Tiies-iav Hvcninj;. January 2 ISf-t- THE ASHEVILLB DAILY CITIZEN E n H " 1 )' $ ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Thb Daily Citizbn, Democratic, Is publuhed .very afternoon tcseept Sunday) at tac fol lowing rater attictlv easb: OKI VBK S " BlX MONTHS l" Thkib Months. ! Onh Month 6" OmWm NICE POINT OF LAW (Continual from ttrt I'tie.) SUhSCKIUHKS who fail to receive their paper u ill covtcr a tuvor bv it-port ing the luct to this office immediately. TL'KSIUY, JANL'AKY '-. lSiii A NIC1S POINT. The ciucstion which Judye 'deniini.ii discusses in The Citizen tm'iiv in our taincd ia tins section of the Suite Coi stitution: "AH vacancies occurrim; in tlic ffi.r provided lor bv this nrticle ol the cuisii tution the judicial oftu-is sliall be li'li-i-by the Appointment of the llim-rn" . unless otherwise iirovidid lor, and tin appointees shall hold their placet 111111' the m xt regular election for iiiembers 1.1 the General Asetnhly,, when clcctium shall be held to till snch'n flkes." The point a' issue is, for what length of term are Indues elected when clmsei by the people to till a vaeanc the In I term of eight years, or the ti:icxiiivl tenr of less than eight years ? Attorney Gen eral Osborne holds Unit the people ilea only for the lull term : "Mv opinion is that all judges t Kelei' under this section I llie eoi.siittitinii .an elected tor a full term of ci!it ears. . . . There is no ipiestion in llu- mini ol anv one as tons ineanin.i; down t' the words 'when elections sliall be heh to till such offices.' These words sluum' betaken in thtir ordinary tense, nin th? trainers ol the constitution sh mid hi considered as having; so us. d tlain. un less by ci'-ini; them their ordinary siuni licnnce, the construction is absuid 01 impossible, or cm diets with some othn section of the constitution. The won office conveys to my mind not onlv tin place but also every one of its incidents' and amongst them its term not at par of the term, but its full term. lieu w sav in common parlance that a man 1 elected t till auollice, what other signili cancc can be given to the cxpci"t than that he has been elected to fli it fo. its full term ?" The point is a nice one and Judge Mcr ritnon, requested so to do by in. on Asheville lawyers, has examined it am presents his conclusion at length am with all the force and clearness to In expected of one of his known reputation and conceded ability. JUST IS SOUTH CAROL'S . di-a'er . tunic ; I. Siiricr of Wilmington clothing and furnishing good assignment Thursday, The Herald s-ivs a man named C. W Koper, li.'i years ol I, waskdled on ti i Western North Carolina railroad tr.iei about three miles below Morg.intoi Tuesday aitenioon bv the west liru a freiiiht. Roper was drunk, and h.' wa sitting 011 the end ol a cross-tie asleep. Charlotte Observer: Concord lin? now in operation 35,000 spindles am 1,400 looms. Sue has 1.000 peonlr em ployed in her cotton mills and at lens M,500 people depend upon these mills f.u a living. She pays out SiU OHO annualh lor labor in th se factories She pays on annually about $o00, 000 lor cotton 11. feed these mills. The capital stock ol these mills runs up t $0!,000. Am she has another large mill under consid eration. .11' THB GPISI). Speaking ol the (Ivide Mas 11 enmpau. the San Trail isco Chronicle sas: Musin stands beoiid any 1vn1p.11 ism with any violinist who lias plaved m tin city. He stands abreast o! the few h. in all times have surpassed nil other per formers on this wonderful little nistru nient. His technique, ol course, is id tlv very highest pi iti ctioti, but behind th.i is that indescribable soniet ling that vi e.dl L'enins. lie draws from the string the notes in all I heir fullness anil Ine.idih of tone, and they come w ith that intan uible ou 1 1 it v of sympathy which eariie- everv sound direct to the soul ol the listener. Annie Louise Tnnner-Musin's staccato sitiL'ing is wonderlully clear, am in liuht uracctul oassenges her voice i like a bird. It lias a wide range. Tin audience was riclinhtcd with her, am recalled her again anil ngain. Locke CraiiE for (iliauiflinl. Prom the Ilr.vion City Times. We believe a man more worthy ol thi honor is nut to be found, his appoint ment would give llcmocratic satisfac tion, which would not, for a moment. U confined to the 'Jth (his) district. We. without hesitation, endorse Mr. Craig and all Tin; Cmzics has said about hun. We know whereof we speak. I'p Anions Tlie Lender From the Hr son City Times. The Ashkvilm; CrrizliN, always lirsi when news is news. -eetion 1'3 has nothii.i; to do wil'i any-thi-ig but vacancies. It is altogether im iiroba'de that the convention of 1S7." intended to provide ill section ;.'." for the election of a judge to the lull ttrin o ei'jht venrs. Ia Cloud V. Wilson, 71! N. C. Ida, the Supreme court weie unani mously ol opinion ih.it section ill ol ll c eoustmr.i ui ol IMiS, conlern.il anthoiity to lilt vac incics o-dv, and that under n 1 circumstances could a "cw term ol od.ee he cicaleil um'er it cither bv appoint ment or bv el cli ni. Judge Kead, in Ins disseiitiiiK opinion in that case sav s : "That would be an enoruntv lor which 1 leineiiiber 110 precedent, eitner 1 to appoint or tl et an (.nicer not inny i ir llie uim si'ired tirui, but tor one hall I the sueic-.-dii g term A senator in .'oiireiflccal I rd'X years; but 11 leeled to HM a three tens vacancy, he .1 1 s not Idl that llnee years, and I lace eais of the t-uecvccliiig term. So here, win 11 two judges aic elected in lSTf. to dl v c.incies 111 teitns which expire in ISTs, 'heir terms expire 111 IS.s. lie y iill vacancies and not terms." The wi rd vac nicy, when lis..) with eleie-n.i- to an otlice, menus simply an inoccupicd otlice, an idliee "ivlieu ihsli- 'uie id and wanting ail ii.euailiciii; an llice wlr'cli is empty or not lilled." S c U"ii L'o deals only with ollices in wlii.h . acancu s have ccein red, that is, with tliOM- ollices lor w hich incunibenis bad iicn liirmihcil who either would not take hem, or haying tak. 11 them got out ol lui.i, in some m inner, bclore the expira i hi ol their teiins. This appeirs with ibu-ul ml clearness Iroiu the largiiage I the section itsed The jjovcruor is an thoi i,: d to make appointments to va ancics (ccutiing in t dices. His n;; iiointees shall hold, not vacancies. List Heir pl.u-es lor a cerlain tun -, and then leclions shail be In I I to ll I such oliiees ri.ewor s ' such others in the eonncc 11011 i i w hich tiny are placed uua'i ami 01 only 111.au. icier to and can only ic- er to ti c iilace?. hi Id bv the covet a ippoiii'.eis, and tluse plac.-s are t!c . Ili.es in which vacaiici'S have occurred out not new and imlei einlent teiais ol llice. To say that tin: governors ap .11 ialees hold vacancies and not o!iicc is h-u-d Ii tliee h dd ollie. s llu v are ueii cilices as elections sliall b.1 !..'..! to ill Now a lull term of office is not one i-i winch a vac nicy lias occurred until s nr. one lias been elided In it and re -lusid to accept it and itril.fv. Thw, hen, ;s not 1 he kind ol otVne wi.i.li c ri u '2i inal.es piovisioii lor lillii-g. I w made still more cedent by the l.'st sen't me bat ne in the si cti ui ; "ll any p.rson e'ectcd or appoint! d to mv ol said ollices sh ill ucghct and lad 01 (in dilv, such 1 lii.-e shall be npnoimcd t 1, lield and tided as provulnl in e.is-.s 1 1 I'-. oleics o curiing t C ela " How are "such 1 dices appointed t v leld and tilied in cases ol yacatu ns 1 c- uirii'g ilficiii"? Thcv nr.' app nutcil u 1 y the iVivernor, held bv 1 i- app au ei s" an I fill d by ilte'iou. This sn Hon rsiin icictcce to tie moire ol tin dice, f ir', her than that :t iiimm ).c mk.i is is piovided I r bv aiiicle IV. ol hi oii-'.itni ion; bill, i-ppbi s only to sf.i-ii ot imse if any p.11 ti. u'ar characti r ! aturcash tve lieoine vacant. A, ha ustance. if the oliice of judge d ti e ' ' lil.Sici.il t'is'rk'i should luc mc vacant. lie provisions of sictum '.'. wonnl be ome operative, and the C.ovctnor wool ' ipiioiut to the v.-ic nicy until tin- next Uction I ir in tubers .it the ticiter.ii Wsc'iiblv. and t hi 11 the people wou'd he. to li'l the olVtcc fir the icniaind-T ol lie term. Hut lias iiue-tioa iss.-tilui bvtli- ." ! iceiioii ui chiptcr -To public laws 1S70-7, now siciion 'J Tod ot the c 1'' : A believer any vaciniies shall exi. t bv eason id death, resignai ion or other .lise, in any ot the I dlow i-ig 1 111 s, t -vit: S eretary of the State, an btor, f iasurer, suiierintendeiit ol pu'i'ie in-lrin-ioii. atiorney t;eni;ai, so i. j is! ice ot the Supreme com t, and jnl-. -.t-f - he Sii crior court, ilie same b d! I . :i led lo e'ictious, to i cld in the irai:'-- r uid pi. nes and iiinlir the same icgul' tions and iiihs as pic-ci iocil for general lections, at the next regti'.ir e.tctioi, tor uicmbeis ol the gemral a-s. inbh .vipch shall occur more than W iI.ik .ft-r such Viicit ey, except as ,.1 !itw:.-c provnhd for ill the consutir ion." The l. st el.iii-e ol this sicttoti of tin .-ode can oi.lc h-ive bicn added out ! ibiinil int e.iiition. to avoid a v i isstide onllcl. with the- ci 11-iu utiou. Ii mounts 10 simply this: If there is ati iil'leouil provision in the constitution I r ti hug vacat'ciis in the oliice tiiet. tioited, sm h provisii n shall j evatl. It e.puiot be s.iitl t hat t his sec: ion ol tin code is in eoitlli, t wi-h the constitution .'curls are bound 10 sustain acts ol ll, 'cislntiirc except where their line msti- ution ihtv apiiears beyond all reasona hie doubt. This act of the 1 gi-l nine iv.-is passed iniinciliatily rdti I'Mct'on L.'." ol arti.ie IV. of the constilii! ion was nlopn d, and has m 111 lieeii (pi a-lio'u d. so lar Itoni its being 111 coii-utn i1 n il hex oud a r nsoiuible doubt, it is d-.liteitlt to s -e h iw tl c e can be any ii .iSonnUe !.--ulit ot its validity, 't here is 11 rt.iinlv no express provision nt the cciistit ut ion wi'h which it conlltets The Kg-.t-laiu-i, in pass'-ng it. was t vidiunlv 01 (ip-i iou hat section So onlv in'oli' pioyisnm lor lilling vaciinu-.s and lor kieiuug "a I in ciimiiiints ot said ollices in otlice until their sueee-sors wiietntaulieil. 1 lie pur P begius. There will be left of his term three years Would the judge have power to till tl is vacancy tor three veins? or only until the-next regular elcc ion for, 11 leuibtrs ol the ner.eral assembly ? I am of opinion the judge's appointee could ludd the otlice only until the next regu lar c'ci lion for niemb- rs of the General Ass uil lv. wl en an diction would be I eld to lei the office n-t for four ycats. b it I t the unexpired term. And it is by no c'litus certain that this view is ill coiilli t with the decision of the Supr.tie court i'l Cloud vs W ilson, supra, la that case the court construed the words 'in . si rig uln r 1 1. el ion" to mean 11:1 1 1 the next ie.;ulai el. c'i.ui for the otlice in which ii v.ic.o i v h is oceutred, but hci'etlie lan gil ice is ' until an 1 lection can he icgulai- l laid, " and it can sc ucc'y be doubted that I'll elccinui might 1 c regularly held to till a vacancc in the otlice of the Cl-rk of t lie Superior court, at the next regular election lor nienibcts of the General As-un'ilv alicr the vaeaney oceurr d. Why should not the people be permitted to ileet to till a vacancy as will as a full term? 1'hevilict to till vacancies occur ring in the Legislature ami the lower h uise ol Coi gtess. And why should a tei ui ol otlice be destroyed and new tei im raised upon its rums everv time the otlice ol judge becomes vacant .' W hy should a ihlicrent in'c be applied to the ollices ot ice ot tnc supreme court mid udg LiliiofeaJarii's The Ex utcu'sdttt is muinl.v .mr gr.i.8 tbcscUavs. How d iVt'rcnt irhe traiUU ut JMB4 WtLl'H Blallv No h untl . in the Market Buitdiug! Mut'.on, Turk, Fow! o all kinds; with tsp c'al tare ut o ci'anHit:'ss, ntul with polite attention to all. Bill of Fare T Since Ive Ate Apples ol the Supeii.ir nan I from the i n'c which governs in other elective offices ? It is icnai-.i that ia all cases where c-l.et ions have been laid to till the places he'd bv t'm'.oviTtioi-'s appointeis it was nt ivcrsallv uudeistood that such elec tions iei-ct- till ya .-aitcies iiiul not lull terms, la iccipit illation t 1. The office 01 ludge was cieated, and the linn id oliice p.-rin.uiciillycslablisucd by 1 he c.uisli'. ill ion. J All il'.etionsto this oliice for regular lull terms inns be held under sccti in UI ol article IV. ot the constitution. :;. The Mibj-el matter ol siet ion l'o ol irtielc 1'. is "Vacancies ocititiing in the oI'i'k'is provided tor by this a-ticle ot t'uc c n-triu'iou, ami tae 111. inner 01 lining them, flits se.-p.o-i was substituted I ir sccti 'ti dl ot article IV. of the c inslitu- lion ol lsr.s, the onlv Mil j.-ct in itter of which last 111. nt i'liic I sccti in was vacan cies. S ction 'J.'i was t ot intended to tita t;p'y tlic sip j ct matier cf said sec tion ;:i it! any wive wliiowr, as w is sail by Judge Kurl. 11 in King vs. Me c du e, 'ti.i'.i. W h ic'-u is appointed or cl.e'.i I iittdu aitioti -0 is appointed or eeeiul to ;, y.ac.P'ev and not otherwise. 1. ii.-. ii .:: L'THO of the Code is in Inn in on'.- with the eoi stitifion and settles 1 ii" con-'.1 net i on ol section L'o ol article IV. of 1 he constitution given above, as the tin construction. J. II .Ucrnmori. SH V T H E iVKST vi;iu- I.a'i-l l.c .1 l.ai.I iii uab' :,t,ii .ir.' sii.l hvail'iuart -r for I!jcjii, P.iMir .m l I't'nl st 11 IT, nar line. Wc tlx l I. I - tlu i ll'.C I St t'f Cil? ll llllJtTS to ;i t i-ti: 1 1 c i ' OWKBEY & SON., Ti Icpltonc 56 SOUVENIRS, GEMS- 1 tUEDDlNC PRESENTS. The "World's Fair Al Refrospi-it. The large-t and handsomest monthl.v inngnzinc of the season is The Iiiijiuei r ing Magazine for lanuary, with its :i.s pages. It is devoted to a retrospect ol the World's I-air, embraeing special papers by notable writers, and the full est collection of pictures of the Pair that has been published. The urchin cturai, niechanie d. 1 lictrical, mining and trans portation features ol the great Kxn s tion arectipably treated by such writers as Ilcnrv Van firunt, Kobert II. Tliurs ton, Elihu Tniinipson, Rossitcr W. Kaymond. Colonel Henry 0 I'roiit.iind others ol like nroininence, while Andrew Carnegie discusses the value of the World's I'.-iir to the American piople, and Gi neral Alfred T. Gosliom compares it with the Centennial Exhibition ot IS7G. This number is, in short specially designed to indicate the practical value of the World's Columbian Exposition to the science lind industry ol the tunc, and deserves to be bound for permanent preservation in the library of everv one who is interested in modern industrial nrocress. I'uhlished trom the Tunes Building, New York. Price 25 cents, The World's Coltimbinncxposition has been closed, but the Houston Ixarcolie Cure Institute for the trcHtmctir of the liquor, opium and morphine habits is n permanent institution in Asheville, the company owning the Stole of North Carolina. They are meeting with suc cess in all ciscb where the iierson desires 11 cure for the curse of drink, This cure iii doim a irreat work in New England, far more successful than anything of its ki id in existence. For inlorniation, tesii monials, etc., uddress thecompnny at no- West College street, Asheville, ix. v... . D. Brevard, president; U. T. Millard M. U., physician In charge. A most economical fuels. Our re screened Jellic.i Domestic nu'.. Asheville lee and Coal Co., 3 Patton avenue. Try or Jelllco Uomeatlo Nut ad y will be pleisae. aro IIm CmI 4)oMpnf. ol the legislature was to pas ;i law to give practical Ulect to tlic provisions t section 1!.), and not to eliangcit in any icspi-ct wltatevcr. liny tne cousirucium which the legislature gave the seel i in should be disturbed is not easy to see. I might go on now to discuss 111. mv provi-i ins ol llie constitution in rc'tain to Idling vacancies, but it is fullieieul to hat none ot them at ad cm lin t with the en strticti m 1 have given section '.a I wi'l. h iwever, sav a word in regard to icaiKiis oecurri g ill the oliice ol the clerk ol the Superior eouit. Sc. IT of Art. tot theeou'Ui'ulion is: "Cl -i k ol the Superior cnnit shtill hold their cilice for four years," Sic. U'.l of the s ini" article provide;: "In c ise the otlice ol'ii clerk ol a Superior c"'.rt lor a county sliall necoinc vacant oiuerwi'e than bv expiration ol the tei 1.1, and 111 Ciise of a lailurc by the people to elect, the judge o the Superior coutt lor the county shall appoint to till the vacancy until an 1 lection can be regularly held," Now what does this menu? I.''t us sup pose that a eh rk duly ilected and (plai ned resigns within a year, totcr his te-m Jewelry Made to Order. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JE.WELER tit fi-il'TH MAIN STRHiliT. TO VISITORS! YOV WISH TO CAKKY 1U-.IV A LAXTISG AS l Cll KM ISO SOVYliSlK ill' AS HKV Dlil'OSIT AF.0VE Ml. OTIIKHS, Dr. Three's Ooldeii Medieid Ihs- Ari' JL 1 civery Is tl: inedi''iiio for tho VViM blood. You'll tie willing to believo Vli.'tf,i.;. ......1 If ,., Il.n.l- ,,t llu. vvav us Kino 111 you. i'ii onn that's what it iiiniituits fo, In any ensu when) it lulls to Uiuetlt or cure, your inmmy is retunied. With any doubt fid or ordinary medicine, this couldn't Iw done. And it isn't done, except with tho " Iiiseovery." In every disease- caused by ft torpid liver or impure blood, this modielno dll cci'tulnly emu Kor the most stubborn Skin nnrl Renin llisenws; tho wm-st forms of sterol uln. even Consunintlon (or Lung- 1crnf11.nl In its earlier stages; and for Dvsneiism." IJvor lioiunlnlnt," mid every klmlrod nllmout, nothing ap proaches It as a remedy. Nothing else, at nnr price, is really as cheap, You pay only for tho good you got It'g mors than mtra relief it's a pcrfret and permanent rurt, that you get with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ifeniody. The proprietors offer 1500 reward for any Incurable com ot CMarrn, 50 ci.wr.s ipim 'ritu cm- i't;.Y" a ml II A Vli KHTVKXHU Ifl.t. VA L Vli IX a risn i:.i,llAVl'.! VlliW OF ASHEVILLE TRYOH, N. C. b-utHuI villii'c, with Ut tunir'iili ccnt mountain aa-ncrv, is kituattd oq the mu htrn ntri?! of tin lUtie on the Asheville and Spurt nburK ruilrcnd, With it mi en of 1 ttie foffns, its wealth tif pzone, lt n'itd Itnliun c'imntc, It tnft mmtirpiist il ndvnntttgts unci ifHt Itrc miutf tiim ns a henltli re'ort Itn attitude i 1,000 fcrt, It tr s nn excellent hotel, and llrst-vlnpt honriUuit houst-i, where pk'tinnt r-toins and the best ta die l"urd can he proeurcd at low ratn. AtMrcHu: GBOKUU W. LliWIS, dte'J'idlin Much (U-jh-iuIs ou DINXKH. '.s to the d.uwi of the best year ot y. )()1H1 til life in Prime llibs JUrf Sotillulown Mutton Loin ot Turkf (ioaso Vriiison Duck Saddlo oi Piiuric Chicken T1k uiinlciu'i ami the baker Avill W. M. HILL & Co., City v' Pork Capon (sjuail do the rest M ' l l!X, I'rni T. COLLINS, Vlce-Pre L. V. M'J.OUD. Chi- Vv' fc 'V n re's .: l)K. I". C. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, On the Public Square, Asheville, N. V,, Teiulcrs his compliments to p itriHis nml friends, and wishes them all a prosperous and HAPPY N:W YK.lIi. Slate, nrnt.j Ass3 City i.'C) editor? , DEPOSIT BOXES IK FIRE PHOOF VAULTS RESTED AT FiASOXABLE RATto GKNEKAL HAMvlNO liCBISEfiS TUAN8 ACTED. :ivcs! raid cj ('has. McNiiuu '. H. T. Collins. .1. V, Keed, DANK OPeN FKOU 9 A, OIKKCTOttSt M. ,1. l-'ajiv. M. .1. lie.H'ili'lt V. (i Sinilli. 1). kobi'i'tson M. Field, wis Aliiddux- M. TILL 4 t. M. ON STl)r.DAY Till 6 P. M. SIIEV1LLE WOODWORKING CO. 1 Is Now Prepared to- - Furnish all iunds of BUILDISMC P1ATER1AL Fine Church. Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures NX K?i roa 1S9;. Harper Weekly. Combination Offer! LORETTA ILLUSTRATED fTarppr's WfkW is fcfvnml nil qurti-iT I the irading journal in Am T ea, in iis sr.it :v j (li I illustration, to uriwnf tli- 'nun s fu tl contribiirnm. and it t vat arm nr u .i'li rs, j In ierinl hnr i draws on tlir 1hi;1hs' o thi . ot tu'ent, the mco bt-nt tittc-d hy jm it on 1 find traiulix to tr-at the tu'in; to-iic-i d1 the tJay (n fii'tion, ihc mint popular m -rv j vittr rontrihuttr to itn co uumt i nr ; (I raw in by the 'orroifat ariiiti illustrfttr j iiarCk-ial artiilt-a itt stories, and tvtr-' ih) ! table rvrn' ot tmblii inttrrsr; it i-wnt.mu portrait if the dinlinctMHtK d m n and vo mvn who art in a king he h'ttrorv of tlu liitu , wbi e Kpcctttl attention 1 tiivrn to tlic armv ii nd n ivy, amate r 8p rt. and mus e ui.d the drama, bv ilistirwumhrd rxppris. I i a word, If a ne' WeckW ''omhim the M'tvn icatur' r of the dai f ounrr and the ir ti tit and literary qualities o t Ii ttwigMz ne w ill) the solid c. iticul cbaru tcr of the rc ie v HARPEIt'S 'PERIODICALS I'cr Year; HAKPHK'S M GINB II VKl'KK'.s WB- KUV HKPIiK'S BAZAR HAKTUK'S VOl'NO tUUi'LB... The Asheville At Cost! Weekly Citizen And the 4- nn ! 4 11(1 I h-ii ii on I 1'nvtage free to all titmcrihrrs in the t'ai to, I Stutt-B, Canuilii nnrl Mcx ci. The voli'nies oflhe Weekly b in A-ilh tlm liri-t inimtKr fur Jttnanr.T tifeni-U -ar. W'l n u tune mentiuneit, nulis riptl ns iil b win with ilie number iurmit ut the limt til re- eiyt of urder ttonnd "iilumm of Warprr'8 WeeUty fr ttux- yvun titti'H, in ueat tlotll biT-d'nr, wti lie Hcnt hy muil, poHtHtie p'ii'1, or by rxirti3, free .f t-ipinne (proviJe1 the freiKlit ilut'ii not exceru one dollar per volume) lor $7 per volume Cloth cunex for each volume, lultanle for bin tux. will be neat by mail, postpaid, on reieipr of $1 each. KcmitianrcM shnnld be ma'te br pniiofli e nio..cy order or draft, to avolJ chance ol IOifl. Newnparr are not to copy thlnadverll" incit without the expreaa order of Uarp.r & Hrothrrn, Addrcti: HARPER & BKO TH KHS. New York Louisville Home and Farm CHy Ordinance. N. C July 7, WANTEH Thi! Ar It nirc Munufactarini; Co , of R'c'imoiil, Vrt., want nu nnt fir thi Ir Anhnk Ready tl'ii'fliik; nud Axptittlt t'ttlnt ; 3 colors, re I, brown and block Vo experience nccemnry. If you nre out of em luynvnt write then. dci'lSillni eoit Castle Rest Pormrrly Met ape House. No. Il l O ove struct. HiMme In- lutll'iilly tiunteit In heat location, nrnr street car line. Three minurea irom lio.mnice I nrne alnitle anil double rooms. Heated liv steam and lire nlnces. Hot and emit baths Table nest northeia style. Pef. crenccs cun lie alvcn ncirttf MNH, M. HCHIRRMRtHTRR. Mayor's Office, Asheville, 1HUH, He it "rdninerl hv the Mayor and A'der nien of the city of lievl e: Sec. 1, That It shall he unlawful fur nny eine to seM beets, lettuce, "n'oas asparaitu'. Krern enrn, herbs, tomatoes (except In cnns) cucumber., snap beans, ir en pens, rad she, pnranlps, or anv other vegetable, ixcrpt pi- tnln.. nnnlM nnrl flenches In the Cirv of Asheville within a r-dlns of one-half mile of the court house or the vet una marser. except In the city msrket houses, an i 'ih iect to the rules and ordm nce In rei'rence thrreto. Provided that this nrdlnnncc smill not app'y to anvonr fellinn the above vee- tume oi ni own raisi"K Kee a. 1 hat anyone viola Inir tilts ordl- nnnee hnll he flued Ten Do; lam for each vio lation thereof The above ordinance was ordered to he pnhilshrd for one week and to go in force at tlieexiirati n ol that time. I'. M. MI' LHK, T. W. PATTON, City Clerk, Mayor, dcc30dlw. For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance BOARDING. BY MONTH. WEEK OR DAY ... . .... WITH OR WITHOUT LODGING Mr Ls Ktvwskl, 14 PHILLIP 8THBBT, MHBVULB, H. C. A Scicnllflo Americaa fT- safa H i V TRADE It. ARKS, 0I8K0N PATKNTa, CAVEATS. TRADE nSARKS, DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. QtoJ tor Information snd troo Ilnnrlhook wrlta to MIINM A IK.. .1111 IlltoAliWAT. NKW YOUR. Oldest bureau fur securlnir pntvnts In Amnrlra. Krery patent taken out by m Is brnuirht before the publio br a notice uiv-u tree of charge u ut tartntt tilrentstlrra of any solentlflo Psperm t WiirllL Pplonamir llllisirsreii, no imeuiBvi nan should bo without it. wmiit. a,i Asheville W oodworking Co . Kiiuffinan, Supl, I'St'lilitini 1(51. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE fVLL. HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAIJOLINA. I'-v.-i-l'rTit T-'i' .ci'om-int!'it!" H. M. SWAINE. 'RIETOR A.1 Cost! NO MCMUL'i-.. DUSI.S.; THIS Wi'KKl WILL I'O.-il VI V LLV Si! 1. 1. A LL TOYS AT COST. 1 DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM uVLK. I NVIL MiXT Vl-:K. SlUI TIIHM AT fiNCIi. 0:UAT llAKr.AIS.- IN TOYS ! .')),'t;;tt,')f.')tjf.':;m Pl-A-lrT'S TOY BAZAAR, 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Quality not quantity NO l- RIit OU'TS OF AV K I vll J O ATTRACT ATTHNTlMN OK III. A W JTH Ml HA T TII It Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar Wlint I cliiim is tli it 1 kiep the Inrcst stocli of rut clum Knii of nuy house in the State. Anyone in necil of pure uniiilultcratnl liquor will find It to lliclr Interest to cull mill examine my stock. Tlie same bus been recommended by the lending physliliim In llie State Tor medicinal purposes. Jit-, II. Itnijiii'Jin, Irop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEViLLE. N. C. My mnttois, "Keep the best and clinrnc uccordinKly " My place is iiecond to none In the State. TBLKPHONIt CALL ISO rosrot'l'I. Ii IIOX uxs Ortlt-ra Frum a Distance Solicited, nuxint; & riickitijf Free a AND LIQUOR GO,. Nob. 4X and 43 8. Main St., Asheville. WHOLB8ALBT1IIPARTMHNT, ORNTB' -VTr A 1 VkWlGU. AND KUAUINO ROOM. IN J, tkJL CIOAPa, TOBACCO AKD BO rr.ft ODOIIH, HAM- VT 4 0 I'Lb, ULLL1ARU AND I'OOL HOOM. IN V. '.fcOs BEER : VAULTS : AKD : B0TTUK8 : DEPARTMENT : IH : EASEMENT, W rapectftiUjr solicit shut ol vow yt0Ba. P. A. E1ARQUAEJ3T, Manager. Main Rntrinci.M. 4S Tlpkoa Call, Mo. i rfuihWiwliktii iiii,l mliiwtifc'i'lii iniLitin 1