Asheville Daily Citizei Llo VOLUME IX. NO. 193. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- Housekeepers ! When the Recipe Oalla for RAISINS, CURRANTS. CITRON, ScC. OhrisTxMas Prices. BBST LBAF LARD 12V4C LB. COMPOUND LARD IOC LB CALIFORNIA RAISINS IOC LB. LONDON LAYER RAISINS 15C LB. "r FOR1DA ORANGES, Fresh from the Grove 20, 23 and 30 cents dozen. CLK ANHD SULTANA RAISINS, CURRANTS CITRON, &C. for Fruit Cake, fr -5 MIXED AND PLAIN CANDIU8, NUTS, FIGS, DATES, &C. A silver, gold or paper dollar will buy more Groceries than ever before. A. D. COO PER, NORTH SIDECOURT SQUARE BON MARCHE OPPBR1NG MANY USFFUL AKI) OR- lTmembor that we hare the best, al that prices arc always right at our store. - - KROGER - Do YouWantto Know WHERE YOU CAN GET A NICE 4 Christmas Present For your father, brother or aoti, in a line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES, and where yon may buy them ? Go to BLOMBBRG'S and look otct hla atock. MEERSCHAUM PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS. A moat attractive line of French Briarwood Pipes t all the latest designs. Alao a handsome line of Leather Cigar and Cigarette Caaes. Look out for this space next week. 9IODEL CIGAR STORE, XT PATTON AVENUE, - - ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE BROKERS. INVESTMENT AGENTS. NOTARY PUBLIC Laaas Securely placed at S per cent. O faces US ek 26 Patton Are., up atalra I BUY The Very Best EflTflBLiES Afforded by the - - - -- Markets of the World f I OFFKB THEM AT frHflSOflABLiH PROFITS G. A. Greer, TELEPHONE IM. : 2 NOTRH MAIN. C NA MENTAL GOODS FOR HRISTMAN PKISSENT s CLOSING .OUT.' TOYS t HOLIDAY GOODS AT COST. Not intending to continue to carry thW line another year, we throw the nice and well selected etock out to all our many patrons at ANOTHER LANDMARKGONE FIRST COST. This now is the opportunity to get !! the little folks nice Christina presents A TJJ AU-' THR1R VAU'E. The stock consists in games, books, cards, blocks, wagons, bal , dolls and all kinds of toys. We have them arranged on tables marked in iilaln fiirurcs. Yuu will .nve rnm- money these close times bir coming to our st: re. THAD. W. THRASH I GO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO. 41 PATTON AVENUE DHATH OK '111 1 si JIMES A. WEBB MORNING. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. tatock of HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, while somewhat deputed, till nearly nil sizts left at prices to sell in these times. LaU8' "Wraps Very Cheap ribbons, LACES, satins, silks for TRY OUR MOCHA AND JAVA SLEN) COFFEE making fancy articles very reasonable BON MARCHE 37 S. main St. B. H. COSBY is daily ro-eivlng Additions to his already well selected stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Watcher, Novelties, etc. THE Citizen of Asheville and visitors, the ladies especially, are invited to call and inspect his stock. His prices are reasonable and salesmen RELIABLE and attentive. Repairing of watches and jewelry, a specialty. Gems end Precious stones set by an expecienced jeweler; Wedding, Birthday and Christmas presents to eatlsfy all tastes at prices to suit the times. A few more of those beautiful en gageiaentnrings left at 27 Patton Ave. J. iyt: heston 26 8. MAIN STREET. AGETTJOj; ... Received by express direct from the factory. EXPRESSED TO US SAME DAY 'IIS MADE. SO WB AT ALL TIMES HAVE IT -FRESH. WILL HAVE OS HAND POK ClirfatmwH Trade Vi. 1, 2, 3 AND S POUND BOXES. J. M. HESTON do Not drink Teas & Coffee Our purchas.s are made from the best known importers in the trade and we guarantee that in buying from us you get the IT REST AND BEST to b; had In this country New Cwp i-'ormoosa Oolune;, Eng lish llreak'ast and Gunpowder Teas. Powell & Snider. in; am; .voir ori;xixo lots of niO VALVES Jl'ST IIOVOHT OX A VEHY lath axi depressed MARKET. TUB LLSli OF FAXCY tlOODS, OK- XAMEXTAL CROCKERY AXD TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS I'RESESTS IS VERY AT TRACTIVE, OXE OE THE ATTh'ACTIUXS UEIXC PRICES To ACCORD WITlt TIIK CX CSV A L TIMES. COMMEXCIXi: DECEMIIER KiTII. A LARGE DISCOUXT OX CLOTIIIXr,, CLOAKS. AXD DRESS GOODS. 4! CLOTHIXO, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, CARPETS, ETC., ETC. BOX BOSS AXD CHOCOLATES. Si'XLIKG AOKNTS FOR ASHEVILLE Heinitsn l Reagan See that each packaRe is so stamped. All candies recetved direct from fac tory every Wedncsdiy and Saturday. 8pecial orders taken for t'htistmas. Heinitsn & Reagan DRromsTS. PaU on Ave. & Church St. He W'hh a Native of Bn ombe County, Was Slxts-Fonr rears Old (Saturday, and Vaa F.ateem ed Dr All Who Knew HI . The Citizen has today to record the death of another landmark a good ranu and an esteemed citizen of Asheville in the person of James A. Webb, who died at his home No. 31 French Broad avenue this morning at 4:50 o'clock. Air. wcuu was seized with a severe chill on Monday, December 4, while at his work in the store of J. E. Dickerson & Co. He went home and a ohvsiiinn was called. Mr. Webb's illness in a few days developed into pneumonia. For several days past he had been in a critical condition, but on yesterday it was reported that he was a little im proved. James A. Webb was horn on Ross' creek, just cast of Asheville, and was 64 years or ac on ms last Uirthdav, which was Saturday, December 9. He lived in this county all of his life. He served in the war in Copt. G. M. Roberts' com- Mtuiy, me uuin iNorm Carolina. He was captured just below Atlanta and con r..,.wt i.. .. ii i . '"u kuu-jiuss, near cniengo. He was paroled andcamehome in March before the clove of the war in April. He moved to Asheville in 1878, and took a position with the firm of Rav & Roberts aucrwaras witn lirevard & Porter, For the past12 years he had held a n.i. sition in the store in wbloh k ' - " U. OTS (III employe up to his last illness. He was iiisl wiin i. i. vanuuuer, then succes sively with VanGildcr& llrnwn ninnn. & l'ortor, and J. H. Dickerson & Co., all a:irr ware dealers, who have conducted bllsint'SH at thifa stnnrl Mr. Webb married a Miss Tones nf this luuinv, wuo, loceiner witn sevi-n -b l drm, li e to mourn the death of a hus Hand and father. The children are D. 11. Webh. the North Main twf mor. ch int: Willi.-itn. ChnrlM nnH T Webb, now livini; in Texas: Mrs. Robert tu-itvrrui neavrrvi niro i r. rell of West Asheville, and Miss Estelle ciiD ot tins city. Air. Webb was an nlmirnliU .-.n.n of physical manhood, standing six feet lour inches and weighing when in good health ab..ut 230 pounds. He was a quiet, estimable citizen, knowing all of liiiticomhc s neonle? and bnnmn u,l petted by tliem in return. To all of his inends the intelligence ol his death, while not wholly unexpected, will be a cause for genuine sorrow. The funeral services over Mr. Webb's remains will be held at Central M E. church, South, of which church he was a member, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pallbearers will be: Robt. A. Long. J. D. Brevard, W. H. I'enland, I. E. Rankin, Mayor l W. Patton, P. M. Miller. I. M. Alexander nnH I I ckey. 1 he honorary nallhenrrra will lie: . I. Alexander . Cnnr. M 1? P.. ter, Lapt M. (. Fagg, Col. J. M. Ray, J. L. MtKee, M.J. Ucarden, G. M. Rob-ei-ts and Capt. J. E. Ray. Mr. Webb's sons who are living in Texas are expected to arrive lirr Sun. day. The business houses of D. H.Webb and I. E. Dickerson & Co. were closed today out of respect to the deceased. T WRKCKE l. Xwt-nlv -Five To Thirty Persona Injured. I'rnsm kc, Pa., Dec. 15. The West Brownsville express on the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston railroad was wrecked at ('i:o4 o'clock this morning at llamford station, 45 miles from this city. It is teported that 20 to 30 persons were injured, none fatally. The entire train, engine, baggage car and three coaches, were thrown from the track by a larijc stone which fell from the hillside and upon the rails im mediately in front of the train. Most of the passengers on the wrecked train came frwrn Brownsville, Chaih'roi ami intermediate points. Tke first coach next to the baggage car was the one in which most of the injured received their hui Is. Ca nolle Prop The Ncliool Plan. Baltimore, Dec. 15. The Catholics in this diocese will not press the demand (or a share in the public school funds. While all the priests, including the Cardinal, were lavorawy inclined to the proposi tion, it was thought best, owing to the decided opposition on the part of the laymen and Protestants generally, not to ask for the passage of the bill by the next Legislature. Wants Cleveland Made Party to Hla etull. TorEKA, Dec. 12. The answer of H. C. Root, who was lately Populist candi date for county attorney, in a suit on a note alleges that the repeal of the Sher man act is responsible for his inability to pay the note, and ask that President Cleveland nnd other public men be made parties to mc suit. .. V. World. A i, 051,896 Deficiency Bill, Washington, Dec. 15. The House committee on appropriations tndav agreed on the urgent deficiency appropri ation bill. The measure is intended to provide lor further urgent deficiencies in w,.v njjnrjinuuuua iui mc iiscui year 1S04. and carries an nnnrnnrintinn n( $1,J51,S0(V Out of Bondage. New Oh leans, Dec. 15. The last legal drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery company occurred Monday. The com pany was chartered during the recon struction period for 25 years. It con trolled the notifies nf t h kt.if. n;i years ago, when its candidates were de t. . 1 IvUlCU. An I'p Hill Fight. Washington. Dec. 15 The conference of leading silver men of the ennntm calle.l by the bi-metalic league to devise wavs Hiiu means to continue tiie tight for tree filvtfr rfiinncrf. rtnn1 Ula - p.- ' f ' - ii.m bin a 11 1 1 ' 1 II ing at the headquarters of the bi-snetalic icuguc. Cberokey Bonds. Tahleoi ah, I. T., Dec. 15. Chief Harris of the Cherokee Nation has with drawn all opposition to tke sale of $6,- 640.000 Cherokee bonds, and will render all assistance in his nnwr f r fnrwal their sale. Authorized agents will start east to sell the bonds. COIlUliTT NOT ARRESTED, He Gives Charles Mitchell a Poor Kame. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 15 JamesJ. Corbett, champion of America, arrived in this city at 2 o'clock p.m. No attempt was made to arrest Corbett and the party engaged carriages and were driven to the St. James hotel. "I am not afraid of arrest on mv nwn account," said the champion. "I have been to jail in my time and can go again necessary, but I know that if I were J arrested that Mitchell would go around 1 1 u w 1 1 1 1' iniiT iniaAiitti i ..... 1 " 1 jnimut JyUI- Doaelv tr ht nrrpttri a n nnt- c . - - a v- UUl Ul u,uli mm. ira up 10 witcnell s tricks, and I WITS nfrnirl rt li.inrv i-ai ,A u - nil"t.VU UV." cause of the dirty use the English blubber wwum mane 01 tne lact. 1 am anxious to meet Mitchell," continued Corbett, "and to pet him in iht rinrr I iInnU l.n :n: n .-- "ft . nwuiu uc . 1 1 1 1 1 1 to stay in jail six months and train on lirn A a. If I )r vnn lislioy n HT:i,ti Ml r "iv t,uas, 11 1 Lllli:il Will come to time?" was asked Corbett. "For the honor of pugilists," replied Corbett. ' I would like to believe the Englishman honest; but Mitchell is such a triekT fellnw thnt 1 n. in:A t. :n - - - - " ....... tin. uc tv 1 1 1 take advantage of every technicality to avoid meetimr with m M - - - --- "ttiiiB iy keep the excitement up. however. whether he intends to come tn timr n, not. Alltehell is nut f..r tl,n .ir .,.! . long as the excitement is kept up he can fTPt- I 111 (1K1.W11. . . '. . - 11' 1 . 1 . aiauiii. 11 uc UOC5 IlieCl me. it Will Onlv flttr 1, i.ia,rlioiiBi.rl every excuse to avoid it. eorDett is looking remarkably fit. He iavs he weighs las ,n I,:. 1 191 stripped. He expects to get down -1 TO . , . . . iu i 1 o or iou oy me time set for thecon test. FALL OF A BRIDGE SPAN MAN V WORKMEN KII.I.ICI) OR INJl'RED, RAYSOR & SMITH'S NORTH CAROLINA BAPTISTS Adjournment ol The Convenilou so meci in sjnariotle Next Vear. Elizapeth City. N. C Dec. 1 4 Th annual session of the Baptist convention adjourned at 11 o clock Monday night to meet again next year at Charlotte. The evening's session was consumed in the discussion of a resolution locking to the formation of a Smtp nrmnintirm ,.1 the young people of the church in so cieties or classes for the purpose of teach ing them the doctrines of the church. The question was finally laid on the ... t,i.. Folio V4'ini? thin tllP t-inrirr nf th- lt.-.n.l of State Missions was taken un anil adopted. Ilr- Hum. .,IW,1 1. f thanks to the church here and the people of Elizabeth City, which was unani mously adotlted. nrlfi t!l iniminfinii A. jotirned. AN HlHrORIC SPOT. The Brltliee Wan a New One, Not Vel Opened To Travel And II Is Bald There Wat Bad Construc tion Somewhere, Lol ISVILLB. Kv.. Dec. 15. A snnn of the Louisville and Jeffersonyille bridge leu this morning. Twenty-five persons were killed. Sixty men were work on the bridge at the time. 11 a. m. The bridge was to be com pie ted in a few days. The loss of life at this time is estimated at from 25 to 75 Bridge timbers and false work, iron and mangled humanity are lying in a heap in the river. Several thousand oeonle line the shore on either side of the mer and boats near the snot of the disaster are crowded. Heroic efforts are beincr made at rescue. Later It is now believed 40 lives were lost in the accident. Three patrol wagons were kept busy in carrying off the dead and injured Wagons could not go to and from the hos pital fast enough to receive those taken from the river. The accident ia charged to the giving away of the girders, due to lauity mechanism. FILIBUSTERING RENEWED. Always The llemocralH Provide a The Parish Prison at New Or leans Hold at I- ubllc Ancilou. New Oklkans. Dec. 15. The Parish Prison, otic of the oldest and most his toric buildings in the city, has been sold under the hammer. It is a brick struct ure, the building and yard taking up n whole Nrni;ire I1m.-;.i,v 1,A .1 ,. --j ...... " , un , a ui slavery it was here that runaway and iiusliciiciuus siuves were incarcerated anil nmiislierl hv ardieri... ..r.nt; chaciised at the flogging or yen 1 "ne.hitor, wm punishment st mor,. nrn. . !? ."nioicors will In thia ilnnmir Ku i 1. !... ...... c. 1 . ... j uu.iuiii tlLI c v.i 1 1 1 1 1 ic li the eleven Italian prisoners charged with uMasmauon oi iniei ol I'olu-e lien nesr. who were Ivnchcdhv n mnli M.-irrh 14, 1S91. The building was rapidly falling into decay, and its sale was ordered. It brought $11,000. Headed Chlcarawsm. ing ana procured orders of arrest for i., I,,, v i r. .i niCAGO, Llec. l.j. The publication end election oili, ,.t,, ,.,,i.,.. tikkiivvii ttSillUUI . l.i... n i J , . ... mv I'uuiiiuiiuu cuu ciecuon oiiiccr of the fact that Chicago is preparing to byjudge Barnard icea ana lodge the hungry and home less has caused a tide ot" rauued hu manity to set in from all over the country. Every freight train, the police say, is heavily laden with trapish look ing men. It is probable that Chief Bren- man win instruct details ot police to meet all incoming trains and turn back the wanderers. Those who refuse to go will, the police say, be arrested. National IalrK I liloil. Elgin, 111., Dec. 15. At the conclusion of the butter makers' session yesterday resolutions were passed declaring that the fraudulent sale of butter imitations is not prevented liv Srrit,. n,,,l ,.ni;,.nJ laws, and calling tor a meeting ol all or ganizations interested in the production and sale nf'H.'iirv onmla i.i l. h.,1,1 ;niii,; cago during the second week in January . . . . ... ... to iuiih a national uairv union. It Wasn't Engulfed. Memphis, Dec 15. Trainmaster Green of the Iron Mountain railroad last niuht secured from his office ia Helena, Ark., aennite denial ot the report that that town had been engulfed by the Missis sippi river. The Mlnlsirjr Complete. Komi;, Dec. 14 Lieut. Gen. Mcrcani, commandant of the Kome division of the army, has accepted the position of Min ister of War in Signor Crispi's cabinet. This completes the ministry. Ravage a ofTue tjrlp. Vienna, Dec. 15. The ravages of the influenza in this city are increasing. There is scarcely a family that is entirely free from the disease. Diphtheria also preval ent. JUST IS KOKTU CAROLINA. Three Northern sportsmen had a remarkable experience while hunting on Roanoke river near Hamilton. One ot the party fell in the river and losta $150 gun and came near being drowned. An other's gun exploded, badly injuring one of his hands, and the the third shot at a bird and killed his fine dog. Statesville Landmark: Mr. Frank L. iwuuius, a oiaiesvinc ooy, nas resigned . , : ' as superintenrlent of Mill No. 4 ot the sP5c,a 'attractions wi II go to the Ooell Cotton mills, Concord, in order to take charge of a cotton mill at China Grove, Kowan county, January 1st Mrtrt nnnitnli.1. I. visited and inspected the works of the ureal raws company near Wcldon, ol which Mr. W. M. Ilabliston, of Peters- Newbern Journal: The schooner Melvin is id from the West Indies with cargo of tropical fruits and parrots. Don't Quorum Washington, Dec. 15. In the House today at noon less than 100 members were present. Mr. Tawney offered a resolution ca! ing upon the Secretary of the Treasury lor information as to the number of re ciprocal commercial treaties which had been n,T,r,t in turl i,...!...- eL':l.. u..vivi fcll l-VIIII,.-V eld, and sought immediate consideration for ii, uui uujcciion was maae ana it was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Pendleton called up the McGarri han bill anil mfiv,.rl thfie tlw. into committer ot the whole for its con sideration. Filibustering was tenewed, a division was demanded, the point ot no miorum was misi'd liv r and tellers were appointed. The vote re sulted: leas. 100: linvs. 11. n mmrnm having voted. The bill was then read in full. A Clerjcs inau'tt Death. Nl-:v Vouk. Dec. 15. Rev. Vernon M. Oliphant died yesterday by his ownh nid in a room at the residence of his father, Robert M. Oliphant. Young Oliphant was a Princeton omdnritH nnd li-.H lon ordained a Presbyterian clergyman six years ago. He nad no charge. It is Slid lie was inent.-lllv llnhfilnnci-H frnm overstudy. Beaten On Our Owu uround, Washington, Dee. 15. The World's Fair Board of Awards have struck a balance on the awards thev have made, (lisclosiniT for the first tiin fhrif ill. on h;w;-.-..-, ....11 - -'-P,i. iiiiiilii 3 will SIC 14 1 C U.J JCT cent, of the prizes; the American exhibi tors receiving the remainer. McKaue'et Arrest Ordered. Poir.iiKEEi-siij, X. Y., Dec. 15. Law yer J. A. Wernburg of Brooklyn, ap peared before Judge Barnard this morn uuil . AlCKfine and (our nlher rnvK. HOT SODA. UN AND AFTER TODAY (DEC. 5) WE WILL SERVE OUR DELICIOUS HOT DRINKS CONSISTING OP Broke a ejele Record. Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 15. One more world's record in 'cycling went down yesterday before Kike Dirnberger on the htate Fair track. The time was 33 4.5 seconds, and the lowest pievious is 34 3-5. Phoebus! WhataNauie. London, Dec. 15. The marriage of Miss Adele Grant, ot New York, to George I levocaux de Vere Capell, Earl of Essex, took place yesterday afternoon at St. Margaret's church, Westminter. Man iced. Pkixclss Annk, Md., Dec. 15. E. Courtney and Henry Taylor, colored, were hanged this morning for the murder of Capt. Cooper aboard a small vessel in Maryland waters last une. COXDIi.S'SEU Tt.LLGKAMS. The case of Judge Long of the Michi gan Supreme court against Commis sioner Lochren of the pension bureau, in which is involved the right and power ot the commissioner to suspend pensions regularly allowed, will be argued on the 22d instant before Judge Bradley of the District ot Columbia. A petition has been circulated in Frank fort, Ky., for a few days past, and also in other connties in the State, asking for the pardon of ex-St-ete Treasurer James W. Tate, who fled the State in March, 1SS8, leaving a shortage of $200,000. He is thought to be in China or Japan. R. Patrick & Co., bankers of Pitts bupC. have closed their doors. The an nouncement was made shortly alter 10 o'clock. The firm is one of the oldest private banking houses in thecity. Their liabilities ate $500,000; assets, $700 -000. The House sub-committee having charge of tne proposition to repeal the tax of 10 per cent, on State banks ex pects to be ready on Tuesday next to report a bill for the consideration ot the committee on banking and currency. The Augusta, Ga., exposition has closed after 30 days of most successtul continuance. Many of tht exhibits and mid winter exposition at San Francisco The President's message on the Ha waiian fittest ion will be some 2 500 or Northern capitalists have recently 3.000 words long. The message will isited and inspected the works of the j y not go to Congress before iuuuuar tl. i:.. : , -i, , . I A , . , .. . , ' uiii. WI11CU wouiu burg, is the president. It is remorcd have put Charleston in what isgener- tnat great things may be expected of the ally known as the black district was company. v.d.a : . u i :i. - I Biii.u ms i.iaiuiurc vtrsicrnav i - ' Rev. W. L. Grisson has purchased nlfint.rMt it. , V.. 1 !...... I -1. : .1 . , , , . . . I..- .!. ;.: j 1 . . " juojic iciuam nas given Amy Houci half interest in the Methodist Christian cault. known on the stage as Amy Advocate of Raleigh. Rev. Dr.D. Atkins Busby, an absolute divorce from her hns Wlll continue to be editor in charcrr. kanH a a i n : i. .1 v. , nv,vi I1UUILJ AJUUClCttUll. The! Rrifiah oahln.l Ytam A-'.A-A . a pend $40,000,000 in the construction of HOT COFFBE, HOT CHOCOLATE, ARITIOUR'S BOUILLON, CLAM BOUILLON, ETC. STOP IN AND TRY IT. CUT PRICES ON PATENT MED1- CINES. Prescriptions properly filled ami reasonably priced. Raysoi 8t Smith, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, 31 PATTON AVENUE. !'!L?L1ll Wirit- ELbVcN O'CLOCK. For the HOLIDAYS NECKGEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, MUFFLERS, SILK UMBRELLAS, SUS?3NDERS, MONARCH SHIFTS, KNOX HATS, &C, &C. MITCHELL, 28 Patton ' -J iiaucvilie. WKOFFKR THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO THE PBOPLB WHO RAT ' X The faet of the busineas is we are fixed to do better than merely shake hands in holiday congrat ulation, and wish ,ou well; we satisfy that hungry inner man and keep him well. Extra fine meats and poultry this week and next with venison and birds as a trader. W. M. HILL & CO., City Market. JOHN CHILD sta.te- t . mnd uftrni.hed Houses nm Rooms; loans secnixly placed at SerSrt. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY B Bssla' BBtrwOMst. CHUHCH STREET, TELFHoilf 70