THE ASHEVtLCB DAILY OmZEN. Thurs'laj Evening, February 1, 1894. SPECIAL -A.N3STOXJIsrCE3CE3SrT ! CHANGE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE- BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY. Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and WANT COLUMN. WASTED. WAX Tlii l.idv wl-his itiuitlnn ns I'll intifrtnnlil Thine win tt inn will, pli-HHF nfpy ti Nil. 1!M I'livi Isiill si reel jun'-'iid 1 w M i Mi Inline (if live tu iill' ruo s in tn wn m till euni enieiiei s nr "lie in the eiilintrv III nr eleellie biie, Ki lit must lie luw. A. I. ., 411 Church street. l-:il lltw POk A'i.YT. FOR KliNT I- ituvcnuncca; lplv to mir nice rnnmH. Water line loca ion: rent chciip. j. a m rkin en, lit) Ave. FiK KKNT (Icsif.ib'e nrtiv tunl stall1 tiaif with street Apply U S. 1 -:0 U 1 w 1T1U li'tNT- 2 Co-lliT Nortii Main ami Merrin..n avc nuc. luntii'rs suitable Inr ihiium': Api-ly ti ikvl'htliiHi M. .1- 1.1 .R KHIT-Thi J 111' lit f N i. M Vhe xtnrer-'oin nail hnse- N..rth t'-tirt iU ir i'os- scsauin imin Jamiiiry l, iv. AUir ii T. octUXiltf At Wtnre. KKX'I Mellou-cll llim-i', I'nrit lintel brick lamsi in Hlriuliit c iiiili I'm terms apply " UK S. V H T I LB ur M... I'AlliS. ! Co. (Ill IIOK RUST The linriiiieiiii lintel. 28 1 South Mnin St., mno'illc N. i . lirt cliiss atund tor restaurant. Terms icasnim lilc Anplv tn T II. John -tun (ir l- W. Thnmiis Jiihiiitini liiiiiiiniK. aui'J'.liitl FOR SALE. FOR SAL'' lllil paner n t'.ic CHiw-n ei.d.itini! icio n. 2n cents tier bunur. il. tf itillK i K'Ck I'lIK SAI U ippiilv In C. II. Si I II i IC l. lii'ili'iltl i mi i.riiuii it n r i 171-IK Stl.H-l viiiiHK mure, uinul i'ur bil(!- iiv iir saillle an I a .vniinit li'ir.f kh a Inr biu' v or work I'nrsale dir tmli -r no lime. I'rieeluiv. Minlv to 1 ll l';ll tun ave nue. nnvl llltt UOMMISG. BOAHHIN ". Nice Ii-at il htil'a, . lu rry mre -l. M M 'C " 1 V. ilee'-'tKltl' I) vUlil-iti Twn conn cIiiik rooms vu caat. outliein exposure. Mrs. j Uli flint street. UcclMtf Lee BiXHKI At No M Staraci uveiiue, nl c 'iw hi ine. neiv luniiliir., eoin tortanle ro ans, lint ami dil l li t lis h if; h elc vution, on ear line, lieerytliinir oe-t i il mr eumtort. MK6. li W (.UliliK. juiKMlai BiitKlilNi; llvdav or week I'leu aul room.. Kindle or n-uit.', ivatly anil eoinl'ortalilv lurnislii il. Urate or lurauee heat hot aii l c an water. ith ' nilis mi two lloora On electric car line; live mi uites wul 1'roni the S'luare. Terms mmlern e. MRS S I'tiKh'V, llnvlS llimu 1 1! 1 Norlh M in slreit ' XJJSCISLLA VBOI-'S, XTIITICI! to Cailicrsof V (etiilil I wl-h to eontruet l-.r nue thousiina noie n hiRli ktr 'lie to'" is, to lie Hi lli'ertn mi'oii- nen Ulillier 1. IM'.H. M. KR CUR, an'Jiill:it 41 l oll. es net. AOUNTS make r, a ilriy. ilr'nlest kiteh en It'cnsil ever iaveuleil. detail- Ilaeis. Two to II solil in every tiotl c S nnile-, mist me nail. Fi em's, loisliee anil M Makln, Cincinnati. O itllil'Jlit ieil I (1ST POD A Hlliall ilnK II ilf llciii!le J Hoiiril sliori linir. -i itteil, lilatk uml white, with two yellowish br iwa si ns jusi uliov. mid toward the inner uncle ol eueh eye. The iloir unswe-B r.n the name of -loots or (1 ni-rul J .leksnn nioreeoni o'llySpir. A reword ol i'ive llotlars wii lie p ld l)v re turuinv him to the aiorc r Uu lud .V Kii li. l il cdl w fotlee To nil I'ersons elnln-ini; nny Inte-- : m ihc-siutei I I'.gekmi riovierN, lie. eea-eii. Hum omiie eoinit . in tne Superl r cnurt N. A. r u iinil, u iiiimnrntMr oi i lizekml Flowers dc'easi d, v the I niver-lty oi Ninth Cnmlliiil, ami ill pi rs n elaiiniau nny intere.t in the estaie i.f I! kial flower, ' deeenked suiiiiiioiii. S'Me ol' Mnrth Caro lina. M th. Sh nil if llulie nilie emiinjr ! (tr et nn You me hcreliv cum in H" ill I o a imimm all persons clalml ig uny int rest la the esinte of kil l-'lo i ers, ilreea i d iln-di-l'ennunts above niitned, If tiiey lie found wit 111 your c. unty, to npprnr tit the i lliec of tilt eh rk of ihe superiot court Inr ihe coun y of Hun -i nilie, on the loth (lay of March. lH'.i4, "ml answer ie civnnlHint, a eni of whlcn will be depn-ited in the olli e . ol the clerk of the Supirinr court of said eiinnty, i ith'n ten dai b irotn the date ol this numinous, iiml I t tin in like notie thnt Iftneyf iil to a swir the sani complaint within that time, th' plaiiitill i ill upiilv t , the court air the relic! ilemaailed in Hie eoin-1 plaint Her nl lul not uml of th s sent-1 mom ntske due return ivm "a.ltr my, hand, iui Slid day ul January, IK'.i. I II Y. Clerk Superior court l'ii"cnmlir cniiiny. i The above tati d o. lion liu . h en b. kuu In mud court by the plaintiff N, A renin d, ; adml' Istratorof i r. kial V owirs, den used, for ihe pur nseoihavl uthereu estate Kit bv his bu (I luti'stuie sold for us ets to pny dib s;andl a pinri'iu to tne court ih't. al rr due dlllirtenc-, the nnmeri and a tires cs ofony persons claiiinnK an. iutcest in the j cliiteof said lvicclai l-'lnwers. deci-u-ul, enniiot lie nsiertained, unless it he t'.e I'm- i ver ity of North Carolina, winch under cr tnln coii'itiKcnci' Is entitled to said estate, as proid d by the statute, It has been or dcicd by thiseouit. ihui sirvl-e ofsiiiunioiM herein be mode by pulnlentlii ., ns Is pro-! vided in sec Ion I , of ehnpter MHO. of the i law-ol 188(1. uml thnt a brl.f recital til the suhlect ma ter ol in a u t, us h s herlnbi fore be. n mod , be also pub l-hed with tne I siiminntn, of v lilch u m m on I hereby ecrtif n tr c a n corr et copy Is sc torih In the; lirat part of this advtrils mcnt This Jnnu ttry an. I Ml . L. i ATtlhY, Clerk Mipetl r Court Hunc nilie county. ' Dun'Meirick, attorney f a- th: pUiutltr. I JaiuoiloawtinurchlO thura I WE state Cash a? E state right here in the igainst Credit. Any and every article purchased m this house shall be every instance. Goods will be exchanged with pleasure, except Dress Goods which have been cut. No goods shall be sold on credit, thus enabling us to sell goods closer, not having to sustain any losses. We shall have each and every week special sales, and it certainly will pay you to watch our advertisement. Wo shall sell this week the balance of our Ladies' Cloaks at most any price, so we need not carry them over. We shall sell Jackets which are worth at least $G, $7 or $8, for $3.50. Other Jackets in proportion. Don't forget that we carry a complete lino of Fine Tailor-made Clothing. Hats, Trunks and dents' Furnishing Goods. Also a complete line of Dry Goods and Shoes. Thanking you for your future patronage, we remain very respectfully yours. CITY STATEMENT ! - - -- Showing Business ol Astac villc Tor J unary, 1894. Ki'Ci-iprs. GliN?:KAI. I: IN I). I.mtiiirv. IS'J I-. ' I. Cnsli 1111 IiiiikI $ 3,5:115 02 'J. J U Ciilluy, costs in Su- iirrinr Cuurt S5 2. H M Lee, crushed stone. . 2 ."() 15, J N Kiikits, smiitnti n 5 70 111, Niilanrl, sanitation 13:183 31, H C 1'iijjtf, luxes mid Unrket rents 11,822 37 31, I I, Murrav, water rents, 1,722 65 '(1, 11 S Harkins, linen 432 15 31, V T I'l win, scales 38 39 Total.. ....$17,752 10 Sinking I'i nii. 1, Chs'i in t rinsurer'a hands, 1, Cash. II C Pane, tux col- livtnr, collections . Cash, II S Harkins, col lection!! 3 15 9 90 GO Total on hand Jan. 31...$ 514. 30 IllSHUKSUMHNTS. Ji.iiiniv, 1 S'.) 1, L Murray, salary lor Iieecnilicr !f 1.1 II ll iarilinati, salary lor Hieembi r 1, W V Mililrov, salary lor I h-i etnljcr 1, 15 !' Cues, salary lor Mi'ci'inb. i 1. J J Nolaud, salary lor !) ecmlier l.J N Ruue.-s. salary lor I) ecnilier 1 , C lv aildill, salary lor I icccniliiT 1 , 11 S Harkins, payroll lor Dili nilier 1, VY T Ui win, salary for Ui eendicr 1, W (i ifst, salary tor De cern tier 1. II li II. ill. salaiy lor De- einiliiT 1. 1' M Milier, Hilary lor Die mlitr 1, I" lie N ttional Hank ol A-hevillc. iineret m noie, 2. Tne Wts iin Carolina It ink, in'i'tes' oil note 2, The l-Vst National Hank, mt rest u'l note 2, lJ.itliiy I'aik Hank, in teresi mi lull' i, C V Tlioriiiiur.n. mr. ileilioiic (, C H Kiehaid & Co, runs, (. I. Murray, payroll (!, W 11 Westiill, lutrilicr (I. C II S. h i ells, lime 0, W D Gash Si Co, tvpe- vvi itinir 0 C li Moody, lime 0, J Nolami, payroll (i. J N Riicera, payroll 0, C hedestir K: Son, indsc... (i. II U Hall, extra time nnd expenses I'., Mrs S Imiian, tiediti); iirisniiirs ti. W II Williamson it Co, bids lor prison 11, l' S Meadows, (uardiii urisi'iieis 75 00 GO 07 50 00 40 00 50 00 50 00 15 00 035 00 40 00 i8 50 25 00 50 00 100 07 133 33 133 33 133 33 ys 00 1 50 21 25 3 62 100 2 50 1 00 38 G5 43 11 3 10 ti GO 51 50 30 00 7 50 (5, VY I' Telcisrapli Co, tele ur.1ni 0. Ihe Daily Citizen, job priiitiiif! andar'verti.sinu (i M Westall, speciul de tectives 0. lolui Ilrnoks. teamster (1. I, Piillam, tenmsttr 0. () 1 I'oslon, s twdiist 0. C I! Wadded, movinu wires 0, M H Uelly, work tor sn i i t a r v de i in r t tucn t (i, Hallnrd & Rich, work lor sanitary dep irtment ('., Drown, Norihup it Co, 3 1 j l a hardware li, Aslievillc WoudworkitiK Co, liricka 0. I'lnniinaii Bros, 3 bills Itur'livnre (, J 15 Dieki rs m it Co, 4 biils harlwi.rc G, Hoyce it lliirton, terra cottfi pipe Ashevillel'iiiiitaiid Paper House, paints and brush tt, 1'ihii Israel, rock wall (!, Woodv & Kitnbet ly, w.: k and ma ti rial (i 15 H Atkiuana, sand (!, H M, services iu De cember (i, K II Sli itikt. rep. Rey nolds htiildiii"; 0, 1 C llnird, payroll 0, 1 C Hnird, salary to JiinO, (i li II llrilt, crushed stone, 1 2. 25 00 20 7 7 1 2 2 3 4 1 10 03 5 3 12 57 14 1 2 3 152 75 318 8 Mohammed Hesnan, I cense tax rtl'iinded 10 00 9 School committee, tux collections 1,4-5187 9, J 15 Rniikm, jHii.coiipoiis, 3,027 00 13, M H Kelly, rep. lor stop doles 24 48 13, J I. Murray, payroll 19 00 13, Mrs Sum I'nmmi, feeding beginning the method we lO and. prisoners 33 37 20 1 50 2 35 37 81 35 10 13, Charlev Honer, hauling prisoner 13. J A Williams, type writ ing 13. S P Moser. rep. tubs, &c. 13 J N Rogers, payroll 13. J J Noland, payroll 13, Stradley Uros, Dill sun dries 13, I! S Meadows, guarding pris mors 13, H E Hall, extra time at night 13. Brown & Gudger, livery 5 80 7 50 2 50 3 00 33 00 7 00 7 00 54 87 16 12 13 (it) 237 38 33 92 5 On 83 70 1,000 00 bill 13, The Randolph-Kerr print ing Co. semi-annual report, 13, L Kullnm, teamster 13 John Br oks, teamster.... 13. G A Greer, 2 bills, feed 13, H M Smith, curbing 13, 15 B Atkinson, s-nd 13. EH Britt, crushed stone, 13, French Broad Lumber Co, lumber 13. V C Templeton, payroll, 13. I C Baird. payroll 13, Wist Asheville Improve ment Cn, street lighting 13, J E Diekcrson & Co, in terest on note 16, J N Rogers, salary to Jan 15, 1894 20, II E Hall, extra lime at 1 "ght 20, Mrs bam lnman, feeding 21 57 25 00 2 50 23 87 21 00 7 00 7 0t prisoners 20, 1 L Murray, payroll 20, L Fullam, teamster 20, John Brooks, teamster.... 20. Mrs L Isadora McKee, typewriting 20," J N Morgan & Co, sta tionery 20, Nol mil, payroll 20, Andrew Finney, hauling 5 00 2 35 SO 15 25 7 50 328 02 15 50 10 45, 10 66 1 50 39 25 133 10 93 00 151 85 00 1 20 1 20 2 40 prisoner 0, U S Meadows, guarding prisoners 20, E H Bntl, cru.hed stone, 20, 15 B Atkinson, sand 20, W N Hatch, rep. tools and scales 20. French Broad Lumhet Co, lumber 20, II S Harkins, postage stamps 20, A ' McDowell, freight and dravage on pi lie 20, Henry Stevens Sons Co, 1 carlond sewer pipe 20, J 15 Dickerson & Co, curb ing 20, I C Baird, payroll 20, Joe Robertson, work, resetting cur l)inn... 20, Win Johnston, resetting curbing... 20, lerrr Rogers, work, work, resettingcurbing 20, W V Justice, tax re funded 20, J G Grant, sheriff, tax ou rock quarry 20, Blair & i o, bills payable (coupons) 27, C H Sorrells, lime, sani tary department 27. J I Nolaud, pay roll, sani tary department 27. L Swicegood, sign at tax collector's office 27. A Tennent, carpenter work 27, Mrs Sam lnman, feeding prisoners... 27, H E Hull, extra time at night 27, C B Richards et Co, paint 4 00 4,000 00 4 00 02 89 4 00 30 25 00 2 50 i nnu oils 1 18 19 5o 7 00 7 00 7 50 0 43 SOU 3 Ho 7 42 00 , 27, J L Murrav, pavroll 00 i 27. John Brooks, teamster.,. 00 i 27. L Fullam, teamster 50 ; 27, U S Meadows, guarding I pristine! B 00! 89' I 80 27 M K Kellv, rep. pipes 27. E B Atkinson, sand 27. Buncombe Coal Co, coal for street department 27. Buyee & Burton, T C oiie, &c 07 i 27, Jn W Albright, circulars, 1 27, 0 M Coston, sawdust 50 27, W 15 Wolfe, plastering i 27, Brown & Gudger, livery 79 bill ! 27, E 11 Britt, crushed stone.. 70 1 27. I C Baird, payroll I 27, J C Brown, plumbing at 12 West End Market 27, Pcnnimnn Bros, bill, nails 25 27, W C Templeton, piyroll, 00 27, II T Estabrook, station- y 85 i 27, J B Fowler, sundries lor 50 ; West End Market 27, Carolina Coal Co, bill, 2 00 1 50 10 U0 3 00 270 05 114 05 20 00 0 70 0 50 2 17 60 250 508 00 , coal Inr street department.. 27. T W Tatton. expenses to New York nnd return 29, F. Kingsbury Curtis, pro lessiiinal services 30. J E Rankin, coupons 30, J B R.inkin, coupons 00 75 00 15 Total disbursement $15,497 IlulntRT nn hand 2,255 $17,752 46 I certify that the above statement is correct transcript from the clty'a books, l M., City Clerk, intend to employ in the 12 Patton Avenue, BEING A MAN MONKEY. A Mrlialeal Tall Hat Been Defiled. Which Greatly Facilitate th Business. I had a chat the other morning with Mr. Arnold and the brothers Donald son, the monkey performers and con tortionists, says a writer in Pearson's Wckly. It has long been the ambition of acrobats to Invent a useful mechanical tail, without which no man can prop erly imitate a monkey. At length the tail has been dovised. Arnold and the Donaldsons are the, only people in the secret, and they now hang and swing by their tails, to the disgust of rival man monkeys. So like the original are their unties and their whole get-up that from a distance it is impossible to tell, as they swing from bars and ropes inside a eogo, that they are not apes. The masks they use alone cost fifteen dol lars apiece, and are so naturally made that they have even deluded the real animal. Let one of my informants speak for the trio: "Before we could attempt to imitate a monkey in public we went through a course of the closest study In vurious zoological gardens. It was months be furo we were proficient; but then we did not consider ourselves so until, having donned our monkey's dress, I approached a cage of real apes one of Whom actually cume to the burs and scratched my head. "An acrobat and contortionist has to crowd all his work into a short space of time, for after he has reached thirty-two years of age his work begins to deteriorate. We experience no diffi culty whatever about blood rushing to the head. When we began to train we could only hang our heads down for half a minute, and even then we were nearly suffocated. Now we can hang for ten minutes and feel no ill effects. "The great thing is to get the cords of the legs to stretch, which they do gradually, and to loosen the hips. So long as the cords of the leg will give, almost anything can be done with them. For instance, we find it quite easy to cross the right leg over the left, bring the latter over the right shoulder, and finally crowd the toes under the arms a feat that looks exceedingly difficult. "A great deal depends upon the backboue. By constant practice it can bo made to bend like whalebone to the shape of the letter C, either backward or forward. One of our troop can spin on his head, but that trick came to him naturally and it is Impossible to teach it. The chief ailments which befall acrobats are strains and the dis location of the hips." THE LOCOMOTIVE WHISTLE. A Dliiu'Jrous Sinaahnp Led I Its Inven tion. When locomotives were first built, anil befran to trundle their small loads up and down the newly and rudely constructed railways of England, the country roads were for the most part crossed at pfrndo, and the engine-driver had no way of gWlnjr warning of his npproiich except by blowing a tin horn. This horn, as may lie imagined, was far from being a BUfilclent warning. One day In the year 18S8 a farmer of Thornton was crossing the railway trucks on one of the country roads with a great loud of epgs and butter. Just as he came out upon the track a train approached. Tho ent;lneirinu blew his tin horn lustily, but the farmer did not hear it. Eighty dozen of eggs and fifty pounds of butter were smashed into an indistinguishable, un pleasant muss, and mingled with the kindling-wood to which the wagon wai reduced. The roilway company had to pay tho funncr the value of his fifty pounds of butter, his nine hundred and sixty eggs, his liorsc ana his wagon. It was regarded as a very serious matter; and straightway a director of the company, Ashlun liugsterby name, went to Atton Orange, where George Stephenson lived, to sco if he could not invent something that would give a 95 190 20 75 00 00 warning more likely to M heard. Stephenson went to work and the next day had a eontrlvunce which, when at tached to the engine boiler, and the stream turned on, gave out a shrill dis cordant sound. The railway directors, greatly delighted, ordered similar eon trlvances attached to all the looomo- 15100 tives, and from that day to this the vole of the loeomotive wh.stle has 14 32 never been silent Cardiff MalL Aa Ovr-Batlnwt He But yew didn't think my oration was sophomorle, cm you? Ska Ma On tk contrary, I tkotuki I wu atk "aaMk." MrnnkUa Htm management of this business: Right against Wrong; guaranteed, or if not satisfactory money will bo refunded in Dry Goods Company, KAPtK UAK WHtiLS. Bow They Ar, Marin anil Their .lilvan tugt on Passeiitfer foni-ht'H. On all the first-class passenger ears paper wheels nre used. The paper i wheel consists of a paper cure, or cen I ter, between two steel plates one fourth inch thick, bolted together through one flange on the iron hub and another on the steel tire, the flanges being on opposite sides of the wheel, so that the core can not get out of nlace. Th paper used consists of good strawbourd. The sheets of millboard nro laid 011 a table In piles and have their upper surfaces pasted by boys with ordinary flour paste. They are piled in hits of thirteen, and an nn pasted sheet is put between the lots, so that the mass of paper readily falls apart into slabs a quarter of an inch thick in the drying-room after coining from the hydraulic press. 1 Several of these slabs are then pasted together, put under hydraulic pressure of two thousand pounds to the square Inch and dried for a week or so at a temperature of about one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit. This is repeated until the resulting blocks con tain two hundred sheets of paper, the original ten inches in thickness of the paper as it came from the mill being pressed into a thickness of four inches, making it as hard as oak. After the blocks are thoroughly sr a- sone'd they are faced and turned in latehes and forced by about one hun dred and twenty tons pressure into the steel tires, which are two inches thick and bored tapering one and one-half degrees. The hub is forced with a pressure of about thirty tons; it is turned straight and three-sixteenths Inches larger than the hole in the paper. The bolt holes are drilled and the bolts forced in by steam hammers. The life of one of those wheels is from Ave hun dred thousand to elghv hundred thou sand miles. They are said to intercept vibration and so prevent granulation of the axles, etc. Philadelphia Item MIKE WAS CAUTIOUS. And lliirnrd a Valuable Book for Fear al Its FallluK Into Bad Hands. The secretary of an eastern rubber company, at Trenton, Jf. Y., lost a in ter book containing copies of a month's Important correspondence a few weeks ago, says the New York World. The whole office force was turned out to hunt for it, but it had disappeared as effectually as though swallowed up in the earth. After closing hours the other evening the secretary, the gen eral manager and a couple of clerks sat In the office discussing the loss and trying to account for It. Mike, the new watchman, came in to sweep aud dust. "Mike, have you ever seen anything of letter book No. 9?" asked the man ager. "No, sir, mid Mike. "Well, have you seen a book like this?" taking another letter book from the safe. Yes, sir; I seen one like that one night. It tvas in the waste basket." "Where Is It now?" "Sure, I burned it." If evera watchman received a lecture for stupidity Mike got it then. The man ager became hotter and hotter every minute as he talked. "I suppose you would burn up the cash book if yon ever found It outside tho sufe!" le shouted fiually. No, sir; I would not," return-d Mike, gentlv. "What would I do that for, when there's nothing but figures in it that don't mean Hiiythln' but to the man that wrote Vm? I wasn't gom to burn this book at first, because I wanted to keep tho nice papers to put tobacco in. Hut when I thought, well, perhaps some one will get a hold of it and read soincthin' thnt was none of their d U business, I just burned it to make sure, i on'd do the same, sir, now, wouldn't you?" Queen Elizabeth wits not the an gello creature represented in the his' torles and poems of her own times. Her hair was red, her temper rod hot She sometimes drank too much, and at any provocation would carry on like a trooper. She frequently raved at her maids, and sometimes struck, kicked and ninnhad them. A syndioate of farmers and dealers in batter has beea formed la Norman dy. Franet, to wags war against th fraudulent aala oleomargarine at aura Wtter. Thty have petUUned for a law to compel makers oi butter sub stitutes U fir all suck mpounis totally diffaraat telor front aU. 11 jtV i. A j& V. A.J.A A- A.A j' 15-50 Ucginning Saturday, January 13, fur the week ending with 5 that date, subscriptions for The Daily CrrizKNsthut are delivered p by curriers are tu be tui'iil for at the rate nl' p. ji 1 fZ f" N l O 2 J J L I N I O M per week, tins amount tu be cul- B lected thereafter every Saturday (fur weekending that day) by the I carriers. Persons whose Citizks is delivered by carrier and who prefer to pay for it al the office can do su at the rale of i i 50 CENTS l'KR MONTH, IN ADVANCE. S Zififr Hfpaffft iyK nyc ayn wIjF "UP1 Vtf Lr A Powerful wr r-i u R I . r irjbil i vi drier. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. Scott's Emulsion stands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con- sumption ana ail otner wasting diseases. A Prnnared br Ncott k flown. Chmitft. Nw York, bold by drugguuiaTerjrwiiera, JAPANESE! PILE CURB A Kpw nnd Ctmn'cto Treatment, rnnistli o dUPrONlTOMKS, Cun-ult'H of Ouittnimt find lw( lioxPMOf Ointment. A ui'vor-rallimr I'uru for rile of vtry uuturt and dt'ureo, it iiiukoriiuioit'rnttni wun 1111 Kuiitt or wjHHionHoi rurnour iirm, nn u nrn prtlnfut und MMdom r poriiinueut run, anil oi'lt-n rwultliw In tluntli, unuecotieiiry. Why endurt this terrible disease? We gunrrtntee C boxsfe to cure any case. Vim only nay foi iKMionw received. ?i 11 aox, u inr . win uy 111.11' Quurunteen limnd ly our agents. CONSTIPATION bv laoanese Liver PeMelf theimiBt I.1VKR nml STOMACH ltWIHI.ATOIt nm BI.O01Pl'llIFU'.H. F mill, null! "ll Irti'llwiut I' take, imiiaclalljr uik? "4. lor ohlKlran's una. WiUusoi 4k cenis. UUAKAMfcto ifwuoj oniy ur RAYSOR & SMITH 31 Pattnn'Aenuc Aalu-vlHe. N. C NEW LIFE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and B ain Trcalmer In sutil umliT pnnllivo wi'JIIimi ifiiariitiliid, by mil Inn lr.inl ni?inls only, In niro W'ciik Mi'iiinr.v; l,ort i lltiiin ami Ni.rvo IVwit; I.nsi, MiiTihiwil;(.nil''kiii Miiht Iiiwiim; Kvll ri-am;'k tif (ViiiIIiIi'iut Ni'rvonnni'Ki.;; nil Prnln; Limsnf rowi'i nf IIih (liMii-rnllvii OivuiiH in ciih-r hi-x, rniiHi-il l, nvi'r-oxi'rtliiii; Yiiilllirul Mrrin'ii, or KxiTf-nivo lln u Tnliiu'cn, liiulil or l.iiiuur. Mhii1!! inuiu iail d Mli'ry 'imilintliiii. liMniitt.viinil Diiath. lly mall. SI a In i: i Inr .i: nil U'rl1lilt i;iiiinililiii ((, rnri. m ri'dluil nullify. WMsTSCuldllsYIH I'. APi rlnh, null (nr CuiihIdi. L'nliH, Aitlinul, UrniirlllllM, Cl'inil", Yllmiil!ii( t'lillL'tl, rinrii Tliriuit. 1'IimiiiiI Intake Htllllll hl.l lllwrnlltltllli'il; nlil. IKli nl7.i', nniv 'J.i'.; ulil Mm.:u,iiovOOo, UUAll.N'l'i;i:sliui'.l only by T. mUh, UruvKist. IE BRUM'S run inifrnsFv. Ti.h rmM Winn tn,i''l"i iIihtHv to ttm lent, til lliMiilit'ica utinuUrniiti-Unnsry (r Ititim, ri'.nntf Hit timns ol rtmt or inti'-txtut, morfuriiil nr )(',f,1i"Ub intiu.lo hv UUu iliU'ludij, Wht'ii AS A PREVENTIVE liy cltliff w il I- )niHMiM tnrorHrurt nu tixrrtil diirtie ; In1 in tbo cn oi llime tlrady 1'nmiTVVATBLr Arti.irrir nTTD TP twiuciiw. rttoo l,y mall. ihhUh. luii, itli M.nioi rhir! mi i.H'iti, wn (iMrut Auoiiro. rfioonyiiiaii,Hitw 1 per Ifux, w U Uuftw W fit W W eii LADIES. io kwow DR. FELIX LG tSBUN'3 STEEL END WWW FILLS aro (ho orislnHl and only FIU'Nflll, snfonnil re. lUblo I'lini on tho mnrknt, I'rlfo l.UU; si ut li infill. Utiiiuinii snlJ ouly by T. C. 8iultta, Drugelst. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R, R, CO. Samuel Spencer R W. Huidkoper and Keuben Poster, Receiver! WESTERN HQHt CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Dec. 34, 1893 EASTBOUND NOJ2 8 ISam 9 40am Lv Knoxville,. MorriKtown, Lv. t'aitit Kock " tl fit SpringB Ar. Aslu'vilii- v, AshL'vilie ' Huuud Koub , " Uri.m ' Mo; Kenton " Hienury " Newton " SfUi9vi!le K.T. iSHlisbiiry Grcensburo ' f'ftityi 1 1 r. KicmnutKj , Lv. Greensboro Ar, Durlmrn " Uulcili " Guldsnnru Lv. ifauvtiic Ar. Lynchburg ' WatfhtitKiun 12 30pm 12 vnt 2 10pm 2 30pm 3 62pm 33pm 5 17pm U 10pm 6 40pm 7 3ipm 8 20pm 1 1 U9pm 12 27am 7 00am 12 01am 8 36am 7 3oam 1 00 pm 12 36am 2 lsam 7 13am 8 23am 10 36a m 1 23um tUiltimurt ' i urli-lphia Nil. V'jrk WESTBOUND v. Ni' York NO. 11 30pm 6 ft6unr ' I'liiludi-lphia... liulnniurc 0 20uni " Washington.,.. " LyiH-huurx r. IiunviHe L,v. kkhmont, " Danville r. Gneusboro.... Lv. (JoliNhoro , Lv Hale ih " Duma in r tlrettiHtiuru.... 10 43pm S 43am 5 3uam 2 60am 6 3ram 7 2Sam 1 5Upm 1 OOam 2 30am 6 fiOuni Lv Grt-ennoro 8 OOam " Salisbury 10 16am " Statenvtllc li 06am ' Newton 1164am ' Hickory 12 16um " Morgan ton 12 60pm Marion i 4Apm " Koumt Knob 2 46pm Ashovilie 4 OHpm " But prinK O 36pm r faint Kork 6 60pm Murnstown Knoxville 6 30pra 7 46pm A. St SvFJiytOAD NOJ4 Lv. Atiheville 6 60am HendtTflunville 7 48am ' Flat Rock 7 69am ' tHHluda 8 22m " Trvon H62am Kr Si..iManb:irg 9 55am NOT3 Suartuiiburii " Tryon " Satuila , " I'liit Uock. ' HeailcrH'nT'le r. ishcvillc M URPH Y BRANCH i.v. AHdevilie Vr. Wa.vnesTille " Mroo City " Anilrews ' lomntia " M urphy 8 15pm 9 18pm 9 4.8pm 10 12pm 10 22pm 11 20pm NOT7 t8 10am 9 83am 1 2 dSam 412pm 4 47pm 5 05pm NO 18 L,y. Murphy t S"am Ar. Toinotla 5 4fiam " Andrews 8 3Aam " lli ysoi. i ity 10 " W lyncsvlllc 12 44pm ' AslK'viilc 2 24pm SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Via n and 12 Pullman sleepers bet ween Aslivville and i incintiati via Knoivllls and Hurrinian. nil full" an Buffet vestibule sleepers between New Ynrk, Hbiladel.hia, Hnltin orc, Washington and Hot Surings via Asheville. A A Tl'FK. S. H. HARDW1CK, Ccn Push. At Asst. ien Pase. A8t.( Waahinirtun, 1) C, Atlanta, Ga, W H r.kbKN, lien Manager, Washlnipon V. Ii. McHKI;, Gen'l Supt., Columbia, 8. C. Sill. HAAS. Traffic Manngrt. Wahlntto ttlflllv i.eenr SiinrlMV ARRIVAL AND DcPARTURt OF MAP . AKR1VK I.BAVB 2 10 pin VIJT nr,pm I "l I' in I-.AST 2 Jin p m 1 1 20 n in SOU ' H 6 DO a m - liipm lil llvTOWN 8 10am OPEN! G AND CLt SING OF MAILS OI'PN ;i on ii in viiT Hon p hi k sr " ao a in mU'TH 3 00 p in iJl'L'KTliWV, I I OSK 3 05 p m 1 3n p in ft no a m 7 10am SIAH HbUrtS. .Mian !: ', ii p in. 7 00 p in. 0 on a - . II no a in. 7 00 p in. l.liAVR 7 0" a m HRIiVARI) iu;ksvm.i.k. KKICH R On a m 9 oo a m i.hK itvi B 12 on m tu: I h i-Ki-'uKin un... sooan AND BEST IN W 0 0 a: H 11 0 Ilewnre of Imitations. riKual. Mude only by Ue sure to get the Taylor Mf. Co., At. Louis. I'ANNUl I'Al sE Bl llirTI'IIK fKIISKCTLT FAINLKHS TO ISK INJECTION. t VIIICR tl.lW. 0ULU BY ALL UKVCHIIRT. SUMT IN I'LAIN.SKAI.KII FACIlAalt JlPOa IMIIlt r piiici, - Asheville Agents, Rajaor & Smith, Pre scription DrugglaU, 81 Ptto rasut. DllJPIIPASCBOSLYSV fA BH Itauor manV'oco!. ST. louia. aiH

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