Thursilav livening. January 4 ISl 4 THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tn Daily CrTUBH, Democratic, ta published tnn afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowmc rntta ttrtcttr cmth: On YBAm..... $6.00 Six Mouths. 3.00 TlUI MONTH............................... 180 Oaa MoTB.................................... BO ouirn ............ ........................... IB SUBSCRIBERS who fail to receive their paper ' conr a a For br tepurt iag the fact to tbia office immediately. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1894 So as to the Nicaragua canal. No other nation than the United States am afford to construct that canal under the circumstances now existing. Richmond Dispatch. Under the circumstances now exislinc, financially, the United States certainly cannot afford to build an; canals. We haven't the monev. The patriots and citizens and Demo crats who have elected John Y. McKane, the Gravesend, L, 1., boss uml political shyster, to be supervisor of the county in which bis ditty work has been carried on, should be ashamed of themselves Such indifference to the opinion ol tin people is not only poor morals; it is bad politics as well. No party or faction oi a party can afford to tie up to a criminal or one who is believed to be such. This decision of the Countv Coininiv siouers in the South Mtiin street saloon case is a backhanded slap at flic liouril of Aldermen that seemsentnely deserved. It is the Board of Aldermeu that should stand like a stone wall to guard the City's interests, which do not lie in t In direction of more, it auv, saloons. Tin Aldermeu have the power to refuse license to an intending liquor seller, bui in the present case, they seem to have been so anxious to grant it Unit thej made no inquiry as to whether the real applicant was a citizen of the State or not. This act of the Board of Aldermen is the more inexcusable when it is re membered that it is a reform Board. BLANDER Mr. Sovereign, recently elected jjrani' master workman of the Knights ol Labor, l'.as issued an address to tin members ol tits oigatiiz.ition iiigmc them to protest against the proposed issue of interest-bearing bonds. Mr, Sovereign says he is "iu receipt of letter from the cotton regions of the Soutl and from the agricultural districts ol the West declaring that the issuing ol iiiterest-b' aring bonds by the national government will be considered sullicicnt provocation to justify a call to arms.' If interest-bearing bonds arc issued it will be because the act can be legally doiie, and if it is done the persons dome it will be those legally elected by the oeonle of the United States to do that and other work found, in their judg ruent. necessary or expedient. How silly then to talk of a "call to arms' being justified! If Mr. Sovereign had good sense he would not have asserted that he had received ''letters" from the "cotton regions" conveving this threat Probablv be received verv few such, and that bis assertion is, in effect, a slander SOME FIGl'RKS RECALLED. During Harrison's administration, i 1H81, Samuel C.ompers, prcsiden ol the American Federation ol I. a bor, estimated the number of men out ot work at three millions. A Republican organ which has just caught up with the figures, or else has maliciously and purposely brought them forward from the ledger of the last administration says: "Poor America! If she isn't getting her punishment tor admitting the Demo cratic party to power again. So generally were these figures ac cepted even by the Republicans that they were taken up by the New York city Re- publican business men's association, a meeting of which, early in the Harri son administration, a resolution wn offered reciting that there were 3.000 000 men out of work and that 50,000 tramps were roaming around the coun try, and that a committee ought to v nnnninted and relief devised. It is wc'l ii to wall this at the present day when the hard times are being charged to the account of the Democratic party. THE COMMISSION t-Rt' DKCISV ION. We think those who followed the Hut son license case before the County Com missiouers will be surprised at the text ol their decision while applauding the effect of it in preventing the establishing of another saloon. The Commissioners decision bluntly accuses certain witnesse of false swearing. The Commissioners dnnotsav: "We refuse the license on the ground that it bas not been prove beyond a reasonable doubt (or to our satisfaction) that the real applicant is a native of the State;" but I they say "said applicant is not the real patty interested in said application, but tha one F. M. Simmons, who is a citizen ol the State of South Carolina, is the party iu whose interest and for whose licncli the application is made." Th!s surely is a decision with a very rough bark on, and a bark that is not necessarily worse than its bite either. The Citizisn knows neither of the par ties said to be interested in this matter, but that they are wc will not say with out sufficient evidence, but apparently unnecessarily branded in a way to leave a lasting mark of a disgraceful kind is very apparent. We think Messrs. llutsou and Simmons have a right to complain at the form of the Commis sioners' decision. AUAIM. Wc have this in the Raleigh News and Courier: "Commenting on a paragraph that recently appeared in this paper touching the Ling Guu case, Tub Ashvilli; Civi 71TM anva: "We do not believe it is any part of particular purpose in this case so long aa those officers ot the luw who have jurisdiction in the premises are believed to be capable and evince a disposition to carry out their sworn duty.' nr brioht contemporary we sup pose will admit that because this unfor tunate victim was a citizen of a foreign country, particular care should be taken in all the a tares of the case. "And wesuDDOse it will also admit that the Governor mpy in any cafe manifest a particular interest in seeing the law enforced until a true bill is found and a case constituted iu the court. "Thus there would have been no de parture from propriety bad the Gov ernor seen fit to have gone tothevicinit.i of the crime and by such lawful nieaus as he m ght use have pressed the investi gation iu such a direction as would lead to the conviction ot the murderers. Our esteemed contemporary is nearer the authorities and the record that show the precedents in such matters, aud we presume it hus taken care to in form itself, but we recall nothing cither in the State Constitution or the Code which, except in the most general terms, would suggest a visit ot the Governor to the vicinity ol the scene of the murder ot Ling Gun to "press nu investigation." We believe further that if the Governor had come west to make a show ol authority h.' would have found nothing to do, aud, as an lrishmau might say been a week too late to do it. For, as a matter of fact, tne interest taken in the Ling Ou n ease has from the first been ex- traoidina. y; time and monev have been treely spent; aud both the Secretary ol State and the Chinese minister have beeu kept fully infuruicd ot everv step taken We cannot vet see the necessity or he propriety ol now reciting to Western North Carolina the real or supposed powers of theGovernor in eases like that under consideration. JluST IX SOUTH CAROL ISA. -I'ostinaster Robertson of Charlotte viis sustained in his action in dismissing letter carriers. new hi' ol political news is to the effect that Hon. W. II. kitcllin will be i candidate lor the position of Tailed Stales Senator. Governor Carr hus issued his war rant for the execution ot I'eter DeGrnff, it Winston, February !S. DcGrulV bru tally murdered Hllen Smith. Sheriff Levi Blount of Washington ountv is the tilth sheriff to make a full settlement of taxes with the State Treas urer. He paid iu $a,0'Jl.L'U. The will of the late A. I. oiics, esq., lias been probated. Tile property, real -inrl personal, is ,,hiecl at about $lo,- OOii. All is lell to Mr. Joucs mother. Charlotte Observer : i.alc of stamps tor manufactured loliaccoaiidcigaisdui' n the mouth ol Dtvcuiher at the .Ml iry stamp ofliee amounted to $10,- L'Sl.NO. -A Washington special to the New York Press says: It is reported that 'resident Cleveland has determined to iiinoint loscphus Daniels ol North Caro 1 111 :i public printer. The joiiitcoiumitlec ol the two.Noi lli Carolina Metuouisl l-.piscoiial coaler enccs recoinmeude j the consolidation ol 1 he two organs, now published at Ashe- villeand Raleigh. 1 he latter aciiiieseed, the former asks for 00 davs' lime lor consideration. There have been two assignments recently fit Mt. (Hive, Wayne county; one of Herring & Jones, general mer chants; theother of F. L. 1'eaisall whose liabilities are $3,000, and nominal assets 2 500. II. F. f ield ot Falling Creek, Lenoir county, and 1). W. Hobbs ol Rockingham, "have assigned. The grand lodge of Masons ol North Carolina met at Wilmington Tuesday night. Peculiar interest was attached to this meeting as it was the first time tue grand lodge ever met outside ol the capital of the State. It came here this vear on account of celebrating its htm dredth anniversary of St. loan's lodge ol Wilmington. The State I nivcrsily opens the olli. President Winston says thai applications lor udinission have been received from young men Irom four other States, and that there will be a large increase in the attendance. The university will reach the WO mark this term, it is believed Sew students will be examined on the 4-th and oth. The executive couimittecof the North Carolina Teachers' assembly met at K il eigh Tuesday. The committee decided to meet at Morehead City as usuul. The assemble will begin 1 1111c 10th and end une lilltli. The program was prepared and embraces some special teaturts. One thousand names will be signed to an in vitation to Vice-President Stevenson and family to visit the assembly. The annual report on the Orphan asylum at Oxford has been made to the State and to theGrand Lodgcof Masons It shows that during the past year 1-1 children were admitted; 2 pluced in homes, 1 1 discharged, and 3 died, leaving now U30 present. From the State and theGrand Lodge $19,-L(m was received, allot' which was expended. An indus trial department was built and repairs made to other buildings, ull at a cost ol $i,;7:s. QllCT l-'roui the Spring licld Rcpn'iliean. Wc have heard all about the 1 JO ,000 men out of work and destitute in Chi cago. But the contractors on the big drainage canal still complain that thev c inuot fimi men enough to fill their quotas, and a labor agent ol ten vears' experience iu Chicago, who assembles work for railroad construction compa nies and the like, says he has rarelv known applicants for that kind of work to be so few. LEA VKS. That's what Sick Headache docs, when J)r. rit'i-ces rieasant rel ists are taken. These tiny, sug ar-coated, anti-hilioiis granules cure it completely, they're tne smallest, the easiest to take, and the most natural remedy. No disturlniiice, no unpleasantness, no reaction afterward. One little Pullet at r (lose regulates the whole system. Constipation, In digestion, Bilious Attacks, Dizzi ness, and all derangements of the liver, stoma ana uoweis are prevented, relieved, aud permar ijanently cured. r They're the ehenptd pills you can nuy at any price, lor tnerre puaranreea to give saMsraction, or vour monev is returned. You pay only for the good you get, Thiuira that arrin to heln Catarrh mav be doing harm. Poisonous, Irritating snuffs and strong, caustlo solutions only drive it irom tne neaa to tne lungs, ur. nagei ua tarrh Remedy cures Catarrh. It's mild, soothing, cleansing, healing. Its proprietors promise 500 or a cure. The World's Columbian exposition lias been closed, but the Houston Narcotic Cure Institute for the treatment of the liuuor, opium and morphine habits it a permanent institution in Asheville, the company owning tne state 01 norm Carolina. They are meeting with sue cess in all cases where the person desires a cure for the curse of drink. This cure is doing a great work in New England, far more successful than anything of Its ki id in existence. For information, tcsti monials, etc., address thecompany at 53 West College street, Asheville, N. c D. Brevard, president; D. T. Millard M. D,, physician in charge, Am Ox by Telegraph. Kalcigli Correspondent Charlotte Ojaervcr. Acountrymuu walked in the Postal Telegraph office today, and laving a small package on the counter, said: "I want to scud this by telegraph. It won't cost over 10 cents, will it?" The operators had a great laugh. Col. John l. Cameron, wno, ta tne very earnest days ot the telegraph, was an operator in Ihe office at Richmond, told your cor respondent thut once two men cume there troui tue valley ol Virginia wim an enormous ox, saying they hud "heard the telegraph was opened," and wanted to send the great animal to the President at Washington. Col. Cameron took them outjoors and showed tnem tne slender wire , w hich was the sole vehicle of transportation. ' Will Not Hate Tlie pehen. Fruin the Bryaon Citv Times. Capt. Weathcrspoon ol Ml. Veruon, Ala., aud Capt. Pratt of Carlisle, Pa., were ordered to proceed to North Caro lina and confer with Agent Potter, con cerning the advisability ot moving the Auaclie prisoners from Ml. Vernon to the liustern Cherokee reservation, Alter looking over the coun ty and thoroughly discussing the question it was unanimously decided to tie imprac tible and unjust "to crowd the Apaches into the Kaslern Cherokee reservation, when the amount ot suitable tm ming land iu the said reserve is insufficient lor the present needs of the Cherokees. Nulptiur HprlnicH Schedule. Cars leave rear of postoffiee for Springs it It a. m., thence every hour until t u. m. Regular half hour schedule lie tween postoffiee and depot. Car also leaves postolllcc at 7:-to a. m. to Spar n'lh.ii'v train. BUY THE BEST We are prepaml to imikv sprcml low price en While Label Leal l.anl in unlit"- ken nuekam s uiiil are stiil liiiiiliuail rs for Low Pii.cs hi li ieon, I' our.ui'l Fied stuff, us well lis cn thing else mir line. We will make it to the interest of 1 ct our prices. OWNBEY & SON., Telephone s6 SOUVENIRS, GEMS Ua4UUIIaiSaaUttl LUEDDiriC PRESENTS. Jewelry Made to Order. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELER 18 SOl'TH MAIN STREET. NOTICE ! - Comnieiieiug Jan. 1 our pri.-is lor Kl eanille power incnidcscinl electric HhMs will he as follows; I to 5 Inclusive, 7.'e p r nioutli i' to IU iacluiv. 70c per month. I I to'.'O inclusive, sue. per month. '1 to 60 inclusive, BOe. per month. Over 00, 8Rei il prices. Are Lights. $!i per nnntli. t)u and alter Jany x our lights, lolh iini!e -rut anil are, v. ill he run all night. in- ASHEVILLE STREET RAILROAD CO. N. c. This U-nutllul village with its miiKnili eent mountain scenery, la tituated on the southern slopes of the Ulue AMh'. on the Asheville anil Sport -nburg railroad. With its mi es of pine forests, its wculth ofoonc, iu mild Italian c'luulc, it has unsurpassed advantages and is fast becoming famo us as a health reort. Its altitude U l.iioo feet. It hs an excellent hotel, and Hrst-elasi hoarding houses, where pleasant rooms and the best tn ble board eun be procured nt low rates. Address: GBORGIt W. LEWIS. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Munagenicnt. New Furniture. Nice, clean cotniortablc rooms. Tab'e excellent, Northern Style. Porter Meets all Trains. Close in town. On an Blectric Car Line neuuti ul Location. Hot sad Cold lia'lu. livery I'oisible Convenlenet. C.M. PHILIPP Mrs, Cora Morton Tate, MODISTE, 03 Central Avenue. . T, Taj I or System Castle restv Formerly MeCape Ilouae. No. il Oroya atrcct. Houac beautifully altuated iu beat location, near atrcct car line. Thret minuua from poatomce Large alnirla and double raoma. Heated by itcam and lire place. Hot and cold bathe Table beat aorthera style. Fcf- ciTucea can be ii nrtAkt MRH M. HCHtRRMBTaTRB SAUSAGE THAT are l'riee: One halt ceut per pound lor eli'Miplou. the meat to lie delivered lit woltr'N meat atnll In I ity mnrkrt, me NaUMiKV returned tu any part ul eitv I guarantee to suit your time. Jamett Wolle, Stalls N mbcrs .1)11. T. (J. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, On 1 lie Public Squ ire, AslievillV, N. V. , Toiulifi'H liin compliments friomls, and wisliPH tliein fill HAPPY NEW YEAR. 189 . Harper' Weekly. ILLUSTRATED Harper's Weekly is hevond all qiiiiit the iradlnc journal in Am-r'ea, in in niilrn ili'l lllu'traiion. , I "ornanf cli"neuishec1 t-onrritiqtora. and u tlvatarnio'rr;i'lr. in pperial Nnei ilraoi on (Mr lnulieni 11 iln of tu'ent, the men beat mod liy no it on and traioiay to trat the cutinf topie of the duy tn fielioa, tlie moit popular wt rv writera eonlriimte to H co umim su ieri lira win: by the lorrmoat artima illunnite itxpeeiul ar Hi hi m itorieo, nnd tvere no tutilerren' ol puulh Inform; it esntaioi portrait! f the dia'.inri'ikhcd ni-n and wo men who are making 'he hutorvof the litre, win c ipeeUI attentinu I . (riven to the arm? und nvy, amate-.r ap.irt, and roume and the drama, br diitlnmiiihed ripen, hi a word, llav per' Weeklr roialtlnea thr newa I'eatur- of the dal oanrr und the ani tii and litcru'v? nualitiea 01 tb muu ne with the lolid e.itieul ehara. ttr of the review HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Year: HAKI'H.K S MVi;A7.INR 4 00 HtRPBRWIJl-KUY 00 HAkPltK'8 BAZH 4U0 HAKI'BK'S YOUNG PBOI'I.U a 00 Potnxe free to all ..bierlbera in the Unl ted State. Canada and Mri ej. The Tolenica of the WiTklv begin with the first nitmhtr for Januurr of each ya'. Wn n n t time !a raentiuned, will If. uin with the number eurrint at the time 01 re- eipt of order Hound volumei of Rarpfr'a Weekly for three yei.ra liaek, in urut eloth birdinvi Wl1' he aeni by mall, poatage paid, or by eapreaa, tree uf np.n (provided the frtlaht dura not eieeru one d jliar cr yolume) for $7 per volume. Cloth eaae for eaeh volume, aultable for bin 'inK. will be aent bj mall, poatpaid, on receipt of II eaeh. Neinittaneea ahnnld be male bv poaiolfi e 1110 iey order or draft, to avoid chance ui lusa. Newapiipera are not to copy tblaadyerliw. meit without the eapreaa order of Harper Jti Bruthrra. Addreaa: HARPBR tt BKOrHKP.4. New York City Ordinance. Muyor'tOlliee, Aahevllle, N. C, July 7, 1MU3. He It ordained bv the Mayor and Alder men of the city of abell e : 8cc. 1. Thatltahallbeaaliiwful for any one to adl breta. lettuce, aaia-ia aaparaxua, Krccn com, herha, tomutoca (except In eaua) encumhera, anap beana. gr-fn pcae, rad abel, PuranlpH, or uny other vegetable, except po tatoea! applee and peachee In the ei'y of Aahevllle within a rdlua of one-half mite of the court houac or the Wet Und market, cieept la the dty market hottee. and anb icet to the rulea and ordin-aee In rcfrrence ttarreto. rrovided that tnia ordinance anau not apply to anyone iclllng the above vcat tablea ol hl own raialng Sec. il. That anyone vlola'ln thla nrdU miner aball be fined Tea Doilam for eaeh vio lation thereof The above ordinance waa ordered to be publiohfd for on week and to go In force at the cxi iratl n of that time. K. M. MH.LBH, T. W. PATTON, City Clerk. Mayor. dccSOdtw. . BOA-IiOIIVG. IV RONTH'WIEK OR Ml ... . . , , , W1TM OR WITHOUT L0D8IN0 Mr. L Bowvkly 1 1 PHILLIP TIRBT, A8UBVILI.B, N. C I employed (killed labor and tramnt liralua in my Grand kanida meat and auuifcdrpartmenta. 1 wll elinn auu-xaiten.t-nt for any one iu Aalicvdlc in lot ol S pouudsand apwurdi PERFECT IN FLAVOR. 8 mid 9, Market Building. to it.rons iin l 1 prosperous ami Combination Offer ! The Asheville Weekly Citizen And the Louisville Home and Farm For Only L.10 Per Year. Striotly in Advance fmH.ii-miivx Those tiny Capsules am superior I to iUuwn 01 Uopolba, uuooua ana Injoctlon irjTJTI They cure la 48 hour the V tame dlaeascs without MTlnooa- Teaknce. SOLO BY ALL MUWISIn and Onium Hablh. found at bourn wiili autpain.Uookdliiar tloularaaant ft'KKIS. RM.WIXtl.LEY.M.ll. Atlanta, On. Offeo m)i Whitehall St, If - 44 Ten thousand fears Iucutcd, wild, leu thousand frantic views of horrid rivals, hanging on the charms Tor which he melts iu fouclucss, cat him up Willi fervent anguish ami consuming rage." l'uuuy, is'ut it, when the fellow behind failing to keep up with the procession bawls the show a failure ? WM I, KM in palatable meat foods. M. Hill .V Co , Citv Maikt-t. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared BUILDING Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures NRD FOR Asheville Woodworking Co. . IvHuffman, Supt. 'IVIepliont?, 104. The Cosmopolitan Magazine AND THE WEEKLY CITIZEN- Botb. for S3. Till- UKliAT ILLUSTRATED MONTHLIES have iu the past sold for $MMi a year, it wus a wonder to printers 1530 pages of reading matter by the greatest writers of the world, nnd its lliOl! illustrations by clever artists, could be last it put in the most perfect magazine comes what is really 11 wonder: We Will Cut the Price of the Think of it, IIS pages of reading matter, 'with over li.'0 illustrations a volume that would sell iu cloth binding at $1.00. 12; FOR ONLY e will aenil you THU COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, which bus the .ironical stall ol regular contributors of uny existing ix-riodieul, timl TUB WHlvKLY Cl'r 1ZKN both for only $2.01) n year. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LORETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGS, H. M. SWAINE. At Cost! NO IIUMIU'ii. DURINt; THIS WEEK I WIU, PUSITIVBLY Slil.l, ALL TOYS AT CtiST. I UO NOT WANT TO CAKKY THBM 1)VI'.R UNTIL NliXT YKtK. SUB THBM AT ONCB. OKBAT UAKi'.AIN? IN ToVS I UHtHHHHHimimttHHHt RAY'S TOIT BAZAAR, 28 SOUTH Quality not NO PRBR GIFTS OF AY KIM) TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OR D"AW TRADB AT TH8 Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar What I claim la that I keep the lariat stock of rat cluaa guui of any bnuic In the Slate. Anyone in need of pure unadulterated liquors will find it to their futcrcat to call and examine my atoek. The aamc haa been recommended by the leading ihyalclana In the State fur mcdlcinul pnrpoacs. .ItiN. Hl. Louyflirmi, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. My motto la, "Keep the beat aud charge accord'ftMly." MBaaaMaaaBaa1' place la second to none in the State. TULlil'HONB CALL 130 POSTOKi'ICIl BOX U8K. Orders Prom a Distance Solicited. Boxlujt" Hacking Free "BONANZA" WINE AND LIOUOR CO., No. 41 and 43 6. Slain 0t, AahcTille. HHOLrMALB pSPAITMBNT. OBNTf PAaUVOK I AND BBADLNO KX)aa. CIOiJtlL TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, HAM XT A PLB, BIUJAKD AMD POOL KOOal. . iM Ul t BEER : VAULTS : AND : B0TTUK3 : DEPARTMENT J IN ! BASEMENT, Wt raapectfally aoakat a aaari s yewr patroawi. P. A. SXARQUAXIOT, IXanager. Mala RatraM.W. 4. llaylMM Call, H a. 7 to- Furnish all Kinds of MATERIAL KBTllWAKH - 00 v Year, how The Cosmopolitan, with ts ycarlv furnished for $3.00 11 year. In January printing plant in the world, and now Magazine Still More for You CKNT8. NORTH CAROLINA. PROPRIETOR. At OostJ MAIN STREET. quantity VT A 1 ' XI Jt XL

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