THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Momlav Evening, January 22. 1894 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN 1'BIKTID DAILY (BZCIFT SUNDAY) AND WHEEL V SUBSCRIPTION KATES: I One Year $6 00 Daily M Month S.oo Three Month 1.60 Citizen I in Month. In advaoce RO lone cck. paid to Carrier ... 10 Tub Weekly Otiibi, issued each Wednes day, in advance, ( 1 SUHSCRIBBRS who fail to receive their paver will confer a favor br report ing the tact to this office immediately. MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1894. We grieve to see that Col. CaldwtU't Sunday Observer rehashes the Greens boro scandal with no other provocati- n, apparently! than a mere desire to tell the story o'er again. Alas : JUST IN NORTH CAROLINA. Every Tuesday evening till Lent Governor Carr wili give a public recep tion at the Executive Mansion, . Lee DeGmff. the 'brother of Peter DeGraff. the Winston murderer, is in jail on a chargeof robbing a farmer of Stokes county of $73. The owners of the Pilot Cotton Mills at Raleigh sav they will, in the next few months, rut in 3,500 more spindles and 75 more looms. -Among those who were graduated at the New York Training school tor nurses (26 in number) were Sue H. Harris and Marv V Leinbach Irom North Carolina. Raleigh News and Observer: Dr. Frank Pi't. son ot H. B. S Pitt of Whit- akers. of Nash eountv. has found in Bun combe countv a deDOsit of mica, which gives promise of proving ot permuueut value. Onb Raleigh journalist has "fit" an- L N a balloonist, was iu- other on the streets of Raleigh and has I stantlv killed at Washington, X. C 1'ri- beenrfauired to give a peace bond. There dav. The balloon hurst while some dis- that tance from the ground. O'Dcll cut loose is nothing surprising in this except that pBradut(-but the ht.ght was nol me ruction Humtuasi vuwv uUv i sumcicnt lor it to open properly. suspected. -EightmilesnortbofShelby lust Friday While there is no man on earth who a negro named Lawson H iwell mur would see the devil get bis enemies with ,iered C. D. Jones, a prominent voting more emi.nnimitv than we. we place the 1 farmer. There are no particulars of thi good of our people and the prosperity tragedy as Lawson was the only living and advancement oi our Ktuuu all personal considerations and if the work of developing King's Mountain tin REGARDLESS OF COST. We are ollcrmg fur this mouth only Clocks. China Goods Japanese Goods At 20 PER CENT. Let than Price. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELER WOLFFS STALLS. J 01 G a 4 b lo- NOS. 8 AND 9, MARKET BUILDING. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LORETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAROLINA. Ktcellcnt Tah'r nnH Pin s.iyrvrimnil'itlnna in Pyerv Resorc and establishing the great enterpnsts there which are bound to follow, would nu lie a fortune for our worst entim even Cotton Seed Brown we woulri keep everlastingly doing our best to pr mote the enterprise. Shelby Review. That's the right spirit. Hurrah for King's Mountain tin ! There seems to be something in it. A Pittsburg local Knights of Labor Assembly is about to loan $50,000 to the Chambers Glas company so that witness to it, aud he has letc the county. Concord Times: Mr. W. E. Futr ot lllooinington, Scaulv countv, is the lather olL'2 children. He has been mar ried twice, his first wife being the mother f 13 and his last wile U. All ot .Mr. Furr's children are married except 0. Vlr. Furr is ti2 vearsold, but does nut look to be over 50. Shelby Review: For several years . 3d. Parker has been doing a large busi ness at Casar. Some weeks ago he be iiin selling olT at cost, and about ten lavs ago be closed i'Ut his stock to Messrs. Sehenck, Ramseur & Co. Alto gether he is said to have had over $3,00il the comoanvcan keep their glass fae- m cash with which he disappeared leav- ' I in i. tt.a nnifl men ..., I. llix Koi -f ll. ill 1 " Warrants were sworn out and alter a low running and furnish work to somr or all of the verv men who loan the money. On the face of it this is an extraordinarv situation, but really it is nnK- nnrtlv so. If the workers who j i , loan thin mm had deposited it BS ltiui vMimla in a savings bank, the mill own ers could probably have secured the same amount, if not actually the same money from the bank, that beiug the bank's business, to collect idle money and loan it as needed on approved security. The Assembly will get a higher rate of interest than if its members had loaned tbtir money to the bank, but tliey also take more risk. LIKE tWLESSNEI((l Tuti Citizen of course has no sympa thy with the tone of the letter from Barnardsville printed today, if, as seems that tone is one of lawlessness. If a ten men in and about Barnardsville deem ii best for thcircommunity that no tobacco be sold at present prices, the thing for tbem to do is to wait on all tobacco farmers, not with threats, but with facts and figures tending to convince doubting or hesitating ones that their best interests and the most money are in the direction of an abandonment ol tobacco as a crop. Having done this as diligent search Parker was located and arrested. He was brought to Shelby. Charlotte News: One of these rnilwav rules which gets closelv on the f.ireieal line is in i fleet on the Chester ami Lenoir Narrow Gunge road. There is but one train a day on that road; not even tin ihadow of danger of another train licing invwhere on the line, because there is no other train to run. Yet when the train stops anywhere on the mam line, a tl g- nian is hustled back L'UO yards witn a r d flag. He remains there ready to Hag a train that does not exist, until the train is ready to start, when the engineer blows him m. The funeral of Dr. Ii. Llurke Hay wood, at Christ church Ruleigh, Satur day, was one of the largest ever known there. All the State departments and ihe public institutions were officially represented. The pupilsof the deal mute and blind institution and ol l'eace lnsti mte attended, as did the physicians am: druggists. All the drug stores were losed. Ihe veterans ol unius uanie Camp paraded hi a body. The pall bear ers were L'l physicians, and tuc nonv as borne by six well known colored men. the tloral otlenngs wee the most profuse and beautiful ever seen there. ANTI TOBACCO HAIDING Threats That Are Nat Creditable Or is Ii a Joke. liuitoR The Citizen; Mass meeting persistently as good sense " aamit J mct accoi ding to agreement. W. Green- $1 PLUS $1 EQUALS $1 50 K..r the Intelligent Voter the Coming .... V..r Will Re Fraught with More inter est Than a Campaign. y Jt l Done This Winter the Fate of l'aities and the History of L.overnment Will l' Determined. The New York World, fear- he mill I iiiUii-MiJeut. working at all times lor the best interests oi tne umpir and never tor the teUisli ends ot any ring or individual, supporting the right and ..r.n.1, limine the wrong wherever found. W.'V... 0 t. it becomes a great power lor good throughout the land. Its policy is de fined by its well known motto: l;iiiai Rights to All, Special Favors to None. Tin. riMiuiaUou of the Weekly World a an incomparable newspaper is fully es tablished. It reaches for the very best and full st news of the entire country, .-ml i'eis it. The celebrated "Tarifl MhIh" artiilis are again running in thu weekly and creating widespread atten tion. Its miscellaneous pagesarc replete with articles of valuable aud interesting information to every one. It is a large 11! page, S-eolumn paper for only $1.00 n vear. We have succeeded in niakint special arrangements by which wc can furnish Tin; Weeklv Citizen and the Weekly World one ycur, both for only- Si CO in advance. Address The Weekly Citizen, Aslicville, N. C. H. M. SWAINE. PROPRIETOR. nothing more remains to be done; mo all talk about punishing men who con tinue to make and cure tobacco should be stopped by an appeal to the law. Mr. Whittemore and his friends are threatening an unwarranted interference with the rights of others unless their Cir cular ia not intended to be taken se riously. THE . P C. A. Annual RrDori of Tbe Hecrelar And Treasurer. In the report of the North Carolina Society for the Prevention ol Cruelty to Animals, at its fourth annual meeting, of aent to the scene at once wood, chairman of body; T. S. Dilliug' ham, clerk; object explained by chairman 1. Any man that raises a smoke any where in No. l'J township, burning tobacco beds, is to be dealt with bv order of the chairman and clerk and heir orders will be: "Ride them on rail or send them to Capt. White, 10 years at hard labor." Lverv man has had fair warning: making tobacco has hurt us all more than any thing else, the war not excepted, lohn Whittemore and Hix Greenwood said in the meeting : "A man who would attempt to m ike tobacco at the prices now ruling must be put to death " Some huntfr lit a lire in the woods tin- other night and a committee was to see it any The tale of a Market Basket and how to fill it. An Everyday Story for livery day People. HILL; 1 4 CO: City j ;MWt 1894 ALL ABOUT GOOD EATING Jiy One U 7io Lais. 'PHli INS1D1S pages tell of tbe trim cook, the mark. I cl, the slim butcher with black moustache and his suow white jacket and apron, roasts of beef, umt tou, pork, veal, plump fowls aud seasonable game, a particularly taking aud delicious all-pork sau sage and never any trouble in the household. Biirivionis Brick and Tile Works, Biltmore, North Carolina, HAS I'OU SALIC A LAUliK STOCK OF COMMON IIKK'K OK ALL KINDS, UK1MHCSSED IIK1CKS AMI ALL SIX ICS OF .WiKHTLTl'IIAL K1IAIN T1LIC DRUG STORE OF DR.TCSMITH OH THE PUBLIC SC All persons suffering w'tli Kim A;,ASrEVILLE.HjC ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to- -Furnish all Kinds of eases, broucbitis: ititii-reelion, uwl kindred maladits, tmuii s. Ti u i BUILDING IVIA I feKIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures Walter S. Cushraan, the secretary and tteasurer, that officer refers to the test case, which resulted in a decision that the shooting of live pigeons from trap in this Stnte is a violation ol the general statutes of the State against cruelty to nnimals. Cooies of the decision were wnt to the Massachusetts S. P. C. A th American Humane association and S P. C. A. Thret bills pre hv a committee of the lo ol board ol managers and introduced in the legis lature were adversely reported by the legislative committee, une was in reier ence to tbe 'abandonment ol animals, makinor the offence a misdemeanor, and trivinn a rieht to kill useless abandoned animals to certain officers of the law and tnnoentsol the society under certain nnrlitions: one expresly forbade the shooting of live pigeons from traps, and the third nave to societi I incorporated for the p-evention of cruelty to animals man was burning a tobacco bed lu re, lohn Phipos went and sold histobaccn crop, and it took the tobacco and bis plow mule to pav the tertilizer (lent. Now; men. don't think this is nothing. Some men will come up missing if they don't obey the laws ot our land. Making tobacco is like the frog in tbe tar bucket. J M. Whittemore. Uarnaidsville. N. C . Ian 2llh, lS'Ji Be Independent n i inrninir Shorthttnil with Whlili You If tou eiinuot come here, we can give .you a thorouirh course bv mall Satisfaction .rnnrnn.l! fill lint tCflCh lj V limited sit .a. ni oi b r do. but treat the Intellect of each inriivi ul pupil a required. Terms 20 lor course "f 40 lessons to be tnkrn wi'hln 20 wr ks. pavuhle half in ad vunce. and halunce in 110 dHVS leit-b oks fre tonuoils We te eh noth nc but "tnnd- urd shivthiind and Rie full value lor money ri ct'iv-d .... I Vl'EWWITRRS BOV'jHT, SUUI' AN" RKI'AIKKI). If vou will to purchase vncwriter of nny make ou can save money hv iiiivinir h-oiinh us. It 'ouhav- awconu- and wroer to sell, ship it to us and we win nose i f it fur you to best auvantane. one Miniect to vour approval. 11 vou n..t n to Imv a mw machine send vour old one to us to be ihoroughlv repaired. THE STEM GRA"HIC INSTITUTE, inaTdlm UH Church St., New York City owrhtto call at Dr. T. 0. Smith druK store and get n hnnklni five, tollinir fill about tlio use of Dr. John M. Howe's InbaliLiL'Tubo and tlio biMicfitH to bo derived HKKD FOR KTIllAf KH. Asheville Woodworking Co. ti Educutow, Kauffman. Supt. O.V TRIAL. That's a good way to buy a medicine, but it's a pretty hard condition under which to tell it. Perhaps you'v notlcert thai tne or dinary, hit or miss meaicine aoesn i a cemDc it. The only remedy of its kind so re- . i- it. .farfi tlml. it can be told on all the fines instead ol one-half, as now, pi j, p,, Tierce's Grolden Medical Dis- imposed in prosecutions instituted by them. During the year past there were only three prosecutions tor cruelty through the agency of the society or its members. In to of these there were convictions There have been inquiries about the lo mation ol branch societies irom Guilford College and Newbern, but no branches have yet been organized. Concerning the recent deer hunt of the Swannnnna Country club the report savs: "No prosecuti'tns lor violation of the law in this c ie have been instituted. There are legal difficulties involved which may make such prosecutions inexped ient, but in the light of the pigeon shoot ing decision it is evident that the spirit of the law has been violated." Mr. Cushman makes the following Gnancial report : Receipts Balance per tntement. Innuarv 18.1893, S4 37; do nation Irom Mrs. W. F. Weld, $50; mem hernhin lees. $17: disbursements office rent. $13: typewriting, $7 00; clerk's ft, tranecrint. State vs. Porter. $1.50; repairs to Ramotb fountain, $1.20; one hall costs in Stnte vs. Porter. $20 30; printing, etc.. $5 45; postage, 63 cents; leaving balance on band of $21.39. Wbai W Maine? From tht Bryioa City Timet. In connection with a wreck near Nan tahala Saturday, we bear of a case of, we might say, heroism which is worthy of note. A negro near by bearing the cry for helP rom tbe nK'"etr in bi" agony, caused by escaping steam and hot water, rushed forward to relieve him, when the crowd called to him to me9 mm the mirint was expected to burst. His only answer was, ' I'm going to help that man" and promptly went to tbt rcliel of suffering humanity, n:ti mn irnnda. always fresh. Ask for tbe products of tbe Asheville Milling Co. Roller JUng, uieCTne uinn uu, Choice Graham. Pare mountain buck' wheat. . mvar Am a hinnri -cleanser, butoklu-ih- 8torer, and flesh-builder, there's nothing Uke it known to medical science. In every disease Ln tVi fault it in the liver or tbe blood, as Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, and the most ftubborriBkin, Scalp, and Scrofulous affections, it is pTiaratifeed in every case to benent or cure, or you nave your mousy uu. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how long stand ing, the nroDrietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh RampAr n this; "If we can't CUTO it, t .1 .1 J HUM.HBHtlv wn'll n.V VM1 SOU in casn." POIU OJ OU animal. 78 PAPKHS FOH ai.IO. We do not know of a better family paper for the farmer of North Carolina than the Home and I' arm, published at Louisville. Kv. It is a 16 page journal comes twice a month and is loaded with practical information and interesting reading for every man. woman and child in North Carolina. Prof. Massey writes articles for the Home and harm of epe cial interest to North . arolinians. Give it and Tub Weeklv Citizen a trial at the ridiculously low sum of $1.10 per year 52 numhersof The Citizen and 26 ot Home and Farm, about one and a half cents foreach paperdelivered to you Try tbis combination oner. Harrison Robertson ol tbe Courier lournal staff, who wrote "How the Derby was won," for Scribner's Maga zine some time time aso, (which story by the way, tbe Scribners have esteemed so highly as to include it in their volume of "Stories of the South",) has a story in the Pebrunrv number of The Southern Mneazine. Mr. Robertson calls the story "The Courtship of Cale Sublett,' and in it draws skillfully and humor ously certain types of the "Blue Grass Country" about Lexington. nlpnar aprlng Schedule Cars leave rear of postoffice for Springs at 9 a. m.. thence every hour until 6 p.m. Regular half hour schedule be tween postoffice and depot. Cakst Ok! Cake! Ca.ll on Carallaa Cal Cvaspaar ftr Hie. CtoM Cake, TO VISITORS! IF. YOU WISH TO CARRY AWAY A LASTING ASD CHARUIXG.SOUVBSIR OF ASHBY1LLB, DEPOSIT lerefroin I'liysicians. Cler, sinu-t'rs. b:mk men. cl- rks and workors in general, wuu d invigorate their wanted enerp-i-r1, iiro'on their UHcfu'iicys, and in many eases their live-) y this simple instrumen- tality This inhaling Tn'io with diroetioi.s for use will be sent by mail to any address postage paid on n eeipt of two dollars by the gent, Pr. T. C. Smith, on the public square at Asheville, N. C. Telephone, The Best Shoei 50 CE.VTS WITH "TUB CITI ZEN" and HA YB RB TURNED FULL YALVB IN A FISB ENGRAVED VIEW OF ASHEVILLE SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, nSTAHLISlIt L) IN ISL'l HV SAUllil. and rrni.isiu;!) iuii.v Sl'NPAV AND WliliKI.V. Pits Rrasons Wuv You Should Takb The Citizbh 1. It Prints the News. 2. It Writes Itt Own Kdltorluli. 3. It Is the Best Local Paper Bvcr Printed In W. N. C. 4. It Prints the Latest Telegraphic Newt From All the World. 5. It Believes In AthcTllle Always. To sum DP- IT IS A NEWSPAPER. -till YOU THOUGHT OF IT Six Dollurt Will Get It For a Year, and ir you Lire In Asheville It Will Rm Delivered at Vonr Door Rverr Bvenln f Mrs. Cora Morton Tate, MODISTE, 83 Central Avenue. BS. T, Taylor System y-4WTED Ten nalr or 4Slnch Burr Mill Stones. Must be in good condition and low for cash Address J. D0I1BRTV, janludlm Hot Sprlnn, N. C JOHN CHILD Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. Office Rooms; loans securely plaeed at 8 per seat, .89 I. Iftrpcr'.- Weekly I LUSTiiMED W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE 6ENTLEMEN, $5, 34 and 83.60 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 32.50, 82 for Worklngmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. i Anir? AKin mi core 83, 82.50 82, $I.7C CAUTION. IT any daaln offers jrou W. L. Uouclai hoe at m nduesd price, ir says na nas mem wiui' out Ui name Mamped oa tna bottom, pnt nim uown as a xrauu. bettei alisl'iiction nt the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of n . L. Uouglas' name anil price on tne oouomi wmu. for (he Least Money. mTW U4JHI5 IMHt BESro3aa!aafc uj i iiaiim a a ;imi- are siviufi. rasv fittlns. and cive New.imnerB muUlplv. There ure inn'iy kinds nntl th"V nre of t verv i. Krre cf inert THE HMRINOPIKLI) KHI'l'HI.ICAN bItk und elniui. to he in the 1'oremuHt runk In qiialitv and ehnractfr. It hus muintiiiiie.1 its piisltion nt the runt through a lonu pi- ri d ot ers. It wo. never .tronur or iwt t r than it is at iire-enl. never more flrnily established in public eonli tenee onrl upiiort It1, motto is, " ii tne Kv.santi ine iruin About It." and lis leading is to Herve the ntili.le interc.r. Its lacilitics lor the collection nno puMici- Hon ol 'he news nre Imth constniitly unuer soine development anil iinorovement. Kv rv jrr It kivcs us recurs mure ir tiicir monev uotn in the volu" e art nnullty o' Its news, pcdnl frnturi-i and mis ellmieous mn ter It-pnnrs sre added to Irom time In time In mrrt the ricmnmla of everv liiionr. tant i eca -Ion. The flrld of its aerviec b'oudensin keepinft wl h the growth of its cons tit nunc, and ti e-lnrg ment of their intrres's. In a word it is a th..rouKbly wlrlenwnke and rjrouressive n'p .per, in touch with all the peop'e and alive to their i tcr sts, knowing no oisti iction or c ass anrl no partisan or personal ou'iKaimn in conflict with its Ik duty as an independent public lournal, se king tbe greatest good lor tne greatest numucr. THB f UPUB1.I AN'S several editions, nnllv. Dunrlnv. Wrrklv. are all ediicd and mnirrri with Intrlliycnt core and discrimi nation to me t the special wan'Sol their readers. Space i not wast d In cheap and unsubstantial sensations but current events are f corded and llmminatrd with a Hue re gard for their relative Importance and Int r est. The editorial and liter -ry department! of the paper are conmciea witn mirita ability and have given It a world-wide repu tation . Apart Irom tne comprenensivc n-porra oi sasslng events UB KBPUHI ICANprovldrt ts natrons with a va-t amount of the most interesting reading matter In the way of original ana selected correspondence and special artl lea, Action, poetrv, rt Unions and sclei.tlflc discussion, agricultural theories and eipcriments, dramatic, musical and art crltld.ra nd c mraent, women's fasmons, fancies a-d work, etc.. etc. THB BIN DAY and WBBKLY RIIPUBLitsn are rspeciaii rich In miscellaneous reading and are eicel lent Journals for the homes nt New Bnaland en boiB oa native tatatband abroad. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY 70 cent! a month 13 a quarter, $8 a year. BumuAi: ou reuxe si iibhhii w j"" ii, . ,iv tlmusands of (loll.irs nnnuallv to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale ot w. l.. uoiigias nnoes gain cusiornere, wnmi miyo Increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to tell at lesa profit and we believe you ran save money by bnylng all your 'footwear 'JJi'i,mJ?aTr Used below. Catalogue free upon, application. W. X. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mas. Sold By BLANTON, WRIGHT & CO. w.iieis contribute to in co utnns -u ier ..... . .,,.,rnTr sliy theonmrst ants Illustrate TT AT JTV NYYT fllTAVTTTY iaiHelal arilil.a it storie., and evtrv no VvT AljL 1. I i3( KJ L W LJ A .Ti X X. X. X table rvrn of i ubll, interest; It contain 1 a .i. liorirBlta if the dlslimrnished m a and wo I . , ,VTI,.V OR DWAW TRADK AT THB i Acme Wine, Lipr House & White Man's Bar II AIU'ER'rf PERIODICALS wbttt 1 clalm ' lhlt 1 ketp thc lftrMt ,tock of r,t c'" ood ofJ ny houe State. Anyone in need or pure unadulterated liquors will una and examine my itock. The lame has been recommended by the leading physicians In the Stale for medicinal purposes. JfiN. II. Loughrau, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. O. My motto Is. "Keep the best and charge accordingly." JUy place Is second to none in the State. Harper s weeklv Is levond all n,netn tie irndluc journal in Am -r ea. in lis hi.u n h'l ii:utrniiin, ,ti i eorisof diitintrlitstieii common ors. ami i, lis vat arm n' teader. Ill special lines I .Ir.iws on th- hlKhcst o del oi ui eni, ine mep li httid liv po it or nun tra nisit tn trat th- a'ln topic, of ii'e uay in heiion, ihe tnost pnjiularst rv ni' n who ere making - he history of the tlne, wlii e special attenti..n I . irlven to the armv and n vy, aniate r sport, and music and tne nratiia. by mstinnished eipcris. In worn, na ore's vterKie oininuts tbe new leuln" of ihr dal v DH'ier and the aril-tk ami in.'ra-v qualities oi tk inaiai ne with me solid c meal cnara. ur ot tbe tevlew .... 4 00 .... on .... ti0 .... a oo Ual WBBKLY I 80 cents for six muntbs, III all aubaetiotlnna are payable strictly In aalafaMev mnls ilvtM fWc. THB WBUKLY R' PUBLICAN, a 13 pa paper, will be seat Ire fur one month to any o wno B,Bpt,BUCAI,i Bprlngfleld, Mas' Per Year: HARIM'K'S MXU7.1NH H KPUK' WB'-KlA HAKPKK'S BAZAK HAKPI1K S UUNO I-UUI'LU Postage free to all subscribers la the led Atatcw. Canada and Mexeo. The volumes of the Weeklv h. irln with the llrM niimlH.r for January of each year. Wit n n time . mentioned, subsirtntl .ns will l)c ein with the nnmbet current at the tiint ol rceipt oi nroer Hound olumes of Harper's Weekly for tnree yen buck, in neat cloth binding, will lie sent by mall, postuue paid, or bv express, liee of etptnse (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume) lor f 7 per volume. Cloth eaies for each volume, suitable for nin iing. will be sent oy mail, postpaid, oo rerelpt of $1 each. Remittances should be made by postofn.-e mo ey order or draft, to avoid chance of ios. Newspajwrn are not to conv this advert le. ment without ihe express order of Harper ot Address I IIARPBIt & BROTH RRS. New Vork THLBI'HONB CALL 18S. Orders From Distance Solicited. POSTOFPICU BOX 088. Boxing & facklna; Free 34Yenra' Kxpcriencc34 MffavaW Mr aft an eapak arsV.Tawt Mllal UM llAUIJintti CONTRACTOR AND BUILDBB. Office and shop, Wolfs BaUdlag. COHNRB COtlST PLACB AMD MARKBT BTamvT. Elhl llllavlV.Ba I AUaails. Us. Offlcv IW4 WbllshallBV nrl Onlnm Hablbw auredal biimo wllll- oiilpaln.lkiokiurar- tletilnrsBoni t sii.n. "BOtlAtlZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO.. Nofe.fiand.S4S. Main 8te, AlicvlUe. wnOLMALI MPA1TUBNT. OBNT Al r AJULrUa SMI aaAULNW aUWaa. t m mm CI9ABB, TOBACCO AMD BOTTLB OOODS, UU. rf A Am, BUXIAIO AMD POOL BOOM. J31 J e rtO s BEER : VAULTS S AX3 ! BUTTLC.3 : DEPARTMENT ! IR ! BAScMcNT. Ws reepeetfally eoadt a akan ol yor Mroaac. P. A, UA11QUAIXDT, rianager. Mala sMraaaIe 4s Taleylvaae Call, If o. ft MrtAftflhrtMiMt