiiiH l hese I'upi - re :o-Ti I ill iioi t e-l ati.e'k. Apply ie-tl eilliee-. niv-Od 1 w COGNAC il f.r-L ilis'il!t.rv fi-r w iti.'imi'.'uuirc ct i .(.'.' t w me in .-nt.- i n - ftffn -orlli I n.i Im;ik1 at W vi To llu all ot -il tir.r a rti :t t furs is t h i c our C"t:ii;u" ii v rt'i'':ii-f :rl th" !irt iMMt'unc f r w : t n t bt- iiiv.T i :c ' f ii tz ;i r(at I'tU'-iptT. I r nit 'ritiatiun i f prices s mi) ts wri- d"t'itlv to Mf-rs . Ready Made Clothing :o To Select From. Customers arc advised to come early before tl e a s-itment is broken. Cape coats, lixtra Long Ulsters, Chinchillas and Bcaycr Overcoats, Double Breasted Knglisli Kersey Dress Overcoats, Heavy Kiding Coats and Reefers. Anti-pneumonia underwear, sanitary wool hosiery and gloves, stylish Hats and N'eekwear. It is the present fashion to offer all merchandise at half price. We are sellfng $10 values for $"),;$L0 values for IO, $30 values for $15. Our Clothing is way ahea 1 in quality and wear longer than any other on this market. The best are t he ehea pest . Prepare for the winter. Huy our Life-Preserving I'ndcrclothing, thick suits an 1 big overcoats and you w ill be happy and live long. Whitlock Clothing House, Cor. Uajf le B ock and H ontti mala Street. Is Now Prepared to -Furnish, all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures NEW H0IT1E SEWING mflCHINES No. 20 North. Court Square. MACHINES FROIVI $20 UP. Oil, Needles Sc Parts of IVLachines Supplied MACHINES RENTED. a lav .V. Siotl (I it I'm t. N. V. nue J.lsat-t-t llrauell. W. I' Onsli. n Ave'ilUf. " K l ill. r:t 40 :. 1 .1 1 T-a ctlcilioiiii .;. II X MlsOM I I. V II llMslllll BOARDING : HOUSE il 1 I'A T I'ON A I'.M K, i-s Lha'iniiiv U c;itttl in a ;rovc f t'iKbty- thrre pities, with nuimrous u IaL.i"'.is liivv:i of two acre;, pa- il ivi' y 1." iniimtf Grand Combination Offer! The Louisville Home and Farm And The Asheville Weekly Citizen For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. (1 oaks, antl a I- U ctric ctirs ; live lninutes, wnlk l urn p' st' llice; hut and c 1 to ih . AO- li- i t liib'e :iml Re r vice 1.1 water n-jt JTdl m t A B.1ANCH GF J. 0. BENTLEY, t OI-" N. Y . AM) IMIII.ATlliLfHI , IM MI FACT U HER OF ART KEE OLE WJRK A fu'l line of Wash Hrnliroiil -ry Silks. I'i'o I-'loss, Tur.ill I-l, . Hope and lCtnbroidery Silk, Stamped C.oodp, lir.e for Scurl's. Truys, Center 1'iiee--, Cottonii anil I.ine-ns Lcksoiis ii.'ii. ART. STIC DESIGMNG AND STAM ING. AC.IINCY I-OK Til Ii 1 1 15 1.SA RTU DKliSS KI-:i-'()KM C.AXM 1-NTS. 18'- South Main Hfretl. oef.'.'llm iivtr Aston, RawN & Co. "And the Band Played Annie Rooney" DID YOU KNOW? II hi d i lint I'rlctH oil Ctinl. Tl.c Carolina Coul compnry heart ly sy m p.-it l.izf w ith all w lio arc suflcrinj: hum tlieli.irj times, and to any n-rson not j,Ij!c to buy the superior Jeliico lunii we wiil sell a ton of Coal Creek cal for $4.. To AdyerllnerB. T insure change of advei tim-ments running on rejfular contract, cupy must be handed In bv 10 oVIoflc a ro Tbe Elcctropoise cures w hen nil else fails. I'roof the testimony of North Jarolina's best citizens mailed free. Atlantic Electropofse Co., Washington, U. C. When you put down voiir carjxts this fall get your old paper at The Citizhn officeonly 20 cents per hundred. Coke! Coke! Coke ! Call on Carol inu Cool Company for rvic. Clean Co We. Eh Ul O O Eh w I o Eh Eh m c u. s. H Z K f- (- ' 2 d t- x B f- o o Eh (. 5 a j O I o Eh Eh Pk i CO PI m CO w -5 BREVARD is closincr out his larirc stock of Gents' Ready-made Clothing at Cost. Now is the time to buy BREVARD has the larsrest stock of Gents' Woolen Shirts, Drawers and Half-Hose in the city. He is offer ing Special Low Prices on all extras, large and smal sizes. BREVARD is closing out all his Gents tine Shoes at Cost and will make you lower prices in this line than any house in Ashcvn.2. JbsFc h: V i.rCJJ has the best Ladies Uollar bhoe vou ever saw, "And don't you forget it !" BREVARD has everything you want in Ladies' Dress Goods. lie only asks 7? cents for e;4 inch Storm Serge, that cost one Asheville merchant vo cents. BREVARD does not keep Ladies' Hats, but he will sel you any of his 25 and 30 cent Dress Goods for 20 cents BREVARD carries a large and well assorted line of Dress Linings, Trimmings and Fixtures. He will save you money in this department every time you go to see him. EJREVARD has Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Shawls Cloaks, Wraps , Blankets, Sheetings, Pants Goods, Ging hams, Outings, Satines, Silks, Laces, Hamburgs and al kinds of Notions. BREVARD believes "A satisfied customer is the best of advertisement." He has been here so long and treat ed them so nicely that many of his old customers would rather do without a thing than not get it from No. 11 North Main St., AshovlUe, N. C MTCNR FOR KMTinATKH. Asheville Woodworking Co. . Ivauffman, Supt. Telephone, 1G4. MO. 20 NORTH COURT NQVARB ...... COAL, : COKE, : WOOD, : KINDLINGS : AND : CHARCOAL. Try Coke in your Furnace and Range instead of Hard Coal and save $2 50 per ton. Open T FRIEND M1MNAUGH: Your offer on my entire line of Sample Wraps has been accepted. There are about 125 Jackets, ranging in. price from $4 to f 35; 25 long capes, -40 inches long, price from 7 50 to $25; 23 short capes, 32 inches long, price from f 8 to $ 28; 15 misses' reefers, from $4 to $10. Goods shipped today and will reach you early next week. They are great values. All the very latest cuts and col orings. Sizes run 32, 34 and 3G, the colors are black, navy, brown and tan. Long capes are black, only. This is the last lot I can let you have this season as we have already commenced to manufacture our spring gar ments. Hoping to get a larger order for your Buffalo house this spring, I am sincerely your friend. KRAMER. The above is a letter received from a friend in the cloak business. Most ladies are aware that samples are made better and more perfect than general stock, and al ways sold at a discount; besides there are no two alike. Anyone buying one of our samples will have the satisfac tion of knowing there will be none in Asheville like it, as this manufacturer sells no other store in town but ours, and we only get one garment of a kind. These goods will be marked at manufacturer's prices and will be the great est bargains iii the cloak line seen for years. We will be glad for parties who bought their cloaks in Chicago to coinpaie quality, styles and prices with this line. 188 garments to select from, no two alike, at manufacturer's prices, should indeed attract a crowd of purchasers at IVIimnavigrli' s , No. 11 Patton Ave., Asheville. ft. C.