THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Momlav livening, December 11. 1893 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Th Dailt Citizkn, Iiemocrntic, tH published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rates itrictlr cash: One Ybak 9 - Six Month Trbub Months , Om Month Ons Wrick 10 SUBSCKIIMKS who fail to receive their paper w ill confer a hiror by 1 export ing the fact to this office immediately. MONDXY, KBCEMHUK 11. 1S93. THE House of Representatives bv a yote of 101 years to 91' navs struck out the enacting clause of the Torrey bill providing for a uniform svstem ot bank ruptcy proceedings in the L mted States This is the end ot the bill. It lias been hi-inrf tlip House, in one form anil an other, for five veats. Another bill, ho v Vtg about the same purpose, will doubt less booh he introduced. Wataui, htmucrat wants to The know : "If Kope I-lias falls by the way which he will, beyond si doubt, an. an,her enllietor be n ,)ioi!itcil. will am of lilias's appointees be rct-iincd ' 11" l nn iiiilinrtiillt miotiml with some W rvnr friends and 01 e in which we lie somewhat interested." From what Tub Citizen can ji.-itli nn this iniint. it is considered iiuile vr. likely that many c't allots in the a poiutments will lie made, whoevir Mi Elias's successor mnv be. Mi the eon church. hurch When the propo sition was ni nde that Rev. Mr. Ship pard.a colored man who is here from his woik in Africa. would make an ad dress in the First Pres byterian chuivli, S..11 c of the members, 1 un derstand, express d their dislike of the idea. Some, I hear, said that it he were a I lowed to speak it origin not to be from the pul nit. There was a deal ot talk about the mat ter that was iiKitntuiK --...ittnn. inside and outside the And vet, when 1 went to that yesterday 1 saw .ir. oin occupying a place 011 the phittorm and he talked from the jmlpit. Moreover, he 1'umh tlie T1IIC HICIIT TALK. Itllll UOIl't James Wolfe, Stalls uiiitjers 8 asd 9, market IiuiltlUig;. WIlHan Aniud It. Prom the Salisbury HeralJ. Representative Crawford of the ninth district is said to be oppose"1 to tertain portions of the Wilson tariff bill. Mica and kaolin are products ef his district and he savs tlie placing of them on the free list w"ill seriously affect his people. He reserves tlie rit; lit to oiler amendments to the bill when it comes up tor eonsider titui in the House. We hope Mr. Crawford will not nnbiTOiiize the measure, mt Democratic party is committed to tarui reform and the bill drawn bv the ways and Means eoiutuit'ee is an excellent one. It one amendment is allowed putting certain articles on tlie proiccici ni there is equal teas. n for protecting tlie In, m, s ,t e verv person who asks it. The lull should lie passed as a whole. eiili tin amendments allowed unless tlu'i- are to reduce some ot the items the list that can bear further cutting oil". The World's Columbian exposition has been closed, but the Houston Narcotic rnr.- Institute lot the treatment of the liiiior, opium and morphine habits is ii.m iit institution in Asheville, t tlie Male 01 .virui the Tin; Knoxville Tribune says: "There is a nav iziit in Louisville. Flvira Miller, who w-ites things K, i,. The fo'.'owini; has iis in. 'tit lii. f:i.-t I hat the arm is sued edi d bv tin calf of the leu as the place tor vacillation 'The iHK'liir'n is H happy l-"'t As ronnil ttu- town he whirl The itlest s..rt ot snnp he"s )ii lie vininatis the yns. Anil lite lor hiui. Ihe . liilei lleeomea a latu.l call If Mrs. Miller has a mother ami that mother has a slipper, we sanest that that mother call IClvira into the back shed and endeavor to ascertain whither Elvira is driftitm; and whither, alter a sober second thought and after the tears are dried at: d her sobbing iuieted, sue dues not think it better to be n.odcst than to be both witty and coarse. The defeat ot FiUhu.nh Lie for 1'mted States senator in the 1 'etui .cral ic caneus ot the Virginia l,e-L;is!a t in c, has been made the text for much sentimental slobbering by certain r.ews papers. That the selection ot Mr. Thomas ' art in. Gen. Lee's successful opponent wasa wise one, may be somewhat pn ibli mat ic, as he has but recent I v risen t) prominence in the Old Dominion, but t o person at ...11 !,-,, ii.-iinteil wi'. Lee can claim that his phility is ot an order l.i-l-ei than would insure proper drawing ol his snlurv and the liousinu of his full shart of the solids and liquids at all the dinner at the capital. Gen. Lee is a man of good character but very ordinary ability, and if his name w as Artne ut.rout instead ot Lee he would never have been thought ol in roiineetion with the I'nitt d States s;natorship How We Mat Conipier lUe ICarllt lion. W. J Cm mbs in the i eeenilier l'..'iim My own experience as an export mer efinni- h.-ia extended over :!S veins, m nrhii-h time 1 have done mv share to in troduce American manufactured goot into foreign countries in competition with the manufacturer '! Lnoland, tier nianv. France and Spain; and this cxpt- rienee has convinced tre that ti e rmr mnnufaet urers have ot foreign petition are totally F.verv vcar ha utnulis in foreign markets over petition; everv articleof our manutaclure has fought its own wav. until todav I can sately assert that in nearly all our manufactured products, a notable ex ception being woolen goods, we are not onlv able to sell on equal terms with foreign mami'act urers. but to furnish a better quality at a lower price. No na tion has ever achieved so signal an in dustrial victory in so snort a time. Those cf us who through a gent ration have been knocking at the door i f other nations' marki ts, trying against great odds to introduce American manu i,l, n ss that was as iiiieiesiui as any 1 ever listened to. It mattered ..... I.- iviii a colored man. FvtiT person in the congregation could easily see that the man In tore mem was o ordinary colond man, but one of liitclli- enee, of unusual experience and aclu is-ti-iti man. His talk must have made a powerful impression on all of his audi tors if thev listened as willing to hear and profit instead of in a taiiktuulmg spirit. TliK church uicniheis heard a report ot work prosecuted by the help of this church, given in a most entertaining style, and menders of either churches and members ot no church at all heard sonicthu.g of a fa.- off land that little is known of in this part of civilization. While the numbers wi re discussing tin interesting topic, lasior e..iuq...ei. touched the question Plainlv ill las letter in Tin: Cu ui.N. And l'arson Sheppai d was heard, to the instruction ot a lartre congn gallon. Would that inert were many more Slieppards among tne coloi cd race ! I.N the death ol J. llamp McDowell the citv of Asheville sutlers genuine lc ss. He- was one of the best men 1 ever krew .is , i i. stra'ghttorwartl a man as urew menu II.- w r.s not a man to talk nr.ich. but no u.d'v who ever asked him tor Ins idea in a suhiccf went awav unanswered. nd h.iviriL' said what he thought he w as , I .v.i vs '., be found rii-lit there; and lie .i. -.i.. ii- ve-ris ,'flli-r;. ' Oil tlie rilll 10. hatid deception, and wished everybody o bs as 1 1 ut hfnl to him as he was to t v.-rvl ii.l v wiiu whom he dealt. There was no more popular man in Aslirvine nil none- more deserving of popularly llf was iir-.n! to be a candidate lor the n ivov.-i'tv at the last eUc i'.n, and al . In, n .b tn'aiiv .im,'oaclii d him he wa i...uii;ii in Ids n t'nsal. lie Saul he had in t In- tour vears of his scrvi.e as Alder . . li.ol . r, of nolities. and would ask no lurt her honors. He was pn.ntp in his a t tendance w hile holding ofhc and his vote was never halt-hearted. He i.v-.'i n ni.iti ami 1 was de'cnlv pained to hear ot his death. i-oiii i .a li v owuintr t'.iiolina. Tbev arc meeting Willi suc cess in all casis'whcre the person desires a cure for the curse of drink. 1 Ins Curt is doinu a crrat work in New lCngland i n- in, ,ie sm i ess u tlian anviiiuigui its ki ul in existence. For intormatioii, testi tnonials, etc.. aihlnss the company at .".:! West Colhge street, Ashevnle, N. C. . D. Brevard, president; D. T. Millard, 1.. physician in charge. le.irs eom- wiiliont reason. .itnesscd their fresh tri al'! coin- A. CAPABLE CLEANLINESS IS Tllli MAIN I DBA at AS. WOLFE S Sl.tlOHTER HOl'SB WOMAN'S All meats chopped by water power, free ol" dust or smoke or an) thing else ofl'insive- to tlie taste. ts U lJli 1 X I SIGN Mrs. Wolfe- superintends the establish me -n t nnil idl ore invited to call and see it at nay time SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE v . :-Mr . - ... SALE OF JEWELRY -:- AND BR. GOODS SVITAHI.B I" OK. & Otltcr rresetits Tllli 1..U G1UM: NUW YOKK. MA1USON !?J. TIIICA'I KU Sl'e'CliSS HE COMEDY EVENT OF THE SEASON. HM.V oNK NU-.IIT. Monday, Dec. n. THIS HVtiJJN Or COMEDIES "JANE" WTH MISS KITTY CHEATHAM tile (iiTiuh's New Vorli, London nna I'aris Theatre Cumpiinies. ami the I'HIXe'U'AI. NEW YORK CAST. Including MR. ROBERT COTTON, veil. LI AM. SIL"V HOLIDAY YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED. ARTHUR Ni. FIELD. Leading: Jeweler. .... A silie- ille-, 1ST. C THE MEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD FOR 1894 WILL BE WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY PAPER. Tli r. nntntinn i Vtt f iht- Wfi-Ulv TTrA Wi has onto ved for in nil v vnrn of lipincr the be-1 home nfwspnprr in the lntl will lie materially ndilrti to during tiie year f 1 8!i4.. No pains or l-xjuiihc wit! be spatvd tt make it in every department the most reliable, interest ing nl in iructive of nil week I v pnlilicat 0111. It will be imnroveil in nianv wav. A number of n.-w features and departments will be added The latest development in nil fiebU of contemporaneous human interest will be ably discussed trom week to week by aeeoniplisbcd writers. THE NEWS OF XII E WOULD Will be f.ivcn in a eoneie but compete form. Hvery important or intcrcstincc vent, either at liome or abroad, w ill be duly tU-ciled in the columns ot th Weekly Herald. In polities the Herald is absolutely indeoendent and sound. It tells the rights and wri'nuH of nil without iinr. , Formers ami stock raisers cannot afford to do without the Weekly Hcald during the eomit.i; tu'. It will contain a. Terulr department each week devoted exclusively to sub jects oi timely interest to them, a d nivinr many vdnnble suifwestionH and new ideas. '1 he women and children of the land w ill rind in the Weekly Herald a welcome vMtor. The household and children's jiuk s will be l.orli instructive and entertaining. They will abound in hints and receipts which women so much va ue . i nllinnt a-rav i noveis and ni-ort stories by the best writers in America and Kn fclftnd ha- been sreur- d. h that t.ction will be une of the most attracti ve features in the Weeklv II raid dii'intt i Mil. t .... t in' fact, th- Weekly Ucruld will be a magazine of the highest order, combined with complete newspaper Bfow is tlse 1im c to Subscribe. only r&s&r nnn 1 ar a year Lnrycst nssortmciit of linylu new Toys at ii ices to suit the times. CANDIES Tenncv's l:;imoiis Hon Hons Clmc l .tesiii :uiv unity. Cre.-un Choeolates L.T eems a pouiul. Misluns lO, l..-uul li cents. MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES Yon cannot afTonl to 1 1 1 y a pipe without seeing my stock. FIREWORKS All new, wliolcsa'e ami retail. MY'S CONFECTIONERY AND TOY STORE. 28 S. MM ST. SEND FOR SAMPLE OOPY. THE WEEKLY HERALD, HERALD SQUARE. NEW YORK. ASHEVILLE WOOD-WORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to- -Furnish all Kinds of fiu-tiirrrl li lis. know thai those doors are now open to our enterprise ami skill All IlilnnlH I.UTtlilni;. I rt in the Chariest n New s nndCoiukr "A lynchinj; uf except ion;-1 In utahty." it is reporled, "occurreil last wtck at Wbitehall, in the State ot Illinois. A piano tuner was suspected of a criminal assault, lie was am sti d. hut betore a preliminary hearing coidd lie hcl 1 a nioh took him awav Irom the ollKers, ani killed liim with sticks .md stones. His head, h id v ami lirnhs wei c l.eateii to a pulp by the mot), and ti e remains pre sented an ex trerm ly sickminy; siht when finallv left alone. Not a feature of tht mnn'a tne was reeioizrlle, antl ever b ine in his body was broken. Will the Tribunes, I'nsst sand Journals kindly favor their readers now with some remarks on "the low staje of civ ilization in Mr. Lincoln's native State.'" The upport unity is one that should not be neglected. A Marflv Old nan. To thl Eilitor of the Chatham Record. Thre is a man in Baldwin's township by the name of David McBane whose age is 70 years, who lias sowed this fall 15 or 2 bushels wheat, hewed a set ot house los, and on this the 5th day ol December, 1.NH3 with the ground all covered with snow, he goes out soon in the morning, feeds his hoes, builds him a hog shelter, cuts up a load of wood and then walks one-fourth ot a unle to a all this havintr been done without an? shots on or anvthinfj else for th? nrotection of the feet. lie says that he does not know that lie will wear any shoes this winter. Mot a Hepobllc. Prom the. New York Evening Post. The present government of Hawaii is, by its own showing, simply a provis ional government organized for the sole purpose of getting the country annexed .uw I'nited States. It has never ,-ia;,d m be an independent republic or oligarchy, or anything else known to ;t,rnntion'al law. A de facto govern ment, created for the sole wurpose of riving the country awav io lun-iios, has no standing in the family of nations. Two In a Bol, UilUboro cor. -vVytievllle Courier. On the night of 22d tilt., at the resi dence of Silas Dayis, John Tarter and Amanda Sweet were nnited in matri mony, Rer. Smith officiating. (These? parties are all colored.) The blushing bride tips the beam at 350 and her happy spouse at 105 pounds. We wish them a happy yoyage adown the river of time and hope their boat ia so well ballasted there ia no danger of capsizing. Till-: custom, inaugurated here 1 Mavor I'alton. ot submitting semi annual statements of the city's coin! tiou, should be kept up hereafter 1 verv one who holds the executive otlic The .Mavor's report is a notable om one to be uondcred bv c-.erv Asheville man. The Mavor is prist m ister in til hamllitiLT of Injures, ami he lias eo-ie t lie bottom ol the citv 's financial amors N' ib.vl v sh uld fail to read the report I'.v the wav. I heard a prominent voun lawver remark the ot her evening t hat h was "it r I'.itton against the field next vear." It's rather earlv, hut that's what he said. Las t 1 hm sday Hen Ttr.nis. arapist murdcrcr. was hanged in I'enn sylvania for his crimes, which were com mitted in September, less than three months before he was hanged. Justice acted quietly, the man is just as dead as if 1 e h.ol been lvnclied and burned, and r.o man has the .wretch's blood on his bands. LyiKhing don't pay. Xi;v Y.'iiK has a most pronounced spasm of morality. The othtr day the girls who do the dause du ventre went there from Chicago. The performance went on one night, but was stopped the next, while one ot the girls was in one t tier most noticeable contortions. The tine was next dav, and the girlss vo .v they w ill cross t lie big pond and leave New York forever. It is epiite probable that the d nice deserved smmression but it's dollars to doughnuts tliiit it the dance had been given New York first there would have been no kick. New York is so jealous ot Chicago that she had to do something to make the countrv believe she was better than the Windy City. Ktci;Nii.v I was talking to an oi l North Carolinian who is living in Ala bama, lie said: "Tell oil of the North Carolina boys to stay at home. I have been through the West and South, and North Carolina is best of all." North Carolina is great, but she could be made so much greater if her people would trive as they ought to. Cloudy davs and cooling weather Many hearts with joy will thrill. As one contemplates the pleasure Co; a ing down the Flint street hill. The Tattler. his original ' character ol 1 he performance oC'lano" will he preceded l the one act Com -dicta "Clll'MS." Wc--.ijl.-ir t .rices. Nna'lvanc". Suits ready i.t t.imlM-v- t rc hruiav, L'ecem- tter s. al a . in. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE JOYOUS NIGHT Wednesday, Dec. 13. & Wll.l Kl SI'liNC I'K'S 1-ASC1NAT-1.T. COM IC Ol'liKA, Tlie Little Tycoon If You Wuiit tlie Best Papsr Jjittcll' Read Tlie tnmurnrin DrniTDi IP h M i 1 Rdl ifty orniuriLLU - nLruDLiunn,; Living ITettrs. Age. 1894 The Leading Newspaper j of New England. j ABLE, PROGRESSIVE, ENTERPRISING KSTA lU.lisH lil IN 1S24 1(V SAMll.l. nOVtl.HS, AND IT BLISIl liD IAI1.Y Sl'NDAY AND WKliKi.V. 40 PhOPLt 40 rliturfsmio Sieuic Kfli-ct. Pretty I'.irls. Swftt Sinijinc Chorus and tlt'K OWN Symphony Quintette Orchestra. THE : MUSICAL : t VENT :0F : THE : SEASON J. C. BROWN, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING. All orijcrs intrusted to my enre will receive prompt and (x-rnal attention, tjaality of work and materi.'il guaranteed. ORDKRS SOl.ICITl.n. TEl.EPKONB 170. Bug7d3m 4.3 COLLKOU ST II. OWYN. W. WEST XU'flllXG FITS your case, if you re un over worked or " run-down M wo man, liko Dix-tor i'iercea Favorite Prescription. In any condition of the female system, thut will I'Uild up, strengthen, rejjulute, ' and cure. Every mother needs it. It lessens tbe (tains and burdens of child - bearing, insures healthy, vigorous orTsprinfr, anil promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment on the part of the mother. It is an invigorating tonic made especially for woman, and the onlv ouarantrrd remedy for her weaknesses and ailments. For Iienouicai poms, rearing -down sensations, displar-einents. and all "femnle complaints " and disorders, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you tutve your money bade. Can you ask more ? All the way through, and at every stage, Tr. Hage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrn. Ho sure of this fact are tbe proprietors of the medicine that they offer (joo reward for may ucursoii ease oi taxarrn. Hnlpbar priiic scuedale. Cars leave rear of postoffice for Springs at 9 a. m.. thence every hour until 6 a. m. Regular balf bonr schedule be tween Dostomce and depot. Car also leaves postofflce at 7:45 a. m. to Spar tanburg trwtn Coke! CoUet Coke! CmU Caraliaa Coal l'iapasr for Nlc Clsaa Ck. G-WYN & WEST XewppaiK-fs multiply. There are many kinils ami th- v lire uf i verv ill urec ol liu-r t Tllli SPRl.NCI-lliLll kblM'lU.ICAN ains anil elauns ti lie in tile n.reiinist ranK in qualitv and character. It has mauuiiiiii-n Its position at the ronl thrctis-li a lmi! I' - ri, 11 ol - It wa unrr l.ll;, i t-r than it is st t-re-ei t. never noire urniiy esta'lisrcil la lull. He coiili-'t-nee aim shi,m.i l Its rnotti. is, II the N' Wsan.l tne irion AOiiut It. and its leauuiK puri.v,se ih in strrc tlie public intere-t. It lacilitit'S lor the collection and jni--iu--- tion ot .he news are hoth constantly tinner Kt-.inK development ami iinprovt-tncn l . Uv ry v-r it yivt-H its ri-.ntTS more km v.ivii onev botn in the volu" e a ipinlity ' its news, sixcihI lealuri s anil irns eniii-eous ma ter It. panes arc ailiUil to trom time to time to niei-t tilt- di-miinilj of every impor tant occa-ion The litM of its si-rvi.c h-carlena in kectiinn wi h the xrowtli "I UJ eeinstitucaev ami the e-'ai: ment ol thtii- intrres's. In a word it is a tti.jroiiniy wiilt a-nkc and rro:ressive newsp .it-i . m touch with all the neoine and alive to their 1 ttr st. knowiHK no rlistl ictn m il c aiis and no partisan or inrsonai on maiion i-i i-i.nflii-r with its Hi'h as an milt lit iiiu'in P b icjournal. se kniK the jjrerittst Kuutl It.r tlir greatest numlit-r. TnU i. Ivl'f Ul.l A"S several editions. Dailv, SuntlHV. Wt-eltlv. are al1 edited nnd arranurd with intrliiuent cure ami tliseii "i natior) to n-e t the special wrns ol their readers. Space i not wast tl incheiH and unsulisttantial sensatins but eurrent rvents nr r cunli'il unit iliuminat-d with acuere Iliird for their n Intivt importanec and int r est. The editorial onl .iter ry ilei.artnients of the paper are con-oieted with marked ahi'ity tnd have :iven it a ir ltl-w ioe repu tation Aprt from the comprehensive r ports ol pun-inji event- 'TUJ KKI'l'Ill 1 .'ANprovitl its patrons with a va t amount of tht.- most intrtcstiiiK readniK mutter in the wav ot original and tclnuil correspondence ard sneciai arti les. fiction, poctrv. r. liv.ious and Hcie- t-tic diseuspii ti. agricultural theories and exerimcnts. tlramatie. musica' and art criticism nd c mtiitnt. wom-ii s 1 ts'-ions. fancies a-rt work. etc.. etc. T1IK SI NI'.W anil WElikl-V Ki;i'l HI.ICX are tspeeiallv rich in niineell -neous reat1ini anil are c.eei- ent lournals for the hi. mi s ol mm- rniiianu- ra uuib on in irnative ii-at-uu noi u.m. Sl'liSCKIITIIIN KATB. lUILY- TO cents a month, ?J a quarter. $ H H yrar SI niiay: OU cents n .(iiarrer, -aci WIvBKl.Y: Du cents I r six m nllu, 1 a All suiisrrintioiis nrr pntuuii. nuioi udv-nc-. Sampl-e pies tree. THBlVEIikLV K ri III.H.AN a llpnrc parier wnl lie sent iree r ir one raontn to nu. one who wi-hes to try it N-w subscribe to The w C"kly ttir l w ill receive the pa- er trie for the balance til this year. Aildasl I ill. n i.i n . i s. -s , Sprinnhtilct. Mass. If one wou'd feel the spirit of the nut-, i ct I iilinnst .fits best tlioi'jibt, and be wc-P in formed as to cuirent li crnturc, he must RE.AD THE LIVING AGE- I which din iuir its Pikst H a l I'-a-Cks t l R v, I has aehieved a reontatiotl for bterary t xeel ! lent e second to that ft no other periodical. i A lvliKI.Y MAUAZINB, it uives more i than ; THREP AND A 0'JRTER THCUShNO ! il.Aiill-.fnliiniti iii-l.-i-o oaLres tif reaint; mat- . r v.-irlv (.irm-nu l.iur lar.-c volumes tilled I with the ripest thought ot the Ablest Mindu ' ol the c. A GLAMCE. INTO THE NEW TEAR. New Stori. s. Copyrighted Translations. As hert-rtifore. The I.ivinj Ant- wiM present in convt iii.-nl form n ct plete cfiilpi'atioti ol the World'scli ecst iitt raturc ciu-yelope- dic in its senile, cbariicte--. c -mi r- hensive- uess and complt t eness; selected I ronl the vast aiul aricd ttt-lil tt F0a:iGM PEBICDiCAL LITf RM im.l rt-ririsf-nt iner e ver V tie on rt 111 -n t of kilo wl t-dee and nri.irr. ss: the best articles by the Ablest Living Writers. A NEW FEATURE UBLDINC MATERIAL Fine Chorch, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures HZ?T FOR KBTIMATKS. Asheville Woodworking Co. H. Kauffuian, Supt. Telephone, 104. M Alil'UX, I'ret. T. COLLINS, Vlce-Pres. L. P. M'LOUD. Caiblpi Successors to W. B Gwyn. Established 18S1. Refer to Bonk of Asheville REAL ESTATE LOANS SECIKKLY l'LACHIi AT 8 I-ER CENT NOT AST PUBLIC. C 1J M M ISSION K C F --" i. FIRE INSURANCE Southeast Court Square. Your broken wagons an J vehicles of all kinds to B. Burnette'a shop on College street, where they vill lie repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class horse-shoer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 13. BURNETTE. A. FRECK Hm removed bis sbop In basement of Leg at Block and would ask bis friends ia particu 1st and tbe public generally to giva bim a aTI. edB A MEW SERIES cnpvrichted translations fr'-m the French Bn,i ,,i ., uiil I,- a m. tut. It- feature Th.- publishers: have already arranged for the ntibhc'itioii in a s rial form, to bcvrin l;,i:irv I. uf th- thrilbtiiz narative. Ma- tieitr Anilrev a I ietureof Life ilurinir the Kiiun of Terror." lv I'aul Htrret. the noted I-rt-neli uovi lis: xlso in serial form, ot a very rare ami curious work, A LITERARY CUHUSITY, KntitUil " Iienn rf K illrr n inc. " ly tlie Ablio .'rrvnst; and "Ttr umiiiifin." ty the I'atmuiH iirrin:in romnnt ist. IJriust Instii i, iiuthor ol ' Aiihroilitc," "cjnintus Clautluis. ttc, etc , etc. OF SPECIAL INT EH EST TO HEW SUBSCRIBERS A Kure Opportunity ! 1 V ctif arc Kx tntor Jinnrv oflVr. tor the t.o ka jitc no eti t rcpritit- or shopworn epic-, tin-, now works. puMlshctl at 5 nnd $j a -t rcwi'fctivc-'y No li rat v vm t.te without them. l-iir $s,r,o we will send t nnv new sub- periher The l.ivi k Ave for lMt, pi stpnid. hikI ;i c-nv r Ki i-ali Hit v i t 'lie in ictl S'Ht . tv lrd". lolm Claret Ki itiath LL It. This tlitior h ttf vci v tc.t and liandic-t, Hnil ttitr only two-volume edit. on ol tlii pt'p-drtr history. For Si we will send The Tivinir Ac f ISO nn1 th inrional in moir t Phliiii ti ShtT'ftM". I" S. A., in two volumes, with mar hied t-i! uea, nnd hat' d soinely bound in halt seal. The price piven nhoTt include postage on The I.iinkr ire only Sci.fl for descriptive oi-culars ioMn"w s-iocriht r for the enr 1 S'J i, remiti 11. kr l cfur- lunuorv 1. the wteklv rum t.rtM t- l K'.ct i-stied after the r ceii t of their nuliAi riotions wi I te sent I-r'e. Published weekly ac s per year, free of nost tie. Sam ill coni s r f The Ii vinu A ire, 1 5c each kif fur ciuhliini' i he I-iviik: Aire w ii h other periodicals will oe pent on application Capital, 3h5, Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository, OncanUcd nay, x88S. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GEMEEAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Deposit in Savlnga Department DIRECTORS 1 Interest Paid on Chas. AleNamoe, If. T. Collins, .1. E. Reed, M. J. Fags, M. J. Boai-dni, W. CI Smith, J. D. Robertson A. M. Field, Lewis Maddux. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til IBP. M." ACME WISE & LIQUOR BOOSE Afldrefs I.I TTKLI. & CO . 31 Ht-dford St., llotlon, Mos. Now i Your Timcl Tho wav to jurffz tin- host Lile Insurance Company is by what the peojtlo say who have trie' 1 the (iiUevent com panics. I 'si up, this, ami rec ords ot jHtiicies as evidence. it we are notable to prove that the Northwestern is the best company for the policy holder, we will present yon with a policy wit n pre mium paid for one year fiee of charge. Pulllam & Webb, LIF E IM5U B WCE AND FIHE WSUHAME. BARNARD BI ILD1NO, ASHEVILLB. THE SUN The first of Arrcriiao NewHpapcrs, Charles A. Dana Editor. "Wlii-te Man's Bar CASTLE RESTX1 Formerly McCape House. No. 24 Grove street. House beautifully situated In best location, near street car line. Three minutes trom pnototfice Large single and double room. v m and nre Dlscc. Hot and cold baths Table best northern at) le. Ref erences can be given. oedtf Mka. M. 8CHII1RME1STRR THE COUNTRY MAILS. Brevard, Ar. P m Rntnerforclton. " T P n " M-T-nsville, -7 am " Beach, am" - l a as 7 9 13 The Anit.-rii-an Constitution, the Aimrican Idea, the American Spirit. The first. Inst, and all the time, forever! Tlie Sunday Bun Is the Greatest fuaday Nev. spaiM.-r in t World. Pries S cents n Bv mail J2 a year Daily, by mail $0 a year Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year The Weekly $1 a year Address THE lll'N, New York. )Clalm the larseat stock of first data gooda of any house In the State. Makes! a specialty of CooUnn Brandies and Telly Wines.) Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn. J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor ISo. 58 South Main Street. TELEPHONB CALL NO. X39. P O. BOX 688, A8HBYHXB MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. H THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. GH O At .i Ijtires tionortia). and 01eet lo ltofi Days, without Pain. I'M-Tunta Stricture. Contains no icrid or polsoor.iis snbstances, and Is irnaranteenl absolutely barmless. prescribed by physicians, H-est 8y nnK.lrM w it n each bottle. Price $1 Dnlil hv dminrliiii Basua of Bnb. titnten. Aemer,hem.f, O.lJt Asheville Agrau), Raysor Smith, Pre scrtottoa BiunWU, II a sttoa arena. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO.. IVos. fx and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLBSALB PRPAITMBNT, OBHTV "T-Tl PAJUXK AJSD IBAS1NO BOOM. J3I KJ tfcAs CIOAJta. TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, 8AM. VT" JO pLb. BLLUAR1) AND POOL KOOM. i-1 J Oi BEER : VAULTS : AKO : E0TTLIK8 : DEPARTMENT : III : BASEMENT. Wi respectfully solicit a share of yoar patroaac. P. As SIARQUAHDT, Manager. Main Bmtrniaf A TlsplsOsisi Call, Ho. I Y

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