F. - TO A DAY OR MORIS. People Who Come lu and ko out rrom ABUrvllle. Bill Nye came in from Buck Shoals yes terday afternoon. . James McDowell of Co'tirabus, N. C, is at the Swannanoa. E. J. Seibles ami wife of Columbia, S. L., are at Miss Gano's. Judge R. F.Armfielil left this afternoon lor his home at Statesville. W. D. Gash went down to Morguntou today on a short business trip. Capt. M. J. FngR returned today from a trip to his Alabama plantation. President Lewis Maddux, of the West ern Carolina bank, left for .New York today. Aetinc CnlWioi. fr,,.,.. n,:. . ing tor I ranklin to remain with his lam- lv. C. Leuch of New York, who has oeeu nere on business lor several days en. iur ins nome todav. ii f itch lay lor ot rliilmk-Ipliia. lor mtrly ot the him of Taylor, It. mis K: nroinerton, tins city, is in Asht ville. UdL'e Time A T.w.o .,.,.1 l . f ivina 1KIU i. .v Webb, esq, have returned from .it tend ance upon the Supreme court at K.ileiv'h. Mrs. T T. P.1...T 1. l r. . - - .(-. "f HIUI IILU UII1U 111- ston alter a stay of a few davs with her uauncer. Airs. I,. .Morunn. She wa recalled by the illness of Mis. K l- Hues, wuo is stin improving AROUND TOWN. Washington, Dec. 10 Forecast till Si p ni. bumay Showers totlnv umi tn uight; cold ware; southerly' gales, be coming northwest. John A. Murdoch is up from nn at tack ot the Krip. Mrs. John II. McDowell is seriously ill with the j;rip at her home on Havwood street. J. O. Meirimon, es., of Asheville lias been appointed a nui.irv imtili.- hi- r-:,,.. emor Carr. THE ASHICVLLILE DAILY CITIZEN. Why HNTox TUB MARKETS. WU-W ViirU Market Nkw Yokk. lice. 10 Cotton futu.es titOClt UUUtHtlOUN. Nkw Vokk. Dec. lo-I'ri-, lris- lake t?";: !-?'! -'" nd North western? lui a s- " lcrini,,"- -ns: olern r tii 1-: chi kciikm Special Henlcrn aMoinc of I lit in i uiuurrow. Kev, T. 1. Sampson, the returned mis sionary trom (..recce, wi 1 ureaeh to tin children and jrown persons at theSoutli- suie 1'rcsbyterian church tomorrow even injj. Mr. Sampson will till of life it Greece, of the children and their parents their habits and wavs. All are invi ei to attend the service. Pastor H. F. ClimUbt'ri; wiN conduci services at Central M. K. church, S..utli tnmnrrniv ninrtnti.r .....1 A t bers will be reeetveii at the conclusion ot tuc morning service. Kev. J L. White, pastor of the First Baptir.t church, will preach toniurr w morning on -We Shall lie Like Him." At 7:30. "RimMi i !.... v. Key. Dr. lames Atkins will prea.-h at i uc .xnrin -tsui-viiic .U. li. cliurcli. S null tomorrow at 11 a in. Rev. Dr. P L. Grootue will preach :n Riverside M. li. church, South. Minor row at 1 1 a. m. oltlt, ti coM(B.tcr awauii:i Work on The .Mori; anion Oral and Dumb Institute. Hon. Mark L. Reed returned from Morganton yesterday and tells Tin Citizen that contracts were awarded for work on the school for white deal and dumb as follows: Heating and plutuhiny Brewster cc Co , Raleigh." Waterworks, $o,ot)u, to lotte. Inside finishing, $lfiO ton Manuta-'turing and pa nv. Flooring. To. I nit) feet, Sl.l to I D. Pitts. Glrn Alnmp The main luiilding is enclosed, and thr brick work ol the lioilrr hou-e and stack is completed. The board expects the in stitute to be readv for pupils In- next September. HOLIDAY KATKS Knox. Char to Moi'tran- Tradiua com- to $1.00. Round Trip Railroad TIckelN for Kour Ct-niH a Mile One Why Instructions have been given Citv Pas senger and Ticket Agent Murphy to seli holiday tickets from Asheville to any point on the R D. system in the Scan for four cents a mile one way for round trip; also to points on the R. : Ii, C. C. iV A., C. eV G. and Ga. Pac. roads. within a radius of ,",0il niilcs ( t Asheville, (or four cents a mile one wnv t',,i- r,,,. trip. Tii kc s to he on sale December 'J'J -.. umiteii lanuarv .1, ls'j-t 1 1, ,1,,,! , rates will ako l. ,,nrn,i u i i.. i ...i I'-gisin North Carolina, South Caiolina, Miginia and Georgia at 4 cents a mil one wav for round trip, regardless ol th 300-mile limit. Tickets will be on sal, Dcc-mber Hi-l'i., limited January The nevt :iiir-ii;i, 1 1... i i opera house will be Newton Peers in f :.. i i , ""iioii, un satumav eveuiiitr, December J3, The fiiniT.-i! Ei'niiii ! . ... ...... .vv.-, V. 1 1 IIIV lllllilllIH ol the late lames A. Webb w ill be held tomorrow afternoon in Central M. E church at L.':;it) o'clock. Mrs. A. A. 1'eatherston, who lias been sick lor the iast week at her home n Water street, is worse todav ami her conuition is considered critical. The children of Miss Katie Mill.inPs grade in the city schools have issued in vitations to their friencs for the Cbrist mas txercises of t h. ii, . ,. :n occur on Friday ni xt. John Y. Jordan ot Lliz ibethtop, Tcnr.. and H. M. W ilson of Chicago came in vesterday trom -i week's hunt in Cleve land county. Thev had fine weather and lound an abundance of birds. Al'Ctioncer Win 'ln.-..r t. .1 i tor Alexander Garrett, trustee, the J T. Hostic house and lot on Chestnut street. It was purchased by olm G. Low for -.oOO. llic lot is UJOsLi'J-l. tect. The subject for the devotional meeting I the Central Lpworth I.eai; lie- tc ni .r- row evening is "Hone" li. on ': 1 .-, flu' nieetini' will . i- i - - r- ii.iiv .it v, -f.i Hill a cordial invitation is extended to ail. Any persons in Asheville or vicinity who re interested in t Ii- i,, . Congregational cliurcli in Asheville aie rupiesteil to wine to Kev. S. C. Mclan cl, Atlanta, Ga., secretary of the Home- i'?iiiuiiiiiv society. The Raleigh .News a ml Observer s.-ivs it s stated that the joint commit it e a n "luted bv the Mnhmllo ......i ... to take into consideration the considiila- mi oi tnc .vsncville Advocate and the K ileigh Advocate will meet in January. The government employes under Ac ii - L O I lector KoCCI .-, Will Si win r.-.'fi . . I ' I , . . . .' mas presents in the shape of salary cheeks lor November. The checks wcrV -cut out teday. There arc 3t)o ot them, and the amount renti i..nt..H i,.-.i $Ki,o;s;. Kev. T. F. M;ii-,- it,.. ...... .. .. Hethel M. i: eliMr,-l', s; i, i, , in Asheville, accompanied bv Mis Marr and will preach his first sert'-i",, ;it iutbei tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Marr are liv ing at the reside nee mvniT ,o it.. ; i i Silver streets. Coiimton - Itr.-iililm,,. . .- . - il'ed IlKll. have rem eil stall v., i: ;., . i.' market house, on the ,mtli ,.1 ,.i .arr.Tiug on a fish business. This :s tl.e lirst colored limit., (.,,t.. i i... and some of the dealers ai e mt pleased . un iimiu a noil. Brevard Hustler: Uur most estim d.le blend, Geo. ,V. Tilsrn ol Asheville. was m the citv on Thursday ol last wee k 1 M. Kilpatrick and family, who have 'een residing in Asheville f, r a few months, have returned to their old love, and .are again residents of Brevard. Deputy Register Robertson gives Til 1" t-H'IZKN the following list ,f tin, so per sons whose pension warrants are tin ea led lor in Register Mackev's . tlic- oldter, S. A MeCarson; wielows, Kesler, I- H. Tucker, N. Hu di s F Hooper, Mary Stirr.itt, Xar.cv Smi t h'and Kosa Knight. UHltluiorrsiarkel. . Mautimohr. Iiee. If. Klonr. dull; WP,t rrn super 1 s'K m; extra. :inO i:i ;i,. tarn tl. 2 t) .'.J": whent, st.-adv: No red spot, lee (U rw.ii.-,; millintr wheat by saiiplf ,..(,r.'.i;: e..r, ens. ; mixed ape.t 2".:l.iT,t,!,,T. :" ' corn by sample. .'Wl)i ; yellow, 40i;t.t. Asheville Markets. w hole-sale and retail Kroccm. These prices mt iiiervuteu cs KHiay, ?Jut ' SOW '.2-r 1 A Dplrs OOC 1 oo i. -' -i.eppien. antu atti 5 thiekeiiM looi.go fumpkiiis, cach.Oftt ao i urKt-VM Toot too Sorvum lotit neeswttx, per lb 15 " "V (,0 lllltlcv ( ruLtttue-n, insn, OOlwneat 70 Turn is 30w 0 Corn ... " r1(, ,u,'"s .-, i.Vlerd 1.0 talihaKC, per rh ,'Oat .1.0 lleiins. lr bu.l OOlVel an k ve ' "(-, - '''HS 'o Hav, ton.'...V."..V.'i'sr,o Chestnuts loo felerv. doi goa.40 ''' ill I' iiiiMi--l ilrw Si,'oiil '-! ii'l IV0111 8 '! mm- i:irl " '! sii ! ner A. :eo I'jilioii si ion no. !"M'iiI join- iirilei-N in rarotiiia "osil 4 puny .!. I lli 1. ! siikI ii1lii-ailt-. I"at tntkevs at Hare's (or Nni.is. Get somcthin- useful as well as ornamental lor your your friend's, sweetheart's or sister's Christmas present. You will find many nice things at very low prices at W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. 1URMITHRE, CABPKTS, KTC. S Pattoit Avenue, AHhevilTe, I. C. I.1-m n Nr XitvertlHriuents. Voliee Mi intire .V l". SeJl.i ll'rii' I 1.. Kite.. I.i'W 1'riees -1 us ni., v ,v So n . ii' 11 -d I'ruits "well ,v Sni t.-r. Itot:,!.i (;.,,,,- it:iVs r .V s.mtti Nsv.cii i it-. II ,v .. 15 . Noti.'e to e mil 1:1 .-tuts v la, r lloli.lav Cil 10-fJ Putt. .11 Ae mi,- c hrn.tniiis first ni v. H. v iil.Ktuon Si.'ltiX II. -Parties ite-iiimj t.. ,,-ur.t.i-. a private sell. ... I in town 1 e'lll on t n.liln 11 1 1 - ;.. . . - ; ' . is in;.;, e !IV. d i-e 1 .1. 1 1, t in on t SJXY " '' r 1C,I"?K-W o,t ni-l, ta,mn7es a K J lunitiel ano'int ol tr. sh mail . e ei.ler ..i..r rr l,v mail , e'or l hristniris Sunsit I 'rive (Jieliarel. It. .S; C. ti. LV), " 1 1 Aslievn'le. N"'.' t ''t; Til CKI-IMTKWS-H.tvinir .,; 1'ied .'iduii.iisi r.i t. .r . n' 1 he est ate ol """ ' I' .1. eease.l. ..tl Person- in neiitiil to said 111 lest .1 1 r are reii iesit.1 to iio.k- mini ,li ,te iiaemnt to the under. sii;n. d. ah pei-ons hnimc eaiins rg.-i nst said ltitest:.te lire leie-MV 11,0, lied to pir-em in 11- e aims. ,.r.i. irlv a 11 1 lien t leu t -d to 1 lie 1111. lets,,. r,l mthin t,ive in oil lis irotn ttiis a 1 e or 1ms noti e win i.t. p eadeel in liarol t .e 1 r re an ery . I c e 1 ti. isii;!. , , . W. A. m.AlH, Vil-nitnslrao.r ol r. II:. 111,,. Me fo well ueSer .v Mtinhi-, At:., rue vs tie el t'.ddt -in WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, 40 SOXJ"rr:H: M-A-I STREET. v -, rs, J2J R EAQLE BLOCK. DECEMBER, 46 Satur.laj Evening, December 16, 1893. " . . Rescreened GENUINE - JELLICO - LUMP, - $4.75. Genuine Jellico Domestic Nut, S4.25. BV2SCOMBE: LUMP, j.75. Asheyille Ice and Coal Co.: 34 PATTON Vf! TELEPHONE 40. i1 l-.'n e.irr nv H A LINDSEY. 3 I- l'attoti Ave. T. V l:r.UKli. xv. I), f.asl, BRANCH ASH, KIRK lN5UII.VKCli: ." - Tut ten Avenue, T-. !(ilitr:c 4-0. 11 "V l.Hd l m hn-uix tlrs month we offer a laro lino of lonK ulsterts ami full 1,,.,-k ovon-oats for uum and boys; also heavy Imks- "KW a,ul d,vss ts that cannot be matched elsewhere in style and price. HOLIDAY COODS. Our display of holidnv ir,,o,l fMnbracc novelties in neckwear, gloves, hosierv. Biisnon.1- - i- - - - eis aini umterwear; also Bath Robes, Smoking- Coats and r-UHly Imwns. Hats, Stylish Hats, in emiine Dunlan. Stetson :.n,l Melville Makes. Th public is invited to compare our stock and prices w i t h o t hers bef re buy i n We claim a larger stock in our hues, liner troods. reli- ible prices and much longer experience in P.Uerini? for the i ii . , . Call and see us. 'lothino- trade in the State Noireme Court Tile (ollowinr report of niiiieiiU in t h Supreme-court Irntn the Twelfth district is from the K:ileiKli News nntl Observer : F'eiilanti vs. Crapo and Woollen Com pany vs. McKitinon; certiorari tilloweil and cases continued. Campbell vs. I'attnn; argued by Hus bee ec Unsl ee for plaintiff, and Thos. A Jones tor defendant. Hank vs. Atkinson; nrtriicd bv Thos A. ones lor tlefenilant I'attnn. Gwaltnev vs. Land Co ; certior.iri or Jcretl and case continued. V. M. C A. Nulrt. There will be a Kospel talk at the V M. C. A. rooms tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 for men only. All men are cordialb invited. The t.-.lk will be preceded bv a short, snirtted Mr. W'aite ot Kavenscroft will lead the gymnasium drill at the Y. M. C. A Monday evcninR. All hoi, lino full tnem- oersnip tickets are entitled to the use ol the gymnasium. Cblcaxo I'ONiolice Kobberr. v.H!tAr,o, uec. lti.-The amount of cash secured by the robbery of Cashier Robertson at the postoffice Thursday night is now estimated at $ t.000. No trace of the roblier has been discovered and Inspector Stuart said today that there is little probability that the men would be canriircd. The lleiuli of I lie Fair, Part VI. of the Book of the Pair, pub lished bT the Hancroft company. Audi torium buildine, Chicago, is beautiful enough to make one who did not visit the Kair Rtanrl nn hia tin : .1 : ----- " ..vau iii ucspair while to him who did attend this mag u'"sv ,i u iruiR win uc u joy iorever. it ts a great production. 10 cent. 10 cents. 10 cents. Pure nomematie stick canity, 10c. pound at Alien , oo ration avenue, the place to K your js.mas fruits, candies, etc. Don't forget the place. 36 Patton avenue. W Onr rriluelioiiK nre pluin and can be Keen, no humbug: adrer Ylaement. Call and e lor you r elveat. MumnerAcCo. Iteputv Sheii; J. II. Ilaiiu.tou vester '''iv received trom A. l i :. ., ..i i., t." . , -. --"in ie , ei H li Mi.iiMi.ii oi iiiuck Alountaiii, a lelcuram nitoriniiiL' him ot I lie .-irr.st ii, u i Motilton, who is wanted hcie tin a i ban. t- o co,p,,e,,v ln ,,lt. ro,,cry , ...Kiv More recently. .Mr. 1 1 amnion yiit to black Mountain after Meoiiti.ti nils .lueriiotiu. Auctioneer. Kent Collector. Note the Ad ilriss: 57 Ctnireli stit'e-t. l'i .nipt nttetiti,,,, to nil l.nsinesseiitrnste,! Jo ,. M . ,. ,.lir l.e-iii.- tmiiite.l C r ,,v -ri i m-i li-is Jianele.1 lus ""' ol snles to me. nil i.t whieh s li - II l-oe "IV I e-st .i.tention. r,ov-l,M, NOTICE. ,iAtI',l''SV-lk',i ,Ky" aniKiunces -....v ...o.. v n i iioert istiiutl of th.iteitN has instrueteil her lawyers to institute a suit tor divorce against her liush.u,,! e.n Uie L'roiiiiiis .ot eriirlte. r..i : .. - .. . - - j ....vj i.ieiiin i,ti- "i itv. Mrs. Bullitt snvs bye bi.st.at tl -... .1 iui Lime niiiuer and would b.ivt secured all her property had she ,i,.t ioiced nun to siii an ante ti not io 1 tract. This will ititer.xst . ..t. ncot le, where Col. a,,d' Mrs. "nul'iut are well known. Their e.,.r.. I, . .me ust summer. Col. Bullitt was Mrs. Hulhtt s third husband. i;x-Cominissioner I I' r.,,t:.. was in Ashevi e tod.iw .........I,. ,i , , . : . u,,"is"i news (ji Le death ot Mrs. Mary Joyce, wile ,,! Koliert Joyce, which occurred at her Home near Turnpike l ist tiiobt. Mr vce had not been w.ll " , - .w. oi'inc ciiiie'. Out was not eonsi. . r..,i .- , s oi ji- 4 esteni.i v. Ih.niitf the n.ht, however, mu. was tound tlyin-in bed. She was OS ve.-.rs "Id and had a huslmml n,i ,. , r,. ., . , " sonir CIllHl- nn. .Mrs. Joyces remains will he in- . i t iV . ,C",CK tomorrow at I'leas- nt Hi church ot e.h;,.l, .i, ... . , F 's.. one. was ii IllCm- oer tor many years. Uauibiiuir, lau'ili? r-'rom the KaltiKli News mid Observer. It is said that U. L. Uuke lost half a million in cotton futures: What a bane that speculation has been to the South '. wo Ul.inv iamiiies have sullered he cause the South is always a bull, ami is al wat s sptculat ini for n ; t - . .o. in eeiLLlin ; Uur people lose annually a large part of ..- ,.t oi nic coiton crep. which w-ithout such 1 enriched the South. To all persuns in the City ol Aslieviilc, N. c , or in I lu tie. mine County, or in the State it s-. . . I , . . so. . ,. e. aruii i.-j, t,r . the I n i t vei S ta t cs ; II tlie firm ol Melniire .V Co . o-.ves y.,-i nnv tliiiiK you will p-eas.- p-esent your bill at oiue ami t your money, as th 1st ot Jiem.iry is near at Ita.i i an. I ue cio n..t w ant to owe nn y t li i ii;; h that time We a s,., ask r.eo,,k. i ,i,.b, U) lIS ,,, UIK, settle their liils- as s.,011 as i ossi'ite. We Remain Kespeellull v, McINTIRH k CO. lie. 1 fl I -t I li," I I. V III, IT FRESH STO W. B. Wild is now with T. J. Revell No. 30 North Main street, where he wili be glad to are bis friends and receive a hare of their patronage. Trj our Jellico Uomemlc Xat mud you will be pleased. Caro. Ilua. Coal Company. H. Redwood & Co. are giving a special discount on clothing, cloaks and dress good. Plenty of old papers for sale at The Citizen office. Only 20 cents per boo died. Fresh batter specialty at Hare's. License To Wes. Kegister Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: L. D. Alt fanili.r ol' n,,., 1 f -r ,,, .. '-'"eejiuuc ana li. AI. league of Madison; white. T The Public. Havini? deeiili-a tr. t ; u -ii """-"""nue ousincss entire stock of Drugs, Patent Merliciue" To, etArticlcs.Xmasandllolidav Goods I crfumery, Soaps, etc , at cost. Prescriptions we will continue to fill and trom now on, we will fill at from one-third toone.halfpr.ee of any drug! stnrpin Aih. Il ' ' Pelham s Phakmacv. HnlDhar Knrlno . . - Cars leave rear of postoffice for Spring, at a a. m.. thence everv hnnr JTsi s P.m. Keirular h.-ilf h'r. : . tween postoffice and depot. Car also , - ui. co opar tanburg train. i'oinnlpllflair Ihl . . " -.- ee lo cut Hoiwarkliiinll . Numner Ac Co.'s, SO Patton A f"" ?"cn' dt Patton Z.A r j lo get pure lresl bome- "nts'eu" "t,Ck CaDdy' fruit. Coke I fTolrof At 'Al. M. . . . r-roiln. Coal Copa."" Hart hat dressed poultrr. City market. OF FEED 67 NORTH MAIN ST. Ti-t.r-i'iiosi; 07. ''st.k,::'lJ;(.L,;1; 'l? ,;-L" stock Horse aiul Cow I-'eed u'UKn' at lowest pr.ees r.f the whole sea.on 'ia stock cleaned out. Prieen lowci tlian ever before. Try us. KcBpcctl'ully. C. S. COOPER. NEW HOJTIE SEWING t JHflDHINES to. 2o Norm Court Hnar. MACHINES FROM $20 UP. OIL, NEEDLES AND PARTS OF MACHINES SUPPLIED, MACHINES RENTED. o. m. MOODY, ISO. 20 NORTH COURT flOUAKK ..... COAL : COKE, : WOOD, : KINDLINGS : AND : CHARCOAL. 1 vy ( oke in your Furnare anj ItaDge instead of Ilrn-tl Coal nnd save $2 50 per ton. READY or the PRAYT EVEIIYTIIING IN "APPEEPIE" OR DPT? Thmguration of our special half minft sni. will be. Sin. tomorrow. 1 OVERCOATS AND SUITS Hnm.,l or all middleman'., proBts. Manufactured ex pivssl.v for un mid fjilnranteed as renrPsented (1PNTV FUIINISULVW AKDIIATS for half what i8 uuall afked wi: wilt, ij:n tv low priori. Everything new, . lean and stylish. No old stock. No otitis and ends. We know nr, . ......ijx- i, t, d-.uuu a to prices and quality. UoHpectfuIly, THE ASHEVILLE CLOTHING COMPANY, MAX MA UC US, f Managers. 35 SOUTH MAIN ST.. HILLIARD BLOCK. SI ECIAL Latest assortment of brilu new Toy, at prices to suit the times. CANDIES MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES m You cannot atTo,,! to huy a pipe without MciK my stock. NKtWORKS All new, wholesale and retail. RAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND TOY STORE, 28 S. MAI.Y ST. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF JEWELRY -AND- SILVER GOODS K;.TAB, FOR HOLIDAY & Other rre.cn,. YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED. ARTHUR IVL FIELD Leaclinc; lewder. I o I ( S5 w Oh o I Q OS 0) I o o E Q w H I H Q O X j to o C si i I Brevard I I I T WILL RI-CBIVE MONDAY AND Ii $ 5 " M VL-TJJX SALE m I TUESDAY . I S4 tOO DIFFERENT STYLES OF- I HANDKERCHIEFS . AT COST j ing drpnrtmcnt. to .ell oar entire stock of JEWELRY "nS:iDS f S,id ,d SUT" WatCh"' and Set Ring.. Golll Sc Pi "ro,ri'rTpDroi,s-s,ud8aadconarButt-w c - it ".at-r, :tcd' sonu Go,d Lockct8 and Bra",et- s,id liHand many other thing, too mero. to e AT COST : roi, x,eccmber When we .ay co.t we mean co8t. not 10. 15 or 20 per cent, profit you den t oetieve we mean bu.ine88 can on u. at No. 8 North Court .. P. L. COWAN & CO.- NO. 8 NORTH COURT SQUARE. aiK VLj ASHEVILLE WOODWQHKiiva AO Is Now Prepared to -Furnish all Kinds of -SOK. THE- Christmas - Trade -A.T rVo" 11 IVortli 3Xnin Street. 51 BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures wwtcp for rorriiriATKw. Asheville Woodworking Co. FT. 1TanF(m o j. oupu Telephone, 164. ,N FOUNTAINS OF NORTHCAROLINA ' ' A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAROLINA. H.1M. SWAINE, t

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