i Tucslay Evening, December 2G, 1893. THE ASHEVIXiUEj DAILY CITIZEN. WANT COLUI A NTIiD- p rtcr. ANTED. A good active youtii; Hotel l.ive rt-tt-renee. H. II. JAKRHTT .Sc SON'S, I'll- lioro, N C dec20dl w WANTED Everyone wlin is crowded for pantry room, doing light housework or livinir in rooms, to come unci arc o-r kitchen cunboa-da and dinning room eabi nets, they are i.i"t what vou wiiut, alsn iurniture of all kinds repaired on the short cut nothc, nt J. V. NK'lloLS, Cabinet and Furniture Repair Shop. No. . Willow afreet. dccLOd 1 w FOR KENT. 1R RUST Three furni.lir I liicht housckcrtiitivz. Atitilv decVMtf r- -ins It.r IS Hip jt st WR HUNT A four nice ro Aj tvr convcnienccf cheap Apply to deel 1M Im Wn- linc l.ic.-ii ion; riiii J. A M I'K I K .: H. "O t-tarri' s A vc. FOR KIJMT 1 line nnmtriUa;:r lutnil i-il or unfurnished also I' irui-il;; il niotiiM. o. fio llnilcy strict. drc21lllv G. L. V.M K) A !.l. THE ISLAND OF 1IAYTI. Desolation of a Onco Wealthy tind. Powerful Rflpub ic. A Nation Tlmt It Iu.-;i;i:il,!.- of ;ilM;iiv crtiiiirnr. Th: Kiilcra Ani lilimil t lil rhi y 'iyr,-i.'l8 uii.l ill. IVuiiIi 1 1 :l t ? UllUff Men. J 71 R KlilT-The storcnom nail Imst J ment i l'N.i. S Si-rlll C' urt Slut IV bession K'vt n January l.lMl'-t. Ai.tilnto T. C ST A K NHS, octSSdtf At Store. IJIOR HUNT lununrr 1 verv ili-siiuli'i-? H-rootn dwelling, w ith kitchen, servants room, vtible nm) tm.ilcrn cimvi-nii-iioi-s. tc.tr iust'irticc, Kent rtusoniil le Aililn-ns ilcciii tltr r. 11. iidx t.:it. IJIOR RIvMT The Uuropenn hotel. South Main St., Anluville. N. Ci. class stand for restaurant. Terms re ble pplv to 1. 1, John-ton or 1-. s rst on u- Thomns. Johnston liuilti'tii;. h'Oh' SAU!. bjl(.:K SAL" Old perH nt the I ! counting riio ti. lin cents prr hum A ltire Wist lot of - illeee 17IOK S l.li J furniture. Villa. FORSXt.K yunnt! mire, KT or Hitlille nn-1 a yotiii! fur hu y or work. Kit stile tirne. I'ricclo-.v. ppiyto 1 liuc second st re t d to.. 1 r. r h-inii u for c.'lli -i I'ultuii ll jvl lil It ii-r n id tl tin-iil m-.-i r i tl.it, li-JK- FOR SA UK CIIItM' I'.uit. Ciunr Stoic and Crndy Mnt.ti lutory stock ami tis turis, about "$4-lio to $")Oo; viood pfiyinj tiuaincn-; one of the li-st luiati'ins in towi.; rrnson tor telling poud. 1-or im rt :;-uti, t s, add ess I. O. !., Care Citiien dec 1 till HOARDING. BOARDING Two cntlt. southern Lee. 2li Flint street. conn cti:i,v exposure. rnunm vn Mis. A dcc-Jil- f BOA Kill SO Hyilav or wn-V l'lia atlt room. tiuKle or intuit', natlv and comfortably lurnlsheil. t'.rate or f. rtim'c heat, hot and Colo wntir. with I'ath-.- 101 two floors. On electric ear line; live tpi in'v walk from the stpjare. Terras m. nl- ra e. MKS. s I'HKKV. novlSIGmo 1 ( 1 North M'jin street MrSCf-T.f.A ,',:. St-.HOOl- Parties di-Minii? t-i patroni a private school in town .re reiiu steil to call on or address 11. 1 . Uiny, City, dcc13dtH mon snt FDR Hood c'erlcs, bookkeepirs. salesin teachers, Itlcchanies, etc , address v. i stamp, Um oloy ;ucn t Iiurcau, K i U ii :i, N . ocl-l-d. od3in TV YOU VTa position its .JL- clerk, Tnookki epi r, irtan.'ii'ee. si teacher, mechanic, scrvnt, etc.? with stamp rjniplovi.ietit Uuri-jiu. 1 N. C. net". di ll m ; i. Pei il3 'i "TlOTI K M.lvirlR so'd oat 111.- worn .li I'ltsincss to the Ittineuiii be i ia: C, willref.rmy old customers to tie ati.- named firm, who will continue tl e taisiius at the same prices. Kcspcctiull v. decltldlw M. 1'. li.WIS. ti'iitili: r t lauds in id ! tliid 1 sir--- t. FAKM OWNlvKS 1 have a clients who wish to imn hin Western North Carolina. I u on to correspond with own-rs, win sell thci- farms VV. M. SMITH, Att in. y : 1 - -.v dccUlillnio Co. -cord, N, I i "VTOTICI5 Ttl CH KIHTilHS ll.-ivins; 1 itieil hs administrator of the i state ot' I lamp. Mcllowcll. deeeascil, uil iTrson- in debted to said intestate are rci' ,cst il lo make imnitiiiate paym-.-nt to ttie iiinK--. sinrtl: all persons huvini; e'aims ee:M'i!st said intestate are iu-rcttv llotilieil l- pre i in their clainn, trot erly air then t rea ted to t he undersigned wit bin t wi I ve rn .n t li -i from da'e or r his notii e will lie pleaded in Iilit nt their recovery, lire 10, lvu;4. V. A. r:AItV. Ail mill 1st rat or of J. Ilnni o. Mi-'-n v 11. Tucker ,v Mupby, Atui.-utys. dt-cltiiltlt pa I Not the least interesting' feature of tin; ijlaeo in tho barracks, whore is quart. 're. I a. iiortion of llippoli to's val iant army, says a Hayti eorrespoiitleut of the Proviilenee .Imiriuil. Tho only attempt nt uniform is a fcuit of hluo overalls, ";eia rally in the hist stapco of tliUipit'.atiim, ntul a c:ip ornumentctl tvith retl. j-ellow or lihio braid, accortl in;r to the faney of the wearer. Some few have shoes or straw slippers, but tin1 majority are bare foot eit. They are arnn'il, however, with fairly Tooil muskets, and many of tlirnutarry ujfly lnokiit' knives. I saw laryo num bers of tho "t.okliers" on tho plaza or public", square, soma playiu.tf at clieo or eanls, some talkinjr, others sleeiiino; and all la:-.v, il irt y ami rao"LroiJ. TliiM lla.a, whieh was originally well laiil out iiit'l which actually boastcJ. an an cient fountain in the center, was lit tered witli refuse, rooted tip by hofrsj, ami lilthy with house olTal and dunfr. Tlu" ancient paved walks whieh ori"'in- ally traversed it were badly broken and tho loose stones were wildly scat tered by the hoirs. Outside of the town and an far us the cyo can reach extends a hilly country covered wit h forest. In a long" tramp tlirotili this country wo saw no cul tivated land. And vet this laud is said to be extremely fertile and to yield lare ly any troi'.ieal product that is planted upon it. I'rom an examination of an outcropping lod-ve of rock I decide- that the soil was underlaid with linn stone, and such a soil is nearly always rich. Hut the richness of this island is wasted. For even the old plantations which were well set with colTee oranges ami cocoanuts, are p-rown up to tropical forest and yield next to notlnny. Ki'lit in tho midst of a jnnp;lo of wild trees and bushes I found traces of an old orange and mango prove, in dicated by tho remains of straight rows ill which tho-.c trees were ori; nally planted. And with tie? decline and rniri of the plantations has de fhned everything i:i connection with them. Kvcn tho old carriage road which originally traversed the island and formed a channel f or convey in the produce to t he p oris aro now only bridle paths, being completely over grown with forest and birdies. And this is llayti, the Hi -tianiola of Colum bus, the priilo and glory of the great admiral! For it vill lie romomln-n mat, alter exannmeg tl-.e t lier large islands of the V.'cst I ml ies, Columbus decided t!iat this ov.o was tho riche ami nest. .nu i.dvr, v.lieri muter French rule. ir. was one of the fairest and weal'ihiort spots i;i tho eivili. world. llio whole repulilie, in fact, is a gigantic farce. Xo nation has ever shown itself more utter ly incapable of scl f-govermueiit than the black republic". la somo eighty years of llayliau independence there have been more than ninety revolutions, l he children, wit.i a few exceptions, grow up in absolute igno rance, and with a deep, inborn hatred of tho white) man. Tho rulers aro bloodthirsty tyrants and llic country lias degenerated into a t ropieal wilderness. NoTlOTi TO CtHlirrokS-lliMinu i .a' ified as atlui inWt r tor ut the e-tiie I M H. ipivev, ileceaned. all persons indent, il to a ri ill intestate are requested to mtiK.-i---meiliute payment to the ionic rsinid. al person having; claims aai st sai-1 intes tate nrc her by notitied to present the s mr f r paymi n t . protr!y a-jthcnticatcl. t i lie unUersiKtied within t'z inon'hs lr,-iii lhs nate or this notit e will be .tended in --ir i l tbeir lecoverv. .1 W 1 1 . 1. , i IN 1-; S . Adm'ref M. 11. Spivc, dictne I Tuckrr .V Murphy, Attorneys d-.-criltit tucs -II IV II I I ' I -tll-t p -I SH iVTOTIl K Tl 1 C K Ull I TOK JLI itieil as administrator ot tt-e e Mrs Francis llalloek iteeeas il nil indi hted to sai-1 iiitesta'i' are lit- ipiested to mtik-? immediate pnyni i.t: persoi s havitii claims nizainst said iritest are hereby notified to present "hem prop, authenticated to the i n irrsi;!! d wit twelve itionths 'ram this date, e.r th s i.o! will br plea it-d in bar ol their r. e-o r .-. J I". M t- I'll V, Administrator i. f Mrs. l-rfincs lla.'U oovl!Stuesilaystlt :iNG OF THE GULF. i; the 1 1 1 1 c lifi-iit ami Ills Homo Anions r.lotli-y t'rowils of lluslilre. t:- hire is the capital of the English "cell. rate in tho I'crsiuu gulf. Here rcsi.lcnt lives, who may be styled l the triilf, and before whom all potty potentates along its shores, they on tho Arabian or Persian side, iw down. IIo has. his steam j-acht id his steam launch provided for him, 1-iitish man-of-war is appointed to be always in readiness to tlo his bid- din -, ami tho lhitish residency, with its liao-stalV and extensive compounds, by far the most conspicuous build ing in the town, says tho 1' ortnigntiy v i c w. l'.ushire is a truly horrible place, built at the edge of a split of sand run ning out into the gulf. Its population is very mongrel Arabs, Persians, I Un ions, are all hopelessly mixed up there in. It has an I'.nglisli lianlt. Hat with its Knglish residency, English tnk, English telegraph, English steamers' agents and English men-of- war, I u shire is as English as could well be wished, hawn tennis maybe seen upon the epiays, ladies may play and ladies may rido without incurring more than an ordinary amount of star ing from tho Moslems. It is confidently asserted that, if tho ICaroun route is opened out into the heart of Persia, Bushiro will cease to bo tho seat of our resident, and the cap ital of our Persian gulf protectorate will bo removed to Fao or some other spot which has not yet got a name. If that tune ever conies, and l'.ushire ceases to bo tho chief outlet for me Persian caravan trade, tho place will not long survive, for it lias no preten sions whatsoever to call itself a har bor. Uig sticamers havo to anchor at least two miles off land outside a sand bar, a ml. if the sea is very rough, landing is next to impossible. Itushirc chances to lie the outlet for tho roads across the Kotals, and if it ceases to be that its reason for existence will cease also. IMPROVING Country Life THE EYES. for t! il v' i' tin r ttia Ans- THl'STEH'S SAI-K H virtue t f power of naif vestrtl in me unil;r a in trut. ex'-cti on i It loth tiav ot ner, by T. W. h-lton unl ton, his wife, to secure notes tft-reiu tioned, d f.iult ha intf bee a mi'lf in t mm t of u id notes. I w iP. on tlic .'tn-li i pceemher, lMit.'t, nt the I'ourt h -n-e li-mr the eity of Asht-viile. ta ty f I'.u u - i and State ol No'th Cnro iua ! tuilivti est hidd'' r for cash all i he proti rt v ilfM-i 1 in said deed in t'tis-; uiil ;el in f ust In reifisirred in h x k .'It, on ia i U'. the office of the Troisier i f Ot t tl i r In-i comhe C 'linty, for whieh r frt-nct i- U t'e made for furt her and I'tilUr tl-reii iivn-- ci said proprrtVi wh'eh in situat.il n Vit-w street, in the uit3 of AslicvUir. Vnvnn r 2H, tiii uackxi:y. no?2HdU tues '! rn-. e;- i. t Slu 1 n -l'v- Uf.l ('no tlu- - Thi., f-r t ;il Mi;." v 1 1 i 0 ! oUpt si u W n.i' u i- in : n ul:a: ;-. rt Insi st--.-,i:ts iiSi'Ot. v." !. 1.' .1 tiiiu-ti-y tl..- itli w Me !t t-i O.'litr'l-iS t t.a.it. i's ot the worll is roof i f Australia. :.:;p,:rt of Ooral, i:-t tinlr. '-lion 1 i i'.e ul ti i'ty inils'S u ;i-,t (-f Au.i i'v's ( f intort.,.-t o.tu;i . 1 iu any 1 1 y s, "I" fill 1 1 111' l .1; Jilt el 1 NOTITI lv virtue of a rower of eontainfd in a deed of irtist ex by (. H. Kmbler and Ids wile. npli'-oii Hmbler n the firi d'iy ol I eciuber. 1SMM. drfan't h.vin; teen made in the t iv mrnt of ttie nomry now pa-t due uul o a inu as in said trust dftd s-t forth. no-n he e quest of the crstui que trust, the mi le tiii-'etl will, on the Gth day f Janu ry. A i . 1 S'.) I-. sell by public auction, i.t tht- curt s door, in the cit of Ashrville, N C , fr c.ish. to the htKhrst bidder, all the loilnwm tie scribed tract of bind. Mtunttd, lin. a ml being in the county ol" Ituneombe a. id Strif e of Norih Caro'ina, on the wat-. r- of i lie Hwnnnanoi liver. fijoinrnj; the land ol John M. Putton, I. H. IKvidson and th-rs. containing l5 a res, be tue saint ni- .re or less, and known as the "Jo'il.tn Karn." jiud more pMrticul rly ili scrileii in saiil deed ot trust, whuh is recorded in tHe otlieeor Kcpi ter o' Ueeds of Hunconr e cmntv, ii In U No. 14-, ot the records tn f'tnli of t ru t ami mortKaes of said dlic, ftt k- s -tl ' 1 1 scg, to wich reference is rc cbv made a a part of this description, and to be sulrl i- or ler to satisfy the provision f jii t ilm! of trust lated this 4- h dav ot I k cetober. A. l, SU.'l S. 11. kiUI. Trun e dec4mondays 4t WANTED Th; Artitae M aiu!a :tu rin g Co , of Kichnion 1, Va., wi nt an aj(:nt for thtir Apli iU U a.ly Ro fin k and Asphalt l'.iiot ; 3 colors, red, brown mi l t l ick No experience necessary. It vou are out of eiiU'loym ut write I them. dcvlSd lm rod 34 Years I5xieri2ncc-34 MILTON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Bolldlng. CORNKR COURT PLACE AND MARKET UTRRRT. Ila, remoTcd hil sbop ln.bacint ut of I. Kal Block and would ask his friends iJ iiarticu lar and tbe public generally to nvc biiu m call. dre4-d.Hmo9 prucc- s i'L ri.-arcd in t turics an u !i ii-u ; hr" chic, sweepii! rtipti'd coarse miles, dash thcmril-. fury. Iiii-hi-eii within th-: tectiag arms is a ci;:'uty thou -and sip tent. 'ilu tt -.1 with a i. islet . a in I IT -.-en;:., jeel.n.t Hit- r. ii-.ivi .-. r u.l t ma v l -c '.v it ii-" fiTcat p-lint s v.li ich the w.i liar.1.-. 'lis into collect in;,' ground fu" j.-t;--:i::i if the oiean as little th im n ion u a. are rc are ccs of - imple been ast, c Pa- ot u i ; ; 1 1 1 1 . in-- uall, billows of n.-;" in an u n inter si vi t a 1 t hou-a ml Ives in i oetVci ttiitl Is the Hint Antidote Nearslelit cfliii-ss. It is satisfactory to be told by Mr, Ellis that blindness in England is "slowly decreasing," s.ivs tho Specta tor, though tlrent Ilritain still stands in this respect behind two other Euro pean countries, ami three more come before Ireland. Shortsightedness, however, appears to bo increasing everywhere, tlcrmany having a signal and fciiiister preeminence in this re speet. A French doctor has noted the re markable fact that wild beasts caught quite, young or born in captivity become shortsighted, the conclusion being that the eye adapts itself to its habitual sphere of vision, and unless "educat ed," to use Mr. Ellis' term, to see ob jects at a distance, loses tho capacity of so doing. Even in after life tho eye may be, to some extent, so educated, though probably only when the myopia is not considerable. It is thus within tho experience of the. present writer that his sight great ly improved in days gone by, when he became a volunteer, by practice at the butts, so that whilo at first he could not see the target to shoot at without spectacles at the three-hundrcd-yard range, after a twelvemonth or so he only needed to put on spectacles at four hundred yards. P.ut beyond that range he was never able to dispense with them. Country excursions are therefore ex tremely valuable as means of strength ening the sight of town-bred children; and tho conductors of such excursions should take pains to direct the eyes of tho children to distant objects to the furthest hill, church tower or other landmark, noting, if possible, any in capacity to discern the selected object, and then selecting some nearer one for tho weaker-sighted. KILLIES AND THEIR FOES. -t al ie iu.: ---.-.1 at the si St-'.".C aim ire at to of its pro iihind sea, iles in t'x- t li b' of ci iral i" very t n rn ob tho unlearned - i! sc i i-iK-t". 1 Iero in-,', hundred dif gukii" proecs:-. by liio.is iving ma.-.s t he it serves as a t lie lb .tsam and . a : id nl t i matel v develops an i-land covered v. ith a lux urious ma: s ol" tri-ph ;d growth. Here a, rain, may bo si-oil ill tho serene depths of j l.tcid pool s e x t i nor dinary forms (.f marine life, aglow with tin' in i ,t l.i-'.l! ia :it colors and pro ducing in their ialiu'ite variety a be wildering sense of tlu- va-t l-.os i if the life of the ocean. IMUiiN Or ULASTCNuUKY. M ll'.i ctilou-i Slnrir.i Tolil ul tlte! '1'res Wliit-Ii I'loouis oil t. Ii r ihl m:is. At lila.'.tuioiiiry Abbey, i"i Siuuorct- saire. 1 ,:vrlave I. stood u taorri tree vllich. ii is. -aid. bl-iomod every t'hi'ist m;is morning. The tlr.st a ut hontie ac eotuit of it ever written was ill lTTi bv a visitor of his vi The li Joseph i from t !n who tell , of it in the account .it to the al.Iiev. epi r assured I f Ai'im.ithi ,i la town, at a place i.ti that St. v.di il ie it far where thiTo war; formerly an .a i tn.it had been planted to hismeimiry; that ho and his companions marched to it bill and rest 'd themselves, and that .Joseph stifk hi, staff on the ground. Now thia sta ii wa s a c. itiimoii dry ha w t horn st ick , but it grow and lir.st cuuio into full flower on hristmas day. Afterward the tree, which had thus grown and budded like Aaron's rod, uUvnya bloomed on the day of our Lord's na tivity and upon no other day. the llower, like those i if tho ltig-ht-bloom-ing eereus, lasting but a few hours. Many rpiecr stories have been old of the ".Miraculous Tlmi-ii of (ila-ton-bnry." It was said that if tbe chips from it were planted they would sprou t anil grow like potatoes; that the leaves cured all inllamniations, swellings, etc.. and that "roils" cut from it would never leave marks on tho children cor rected by their use Xut Oaly Fish, 1 owl anil Man Deionr, lint Kvcn Chickens 1'lllaire Tlieiu. "IIo doesn't mind a httlo thing like that," said the deacon, kindly, as ho passed his hook through tho skin be hind tho back fin of the killio and cast minnow, hook ami ..inker the lengtli ol his lino to try the eil'eut of a fresh bait. "If the snappers don't bite any better than they've been doing he'll bo swim ming us lively as ever when we pull up anchor to go homo. hook at those killies in the bait box. Nothing damper about them than some seaweed since morning, and they'll all be ready to swim away if they stay till to-morrow. "They arc tough and hardy littlo fel lows and no mistake," ho continued, lifting the seaweed to look admiringly ut the wriggling littlo slumptailed tish packed like sardines in the box. "They .seem to havo been created for tho good of others. Everything preys on killies, from men who bait their hooks with them or cat the minnows as whito bait, down to the gulls and herons and bass and blackilsh and wcukflsh and Huke and snappers that follow them among tho grass every full tide. And with all this keeping after them they don't lhin them out that anyone can pee. Why, the very chickens along (dioro will rim from a dough trough for the sake of eating killies' eggs." "Hold on a minute, deacon," said tho reporter, who was tho pious mariner's iishing companion that day. "I grant all the rest you say, but please explain how chickens manage to get at tho killies' eggs. If you'd said ducks or Ceese, I could understand it. GREAT REDUCTION 6LQASCS ETS We will sell between now and Christmas, at your own figures, the finest Cloaks ever brought to this State, and guarantee to sell them for less money than any merchant in this town can buy same. Try us ! BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOES A Y GOODS GO. IO -AJXTID 12 PATTON AVESNITB. An Olii-Tlinw Ocean flyer. I t vi a fact not generally known that ti'.e l iiited States government label placed on every box of imported cigars sold in this count rv bears a Cno steel plate engraving of the steamer City of Washington, a sister ship to tho ill fated City of l'.oston, and noted in her day as an ocean llyer. In tho year lbol the City of W ashington, then ply ing between Xew York and Liverpool. covered the passage to tho westward In January, in fourteen da ys, fifteen hours; April, twelve days, twenty-on hours; May, thirteen days, twenty-one hours; July,, thirteen days; August, thirteen iliu's; "September, thirteen days, twenty hours, and December, lil'teen days, ten hours. In Itocember, 1S0J, sho made tho trip from Sandy Iiook to tjueenstown in what was then the remarkably fast time of nine days. nineteen hours a nd thirty seconds. Th City of London made several passages to the eastward ia and x less lliiui ...... a daj'H. "Ethel, dear," said Mabel, insinu atingly, "is there any reason why one should talk all through a private inus ieale when one wouldn't at a concert?" Ethel (an offender in this particular) "Good heavens! Yes! Why one pays for a concert . . "Acrid. Thin Children Grow Fat on Scott's Emulsion, because fat foods make fat children. I hey are thin, and proportion assimilate food rich in fat. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is especially adaptable to those of weak diges tion it is partly divested already. Astonishing how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its use! 11 most as palatable as milk. PrTtired by Scott A Bownn. N. Y. All HrUKgiMtn. remain thin just in to their inability to MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is told with written guarantee to cure N ervouirroaira' Ion. Fits. Dlzzi- neast Heartache and .caused byex- oUi.,n,1Ui.ofn,iflim Tnbacco and Alco i T Ulantal DanraiL. ER Bion. fioftenlnizof l,.. wrti m Pimainc uiaarw. inanniTV ana u fin in i lt,irreners lmpott'iu'y. Lost Power in either mux. w. rtM afm. Involuntary LoRrrh cuneu y nvT-iiiiul?4'n-o, ver-'Xrtion of the Brain and Errors of Youth. ItRiveto Vak Organs their Mlturill lKr Ollil Utunif me jwjo ? so liUi'orrhcnn aud Fmul WraknoHH. A mnnth'ti treat- tn'T b(x, 6 IoxeH$.r. With evtry f order we ive a Written Guarantee to cure or reiunu tne money, tirtuiurH free. Uuuruutue lttHued only by our ex clusive otfeut. RAYSOR & SMITH r B&FORE - AF- 31 Pettoti venuc Anheville, !. C TO VISITORS! IF VOU WISH TO CAKKY .A It 'it I' A LASTING ASD iJHARMISGJiOVVBIR OF ASHISVIl.l.Ii. I'lifOSIT SO COTS WITH "THE C1T1 ZHS" and HA VE RETVRSED h'UUi. VALVE IS it FlbB KSGKAVED VIEW OP ASH EVILLE .Alls ml Orilum TTdlilh cureil al liuini! itu iii t imiii lliHiL nf onr il.iil.nnl IHI K. U U IL'mil I li-v l II nt a, (ia. OBice ItUWhiteUillSV HiSKEY ittell's Living Age. Ul Fiy Years, jj If one wowUl feel the spirit of the affe. pet l)rrnt of its best thooKht, and be well in formed as to current literature, he must READ THE LIVING AGE. which. rluriuK its Fihst Half-a-Cknti r y. has achieved a remitntton for literary (iffl lenre second to thut of no other perioilical. WliKKLY MAGAZINE, it Kives more than THREE AND A QUARTER TH0USN3 double-column octavo panes of r- aMn tTt- trr yeuriv, lornvnn tour luri-e volumes nnea with the' ripest thought U the Ablest Munis of the age. A GLANCE. INTO TH KEW YEAR. New Stories. CopyriKhtcd Translations. As heretofore. The Living Acre will present in convenient form a complete compilation of the World's ch;cest literature encyclope dic in its scope, character, cmpr hensi ve ness and completeness; selected from the vast and varied held or FOREIGN PERIODICAL LITf RATURE, and representing every depart turn t of kuo vl ede and projenss; the best articles by the A NEW SERIES. A NEW FEATURE. Convrichtcd translations fmm the French and German will be a notahle feture The publishers have already arranucd for the publication in a S'-rial form, to bet-in January 1, ol the thrilling narative. "Ivln- netteAnnrcy a Picture 01 tdic unnuB im- Reinn of Terror," Dy l aui ferret, me noica French novbst: and. Iso in serial form, of a verv rare and curious work, A LITERARY CURIOSITY, Entitled "The Dean of KillfrM1ne,,, by the Abbe Prevost; and "Th- umldian.' by the famous German roinaneist. 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The prices given above Include postacc on The Living Age only. tend lor ucscriotn-c crcuiars 'I o all new subscribers for the year 1 remitting before January 1, the wtckty rum hers of 1H93 issued after the ncclpt of their subscriptions will be sent Free. Furnished weekly at 99 per year, tree 01 posts ge. Sample copi's of The Living Age, 15c each. Rates for dubbins: The Living Age wi'li other periodicals will be sent on application. 189 1. Harpca-'ti Weekly. ILLUSTRATED FTnrpers Wockly is hevond all quostinr. tbe lending journal in Anir:ca, in its up ten cliil illutrniion. n I orpsof ilisfinyuisbrd contributors, and u Us vait ami or reairrs. In special hne i lnws on the highest o-drr ofta'ent, thermit brat iitlid by pi it on anti tra nisg to tr'nl the ca bne' topics nt the day. 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The volumes of the Weekly brgtn with the first n 11 m Ik r for January of each yar. Whro 11 time ;b mentioned, subs.riptl na will be gin with Lhe number current nt the time ol ret eipt of order Hound "ol nines of Warper's Weekly for three yers back, in neat cloth bindings will be sent hy mail, postage pmd, or by cypress, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume) tor $7 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for hinUng. will be scat by mail, postpaid, 00 receipt of $1 each. Remittanrcs shonld be made by poatoflU'e money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspu,pers arc not to copy this advertisr ment without the eipress order of Harper Si Ilrothers. Address: HARPHrt & BROTHERS. New York. Audreys LITTF.U & CO., 31 Bedford Rt., Boston, Mass. EASTBOUND" Lv Knoxville... Morristown, . 8 lfiasa 0 4,0am l-v. r'aint Rock Hot Springe , Ar. Ashcville Lv. Asueville , " Round Knob Marion ' Morgan ton 44 Hickory 14 Newton 44 Stutesville r. 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