1 1 Asheville A .J.. VOLUME IX.-NO. 210. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 4, I8.IJ. PRICE 5 CENTS. BV f S Jr I I BBB1 1 Bl X I . THE AMERICAN CLUB HOUSE CHEESE 1 8 fust taking the place of foreign clieenes with all lovera of FEED AND GRAIN. In connection with our C.ROCHHY IILSIXUSS we ruu u Krsiu and fecil Hcpurtintut, and keen ut all times a f ill ami complete stock of grain and feed at the lowest possible prices. We have a UHICK YARIillOUSU on the railroad track and are fully slik to hamllc your trade futlsfacto-rtly. A. D. COOPER, North Side Court Square. THE LICENSE IS REFUSED This cutis a stock we are closing out pattern which' GOOD OLD CHEESE. You will always find it at KROGERS. At a . . . . Bargain I We have lull dinner srt.i, or we can sell you such pieces as you want. Can in Ute up ny kind of a set. This Breaklast Set only to us, Worth SH.OO: 1 dt z-u lireakfmt plates, 1 dozen natuical saucers, 1 dozen lnd. butters, 1 lu-iuch mcatdUh, 1 liuker, 1 cov- cn-il oista, 1 oatmeal dish. 1 1 cream, 1 bowl. Now is the time to buy. Other sets as cheap in propor tion. THAD. W. THRASH & CO. BON MARCHEl MI'KINtjM A NV JJSB KUl A NIM K- About Chocolate : DoYouWanttoKnow WHbKli YOU CAN GUT A NICIi Christmas Present I'or your father, brother or son, in a line of 8MOKBR8' ARTICLU9. anil where you may buy them ? ;o to BLOMRBRG'H and look over his stock. MBURSCIIAUM riHUS AND CIGAR IIOLUKRH. A most ntllaetiv? line of l'rcnch llrlarwooil pipes of all the latest designs. Also a handsome lac of Leather Cb;ar and Cigarette Cases. Look out for this space nest week. MODEL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVENUE, . . ASHIiVILLB Clocks, Watches, Novelties, etc. THE Citizen of Asheville and visitors, the ladles .specially, urc invited to call anil inspect bis lock. Mis prices are rcusonaMc anil sales men RELIABLE and attentive. Repulrlng of watches and I jewelry, a specialty, ticms and Precious I stoats set by an exiedeneed CORTLAND BROS., RRAL BSTATB U10KBRB. INVESTMENT AGBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC -" Loans Securely placed at 8 tier cent. OBicei SiO & 30 Patton Are., up sUirs VICKER'S !R 0 Y A L 40 T" E A G. A.GREER, NAMliNTAL GOODS AT ORliATI.Y KliDI'Clil) PRICKS. Cli .'folate is prepared from the seeds Cocoa, n tree native of South America, Mex leo anil the West Indies. The fruit of the tree resembles a cucumber mil ...mini.. annul thiity lienns, about the size of the sweet bl soml. II lore the Spuniariln lundeU o. mU.-,,hv, UKDHKWIiAK. while in Mexico, the native, made a sn f '.i.enaiepieted, still nearly all sizes left I atSc of the bcciIs and Uavorcd it Kith al-picc at prices to sell In ih,..,. ii..... anil vanilla 1heve:illed this drink Ckoco- lat, from whirh we derive our word Choco late. Cocoa shells are the thin kIwIi. n.ni cover the bcens Ilrniiiu is the name uiven RIBBONS, LACliS. SATINS. SII.VS r... I to a eertiiin ,,r,.,. - I ! r i- .... I ' buy our Choco'atis from the largest und most reliable niauufncturers In the country and guarantee th in f-esh ami pure. Ladles' Wraps Very Cheap. making fancy articles very reasonable. BON MARCHE MANBAMUM moCEEDINV!) BE GUN BY BATION. 37 S. main St. POWELL & SNIDER B. H. COSBY HI! A Kit .Voir Ol'liXIXC. LOTS Ol- daily receiving Additions to his already ;;;(; VM.viiSjrST UOVGIIT OS A WHY .... i wen se ctcd stock of Jewelry, Silverware LATH AXO Ulil'MiSSUD MAHKUT. Till! LINH OF l-ANCV HOODS, OK- XAMliXTAL CKOCHLNY AXO TOYS WK ciikistmas miisnxTs m why at- THACTIVIi, VXH ( Ttlli ATTIUCTIoXS IIL1XO I'KIUisroACCOh'tt WITH THIS UXVSIAL TIM US. y ' " f f f t t f f t t f t ISOUMliXCIXt: DHCISMIIUK IUTII. A LA HUH UISCOVXT OX Cl.oTII INC.. JEWELER. Wedding, Ulrtbduy and Christmas presents to satisfy all tastes at prices to suit the times, A few more of those beautiful en gagciucntringe left at 27 Patton Ave. CLOAKS, AXI) DKIiSS lUjollS, TbecunimlBalonrra Mai Appear Before Jadscsbarord and Mhow Cause Whi Tte Btaonld Mai Uraut Bataou a Llcenitc. The niKumcuts of touusel in the South Main street saloon case beli.ip thr- County Commissioners occuninl tain hours of yesterday afternoon. Tlie court room was crowded with listeners. persons being present than at any of the previous sessions of the court. In the course of the areument ol II. H Curter against the license the gentleman remarked that the story of the Ilatson loan seemed to him to be so imnmbahl that be was almost willing to propose to tnc otber side that a te euram h son to Atlanta asking Mr. Davis whether or not he had sent a check to Batson on the fifteenth of December, and if thev an affirmative reply then vs case ibouM mi The worrls ispr bi.mIu 4ii.. r .t . Dfc",vl-'l mircu iruut the BDenker'a llna arhti IV W T , .r - i . j"ur wan vt Pas8fa 8 tcJeRram to v.anci, Hymu us ne aiaso: "we ll accept the oniniisitinn." Great applause followed the scene and wiicu me bdouis oi lauRUter hod ceased, Mr. Carter said that he had tint matin n punitive proposition. The lnutflitrr ntiil nt.tt1o..an .A newpn nf th ututpmont nH,i t.. i... u u L, . UUU 1UC HlfTn Ktrl exclauiieij sarcastically : 'If tbe colored fcupic mop meir noise 1 will proceed !" The sheriff rflniwH fnt rmi.r ...u order was restored, the argument was VWIJLIUUC'.li The telegram showu by Mr. Jones had utcn reccivea ntit n loar m Nl.as viiruaijf uuu ri'uu : Atlanta, Uh Dec, 3, 1894 W. W. tones. Asheville- I Unrl U 17 Tl " ' . - a At aj a voir ii twelve hundred on twelve months. T. W. Davis." At the conclusion of the a "curaent the v.oiiiiiiinHiiinera Rniri rnvii rt.ni.inM , " m.vi.iuii nuum be Riven later and they prepared to leave At this juncture I P I n. .,!. r ... J VWUKti Ul Waynesville requ sted the attention of f w.uiuniuiicrs. ne snia ttiat the Indies wished lhlrninmiinn. . .... deretund thnt their presence in the case whs. uui oue to any combination with li(unr men. 1'he Commissioners then retired. Later it became known thut in their delibera tions they decided that the law left them no discretion wbrn nn tif.Mlii.jn. n ....... .... .,''..V..Ufc III. u license was a citizen, but they voted Unanimously tn rffnsi. tlw lt,,iQ..n n.,.,i; cation and made the billowing record in the ense : "Application haviiiR been miidc to the Hoard of Commissioners of Uuni-omhv county bv H. E. Batson lorlic. nsc to sell iniuors at o. , South Mnin street in iimicviiie, in iiuncombecountv, the said Hoard, having heard the evidence and arKumeut oi counsel, do hnd the follow Hi", facts; Thnt niiirl (iiitti,j..i..t- ;u ..... .i.n real pnrtv interested in said aDulication. . mm une r m. oimmiiiio, wno is a citizen of the Stiit,. is the party in whose interest and for TV IJUr I K 1 1 1 I I Tn. .1 lir.l.l.'ii ..... , . .1 .. , . . ------ 'j"-...i..ii in uitnir, he beinK the real applicant and not a ivjjni voicr oi ivirtu Carolina. "Tlnreforc said application is re fused." . A summons in mntiilnmim t.r.,.,.M.i;..... was served on j. E. Kankin. chairman of vuuuiy commissioners ust before '2 O'clock Inst tiitrhr r. f.swu...- I.,.f.. Judge G. A S'lufordatchamhrrs in the euy oi Asnevtiie, on January 13. A copy of the complaint was served with the summons. Tbecomulnint clmrue thni !.. i i .. : ... . " utiisfiii nan enmn un DJith th tn..i..n that he is a citizen of North Carolina und that he hnd nrpvinindn nlir,.;,.,.,i ,. license from the Board of Aldermen to retail liijuor in Asheville, prayini; judg ment for un order ol mandamus com uelling the Hoard of Countv Commis sioners to grant him a license and lor the costs of the action. The serviep wnsliiirriiHt.. ...!.. t.a.,n..ua Judge Shulord a ill leave Asheville on the i no, aim me law requires 10 days' notice to he given defendants in such QKORGIA'M KIILW4V. Itecree of Fareelnsure of The Hoitd. and Haiv Washington, Jan. f -In cli.iinl.cis this morning usticej.ickstin of the Su preme court of the United States signed a decree of foreclosure and alternative order ol sale of the Georgia Central Kail- road and the Southwestern railroad ol Georgia under what are known ns tbe five million tripartite bonds. The decree was in accordance with the nndinir of lusticp im-Lct, ... a.i....... J--... ui niinui.i Inst liine. It is unite voluminous h,.i brief directs the s-ile of the property within lit) riavs niti-r n... r. nest unless before that date the tleiuult ol tbe bonds has been made good. ADDlicatioU wna liUn ttm.l.. I. ... Justice lackson to order Hie payment ot v i uv.uuu in tnc receiver ol the Georgia Central bv the receiver if tlio .,i.........l. and Western for advances claimed to have been mudc by the former to the Utter on account of oiierations of the savannah and VVcriitii ri, ..i.,..i. ... tms corporation is owned bv tlic Geor gia Central, but there is a separate re ceivershiD lor the nmriprt v nml tli.t..:... of the Georgia Central receivers gro vs outof r'ie reU ions of thctwn rnnik The justice of this i-lmm u ,1,..,;,; i... . i... Savannah nnrl Wiclrrii i i.... - - i i . .iiivi jus tice Jackson referred the whole matter toCeorge W. Owens of Savannah lor investigation and nport. The receiver was ordeicd to isii' re ceiver's certificates to the amount of $40,000 with the proceeds of which the Savannah and Atlantic, better known as the Tybee Island railroad, shall Ijl rebuilt. It wan w.-mhrri' nut h ii, menuous storms nml ll.w.Ho u,i,;,.t, o,...,,,, the coast last year, entailing sufterine una distress, which have not yet been Whollv allrvintnl Th ,..,..,;..- also ordered to keep the proceeds of the iiiBuiunce poucy ujiou the steamer City of Savannah, destroyed a I the same time, as a separate fund, to be used, with suitable nrlilitiuns (r th ,,,,r..i,.,... of a new steam r. justice jnckson also ordered the receiver, without lurthei order or notice to the parties, to pay as they severally become due the imerest coupons on the bomls i,-A i,- ti. steamship compnnirs controlled by the ucorgia central, and certain time obli gations for tn ti.,,.,. !,... r.t -" V..U.-.V u, iClllllllrll lacihties of the steamship company in niiouncn. . ..anil lot- 1 ir r.-i, r.,.., Savannah. A (JUORUMOF DEMOCRATS IN WASHINtiTON, Ol'T NOT At WORK. CouHriiuenilv The Kt-pubilcauH Ate l.iiHblrdro Block all LflclH lluiluii aud.Tbe l'arlll BUI Is Not .ttAMliMitoN, Jau. I. in the Senate today u resolution callinir on the Secre tary of the treasury for a .statement of the sums paid to Mr. Iilouut us com missioner to Hawaii, and the orders and under which such payment was made, was made, was ollcred bv Mr. Hoar, and, on objection by Mr. Gorman, went over without action. Mr. Gray gave notice that Tuesday next he would move to proceed to con sideration nf the House bill to reoeal the Federal election laws, and that be would ask to have its consideration con tinued until a conclusion shall be reached. U 1 p. in the Senate went into executive session and at 1:10 p. m.atljourncd until nPCBEM. HICNICU cases. 'RUM MARION i! U U. Ik (3 t- ii Si. Keefypoocf & (So. CLOTI1LS0, URY VOUOS, HATS, SllOliS, CAKvurs, urc, arc LARGE SALES HOT SODA -oi'- A ilcllcious cup of Bouillon, lleeflliiuilloii Tcu. Hot Chocolate, , Collee, Brk Hhoi jihtte, etc., at CUtn llCvf Hot Thanks to Our I'rieuds unil Patrons assssss Anticipating a good trade, we placi d our order with the factor? and will have n fresh supply by express this week. BOX BOXS AXD CHOCOLATES. SBLLINQ SQKNTM K()H A8WBVIU.K Heiniisti s Reaoan DRT'UO'STS, Wo. .6 South Main street. Ption Ave. ft Ch.uch m. J. M. HESTON, Tlic Accldeut lo Mrs. Uarvlu-A Claim aa lo Climate. M akkw, N. C, un. :i -Late yester Jay afternoon Mrs. Rebecca Garvin, a yery estimable lady, 78 years of age, was en deavoriug to cross the railroad track at the railroad depot ami was run over bj the ears, cutting olf one foot just above me uiiitir, ana crusning tnrough the other foot. She had tried to crawl under me stnnnmg ireignt car, not know ma an engine was attached. Sbe it resting ijuieiiy iins morning, ur. Milliard ol A u 1 1 o tt i 1 1 n urill r I I . ... ..... ua.i.1 ii . in tac am putation ol the foot. The public nuctionialeof the Catawba and nf the Knol biitl ...n. from last Monday to the first Mondav .m i . rw-t . . ui i-eurnary next, i nis was done be cause the first Monday being the first dav ol the vear is a legal holiday. Here is a chance to buy, perhaps cheap, a good building, more than half completed, for an nll.venr rnnnrl rpsnrt n. a;..iaA for a good school or college building. nuu we on tms sine are reaay to claim that we have the rust nll.ri.np rn..A climate. It is pleasant in summer, and winter is shorn of most of its rigors, which are ui rnminnn uMmt ..r ui... . , - - ... uiue Ri Igc. Come over, buy, build or rent uuu irv your lot witu us. togs almost unknown. Bvthc way 1 will venture a remark that 1 have somewhere heard before, und that is, in tliese parts, winter is lin ucrine in the Ian ol snrinf? Ii-nrl. ,,;.,.. at least ) How favored arc we above those dwelling in the blizzard smitten northwest, thr Intnl l trtnb iirnm ...! zfro, and even below. Prof, Alexander la Couvluced. Washinoton, Jan. 4 The surxom mittee of the Senate committee on for. eign relations resumed it investigation of the Hawaiian situation this morning. benntor Duller sat for the first time, so that all the members of the sub-committee, with the excepi ion of Shermun, were fivmii. iincsBiir aicxanacr, tnc 0U1V witnesa nrpHpnt Av.-.tA M,..nl. j. ..... , - . .... v. uih.u IU re atinir the details nffb !...;.... e January and explaining tbe exact part talen by tbe American miuister and troops of the United States, and showed conclusively, to bis own mind at least, that the revolution was entirely Inde pendent of the official influence of this country. The l-litlii To occur In One of Two L'OllllllrM. Jacksonville, Flu.. Ian. 4. Charles Mitchell signed the amended articles ot agreement yesterday under pressure Irom the officials of the Ihival Athletic ciuu anil thus relieves himself ol the charge of being a "rank quitter." The amended articles provide that the liL-ht shall take pl:icc in Dnv.il m- St. John'i county.in which Uitchcll'strainiiiguuar tcrs are located. Mitchell's ni.ni.-H.,.,- ivi,-,..! "i l. r i ...... t iiuo inmi nt. AiiuuHiinc totlav that tin Hlllllishinnti wonbl rl r) mil liitur It, H...I.I nun in me ihw. ne nililed. however. mat he woula he on bmul it ib,. ;, and place hxed by the club. Mitchell read in today's tianer Hint I'mlu n I . . . i signed. The signtitiire read "lamesj Corbet t, per W. A. B." 1 1 did not please him; he told Tlimnnunn tlmi b,- r,. ,,.,i chicuncerv. Manager Bnwdcn was at once wired thnt Mitchell demanded that Corbett nut his 1 Ct'SOll.'jl si mil tn ,. 1 i !.. articles. The club feels verv s.'i tn. ii'ii,. t .mI n.ili.i the contest will come oil' here NlfW HAVEN. Ct . Inn I A H , ..,... Cowles ol Jacksonville, Fla , hns notilinl Kev. Clarence Greeley, Mount Caniu l. Ct.. irenernl tiLieiit oi th, tiitMt-n.it-.,....! law and order IrnLnn-. thnt ih,r,. plenty of law in Florida auniiit prize lights, and that the sent fil I hi-Mt riinbl,. must be found in weak-kneed local oMi cials, since the higher officers, iucludi.i vjov. Mitcnell ntiil Mayor Fletcher, as well as such llttorni'vu iiu I', .,,,,1 Judge Young, who win for years judge ot the Circuit court, and is at pnscnt member ol Congress from the lnckson- ville district, are sincere am iinispiken in their opposition to the lawlessness which the Corhett-.Miii-li.-ll I'llllll'Sl tvill involve. Mr. Greclev has nceordinL'lv advised the lormation ol tt local law and order enpue in m-ksiuivjll,. i., ,i. public officials. ' NOMINATION s. Al;r.dav r-xt I l M i n- N imi in null i n . - lluorol the House even before the hour oi m-etmg today The whips had been at work, and Ike Hill, il, at-anus, reported a i uorum ol Democrats in town. 1 1 ere was some doubt in the legislative mind ns to the status of tb D iiiieiic uawaiiiui resolution und it was not clear whether it wna ut-ill tb.. penriiniF (iiiestion liefore the H niiap I It.. iiucstion was soon hrouuht to lui I,.. lineillalelV niter thr renrljiin -.1 II, iiiiirnal Mr. MeMilliiii irncni !, element desirinns of tnkiua up the tarill i.i ii .1. i j., . 1 . oiii, i.iiijiuiin-u i ue regular order. I lie Speaker directed the call of the committees lur reports, holding thai Houtellc's resolution hnd I psed with vistcrilav 's mlj inriiineiit. Mr. Boulelle sought in renew it, and the Speaker I'limiwo in iccogmzi- iim alter the ca I Ins lot nw )i ' y over, Mr Unutellc ca led up ms r solution, declaring against miiTveiiti m in Hawaii; and McMdlin raised the i:ieti n ol considetation, de siring to take up the tarill' hill. The Speaker put tl e ijiustionandon a stund ini! vote tlie 1 ln.jt.t- dulineil to take up Boiitellc's resolution. The vote sloon ; s in the fiiip nialive and '.:W in th in-native. The eas and wivs ti' thei oldrred. line wis ti.e oppur unity il III - Jii-pnlilic-ins In test tile strength of tnci adversaries, nnd. lollowing pp vester (lav's tactics, they at unite. The' res ul was that tlie vote on considering B m ti'llc's resolntioii.stood, yens, none, inys 150 no ipiortiin. At "McMillinn's "n ipiest a call ni the Home ordered. Tin roll call resulted; yeas. I; nays, l."0. again no i lornni; Imt tli; point was nm made and the house, at 1. to, at Mr. Wil son's iiistanee adjourned. Chairman Ilolmnn, ol the Hmisc Uem oer.ilic ca n-us will issue a call for a enn cus tornori-ow nit'ht ai 7 nVliwIr Pn,-. seven Democrats have signed a reipicst ioi a can. lUVI.I.lMl II I. Til Kitiiioru HriMK ri ui., Hut Art- It-iilt-il ll v I-'rlt-ndH. U'amum-.ton, Jan. 'J A report has been current here lor several days that the I'rtsideul has been sull'.-riiig witl J sonic tooth trouble, which rumor nut ur nssoiiaks with the disorder (oi which lie was oneralril nnnii l.,at un, tier, ll is s lid that on two or tine. IC.'IStons he has reii-iwil inlim.,l. ii icmls with his lace tied up in flannel .mi coiiiiniiatiiiii can he bad ol tins rumors. 1 hey are denied by the I'resi dent's close Irietuls, who point to ll s healthy upoearauce today as conclusivi videiice ol Ins excellent physical condi tion X. V. World. MI KIM K Ott ACCIOliN r The box containing the $S( Gold Coin belougiiig to one of our thousand customers was stolen from our show wiudow during the holiday rush, but we have the origi nal key and wluevcr holds the duplicate shall have .liL'n ingdiljusl the same. KAYSOK SMITH, I'rcscripliuii Druggists, :il I'atton Av llpcu evenings till I I o'clock. Tlie President Hasnl'ew Iiiinur tant Plums PuHHed out. Wasiiisi.tds, Ian. I.-Thc lVcsident today sent to the Senate the following nominations: Jno. V. Knss, commis sioner of the District of Columbia; Tullv Brown, United Stales attorney for the middle district nf Tennessee. Postmasters, Virginia: Honce White, Abingdon; Iinimitt M. Morrison, Smith field. North Carolina: Rowan C. Charles High Point; Alabama . Charles F. Rankin, lirewton. Mississippi; lilla Harris, Hazel rlurst; Aimer K Northrop, Pass Christm; Jno. C. lid wards, Yazoo Ciiy. T.xns; William M. U ckson.Claiks villc; John M. Carroll, Hubbard, Uollie F. rhompBoii, Pittsburg. MRU I.KASIv She IB Now Out lo I-:ill-t i.Hlinr lu Her Cause. Llavunwoktii, Jan. I. Mrs. M.-n v li. Lease has written a letter lo the Ameri can Federation, iu session here, in which she says she will gwe lime and money to denouncing the executive ooivrrtlmi lm. organized a "rat" office and ignored labor organisations. "The People's party is eternal and unassailable, and through it we will irmmnli I, nt ,1... crowd hetravitu? its irni mimt !. h..;,.a outol sight, by the labor vole," she says, I his relers to ComuusMoner of Labor Todd. enaior Fanlkuer Married Fokt MoxKoii, Vn., Jan. 4 The mar riageol Senator Chas J. Faulkner ol West Viroinia und Miss'iriiiiin Wliiibur of Hampton took place ut St. John's Episcopal church at 0 o'clock yesterday ulteruoon. Miss May Phillips of War wick was maid ol honor mid Senator 11 I) Flood of Appomattox, nephew ol the senator, was best man. Coal Mlnea cloned BliLLAlHli, 0., Jan. Yesterday about one-half the conl ruliieg in this part ol the Ohio valley closed on account nf the miners reluting the reduction of 10 per cent, demanded by the operators. They are awaiting the action of the slate con vention at Columbus, January 0, A Ki n iickv Il.-llf Klll..cl tMr Rival, Ci auks m.i.i:, Tenn., an. I. Miss Slielton of Hadcnsville. Kv.. l."i mil. Irom Clarksville, killed Miss Allen witl a pistol while adniiring holiday nilts. Miss Slielton aimed at Miss Allen, s w ing. "I'll SllOllt." The llistol mill charged, the bullet striking Miss Allen in me icinpic, ciiiising instant death. Reports concerning the affair are con dieting. S ime sav it was a murder on account of jealousy, each haying the same beau. Oihcrs dccl irc the killing was accidental. IV. II. UWYN. w, w, WIST, lli:i.ATi:it PRICHISlTRIv 1 1 -at I.nm rrees an Aiiicrlcau I in ItrlHoued In Cuba. Savannah, an -t Inforuiation is re received bv the livening Press that I'eere Oglesliy ot Georgia, thrown into prison iu Cuba last October, hns been released bv reasons of the strong pressure excited through the State department at Wash ington. Oglesliy will at once leave Cuba for New Orleans. To Kill lvl P. Monon'H Cows. Ai.iianv, fan. I The State Board of Health has ordered kil'cd seventeen of Vice-President Morton's beautiful Guern seys, it having been found thnt the were suffering with ttiher-utosis. ThcS' were a lew ol the animuls saved from tin recent lire ill "lillerslec," and included tbe lumotis World's Fair herd. ItuuU'l vlebsu r In Dead. Uikminciiam, Alu , au. t. Al Mill, vale, Geneva countv, Daniel Webster's family had hogshead cheese for supper. By midnight Webster was dead. IDs wife is not c.p ctcd to live and the tbtie sons are desperately ill. It is supposed the cheese was poisoned by remaining loo long iu a zinc vessel. Came To Hit Failier'a Rescue, BiiUtiA, () ,Jun. 1. Four robbers at tacked the lown marshal last night aud attempted to force him to assist in loot ing the town. A young son came to the rescue ol his father and was fatally shot. Mr. Hootb Ha a Call. Washington, Inn. 4. Secretary Car lisle has called lor the resignation of D. It. Booth, collector of customs at Mobile, Ala, . Not An Kcho Remain. Bhooklyn N. Y.,Jnn. 4.-Hnrry Ken nedy, a well known ventriloquist, died at midnight at his home in this city. Successors to W. B Gwyn. Ustublisheil 18S1. Refer to Bank of Asheville. REAL ESTATE LOANS SUCUllliLV VUlVHO AT 8 1KK CBNT. NOTAEY I'DBLIO. COMMISSIONER Oli nKHns FIRE INSURANCE Smitlieust Courl Siuuu-. I1VSUBE YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY WITH PULLIAM & WEBB; GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Hiirnaril BiiiliHnB. Asheville, N. C, JOHN CHILD Rcaf CaUtc runisiieu amlJUnmruished llonses nHi,. Rooms; losnsVurrly nli S?-.1 HILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BOUDBl. Office and shop, Wolfc BaUdlac. ORNKR COURT PLACB AND IIAR1UT BTRRBT. FltESU CKACKHR9. NUTS. CITRON. AAISINS. CI KR ANTS. T. J. RcTell,3o North Main, A. FUECK Um removed his shop In.'bMemeBt of Legl moe u would ask his friends la -!.. Ur and the public ge nerally to fire him i unmaBIH ! i,i , -'"-.i-.- . in j.. . ..I...-; KWSis