i. Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME IX. NO. 194. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1G, 1893, Housekeepers ! When the Recipe CiiiilSXMlZPEICES: -osJnoout PRICE 5 CENTS. BEST LEAP LARD 12yaC LB. COMPOUND LARD IOC LB CALIFORNIA RAISINS IOC LB. LONDON LAYER RAISINS 15C LB. TOYS HOLIDAY GOODS AT COST. ut intcnuing to continue to carry till Hoc another year, we throw the Dice an well .sleeted dock out to all patrons at our many Calls for RAISINS, CCURRANTS. CITRON, &C. FORI DA ORANGES, Fresh from the Grove, 20. 25 and 30 cent, dozen. CLE A NED SULTANA RA ISINS, CURRANTS CITRON. C. for Fruit Cake. . FIRST COST. MIXED AND PLAIN CANDIES, NUTS, FIGS, DATES, &C. A silver, gold or paper dollnr will buy more Groceiies than ever before. A. D.COOPER, NORTH SIDECOURTSQUARE now it me opportunity to get ell the little folks nice Christum presents TIL'-'' THB1K VAU'K. The stock consists in games, books', cards, blocks, wavons, bul s, dolls and all kinds of toys. We have them arranged on tahle. marked in plain 6gurea You will save your money these close times bv coming to our st: re. THAD. W. THRASH i GO. CRYSTAL PALACE, NO- 41 PATTON AVENUE- BON MARCHE the quality OKKERINO MANY USRPUL AND OR- fteinembar that we have the best atl that prices are always right at our store. KROGER Do YouWantto Know WHERE YOU CAN OBT A MICE Chfistmas Present For your lather, brother or ion, in a line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES, and where you may buy them ? Go to BLOIIIBERG'S ana look over hi stock. MEERSCHAUM nri AHit (JIUAK HOLDERS. A most attractive line of French Briarwood Pipes ml all the latest designs. Also a handsome line of Leather Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Look oat for this space next week. MODEL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVENUE, - - ASHEVILLE. CORTLANDJBRXD REAL ESTATE BROKERS. INVESTMENT AGENTS. NOTARY PUBLIC Laans 8ecnrcly placed at 8 per cent. U races 218 at 26 Patton Ave., up stairs I BUY The Very Best EflTflBLiES Afforded by the - - - -- Markets of the World 4 I OFFER THEM AT FjEASONAQUH PROFITS G. A. Greer, TELEPHONE 136. : 28 NOTRH VAIN. c AMKNTAL OOODS FOR HHISTMAN Ci CANNED : FRUITS -AN D- AT GREATLY REDUCBD rUICKS. Stock of HOS1BRY. UNDRRWBAK, while somewhat deuletci, 'still marly nil sizes left at prices to sell In these times. VEGETABLES IS VI-KY FINE THIS Sl-ASON. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN t.AK ttlXTIBICS OK THE CITY FATHERS. SET ASIDE. Ladles' Wraps Very Cheap, oursticctioa in bc-n made with RIBBON?, LACES, SATINS. SILKS for making fancy articles very reasonable BON MARCHE cure, and in l'INB GOOES is nnthnhl. n. largest in the State. nc nave on our shelves FRl'ITS from th best known packers on the Pacific Const. 37 s. main st. POWELL & SN IDE R B. H. COSBY is ilaily rcci-ivinji Additions to well selected stock of lewelrv. Clocks, Watcbe. Novelties. ( his already Silverware, THE imzens oi Asheville and visitors, the ladies especially, are invited to call and inspect his ck. His prices are tcaaouaMe nnd tales men RELIABLE ouu attentive. Repairing of watches ami eweiry, a specialty. Gems and Precious stones set by an experienced ive are .voir opesixo lots IU0 VALUES JUST IIOVGHT OX A VERl LATE AXIl DEPRESSED MARKET. THIS L1XE OF FAXCY GOODS, OR XA.UEXTAL CROCKERY AXD TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESEXTS IS VERY AT- TRACTIVE, OXE OF THE ATTRAfTH iv.e iu.iiu 1-KlCliS TO ACCORD WITH THE IXl'SVAL TIMES. CO.VUEXCIXG DECEM11ER 1HTH, A LARGE DISCOIXT OX CLOTlllXi JEWELER. Wedding, birthday and Christmas prcrents to satisfy all tastes at prices to suit the times. A few more of those beautiful en gagementr rings tft at CLOAKS, A.D DRESS GOODS. 27 Patton Ave. J. M. HESTON 26 S. MAIN STREET. AGENT FOK CP S Carcfij. Received by express direct from the factory. XPRESSED TO U8 SAME DAY T13 MADE, 80 WE AT ALL TIMES HAVE IT -FRESH WILL HAVE ON HAND FOK CtJi-Iatinna Trade Vi. 1, 2. 3 AND 6 POUND BOXBS. J. M. HESTON Si. ectVoocf r e. CLOTIlLXi:, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES CARPETS, ETC., HTC. BOX BOAS AXD CHOCOLATES. SRI.MVi; AGENTS FOR ASHHVlI.t.H Heiniisti & Reagan See that each package is so stamiied. All candles received direct from fac tory every Wednesday nnd Saturday. Special orders taken for thiistma. Heiniisti & Reagan The Quarri Question Considered statlatlca of Tlie Vnemplojed Wanted Perhaps A Market For West Eud. Alderman VV. W. Jones was still too unwell to attend the meeting of the Board Friday afternoon. The remaining members were present, but I. M. Gudircr asked to be excused before the meet in tr concluded, and he left, fecline too sick to , remain out long. Mayor Patton pre sided. The meeting talked over the quarry question, and the Mayor stated that he had received, in reply to a letter he had written to Dr. A. Toomer Torter of Chaileston, a telegram stating that he would not lease his quarry to the city. Mr. Starnes suggested that the quarry on the dummy line might be utilized, and the finance committee was instructed to confer with Advisor Gwyn to tnat end. i Mr. Wcstall said that from what he could learn concerning the last blast at the quarry that broke the camel's back and endangered the lives of residents in the vitality, "it had been set off at an unusual liour, and tlie matter should be ivcsugaieo. 1 ncre was no motion tr. iiTcsiiijace. however. Mr. Sf.nrr,,. aA ii. u. ouuger nad a little cross firing ivir. aiurnes relerrcd to the fact that I. -oairo, tnc superintendent of streets wuo naa cnarge ol the work at the quarry. Wns receiving $75 a month: while I. D. Henderson, former .-;.,. teiident, had received $1.50 a day, and said that Itaird would have to be an ex traordinarily capable othcial to be worth wire ns mucii as Henderson was. - . 1 1 l i sliii, lit- wnniri mi, VA icnucrsoa at a : mhmimnn ai- Starnes reminded the gentleman from' Montlord avenue that he h.-irl nii make the Mayor perform the duties of wu unices Mayor and Recorder) for a mall compensation, vet here he tn,i. v... u uiuiitn to an overseer who wnsuoingiiie work formerly done lor wi.oo a aay. Mr. Starnes said that win e he had naught against Superin tendent Baird. he thoueht Hend ersnn uld construct a cutter th.nt ,r,,,l,l Ot wash awav with n rain M- Uudgcr said the Mavor had agreed to terve, and the incident passed. How ever, the street committee was instructed to rruort as to the necessity of continu ing Suoirintcndcnt liaird in that posi tion w hile work is suspended at- the quiirry. Want a Ileef Market. I). M. Luther, esq., asked that the erection of a beef market in West Knd be allowed, urging as c reason that the people in the cotton factory worked so early and late that they could have no time to come to market uptown. Nor, said he, could they send anyone, because i c.muicii irum six years up worked with their parents in the factory. The market house committee was instructed to report next week as to the advisa bility of establishing a market in the West Knd. The street committee that John V. Starnes be paid $75 and have his house on North Main raised and the basement restored, nr he ;a $'."J5 cash in settlement of all damages. The Mayor read a circular from a pro fessor at Harvard, which asked th.-,r statistics be furnished givinc the esti mated number of unemployed and the means being taken bv the citv to enr its unemployed through the winter. The -Mayor said cases of needy idle laboring men willing to work were continunllv coming under his observation and it was necessary that something be done. The shutting down of the quarrv, he said, threw mure men out of employment. iiicuajurna! instructed to give the professor the information, and the Hoard will give the matter some attention ir. ing the incoming week. I 111. I..BA. 1. ...J , . .. . . .. ....... ijiuumcu u use which m Xbe Verdict of the Frledenwold Cane Jury. Fudge Armfield in the Superior court yesterday set aside theverdictof the jury in the case of Isaac Friedcnwald & Co. vs. the Asheville Tobacco Works and Cigarette company, which was in favor of the plaintiffs, on the ground that the verdict was against the weight of the testimony. The case will stand for trial at the next terra. A motion to confirm the rcnort of Kef- , T .... '. ... ... cite U.K. meson in the rime rf K 1 Glenn vs. F. A. l.unce, suit on covenant, was made, but the case was re-rcferred '. i ne case of Natt Atkinson vs. Geo. V i-acK was next taken up. A jury trial was waived, Judge Armfield to pass upon the evidence and the law. The suit is jor o percent, commission claimed dj piamtill on a sale of the Antler Hull property tnat was about to be made by him at a price agreed to by the defend ant. The sale of the property was not RAILWAY MONEY IN IT THIi ELECTION .- TMOMAS H. MARTIN OK VIRGINIA. ah luvcHtfitattoii za Ou That Promises To Yield Some Hen- sailoual News a To The Defeat of ten. Lee. KiciiMoNU, a., Dec. 10. A resolution was introduced in the House of Delegates yesterday by Representative Wetbrow, providing for an investigation into the recent election for United States Senator ofT. S. Martin. The resolution was unanimously adopted by both Houses, and a committee was appointed to in vestigate the charges. The committee met in the chamber this morninc. Delegate Wcthrow of Danville testified tnat prior to his election he had been consummated and plaintiff alleges that o'red monetary assistance in bis can rnVair,V," l e aelenaant- vas Provided he would comtnitt himself ti I " ,. representee! Dy I to vote tor Martin. MeVini, Carter and Mr. I'ack by James Charles V. MeriHith testified that he H. Mernmon. The rourr aHir,n,nrH (A- L,iPU nf r i .,r i , ' "c u j . , , : j . .w, . . . uauu ui ins ncrsunai Know - ine nay upon the conclusion ol evirlenr-. I l-flor tint- tli-ih 1... . ....t.J xv.- . . . . ... wu.u Kivc ure ciimmit- i a a r , , nrK"lu CD,S morning and tee names ot parties who could tell them men? foJ?i rffaTf tllC P'ntiff julg- one Lhing and another which, being put merit for $1,500. An appeal was taken together, would give them circumstan- f - "V. UVIVUUUlll, At this term Julius C. Martin, re nre- """"i. me aominutrators of the late W. T. Reynolds, took judgment in a number of unfinished cases in which costs were due Mr. Reynolds as clerk of the court, i ncre are perhaps 75 cases in ciuuca in tne judgment. -ourt adjourned at noon for the term HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- RAYSOR & SMITH'S UON'T BUY YOUR THE CHIP, -How It Is Here and No Mistake to Treat It. ui. ti. u. rtimaru was seen bv The Citizen concerning the dread grip in the able w' "esses city and in reply to questions as to its prevalence and how to deal with it said : "The grip is a specific disease that usually prevails with the coming of th fi.tt,l,l f...:.., , ....u.u u. w iuuci wucn people are less mindful ot the danger of taking .-old than at any other season. The disease tiai evidence that money inrl hee .! outside ot the chairman of the State committee in the interest of Mr. Martin tie said : l cannot give you snecilic cases, but you can trace the matter yourself." He then testified that the Richmond and uanvinc, and Chesaoeake huH Ohir. i-.-iil iu.ius ikki cacn contributed S5.00O to the canvass. He also wnerat i-iiziiugh Lee, J. T. Ellyson, chairman State committee; T. Thompson liarbour, Miles Martin, Delegate Diggs, vont.'i iienrv I'lCKnnm. lleleimfe 1 It Moon, Mr, S. S. Ivpps and others as suit- 1 he chairmnn -n nounced that they would all be sum moned. No S4MK OLD HT ATI'S UI O. Climiire as at Honolulu Vet. san i-ka.ncisco, Cal., D.'c. 1G. The steamer Australia has arrive.! She is one that is commonly put on the cold "V""" "UM,,n na" arnved. She list, but there is an element of prostra- Dr,nKs advices from Honolulu to Deeem tion in it that docs not go with an ordi- '3er Jln' The excitement was at fever nary cold. the nervc.us nr npiirlr;. I heat, lmr nr. r. iim. : i . , , fn9.m nr , ; .., . : . i -I' i... .it iiitiu ikhi uccn S n?cl"Z' per; chnnKe in the situation. .. .. v, .j , 1Wf 1 1 1 n m tinuLiicr it will be pulmonary or bronchial, and either icirm is attended with much prostration. Very young children and old people seem to be more liable to the disease tli.m those in the prime ot life whose nnwem ui iniMiiiiee are greater, ' I think the disease here and that the people should use utmost care in cuardmir nuninst it small dosta of quinine are an excellent tonic, but prudence in the matter of being pronerlv clad and common senae in diet will go a great way in prevention. People should regulate their clothing according to the changes of the weather and avoid excesses of every kind in eat ing and drinking. It goes without sav- me tuose who are prudent are less liable to the disease than those who take no precautions against it Since Dec. 5th no material chance has taken place in the military or political attitude of the dill rent parties. The Oueen's adherents are brini sc-retU- trilled. Over 200 Wim hest . r rltl 1,,..... 2. epidemically io.V f .1,'e J T,!" the I Diist imitit Ii rinrl ,1 let , 1... .l I, i t- h w,.. .uii.vkj tu luvai- lsts. A vimlant watch is kept upon'the royalists who express n certainty that on the arrival of the Al.imeHf, i,- nd instant. Willis will orders to reinstate the Oticcn. NIHILISTS Sl ItlllK. Xurroiiuded ut Hie Police Llle la Wonli NotHliiif. Lonuon, Dec. 10. A despatch received "Those who feel themselves !itt.-ir-I.-,.rl here from Mnsr-mv . t, i with grip should take to the h main there, and send for their physician." c , 1 ? ,1." Z;"?:! . . .... intviiiiy til Nihilists being held in an isolnted hmw It It. H'lilLVAHV, DRUGOISTS. Pat(ou Ave. & Cbuicli t. chilled about $2,000 worth of property sold lor 180a taxes by ex-Collector N. A. Reynolds. The Mavor referred to the fact that a high salaried official of the city had not paid his taxes for 1802, and said that if he, as Mayor, did not pay his taxes he considered that tlie collector would have a right to garnishee his wages, just as he would in the case of anyone else who did not pay. Exemption from poll tax was granted as follows: D. W. Brown, W. II. Re gan, 1. M. Steele, Mark Lytic, disability: M. Hall and Henry Bvnnm over .nr.- W. I". Randolph, member fi re ifenarr- ment; W. M. Ford, paid elsewhere. Street Work. The action of the Mayor in having a p'nnk sidewalk put down on French Uroad avtuue, from Haywood street to I'ntton avenue, was ratified. un motion of Mr. Starnes the street committee was instructed to look into he need ot a plnnk walk on Eiist street from North Main to Hillside, with power to act if the new work should be deemed necessary. The committee's attention was also directed to the need of sidewalk work near the intersection of Cherry and ji un v streets. The re.iuest of the Asheville Street Railroad company lor a Dermit to ereet a corrugated iron building on Valley street was granted, the building to no p strictly in accordance with the srwei- lications furnished. Mr. Wcstnll lor the market house com mittee mmlea report recommending that the rental of meat stalls in the city mar ket be reduced, beginning on the first of lannary, as asked by a delrrntinn nf dealers at a recent mectiner. The rerlne. ion is an avcrauc of 15or!n The report was adopted. The Mayor's semi-annual rcnort nnil n statement of the city's financial condi tion, in pamphlet form, was handed to ejeh member for a careful ncrus.il. The executive asked the members to think over the idea of calling together some of the business men for a disrtisainn nf h. citv's best interests at this juncture. The following hills n-rre r,rAr,A -.:.! . J. A. Robinson, $3.15: Western Tniori relecraph Co., G5c: E. H. Hritt 220 50: street denartment n.i..nii $115 65; I. M. Alexander. $23 fu- i i oland. $32 30; water depHrtment payl outside ol Moscow. J he nihilists marie t desperate resistencc. Fifteen nf the ponce were wounded in the affray, and live nihilists committed suicide, preferitig ocatii to ueing captured. Two nihilists sueceeden i& eei:i,,.,v .....r .-.n i . . . - i""t-, n iuc puipn oi me x-rcSDytermn church to- conspirators were captured morrow at 11 a. m. Christmas Presents TILL YOU HAVE BVAMlMpn oursvtock. Our Roods are of the very test qualities and prices this year are lower than ever. We are reducing the stock every day. so if you want to Set the pick of our varied se lections call as early as you can. Raysop 8t Smith, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, 31 PATTON AVENUE. 0 PEN ErE N I JJ WTI I. ELEVEN O'CLOCK. He Occupies The Klrsi Presbvtt- rlan Pulpit Sunday. 1 he Rev. Dr. Daniel McOilvary, of the Nort J Laos Mission in Siam, will occupv fifty r rr.:i .. . - ui. wuururym a native ol Aloore county, N. C, graduated at Bingham school in 1849, at Princeton Theological seminary in 1850, served two churches in Fayetteville Presbytery for a year and a halt, was ordained as a missionary bv Orange Presbytery and went to Siaiii WICNT TUHOI IiH A BKIItGE. A Train I-aIlH25 Fel, KlllliiK F"ive I'ersons. 111... v- ' - . t., ticc. iti. a tri.in on the Western New Yuri: and Pent svly.inia railroad, went through a t estle that under the auspices of the Old School SP;U1S Hcrrycks creek, three milej cast o i resoytenan church in 1S5S. before the I tins city last muht. The en ni,e hnrl separation of the Northern and Southern I crossed the bridge when it gave way. churches. When the war broke out in The tender broke its counlinrr anrl with toot ine support ot the mission in Si.im ears lell 2o leet into the stream was assumed by the Northern church. r,ve Persons were killed and six were in as a mcmoer of the North Laos 1'res- jurcu. Dyterv, Dr. McGilvary's ecclesiastic con nection is with the Svnod of New York. though he has always considered North Carolina his home, nnd bis children hiiv Been educated in the South. In his work ... ...... iicm ne -iis uecn uv orei orucr to show cause t.s..cCu piuiieer, esiaoiistung churches not tic granted in the case of ....wv w.j. uumc ui vunsi nan never uccn UcMine and his associates, adjudged . uia iftuti icucea liiivu I uuiltv UV lurlr-e :lrn:irrf nr,.. t,T. A Stay For McKane l..rl, .-. F.KOUKI.VN, N. Y., Dec. If. ludnc Cul- h n of the Snprine court, on application of George W. Roderick, has si'trncd an why a stay slmula lohn Y been ot a varied character. He has seen his followers martyred before his eves. Though he is 65 years of age and has been intropical Asia for 30 years, bis eye is not dimmed and his natural force is not abated. and fined $2oO ecu mm sentenced to davs in The order is returnable Monday. jail. DR. T. Ii. LINN uo,j. iiogcrs. o u.-j; s. Fin tstem, $1.25; Asheville Ice and Coal Co $08.75: Woody & Kimberlv IV r' icrnpieton $23 J0; U. Burnette. $3 45- Buncomlie Brick nnd Tile Co.. $7 50- Dr M. H. Fletcher, $2; Reformatory' ex penses, $19.13: J. A. Tennent, $9 39: S F. Hay ward & Co.. $115.75; Burton Bellmore, $1.60. Article Irani iue "Medical Cenlnrjr1' About III ill. The Medical Century of Chicago says of Dr. T. E. Linn, who has recently be come a resident of Asheville: "Dr. T. E. Linn, professor of the prin ciples and practice of surgery in the l ulte Medical college, Cincinnati, bs found it necessary to migrate South for nis nca I til and is temporarily at Ashe ville, I. C. It is possible Dr. Linn mav find it necessary to locate there perma nently, a fact which will be deplored bv nis many Incnds in Ohio and by his col leagues on the faculty ot Pultc. The Century voices the hope that his health may soon be completely restored nml that he may resume his olace in college work at Cincinnati." He's Kesticned. Washington, Dec. 1G. In response to the request of the President, O. C. 15os- Dvslull, superintendent of the l hiladclphia, has tendered his tion. mint at resigna- Cobli lias it. Washington, Dec. 1 (. The commit tee on t lections have decided the Ala bama case of Whatley vs. Cobb unani mously in favor ol Cobb, the sitting member. - Once a r-rolilblUou Candidal Lancastkk. Pa., Dec. Ill Hon. fames Black died this morning from preumo- nia, aged 70 years. He was a candidate lor president on the Prohibition tii-Let 1S9J. CO.XDIiXSIiU THLUGKAMS. The Supreme court of Florida vesterrinv sustained the validity ot the present mu- t a judice's chair Afire. , ,f Kov"rnmcnt ot Jacksonville, Pla., Piiiw.. Iw tr t i t? . , I .. " ."w, ", in ootids lor CUicago, Dec. 1C Judge Seamon bad pubi c improvement. nrl ,m;t taken his seat in the I'nited States court Corbctt-Mitehcll fight, January 25. today and was about to begin the hear- Cards are out for the marriage of Miss I"' tif ifaSeu Whc0 tWO cl''ctric Vlircs Virginia Fairfax Whiting, daughter of beneath h.m became entangled, and the II. C. Whiting, to I nitcd States Senator bla t which followed badly scorched his Charles J. Faulkner, of West Virginia bench and chair A juryman extinguished January 3, at 5 p. tn., in St. JobrPs the flames with water from a water. rl,r,.i, iiomn. t cooler. I ' ' .The Dellcleuc mil L V Flower .saT" tI,:lt Ncw York k xeiicieuc BUI. State ,.., nnt ents are le.t r,r. ...ot f Washington. Dec. 10. In the House Por ualitv, while the officers eat oart- today immediately after the journal bad r,uKcs an(I ''rink champaignc. There is been approved. Mr. Breckinridge moved ,nvest'Sation on. that that the House go into committee ,Tnf l1'" r t,le ndmission of I'tah into of the whole to consider the urgency dc- Fnion was passed, after an araend- ticiency bill. The motion prevailed. meat prohibiting plural marriages was I adopted. Tho .,! C t r 't it. AtotsTA, Ga., Dec. 16. Cora Miller, to be near. The lenHer. utu about 21 years old, committed suicide are said to be anxious for decisive ac- this morning in front of the exposition tion- hearhl ITh' hejfJhruK the The House has voted to admit Arizona Heart, obe was disappointed in lore. in n,. r.:. For tlie HOLIDAYS NECK GEAR, H ANDKE11CHIEFS, MUFFLERS, SIK UMBRELLAS, SUSPENDERS, MONALtCH SHIRTS, KNOX HATS, tC, &C. MITCHELL, '28 latton Ave., Asheville. THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO THE PBOPLB WHO RAT " " V The fact of the business is we sre fixed to do better than merely bake hands in holiday congrat ulations and wish you well; we satisfy that hungry inner man and keep him well. Ultra fine meats and poultry this week and next with venison and birds as a 1 ader. W. M. HILL, A CO., City Market. JOHN CHILD Furnished and Unfurnished Houses OfBo. Room.; loans securely placed t.rl? TXtST TH MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY TH8 TER' CHURCH STREET, bSt:wok, TELE-N0NS 70 - I ... VU.VM.