s SSatunlaj Evening, December 9, 1893. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER ? "Mothers' .99 mm mm mm m. A;-..-,t :." lure, Lcsitns J);mii"-r, r.:ul K!, iw.iv. Ual'Or. " lly v;ifo EUiTorcd nioro In ten iuinut?a her other children thaa ftho Ui ;-.'J r.-othor v.'lth lior lost, utter !'av:n.- ttr.e.i yr bottles cf MOTHSU'S Faii'-'iiV .73 o customer. Ulnuuilso.'I DAI.;:, Mrusjbt, ar:ui, 1U. Son by cvpror : on ri-'Cjint of pri"". V3 j .r 1- t r. iiouk"To Mothers " ni.uLutrei:. tWAOFiCLD nGULATCa CO., in MLB BY ALL Cm-'CSi-iTC. ATLANTA. C4 WANT COLUMN. DO YOU WAST A STrSM'htR WMIliK ? An txperienced hnnil Aflilrcs. "STliMNJ AC (Klf." dccGdlTv Cure Citizen. WANTHLi To rent a h-.uso of five or tlx roams, besiih-s iini"K room mid kitcl; ei, win, In half h mile of court square An ply 1) S. I., Citizen o lice, novlejillm ITTANTRl) To borrow $'-!(0 to $SOO lor V three moniliH or lonucr. on tiest sccu rity; no banns, but rt-asonutile interest. Nt pressed lor maney, but coull make more if Ihsdtbis additional canitul. I'. O. Bin 604. jvlitultf F FOR KENT. R RliNT Three furnished licht housekeeping Apply dtCi.l'f rvnis for 'S Di p it t. P OR K15N T Furnished rooms, also .brie room coittiue. No. no Uaitt-v street. 701 (V. t.. McIUNaM. Fdii KKNT An ciht room house ui-h modi-rn conveniences; within iWc min utes' wn'k ol posiollicv. address d cSdtf A. S. O.. Car- Cit xii. F.K REMT The storeroom tiad bnsr mcnt t-f No. 8 North (' urt Squar-. I'os rcasiort Kvcn Jaiuiurv 1, lKy-t. Appl to T. C hTAkMi, oetiiBiHf At Store. R'MJMS FOR RliNT 1 Tiiislud or un furnished. Two miiiuttM from square; new house; quiet location, near streetcars. Applvnt 17 VANK JsTKUU T. tiecf. J 1 v I)OOMSFOR KliXT 2 wood front olli.e V rooms; ala bed rooms lor rent Kt anon u..le pr Ctf Nos, i'J a;id K Norfh Court Square At pi v to t. S. Cooj er, No. ti7 Norih Main street. dlw FOR KliNT The European hotel. L'S South Main St., An.ieviUe N. v.'. First class stand tor restaurant. Terms reasona ble. Apply to T. U. John-ton or I'. W Thomas. Johnston building. auuUydif FOR RltNTThat I urge and c nvcnientU arranged house, No oii M'rriniou ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors All modern improvements Location central, with larjrc well sh.ided groutuli Splendid residence tor large futnily or board ing houce Apply to H C or M J FAGO. uprlfidtf HOAHDISG B OAhldNt; At No. .orth -m cooking. noviiiJdlm 8 Stanics n critic, C. M. I'lllL!'!'. BOARDING Two connecting rooms va cant, -outhern exposure. Mrs. J a Lee, yii Flint Btreet. tleelMif OAK TliR RACK Hoarding house. VI HHl-ide street. On Lookout Mruuta-n Elect ic Car Line. Large Kr.-unds ano plenty of hade. MRS M. h, HILL, autl7dtf BOKDlNO Bydav or week I'leawm ronm. tingle or n-tiit , m atl v ain einfortubl v lurnisrud. tiratc or I iiruae hunt, hot and c Ij wattr. with nth- oi. two ttoot-H. On cltctric car lini-; live mi nitcy w altL from the sifiare. 'I erms modera e. M RS. h I tuKK V, novlS -'Ohio Kit North Mr in str.et THli CHA TKAl'l'rivute boarding lmus No. Ul 1 Hay w oil trect. tinc .it and mountain views; perfect sanitation; ho and cold water; comfortable, airy rooiu-u-t?ll provided tabic; nUentive service; n-i-Monnhle rates. Two hui:dicd yards fror Wont ford car line MKS.M. U. riKTWIl.HR, oet7dtf rronrii-t r ha P J-Oh! SAU-. )R SALH A home product Fo'.hi Kiuu Froduct. by Uaoing groc rs. F( iR SAL1 Old paper at the Citiz i Counting roo:n, y cents p-r huri.'r: il. t Villa , ' tit niit irt. Wt st CidletiU strt-t t tr ;i FOR SA 1.1: A bimntilul milch cow. .' eiirs old rat; re ir d as a pet a ooi milker. Will c!l at a bargain to the rig;. erson Addrts F. O. Jiox 1 Ti novl3dtf FiR S LF voting mare, gool for bug gr or SHddle and a young horse go for buje y r wor'; I-r sale ftr cah "r oi time. Fricclow. pply to 10 Fatton avt nue nov 1 1 d if EIIOR SM.KFstra fine, ltavydraf' hor-c ' p irt Normi'ti, good ord r, K)iiml at., ftiultlesii; also a vt ry hutid-o -e pon.y. god rider and driver, large enoit; h for man's u-t Hyr.-aim on prompt appbeat on. Addr-.. P. O. tiOK 423. cHidtl INOLKSIDi; RHTKLAT Pur Hitms-s i Women. Scientific treat cut and cire MarBccd. Klegnnt apart incuts tor la -ic efore and during efmrincmeat Ad tires The Resident Fhyicinn, 7 I 7- Haxtrr . ottrt Na-hville. Tenn nugyfldrim ISC El I A v-,'v'-,, FOR good e'erks, bookkeepers saleim n. tech-rs. mtcbanies, etc , ndflress with stamp, Kmnloyment Ilurcuu, liiileig'i. N. C. oct -til oiKtm s TR tYRl) -Pointer, wtdlc w ith brown markings; rami d Dazzle. Rturn to UARtJN P. d A LI M'.ti. novlS ltf Biltmore, N. C AGEMTS m ike " a day tlr-attst fciteh cn u'ftisil ever invented, t-ct :' .'t.".cts. Two to G sold in every hm r St- pie, post'ige pa d, fi c nts. I orsht-e and Me Makin. Cincinnati. O ' i dvilt v e I DO YOU WnTr poBitiofi tin tIiiin,':oi - lerk. bookki eper, mnunuer, sobcUor teHcher, mechnie, servant ttf. ? tbire-js with stamp hmp'oymeat Pure iu. Kn'f-igh N C oi t5deot:;bn NOTICF t the ctnirt house rfimron Sat urday. Icc in her 'j lH'Kt. I wi I s-11 at aucti -n. Rh:i i s of the .h.vi!U l,orin Construction and Improvcmctit ' in ;iny st ck. M. K. KtFi;w S. NnTICK Pv virtue of the 'uthortty given to the undt rsi 'nt L Albir' li L -in n, contnincd in an u. ret in nt exet u'c 1 on the ilst June, lhy j, l y Charhs l !i aiu n of Anlievil e, N C, and bv reason of o f iul hHvinif been mad' by the said ChrUs I lilanton in the paym nt of the ind lit-dmx pccutci bv the term of s Id agreement, th wnUT?igned, unid Albert B Lmu -n. will, or thr 23u dav of Fcecnbcr, lH'KI, nt the coirt bouse ucor, in shevi le N C, i II at pu'-W auctio'i io the highest biddir for c sli thv following described personal property to wit hi tv (.V) shares nf ttc par aluera-)t ot $lo of the stock of the shevillir Loan Construction and Improve! ent c mtany. being the ti rsonal prooeitir aor-sa ii which, by aiid a.rcmrnt, ws d liver d t the sa d uutlrrs'gnid as cobnt ra .ecuri' forth- piymcnt of th nidtbtcdncsi men tioned In aid atem-nt, wiin f u.sv and auth'Titv to icll the same, upon dcfmi i In the unvment of said iiueb'fdtit s f h 25 Novmbcr, lHU.'L d-HKT M I vt How to Become &.id Remain Beautiful two my Nf Flits Ultra Far-n Ht antlllpr." A SVJ.'Ci hot i Ic will lurt flv wt-eks. H'lio itnimig us would not lve at the ratu of ntiotit t'4n(s pr wt-ek. to Irreota ItaiitlHoiup, and vfft ruiiist'ai'h wtt-it to remain so iauei ue my lotion io re niovt or pn-VL'tit wilnxlcotntl I are very nrre.ubly surprised to see Fn-cklcs, Tan, lUaW bendsaml IJvenpot8 alsodl. aniNar with the samp litiot. It not only (rtvrs a p-rfect foinplcxion, but It hard ens all Aahhy fleh, trtln nut hUtikn cherkfi. and therefore remove wrinkle'. It lake from ten to fifteen rears out of every face, as it ban out of mine, f am la nir nftv Hlxth tear and nm tnken for thirty Ave. Send far (tea! pi I clreular. Mine. Carol lne. Pare Spec ml 1st nnd iole Aont for the Roysl Windsor flair Restorer In the United State. Parlors 217 Sixth avenue. New York. A F(i:-.iu-r:'.;. ,.. . . ItaSnllK lHt.lf t!n : !i .u IllvaralM, '. ll ll I !'!' - I. -.... 'J'hetlanco "f t !.;-';.;. i ' i' ' ; t a. pCCUlilll' lir.tiVL.' rlist'.i A'li ' l C'l-'.ii:!! fowls (U'VL'lop. witii ii:' i ! i ' ii ppai'unl iiict'titivo eXLirpt. it :n ly Ik- t!a l:iv of heredity. 11 i.n:i lly d.vai's in tin; t-iirly mornin;.'', whou thfyoim, htron birds are let out of the inclosure, suul is s:iil to be entirely due to awkwardness anl vjneertaiiity. 'J'liis leails them to ail. vanee and turn in a dervish-lihe whirl which is very (jruiiut and fantastic :w they flout about assisting their mo tions by their outspread wind's. They cirele and reverse, almost ns a waltzer would, nnd when a larger number of these strange birds po through their daueina' antics it is almost impossii lo Jo believe that they have not been taught the accomplishment by a tlancin ' master. Their waltz often iMids in disaster, ns they break each other's legs, which is certain death, or become dizzy and fall down in a de moralized heap. The kick of the ostrich lias been known to destroy life. In the opening chapter of llider llag irard's ".less" there is a highly dramatic iici'ount of a tight for life with an ostrich, and it is historically correct. In lighting they are apt to break their own legs, they give such desperate blows. Indeed, it would seem as if all the itul eiiergicsof the great bird were centered in its long, ungainly legs, which are graceful only when going across their native grass-covered plains with a rapidity of motion that must be Keen to be appi'ceiated. I am only rehearsing a few of the pe culiarities of the creatures which have made it of interest ever since the davs of .lob "which leave! h her eggs in the earth and warmeth them in the dust." It would appear to beau evidence of cunning rather than stupidity for Mrs. Ostrich to adopt this very simple meth od of incubation. However, it has its disadvantages, for while she is away (jetting a good dinrer her enemy, the white-necked crow, spies the ungarded nc-t lie knows he can not break one of those mammoth eggs a nil devises a shrewd plan to help him. Taking a hi one in his beak he Mies over the spot, calculates with bird sagacity the neces sary instance and drops the stone.. i'lunk! An egg is broken, and he de scends to his feast. This is said to be the same kind of a raven that fed the prophet Elijah. Ilis wisdom seems al most of a supernatural order. It is said that the cry of an ostrich is like the roar of a lion, and the Hotten tots often run from it in fright until they see the bird. The ostrich is a generous layer. Sixty eggs will be found in and around i. single nest, due of these eggs is equal to twenty-four hen's eggs. The Hottentots and Kushmen cook an os trich egg by putting one end in a hot lire. Through an opening in the other they stir the con ten Is, put ting in salt and pepper, making a very palatable omelet. It is nevei .jafe, to drop any article when walking neara covey of ostriches. 'the ostrich will eat anything, seeming apparently to have no sense of taste. A story is told of a young girl who was visiting a zoo w here a large ostrich snatched licr kid gloves, which were rolled into a ball, and ate them. The next day the girl returned with the iamily t ontril ution of a half-dozen pairs 1,1 gloves, all of w inch were as readily , allowed. While the ostrich has absolutely no brain see .lob for authority it has vicious propensities that show some fort of wicked intelligence. Some t ape Town people had a fowl fatting in a special coop near an ostrich kraal. The bird drooped aiid grew thin. It was watched and seen to peer through the slats ot its coop, curious to watch its neighbors, the ostriches. Every time it put its head out it received a kiel from its neighbor, and would soon have died had it not been removed. A meek-looking male ostrich stood about with his consort looking so de jected that some visitors remarked it must be henpecked. "Oh," laughed the host, ' he is hen kicked," and they soi n saw him receive, a staggering blow from his gentle ppouse which sent him with drooping leathers into a corner. Old Lightning belonged to an ostrich farm at San Diego, and was a magnifi cent bird. Ho acquired his name from the rapidity with which he could pluck ji lighted cigar or pipe from a visitor mouth or remove his watch and chain or any other ornament ho could dis- cover. The noiseless manner in which he could steal up behind one and then nip some personal property was re inarkable. He was a natural-born thief. Once he snatched all the flow ers oil a young lady's hat. At another time he attempted to swallow a dia mond ear-ring, but as it was fast in its owner's ear he could not manage it. Old Lightning's greatest feat was swallowing a lighted meerschaum pipe, which he snatched from a visitor's mouth. The keeper had seen him and caught him around the neck and the pipe was exhumed, the tobacco still burning. Detroit l'ree l'ress. PROMPT REPLY. Tlio Check (itvru to Farmer Jone4 and Ills M:ltluo!ifal Intcntfl. Some business is best done quicklv and with few words, other business, of a more delicate nature, is commonlv entered upon in a more leisurely man ner. Now and then, however, a man is found who makes no such distinc tion. Fanner Jones sought an interview with Widow Lrown. lie. had long prided himself upon his shorthorn cat lie; she was in her way as proud of her poultry and pigs. "Widow Drown," said he, "I am a man of few words, but much feeling. 1 possess, as you know, between three) nnd four hundred head of cattle. 1 tiave saved up eight hundred dollars or f-o, and I've a tidy and comfortable home. I want you to become my wife. Now, quick's the word with me; I givo you five minutes to decide!" "Farmer Jones," said Widow F.rown, "I nm a woman of few words I'll bay nothing of my feelings. I possess, as you know, between threo and four hundred head of poultry, and about ten score of pigs. I have nigh twclro hundred dollars well invested my lato husband's savings and my own earn ings. I tell you I wouldn't marry you If it were a choico between that and going to the scaffold. Sharp's my word, and I give you three minutes to clear ofT my premises!" I'HE INDIAN DATURA SEED A Toluol! Tlmt Ik Oftim I'snri hy ICobbrrs ta OvtircoiiH) l lmlr IvtliuH. It lias been remarked that one of tha greatest objections to the suppression of hemp cultivation for smoking pur- poses in India is that.it would drive tho natives to the use of more dangorouj sedatives. One of the drugs which th coolio is the most prone to substitute for His beloved hemp, when the latter is not available. Is tho datura seed. For many years it has been known to the police and those engaged in medico legal examinations that one of tho favorite methods adopted by Indian thieves to rob their victims has been the administering of datura. The stu pefying effects of this drug enables them to carry on their depredations, and at the same time avoid, in most cases, the fatal results which attend the use of other poisons. 1 he symptoms present in the individ uals affected were loss of consciousness, dilation of the pupils, picking at the bed clothes, attempts to grasp imagin ary objects, and from the movement of their hands they all appear to bo draw ing out threads from the tips of their fin ers. When taken upon an empty stomach the effects of the poison ara usually discernible within ten minutes, but in the case of a well nourished per son half an hour or more elnpses before its effects are perceptiblo. The rare ness of fatal cases in connection with the use of the poison is one of the chief factors m its selection by the native criminal. The datura seeds may be gathered almost anywhere in India, and also easily purchased In tho bazars; so it is hardly to be wondered at that such a convenient Instrument should be so popular amonjr the Indian criminal classes. If it is desirable to render any particular person helpless for a given time the administration of tho datura is the main difficulty, and this, unless servants are absolutely trust worthy, is not insuperable. The pe riod before consciousness is restoreil af- r taking a dose of the poison varies in different individuals and is depend ent very much on the state of the health of the victim at the time it is administered. Thus, in some cases a complete recovery took place in two or three days, or less, while In others un consciousness has been known to last as long as a, week. The symptoms exhibited in inanv cases resemble those of alcoholic poi soning or delirium tremens. In soino instances the poisoaed persons act un der the belief that they are following their ordinary occupations. For ex ample, in one case a stonemason's la borer was under the impression that it was his duty to haul up everything in his vicinity, not excepting his master; in another case a groom was seized with a desire to perform grooming op erations on those with whom he came in contact; and a third, a goldsmith, seated himself on the floor intent on following his usual vocation. Pitts burgh Dispatch. WOMEN SCRUB THE STREETS. licting ii, rnn t tint. Wheeler Doctor, I wish you'd make out my bill. Doctor I thought you weren't ready to pay it now. Wheeler I'm not, but a fellow just asked mo what my new bicycle cost me, and I can't tell hint until I bear from you. Truth. Bi ANKS at times give dividends. We alwnyn divide our profits with our customers. When times like this come on us we buy cheap, and wp are rnoro liberal than ever. It's only necessary to examine our goods and give us a trial to see this. We are not looking; for any credit for doina: this: we are simnlv doincr our dutv in helnino- k j ' i s x ra those who help us. The Baltimore Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods Company delieved in establishing a first-class housefor the sale of all kiadd of goods. This establishment believed in dealing with the public generously, and so built up their great trade and custom. This business is now directed with the same end in view. We sell to all, rich and poor alike, at reasonable living rates, and upon terms that suit every puree. Will furnish you goods so good and so reasonable you will be surprised. If you want something choice which you can't get any place else come to us. If you want something for yourself, wife and children, something to .stand hard usage and yet always neat and pretty, we have it tin price so low you will bs astonished when we name it to you. DRESS GOODij. The batance of our cotorrd dresn ifonils mftrked down to abowthulf the ortinul cot with the following prices: Uenriettus, 3 In. wide. All colom, regulur price 40c, our Brice 35c. fiO pieces Bersr, !0c, our price only all colon, 35c. regular price pieces fancy dread fbinnet, beautiful pat terns, regulur price Soc, our price fur tbis wees only 35c. 15 piC'-es tienutlful plaids, l!5c, our piice this vrr-ek 15c. 40 pieces rutlng ofclntb, terns nnd iKsigns, regular p price on v V ?.c. regular price e'.egnnt pat ice l''iic, uu- 4'iii-liin at ?c. pillar price. ice ?0 pairs of rir e Iflie I'urlaina, re $l.oo, oc r price .-. Sir, pairs lnce cwrtnins, regular price $2.25 and 2 fo, our ince lo. 15 pnlrs Hce curtains, regular price $3.00 to $3.50, our pri'.-e 81. SO. 81. AO rauu t 74c, iro p-ir of stooiI Tmtit, jjnod mtiteri.il find nicely made, rcyular pr-iec $1.50, now at Tie. S9.SO luul ul 25 pairs s;ood stylish pants, $2 50, now 81. 1U. 81.1. regular priix ftl.OO I'orw's at f. Jfc G Corf . 1 The ere at health S now GO cents 8&c Homo nt lOr. We have on hand 25 dfs eleant ladles' ll 'Se in fancy colors, also fast black Uc. our price lOc. 20O pieces tihbcn, all shades and colors, regular price 25c, this wet k only IOf. I 81 Pauls sit 8tf, U. ) This is a. stylish, sill wool pants, nicely tmnde. rleifHnt pa t ' rrna. a II sizes. aad we con sider this otTcr the cliriip--.it in the nm, tcenth . century. Keular pn, e $-t to $5, now !. a. 50 pieces Klnniit-I Iires liootls, ("ouMc width, w-rth 3.5 cent-., ti-,w nt 11 certs. 30 pieces il" nic ilo ,li!e vcid'h l-r- c:o!e,l dre.s if t lis, worth 1:0 cents, mr.T nr lo cens i rr urd We will aell Press l-ini"rs lit I illow im: prices: (iooil fi-sl-e'tiss il..'.l,nl nvs old lor 10 cen s now nt K cents. Kid fin sh Cnlne alwuvx 5 c nt. no -v ut -1 cents. r.oo picet s t '"iivi- Ni c Cilico, wonh ti cent-, now at 4, cents per yard. 8 l.OO lEetl Kii-cstl 50c. 5oo on-l h'-svy b d quiits, full size, regu lar price $1, our price one. fioo bed quilts, extra heavy, regular price $1 .75, our price OOc. Our Io 1 li I Drparlnient is immense and we can svc you from 25 to :Ha pt cent, bv t'uvine vour suits from us. We need money and intend to turn over our stock tf goods 1x1 to cash lOc lluntlkerchiel's 4 l.lic. 50 doz. la,iir-s' handkerchiefs, nice quality, assorted borders, reiinlnr price lOc, our price 3 l-3c. 81.75 Uluvc i-siin SIiockOOc. Ahove are made f first class material, worth $1.50, now at 1c. 75c wtcrpoof at 40c. FO-lnch in pray, only wor'h 7 cents, now nt 4-Oc. Oil cents ul1 wool Ilres Flannel, 4-G inches, n'lcoi. rs anil shades, worth GO cents, now II t .pe m ynr I, fi-o nt paper need'es and pins, Ic 10.000 t'niv rs I'ins.'ind ned'e, assorted, worth 5 cents, now atic ID i pieces of clei'ant tares' Oingbnms, and are n-ce p.'it erns, worth It) cents, now at G cents oer yard. Ladies' CI ,aks aid 'nereis just received. About 5 000 Ladies' Jackets nnd cloaks, latest styles Thes- shall and must be sold fit) cents on the dollar. An old l'liUiidcrphln Custom Which I'nlque us It Is Contuirlous. Kveryone has heard of tho abnormal clcauliness of the front steps of Phila delphia houses, but there is a section in which the streets are scrubbed every morning, six days in the week, with soapsuds. And this scrubbing is done not by the hired girl, but by the lady of the house herself. Tho extraordinary practice prevails in the section of the city bounded by Diamond, llroad, Eighteenth and Huntingdon streets. Kvery morning of the week-, unless bad weather pro vents, a double lino of women may be seen scrubbing away and dashing buckets of water upon tho pavements to rinse off the soapsuds. These streets are only about fifteen feet wido from curb to curb, and tho narrowness of them seems to engender a feeling of responsibility for their cleanliness. These ladies are possessed by this queer mania to such an extent that they hire women to do their scrubbing nbotit their houses, but reserve the btreet cleaning for their own special recreation. Some of the women wero asked why they did such unpleasant work. One woman, who did not seem to particu larly like tho employment, smiled quiz zically and said: "That's just the question every one of us asked when we moved Into this locality. We called tho other women idiots for doing it for about a week, and then we got ashamed of seeing the pavement in front of our own particular bouse so much dirtier than our neigh bor's, and so we got to work and did as the other women do, scrub our part of the street every morning. It isn't a bit nice and I don't like to do it, but it has become the custom and I can't stand against it. The house may wait for a scrubbing and tho children may run wild, but we can't neglect the street "How did such a ridiculous custom become established," was asked, "Nobody knows. It just broke out like an epidemic of measles, I suppose, and when it oncu got started nothing could stop it." "What do your husbands think about this street scrubbing?" "Our husbands? Oh, they growl a little, but that doesn't matter. Other women were asked if they scrubbed tho pavements becauso they liked the work. They all seemed to think the question preposterous: "I certainly don't like it. What in the name of goodness is there to like about it?"' That is tho answer one made, and without exception all those who were questioned ntllrmed there was nothing they detested more than to get out In the street and scrub. Then to the question as to why they did it if they didn't like it, some said they did it becauso the neighbors did, und some few Enid they coiddn't bear to bco the street in front of their doors dirty. l'hiladelphia. l'ress. Ons Kind of V.eimomy, The young man wanted to marry the girl, but he was a reckless chap, spend ing his salary up close, and tho girl's father didn't like to take such a risk. "About how much do you save each year'.'" he asked the youth, who had ap proached him on the subject. "I should bay about four dollars vear," he laughed, for he was not the kind of a young man who thinks it's wife's duty to teach a young man how to save. "I'm 11111-cr," calculated the old man, "four dollars a year, four dol lars a year. Well, you can have the girl," he went on briskly and in busi ness tones, "but you've got to wait for her until you have saved one hundred thousand dollars. That's the amount I determined her husband shall have. Of course, it will take tweuty-fivc thou sand years, and a good deal may hap pen in that time; but your kind of econ omy, my boy, is bound to get tliera and by. Good morning". "V- GENTS' SHOES. S price don't permit us toTnientioti all kinds of shoes we enrry, but we puarantceto lave vou bijj; money if you are it, want of shoe a. c ouie and see them. $1.35 I.udies' Oxford Slipper, SOc. We only have a few left, osIt in tan color, and close same out at the sacrificing price of fit) cent s. 83.UO Oxford Slippers 7c. IOO psirs elegant Oxford ties, paten leai hrr tip in blnck and tan, all sizes, regi lar price $2. now at 79c. 81.50Ions;olu llutton Shoe 90c good solid leather nonfolA regular price $1 .75, now at OOc. CO pairs of shoes, all sizes. 83 Button Ladies Donxrola. Klioes 81.49. 1 50 pairs of elegant ladies' Dongola shoes in opera, as well s common lace, with pat ent leather tip, regular price $2, now at 81.45. 83. SO I.iKiicM" Nhoes, Cloth Top. 81.34. We have 50 pairs of this elegant spring heel shoe, with patent lcther top, on hand, sizes running lrom 2Va to 4V, cheap for $2.60, this week only 81.34. Mind Tm .... This house was established to stand between and protect you from the extortions of merchants and unprincipled storekeepers. .... Oos't Forget That. ALTIfViQRE CLOTHINB, DRY GOODS GO 10 -A-irvrx IE: ALL THE l '.clutK'iS me great icuipci.iu--- IMIrCS Beer ii'St It fives New Life to the Old l'olks VA llcasure 10 111c 1 .ncni:., tjt S -A II...1.1, rioldrrn. W ?V "-""" " VK ('."(.! for All-tiood 111 tlio Tlmt". A 2 s cent Dai kacemake, F LittclFs 1844 IAviiig Fifty r ears. Age. 1894 H AI.P-A-C HNTI'RV. for 1 ttTfrv t xci'l otber periodical. 5, it gi vca more WE CANNOT SPARE htalihy flesh nature never burdens the body with t much sound flesh. Loss of Uesh usually indicates poor as similation, which causes the loss of the best that's in food. the fat-forming element. If one won'il feel t'e tirit of the ane. cet Itr, n t f i ts licit t h t '-' t , nn,l be v-l! in formed as to cu-rcnt li crature, he must READ THE LIVING AGE. which iliiiin; its 1'iusT has iiihieven u te u-;it"u It u e second t- lllrit of Mi A WbtKl.V MACAZl.N than do:itde-c 1 1-m n octavo pa-es fir- nirg mat ter vcorlv, form !ir lar viluni'S tilled with thr ripest thought, t 1 the AhUbt Miuils of the uije. A GtACSt INTO THE ftEW YEAR. New Ptori s. Copyrit1! Translations. As heretofore. The Ivinj w rre''nt in convnii' m f- rm n co i-jtlcte c mpi'iitioii il the Wurl'V ch- ci st it'-r-iiure encyclope dic ia its scope ilinr.itMC', c in i r herisive niss and com i d t cm s?.; selected from the vat and var:fd held ot FOREIGN PIRlCDiCAL UTtRUURE, and reo'eRf'tio every lennrtni:''te)fknowK ck-r and i'ronr ss: the uirst articles by the Ahltwt Living Writer.-. Harpcrl "Weekly. ILLUSTRATED lb'rprr, Wrpklv 11 Vevond all quf-siiti the VurUng jiiinnal in Am 'r ca, in its std n did iliti-tia inn, .n "orpi'if diTitriished ciuHrib.rnn. and u i m Ta-t arm o1 read rs. In fpt-rial !n?. j draws o. th hiuhest o der oi'ta ent. thr men lirt fitted hy po it on and fa nii; to tr-:u t li a 'in topic ol t'e day In fiction. he tiv t popular st rv w it rrs ron r : "u tf t o il co nmns -u- ter'i drat, in n by thr or m. at artist illustrate 1 1 a siftC'.-i.'il urfuhs it s! orie. and trer no table vrri of j-tittlk inter-; it contains portrait if the riisjn ji'ilit m n and wo nit n who -e tuikiiiji he h'Ktor of the tinne. vhi e spn'i.d attention 1 . crivrn to the irmv Mini n o-v, amate r sp.rt. nnrl music a;:d the d ram n. h tlist m t.jshed r x peri s. In u witJ, Ha "' "A'crnl v o-nlnu thr nrwn teatu- of the rial v i:--wr and the arti -tic anil lit. i a-- qoaht'i ot 1 u iiiHfifaz ne witb the solid itical cbarn. U r of 1 he icview i 1 1 A 1 ITER'S 1E I! IO D IC A I ,S A NEW SERIES A NEW F'ATL'RE L'rtTivrik-hteil trnnl.iti"nt fr-m the Trench attd lei in:in . i'l l,e i& t tu' le tVntire Th'- ptildish' rs tiiive iilreadv arrnncril for the put l ic-i 1 1 n in s ri.-tl luriii. t liei-tn .Iniuar. I.titth.- tlirill'tiL: iinrtttve. "M.'l-ne't- Anilrev n titre ut l-it'e ilurt'K tile Kiiin Terror, " liv I tilil Itrtct, th-- iH.ted I'tclicll tmv 1st; Mt'd. J:lsi ,t eliul lorni, of a very rare unit curious wo k. A 1 ITERA.HY CUHIUSI'Y, Kil! Per Year: IIAkt'l-k'S Mr,V7.1NIi II KI'liK' - WH K 1. V 11 kim-:k's iiaz w HAKPBK'S 1UI.-MJ I'litll l.li. 4 on s- til) 11O 2 on of pure cod liver oil with hypo phosphites contains the very essence of all foods. In no oth er form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated, l.'s ttxngt of usefulness has no limita tion where weakness exists. Prrjinr.it lr Rcntt A B'tsnn. f'hsmnta. New otk. buld by all aruMKi.t... A pw nn1 rnmp1t Trcntmcnt, eotiif.tiiu if Uri'tisl'l'oRlKS, Cp--ub"- of (Hntnu-ut nnd tvo eoxf-nof ointment. A nver-fiilllnt( 4'ure for I'll- t vvvry iiaturi- nnd d'tfr. 11 mtdo"- ftuojfrfti"U ith tht knif- or injection- of rnrNtllt! ncid, whit b re pninful ami --ldoni b perniueut run, and oftt-c etiultintx In death, uimt-reiwary, Why endure his irnbl disetia-? We Runrantee 6 -oies to cure any case. "u uly pay tor 4iHtiifl rtK-elved. II a km, 6 for 0. Svut by xuiiil. luarnte(- Ihuim1 by our nKtit. CONSTIPATION Srja? anesfl Liver Pellets beirmflt I TVFHnnd 8TOMACH KKOi:UT(iH mi. 1I.OOD ITKlFlKlt. Sniad, mtli and pte-vftnt t ftk, pbuiaily adapted for children 'e uh. 6uLute UUABAUTEES lBSuod only f RAYSOR & SMITH 31 Ptton Avenue AnhTYilU. U ( KntitU d " ' I c Pcmi f Kil! r inc : td;e I 1 e v st ; n ti I " 'I t - u t; olun ," by t be fanioti 1 rnn ti ri'ina-n ist K -nc-it I c - t i . , nutht.r tt " a ,ihrotiitr," tjui.i tu V la no i us," '. etc., etc , etc. OF SPECIAL INTERS ST TO SEWSUBSCBIhS j A Kate Opportunity ! I Thfsp re I'xtraor innrv olVrr-. for the t'O k -e r i eti no n printt r M.otiworn v tpte . 1 u r.f v w r u. s. pull shed ut 5 and $'. rt -t r- ict i vc y No li ra - i-i : p'f-te w i thotit t hem . 1 lor wt w 'I scrol to r n y m w nh- -cril'cr "1 he I ivi ts A - for 1 '. t. p slpnid, ! miiiI 11 c iv ol Ki ' li - t H to y f he I'n - 1 cd Sit I v lri f. lin Clar i' pat h. l,b !. Ti is .'itio 1 - the vei y lct and handie-t-. nnd th.- only tv o-vulume edition ol tins pop I T In orv lr 5- we will r-t-tid The T iin A fz f -r IV'.i V ntnl ch;1 lu roMial m tnoirs t I'hl ip M Shro 1 a I S. A. in two volumes, with in a ride d c- k. ntnl hard omcly bound in hit" al. T he oricc civen nhovc include postage on The I.i.inr w ly. Scinl f r deseri oti e ci-cit'ars I c ww to-crdii r?. for the yeir 1 SD4-, re mi tt in 1 ef r J 1 mi- 1 . the w ekly rum be rs o 1 hlt.'i i "iH'.t nto-r tin- r cetpt of their milxi riitiii" w i I lt- mnt I ree. PntliH' ed weekly a $h per year, free of p-t kc. Sa m ol" copi rf The I,ivine Arc, 15c each. kM f..r clnhbin 'he I.ivi'itf Af wi N other periudivals will le sent on application. Addi e d'or l st.. PoiUin, Mais. ltue free to nil tmhscriln-ra in tte Uui ted Siate-s Cnad i and vx co. 1 he voliTiues 01 t n- Wrrku h.yn witli the iirst iMimho" Ut r J sri uar v (frth -at. -1 n tunc nientb .nni, -m s r.pti i-s will b -viti with the ti'iriihei '.'tiiTcut at the imt oi re eut of onlrr Htunrl -filumri of I" arpt-r's Weekly for thre ye.t-s, (NlK, in nrat cloth ht'dntf, wd1 be scii'. ty mail, ii'i'Uc p od, or o v iiircss, ft ee .f ri),nsf l pro v 1 ded t he trriKht iUks n it exceu one d duir p..r volume) lor $7 per Vol t me Cloth ca-ie foreiich volnne, suitable fif bin in, wlb lie '.ni by 1nw.1l, postpaid, or 1 e- eipt of 1 t a h. Konit: Atii'ct should be ma 'e by posriffi e r.i ey trttcr or draft, 10 aruiu chance o' -.s. NevvspM-er- are not to copy thisadveri r me it without thr ex ureas order of Harocr .V Urut '.t.-r-t. ddr: HARPER & BROrH KHS. New Vork RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. Samuel Spencer. E W. Huidkoper and Reurien Foster, Receivers. WESTERN NOR TV CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Aug. 31, 1893. 1EASTBOUND" Lv Knoxville. '' Morristowu , NO. 12 8 isatn B 40am lv. laint Kock , ' Hot SjirinKs , Ar. Ashcville lv. Asheville " Round Knob " JJ arion MorKaoton ' Hickory Newton " Statesville Ar. Salistury Oreensrjoro " Danville Ar. Richmond lv. Orcenaboro..., Ar. Durham " KaleiKh " Ooldsnoro .. 12 30pm ... 12 14pm 2 lOpm ... 2 30pm ... 3 B2pm ,.. 4 33pm 6 17pm G 69pm ... 6 2t)pm ... 7 11pm ... 8 OOpm ... 11 t)9pm ... 12 27am ... 7 OUam Lv. Dunviile , Ar. I.ynchburj;... " Washinirton . llaltimore 1 . adelphia Nev. York WESTBOUND 12 01am 3 36am 7 Silain 1 OOpm 12 36am 2 lrtam 7 13am Lv. New York " Philadelphia.... ttaitimore Waflhinfrton I.vnchtiuri? Ar. Pan ville THE SUN The first of Arrerican Newspapers, Charles A Dana Editor. The Amerii an Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last. and all the time, forever! Tli e Sunday gun Is the Greatest T unday Newspaper World. in the I and WhUkey Habits cured ut b.mie wiih outpaiii. lMok of pnr- i tlruisrs sent t llt.I i U M UIUm.ITV M II roufcHi ftiiwwi Miuils, a XT THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. ssWst&4 Jurf!si Otciorlioiiav and G O Olfet in ltnfi Davs, witliout Fain, l'rcvcnta t?tri-turo. Contains no acrid or poison. is stibptanccs, and is enaranteo'l alsolutilv hnrmlcP3. prcscribt'd by phvslciuns. lost Sy rlnpe f ro wicn ottcb bottle. 1'rtreSl Soltl by dmitetfistn llewar. of Bab. stttntf . ArTtii'('hfm.ro.l.t'l.,N O.l.a Asheville Ajrentfli, ti Ipltsa Pi milts. Kavaor 81 Fattoa mith, renttc. Pre lric 6 cents a copv. Bv mail $2 a year liuily, by mall $6 a year Dally and Sunday by mail S8 a year The Weekly $1 a year Address T M li tl?If, New York. THE COUNTRY MAILS. Brevard, Ar. 6 p m L,r. 7 a m Kutnerfordton, 7 p m am Bnrnsville. 7 am" 6 am Beach, ' 9 am" 9 am Leicester. "11 am " 13 m .. 8 23am ... 10 36am ... 1 23t.ro NOTfi ... 4. 3ilpra ... e 66ms ... 9 VOi nt -. Richmond ' Danville r. GreeiiRboro (..klaboro Uv Kaleib Durham Ar. Oreensboro L.v Greeimnoro Nflliahurv Statesville Newton Hickory MorK&nton Marion Koufld Knui).. IO 43pm 3 43am 5 3t)am "T260atn 6 36am 7 20am 1 6i)pm 1 OOam 2 SOam 6 30nm 8 Ottam IO 1 6am 11 06am 11 64am 12 16pm 12 69pm 1 46pm 9 AA.mw Asheville 4 OKpm Hot Spnnss i snnn Ar Paint Kock ft 6nm Mornstown , Knuiville Ai & S. MLROAD Lv. Asheville Hendersonvllle Flat Kock Saluda Trvon Ar. Spartanburg 3(pm 7 45pm NO 14 8 12ra 9 16am 9 27am 9 62am 10 22am 1 1 3nam Lv Spartanbnra Trvon , Salnda Plat Rock , Hendere'nr'le Ar. ..nrn-viHe MURPHY BRANCK NO 13 3 lOpm 4 20 m 4 66pta 6 22pm 6 83pm 6 4Qpm Lv. Asbeville Ar. Wavneaville... Brvson City Andrews Tomotla Murphy NO 17 t8 16am 9 65am 11 SOam 5 2Spn, 4 oopm 4 1 6im NO 18 6 Ot iam 6 16am 8 noaa IO lOam 12 iopm a t Kjpm Lv. Morphy Ar. Tomotla , Andrews ' Bryaon 1 Ity W voe ville 1 Asheyille....... " LE.EPINGCAR SlRVhgEr Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Asheville and Cincinnati via Knoxvill. and llarriman. and Pnllman Buffet vestibule nl.-er.ers between New York. Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington and Hot Sprian via Asbeville. W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWTCK. Gen. Paas. A art. Asst. Oca. Pass. A-t-W aahinirton, D C. Atlanta? W.H ORP.KN. Gen. Manager, WashnTosT V. B. McBBB, Gen'l Bnpt., Cofnmbia. BOL. HAAS. Traffic Manager. WaaLinartoa. tDaily except Sunday aaaiBtrto

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