Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME XX. NO. 188. ASHEVILIiE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. Housekeepers ! When the Recipe Calls for RAISINS. CURRANTS. CITRON, &C. Remember that we have the best, and that prices are always right at our store. KROGER DoYouWanttOiKnow WHEKB YOU CAN GET A NICK Christmas Present For your father, I ither or son, in a line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES, and where you may bay them ? Oo to BLOMBERG'S and look over his stock. MEERSCHAUM PIPB9 AND CIGAR HOLDERS. A molt attractive line of French Briarwood Pipe of all the latest designs. Also a. handsome line of Leather Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Look ont for this space next week. MODEL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVENUE. ASHEVILLE. CORTNDBRQSy RRAL ESTATE BROKERS. INVESTMENT AGENTS. NOTARY PUBLIC " Loans Securely placed at S per cent. Offices 215 ck 26 Fatton Ave., up stairs I BUY DECEMBER, The Last Month of t be Year. We Mutt .Vow Turn Our Atteution to CHRISTMAS Not forftettloB this festive occasion. We C H RI ST-rvI a. Q SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT wish one and all a happy time and would be pleased to furnish you the necessary eat ables in order that you may have it. Weshall be fully prepared to do justice to the 11NER MAN." And bavins taken into consideration the stringency of the money market will try to do justice to the OUTER MAN. Vorth Side of Court Square. A. D. COOPER, The Very Beat ERTRBliES Afforded by the - - - -- Markets of the World 4 1 OFFKR THEM AT ftBflSOrlflBLiH PROFITS G. A. Greer, TELE HONE 136. : 28 NOTRH sUIH BON 1VIARCHE Is Hefe To Stay I WILL OFFER ITS FINE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WRAPS CHEAP. SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO ITS SPLENDID AND COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, GENTS' FUR NISHINGS, FANCY GOODS AND ART NEEDLE WORK. EVERYTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ASCHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, MATERIAL CONSIDERED. 37 S. main St. BON 1VIARCHE B. H. COSBY a daily receiving Additions to his olready well selected stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Novelties, etc. THE Citizens of Asheville and visitors, the ladies especially, are invited to call and inspect his stock. His prices are reasonable and sales- RELIABLE and attentive. Repairing of watches and jewelry, a specialty. Gems and Precious stones set by an experienced JEWELER. Wedding, Birthday and Christmas presents to satisfy all tastes at prices to suit the times. A few more of those beautiful en gagement rings left at 27 Patton Ave. Is almost here, and we are ready for it, with the finest stock of presents ever shown in Asheville. Come aud see. Don't be lured elsewhere. We wish to ask all the little girls to come in and see our dollies, with natural human hair, very long. It can be knotted and twisted up like your own. Prices $1 to $430. All very fine and pretty. CUT G-LASS We assert that there is not a stock of cut glass between Washington and North Caro lina half so large and handsome as ours. The berrv bowls are exquisite frcm 10 to $25. THAD. W. THRASH I GO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO. 41 PATTON AVENUE- BREAD Made From OBELISK FLOUR With COTTOLENE Stands Unequalled IPURITYJ Do not endanger your health by using; cheap Flour and Lard. Powell & Snider. J. M.. HESTON No. 26 South Main Street AGENT FOB TBI S1LI Of HUYLER'S CANDIES For the holiday trade we will have a full stock of 1, 2, 3 6 pound boxes and fancy baskets. d. M. HESTON. r. -Fall stoafc of toy at lowest prists. e us 5 02 so o ' ef o o to as CO z O CC CO tq w o s- e- , CO h O O S o ' . S 3 2 5s 2 SS o s g s 3 . M S - 2 ta K 5 53 ti O e. u j ; t j 5 .J - H U i-. B3 -j q CO ft, oi O & o o CO Ci O o K Q o AVOR PATOVI REPORT TO THE BOARD. Figures that stmow Ibe work or tlie Present Admlolalratlou Since 11 Came xtmto Power Bna lueai Before tlie Board There was a very small attendance of outsiders upon tbe meeting of tbe Board of Aldermen yesterday afternoon. The meeting, however, was. by reason of the matters placed before it, one of tbe most important the Board has beld. Mayor Patton did what has probably never been done heretofore, at least it has never been so thoroughly done he submitted a semi-annual report, full of figures so arranged as to be easily comprehensible to every person who might read them in report shows tbe exact situation in all branches of tbe city rc vernment. Aldermen Jones and J. M. Gudger were absent from tbe meeting. As soon as it opened action was taken concerning tbe death of ex-Alderman J. Ham p. McDow ell, resolutions being adopted on motion of Mr. Starnes testifying to the hich personal worth and integrity of charac ter of the deceased, and that the Board would ro to the funeral in a body. The question of damages to the prop erty ol John VV. Starnes on Water street was re-relerred to the street committee. Tbe billiard table license ot C. B. Mclntire was transferred to W. B. Kean. Mayor Patton was instructed to have Treasurer J. E. Rankin, if possible, g;o to New York to make necessary arrange ments concerning the January interest on the city's bonds. Building permits: Asheville Street Railroad company, corrugated iron building on Valley street; J. D. Penland, 5-room bouse on Soutbside avenue, two 3-roora houses on Beaumont street, two 3-room houses on Riverside drive. W. F. Randolph made a report of his work in the search in the vicinity of Paint Rock for Ling Gun. Tne Major's Report, The first portion of the report submit ted by Mayor Patton is a statement of the city's floating indebtedness, which is placed at $65,876.49. This was asked for by the Board some item is put down with the debt. Regarding to F. S Taquith the Mavor savs: "This claim t$50l)J is based on what appears to be a tact that 5uO was reserved from P. M. B. Younar. subit-ct to settlement between hint anl Jaquith. The evidence is, however, plain that Y'oung was over paid for his contract without taking into consideration the sum to be re served, and moreover that no final settle ment has been made between Young and laquith." The Mavor sucirests. in view of the condition of affairs, as he states them, the issue of funding bonds which shall mature in ten years, and have attached coupons becoming due each half year, at 6 per cent, interest, and that these bonds be excha,.ed at par for the debts named, the city reserving the right to pay anv portion of such bonds as it may wish at the enu ot any half year. He thinks such an arrange ment would be satisfactory to a major ity of the creditors. Facta aud Figures. The Mayor then began bis report proper of the work that baa been done in thevarious departments since the 19th of May, 1893. On this date there was in the sewer and water fund a balance of $20,986.49. of which was paid on con tracts ot the former administration $20,268 78, of this administration $717.71. The street improvement '"tit! amounted to $31.090 43; cash from various sources, $557.68, a total ot $31,648.11. This has been expended: On contracts existing prior to Mav 19, $24,330.96; subsequent to that date, $7,317.15. The sinking fund has received Irnra street assessments $2 C 30. The general fund had cash on band when this administration came in amounting to $1,75S 57. Since then the receipts have been as follows: Miscellaneous sources.. $ Street department 1 8.f5 Sanitary department 1.C44 7(1 lice uepurtmt nr time ago. Kach a description oi the indebtedness Water detfirment Prison department City scales... I am. nguiar. special . street B" N. A. Reynolds, taxes '92 ii U ab- Heiiutsli & Reagan DRUGGISTS PATTON AVENUE & CHURCH STREET. Selling Agents for Asheville of the Celebrated Ws will take special orders for 3 and 6 pound boxes for the holi days until Dec. 10. Call at once and place your oracr. Heinitsfi & Reagan 4,820 ie .75 213.41 25.920 35 U.561 HO Total $46,6M7.U1 The disbursements are as follows: street department Sanitary depurtment.... ........ ft.iice aepHrt" ent Fire department , Wter department Prison department City hU Market houe Street llgh Inif official t-alar es Miceltan oua accounts Scoot committee 2 C69.23 2.M30.7") 3.661 7 1.116.19 3.07H 23 S5U 2 -OS" B09.S6 ?o.6a "797. lO Kfio 27 1.U14.92 lector s CO'nmi,sion Gift 41 Debts contracted p'ior .May 19... 2 !I4 3 Interest and coupon? Vr.77 18 .$.t67.92 3,619. 99 DVNAHITE IN PARIS! Cbam- A. Fatal Exploilon In tbe ber of Depntle. Paris, Dec. 9., 4 p. m. It is announced that a dynamite bomb has been exploded in the Chamber of Deputies and it is added that two Deputies and one attend ant were killed by the explosion. A later report says that one or more deputies have been killed or injured. MR. N'OOWELL'S FVNEBAL. Servlcea at tbe Flrat Presbyte rian Cbarcta Todar. The funeral services of the late J. Ilatnp. McDowell were held this morn ing at the First Presbyterian church, and were attended by a large concourse of the relatives and friends of the deceased. The casket inclosing the remains was borne to the chancel of the church by the following gentlemen: George S. Powell, Robert A. Long. John P. Kerr, Ben. H Cosby, W. Ridgeley Penniman and Charles D. Clarke. When the funeral cortege had been seated the choir com posed of Mrs. T. E. Linn, Mrs. E. E. Eagan, Mrs. L. P. McLoud, George R. Collins, T. E. Clayton, L. P. McLoud and T. A. Jones, sang the hymn "It is Not Death to Die." The organist was Miss Comstock. Rev. L. H. Baldwin, pastor of South side Presbyterian church, read the Scrip tures beginning, "I am the resurrection and the life;" and in a prayer besought the Giver of Lile for comfort for the sor rowing hearts bowed before Him. An impressive sermon was preached by Rev. II. M. Parker, whose comforting and touching discourse directed the stricken hearts to the contemplation of a God of infinite love, working out His mysterious plan of lite in infinite wisdom. The solemn service was concluded in the singing of "Nearer. My God.toThee." Pisgah Lodge Knights of Fythias, a delegation Irom the Royal Arcanum, and tbe Board of Aldermen of the city attended the church services. Tbe interment was at Riverside. The Board of Aldermen held a special meeting at 12 o'clock today and adopted resolutions which gave expression to tbe high opinion the members ot the Boat d had of Mr. McDowell, both as a citizen and a city official. WORLD'S FAIR BtJILBINGB. Tbe Ferris Wheel Goes to Mew York. Cuicaoo, Dec. 9. The fate of the crumbling palaces in Jackson Park is practically settled. Ther will soon pass from the hands of the World's Fair direc tors into tbe hands of the South Park commissioners, to be torn down as fast as tbe buildings can be sold. It is understood that the World s rair board will pay tbe Hark commissioners $200,000, perhaps $250,000, and aban don Jackson Park as it is today. The park board will assume the responsibility of getting rid of tbe buildings, and re storing the park to good condition. The sum named is not paid as damages, but to compensate the guardians of the park for their trouble in removing the build ings. 1 he management of the I-erris wheel bas decided to move the revolving won der to New York, and maintain it there as a permanent attraction. THIS GRIP. WILL BE AN INCOME TAX THAT MOW IEF.MI CERTAIN, PRETTY Total Bal. ia treasurer s bands.., Tbe Depan meuis, Of the expenditure in the street depart ment Mayor Patton says: "This has accomplished great improvements to many streets and sidewalks, and at tbe same time has provided work to many laborers who would otherwise have been unemployed. A considerable portion of it has been paid back into the city treas ury as taxes by persons wbo could not have paid their taxes unless so employed. For these reasons and in view of the suf fering condition of our laborers. I strongly recommend that as large an ex penditure be made on tbisdepartment as can possibly be devoted to it." "1 be sanitary department,' says the report, "has been efficiently conducted by the Board ot Health, tbe members ot which have given their time and at ten tion unrewarded. They deserve the thanks of tbe communitv. Tbe clean and healthy condition of tbe city has been the subject of congratulation and general remark. "The officers of the police department deserve commendation tor tbeir faithful performance of duty. The citv baa been quiet and orderly, as a generpl thing. "The water department I conceive to be tbe tnoit important o w ot the itv. I am satisfied that it could readily be leased for a sufficient sum to pay the inter est on its cost, but I hope that nothing uf tbis kind will ever be considered as among tbe possibilities of tbe future Tbe city sbonld always own and control its own water works." Tbe fire department is considered as (Contiaomd om Ajtm tM usr)' Indications Point to Anotber General Vlaltatlon. Washington, Dec. 9. There is reason to believe that this country is again threatened with an epidemic of the grip. the disease which caused so much dis tress and so many deaths when it visited this country two years ago. Physicians in Washington, who rave been puzzled during the last week at many cases of sickness which ther have been unable to explain. have concluded that it is a revisitation of the grip. Their theory is borne out by the statement of Ssurgeon-Gencral y man, of the Marine hospital service, who said that the reports sent to him weekly by the representatives of the service are united in the announcement that tbe grip is making its reappearance, and points along the Atlantic coast appear to be particularly attacked. DIED OF HYDROPHOBIA. Woman Dies From at Bite eelveel Last August. Parkersbcbg, W. Va., Dec. 8. While attending a camp meeting at Marvin Grove, in August last. Miss Annie Chat, ter was bitten by a dog owned by ex- Sheriff Kesier. Tbe next day the dog was killed and Miss Chatter paid but little attention to her wound, which soon healed. On Sunday she was taken iolentlv ill. Hydrophobia developed. and she died in terrible agony on Mon day morning. GOES TO PRISON. Tbere Will Be No Increase la tbe Tax on Whisker For ibe Rea son Tbai It Would Fall lo Give Relief In Time. Washington, Dec. U. Apparently a settled fact, so far as the Democratic members of the Ways and Means com suttee are concerned is that there will be no increase in tbe whiskey tax. The members of the committee believe the trost would be the greatest beneficiary of the tax, and moreover it would a long period before the government would secure any substantial results from the increase if it were made. The committee has practically decided that the deficiency in revenues must be secured from a tax on incomes, not alone on corporations. but upon individuals as well. It is not certain that they will so report, but thev are satisfied that tbe majority of the House Democrats will insist upon such a tax and that it will ultimately be adopted. SAME OLD HTORY. All Unlet At Honolulu, Xbe Cable Hays. Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 9. Advices from Auckland, N. Z., state that the steamer Monowai has arrived there and reports the provisional government of Hawaii still in power up to November 24th. Copyrighted 1803 by the Associated Press. Auckland, N. Z., Dec. 3. The steamer Monowai has arrived here. She left Honolulu on November 24. All was quiet there. The news that President Cleveland intended to restore the Queen caused great excitement. It was discusssed by excited knots of people on the streets, and was generally con demn-d. A rumor was nuhlished in the Honolulu papers that the Queen was not willing to accept a restoration unless she was assured of the armed support ol the United States. The Hawaiian Ga zette of November 24 says: "In the meantime tbe monarchy is not restored and will not be unless Uy the armed forces of the United States whose forces must then contine to support the ex-Queen. There may be small differ ences in the ranks of the party of reform, but we are today more united and deter mined on the main issue than ever be fore. Let every reformer put aside all other and minor things. As surely as there is an eternal justice overuling the affairs of men, so surely will the gross outrage proposed to be done in Hawaii fail of its purpose." Minister Willis recently said to the Associated Press acent at Hawaii: "Any trouble precipitated on either side will be stopped at once by the United States forces." NONE TO REPROACH. ibe Deatb of Rev. J. J White, "Marvlnit Minister. New York, Dec. 9. Rev. I. J. White, better known ns tbe marrying minister, is dead at bis home in Brooklyn, of a paralytic stroke. Dominie White whs born in Ohio seventy-six year9 ago. He was for many years an itinerant preacher in the West. " It was not until after he had settled in the Eastern district that Kev. White be came known as the marrying minister. He does not know the exact number of couples that he had started on tbe matrimonial road, but he said only a few weeks ago that he thought the num ber was over 7.000, and of these 14,000 people," he added, "many have come back to thank me, but none have ever returned to reproach me." EMERGENCY NOTES, state Bank Issues ol Panic Day a In Tbe Houlh, Washington, Dec. 9. The House com mittee on banking and currency today reported a substitute for the Brawley bill intended to exempt from taxation the issue of notes put out by certain banks, mostly in the South, during tbe late stringency. The substitute bill sus pends the operation of the taxing act so far as it relates to notes issued between August and October 15, 1893; provided that the bill shall not suspend the op. ra tion of the existing law on any such I notes paid out ana circulated after the first of next January. Bl'LETT WILL CAME. An Early Pardon Probably A walla Him. Nashville, Pec. 9. In the United States Circuit court yesterday afternoon Judge Sage sentenced Frank Porterfield to 10 years' imprisonment in tbe Kings county prison. New York, for violating the National bank act. Porterfield was one of the most promi nent citizens of Nashville. 52 years old and a prominent church member, of high aocial standing. Mra. Pomerov Will Not Luxuriate In Thai fj,ooo,ooo, Duluth, Minn., Dec. 9. In the I'ro- bate court today the decision in the long- fought Hulett will contest was filed. It favors the heirs, and is against Mrs. Pomeroy, who claimed the estate by reason of an alleged civil marriage. Mrs, Pomeroy's documents by the decision are inferentially declared forgeries. Sheisa niece of the late W. K. Rogers, who wa9 private secretary to President Hayes. X be estate is valued at $5,000,000. WANTS DAMAGES. RAYSOR & SMITH'S HOT SODfl. ON AND AFTI-R TODAY (DEC. 5) WE WILL SERVE OUR DELICIOUS HOT DRINKS CONSISTING OF HOT COFFEE. HOT CHOCOLATE, ARMOUR'S BOHLLON, CLABI BOUILLON, ETC. STOP IN AND TRY IT. CUT PRICES ON PATENT MED1- CINES. Prescriptions properly filled and reasonably priced. raysoi & Smith, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, 31 PATTON AVENUE. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL ELEVEN O'CLOCK. For the HOLIDAYS NECKGEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, MUFFLERS, SILK UMBRELLAS, SUSPENDERS, MONARCH SHIRTS, KNOX HATS, &c, &c. MITCHELL, 28 Patton Ave.. AsheviliA. Tbree Lives for One. Selma, Ala.' Dec. 9. News reached Selma last evening that a third lynching had taken place in Dallas countv within tbe last tbree days, the outcome of the assault on Reuben F. Smith at Herlin Monday night. Joe Oivhan, implicated in the robbery, was captured Friday morning and banged. This is the last of the band. Young Smith is not ex pected to live. And Ibe Sherman Law Repealed. MEW XOEK, Dec. 9. K. vi. Dun & to. s weekly review of trade says: "Trade of all kinds is waiting. There is no visa ble improvement and on the whole tbe indications are a little lesa satisfactory than they were a week ago." Cltr Biicls. A number of friends of the Asheville Female college attended an enjoyable musicale at tbe college last evening. A. D. Neilson is suffering from an at I tack of pneumonia at bia home on Wood a stiwti Peculiar Conrae of itie Richmond, Kv., Aniborltlea. Richmond, Ky., Dec. 9. Mack Hamil ton, a butcher who sells meat Irom a wagon, going daily through the streets, has brought suit against thecitvof Rich mond for $5,000 damages for talsearrcst and fines. Hi has offered to pay the re quired yearly license, but the authorities have declined to accept it, as it is only $25. They prefer $1 day, which he has several times refused to pay, the result being arrest and tine. COXDEXSED TELEGRAMS. President Cleveland has affixed his signature to the resolution to provide for additional deputy internal revenue collectors to carry out the provisions of tbe Chinese exclusion act. The old employes ot the Lehigh Valley railroad company who went out on strike are gradually being taken back to work. H. E. Huntington has been elected president of the Central Pacific Rail road to succeed tbe late Senator Stan forel. WE OFFKR THE COMPLIMENTS 6F THE SEASON TO THE PEOPLE WHO BAT The fact of the businen is we are fixed to do better than merely shake hands in holi day congratulations and wish you well; we satisfy that hungry inner man and keen him well. Each man and boy of our staff for the nrxt three weeks will only think of your happiness and whether turkey or plainer meats will best promote year enjoyment. Come over and see us; the display of really good food will make yon glad that you're alive. W. M. HIKX CO., City Market. J0HNCHILD Ref state- Pumlsbed and Unfurnished Hoases. Office Rooms; loans securely placed at 8 per cent. rilY TBI MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY TMB TERf BSaiWOI CHUKCH STREET, TIUPHONI 70