icville VOLUME IX. NO 172. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER '21, 1893. PRICE 5 CENT?. THE BEST FAMILIES OF OUR TOWN AND VICINITY USE COTTOLENE. THE MOST INTELLIGENT AND PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE USE IT. KROGEH'S, 41 COLLEGE ST. New Crop Country Buckwheat Flour. GROCERIES. Ne.w Crop New Orleans Molasses and Syrup. A. D. COOPER New Crop Currants Kaisins and Citron. COP. MAIN AND N. COURT SQUARE NEW GOODS i AT CRYSTAL PALACE! Christmas good will tuoti be opened and displayed. Wait for them. A larger stock than ever. See our Vienna dinner seta for $20 and $25 this week only. Our thin, fine China teas at 83 centft per set. Our thin water torn biers at SO cents prr dozen, and the celebrated B. Sc. H. lamp, nickel plated, for $1.50. Bis Best Bargain ever of fered Also Oar Spring extensi n library lamp, with silk and linen shade, for $2.25, worth $5.25. You should not mist seeing our counter of reductions. Many things on it worth three times what wc ask for them. Do not forget that we are the largest deal ers In the State In China, Glass, Lamps, House Furnishings, etc. A fine line of ga-o ine and oil stoves, coal rasrs, hods, shovel, tongs, pokers, etc., scheap THAD. W. THRASH I CO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO. 41 PATTON AVENUE. Till-; MOVNTAIN CITV'J BON MARCHE Is Hefe To Stay I WILL OFFER ITS FINE 8TOCK OK DRY GOODS, PRESS GOODS, LADIES' AND CHILDRBN'S WRAPS CHEAP. SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO ITS SPLENDID AND COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, GENTS' FUR NISH ING9, FANCY GOODS AND ART NEEDLE WORK. EVERYTHING AT OFEATLY REDUCED PRICES, AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, MATERIAL CON SIDERED 37 S. main St. New And Seasonable Delicacies. BON MARCHE Powell&Snider REAL ESTATE V. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, Successors to Walter B. Gwjn.) ESTABLISHED 1381 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE Real Estate. Loans (securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. is daily receiving Additions to well selected stock of Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, Novelties, etc. COSTLrVND BROS.. Meal Kutate Broker Hid InveftUneut Agent NOTARY PUBLIC. I .onrts urrlv placed at 9 per cent Offices jr. . .'C Patu-n Arenac Second llloor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Furnished and Unfnrnlahed Honaea. OFFICE ROOMS. Loajii aeenrdy tilaced at Blzht per cent, G. A, GREER Block Island Boneless CodBsh G. A. GREER G. A. GREER Two pound Tablets Very Fine Alhambra Layer Raisins Large clusters New Crop Buckwheat Flour Florida Oran ges, 20 to 25c t , per dozen Attn ore's Mince Meat and Plum Pmiciini; New Crop Raisin?, Currant- nd Citron. New Catch Shore Mackerel and Kuc Herring. Try Powell 8c Snider'a New Pack Puncy Who'e Tomatoes. Fnckcd Spe cially for m. Just rec-ived a large lot 1803 lellies. Jams and Preserves. Hecker'B Buckwheat. Maple Syrup. New Orleans and Porto Kico Molnases. Our Stock if the Largest and Bent Selected we hare erer oftiered to the trade. B. H. COSBY his already Silverware, I THE Citizens of Asbevillc and visitors, the ladies! especially, arc invited to call and inspect his I i stock. His prices arc reasonable and sales-1 RELIABLE and attentive. Repairing of -watches and jewelry, a specialty. Gems and Precious I stones set by an experienced JEWELER. Wedding, Birthday and Christmas presents I to aatlsfy all taste, at price, to suit the I times. A Tew more of those beautiful en gagement rings lefc At i s 2 in .- V) . 5 e- t ?? as J s 05 W -) a. , a; 5 as . W 53 -J 5 CO At o o 27 Patton Ave. To Smokers! Members of I lie Gridiron club Express to "Ilie Ctilzeu" In Glowltiir Ttrnia Their KKImale of Aahevllle. The Gridiron club had many pleasant things to say of Asheville and her people. The sentiments given to Tub Citizen in black and white make a souvenir of their visit which will be read with interest. J.J.Noah, Denver(CoK) News: Never in all my experiences of travel for pleas ure and observation have I enjoyed my self to a greater degree than during our delightful visit to Asheville, X. C. The cordiality with which the members of the "Gridiron club" have been received, the hospitality of the worthy citizens of this mountain metropolis, the gracious nes of the ladies and the warm hearted generosity of our genial host, Mr. Mc Kissick, will be cherished ever us among the brightest and dearest of my recollec tions. God bliss Asheville and her sons and daughters ! R. J. Wynne. Cincinnati Tribune : Pay ing this my first visit to Asheville. the scenery of that place has produced an impression upon me greater than the tonic effect of its bracing air and almost over topping the hospitable kindness of its bright citizens. Never before have I seen the quiet granileurof nature's best efforts on land, suggesting an exaggerated ocean with towering wuves outlined against the sky in mountain crests. Asheville is great because the strong hnd of the Maker is visible in nil its surroundings. It will prosper. frank Hatton: Great town. Gicat climate. Never saw water that looks better. Name of town mitibt be im proved by changing to McKis sickville, but nothing would improve the good people. God did his best when he got them up. Hub Smith: Asheville (ou s country and God's people. I erry . Heath, Indianapolis sentinel: Write all that is beautiful, think all that is delightful, say all that yon may which describes testacy, and you have not ex pressed the half that should be said ot Asheville. James R. Young, Philadelphia livening Star: Asheville is a revelation to me. If I were nskcrl the question. Where should one go to view, what might be designated personification ol gr.indcur in landscape scenery r My reply would be, to the sum '-.it of Ilatterv l'atk. IN LOVE WITH ASHEVILLE d- ri"rs p""1 1i,',,T.Viut what can I sav ol themr only too little, at most; men born to sustain the well I.AT-. earned reputation of Southern hospital ity and all incased in a cover so tender that its blow has left no sear save the one my conscience recognizes of my total inability to properly express it. R. Iiowman Matthews, New Orleans Picayune: Greetings: the land of the marsh to the land of the sky; t he cv press to the pine; the pelican to the eagle of the mountains! All hail, and fare well to Asheville, but not forever, I hope, for who conies once will come again. F. A. G. Handy, New Orleans Times Democrat: Asheville, rare ville! Way up on the mountain, oh! Arthur W. Dunn, Associated Press, Washington: North Carolina moun tains; Asheville hospitality; good fellow ship and the Gridiron club. We have enjoyed all, and a beautiful day is in the memory of all. Ii. It. Ilav: This place should be eal ed "Heart's Delight." Its situation among hills and mountains, its health giving air, its never-tiring pictures of Natiuc's making show that it should be the home for God's chosen people. R. M. Larner, Charleston News and Courier: What do I think of Asheville ? It would take columns to tell vou what I think of this wide-awake and beautiful city. The progrcssiveness of its people, and the beauty of the surrounding; country is greater than I can express in a few lines. To quote an expression of a lady in our parly as we drove over "Iteaumont Ridire:" "My eyes are open, but my lips are closed in wonder ment." ohn S. Shriter, Mail and Express, New York: What do I think of Ashe ville? What is there left to think ? You have all done so much and filled our time so full that I have but one thought and that will remain with me always; it is that next to heaven the "Iand of the Skv" would, (torn choice, be my future home. Frank H. Hosfoid, Detroit Free Press: What do I think ot our reception in Asheville? What should I think? I wish that I could fittingly express all that I willingly would ir: prais-e of the climate, the enterprise, and the hospital ity of Asheville. Hut I cannot. It is ton bin a contract. I capitulate, and would gladly recapitulate. FREE COINAGE MEASURE iii.anij wii.i, iNTHitiircr: om? in conuui:ss. lie HftvH riicre Is Mlti I iirli v I or Silver II Htprest u Mvi h Are To Ite llelleved lit Wlint Tliev -tll iiliii. Washington, Nov. Ul. The indica tions are that the free coinage light will be renewed, or rather increased in vigcr, at the opening of the regular session of Congress. Chairman Bland of the com mittee on coinage, weights anil meas ures is preparing a bill which he, as t be leader of the free coinage men, will introduce at the op.'i.ing of the next ses- It is declared bv Mr. Iilaud to be his intention lo afford no loophole of escape r those Democratic congressmen who ve talked for free coinage to the con stituents at home, but voted against it on a plausible pretext when the matter came up for consideration in the House' It v i eference to a carefully prepared list. M r. Itland declares that there is a clear majority for lice coinage in the house of epiesentatiyis il their private declara tions to him elurip - the extra scssiem are to be relied upon, and ho purposes now to bring these gentlemen to the enteral test. The measure which Chairman Iilaud will introduce at the 01 cuing ol" the ses sion is substantially a re-enact ill" lit eil the law of January IS, 1S,'!7. It i-i the pinion ot the saver nun that a bill re- enacting; this law will command greater strength and afford less opportunity lor vision than any etlicr ineasuie which could possibly be presented. IN EARTHQUAKE RUINS IlOrtSlCS TI'MBLG AHOII r A teittla Town Complete ly troied Willi Immense I.ohh Of I.lfu A Great Flood To Acid To Tlit IHtitreNM 1 i .... n -i l... i. ie.iimu wc mam. I lie inj,iiai- . .. i .1- 1, IV,,.,, tv of As hcv lie s on the mini: gen-' - . 1 r ..I , l -I crous scale as its splcnrnl nioun- misucu iny an carinquaKe eicceuitu tain scenci v and its lastly lamuin Friday at Kuchan, in the northern part ntmospbeic. Mr. Yanderbilt has natur-! of tlu. .m)villc, of Khorassan and the .i i town was completely destroyed. The DRUGGISTS, THE AMERICAN BAKERY HAS A I VERY HANDSOME LINK OF CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CI3ARETTB3. DON'T 1 FAIL TO COMB AND SBB V8 ! rbmbmber; we are serving prbsh oysters in our parlors until 12 o'clok. at night. open aptbr o'clock sundays. oysters 8BRVBD IN ANY STYLE. The American Bakery 18 COURT SQUAKE, TBLIPBOMB NO. 174. PATTON AYE. AND CHURCH ST. Jl'.T RECBIVBll COil I UHTE LINK Turkish Towels Bath Sponges Bath Brushes Bath Gloves NOTICBOim WINDOW. Patent Medicine Cat Prices ! Asentfor HUYLBR'S CANDY." ally adopted his dimensions of house and vard m order to entertain at the pace the town sets. But he will encounter his greatest difficulty when he attempts o quality of entertainment commensurate with size, teir it will require consulcrab e intercourse with It'ir.combe people to make his house really worth coming thousands of miles to visit.. I should ad vise bim, if he really wants to enjoy life and popularize his place, to put the mat ti r entirely in the hands tf the gentlemen who g ive the Gridiron club such rnjoy ment. I shall put nil mv friends under obligations to me by warmly recom mending the Land of the Skv as the great physical, mental and moral cure-all. Henrv Litchfield West, Washington Post : Like the beautiful mountain!, that stretch in purple ridges as far as the eve can reach, the hospitality of Asheville is bounded only by the sky. No city is more picturesquely situated, its climate is bracing enough to bring the ehad back to life and its water is so pure that it makes a man willing to swear oil whiskey forever. Win, lid wards Anniu, Salt Lake Tiih- une: A charming little citv in the iiusoin of the everlasting hills, a home of culture and refinement, a retreat where weari ness may obtain rest, a resort were na ture and society together combine to affeird pleasure to satiety. Its sunshine and its shadows its river and valley, its encircling battlements ejf Titanic up heaval ma!:e it bevond question the gem city of the Continent east et the Rockies O. (). Stealey, Louisville Courier Jour nal: Kvervonc will say something about the delightful mountain rcseirt and the mild wild air of Asheville, ami how cordial and genial areits inhabitants and this sentiment will be adopted unani mously, and if need be with a rising veite of the guests. Asheville is a beautiful place antl it surely must be a healthy place, though I counted seven doctor's signs on the principal street of the town yesterday. 1 should judge that Asheville is no place to make moncv. but a good place to leave money. I hat is why a man has not got much business in Ashe ville without be comes as a dead head or a G. W. V. It can truly be said of the latter that he is monarch of all he sur veys, at least north of the town. Ashe ville has a number ot bright smart men anil at the dinner Fridav night thev held their owii bravely against the assaults of the connuerini; heroes of many a fes tive board. 1 he ladies nre the fairest or the fair biiiiht sunbeams, with the moun tain dew of the Suimv South. Cod bless the land of cotton, cinnamon seed and sanely bottom. Edward Vt . Marrett, Atlanta Consti tution: Asheville is not only a prosper ous and enterprising city, it is decidedly the most charming and delightful nll-the year-round resort in the entire South. Its people nre its cuiei attraction; its climate and beauty are s. condary to them. 1 shall be with you again aud often, 1 hope. Francis E. Lcupp, New York Evening Post: "Mattery, " in its etymological sense, is something that beats. Battery Park beats all other parks. Asheville takes its cue and beats all other villes; and if I had a hundred friends to place some where for the best union of health and happiness, 1 should bunk 'em all in Bun combe. li. J. Gibson, Philadelphia Press : Ashe ville is the prettiest town I have seen in the South, and the views, mountain and otherwise, aie the equal of any in the United States. It is a place that one leaves with regret. Geo. H. Apperson, Chicago Herald: Asheville with its magnificent scenery, its delightful climate and most charming people is one of the favored spots in all the beautiful southland, and it must 'iccome the ideal American home of ease, elegance, wealth and culture. D. G. Pleiffer: How did my visit to Asheville strike me. did you say ? Well, it strikes me likes a club stuffed with feast ing, wines, drives, scenery, buildings great and small, simple and. magnificent, hotel elegnnt, host perfection, mountains loss of life was immense. Great crev usses opened in the earth, threiugh which water flowed in torrents, causing tl.e Atrcck river to overfl.jw it batiks. The lertile region around the citv was inuti- dateel and large eanlcns and extensive vineyards weic swept out ot existence. The people had no chance to save any thing. I he largest houses in town, in eluded the residence of the governor, were almost instantly toppled over, crushintr hundreds of people to death. The town had a population of bet ween 20,000 and L'.i.IK O persons, and it is thought that at least 1,000 perished. Many tiers ins were carried away by the 11 ooel that floweel down the valley. i.i-:hk;ii iiicii l i' (rows Tlif Hlrlke on Tbn: Koud More Herlims. Bi Fi ai.o, N. Y., Nov. "1 Ti up tight with prospects ot trou ble ahead. That is the situation the Lehigh strike today. Freight cannot be moved freim the Iv ist Buffalo yards, anel the chances are that none will be moved for some time Ai.lentown, I'enn.. Nov. 21 The sit nation here is growing more serious Mail, express and passenger trains are running very much behind time. Tin i ' is trouble to get them bevond the Lcbih division. Only local freights are run ning. No through westet n or New York freight is being received or shipped from here. Wilkksiiahki:, Penn.. Nov. 21. At noon today the general committee sent the following telegram to the officers ot ill branches of the railroad trainmen organization between here and Buffalo Wilkesbirre lodae sends erecting. We stand as one man trom Buffalo to Mauch Chunk." MIX PUKISHKU A (I'KKK TOWN. Camphoriine CURB S CHAPPED HANDS ! ROUGH SKIN ! After Saiiiii! "(loon Nir.H'i' t'se Caruphorliil- Camjirtoriitie- has lie conic such a household remedy lor all kinds t t rouKb sk n and chapped liandu th-it wc beg only to call your atte-nti-. n to it during this t be lt Kid .Mot 5-ve-ii Have Head To It. To l.i no, ()., Nov. 21. A startling cut. ition of affairs has been brought to light in this eit v by the board of revision. The report of their iuvestigati hi of the var ious municipal depai tin: tit s d:s -!oi s the ict that each eity elepat tmei.t has been conducted in a maiuv.T satis factory to its el, ict. CoMectioi'S have been turned into the city In usury enly whet ever the custodial. s of the various fund saw lit. No r. e i ril of receipts r elisbui scmeuts i xi-ts whereby to ascertain the amount o! ti c 'cikuge. which, it is claimed . lnse. i.- l-d lor ears. Many tif the citv officials lave bca in the habit of paving t lictn-e ! ves t le i - own salaries and depositing ih eitv !to:!s to their own pers mal ered:t i'i various banks. The board claims ta. it the loss to t! e citv through the make slnlt nietho-.s in vogue has been humhctlsol thou- dollars annually. A eitv com will be appointed and "'gi'l in' lions follejw. cold eptll of winter. It is no less useful after shavlnfr, especially w here the skia is tender or inclined to be sore. 'l'be citv barbers have found thin out and it can now be found at most e,r tie shops. It has become so popular that others have tried to imitate it, not only in nacre, lint appearanec and pri : pertie s. Wc have tucceelc'd in yetting the coined word "Cam phorlioe," trade marked by the covcrninen t at WAhinyton, so that w can now protect 0'ir rights. The penuinc ni.iy tie known by an unbroken se.-e'. It can he found el t nearly all the drug st or. s i a he c t v, n a- by the manul'actur- oiler iva- m.ouivi-'t repor r. Si cre'nri Cri Nliain Make H H 1'nli- lie ftevens' Had Juttum""!. ASiu.NOTeiN, Nov. 21 Sccictarv resbam dceMed yesterday to make pub lic all thi ceil r Siiouilei.ee and the r port f Jas. II. Blount, the sp-cial commis si mcr sent to Hawaii nv rresulent Cleveland to investigate the causes which r'elhroned (lacen L'ltoiiKalam and the est nhlNhmcut of the provisional govcrnin att. Theie is little in the re port not t oreh -ulowcd liv tiresliam s icttcr to the President. He gives one characteristic incident of Minister Stev ens' communication with him. Mr. Blount sties Minister Steves called upon him with W. G. S nith, who represented that the withdrawal ot the I tilted Slates marine s meant that t he Japanese would land troops fieirn a m in ot war in the ti ,rhor. 1 he American minister expressed his Belie I in the state ment. The Japanese eomuiissioncr put a stop to tin sc rumors bv hiving the vessel ori'e id .away. Other prcilie lions ot Stevens fell to the ground in the same way. KOHIit.it 1-' A KM I KS . e-nt- pe-r bottle faysop St Smith, 'RliS.'KtpTlllN Ukl'lUJlSTS, :il PeTTON AVRNTK. tPN tVEMUGS UTlL KUViW 1,'CLOCK. Ituriiiuie of Boardlnic House Full of Hen. BiiAVHK, Ptnn., Nov. '41. livery room of the Merrill house, a frame building built to accommodate employes at tLe new government dam, was occupeel last night, and at 4:30 this morning fire was discovered by the colored porter, who gave the alarm by running to the second and third floors, screaming "fire." Many of the men were sli-eping; soundly and when aroused lost ull presence of mind and wandered through the hall way unable to find a means to escape. Six are known to have perished. Till-: ENIiLISM U4LE. uld iiuiiiter lulvi- 'i tin in to I rat it lt..lll!ili . Ml Mi'ius. Tenii., N iv. 2 1 .Yesterday the Oliphant. Ark., train robbery mys tery was Mil veil and at noon today nil who participated in tlieciime were behind tbebais Dcainions nind Arnett, two suspects conlineil in the Arkansas peni tentiary tit Little Kock for safe kee ping, were identified yesterday. This will Icael to the eaptu e of the ol her five mem bers of the g;ing. Suspicion has rested upon these men since the robbery occurred. out not until yesterday, when liraeiy was identified, did suspicion seem beyond dispute. A telegram received last night savs I bat the five other robbers arc still at large, but were surrounded near Winslow, Ark., by a posse of deputy marshals, and their capture is only a ijuestion of time. I lie ro oners were Tanners anil ine members of respectable families of Pen ton county. All were married ami weie fathers of children. $20 IN GOLD ! Absolutely Given Away ! i ? 'fir -J $! 4- I have placed on exhibition in my store a heavy plate k'uss motley hu coiituiilillf; tfi Jo in ;old. I will ive one key with every cash purchase of L'3 cents or more. One key in ttc lot will unlock the box. On and after Pebruury 1. ISO-!-, parties holding keys will be et.titlcd to try them. To the person hold inn the key that fits the box the contents will I e caven without reserve'or conditions. Kcjs wia n; t be noticed mil ss attached to the original trig. I'lcasc-Jenve keys at store after trying them. MITCHELL Men's (Intliiter, l ffcrelarv ItUNk Head. Yikooi a, Wis., Nov. 21. Ux-Govcrii' Rusk died here at S o elock this morn ing. AlierYlie Ftot. Hm xswu K. I, a., Nov. 21 1 wo catcs ol yellow fever developed here today. COSLUSShU TIZLLGKA MS. II Huh HuhHlded at l.al After Doliiit ureal Dainaice. London. Nov. 21. Telegrams received today show that the terrible gale which has raged here since Krielay last, and which has caused great loss of l fe aud nJoucrty has subsided. Trnflic has been resumed in the English channel. Yessels are arriving at many ports. Their crews all tell terrible tales ot their experience while at sed. Lite boats continue to ar rive at their stations bringing portions of crews of wrecked vessels who were taken out of the rigging of their vessels or picked up in drifting boats. A Itiriiitnktiam Huburl) Ilnnilii IE. Birmingham, Ala , Nov. 21. At this hour (2:20 a. m.) Joncsville, a thriving suburb ol this city, is on fire. A dozen costly villas arc in ashes, others are on fire and the wind blowing 50 miles an hour. The damage, if the wind contin ues, will reach at least $800,000. l'rot. W . t . Keith, tx-pnncipal ot me of Hot Springs' (Ark. I public schoi Is, has been arrested tor arson. lie is charged with burning the building over which he formerly presided. The dispensary law was given a black eve in Charleston, S. C, yesterday when the grand jury returned "not true bills in four cases ot alleged violation. A meeting ol the lull Wavs and Means committee has been called for next Mon day and it is thoueht the new taritt bill be given out that day. Assistant Secretary of War Grant savs that Lis resignation will be ac cepted to take effect the inidelleof Pcccm her. The liir reunion of Confederate vetcr ans w ill take place in Birmingham April 25th nnd 20th. Ozirk and Willard hotels at Hot Springs, Ark., burned yesterday. Columbian half dollars have been counterfeited to a great extent. The South Carolina railway has been ordered to sale on April 12th. S PATTON AVENUE. J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orders intrusted to my care will receive prompt and personal attention. Quality of work and material guaran teed . ORDERS SOUCITI!. TELEPHONE 170. auK7d3ra 4.3 COLLEGE ST. 34-Years' KaKperience-34 MILTON JEXA.RJ9IJXG CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, "Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKET STREET. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE VERY WOKK, CHURCH STREET. TELEPHONE 70

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